Soft Matter Lab

We are a laboratory devoted to the study of soft matter-based systems working at INIFTA-CONICET-UNLP

Research in the Soft Matter Laboratory is mostly focused on the rational design, synthesis, characterization and application of novel soft matter-based functional materials. Within this framework, self-motivated and talented people at all levels (postdoctoral scholars, graduate students, or undergraduate students) with background/interest in organic and polymer synthesis, materials science and phy


Bringing lab discoveries to market is a challenge. We asked Kris Matyjaszewski Carnegie Mellon University for his best advice on making it a reality.

Grid Exponential
Minerva Incubadora UNLP


Búsqueda de interesadxs en postularse a beca doctoral CONICET
Licenciatura en Química- UNLP Facultad de Ciencias Exactas - UNLP Lic. en Física, UNLP FARMACIA FCE UNLP Biotecnología FCE UNLP Inifta CONICET La Plata CONICET Dialoga


Kris Matyjaszewski shares his vision of transitioning from academia to the business world, all in just one minute.

Carnegie Mellon University Chemistry of Materials Grid Exponential Berkeley SkyDeck ACS Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry Inifta

Krzysztof (Kris) Matyjaszewski, Ph.D., professor in the department of chemistry at the Mellon College of Science, Carnegie Mellon University, is an internationally recognized polymer chemist who is highly regarded for his vision, his leadership in education and his many collaborative research efforts that have yielded significant innovations in polymer chemistry. He is perhaps best known for the discovery of atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP), a novel method of polymer synthesis that has revolutionized the way macromolecules are made.

on the Web:

Soft Matter Laboratory on YouTube:

About :
We are a laboratory devoted to the study of soft matter systems working at the Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas y Aplicadas (INIFTA) in the Department of Chemistry of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP). Our approach is multidisciplinary, involving concepts and expertise from chemistry, physics, biomedical engineering, and materials science. We pursue the goal of understanding the relationship between molecular structure, molecular function and macroscopic properties. In this context, we are particularly interested in designing and building soft materials and devices with unprecedented properties and functions. The research projects on which we are presently working involve the integration of functional molecular systems into devices and platforms for different specific purposes. The devices of current interest are solid-state nanopores, graphene-based field-effect transistors and bioelectrochemical sensors.


Happy Birthday Helmut Ringsdorf! (1929-2023)

Helmut Ringsdorf was a German chemist known for pioneering polymer therapeutics and polymeric biomaterials. He developed the concept of using polymers for drug delivery, explored amphiphilic polymers for self-assembling structures, and studied polymer-lipid interactions. Ringsdorf's work bridged chemistry, biology, and medicine, influencing materials science and nanotechnology.

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Royal Society of Chemistry TU Darmstadt Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz Philipps-Universität Marburg


Excited to hear from Kris Matyjaszewski as he shares his vision about the crucial role of IP protection in innovation and startups! Stay tuned for insights in just a minute.

Carnegie Mellon University Soft Matter Polymer Chemistry AngewandteChemie Chemistry Europe Journal of Materials Chemistry Chemistry of Materials
Matias Peire Grid Exponential Berkeley SkyDeck Minerva Incubadora UNLP ACS Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry Inifta

Krzysztof (Kris) Matyjaszewski, Ph.D., professor in the department of chemistry at the Mellon College of Science, Carnegie Mellon University, is an internationally recognized polymer chemist who is highly regarded for his vision, his leadership in education and his many collaborative research efforts that have yielded significant innovations in polymer chemistry. He is perhaps best known for the discovery of atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP), a novel method of polymer synthesis that has revolutionized the way macromolecules are made.

on the Web:

Soft Matter Laboratory on YouTube:

About :
We are a laboratory devoted to the study of soft matter systems working at the Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas y Aplicadas (INIFTA) in the Department of Chemistry of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP). Our approach is multidisciplinary, involving concepts and expertise from chemistry, physics, biomedical engineering, and materials science. We pursue the goal of understanding the relationship between molecular structure, molecular function and macroscopic properties. In this context, we are particularly interested in designing and building soft materials and devices with unprecedented properties and functions. The research projects on which we are presently working involve the integration of functional molecular systems into devices and platforms for different specific purposes. The devices of current interest are solid-state nanopores, graphene-based field-effect transistors and bioelectrochemical sensors.


Kris Matyjaszewski shares his vision for the future direction of polymer science in the coming years, all in just one minute.

Carnegie Mellon University Soft Matter Polymer Chemistry AngewandteChemie Chemistry Europe Journal of Materials Chemistry Chemistry of Materials

Krzysztof (Kris) Matyjaszewski, Ph.D., professor in the department of chemistry at the Mellon College of Science, Carnegie Mellon University, is an internationally recognized polymer chemist who is highly regarded for his vision, his leadership in education and his many collaborative research efforts that have yielded significant innovations in polymer chemistry. He is perhaps best known for the discovery of atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP), a novel method of polymer synthesis that has revolutionized the way macromolecules are made.

on the Web:

Soft Matter Laboratory on YouTube:

About :
We are a laboratory devoted to the study of soft matter systems working at the Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas y Aplicadas (INIFTA) in the Department of Chemistry of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP). Our approach is multidisciplinary, involving concepts and expertise from chemistry, physics, biomedical engineering, and materials science. We pursue the goal of understanding the relationship between molecular structure, molecular function and macroscopic properties. In this context, we are particularly interested in designing and building soft materials and devices with unprecedented properties and functions. The research projects on which we are presently working involve the integration of functional molecular systems into devices and platforms for different specific purposes. The devices of current interest are solid-state nanopores, graphene-based field-effect transistors and bioelectrochemical sensors.


Florencia es becaria doctoral y forma parte del proyecto del programa de Redes Federales de Alto impacto de la Secretaría de Innovación, Ciencia y Tecnología. Ella te cuenta en un minuto sobre qué está trabajando.

Facultad de Ciencias Exactas - UNLP Exactas UBA Medios UNT Inifta INQUIMAE Insibio CONICET Dialoga CONICET La Plata


Itatí forma parte del proyecto del programa de Redes Federales de Alto impacto de la Secretaría de Innovación, Ciencia y Tecnología.

El objetivo de es desarrollar biosensores de antígenos virales rápidos y portátiles para la detección de virus zoonóticos emergentes y responsables de enfermedades desatendidas que afectan la salud humana, en particular en Argentina.

Itatí te cuenta en un minuto sobre qué está trabajando.

Facultad de Ciencias Exactas - UNLP Exactas UBA Medios UNT Inifta INQUIMAE Insibio CONICET Dialoga CONICET La Plata


Our new paper in Chemosensors MDPI is out! 👉Urea Biosensing through Integration of Urease to the PEDOT-Polyamine Conducting Channels of Organic Electrochemical Transistors👈


👉Fluid Flow Control in Cotton Threads with Mesoporous Silica Coatings👈 Work done in collaboration with colleagues from TU Darmstadt


We thank DAAD_Germany and DAAD Argentina for promoting and funding the exchange of PhD students between both laboratories 🇦🇷🇩🇪.

Marcelo Ceolin Inifta Cnpem - Centro Nacional de Pesquisa em Energia e Materiais Universidad Nacional de La Plata | UNLP CONICET Dialoga CONICET La Plata


New from our lab, published in - Springer Chemistry - in collaboration 🇦🇷🇩🇪with colleagues from . Open Access 👉“Local water management in cotton linter papers with silica-based coatings”👈

Thank you to DAAD Germany and DAAD Argentina for supporting this collaboration.

Marcelo Ceolin Inifta Cnpem - Centro Nacional de Pesquisa em Energia e Materiais Universidad Nacional de La Plata | UNLP CONICET Dialoga CONICET La Plata


Pronto comienzan las clases del curso de grado "Polímeros y Macromoléculas" en Facultad de Ciencias Exactas - UNLP
No se olviden de contactar al docente para inscribirse!

ARGENVAC - Vacuna contra COVID-19 16/02/2024

es el resultado de un consorcio público-privado en donde participan Soft Matter Lab CONICET Dialoga Facultad de Ciencias Exactas - UNLP Exactas UBA junto a la empresa marplatense GIHON.

ARGENVAC - Vacuna contra COVID-19 ¡Noticias sobre ! Nuestra vacuna ha superado con éxito la etapa preclínica, impulsando nuestro compromiso con la salud pública y la investigación ci...

ARGENVAC - Vacuna contra COVID-19 16/02/2024

Nuestra vacuna ARGENVAC ha pasado con éxito la etapa preclínica, impulsando nuestro compromiso con la salud pública y la investigación científica al servicio de la sociedad.
fue desarrollada con el objetivo de fortalecer las capacidades nacionales para la producción de vacunas y es el resultado de un consorcio público-privado en donde participan Soft Matter Lab CONICET Dialoga Facultad de Ciencias Exactas - UNLP Exactas UBA junto a la empresa marplatense GIHON.

Fernando Tauber Agencia IDi Minerva Incubadora UNLP CONICET La Plata Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la provincia de Buenos Aires

ARGENVAC - Vacuna contra COVID-19 ¡Noticias sobre ! Nuestra vacuna ha superado con éxito la etapa preclínica, impulsando nuestro compromiso con la salud pública y la investigación ci...


Proud to present “Materials Nanoarchitectonics” – a gateway to cutting-edge advancements in nanochemistry and materials science.
Elsevier LATAM
Latinx Chem


Xenocs, proveedora del equipo de dispersión de RX de Inifta destacó los resultados obtenidos por el Grupo de Materiales Porosos de Soft Matter Lab en Cnpem - Centro Nacional de Pesquisa em Energia e Materiais e incluyó estos resultados como parte de los tests de su nuevo software XSACT.

Xenocs, supplier of Inifta X-ray scattering setup, highlighted the results obtained by Soft Matter Lab at Cnpem - Centro Nacional de Pesquisa em Energia e Materiais and included these results in the tests of their new XSACT software.


Happy Birthday Michael Faraday! (1791-1867)

Faraday excelled in electromagnetism and electrochemistry despite a humble education. He began his journey as an apprentice bookbinder, nurturing his scientific passion. His accomplishments include the discovery of electromagnetic induction and the laws of electrolysis. His research on magnetic fields and invention of the Faraday cage were groundbreaking. He received the Copley Medal, and his legacy endures in present-day science. Faraday is recognized as a prominent experimenter in the history of science.

CONICET Dialoga Royal Institution of Great Britain Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien Académie des sciences Magyar Tudományos Akadémia - MTA - hivatalos oldal American Academy of Arts & Sciences American Philosophical Society Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften The Royal Society National Academy of Sciences


Happy Birthday Irène Joliot-Curie! (1897-1956)

Irène synthesized the first artificial radioactive element. Alongside her husband, researcher Frédéric Joliot, she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1935 for their work on synthesizing new radioactive elements. She delved into the field of atomic structure, and as a result of her studies, the neutron was subsequently discovered in 1934. She also conducted research on chain reactions and the construction of a nuclear reactor capable of generating energy.

Nobel Prize
Académie de Paris
Institut Curie
Polska Akademia Nauk


Happy Birthday Luis Federico Leloir! (1906-1987)

Luis Federico Leloir 🇦🇷 received the 1970 Nobel Prize in Chemistry🏅for discovering the metabolic pathways by which carbohydrates are synthesized and converted into energy in the body.


Feliz Cumpleaños Luis Federico Leloir! (1906-1987)

Leloir y sus colaboradores describieron por primera vez los nucleótidos azúcares y su papel en la formación de hidratos de carbono. Sus estudios permitieron aclarar el mecanismo de la biosíntesis de los polisacáridos (unión de monosacáridos), especialmente del glucógeno y del almidón, las reservas energéticas de los animales y de las plantas respectivamente.

Estos trabajos son de gran relevancia porque explicaron cómo se almacena la energía en las plantas y cómo los alimentos se transforman en azúcares que sirven de combustible a la vida humana.

Cambridge University Press & Assessment
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Rockefeller Foundation
Sociedad Científica Argentina
Nobel Prize
Washington University in St. Louis
The Royal Society
SEBBM Sociedad Española de Bioquimica y Biología Molecular
National Academy of Sciences
American Philosophical Society


Compartimos la entrevista hecha recientemente a Omar Soft Matter Lab Inifta en UNLP TV. Gracias UNLP TV por difundir las actividades de nuestro laboratorio.

CONICET Dialoga Facultad de Ciencias Exactas - UNLP Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación de la Nación Minerva Incubadora UNLP Contacto Universitario


Hoy - viernes 18/8 - a las 14 hs Omar Soft Matter Lab Inifta dará una charla en Cibion Conicet sobre el uso de transistores de efecto de campo como plataformas para biosensado.
En la charla también discutirá sobre la experiencia de transferencia tecnológica con Gisens Biotech. ¿Es posible que en Argentina el mundo público y privado se unan para desarrollar tecnologías e innovar conjuntamente? (La respuesta es: SI)

¡Están tod@s invitad@s!


¿Sos estudiante de Lic. en Química de Facultad de Ciencias Exactas - UNLP? 👉El martes 8 de agosto a las 13 hs. comienzan las clases de "Espectroscopias y Microscopías Avanzadas". Curso teórico-experimental.


¿Sos estudiante de Lic. en Química Facultad de Ciencias Exactas - UNLP? 👉El miércoles 9 de agosto a las 8:30 hs. comienzan las clases de "FISICOQUÍMICA III"


¿Las mujeres tienen iguales oportunidades que los hombres en ciencia? Angela Danil de Namor University of Surrey nos cuenta su visión!

Cientificxs Feministas Científicas de Acá Latinx Chem Inifta


Happy Birthday Wolfgang Knoll !!!

Wolfgang has made decisive contributions to establishing the biophysics of membranes as an important research topic at the interface between physics, chemistry, biology, and materials science. His work has also been groundbreaking for innovations in biosensor research.
In addition, Wolfgang has made seminal contributions to the use of optical techniques to elucidate the structural and functional properties of supramolecular assemblies and nanomaterials.

TU München
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
Danube Private University - DPU
Universität Konstanz
Universität Ulm
Stanford University
Nus Singapore


¿En qué dirección podría evolucionar la química en los próximos años? Angela Danil de Namor University of Surrey nos cuenta su visión!

Cientificxs Feministas Científicas de Acá Latinx Chem Inifta

Angela F Danil de Namor is the first woman Professor of Chemistry at the University of Surrey. She was born in Argentina and graduated from the National University of the South in Bahía Blanca with a degree in Biochemistry. She moved to the UK in 1970. In 1971 she was awarded a scholarship from the University of Surrey from where she gained a PhD degree in 1973 for her work in the field of ion exchange. From 1974 to 1977 she was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Chemistry Department sponsored by Unilever Research Laboratories, Isleworth. She was appointed Research Officer with lecturing duties in 1977, Lecturer in 1984, Reader in 1996 and Professor in 1999. Since 1988 she has been in charge of the Thermochemistry Laboratory, where particular emphasis is placed on thermodynamic aspects of Supramolecular Chemistry. In this area the Group has gained international recognition as reflected by the number of Plenary and Keynote addresses (forty-two in total) at international Conferences. She has supervised over 50 PhD theses and over 70 at MSc level. She has chaired several international conferences in the UK and abroad and has very strong collaboration with universities in South America where she has established three MSc courses in chemistry and related areas. She has been the Co-Ordinator of several European Union research programs in the area of Supramolecular Chemistry as applied to water decontamination processes .with the participation of research institutions in Latin America (Argentina, Peru, Chile, Brazil ), Europe (France, Spain, Ireland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany), non-European Mediterranean Countries (Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, Palestine) and Countries of the ex-Soviet Union (Russia, Latvia, Ukraine, Armenia) . She has published about 175 research papers in highly-rated chemistry journals.
Angela is the first woman elected as Foreign Member of the National Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, Argentina. She is also a Fellow of the International Union of Pure & Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and Honorary Professor at the Universities of San Agustin, Catholic Santa Maria and Altiplano, Peru. She was awarded the “Doctor Honoris Causa by the Universities Catholic of Santa Maria and Alas Peruanas for her contributions to the development of Chemistry in Latin America”. In 2022 she was awarded the Doctor of Science (DSc) from the University of Surrey for her contributions to the field of Thermodynamics of Supramolecular Chemistry with proven international recognition
Until December 2019 she was the Scientific and Technological Representative to the European Commission of the National Institute of Industrial Technology, Ministry of Production, Argentina. At present she is Honorary and Emeritus Professor at the School of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering at the University of Surrey where she continues her research activities including her international links, leading research Groups abroad and collaborating with researchers in Europe and non-European Mediterranean Countries. She has been a Member of the Panel of Experts in the various EU Framework Programs and is Guest Editor of the scientific Journal ‘Coordination Chemistry Reviews’ for the volume ‘Coordination Chemistry in the Americas’ as well as referee for the L’Oréal-UNESCO Program for Women in Science UK and Ireland Rising Talent Awards.
Angela enjoys considerable international success. In 2004 she was given a prestigious Eclipse award to celebrate her inclusion in the American publication ‘Great Women of the 21st Century.
As one of the 1000 most influential and creative women of the 21st century, she is cited in ‘Who’s Who in Science and Engineering.
She is married with a grown family, a son and a daughter born while she was an undergraduate student in Argentina. She has three grandchildren (Kami, Marco and Koke).


¿Qué consejo le darías a un/a investigador/a joven? Angela Danil de Namor University of Surrey comparte su visión con nosotrxs!

IUPAC Cientificxs Feministas Científicas de Acá Latinx Chem Inifta

Angela F Danil de Namor is the first woman Professor of Chemistry at the University of Surrey. She was born in Argentina and graduated from the National University of the South in Bahía Blanca with a degree in Biochemistry. She moved to the UK in 1970. In 1971 she was awarded a scholarship from the University of Surrey from where she gained a PhD degree in 1973 for her work in the field of ion exchange. From 1974 to 1977 she was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Chemistry Department sponsored by Unilever Research Laboratories, Isleworth. She was appointed Research Officer with lecturing duties in 1977, Lecturer in 1984, Reader in 1996 and Professor in 1999. Since 1988 she has been in charge of the Thermochemistry Laboratory, where particular emphasis is placed on thermodynamic aspects of Supramolecular Chemistry. In this area the Group has gained international recognition as reflected by the number of Plenary and Keynote addresses (forty-two in total) at international Conferences. She has supervised over 50 PhD theses and over 70 at MSc level. She has chaired several international conferences in the UK and abroad and has very strong collaboration with universities in South America where she has established three MSc courses in chemistry and related areas. She has been the Co-Ordinator of several European Union research programs in the area of Supramolecular Chemistry as applied to water decontamination processes .with the participation of research institutions in Latin America (Argentina, Peru, Chile, Brazil ), Europe (France, Spain, Ireland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany), non-European Mediterranean Countries (Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, Palestine) and Countries of the ex-Soviet Union (Russia, Latvia, Ukraine, Armenia) . She has published about 175 research papers in highly-rated chemistry journals.
Angela is the first woman elected as Foreign Member of the National Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, Argentina. She is also a Fellow of the International Union of Pure & Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and Honorary Professor at the Universities of San Agustin, Catholic Santa Maria and Altiplano, Peru. She was awarded the “Doctor Honoris Causa by the Universities Catholic of Santa Maria and Alas Peruanas for her contributions to the development of Chemistry in Latin America”. In 2022 she was awarded the Doctor of Science (DSc) from the University of Surrey for her contributions to the field of Thermodynamics of Supramolecular Chemistry with proven international recognition
Until December 2019 she was the Scientific and Technological Representative to the European Commission of the National Institute of Industrial Technology, Ministry of Production, Argentina. At present she is Honorary and Emeritus Professor at the School of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering at the University of Surrey where she continues her research activities including her international links, leading research Groups abroad and collaborating with researchers in Europe and non-European Mediterranean Countries. She has been a Member of the Panel of Experts in the various EU Framework Programs and is Guest Editor of the scientific Journal ‘Coordination Chemistry Reviews’ for the volume ‘Coordination Chemistry in the Americas’ as well as referee for the L’Oréal-UNESCO Program for Women in Science UK and Ireland Rising Talent Awards.
Angela enjoys considerable international success. In 2004 she was given a prestigious Eclipse award to celebrate her inclusion in the American publication ‘Great Women of the 21st Century.
As one of the 1000 most influential and creative women of the 21st century, she is cited in ‘Who’s Who in Science and Engineering.
She is married with a grown family, a son and a daughter born while she was an undergraduate student in Argentina. She has three grandchildren (Kami, Marco and Koke).


¿Qué elementos esenciales debe tener una buena tesis doctoral? Angela Danil de Namor University of Surrey comparte su visión con nosotrxs!

IUPAC Cientificxs Feministas Científicas de Acá Latinx Chem Inifta

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La Plata, 1900

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PAPP Refrigeracion Aires Acondicionados PAPP Refrigeracion Aires Acondicionados
94 N83 E/117 Y 118
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aires acindicionado instalacion y reparacion

Grifo Observatorio Grifo Observatorio
13 Y 50
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Grifo es una consultora socio ambiental integrada por profesionales de las ciencias sociales, naturales y management digital. La Plata Bs. As. y Neuquén.

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116 E/47 Y 48 S/n
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Participacion Graduados Participacion Graduados
Calle 122 Y 60
La Plata, 1900

PARTICIPACIÓN es una agrupación independiente, conformada por graduados de la FCNyM (UNLP) con diferentes ideas en relación a la política nacional, siempre enfocadas en hacer polít...