Michael Siller

Michael Siller

Michael Siller unterstützt Führungskräfte und Unternehmer dabei ihr Commitment und ihre Wirksamke

Billy Joel - Vienna (Audio) (Official Audio) 09/05/2024

Happy 75th birthday Billy Joel!

Fun fact on the side: I am still a little bit proud that I had the chance to perform together with his half-brother Alexander Joel at the Vienna Volksoper in 2002. Time flies 🙂

Here is one of my alltime favorite Billy Joel hits.

Billy Joel - Vienna (Audio) (Official Audio) In 1977, Billy Joel released his legendary album titled The Stranger. Listen to Billy Joel perform 'Vienna'.Listen to Billy Joel: https://billyjoel.lnk.to/li...


🤔 Stupid question, yes or no?

A couple of years ago, I was coaching a young and talented sales director of a 📈 multinational organization.
Let's call him Mark.
He was in his mid-30s, 👔 good-looking, 💍 married, and had a child. He had just been promoted to this position. In the first coaching session, he told me that the 🎯 goal he wanted to achieve by working with me was to know how to evoke 💓 positive emotions whenever he gave a presentation.
I said to him, "Great, Mark. Can you tell me which positive emotions you want to evoke in your audience?"

Since he was into sales, I thought he would present me with a fireworks display of positive emotions.
🤔The answer he gave me was very surprising.

👔 He said to me, "Great question, Michael. Can you tell me what positive emotions there are?"

💭 Ludwig Wittgenstein once put it so nicely:
"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world."

If I don't have any 💬 language for positive emotions, I will have a hard time distinguishing, noticing, experiencing, and especially evoking positive emotions in other people.

My question to you: how much language do you have for positive emotions?
The easiest way to check this out is to take a piece of paper and ✏ write down all the different variations of positive emotions that come to your mind. This usually doesn't take more than ⏳ 5 to 10 minutes, and you know what?

By taking some time to search your deepest memories for the most wonderful words that describe these desirable emotions, you will feel better.
🤝 Promise!

It is very healthy to do this after reading the morning newspaper, which probably didn't evoke many 😣 desirable or positive emotions.

In one of my last videos, I explained that emotional commitment needs energy.
If you lack some of this positive energy, why don't you give it a shot and take 5 minutes for this little exercise?

Enjoy, and let me know how it works!

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😤 "I have a really hard time dealing with people who are...."
Last week, I worked with an international company in the construction field when I asked the participants to complete the previous sentence.
😎 to play along, how would YOU complete the sentence?
"I have a really hard time dealing with people who are...."
🤔 What characteristics, personal traits, and flaws trigger you?
🙅‍♂️ 🙅‍♀️ What makes it impossible for you to work with somebody?
The manager at stake couldn't deal with people who don't follow rules and have trouble adapting to new situations.
To learn how to navigate such situations and conversations, I introduced an ✍ exercise that helps when faced with people we can't stand and have a hard time dealing with.
🌞 The fascinating thing was that the same manager had the hardest time following the exercise rules and adapting to this new situation. That is exactly what he was criticizing in others.
🏃‍♂️ Running into your own blind spot!
I find this a wonderful example of something that probably has happened to most of us before. We complain about the behavior or attitude of others, which, under different circumstances, we show in the exact same way.
This brings me to the quote of C.G. Jung, who once said:
“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”
When was the last time that you were irritated about someone else?
What did you learn and understand about yourself through this?
It would be great if you could share your insights with us!

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How do you experience what you are doing right now?
🤔 Is it a job, a career, or a calling?
💡 Research shows that this small distinction greatly impacts how engaged people are in your teams.
While people who experience what they are doing as a job mainly focus on material gains.
✅ People in a career are looking more for advancements, development, and getting ahead.
🌟 People who see their work as a calling see it as an expression of who they are.
Therefore, the level of engagement and commitment increases manifold.

I think there are two main pitfalls in today's work life that I experience when working as a coach:
1st: The term purpose and calling has gotten hyped over the last years, and people in their 20ies feel like 😓 failures if they haven't figured out their calling.
2nd: Many people find their calling outside their professional lives 🎨 . Focusing too much on finding your true calling within your occupation can build up 🏋‍♂️ pressure, which is a guarantee you will not find it at all.

3rd: As a leader, it is important to realize that you can not find your people's calling for them. All you can do is create an environment where they can regularly experience the purpose of what they are doing.

What does that look like?
- Make sure that you elaborate with the team on what the team's real 🌟 purpose is
- Spend time with them to talk about their individual 💚 values and how those connect to what they are doing
- Invest time in ✍ yourself by relating to your own values and start applying them in your daily leadership tasks, like decision-making, delegating, or communicating
- 🕺 Walk the talk and Talk the walk

For many people, figuring out their values or purpose is a real 🤷‍♀️ challenge.
When you know what to look for, it is actually not difficult.

If you want to 🗿 dig deeper on this journey, reach out!

Stay present, stay curious, and live with passion!

"Jobs, Careers, and Callings: People's relations to their work."

(Wrziesnewski, Mccauley, Rozin, Schwartz 1997)


🤔 How energetic do you feel right now?

People who have more ⚡ energy not only get more done and are, therefore, more effective, but they are also more attractive. 😊

The same goes for teams and organizations. 🏭
Teams and organizations with a high level of ⚡ energy, a clear 🔭 vision for the future, more creativity and 💡 innovation, and work with modern technologies are more attractive to talented people.
A high level of energy creates high levels of engagement and emotional commitment. 💪

Teams and Organizations that don't have a clear vision for the future, who don't feel like investing in new technologies or opening up to new fields, have a hard time retaining and attracting talented people. 😩

😎 Talented people always have options. So why should they stick around if they can't be sure whether your organization will survive another year?

😳 No employer branding campaign can compensate for the organization's lack of energy.

Here are some tips on how to create an environment with a high amount of ⚡ positive energy within your teams:
1. Focus on 💪 strengths instead of weaknesses
2. Establish and communicate clear expectations for every person on the team (clear expectations about goals, responsibilities, and teamwork)
3. Short feedback ♻ cycles: establish a routine of giving each other feedback on a regular basis; this strengthens cohesion within the team and speeds up the learning curve
4. 🔎 Deep work: Constant availability creates an environment of distraction and dissatisfaction. Set regular time slots where people can dive deep into their work without being disturbed.
5. Address conflicts and 😡 tensions as soon as they arise: If conflicts or tensions are not dealt with, they linger and create headaches. If they are dealt with immediately, the team learns and becomes more resilient.

If you want to learn more about strengthening engagement and commitment as a leader, you can follow me or visit my website.



Engagement and Commitment depend on Connection!

Connection to the 👬 people we lead, the 🎯goals we are trying to achieve, and the ⏳ time we carve out of our busy schedule to create a space where connections can take place.

As leaders, we might consider the number of connections we need to nourish and manage; we think about the 💰 transactions in our connections: "What is the output of our conversation?" and much less about the 💎 quality of connections. For

Engagement and Commitment, though, we need less quantity and much more quality of connection. 🖇

Consider taking a couple more minutes in every interaction to focus on the 💎 quality of your connection!


🙌 When aiming for greater engagement and commitment in your team and organization, you need to focus on Leadership Principles rather than behavior. Leadership behavior needs to change according to the 🌦 context, but Leadership Principles 🏔 give you orientation and guidance regardless of the situation.


One of the most important outcomes of leadership is creating an environment that creates emotional commitment in your teams and organization.

🤔 But how can you do this?

Edward Lawler put this in a very simple formula:

Teams and Organizations perceived as a stable source of 😄 positive emotions increase emotional commitment.
If teams and organizations are perceived as unstable sources of 😞 negative emotions, this can lead to quiet quitting, disengagement, and people starting to leave the company.

🌪 What can be unstable sources of negative emotions?

Most recently, I talked to a manager from a large organization, and he said to me, "You know, Michael, if I am talking face to face with my boss, and we agree on a certain plan of action, everything is fine. But the next day, when I want to follow through with what we agreed upon, all of a sudden, the budget is cut, he pretends that he never agreed to something like this, and the project doesn't go through."

😤 Frustration, anger, distrust, and maybe also betrayal are emotions that follow situations like these.

🏔 Stable sources of positive emotions:
Being seen as a stable source of positive emotion does not mean that you need to be liked by everybody or that you have to run, giving high-fives and cheering people on.

Being a source of positive emotions means your leadership behavior is seen as fair, honest, and just.

You say what you are doing and do what you are saying.
It means taking responsibility as a leader and making tough decisions that no one else is comfortable making.

You see the strengths and potential of people, even more than what is missing.

And most importantly, you are a stable source of positive emotions for yourself.
So take care of your health, get enough sleep, eat good food, and share time with friends who support you on your journey!

Stay present, stay curious, and live with passion!


Selbstwirksamkeit erleben wir dann wenn wir Ziele erreichen, die wir uns selbst gesteckt haben. Wie das gelingen kann findet ihr in folgendem Beitrag.

Je häufiger es Ihnen gelingt, die Ziele die Sie sich setzen auch zu erreichen, desto größer wird ihr Selbstvertrauen und desto stärker das Gefühl der eigenen Selbstwirksamkeit.

Ich bin davon überzeugt je mehr Menschen sich ihre eigenen Träume verwirklichen und wissen, wie sie ihr Leben nach Ihren Bedürfnissen gestalten, desto mehr sind sie im Einklang mit sich selbst und desto mehr sind sie auch im Einklang mit der Welt, die sie umgibt. Daher tun Sie dadurch nicht nur sich selbst etwas Gutes, sondern auch den Menschen, die Ihnen wichtig sind.

Mehr dazu im Blogbeitrag von Michael Siller...
Erfahre, wie du deine Ziele nicht nur erreichen, sondern auch genießen kannst!
🌈 💼

🔗 Reinlesen und inspirieren lassen: https://www.komunariko.at/2023/05/09/agil_von-den-grossen-lernen-2/

Wenn Sie davon überzeugt sind, dass Sie durch eine kompetente Unterstützung schneller an Ihre Ziele gelangen, können Sie uns jederzeit kontaktieren.

Ich wünsche viel Spaß und gutes Gelingen!

Photos from Michael Siller's post 17/02/2024

Curtain of the day! What a show 🤩🤩🤩


🚀 We are two weeks into the new year, and what would you say? Are you sticking to your commitments and New Year’s resolutions, or are your old habits taking over?

When I first set out to become a coach, I thought this would mean that from now on, I could achieve all my goals and make all my dreams come true. While for some dreams, this is the case, there are many of my goals I haven’t been able to achieve yet.

When supporting leaders in achieving their goals, one thing often gets in the way, and I can also recognize this in myself.

😩 Procrastination, willpower, laziness...

You might think it is due to procrastination, a lack of willpower, laziness, or bad habits. But I have to disappoint you.

The one thing that most often gets in the way and holds us from achieving our goals is our EGO.

Now, what do I mean by that? Our EGO tries to run after the goals and expectations that we think other people are holding. Goals and expectations that we believe would make us look great and successful and that others would admire. 🦁

If we are striving for objectives that we find hard to achieve, we double down, work harder, and often beat ourselves up because we seem not to make any progress.

But the main reason for our struggle is not that we are not good enough, not ambitious enough, not disciplined enough, not…..

The main reason we hardly progress is that the goal wasn’t ours to begin with. We thought achieving this goal would look good on an Instagram post. It would show how great we are.

But without the 1000 likes and the pat on the shoulders, achieving this goal wouldn’t do anything for us.

😎 Goals that feel great even if nobody noticed

Setting goals that we value and align with our purpose might scare us initially, but achieving these goals doesn’t require all the effort, all the reminders, and all the vision boards.

What it requires is connection: connection to yourself and to what your life/the world is asking from you.
What it requires is clarity: clarity about what you prioritize in your lives.
What it requires is commitment: Committing to yourself and the goals that are yours, regardless of how others find it and whether it is Instagram-worthy.

What could help us realize whether a goal is driven more by what we consider socially admirable than by something that motivates us and would allow us to fulfill our purpose are some of the following questions:

1. What goals would you enjoy achieving if you couldn’t tell anyone about them (no posts on Instagram, FB, LinkedIn…)?

2. What goals would you set if you did not need to achieve them, but you would enjoy the path so much that it would be worth it?

3. What goal would help you improve a skill you would enjoy improving?

💡 Let me know what you think about this and how you deal with your Ego when setting goals.


For sure, 2023 was the most intense year that I can remember. Between delivering leadership trainings, coachings, and keynote speeches all over Europe, my wife and I bought an apartment, renovated it in record time, and moved in while nothing was ready. I never felt as exhausted, and at the same time, I never felt as happy as in 2023. A long-lasting dream was coming true.
After fulfilling that dream in 2023, I jump into 2024 full of commitment, joy, and purpose!


A night at the theatre! 🎭🎭🎭

Photos from InnoValley South Tyrol's post 30/05/2023

„The best way to predict the future is to create it.“ It is always a pleasure to work with a group of inspiring people! InnoValley South Tyrol


In case you are getting stuck or frustrated at a certain point this week...

Have a splendid week!

Top 15 Coaches In Vienna In 2023 19/04/2023


I am very happy that I have been chosen by Influence Digest as one of the top 15 coaches in Vienna!

Top 15 Coaches In Vienna In 2023 In this article, we will present the top coaches in Vienna in 2023 to help you find the professional who best suits your needs and helps you achieve your personal and professional goals.


Easter is celebrated in all different kinds of traditions or religions.

What many of them have in common is what is supposed to be celebrated: it is about new beginnings, the light taking charge of the darkness, hope, or fertility.

Taking a look at the world, I think we need all of this at the moment. And while it is very easy to judge and take sides when talking about the wars in this world, we are often fighting wars that are right in front of our noses.

We are involved in conflicts that are taking place at our workplaces, with our colleagues, that are taking place in our families, and most often, we fight battles within ourselves.

What if we would turn our attention from the big battlefields of this world to our own battlefields for a moment and start facing them?

So I wish all of you a wonderful Easter Weekend full of light, hope, and new beginnings!


One of the great things about my job is that I get to travel frequently to different cities, where I get to interact in my workshops on cultural diversity with people who bring a totally different kind of thinking to the table.
Thoughts and behavior that challenge my own assumptions and help me to go beyond spark creativity, and allow me to show up differently in the world.
What challenges your thinking, and how do you bring creativity and new thoughts into your life?
What impact does this have on the way you show up as a leader?

Timeline photos 01/02/2023

A cartoon by Avi Steinberg.

Trend Talk – Erfolgsfaktor Commitment 09/11/2022

Am 24.11. ist es so weit. Ich freue mich bereits sehr darauf, im Rahmen der Trend Talks zum Erfolgsfaktor Commitment einen Vortrag zu halten. Wenn für Dich Mitarbeiterbindung, Engagement und Commitment in Deinem Team oder Unternehmen wichtig ist, dann freue ich mich, wenn Du bei dem Trend Talk dabei bist.

Anbei der Link für die Anmeldung!

Trend Talk – Erfolgsfaktor Commitment Der Mitarbeitermangel ist aktuell eine der größten Herausforderungen für Unternehmen. Michael Siller vermittelt im Trend Talk, was die grundlegenden Prinzipien emotionaler Bindung und Commitment in Unternehmen sind

Quiet Quitters Make Up Half the U.S. Workforce, Gallup Says 09/09/2022

US companies are experiencing the biggest drop in employee engagement and a consistent rise in quiet quitting!

What is your company doing to stop this trend and to shape an environment that supports engagement and commitment?

Quiet Quitters Make Up Half the U.S. Workforce, Gallup Says Young professionals surveyed said they were the most disengaged

Photos from Michael Siller's post 29/08/2022

Der Moment, wenn man das eigene Buch in Händen hält!!!

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