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CLOTHING THAT CAN KEEP UP WITH YOUR CHILDREN🍃 Durable, comfortable, sustainable. Let them burn off en Available at


Ich sage einfach Danke für die Unterstützung und das Vertrauen das ganze Jahr über 🤗❤.

Danke für die Einkäufe, das Feedback, die netten Gespräche auf den Märkten, und für´s Folgen :)

Um ehrlich zu sein, es war kein einfaches Jahr, aber euer Feedback hat mir sehr geholfen, das Label weiter zu entwickeln und voran zu kommen.

Eure 5-Sterne-Bewertungen haben mich inspiriert und Mut und Energie gegeben weiter zu machen. ⭐️

Die Fragen und Hinweise, wenn etwas nicht passt, haben uns geholfen unsere Produkte zu verbessern und dafür sind wir genauso dankbar. 🤩 Ohne euch würde ich das nicht schaffen

Im neuen Jahr wird es einige Neuheiten und natürlich auch neue Modelle geben. Aber jetzt erst einmal abschalten, Kraft tanken und die Zeit mit der Familie genießen.

Frohe Weihnachten! 🎄✨

Photos from Babbily's post 13/12/2023

Wir haben ein paar Inspirationen für dich zusammengestellt. Sogar mit Uhrzeiten :)
Einfach inspirieren lassen, vorbeikommen und Spaß haben! 🎄🎄

Wir sind dieses Wochenende bei in der Ottakringer Brauerei und freuen uns auf deinen Besuch!

Hast du dein Wochenende schon geplant?


Auf der Suche nach einem nachhaltigen Geschenk? Soll es bio, fair, hochwertig oder süß sein? Das beste Geschenk ist das, das am längsten und häufigsten getragen und benutzt wird. 💚

Die Leggings von Babbily werden über ein Jahr lang getragen. Sie sind superbequem und langlebig:
✨ sie scheuern nicht am Knie - mit Knieverstärkung aus Hightech-Sportgewebe
💚 verstellbar um 3-4 Größen mit zu wachsen
✨ aus hautfreundlicher Bio-Baumwolle hergestellt
💚 Spaß garantiert mit lustigen Motiven

Das nachhaltige Geschenk, das das ganze Jahr Freude und Spaß macht! 🤩

Photos from Babbily's post 10/12/2023

Mit dem Code: DOPPELPACK

Photos from Babbily's post 08/12/2023

Langweilig unterwegs oder beim Warten? Nicht mit lustigen Spielen.🥳

Je einfacher, desto besser. Unser Lieblingsspiel ist es, einen Buchstaben auf die Handfläche zu schreiben und dann zu raten. 😍

Viele Ideen für Speile ohne Material haben wir in unserem Blogbeitrag zusammengestellt.

Spielen macht nicht nur gute Laune und Spaß, sondern fördert auch das Miteinander in der Familie. 🤗

Wie überbrückt ihr die Wartezeit?

Photos from Babbily's post 03/12/2023

Erstes Türchen - öffne dich! Heute und am Montag gibt es zu jeder Bestellung einen kuscheligen Halswärmer gratis dazu ✨ ❤️

Photos from Babbily's post 29/11/2023

mit Kindern 🎄✨ - basteln, backen, mitmachen, in ein Märchen eintauchen und feiern - alles gehört dazu.

Besonders gerne besuchen wir Kindermuseum im Schloss Schönbrunn , Theater und

Was macht ihr am liebsten im Advent? 🤩

Photos from Babbily's post 27/11/2023

und - einer meiner liebsten Märkten in Wien, um Geschenke einzukaufen. Uhuu! Wir sind dabei!

Mitwachsende, bequeme und langlebige Kleidung für kleine Entdecker. Schlaue Eltern kaufen Babbily 🤩


Photos from Babbily's post 19/09/2023

Look for a brand that suits your child's body shape, and stick with it for a great fit in the future. 😉 This is also true for adults 🤩


Finding adjusting to Kindergarten difficult? Here are top tips from lovely Denise from .

Stay calm and remember, you are a safe harbour for your child. You can do it!

Photos from Babbily's post 10/09/2023

And every parent should have a self-driving car to take them to all those activities 🤣🤣 Let the school year begin 🥳

Photos from Babbily's post 06/09/2023

My husband is in the hospital – excellent timing for the start of school. And I am in a survival mode.

This is a little perfect storm, with both kids making a big transition this year: new routines, a new environment. And lots of decisions to be made.

But the biggest stress I think, is that I feel I can’t give them both the attention they need. Especially my brave little gymnasium kid.

Yesterday, as I posted about being organised, I forgot to pick him up from school. I just didn’t set a reminder. But luckily, he called me, and I was “only” 15 minutes late. He is managing well, my brave little soldier.

A while ago, I saw an interview with a lady who set a record hiking Welsh peaks (12 or 13 of them).
💥💥She said, “Just keep going, one step at a time,” when asked about her strategy. “Wow”, I thought, is it that simple?

And this is what it feels like for me right now: a step after step after step.

The paper recycling bin has been sitting in the hallway for three days, waiting to be emptied. Who cares? The kids probably didn't even notice.
I haven’t signed all the school paperwork – it can wait a few days. The deadline is Friday.
Occasional fish fingers for dinner. Why not? They love it, and it’s quick.

I stopped caring about taking shortcuts.

💚💚Because a mama who can still make jokes and read books in the evening is more important than an emptied recycling bin and a model household.

I wanted to write about the new legging colours today - our take on Viva Magenta for brave explorers. But am not prepared enough to introduce them. This will have to wait too.
And we will have to improvise a little for tomorrow´s photoshoot.

🤗🤗If you feel overwhelmed, I hear you, we all sometimes are. Take a good care of yourself!

P.S. My husband is doing okay; nothing dangerous, but unfortunately, the best treatment solution is in the hospital.

Photos from Babbily's post 04/09/2023

It's a double beginning for us today! Primary school and Gymnasium! They can't possibly be this grown up, can they? 😢💕

Who's feeling more excited about the first day of school today? Is it you or your little brave heroes?

Photos from Babbily's post 01/09/2023

What do reading and Taekwondo have in common?


Reading was a real struggle. Like herding cats through a field of cacti. I've never tried that, but I can imagine it being quite a spectacle, full of meowing, clawing, and sabotage.

But then, a stroke of genius one day. After another session I just said

Well done, you've earned your yellow belt today. And if we can read that sentence, that's your yellow-green belt right there.

From that day forward, I practically had to hide from my little overachiever. He was so eager to earn his black belt, and we ended up conquering the entire alphabet that summer.

Indeed, the best way to learn is through play!

What is your best motivational tip? 🤩


Ever caught yourself absentmindedly nodding along while your child excitedly talks about their day? Lately, I've found myself doing that quite often on our way to and from school.

I had to ask my little hero three times today to keep up with his stories. Invisible lava, bridges in ruins, monsters - that sort of stuff. Or imaginary birds we apparently bring home, complete with their own perches beneath the bedroom ceiling.

I wouldn't be able to tell you where my mind wandered off to, but these stories? They're etching themselves into my memory, ready to be cherished and chuckled about for years to come. 😍


Every superhero needs the right gear! Is your young hero geared up for the next adventure? 🦸‍♂️👖🤩

Photos from Babbily's post 23/08/2023

Mine? "Get a pro pencil sharpener!" I'm going to get an electric one in fact 😎

My other survival items and tricks:
• Create a folder for school info – because rummaging through a mountain of papers to find that crucial registration form is definitely relaxing! 📂🏔️"
• Choose quality supplies, you don’t want to drain your wallet replacing bad quality stuff 💸💼"
• Select items that are easy to use, open, and close for your child, because who doesn't love a daily struggle with lunch boxes? 🍱🧩"
• Keep an empty shoe box for school projects, because you learn about them always a night before they are needed.

And remember to stack on some sturdy leggings and trousers. Because worrying about knee holes is not on anyone's to-do list. 😉

Do you have your little tips that make the school life easier for you? 🤩🤩


Photos from Babbily's post 22/08/2023

Back in school, I once arrived without a skirt – doing things my way was my specialty, you see! 😊
While I can't recall exactly how I managed that wardrobe malfunction, I think a pair of leggings would've saved the day. But that was before leggings became the undisputed monarchs of our closets 👑.

Ever had a hilarious 'independence' moment like mine? 🙈 😅 Share your funny stories below! Can't wait to hear your adventures!


All good things come in threes! We have prepared some mystery bundles to help you get ready for school and kindergarten 💖 Don't miss out!

Link in bio

Photos from Babbily's post 19/08/2023

🦸‍♂️👼 With my firstborn, I learned about the importance of tummy time. As a result, both were enthusiastic crawlers. But the benefits of floor play don’t stop here:

👍 Safe Exploration: The floor is their safest playground, reducing the risk of falls. (Though, I've witnessed even a seated tumble!)
👍 Muscle Development: Floor play lets them move freely, aiding muscle development. (Unlike confining playpens or chairs.)
👍 Creative Adventures: The floor becomes a world of imagination - morphing into roads, kitchens, gardens, and more.
👍 New Perspectives: Playing on the floor offers fresh angles on toys and the world, boosting cognitive development and self-awareness.
👍 Stronger Backs: As they grow, the floor helps older kids strengthen their back muscles and improve posture.

Kids instinctively choose the floor for play, whether at home, school, or kindergarten. Just remember to dress them appropriately, and as their play gets more spirited over time, think about reinforced knees to prevent those weekly knee holes.

Let the playful journey continue! 🌈🎈

Photos from Babbily's post 14/08/2023

These two tackle challenges in such different ways. One likes to take it step by step, until he feels super sure and then he's off like a rocket. The best we can do is to believe in him, without pushing too hard (frustrating it may be). We know he's got this.

Now, the other one, she's all about going full speed ahead. A full liability, but never boring 😎
But together they balance each other out (when they're not arguing, of course).
And one thing they have in common - they always play on the floor 👫


And a job like this requires the best kit available, for sure 😉


This photo is a throwback to the first day at kindergarten. All 10 minutes of it, that we proudly spent under a slide outside of the classroom. Didn't even make it inside that day. 😂
6 years forward, I'm getting excited about going back to school and all the nice preparations.


Babbily's summer has been nothing short of exciting! Wondering what we’ve been up to? Here's a quick update. 🌟

🕺Exciting news: we're now live on!
🏃‍♂️Our journey continues as Babbily has been making its mark across the world. From kids in the USA, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Slovakia, to Austria, Babbily leggings and trousers have become a staple in their wardrobes.

🥳And that's not all! Babbily steps into the Scandinavian scene. Our leggings have found a new home in Denmark, thanks to our valued partner retailer.
With everyone's eyes on Scandinavian fashion, it's fascinating to see how Scandinavians are embracing Babbily!

🤩Watch this space to stay on trend!



Hiking, football, playground, school, kindergarten. So many activities - just one pair of trousers 🤸‍♂️

Babbily trousers look like jeans, but give comfort of pull-on joggers.


It's hard to believe now looking at the weather, but the summer will come! And we are ready for it 🌞

Visit us at Designmarkt Edelstoff on 6.-7. May

Tipps für den Hosen-Kauf im Frühling 18/04/2023

Our brand is not just about kids clothing. It is about making mums' and kids' everyday life that little bit easier. For parents - by making trousers that last and don´t need replacement that often. For kids - by creating comfortable designs that support their physical development.
Here is our little piece on how to choose durable and comfortable trousers for Babymamas. Happy reading!

Tipps für den Hosen-Kauf im Frühling Diese Cookies sind notwendig, um das Surfen auf unserer Website und die Nutzung der Funktionen der Website, wie zum Beispiel den Zugriff auf geschützte Bereiche der Website, zu ermöglichen. Sie können diese Cookies in Ihren Browsereinstellungen deaktivieren. Bitte beachten Sie, dass dadurch die F...

Photos from Babbily's post 17/04/2023

We've made it to last. You just need to choose 🤩

Photos from Babbily's post 29/03/2023

You know you've got a teenager at home when he asks where is daddy just to borrow his hair gel to get ready for a football game 🤪

And he demands salami (with a camembert flavoured casing!) on his pizza instead of plain Margherita 🍕🍕

Oh, did I mention a leather jacket to go with his Babbily trousers?

It's all very new and exciting! What was a first sign for you that you've got a teenager at home?

Photos from Babbily's post 15/03/2023

Spring, fun, colours! 🌞 New colours for more playing fun are soon online 🥳

And a special thank you to for wonderful pictures 🤩

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Freelance - Motion Design/Graphics & Animation, 3D Design, Webdesign, and some more.