E-SEC E-Learning

E-Learning Kurse | Authoring Software | Lernplattform | Cyber Security Awareness


🤩 We are excited to announce the release of our new e-learning course: "Office Ergonomics"! 🎉

Having proper and effective design in working environments is becoming increasingly important as we spend more time in offices, at desks, and in front of computers. This course will give you an insight into the basics of ergonomics by exploring the optimal arrangement of equipment, discussing how to promote health and productivity, and more.

Full preview: https://e-sec.com/us/products/elearning/courses/preview/ergonomics/


🎉New e-learning course published: "The 80/20 Principle for Productivity and Time Management"

Do you constantly struggle with a heavy workload? Do you find that the time you have is not enough to complete your tasks? The 80/20 principle can help you breathe freely again. This course will familiarize you with the 80/20 principle and provide you with practical tips and interactive exercises to reinforce what you have learned.

Übersetzung anzeigen


New e-learning course published: "𝐂𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭"

The Code of Conduct embodies the company's values and serves as a compass for making tough decisions and exhibiting appropriate behavior during critical situations. This training course will familiarize you with the key principles of the Code of Conduct, offer valuable practical advice, and allow you to reinforce your understanding through interactive exercises.

Full preview: https://e-sec.com/products/elearning/courses/preview/code_of_conduct/


New e-learning course published: "Whistleblowing"

The EU whistleblowing directive and its national implementations entitle whistleblowers to special protections. The course points out what and how to report, and what protections surround employees in doing both.

Full preview: https://e-sec.com/products/elearning/courses/preview/whistleblowing/

All E-SEC clients with PRO or PREMIUM subscription can use this course online or download as SCORM 1.2.


There are four levels of audio content in our courses: voice-over, ambient noise, music and SFX.

Voice-over brings conversations between our protagonists to life in different languages. Ambient noise refers to the background atmosphere, such as people talking in a café. Music is used to accompany cutscenes, SFX are sound effects which - only occassionally - provide auditory feedback to user interactions.

Course First Aid: https://e-sec.com/products/elearning/courses/first-aid/


In the stories we tell in our e-learning courses, there is a fourth wall, which our protagonists do not cross to interact with the audience.

In some cases, however, our characters break the fourth wall on purpose to draw attention to an important topic.


In our e-learning courses, we try to avoid long text segments and instead add those to the handout.

Long texts can be tiresome and detrimental to sustainable knowledge transfer. Some texts can be easily integrated into the 3D environment.


In some of our e-learning courses, instead of repeating information in textual form, we try to subtly integrate it into 3D backgrounds, for instance as a billboard texture.


Short games - sometimes with a time limit - appeal to different types of learners and gamers. They solidify the knowledge gained during the course in a playful way.

As not all learners respond well to minigames, we try to give users an option to skip them in our courses.


In our e-learning courses, subtly animated hot spots are an essential element for interacting with the 3D environment and navigating locations.

They connect user interactions with the 3D environment and are available in various designs.


Just like in real life, in our e-learning courses, conversations are an essential element in transferring knowledge.

Giving learners the chance to choose from multiple dialog options adds interactivity in a simple and meaningful way and improves learning outcomes.


Some parts of the course present learners with multiple options to choose from, which lead to different outcomes or sequences. In general, users do not miss anything, no matter which path they take.

Branching choices make it much more likely for learners to voluntarily repeat parts of the course. This strengthens their knowledge without taking much time as users can navigate to the selection screens via the menu.


We have released an updated version of our Cyber Security e-learning course and included some new features:

- Intelligent Skip: Click on the small button next to the menu to quickly navigate through the course. The skip destination is selected intelligently.

- Hotspots and subtitles: Higher contrast, shadows and a different font guarantee optimal readability.

- Performance update: The quality of the video sequences is automatically adapted to the output screen resolution. In addition, the latest codecs are supported, so that the required bandwidth could be greatly reduced without quality loss.

Try out the new features! You can start the course immediately (without entering any personal data) by clicking here: https://e-sec.com/us/products/elearning/courses/preview/security-awareness-basics-story/


Datenschutz in der Schweiz - ein unterhaltsamer E-Learning-Kurs zum neuen Schweizer Datenschutzgesetz.
Vollständigen Kurs zum Ansehen: https://e-sec.com/ch/products/elearning/courses/preview/data-protection-switzerland/

Verpackt in eine lebendige, 3D-animierte Geschichte werden die grundlegenden Datenschutzthemen verständlich und praxisnah vermittelt.

Hier der Trailer zum Kurs:


First Aid - an Interactive E-Learning Course.
View entire e-learning course: https://e-sec.com/products/elearning/courses/first-aid/


Cyber Security - an Interactive Story.
View entire e-learning course: https://e-sec.com/at/products/elearning/courses/preview/security-awareness-basics-story/


New team member - unser SECURITY AWARENESS SMART.


Informationssicherheit E-Learning Kurs | Virtual Training Company

Security Kampagnen gezielt durchführen. Im Zentrum der : das interaktive web-based Training: http://www.e-sec.com/de-at/topics/informationsecurity

e-sec.com E-Learning Kurs Informationssicherheit am Arbeitsplatz mit der E-SEC Virtual Training Company


Sie möchten vertriebspartnerschaftlich mit uns kooperieren? Fordern Sie über [email protected] alle Details und Infos zum Partnerprogramm von E-SEC an.


Welcome to the team Henrique!


Karriere | E-SEC GmbH

Praktikanten WANTED: und gesucht!

e-sec.com E-SEC legt großen Wert auf ein perfektes Arbeitsklima, soziale Aktivitäten, schöne und geräumige Arbeitsplätze in toller Lage und vieles mehr.


Falsche Rechnungen von Vodafone im Umlauf

Vorsicht vor E-Mail-Betrug: in falschen - und -Rechnungen.

welt.de Vodafone-Kunden erhalten derzeit Rechnungen inklusive Kundennummer mit Summen von rund 500 Euro. Dahinter stecken ausländische Hacker. Der Mobilfunkanbieter hat in Deutschland 34,5 Millionen Kunden.


Brandschutz E-Learning Kurs | Virtual Training Company

Interaktive Übungen und das Brandschutz-Exam festigen die Umsetzung von Brandschutzrichtlinien und Verordnungen im Alltag.

e-sec.com E-Learning Kurs Brandschutz mit der E-SEC Virtual Training Company


Das E-SEC Team wünscht allen einen guten Rutsch und einen gesunden Start ins neue Jahr 2014. Feiert fleißig. Cheers!


E-SEC wünscht ein besinnliches Fest und erholsame Tage!


Compliance E-Learning Kurs | Virtual Training Company

Innovatives WBT zum Thema . Mitarbeiter üben den bewussten Umgang mit compliance-relevanten Informationen sowie faire Geschäftsmethoden.

e-sec.com E-Learning Kurs Informationssicherheit am Arbeitsplatz mit der E-SEC Virtual Training Company


Informationssicherheit E-Learning Kurs | Virtual Training Company

E-Learning . Effektives und nachhaltiges web-based Training.

e-sec.com E-Learning Kurs Informationssicherheit am Arbeitsplatz mit der E-SEC Virtual Training Company


Arbeitssicherheit E-Learning Kurs | Virtual Training Company

Web-based Training . Mit virtuellen Lernwelten effektiv und nachhaltig schulen.

e-sec.com E-Learning Kurs Arbeitssicherheit mit der E-SEC Virtual Training Company


Demo | Virtual Training Company

Neue der E-SEC Virtual Training Company sind online. Reinklicken, durchklicken und -Account anfordern:

e-sec.com Erleben Sie das Prinzip der 3D-Schulungssoftware in der interaktiven Demo selbst. Keine Registrierung notwendig!


Having fun @ work.


Termine - Fachhochschule Technikum Wien

Wien - zur . E-SEC Vortrag: in einer Umgebung.

technikum-wien.at Fachhochschule Technikum Wien -


Spionage schadet der deutschen Wirtschaft enorm

Kommunikationsmittel leicht zu knacken.

n-tv.de Die Industrie schlägt nach den neuesten Enthüllungen in der Ausspähaffäre Alarm. Der Schaden, den die deutsche Wirtschaft jährlich durch Spionage erleidet, beträgt nach inoffiziellen Schätzungen rund 50 Milliarden Euro. Die betroffenen Firmen können sich selbst oft nur schwer gegen den Datenklau sch...


Kurse | E-Learning Kurse der Virtual Training Company

am Arbeitsplatz, im Home Office und auf Reisen. Infos zu unseren unter:

e-sec.com Moderne, interaktive Kurse steigern die Motivation Ihrer MitarbeiterInnen. Kurse selbst unter Berücksichtigung lernpsychologischer Aspekte konfigurieren.


Das Prinzip der Schulungssoftware E-SEC Virtual Training Company

sind in der -Software und optimal aufbereitet und platziert:

Folgend sehen Sie einen kurzen Ausschnitt der E-SEC VTC mit dem 3D-Gebäude "City Office". Hierbei wird die Funktion der Software erläutert, die Möglichkeiten...


Demo: E-SEC Virtual Training Company. Kurs Informationssicherheit, Social Engineering

Interaktives im virtuellen -Gebäude.


Das war die erfolgreiche IT & Business 2013. Danke an unseren Partner ENTECO für die Unterstützung!


IT & Business 2013 in Stuttgart. Kommen Sie uns vom 24.09 bis 26.09 besuchen (Halle 3, Stand 3D32). Anmeldung für kostenlose Tickets unter [email protected]



Besuchen Sie uns von 24. bis 26. September auf der Messe IT & Business 2013 beim Partner ENTECO in Halle 3, Stand 3D32.

blog.e-sec.com Fachvortrag „Mit interaktiven Trainings Mitarbeiter sensibilisieren” von Martin Braun erhalten Sie ebenfalls einen tollen Einblick zur E-Learning-Lösung von E-SEC: Donnerstag, 26.09 um 10:45 Uhr in Halle 3, Fachforum 3.2

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