'Svastha' Yoga-Ayurveda Institut Wien

'Svastha' Yoga-Ayurveda Institut Wien

"Svastha" Yoga-Ayurveda Institut Wien www.yoga-ayurveda.at


The relationship between teacher and student is a key ingredient in the recipe of good yoga. What the teacher can and cannot do for the student must be clear. The teacher cannot make the choice for a change; only the student can do that.

The teacher can guide and support the student: with wisdom, practices, and by example. When this support is sound and the student is keen on self-transformation, the yoga recipe works.

⭐️ New Book: Krishnamacharya in His Own Words. See more at: bit.ly/krishnamacharya-in-his-own-words.
👉 In-depth Svastha Yoga Therapy training (300 & 800 hours) is now online. Learn more at: on.svastha.net/3IcJFAZ.

Photos from Ancient Explorers's post 15/06/2023

„Allen Erfahrungen geht der Geist voraus, sie haben den Geist als Meister, sie werden vom Geist geschaffen.“ Buddhistische Weisheit


Mantra is a sound that we repeat. The sound has vibration and an effect on body and mind, as does the repetition. A more powerful layer lies deeper within. That is “bhāva”. Bhāva is the inner experience, the feeling, that the mantra brings to us.

With the addition of bhāva, mantra becomes much more than just sound. It becomes the positive change itself. The mantra then serves as an anchor for our self-transformation.

⭐️ New Book: Krishnamacharya in His Own Words. See more at: bit.ly/krishnamacharya-in-his-own-words.
👉 In-depth Svastha Yoga Therapy training (300 & 800 hours) is now online. Learn more at: on.svastha.net/3IcJFAZ.


Heart of Yoga Advanced Teacher Training vom 1. bis 5. Mai 2023

"The only reason we choose to do yoga is for the pleasure — the literal pleasure — of our systems relaxing and filling with energy. It is not some struggle to enjoy a future result." — Mark Whitwell

Kennst du Mark schon? Wenn du schon mal bei uns im Studio warst, ganz sicher! Du hast jetzt die einmalige Gelegenheit, ihn persönlich kennenzulernen und eine Woche mit ihm zu üben! Tauch ein in das tiefe Wissen, was er über Yoga vermittelt.

„We will explore how Yoga is not just a physical workout, a collection of information, or a "spiritual" workout towards a future, better version of ourselves—rather, it is each person's direct participation in the nurturing force of reality, as it is appearing as you and everything else.”

An den einzelnen Tagen wird es einen Satsang (Talk), Asana Praxis und Pranayama geben. Alles auf Englisch, wenn gewünscht mit Übersetzung.

Für mehr Infos: Check den Link in unserer Bio!!



As the saying goes, the mind makes a good servant but a poor master! The patterns in our subconscious are unknown and numerous. The thoughts that arise in our mind at any time are a result of various triggers and the store of our patterns.

If we wish to act on everything our mind gives rise too, our life will be unstable and we will feel discontented. What we also need is the capacity to increase contentment within, to decrease the noise in our mind. When the restless activity of the mind subsides, we do not feel the need to chase. This is inner freedom. It cannot be earned by external achievement only. This inner quietness is the central feature of classical yoga.

⭐️ New Book: Krishnamacharya in His Own Words. See more at: bit.ly/krishnamacharya-in-his-own-words.
👉 In-depth Svastha Yoga Therapy training (300 & 800 hours) is now online. Learn more at: on.svastha.net/3IcJFAZ.


This flagship course will give you the knowledge, practice, and skills to balance your energy levels, find deep rest and restoration, and cultivate positive emotions.

In this course, you will:
• Learn to balance your energy levels from being low or high to a neutral, functional state.
• Understand and practice deep rest.
• Cultivate positive emotions and sensations in mind and body including compassion, love, joy, and gratitude. Develop teaching skills for all the above.

Click here to learn more and join: on.svastha.net/rrfp2023a

Topics include:
• Understanding emotion, valence, energy, and the connection to the yogic frameworks of guna-s and klesa-s.
• Winding down from high energy and activating low energy: using your body, breath, senses to recover balance.
• Cultivating deep rest and recovery. Working with safety and letting go, support and release, mobilization and ease, visualization for relaxation and more
• Exploring the role and importance of positive emotions in wellbeing.
• Understanding the traditional presentation of positive emotions in yoga.
• Growing compassion, joy, love, gratitude and more.
• Understanding the challenges in cultivating positive emotions.
• Working with therapeutic applications of positive emotion practices.
• Understanding traditional frameworks such as the three guṇa-s, bhāva, maitrī, karuṇā, mudita, upekṣā, santoṣa.
• Understanding the stress response and its role in emotional regulation.

30 hours of live sessions, across three time zones for maximum accessibility. Recordings available to revisit and deepen at your own pace. This course is a part of the Svastha Yoga Therapy Program.

Click here to learn more and join: on.svastha.net/rrfp2023a

Ayurveda für die ganze Familie - Ayurveda und Familie | Ayurveda Journal 07/03/2023

Ayurveda für die ganze Familie - Ayurveda und Familie | Ayurveda Journal "Muss ich nun für jeden extra kochen?“ Ayurveda macht unser Leben einfacher und nicht komplizierter - selbst in der Familienernährung!

Photos from Nilaveli Ayurveda Health Center, Sri Lanka's post 27/02/2023

Asanas are movements of the body or stay in specific body positions, practiced with appropriate breathing and focus of the mind. An asana practice, or any exercise program for that matter, should lead us to a state of greater health and well-being.

If asana does not help us towards greater wellbeing and positive self-transformation, we should modify it. Once we are clear of where we are going, we can then decide how to get there!

⭐️ New Book: Krishnamacharya in His Own Words. See more at: bit.ly/krishnamacharya-in-his-own-words.
👉 In-depth Svastha Yoga Therapy training (300 & 800 hours) is now online. Learn more at: on.svastha.net/3IcJFAZ.


This flagship course presents the core psychology and philosophy, frameworks, and insights of Yoga and Samkhya.

Click here to learn more and join: on.svastha.net/3jAQ1UD

Benefit from impeccable authenticity, exceptional depth, and precise clarity. Understand the key teachings of Bhagavan Patanjali and the esteemed commentary of Sage Vyasa.

In this course, Yoga and Samkhya philosophy and psychology are organized according to connected subjects and frameworks. The Yoga Sutra is laid out in a logical flowchart, and each topic is explained clearly.

The deep wisdom of these ancient texts is made accessible in a structure that students can follow in modern times, without compromising the integrity of the teachings.

In this course you will:
- Understand all the important presentations, practices, and frameworks of the Yoga Sutra and Samkhya.
- Appreciate the relationships, purpose, and organization of the topics in these ancient systems clearly and concisely.
- Be connected directly to the classical sources, so that you are completely confident in what you are learning.
- Explore alongside how these teachings are related to yoga therapy and wellbeing.

30 hours of live sessions, across three time zones for maximum accessibility. Recordings available for 1 year to revisit and deepen at your own pace. This course is a part of the Svastha Yoga Therapy Program.

Click here to learn more and join: on.svastha.net/3jAQ1UD


You may have noticed that when the mind is disturbed, any restlessness and tics increase. For example, if a person has the habit of twitching her eyes, then the twitching will increase. If a person is in the habit of shaking his legs, he will shake his legs faster. If a person is not used to delivering a lecture, when he is on a stage, he will start fiddling with his shirt buttons because he is under stress. This is the effect of the imbalance of mind on body.

The converse is also true – the body can be used to influence the mind. These relations can also be positive. Grounding movement and relaxation will make a person feel more calm. Energizing asana will help the person feel stronger mentally too.

The more skillfully we use the mind-body connection, the easier our path to wellbeing will be.

⭐️ New Book: Krishnamacharya in His Own Words. See more at: bit.ly/krishnamacharya-in-his-own-words.
👉 In-depth Svastha Yoga Therapy training (300 & 800 hours) is now online. Learn more at: on.svastha.net/3IcJFAZ.


Yoga emphasizes body-work in asana, breath-work in pranayama, and mind-work in meditation. It also deals with sense control, personal discipline, and the boundaries of interpersonal relationships through pratyahara, and the yamas and niyamas.

None of these are mutually exclusive, in practice or in principle. The systems of the body, breath and mind constitute our existence as an individual. Each of these systems is inextricably and seamlessly integrated with the others and with the world around us (food, environment and other individuals—family and society)

This is why we need integration in the approach and skills we use to work with them as well. That has always been the strength of yoga, both in the theory of yoga and in the practice of yoga.

⭐️ New Book: Krishnamacharya in His Own Words. See more at: bit.ly/krishnamacharya-in-his-own-words.
👉 In-depth Svastha Yoga Therapy training (300 & 800 hours) is now online. Learn more at: on.svastha.net/3IcJFAZ.


Structurally, the spine is the axis of the body. Functionally, the spine is the central support for the trunk which contains most of the important organs of the body.

The shape of our spine is also related to our mental state. For example, when the mind is attentive, the spine straightens. When two people challenge each other, they straighten up. When the mind is dull the spine slumps. Breathing too affects the shape of the spine. For example, when we inhale deeply in the chest, the rounding of the upper back flattens.

Ancient yoga texts emphasize the importance of maintaining the strength and flexibility of the spine. They express the distance between the important centers of the spine in terms of angulas (individualized measurement) and stress the need to maintain these distances.

Movements of the body and breathing patterns affect each other. Each of them affects the spine. Therefore, asana practice should use the right type of movements with appropriate breathing to maintain the strength and flexibility of the spine.

⭐️ New Book: Krishnamacharya in His Own Words. See more at: bit.ly/krishnamacharya-in-his-own-words.
👉 In-depth Svastha Yoga Therapy training (300 & 800 hours) is now online. Learn more at: on.svastha.net/3IcJFAZ.


Do not spend your life trying to be perfect. No one is. That is not the point of yoga. Yoga is a journey. The ultimate goal is inner peaceful steadiness. The yoga pathway has many steps that make us a better person and give us happiness and inner strength.

Every day, try to walk on that path a little. If you cannot, don’t worry. The next day is another opportunity. There is always a possibility for progress towards inner steadiness and peace, at least in a small way.

⭐️ New Book: Krishnamacharya in His Own Words. See more at: bit.ly/krishnamacharya-in-his-own-words.
👉 In-depth Svastha Yoga Therapy training (300 & 800 hours) is now online. Learn more at: on.svastha.net/3IcJFAZ.


Happy New Year!



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