CELUM is a global leader in digital asset management (DAM) and content collaboration software. Weitere Informationen auf www.celum.com

CELUM ist ein weltweit führender Anbieter von Digital Asset Management (DAM) und Content-Collaboration-Software. Mit CELUM können Unternehmen ihre Produkte über alle digitalen Touchpoints hinweg und an jedem Punkt der Customer Journey perfekt in Szene setzen und Content für jeden Kanal und jede Zielgruppe erstellen, organisieren und verteilen. Die CELUM Cloud-Plattform deckt den gesamten Content-L

Latest CELUM Online Proofing Improvements 17/10/2023

🔗 Linking Tasks
▶️ Assigning Subtasks
🔄Converting Subtasks to Tasks
✔️Connecting Compound Objects to Workrooms

Learn more about how we constantly enhance the online proofing capabilities of CELUM and allow you to manage your content production smoother than ever:

Latest CELUM Online Proofing Improvements As you know, we talk to clients regularly. We learn about their stories and ask about challenges they face as they create and manage an ever-growing


💡 CELUM ist heute bei unserm Kunden Blum Group in Höchst zu Gast 💙. Bei der bvik MEETS INDUSTRY Veranstaltung dreht sich alles um Strategien und Erfolgsbeispiele der digitalen Transformation des Marketings.
Michael Kräftner spricht in seinem Vortrag über Brand Activation und Digital Shelfing und erklärt, wie eine Content Supply Chain hier zum Verkaufserfolg von B2B Unternehmen aus der Industrie beitragen kann. 👍



We are super excited to have been selected to support Aerzen Holding GmbH & Co. KG with their content creation, management, routing and presentation 💪.

Founded in 1864, the family-owned German corporate has evolved into a global leading supplier of high-performance machines ⚙️.

As great products demand a lot of great content as well, AERZEN decided to equip themselves with the number 1 software for content supply chain management for the years to come 🏆.

Learn more about AERZEN at https://hubs.ly/Q024MW9J0


❓Kann ein alter Roman dabei helfen, junge Generationen besser zu verstehen? Welche Strategien sind bei Kommunikation und Führung junger und heterogener Teams erfolgreich?

💡 Sei bei der nächsten bvik MEETS INDUSTRY Veranstaltung "Strategien und Erfolgsbeispiele im Zeitalter der digitalen Transformation" dabei! Dort spricht Prof. Dr. Peter J. Mirski darüber, warum Charles Dickens „Great Expectations“ ein gelungenes Beispiel dafür ist, gesellschaftlichen Wandel besser zu verstehen und sich auf die Veränderungen, die sich durch Generationenwechsel und KI im Vertrieb ergeben, einzustellen.

📅 Datum: Donnerstag, 12. Oktober
⏰ Uhrzeit: ab 13:30 Uhr
📌 Blum Zentrale – Werk 2, Industriestraße 1, 6973 Höchst

Zusätzlich berichtet Hans-Peter Rapp, wie die digitale Transformation des Marketings bei einem Traditionsunternehmen wie {{linkedin_mention(urn:li:organization:111248|Blum Group)}} funktionieren kann und welche Herausforderungen dabei wie gemeistert wurden. Hol dir von Dr. Claudio Felten Insights zu aktuellen Entwicklungen und Implikationen derzeitiger Trends in der B2B Kommunikation und lass dir von CELUM Geschäftsführer Michael Kräftner erzählen, wieso Kundenerlebnis ohne ein funktionierendes Content-Supply-Chain-Management nicht erfolgreich sein kann.

👉 Hier findest du alle Details und kannst dich anmelden: https://hubs.ly/Q024LcFg0

Bundesverband Industrie Kommunikation e.V. - bvik


❓Wie kann die digitale Transformation des Marketings bei einem Traditionsunternehmen funktionieren? Und wie dabei der eigene Anspruch an die hohe Qualität seiner Produkte gewahrt?

💡 Welche Maßnahmen bei der Julius Blum GmbH gesetzt wurden, damit das „digitale Produkt“ dem „physischen Produkt“ in Punkto Qualität in nichts nachsteht, berichtet Hans-Peter Rapp in seinem Vortrag bei der nächsten bvik MEETS INDUSTRY Veranstaltung "Strategien und Erfolgsbeispiele im Zeitalter der digitalen Transformation".

📅 Datum: Donnerstag, 12. Oktober
⏰ Uhrzeit: ab 13:30 Uhr
📌 Blum Zentrale – Werk 2, Industriestraße 1, 6973 Höchst

Hol dir von Dr. Claudio Felten Insights zu aktuellen Entwicklungen und Implikationen derzeitiger Trends in der B2B Kommunikation und lass dir von Prof. Dr. Peter J. Mirski erzählen, warum „Great Expectations“ nicht nur ein Roman ist, sondern dein Leitfaden für Industriekommunikation. Zudem erfährst du von CELUM Geschäftsführer Michael Kräftner, wieso Kundenerlebnis ohne ein funktionierendes Content-Supply-Chain-Management nicht erfolgreich sein kann.

👉 Hier findest du alle Details und kannst dich anmelden: https://hubs.ly/Q024BNVb0

Bundesverband Industrie Kommunikation e.V. - bvik


❓Wieso können Kundenerlebnisse ohne ein funktionierendes Content-Supply-Chain-Management nicht erfolgreich sein? Und wieso betrifft das alle Bereiche des Unternehmens? Wie hat ein International erfolgreiches Unternehmen wie Julius Blum die digitale Transformation in diesem Bereich umgesetzt und was hat es dabei gelernt?

💡Hol dir die Antworten bei der nächsten bvik meets INDUSTRY Veranstaltung "Strategien und Erfolgsbeispiele im Zeitalter der digitalen Transformation" bei Blum in Höchst!

📅 Datum: Donnerstag, 12. Oktober
⏰ Uhrzeit: ab 13:30 Uhr
📌 Blum Zentrale – Werk 2, Industriestraße 1, 6973 Höchst

Zusätzlich bekommst du Insights renommierter Gastsprecher aus Wirtschaft und Forschung zu aktuellen Entwicklungen und Implikationen derzeitiger Trends in der B2B Kommunikation und warum „Great Expectations“ nicht nur ein Roman ist, sondern dein Leitfaden für Industriekommunikation.

👉 Details und Anmeldung: https://hubs.ly/Q024rPz-0

Bundesverband Industrie Kommunikation e.V. - bvik

Embedding Documents on Websites and in E-Commerce-Shops 05/10/2023

📣 Last call for today's webinar! Just a few hours left to sign up for our Exclusive Insights session on how to best embed documents on websites and in e-commerce shopsI! 🚀

🗓️ Date: Today, 5th October 2023
🕒 Time: 16:00 CEST
🌐 Online Session (in English)

Don't miss this chance to see CELUM founder and CEO Michael Kräftner explain the most common issues related to working with documents in the digital world. Learn from best practice examples how to enhance the user experience while lightening the workload on your team.

👉 Take action now and reserve your spot before it's too late! Sign up here: https://hubs.ly/Q024qC0d0

Embedding Documents on Websites and in E-Commerce-Shops Effortless document delivery with CELUM - how does this work and what are the benefits for your cutomers and your company? Join and fint out!


We are proud to present the CELUM champions, who are not only running when events come up, but often train together in their lunchbreaks as well.

Kudos to you all for being part of the Wien Energie Business Run and the Linzer Sparkasse City Night Run!🏃‍♂️

Packaging Leaflets 04/10/2023

📣 Discover the future of streamlining packaging and flyer designs 📦 📄

Tired of the complexities that come with flyer and packaging design? We hear you! CELUM helps streamlining the entire design creation process.

✅ Channel the communication with kanban boards, tasks, subtasks and much more.
✅ Easily collect visual and actionable feedback.
✅ Manage multiple types of media, all in one tool.
✅ Work with different stakeholders and have full control over the permissions.

Find out more on our website:
👉 https://hubs.ly/Q0246zb20

Packaging Leaflets Reinvent the creation process of leaflets, flyers, or packaging design with CELUMs feedback and approval tool.

CELUM NOVA UI erklärt - Live Webinar 28/09/2023

👉 HEUTE ist es soweit!

Um 16:00 Uhr bietet dir dieses Webinar die Gelegenheit, von einem echten Profi zu lernen, wie du das meiste für dich aus NOVA UI herausholst. Georg Payreder, Leiter des technischen Vertriebs bei CELUM, führt dich Schritt für Schritt durch die Oberfläche und beantwortet deine Fragen.

💡Melde dich noch schnell an und sei dabei: https://hubs.ly/Q020W0Hl0

CELUM NOVA UI erklärt - Live Webinar Erfahre, wie du die CELUM NOVA UI Benutzeroberfläche richtig nutzt und so deine tägliche Arbeit optimierst und schneller erledigst.


💡HEUTE ist es soweit!

Um 15:00 Uhr zeigt Reinhard Eisl, Head of Product Management bei CELUM, live, wie du die neue CELUM REST API am besten integrieren und nutzen kannst.

👉 Melde dich noch schnell an und sei dabei:

Unlock Seamless Integrations with our UNIFIED API 26/09/2023

📣 Last call for our webinar! Just a few hours left to secure your spot for the exclusive webinar on unlocking seamless integrations with our REST API! 🚀

🗓️ Date: Today, 26th September 2023
🕒 Time: 15:00 CEST
🌐 Online Session (in English)

Don't miss this chance to see Head of Product Management Reinhard Eisl showing how to best integrate and use the new CELUM REST API. This further optimises the integration of our system with other systems. By using a single, modern API instead of multiple APIs with different functions, we simplify the integration and reduce complexity and costs for you.

👉 Take action now and reserve your spot before it's too late! Click here to register: https://hubs.ly/Q01-l4w50

Unlock Seamless Integrations with our UNIFIED API Join the online session and find out how the new REST API simplifies the integration of our system with other systems to reduce complexity.


📣 Ist CELUM NOVA UI neu für dich? Oder möchtest du deine Kenntnisse auffrischen? Dann ist dieses Webinar perfekt für dich! 🌟

📅 Datum: Donnerstag, 28. September
⏰ Uhrzeit: 16 Uhr

Sei dabei, wenn dich unser Experte Georg Payreder in diesem exklusiven Online-Training durch alle wichtigen Funktionen und Möglichkeiten von CELUM Nova UI führt. So wirst du im Handumdrehen zum CELUM-Profi. Du erfährst, wie du:

✅ den Überblick mit dem dynamischen Dashboard behältst
✅ mühelos Sammlungen erstellst
✅ schnell Assets hochlädst - von einzelnen Dateien bis zu Massenuploads
✅ Metadaten zu Assets hinzufügst - manuell oder automatisch mit KI
✅ die Such- und Filterfunktionen von CELUM optimal nutzt
✅ den erweiterten Bildeditor für pixelgenaue Perfektion verwendest
✅ beeindruckende CELUM-Portale mit Libraries für nahtloses Teilen erstellst

🤔 Du hast Fragen? Keine Sorge! Wir haben ausreichend Zeit für eine Fragerunde reserviert, in der Georg sie beantworten wird.

🔗 Registriere dich jetzt und nutze diese exklusive Gelegenheit, deine CELUM NOVA UI-Kenntnisse zu vertiefen: https://hubs.ly/Q022-jNG0

Wir sehen uns dort! 🎉


📣 Join our expert Georg Payreder for an exclusive free online training on CELUM Nova UI! 🌟

📅 Date: Tuesday, 26 September
⏰ Time: 4 pm CEST

Whether you're new to CELUM or looking to update your skills, this webinar is perfect for you! Georg will guide you through all the essential features and functionalities of CELUM Nova UI, ensuring you become a pro in no time. Here's what you can expect to learn:

✅ Keep an organized overview with the dynamic dashboard
✅ Create collections effortlessly
✅ Master asset uploads - from individual files to seamless bulk uploads
✅ Add metadata to assets manually or automatically using AI
✅ Make the most of CELUM's search and filtering features
✅ Explore the enhanced Image Editor for pixel-perfect perfection
✅ Create impactful CELUM Portals using Libraries for seamless sharing

🤔 Have any burning questions? Don't worry! We've reserved ample time for a Q&A session where Georg will address all your queries.

🔗 Register now and don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity to enhance your CELUM NOVA UI proficiency: https://hubs.ly/Q022-dHx0

See you there! 🎉

This is How to Easily Manage Product Documentation On a Website 20/09/2023

Struggling with providing technical documents around your products on your website 📄📄📄🌐 😵?

On our blog, we explain you how to end the manual hassle and instead deliver the right content to the right audience 💪:

This is How to Easily Manage Product Documentation On a Website Is managing product documentation in your store starting to feel like that nightmare from which you just can’t wake up? Table of Contents Yes, you try to


Join our live webinar 🎥 on how to deliver exactly the content your audience needs on websites and shops 💻, with CELUM founder and CEO Michael Kräftner!

🗓️ Thursday, 5th October 2023
🕒 16:00 CEST
🌐 Online Session (in English)

Michael will present:
✔️The most common problems with placing the right documents in the right places
✔️CELUM Showcase: How to improve the UX and wow your audience
✔️Best practise examples

👉 Register today: https://hubs.ly/Q022d7wv0


Bist du es leid, dich mit mehreren APIs, komplexen Integrationen und horrenden Kosten herumzuschlagen? Entdecken Sie die Lösung in unserer NEUEN CELUM REST API! 🚀
Nimm an unserem exklusiven Webinar am Dienstag, 26. September 2023, um 15:00 Uhr teil und lerne das volle Potenzial der REST API kennen, die dir von unserem Head of Product Management Reinhard Eisl vorgestellt wird.

Entdecke die Vorteile:
- Lerne, wie du die REST API für Integrations- und Erweiterungsszenarien einsetzen kannst.
- Erhalte einen exklusiven Einblick in die CELUM-Roadmap, wie zum Beispiel Event Consumption via WebHooks und Frontend-Erweiterungen (NovaAPI).
- Gib direktes Feedback und stelle deine Fragen während des Webinars.

👉 Sei bei dieser Session dabei und reserviere dir jetzt deinen kostenlosen Platz: https://hubs.ly/Q01-l6NP0


Tired of dealing with multiple APIs, complex integrations, and soaring costs? Discover the solution in our NEW CELUM REST API! 🚀 Join our exclusive webinar on Tuesday, 26th September 2023, at 15:00 CEST and learn from our Head of Product Management, Reinhard Eisl as we unveil the full potential of the REST API.

Discover the benefits:
- Learn how to use the REST API for integration and extension scenarios.
- Get an exclusive insight into the roadmap, including WebHooks event consumption and frontend extensions.
- Engage directly, give feedback, and ask your questions during the webinar.

👉 Don't miss this opportunity to revolutionise your workflow and boost productivity! Reserve your spot for free now: https://hubs.ly/Q01-l65F0

How to Scale Content Production Successfully Using a CSC Platform 08/09/2023

➕ More
⏩ Faster

Demands are hight but scaling your content production comes with a lot of challenges. In our latest blog article, we write about how to manage it anyhow and, surprise, why it will only work with the right piece of software.

How to Scale Content Production Successfully Using a CSC Platform Read how your team can effieciently create and manage even more high-quality content and deliver it to all audiences across all channels.

CELUM NOVA UI erklärt - Live Webinar 07/09/2023

❓Möchtest du das volle Potenzial von CELUM NOVA UI ausschöpfen? Und deine Arbeitsabläufe optimieren?
Dann bist du hier richtig!

In diesem Webinar führen wir dich Schritt für Schritt durch die CELUM Benutzeroberfläche. Georg Payreder, Head of Technical Sales bei CELUM, ist dein Guide. Er erklärt dir jeden Aspekt von CELUM NOVA UI und stellt sicher, dass du dann dessen volles Potenzial ausschöpfen kannst.

‼️Verpasse nicht diese exklusive Gelegenheit, deine NOVA UI-Kenntnisse zu verbessern!

Datum: 28. September 2023
Uhrzeit: 16:00 Uhr MESZ
Ort: Online Session (auf Deutsch)

💡 Melde Dich an und sichere dir deinen Platz: https://hubs.ly/Q020XfGk0

CELUM NOVA UI erklärt - Live Webinar Erfahre, wie du die CELUM NOVA UI Benutzeroberfläche richtig nutzt und so deine tägliche Arbeit optimierst und schneller erledigst.

CELUM NOVA UI Explained - Live Webinar 05/09/2023

💡 Are you ready to unlock the full potential of CELUM NOVA UI and elevate your workflow experience?

Then look no further! In this webinar, we'll provide you with an in-depth, step-by-step introduction to the CELUM NOVA User Interface. We are thrilled to have Georg Payreder, the Head of Technical Sales at CELUM, as your guide. He will walk you through every aspect of CELUM NOVA UI, ensuring you harness its full potential. 💪

Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to enhance your CELUM NOVA UI proficiency!

Date: 26 September 2023
Time: 16:00 CEST
Where: Online session

👉 Sign up and save your seat: https://hubs.ly/Q020WZfF0

CELUM NOVA UI Explained - Live Webinar Step by step guide through theCELUM NOVA user interfaceTuesday, 26 September 2023, 16:00 CESTOnline Session (in English) Sign up With NOVA UI, CELUM

Effortless Document Delivery 04/09/2023

No more tiresome and error-prone manual updating of countless pieces of product documentation on your website or shop📄📄📄.

CELUM comes to your rescue 🦸🏻, allowing you to to deliver exactly the content your audience needs just where it needs it by enabling you to
✅ centrally manage your product documentation,
✅ utilise your metadata to give context ,
✅ customise the experience,
✅ provide valuable insights

and more.

Stop wasting your time and optimise your presence on the digital shelf! Learn more at https://hubs.ly/Q0210_-X0

Effortless Document Delivery Enable effortless document distribution. Seamlessly create one download centre or implement documents on diverse product pages.


Webinar alert! Entdecke nahtlose Integrationen mit CELUMs Unified API! Nimm an unserem exklusiven Webinar teil und erkunde die Möglichkeiten von CELUM Content 23.1 mit unserer neuesten REST API! 🚀

🗓️ Mittwoch, 27. September 2023
🕒 15:00 Uhr MESZ
🌐 Online Session

Erhalte direkt von unserem Head of Product Management, Reinhard Eisl, wertvolle Einblicke, wie du die REST API optimal einsetzen kannst.

Dein Nutzen aus dem Webinar:
- Verstehe, wie die REST API für Integrations- und Erweiterungsszenarien genutzt werden kann.
- Erhalte einen exklusiven Einblick in unsere Roadmap.
- Gib direkt Feedback und stelle deine Fragen während des Webinars.

👉 Melde dich noch heute an: https://hubs.ly/Q01-kRgW0


Webinar alert! Unlock seamless integrations with CELUM's unified API! Join us for an exclusive webinar and explore the power of CELUM Content 23.1 with our latest REST API! 🚀

🗓️ Tuesday, 26th September 2023
🕒 15:00 CEST
🌐 Online Session (in English)

Hear it straight from our Head of Product Management, Reinhard Eisl on how to best integrate and use the new CELUM REST API. Benefit from understanding integration and extension scenarios and getting a sneak peek into our roadmap, including WebHooks event consumption and frontend extensions (NovaAPI), and directly engaging with us by sharing feedback and asking questions!

👉 Register today: https://hubs.ly/Q01-kX7v0

Why is DAM So Important for Ecommerce? 25/08/2023

❓Do you have a standardised process that allows you to store, manage, and share digital assets from one, single location? Our latest blog article 📄 explains how DAM capabilities help you managing and distributing images, videos, documents and marketing assets ✅. https://hubs.ly/Q0204GGG0

Why is DAM So Important for Ecommerce? Discover how to use digital asset management to store and manage your online store’s digital assets. DAM for ecommerce tips.


Not only our CELUMians are busy workers, but our CELUM bees as well! 🐝

Bees, though often tiny and inconspicuous, play an irreplaceable role in our ecosystem, making them true unsung heroes of nature. So, the next time you see a bee buzzing around your garden, take a moment to appreciate these tiny creatures and the essential role they play in our lives.

Product Content Management for Technical Products 21/08/2023

Make the bond between your product and its content stronger than ever! 🚀Whether it's technical documents or captivating marketing materials, seamless aggregation and accessibility are crucial. With CELUM, you'll always know if all necessary content is in place to make you stand out on the digital shelf.

Products encompass plenty of content, including user manuals, certificates, technical specifications, and much more. Failing to provide those documents can lead to costly consequences like increased support inquiries, legal complications, or delayed go-to-market plans. 😱

👉 Here's how CELUM helps you stay on top of your content game: Plan ahead by mapping out the necessary requirements and converting them into actionable tasks. Easily track the status with an instant update on what's completed and what's still missing. Manage with ease by predefining or modifying metadata for your product content in bulk, even before assets become available.

Take control of your content journey today:

Product Content Management for Technical Products Strengthen the bond between your product and its content like never before! From technical documents to captivating marketing materials, ensure seamless aggregation and accessibility with CELUM. Stand out on the digital shelf with confidence, knowing all necessary content is in place.


Introducing our new customer! We're thrilled to welcome Haas+Sohn Ofentechnik from Salzburg! 🔥

Experience the essence of high-quality living with their exquisite stoves and cookers. Not only do they provide warmth, but they also create a sense of well-being and pleasure. With refined design and exceptional quality, Haas+Sohn Ofentechnik is dedicated to delivering QUALITY TIMES - or as we say in German: GUTE ZEIT.

Stay tuned as we embark on an exciting journey together. Check out how CELUM helps brands deliver personalised product and marketing content tailored to their target audiences' needs: https://hubs.ly/Q01-GyVP0.

Staying On Top of Content for Complex and Technical Products 09/08/2023

🚀 Elevate your product content game! Discover the power of compound objects with CELUM's Product Content Management.

Efficiently manage marketing and technical content for complex products, stand out from the competition, and optimise content-product connections.

👉 Check out our latest blog article to learn more! Link in bio. https://hubs.ly/Q01ZB8_Y0

Staying On Top of Content for Complex and Technical Products Tighten the bond between your product and its technical and marketing content. Make your products stand out on the digital shelf.

Product Content Management for Technical Products 02/08/2023

Want to take your product content to new heights? 🚀 Strengthen the bond between your product and its content like never before!

Your products come with a wealth of content, including user manuals, certificates, technical specifications, and much more. Neglecting to provide these documents can lead to costly consequences, like an increased number of support enquiries, legal complications, or delayed go-to-market plans. 😱

But fear not! CELUM's Product Content Management capability puts you back in control, ensuring all essential pieces of content are promptly in place. Plan ahead by mapping out the necessary requirements and transforming them into actionable tasks. Track the status with an instant, clear overview of what's already completed and what's still missing. Manage with ease by predefining or modifying metadata for your product content in bulk, even before assets become available.

🎥 Curious to see it in action? Watch our Head of Product Management, Reinhard Eisl, showcasing the Product Content Management capability in the video!

Don't let incomplete product content hold you back! Elevate your digital presence and enhance customer satisfaction today: https://hubs.ly/Q01ZB3rz0

Product Content Management for Technical Products Strengthen the bond between your product and its content like never before! From technical documents to captivating marketing materials, ensure seamless aggregation and accessibility with CELUM. Stand out on the digital shelf with confidence, knowing all necessary content is in place.

Manufacturing Marketing: Strategies and Solutions to Try 26/07/2023

Manufacturing marketing may seem quite confusing. 🤔 But don't worry, you're not alone! Join us in our latest blog where we unravel the secrets of manufacturing marketing and help you navigate through the challenges.

Two things quickly become apparent as you discover manufacturing marketing:
1. You need to create an incredible amount of content assets to market a manufacturing company properly - product images, videos, brochures, sales sheets, tutorials, and so much more.
2. To deliver successful marketing campaigns, you need a way to create, manage, route, and excite with personalised content for your retailers.

👉 That’s where content supply chain comes in.

Learn how to reach your target audience effectively and engage them like never before! 🚀 Don't miss out, read the full guide now: https://hubs.ly/Q01YY6Bh0

Manufacturing Marketing: Strategies and Solutions to Try Discover the ins and outs of a typical marketing strategy for a manufacturing business. Learn how to market a manufacturing company.

Personalised Portals for Sales & Partners 21/07/2023

🚀 Boost sales and partner success in manufacturing with tailored content!

Launching a new product line can be challenging when it comes to delivering the right content to your sales channels. But worry no more! With our solution, you can create stunning, tailored portals that efficiently manage substantial content volumes for both internal and external sales channels.

Empower your sales teams and partners with self-service access to a seamlessly navigable portal. They'll find everything they need to successfully sell your products, right at their fingertips. 🔥

Unlock the power of tailored content today! Learn more now: https://hubs.ly/Q01Y1r8S0

Personalised Portals for Sales & Partners Provide customized self-service access to curated content for sales and partners with CELUM portals for manufacturers.

CELUM Portals: Excite Your Audience 19/07/2023

Captivating your specific target groups has never been easier with CELUM Portals. From colleagues to partners, vendors to customers, we've got you covered.

Place your brand assets where they belong for easy access, seamless searching, and hassle-free content selection and download. Take full control of who sees what, creating an unparallelled content experience that everyone will appreciate and love. And the best part? It's a breeze to set up! 😎

Ready to revolutionise your content strategy? 💥 Check out our latest blog post and explore CELUM Portals today:

CELUM Portals: Excite Your Audience With CELUM Portals, you easily showcase content to specific target groups to optimise their encounter with your brand. Be it colleagues, vendors, partners, or direct to the customer, you will wow them with an exceptional content exploration experience.

Content Supply Chain for Manufacturing Companies 13/07/2023

Did you know that manufacturing businesses constantly produce digital assets alongside their physical products? These assets not only attract more customers but also empower resellers and distributors to market and sell effectively. 🌟

Unlock the potential of your growing asset library with a content supply chain. 🚀 Learn how to approve, manage, route, and captivate your audience with ease.

👉 Dive into our comprehensive guide now and overcome the challenges faced by manufacturing companies. Let's revolutionise your content strategy together: https://hubs.ly/Q01Xgl4P0

Content Supply Chain for Manufacturing Companies Discover how manufacturing companies use digital management systems to manage production. Learn what DAM for manufacturing is.

Personalised Portals for Sales & Partners 10/07/2023

Your manufacturing sales, retailer, and partner channels deserve personalised content that they can easily access, search, and download in multiple formats. Look no further than CELUM Portals!

🔥 Create stunning, tailored portals that manage substantial content volume for all your sales channels.
👉 Deliver what your sellers, retailers and partners need to sell in their specific region, language, product portfolio and even their regulatory needs.
💻 Offer self-service access to portals that have tailored search criteria, so they never come up empty
👇 Let them download in different formats and sizes to end the back-and-forth request for content

Learn more now: https://hubs.ly/Q01X4frX0

Personalised Portals for Sales & Partners Provide customized self-service access to curated content for sales and partners with CELUM portals for manufacturers.

How Content Supply Chain with DAM Improves Customer Experience 05/07/2023

🌟 Customer experience is rapidly becoming the primary business differentiator, overtaking price and the product. To stay competitive, businesses are embracing innovative approaches. Enter the Content Supply Chain (CSC) platform with a robust Digital Asset Management (DAM) system at its core.

In our latest guide, we explore how a CSC powered by DAM revolutionizes the entire digital customer experience. From seamless messaging to personalized interactions, learn how these technologies can set your business apart. 👀

Topics we cover:
1. Role of CSC and DAM in Modern Customer Experience
2. Overcoming Customer Experience Challenges
3. Improving Customer Experience with CSC and DAM

👉 Check out our latest blog post as we uncover the secrets to revolutionize your customer experience strategy. Join us on this enlightening journey: https://hubs.ly/Q01WJ7l90

How Content Supply Chain with DAM Improves Customer Experience Discover how digital asset management assists in improving and providing incredible customer experience. Tips on using DAM for CX.

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Our Story

CELUM ist einer der weltweit führenden, europäischen Hersteller von Enterprise Marketing-Cloud-Software. Mit der Content Collaboration Cloud ermöglicht CELUM seinen Kunden echte Marketing Transformation durch einzigartige Lösungen für das Erstellen, die Zusammenarbeit, das Organisieren und Integrieren, Teilen, Synchronisieren und Verfügbarmachen von Produkt- und Brand-Content.

Global agierende Marketing Teams profitieren von automatisierten Prozessen, reduziertem Time-to-Market und steigender Effizienz in der Team-Zusammenarbeit.

Über 100 Mitarbeiter arbeiten an der Umsetzung unserer Vision: CELUM verändert von Grund auf, wie Menschen zusammenarbeiten aber auch wie Marken mit überzeugenden Geschichten ihre Kunden begeistern und Neue gewinnen.

Fast 1.000 führende Marken auf der ganzen Welt wie: SCOTT Sports, Dior, CLAAS, Mammut, 3M oder Silhouette vertrauen bereits auf die Lösungen von CELUM. Erfahren Sie mehr: www.celum.com



Aspernbrückengasse 2

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