Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation

TU Wien Welcome to the official FB-page of the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation.


Das Klima ändert sich, und damit ändert sich der Wasserkreislauf. Nun liegt der „Global Water Report 2023“ vor, an dem die TU Wien maßgeblich mitbeteiligt war: 2023 war jedenfalls ein Extremjahr.


Es ist zwar aktuell sehr kalt, aber trotzdem war es kurz einmal warm - Beim künstlichen Schilfbrand am Neusiedlersee war auch Vermessung mit an Board - Kartierung mit Drohnen.
TU Wien und BOKU haben wissenschaftlich begleitet.


Am Montag: Diplomprüfung von Clemens von Baeckmann, Diplomarbeitsthema: Quantifizierung von Vegetationsänderungen als Folge von Thermokarst mit Methoden der Fernerkundung

Master defense Lorenz Schimpl | TU Wien 12/01/2024

Master defense of Lorenz Schimpl on Monday, topic: Comparative Analysis of Airborne Laser Scanning and Image Matching Point Clouds in Forestry: Enhancing Temporal Resolution using Machine Learning

Master defense Lorenz Schimpl | TU Wien Homepage, TU Wien, TUW "Technology for people". News. Everything about: studies, research, patnerships, services.

Tenure Track Position in Artificial Intelligence and Earth Observation 11/01/2024

Open call for a WWTF Tenure Track Position in Artificial Intelligence and Earth Observation - but hurry, the first deadline in the two-step application is next week!

Tenure Track Position in Artificial Intelligence and Earth Observation WWTF position

GNSS Data Scientist 11/01/2024

Open position for a pre or post doc GNSS Data Scientist in our Higher Geodesy unit:

GNSS Data Scientist Open position

Wissenschaftliche Team-Assistenz 11/01/2024

Wir sind auf der Suche nach Unterstützung für unser -Team

Wissenschaftliche Team-Assistenz Stellenausschreibung

Stelle in der IT-Systemadministration 11/01/2024

IT-Systemadministrator:in gesucht!

Stelle in der IT-Systemadministration Stellenausschreibung

Master defense Raul Lezameta | TU Wien 04/01/2024

Master defense by Raul Lezameta next Wednesday: VODCA2GPPv2 - An updated global model for estimating GPP from microwave satellite observations with enhanced cross-biome consistency

Master defense Raul Lezameta | TU Wien Homepage, TU Wien, TUW "Technology for people". News. Everything about: studies, research, patnerships, services.

Award of Excellence 2023 20/12/2023

Marcus Franz Wareyka-Glaner was honored with the Award of Excellence by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research for his outstanding dissertation

Award of Excellence 2023 Marcus Franz Wareyka-Glaner was honored with the Award of Excellence for his outstanding dissertation.


Mariette Vreugdenhil ist unsere -Expertin des Monats Dezember! 🏆

Seit 2012 ist sie im Forschungsbereich Fernerkundung am Department für Geodäsie und Geoinformation der TU Wien tätig. Dort erforscht und leitet sie internationale Drittmittelprojekte, wobei ihr Schwerpunkt auf der Entwicklung und Anwendung von satellitenbasierten Bodenfeuchtigkeits- und Vegetationsprodukten liegt. Mit diesen gewonnenen Daten können wir unser Verständnis von Landoberflächenprozessen in einem sich ändernden Klima verbessern und Risiken im Zusammenhang mit Naturkatastrophen wie Dürren oder Überschwemmungen mindern 🌍🌱

👉 Alle Infos zu unserer Expertin des Monats sowie zur FEMtech-Initiative gibt es auf

Computing Server Architect (all genders) 23/10/2023

Willst du unser IT-Team und damit unser gesamtes Department als IT-Administrator:in unterstützen? Wir sind auf der Suche:

Computing Server Architect (all genders) Our website uses "cookies"and embeds third-party content to ensure the basic functionality of our website as well as to analyze traffic to our website and to offer social media features and targeted advertising. For this purpose, it is necessary to provide information to the respective service provi...

Photos from Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation's post 03/10/2023

Wie sieht die Welt eigentlich für einen Satelliten aus?

Vergangenen Freitag haben wir bei der European Researchers’ Night gezeigt, wie die Oberfläche der Welt mittels Radarwellen abgetastet werden.

Warum sind Städte so hell und Wasser so dunkel? Wie können diese Daten dabei helfen Hochwasser zu erkennen und zu vermessen? Wie hilft uns Geodäsie die komplexen Zusammenhänge unseres Systems Erde, wie zum Beispiel den Klimawandel, zu verstehen?

Unsere Fachbereiche erforschen die Welt aber nicht nur mit Satellitenbildern, sondern vermessen majestätische Gletscher, malerische Flüsse im Alpenvorland bis hin zum grünen Wienerwald und den urbanen Graffitos am Donaukanal – mittels Photogrammetrie. Diese und andere faszinierenden Facetten unserer Welt werden von uns digital abgebildet und analysiert .

Danke an alle, die vorbeigekommen sind und gemeinsam mit uns in die Welt der Forschung eingetaucht sind.

Österreichische Gesellschaft für Vermessung und Geoinformation

PhD defense Qing Li | TU Wien 29/09/2023

PhD defense Qing Li, 12 October 2023, Kalman filter based integration of multiple sensor data for the estimation of vehicle trajectories

PhD defense Qing Li | TU Wien Homepage, TU Wien, TUW "Technology for people". News. Everything about: studies, research, patnerships, services.

We are now also on Mastodon and Pixelfed 14/09/2023

We are now also on Mastodon and Pixelfed Homepage, TU Wien, TUW "Technology for people". News. Everything about: studies, research, patnerships, services.

Earth rotation is leading! 13/09/2023

Earth rotation is leading! On 26 August 2023, universal time determined by Earth rotation (UT1) overtook the coordinated universal time (UTC), defined by atomic clocks. UT1 led UTC by almost seven milliseconds on 10 September 2023.

Earth rotation is leading! On 26 August 2023, universal time determined by Earth rotation (UT1) overtook the coordinated universal time (UTC), defined by atomic clocks. UT1 led UTC by almost seven milliseconds on 10 September 2023.


📱 🌍 Suchen und finden beim internationalen Tag am 19. August 2023: Schnappt euch ein Smartphone und los geht’s!

Ihr wollt mehr über die Vermessung und Analyse unseres Planeten wissen und seid derzeit auf der Suche nach einem Studium? Dann ist das Bachelorstudium Geodäsie und Geoinformation perfekt für euch. Gleich informieren und noch bis 5. September 2023 bewerben.

📸 Lasse Hendriks_stock adobe com


Remote sensing scientist for drought and agricultural forecasting: The Climate and Environmental Remote Sensing unit (CLIMERS, of the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation of TU Wien develops long-term remote sensing datasets of the water and carbon cycles and uses them to address pressing environmental issues, such as climate change, water resources management, drought monitoring, yield forecasting and wildfire prediction. We are currently looking for a motivated

Remote Sensing scientist for drought and agricultural forecasting

to develop new approaches to monitor and forecast drought impacts in agriculture based on novel Earth observation products, e.g., of soil moisture, and vegetation activity. You should be comfortable with handling large geospatial datasets in different data formats and preparing your data and software in a standardized way, so that it can be shared with others. You will analyze these datasets and use them to develop new forecast models based on advanced machine learning approaches and publish your research in renown international scientific journals. Your results will directly contribute to various research projects (e.g., funded by the European Space Agency or the European Union) and be carried out in collaboration with international partners. Hence, reporting and presenting your work to our sponsors and to the scientific community is also part of your job, as well as supervising bachelor and master students. Depending on your ambitions and interests your work may, but does not have to, lead to a PhD.

Your profile

* Master's degree in remote sensing, environmental sciences, geoinformation sciences, meteorology, geodesy, physics, physical geography, or similar

* Strong programming skills (preferably in Python)

* Excellent analytical and problem-solving abilities

* Experience in machine learning is an asset

* Experience in online data visualization is an asset

* Interest in open-source code distribution and data sharing

* Experience with geospatial datasets and applications

* Excellent written and spoken communication skills in English

* Ability to work both independently and collaborate in a team and with scientists around the world

We offer

* The opportunity to work in an innovative, motivated, and successful team

* A workplace in the city center of Vienna

* Flexible working hours with possible home office days

* A stimulating and friendly working environment at the department

* The extent of the employment will be between 30 and 40 h/week (negotiable)

* Possibility to pursue a PhD

The conditions of this position are based on the Austrian regulations for university staff. The monthly minimum gross salary is currently EUR 3.277,30 at the pre-doc and EUR 4.351,90 at the post-doc level (based on 40 h/week employment) and is paid 14 times per year.

If this job opportunity fits your ambition and interest, we are looking forward to receiving your application (cover letter, CV, relevant references, and publications if available) in English as a single PDF file via e-mail with the subject ‘CLIMERS DROUGHT application’ to [email protected].

Candidate selection will start on July 24, 2023, and will continue until a suitable candidate is found. The envisaged start date is October 1st, 2023 (up for negotiation) and will initially be limited to 2 years (with possible extensions up to 6 years, depending on project funding). TU Wien will not refund any costs (e.g., travelling) for applicants.

For further information, please contact: Prof. Dr. Wouter Dorigo: [email protected]

Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation - News Archive The Climate and Environmental Remote Sensing unit (CLIMERS, of the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation of TU Wien develops long-term remote sensing datasets of the water and carbon cycles and uses them to address pressing environmental issues, such as climate c...


Researcher in Climate and Environmental Remote Sensing: The Climate and Environmental Remote Sensing unit (CLIMERS, of the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation of TU Wien develops long-term remote sensing datasets of the water and carbon cycles and uses them to address pressing environmental issues, such as climate change, water resources management, drought monitoring, and wildfire prediction. We are currently looking for a motivated

Researcher in Climate and Environmental Remote Sensing

to develop and analyse new Earth observation products of soil moisture and irrigation. You should be comfortable with handling large geospatial datasets in different data formats and preparing your data and software in a way that it can be shared with others. You will publish your research in renowned international scientific journals. Your results will directly contribute to various research projects (e.g., funded by the European Space Agency or the European Union) and be carried out in collaboration with international partners. Hence, reporting and presenting your work to our sponsors and to the scientific community is also part of your job, even as the supervision of bachelor and master students. Depending on your ambitions and interests your work may, but does not have to, lead to a PhD.

Your profile

* Master degree in remote sensing, environmental sciences, geoinformation sciences, meteorology, geodesy, physics, geography, or similar

* Strong skills and interest in programming and software development (preferably in Python)

* Excellent analytical and problem solving abilities

* Interest in open source code distribution and data sharing

* Experience with geospatial datasets and applications

* Excellent written and spoken communication skills in English

* Ability to work both independently and collaborate in a team and with scientist around the globe

We offer

* The opportunity to work in an innovative, motivated, and successful team

* A workplace in the city center of Vienna

* Flexible working hours with possible home office days

* A stimulating and friendly working environment at the department

* The extent of the employment will be between 30 and 40 h/week (negotiable)

* Possibility to pursue a PhD

The conditions of this position are based on the Austrian regulations for university staff. The monthly minimum gross salary is currently EUR 3.277,30 at the pre-doc and EUR 4.351,90 at the post-doc level (40 h/week employment) and is paid 14 times per year.

If this job opportunity fits your ambition and interest, we are looking forward to receiving your application (cover letter, CV, relevant references, and publications if available) in English as a single PDF file via e-mail with the subject ‘CLIMERS application’ to [email protected].

Candidate selection will start on July 10, 2023, and will continue until a suitable candidate is found. The envisaged start date is September 1st, 2023 (up for negotiation) and will initially be limited to 2 years (with possible extensions up to 6 years). TU Wien will not refund any costs (e.g., travelling) for applicants.

For further information, please contact: Prof. Dr. Wouter Dorigo: [email protected]

Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation - News Archive The Climate and Environmental Remote Sensing unit (CLIMERS, of the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation of TU Wien develops long-term remote sensing datasets of the water and carbon cycles and uses them to address pressing environmental issues, such as climate c...

Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation - News Archive 14/06/2023

Best Young Author Award at MMT 2023 for Florian Pöppl: Florian Pöppl was awarded the Best Young Author award for the paper

Mobile Laser Scanning with Low-Cost Navigation Sensors: Compensating for Low-Grade IMU with Dual-GNSS and Tightly-Coupled LiDAR

by F. Pöppl, H. Teufelsbauer, A. Ullrich, and N. Pfeifer

presented at the 12th International symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology in Padua (Italy).


Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation - News Archive Mobile Laser Scanning with Low-Cost Navigation Sensors: Compensating for Low-Grade IMU with Dual-GNSS and Tightly-Coupled LiDAR by F. Pöppl, H. Teufelsbauer, A. Ullrich, and N. Pfeifer


Master defenses Löffler and Stollhof: Donnerstag, 15.06.2023

Sem.R.DA grün 02B-GEO (DA02F16), Freihausgebäude, grüner Bereich, 2. Stock, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10, 1040 Wien

14:00 Uhr

Beatrice LÖFFLER

Baugesetze der österreichischen Bundesländer und ihre Auswirkungen auf den Kataster

16:00 Uhr


Impact of Urban Area Growth on ASCAT Backscatter Time Series as Depicted by Sentinel-1

Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation - News Archive Donnerstag, 15.06.2023 Sem.R.DA grün 02B-GEO (DA02F16), Freihausgebäude, grüner Bereich, 2. Stock, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10, 1040 Wien


Geo Colloquium: Luigi Renzullo, The best of both worlds: towards unified hydrological modelling with value to both earth system science and water resources management: Our next talk in our Geo Colloquium series:

Luigi Renzullo, Senior Research Scientist, Australian Bureau of Meteorology

The best of both worlds: towards unified hydrological modelling with value to both earth system science and water resources management

Wednesday, June 21, 2023, at 11:00 in FH HS 7 (Freihaus, 2nd floor, yellow area)


A revolution in water resources management in Australia began in 2007 when the Bureau of Meteorology were given the additional authority by act of law to collate, hold, manage, interpret, and disseminate water information for the whole continent. This spurred a flurry of research activity in the development of modelling and data integration methods and infrastructure to generate spatial information products with an accuracy, consistency, relevance, and timeliness necessary for the Bureau's national water resources assessments and accounting. Much of this research culminated in the operationalisation of the Australian Water Resources Assessment (AWRA) model which generates daily water balance products across Australia. However, AWRA runs inside the Bureau independently of the weather and climate prediction earth system model (called ACCESS). Not surprisingly, therefor, there are inconsistencies among common water related variables between the two systems: ACCESS outputs lack the detail, accuracy and direct relevance for water reporting; while AWRA products are on time and space scales incompatible with weather prediction needs.

In this presentation I will describe the Bureau's plans towards unified hydrological modelling to resolve inconsistencies between AWRA and ACCESS. Specifically, I will describe some of our activities to improve the hydrology of the land surface model within ACCESS, namely the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES), to achieve the dual goals of consistency of the land surface and atmosphere models within ACCESS, and accuracy for water resources reporting needs. Key to success will be many of the lessons learned during the AWRA development in the integration of data, including novel earth observation products, within modelling frameworks. I will describe selected highlights of the journey and our attempts to transferring our experiences to JULES.

Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation - News Archive Luigi Renzullo, Senior Research Scientist, Australian Bureau of Meteorology The best of both worlds: towards unified hydrological modelling with value to both earth system science and water resources management Wednesday, June 21, 2023, at 11:00 in FH HS 7 (Freihaus, 2nd floor, yellow area)


PhD position in Engineeering Geodesy: The newly funded International Research Unit Deformation analysis based on terrestrial laser scanner measurements (TLS-Defo) is aiming at making substantial contributions to use TLS for deformation analyses. This is achieved through coordinated research work on several topics, which are depicted in individual projects, each contributing to the overall goal. Thus, we are looking for several

PhD Students

at different universities. You will work at the cutting edge of research regarding the use of TLS for deformation analysis and will be part of an international team including young as well as experienced researchers.

The specific topics of the PhD-projects are (see also

* Surface Representation and Area-wise Deformation Analysis (P*s: Hans Neuner, Technical University Vienna and Corinna Harmening, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

* Calibration of Laser Scanner (PI: Heiner Kuhlmann, University of Bonn)

* Measurement Uncertainty (PI: Christoph Holst, Technical University Munich)

* Surface Approximation Uncertainty (PI: Ingo Neumann, Leibniz University Hannover)

* Distribution-Free Uncertainty (PI: Steffen Schön, Leibniz University Hannover)

Further relevant information:

* Place of work: according to the PhD project

* Each position is granted for 4 years

* Salary: according to the individual regulations of each university, in general comparable to E13 German salary scale

* Project start: fall 2023 with some flexibility

Pre-requisite is a Master´s-Degree in Geodesy and Geoinformation, Photogrammetry, Computer Science, Remote Sensing, Mathematics or any other related field.

All involved universities are committed to diversity and equal opportunities. Our goal is to increase the portion of women and to particularly promote their careers. We therefore strongly encourage applications from relevantly qualified women.

If you are interested in the position, please send your CV, certificates, and a cover letter indicating your motivation and your preferences regarding the 5 topics to [email protected] (a single PDF-file, max. 8 MB). The application deadline is June, 4, 2023.

A PDF version of this job offer is available on the right.

Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation - News Archive The newly funded International Research Unit Deformation analysis based on terrestrial laser scanner measurements (TLS-Defo) is aiming at making substantial contributions to use TLS for deformation analyses. This is achieved through coordinated research work on several topics, which are depicted in....


Geo Colloquium: Benedikt Soja, From Data to Discovery: Empowering Geodetic Earth Observation through Machine Learning: Our next talk in our Geo Colloquium series:

Benedikt Soja, Professor of Space Geodesy at ETH Zürich, Switzerland

From Data to Discovery: Empowering Geodetic Earth Observation through Machine Learning

Monday, May 22, 2023, at 11:30 in FH HS 7 (Freihaus, 2nd floor, yellow area)

Abstract: The advancement of machine learning (ML) techniques in recent years has brought new opportunities to geodetic research. In this talk, I will explore how ML can be used to improve geodetic products and discover new insights from geodetic data. Specifically, I will highlight examples of ML applications in tropospheric monitoring and Earth orientation studies.

Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation - News Archive Benedikt Soja, Professor of Space Geodesy at ETH Zürich, Switzerland From Data to Discovery: Empowering Geodetic Earth Observation through Machine Learning


Henry Johns Award for Florian Ledermann: Congratulations to Florian Ledermann for winning the Henry Johns Award of the British Cartographic Society, awarded yearly for the best paper published in The Cartographic Journal. Florian’s paper “The Effect of Display Pixel Density on the Minimum Legible Size of Fundamental Cartographic Symbols” was chosen as the best paper of the year 2022.

Read more on the website of the Research Unit Cartography.

Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation - News Archive Congratulations to Florian Ledermann for winning the Henry Johns Award of the British Cartographic Society, awarded yearly for the best paper published in The Cartographic Journal. Florian’s paper “The Effect of Display Pixel Density on the Minimum Legible Size of Fundamental Cartographic Symbol...


Der Standard interviewte Wolfgang Wagner zum Thema Weltraummüll: Der ganze Artikel kann hier nachgelesen werden:

Im Satellitenrausch: Der wilde Westen in 600 Kilometer Höhe

Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation - News Archive


OVG-Vortrag: Arbeiten an der Höheren Geodäsie der TU Wien mit Fokus auf Precise Point Positioning: Arbeiten an der Höheren Geodäsie der TU Wien mit Fokus auf Precise Point Positioning

Prof. Dr. Johannes Böhm und Dr. Marcus Franz Glaner

3.5.2023, 17:00 Uhr

Hybrides Setting:

TU Wien "Freihaus"

Wiedner Hauptstraße 8, 1040 Wien, 2.OG

Seminarraum DA grün 02A (Raumnummer DA 02 E08)



Digital in Zoom:


Die Höhere Geodäsie beschäftigt sich definitionsgemäß mit der Figur und dem Schwerefeld der Erde, sowie ihrem Rotationsverhalten. Von größerer Bedeutung sind aber vor allem die Veränderungen davon. Forschungsarbeiten der Höheren Geodäsie an der TU Wien behandeln diese Aufgaben mit geodätischen Weltraumverfahren, im Besonderen den Globalen Satellitennavigationssystemen und der Very Long Baseline Interferometry. Ein spezieller Fokus des Vortrags wird das Verfahren des Precise Point Positioning sein. Dieses Positionierungsverfahren eröffnet einen breiten Anwendungsbereich, etwa von geodätischen Empfängern bis zu Smartphones.


Johannes Böhm ist Professor für Höhere Geodäsie an der TU Wien. Schwerpunkt seiner Arbeiten ist die Very Long Baseline Interferometry und vormals die Modellierung von tropospherischen Delays.

Marcus Franz Glaner ist Universitätsassistent am Forschungsbereich Höhere Geodäsie der TU Wien. Der Schwerpunkt seiner Arbeiten ist das Precise Point Positioning, für welches er auch ein eigenes Softwarepaket entwickelt hat.

Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation - News Archive Arbeiten an der Höheren Geodäsie der TU Wien mit Fokus auf Precise Point Positioning Prof. Dr. Johannes Böhm und Dr. Marcus Franz Glaner


PhD defense Högström: Donnerstag, 20. April 2023, 13:00

Seminarraum DA02B (grüner Bereich, 2. Stock), Wiedner Hauptstraße 8, 1040 Wien

Assessment of soil moisture derived from radar satellite data in the Arctic for the purpose of permafrost studies


Abstract der Kurz-Präsentation (PDF)

Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation - News Archive Assessment of soil moisture derived from radar satellite data in the Arctic for the purpose of permafrost studies Elin HÖGSTRÖM MSc


Data Scientist in Climate and Environmental Remote Sensing: The Climate and Environmental Remote Sensing group (CLIMERS; of the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation of TU Wien develops long-term remote sensing datasets of soil moisture and vegetation and uses them to address urgent environmental issues, such as water resources management, drought monitoring, and wildfire prediction. To support the research activities of the group we are currently looking for a motivated

Data Scientist in Climate and Environmental Remote Sensing

with skills and interest in software development, machine learning, and Earth observation. As part of the CLIMERS team, you will develop software and implement methods to generate and analyze novel Earth observation products, and develop prediction models based on machine learning. Therefore, you should be familiar and comfortable with handling large geospatial datasets in different data formats. Your skills in software development and data analysis will contribute to online platforms facilitating visualization and validation of complex Earth observation products. Your results will directly feed into different research projects (e.g., funded by the European Space Agency or the European Union) and be carried out in collaboration with international partners. Depending on your ambitions and interests your work may, but doesn’t have to, lead to a PhD in the environmental sciences.

Your profile

* Master’s or PhD degree in environmental sciences, geodesy, geoinformation sciences, computer sciences, physics, geography, or similar

* Strong skills in programming and software development (preferably in Python)

* Excellent analytical and problem solving abilities

* Experience with geospatial datasets and/or applications

* Good written and spoken communication skills in English

* Experience in machine learning would be an asset

* Experience in web development would be beneficial

We offer

* The opportunity to work in an innovative, motivated, and successful team

* A workplace in the city center of Vienna

* Flexible working hours with possible home office days

* A stimulating and friendly working environment at the department

* The extent of the employment will be between 30-40 h/week (negotiable)

The conditions of this position are based on the Austrian regulations for university staff. The monthly minimum gross salary is currently EUR 3.277,30 at the pre-doc and EUR 4.351,90 at the post-doc level (40 h/week employment) and is paid 14 times per year.

If this job opportunity fits your ambition and interest, we are looking forward to receiving your application (cover letter, CV, relevant references, and publications if available) in English as a single PDF file via e-mail with the subject ‘CLIMERS application’ to [email protected].

Candidate selection will start on May 1, 2023, and will continue until a suitable candidate is found. The envisaged start date is June 1, 2023 (up for negotiation) and will initially be limited to 2 years (with possible extensions up to 6 years, depending on funding). TU Wien will not refund any costs (e.g., travelling) for applicants.

For further information, please contact:

Prof. Dr. Wouter Dorigo

CLIMERS - Climate and Environmental Remote Sensing

GEO - Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation

TU WIEN - Vienna University of Technology

Freihaus building, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10,

Room DC02-P24 (second floor)

1040 Vienna, Austria

Tel: +43-(0)1-58801-12243

E-mail: [email protected]


Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation - News Archive The Climate and Environmental Remote Sensing group (CLIMERS; of the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation of TU Wien develops long-term remote sensing datasets of soil moisture and vegetation and uses them to address urgent environmental issues, such as water res...

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TU Wien TU Wien
Karlsplatz 13
Wien, 1040

Willkommen auf der Facebook-Seite der TU Wien! Welcome to the page of TU Wien!

Studienvertretung Translation Studienvertretung Translation

Wir als Studienvertretung und Zentrumsvertretung sind deine erste Anlaufstelle bei Fragen, Problemen und Beschwerden! Mehr Infos:

Wiener SPÖ-Bildung Wiener SPÖ-Bildung
Löwelstraße 18
Wien, 1010

Man sieht nur was man weiß