Kunsthalle Exnergasse

vanishing structures., 27.3.2024
KEX is an NPO located at WUK in Vienna. It is an exhibition s**c Künstlerorganisationen.

Die Kunsthalle Exnergasse, kurz KEX, in Wien versteht sich als offene Plattform und Ausstellungsraum zur Produktion und Präsentation von Ausstellungen und Projekten innovativer, experimenteller und zeitgenössischer Kunst in ihren unterschiedlichsten Formaten und Formen.Die KEX ist nicht kommerziell orientiert und legt Wert auf das Knüpfen und Ausbauen von Kontakten mit in- und ausländischen Kunst

Photos from Kunsthalle Exnergasse's post 25/09/2024

In the lecture-performance The Dog in Me, a q***r fe**sh cat lectures the audience on non-human animals. Somewhere between stand-up comedy, philosophical contemplation, and animal rights activism, the lecture takes the audience on a journey to conquer the status quo.

Sat 28.9.2024 6 pm

Wed 30.10.2024 6 pm

Written and directed: Benjamin Egger
Fe**sh cat: David Attenberger
Costume: Benjamin Egger and Fantastic Rubber
Mask: Benjamin Egger in collaboration with Florian Germann
Cat pole: Benjamin Egger in collaboration with Ortreport
Light design: Benjamin Egger and Jasmin Wiesli
Text: Benjamin Egger
Dramaturgical advice: Teresa Vittucci

Supported by Pro Helvetia, Swiss Arts Council

1. The Dog in Me, Trudelhaus Baden, 2021
Photo: Benjamin Egger
2. The Dog in Me, Theatre Campo Nieuwpoort, Ghent, 2022
Photo: Benjamin Egger

Photos from Kunsthalle Exnergasse's post 25/09/2024

What does Interspecies Art actually mean? And how does Interspecies Art look like in practice?

Ivana Filip and Lisa Jevbratt provide insights into artistic processes with non-human animals. Both artists present their long-standing artistic practice and engage in dialogue with each other and with all those interested.

The artist talk is part of the Interspecies Art Hub's "Sniffing Conversations" dialog series, curated by Lisa Jäger, Lena Lieselotte Schuster, and Eva Seiler.

Thu 26.9.2024, 5 pm

1. Lisa Jevbratt, Zoomorph – Impareidolia, Random animations 1, human
2. Lisa Jevbratt, Zoomorph – Impareidolia, Animal vision simulation app
3. Ivana Filip, Manifesto of Catopia, 2020
4. Ivana Filip, FREEROAMING, videostill, 2020

Hände hoch! Applaus, Applaus 24/09/2024

Hände hoch! Applaus, Applaus Wie offen sind wir gegenüber unseren nichtmenschlichen Zeitgenoss_innen? Sind wir bereit, etablierte Privilegien aufzugeben und Raum abzutreten?


OPENING: Wed 25.9.2024, 6pm

Start Sniffing

The exhibition Start Sniffing focuses on collaborations between human and nonhuman artists, highlighting the scope of interspecies dialogue at eye level and integrating neighbouring fields of research in interdisciplinary human-animal studies, philosophy, and animal ethics. The question of how we can abandon human exceptionalism in an anthropocentric world order has also arisen within the art world – latest since the artistic method of “Artistic Interspecies Collaboration” coined by Lisa Jevbratt. From insights into the creative practices of non-human animals and co-creations by diverse interspecies collectives to artistic research projects in public s**ces and pioneering human-animal scenarios, the exhibition brings together an array of passionate perspectives on interspecies art.

Dogs are warmly welcome at the exhibition. Leashes are required. We reserve the right to establish additional rules to ensure a pleasant experience for all visitors and animals in the exhibition.

Supported by 

Photos from Kunsthalle Exnergasse's post 13/09/2024

Reading: On Being Familiar

In the event On Being Familiar, visual artist and writer Marta Fernández Calvo proposes a reflection on the familiar and the domestic in processes of migration, adaptation and conviviality within new s**ces, cultures and territories. On Being Familiar stems from the KEX Residency, the artist-in-residence programme carried out by her between October and November 2023 alongside artist Elia Nurvista from Indonesia.

The event consists of a reading of the short story Bonsai Pine that Marta has written for this occasion in the framework of the project The GOAT PoL (the Geopolitical Open Atlas of The Polity of Literature). This reading will open a s**ce for conversation and will be formalized in a recipe that will be offered to the participants.


Originally On Being Familiar was planned as a spatial intervention and workshop by Elia Nurvista and Marta Fernández Calvo. Due to problems with the visa, this had to be cancelled. The workshop would have proposed a collective exercise to reimagine food while reflecting on labour and care, based on the activation of a series of recipes and objects.

Photo: KEX

Radical Multispecies Utopias: Artistic Cohabitation and Collaboration with Other Animals 03/09/2024

Radical Multispecies Utopias: Artistic Cohabitation and Collaboration with Other Animals Art’s creative capacity to lend shape to thought experiments will be discussed primarily on the basis of two focal points: on the one hand, human-animal cohabitation projects and artistic microsanctuaries are presented as already implemented utopias. On the other, we explore approaches to aestheti...


KEX Sommerpause: 22.7. bis einschließlich 26.8.2024.

/ KEX summer break: July 22 up to and including August 26, 2024.

Photos from Kunsthalle Exnergasse's post 19/06/2024

Installation views now online

An Entirely New Word
6.6. – 13.7.2024

Artists: Željka Blakšić, Enrico Floriddia, Joshua Nierodzinski, Sara Shaoul

Curator: Rashmi Viswanathan

Four artists explore the dynamics of collectivity and futures as they might exist in our shared imagination, each with their own approach. They offer a multi-perspectival view of the ways we understand our relations to each other and the media structures that amplify, stifle, and liberate our speech. In media explorations rooted in collective practices, the field of participation extends well beyond the walls of the exhibition s**ce. Some look backward, at the languages and media forms that inform our understanding of history. Others, in turn, look forward, at how language might potentially speak a new future. From different perspectives, these artists focus on the most simple of ideas – collective storytelling as a momentary act of liberation.

Photo: KEX/Wolfgang Thaler

Photos from Kunsthalle Exnergasse's post 19/06/2024

Thanks for contributing to this year's Sharing Session "Talking Care" at Zukunftshof.

With Ema Benčíková, Marina Löbl, Nora Mayr, Ortsbezogene Kunst, Jaroslava Tomanova and Stephanie Winter

For “Talking Care”, a storytelling format with explorations around the topic of care, initiatives, artists, care workers, scientists and curators are invited who deal with similar content as the current KEX residents. The guests bring along an object, a quote, a story or a tool that stands for their own work or content. By talking about what is important to them, connections are made, experiences are exchanged, new things are discovered and perspectives are shifted.

1. Jaroslava Tomanova
2. Ema Benčiková
3. Lin & Tutku, Ortsbezogene Kunst
4. Marina Löbl, Naschgarten
5. Nora Mayr & Stephanie Winter


Photos from Kunsthalle Exnergasse's post 12/06/2024

"An Entirely New Word" opened on 5.6.2024
Thanks for coming!

Opening hours
Tues – Fri 13.00 – 18.00
Sat 11.00 – 14.00

Photo: Page, Marko Markovic

Photos from Kunsthalle Exnergasse's post 28/05/2024


Jaroslava Tomanová (*1989) grew up in the Czech Republic. Following her PhD studies in the UK, she has been working in curatorial and organisational roles in diverse realms of contemporary art since 2009. Her interests are centred around alternatives to dominant socio-economic models that emerge within socially relevant artistic practices.

Tomanová worked as an assistant curator at documenta fifteen and TBA21, amongst other roles, and as an editor of Sumac Space, a platform supporting artists from the Middle East. Diverse publications in contemporary art and political media such as Corridor8, RUTH, This Is Tomorrow, and Freedom News. Her current practice explores gender in institutional power relations, the social and political aspects of care work, and emotional labour and the moral dilemmas associated with it. Since 2022, she has been co-organising cultural events in her home village near the south-western Czech-German border and working as an independent curator based in Prague.

Recommended by the KEX board 2023.

(c) Jaroslava Tomanová
(c) Jaroslava Tomanová, Still from "Great Girls", Czech Republic, 2023



An Entirely New Word

Artists: Joshua Nierodzinski, Željka Blakšić, Sara Shaoul, Enrico Floriddia

Curator: Rashmi Viswanathan

Exhibition Opening: 5.6. 2024, 6 pm

Four artists explore the dynamics of collectivity and futures as they might exist in our shared imagination, each with their own approach. They offer a multi-perspectival view of the ways we understand our relations to each other and the media structures that amplify, stifle, and liberate our speech. In media explorations rooted in collective practices, the field of participation extends well beyond the walls of the exhibition s**ce. Some look backward, at the languages and media forms that inform our understanding of history. Others, in turn, look forward, at how language might potentially speak a new future. From different perspectives, these artists focus on the most simple of ideas – collective storytelling as a momentary act of liberation.



Filmscreening mit Einführung und kollektivem Gespräch

Lange Zeit galt der Film DAS SCHWULE TREFFEN (1977) als verschollen, nun ist er wieder aufgetaucht: Der Filmemacher möchte lieber anonym bleiben. Queere Amateurfilme (aka ephemere Filme) sind besondere historische Quellen: In illegalisierten Kontexten entstanden, verwehren sie sich – als subkulturelle Dokumente – oft einer institutionellen Speicherung und Langzeitsicherung, aber auch einer größeren Ausstellung. Sie sind – bildethisch wie materiell – prekär und flüchtig. In der Unmittelbarkeit der filmischen Bilder vermittelt sich zugleich ein „sense of place“, wird q***re Geschichte in Bewegung erlebbar. Die Veranstaltung lädt dazu ein, über den frisch digitalisierten Film ins Sprechen zu kommen und zu sammeln: Was ist in diesen Bildern zu sehen? Was sehen jene darin, die damals dabei waren? Und was jene Vertreter*innen jüngerer Generationen, die es nicht waren? Welchen Wert haben diese Bilder für eine geteilte q***re Bewegungsgeschichte?

Vermittler_innen: Katharina Müller und Andreas Brunner

(c) DAS SCHWULE TREFFEN, A 1977, anonym, 23 min.

We 15.5.2025
7.30 pm at KEX


The former building of the embassy of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) in Austria is located at Frimbergergasse 6-8 in Vienna's Hietzing district. For the exhibition "vanishing structures. Politics of Disappearance", Christof Zwiener has dismantled the flagpole in front of the building and transferred it to the exhibition. On the one hand, this intervention leaves a blank s**ce in Vienna's cityscape and is simultaneously an intervention in the former territory of the GDR, raising questions about representation, statehood and dominance.

Christof Zwiener has spent several years with an extensive artistic research, searching East Berlin's public s**ces in detail for traces of the GDR. In the process, he documented flagpoles that, like relics of another time, refer to the existence of a state that no longer exists today. He compiled this research in the publication nach 1990- Fokus Fahnenmast, which was published by Vexner-Verlag in 2019.

As part of the event, Christof Zwiener will present his research and also show material that he found in the archive of the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin. Using the building at Frimbergergasse 6-8 as an example, he will not only explain his artistic research process, but also examine the history of the building and, in connection with this, the history of the GDR and how this continues to shape coexistence and the culture of remembrance today, far beyond the German-German history.

Christof Zwiener (1972/DE) takes a critical look at historiography and its gaps. He works with performative and photographic means as well as installations and site-specific interventions.

Photo: Vincent Schier


On November 5, 2015, a dam that hold back masses of water full of toxic mining waste burst in the Southern Brazilian mining region and near the city of Bento Rodrigues. This dam burst caused the second worst environmental disaster of its kind in the world. The event had an immediate, unpredictable and irreversible impact on the region and led to dramatic geological and social changes. The environmental disaster, which was even visible on satellite images, also had significant global consequences, since large quantities of polluted sludge spill into the Atlantic Ocean, but the dam burst was the subject of intense international debate. Only recently, for example, the international mining companies BHP and Vale were ordered to pay billions in damages.

As part of the event, Silvia Noronha will present her artistic exploration of the region around Bento Rodrigues. This not only continues to this day, but also laid the foundation for her artistic interest in speculative geographies, as she will also present in the exhibition "vanishing structures. Politics of Disappearance".

(c) Silvia Noronha, Shifting Geologies, 2020-ongoing, mixed media, Photo: Sebastian Eggler


Vanishing Structures. Politiken des Verschwindens 16/04/2024

Zur Ausstellung "vanishing structures. Politiken des Verschwindens" im Rahmen der Klimabiennale erzählt Vincent Schier, der Kurator, über die Bezüge von Kunst und Ökologie.

Sendungsgestaltung: Margit Wolfsberger, WUK Radio

Vanishing Structures. Politiken des Verschwindens 29.03.2024 - Zur KEX-Ausstellung im Rahmen der Klimabiennale erzählt Vincent Schier, der Kurator dieser Ausstellung, über die Bezüge von Kunst und Ökologie. Sendungsgestaltung: Margit Wolfsberger

Photos from Kunsthalle Exnergasse's post 05/04/2024

Impressions from "vanishing structures. Politiken des Verschwindens" with Ana Alenso, Anca Benera & Arnold Estefan, Chan Sook Choi, Karolina Freino, Shirin Mohammad, Silvia Noronha, Maha Yammine, Christof Zwiener

Curated by Vincent Schier

28.3. – 11.5.2024

The exhibition vanishing structures. Politics of Disappearance examines the questions and social, political, and ecological conditions tied to the disappearance of architecture, landscapes, people, and traditions. Gradual processes, such as transformations in urban s**ce, play a central role, but also the temporality of global flows of commodities or fictitious future scenarios that postulated that present-day civilisations no longer exist. Within all these processes of change, we focus on things lost and absent, which are often only noticed by the few or not at all. The participating artists from different geographic and cultural backgrounds take individual artistic approaches to the politics of disappearance, enabling a translocal view on the topic.

KEX - Kunsthalle Exnergasse is a cooperation partner of the Klima Biennale Wien

Supported by the Korean Cultural Center

Photo: KEX\Wolfgang Thaler

Photos from Kunsthalle Exnergasse's post 21/03/2024

Join us for "vanishing structures. Politiken des Verschwindens"

Exhibition Opening: Wed 27.3.2024, 6 pm

28.3. – 11.5.2024

1. Silvia Noronha, Shifting Geologies, 2020, Photo: Sebastian Eggler
2. Ana Alenso, Oil Intervention #7, 2019, Photo: Joe Clark
3. Anca Benera & Arnold Estefan, Sinking Empires. East of the Danube, West of the Euphrates, 2019
4. Chan Sook Choi, 60Ho, Photo: Marek Kruszewsk
5. Karolina Freino, Cataract / Katarakta, 2016
6. Shirin Mohammad, A house then, a museum now, Chapter one: Wind of 120 days, 2019
7. Maha Yammine, Moussa & Blue Dress, 2017, Photo: Lucas Melzer
8. Christof Zwiener, Abgebaute Fahnenmasten an der ehemalige SED Parteihochschule „Karl Marx“ (PHS) der DDR, Rungestraße, Berlin-Mitte, 2013

Curated by

KEX – Kunsthalle Exnergasse is a cooperation partner of Klima Biennale Wien .wien



vanishing structures. Politiken des Verschwindens

Artists: Ana Alenso, Anca Benera & Arnold Estefan, Chan Sook Choi, Karolina Freino, Shirin Mohammad, Silvia Noronha, Maha Yammine and Christof Zwiener

Curator: Vincent Schier

Exhibition Opening: 27.3.2024, 6 pm

The exhibition vanishing structures. Politics of Disappearance examines the questions and social, political, and ecological conditions tied to the disappearance of architecture, landscapes, people, and traditions. Gradual processes, such as transformations in urban s**ce, play a central role, but also the temporality of global flows of commodities or fictitious future scenarios that postulated that present-day civilisations no longer exist. Within all these processes of change, we focus on things lost and absent, which are often only noticed by the few or not at all. The participating artists from different geographic and cultural backgrounds take individual artistic approaches to the politics of disappearance, enabling a translocal view on the topic.

KEX - Kunsthalle Exnergasse is a cooperation partner of the Klima Biennale Wien .wien

Supported by the Korean Cultural Center

Photos from Kunsthalle Exnergasse's post 15/03/2024


Impressions from the Closing of the first Exhibition in the newly rennovated KEX.

Slowly Imminent
Unfolding in a hybrid zone between the stage and the exhibition s**ce, a field charged with tension and potential, several performers accessed the realm of motion within the newly renovated s**ce of KEX. Concept, choreography: Andrea Gunnlaugsdóttir

Unpacking Stories #2
Georgia Holz and artist Seth Weiner collected further stories about the uncollected KEX collection.

Cæcilie Heldt Rønnow developed the collective performance CHORCHESTRA, together with a group of invited participants at weekly meetings at KEX. They created a soundscape that reflects themselves and their surroundings – an ongoing experiment with echoing their voices, the ambient environment, the room itself, and each other.

Photo: KEX/Wolfgang Thaler


Mit Fanfaren und Trompeten 08/03/2024

Danke www.artmagazine.cc und Werner Remm! Die Ausstellung läuft noch bis 9.3.2024

Mit Fanfaren und Trompeten Die KEX, Kunsthalle Exnergasse ist quasi die Mutter aller Off- und Project Spaces in Wien. Seit 1981

Photos from Kunsthalle Exnergasse's post 07/03/2024

Last days on view!

Nine Buildings, Stripped (Kunsthalle Exnergasse) Andreas Fogarasi
Ortsspezifische Installation, 2024

Arbeit für Exnergasse
Andreas Fogarasi
Edition von 5 Unikaten, 2024

Photo: KEX/Wolfgang Thaler

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