Jenna Medlen - Support Services

Coordinator & Worker passionate about supporting people live their best lives with choice and control

Raise Your Spirit 11/06/2024

I have been talking with the SA team of RYS recently and I have been so impressed by what they offer and how they achieve it!!
These are not your average support workers 🫶

Raise Your Spirit

Photos from NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission's post 23/04/2024

So glad this is has been implemented and being followed through 😊

If the service is the same then the cost should be the same, then regardless of who’s paying.

It’s ok to ask questions and definitely ok to choose not to proceed with a provider if you’re not happy.


Honestly, if you haven’t already go check out Nell Harris - Easily Inspired stuff, I just love the collection of books ahead of time has created and so eagerly waiting to see her other projects come to life!!!!


Celebrating acceptance that we are all unique, we all have something to share, all in our own ways. Whilst having a neuro diverse brain means, sometimes we face challenges other don’t, each neuro diverse brain has something amazing to share too!!!

It’s Neurodiversity Celebration week, starting today!

Neurodiversity should 100% absolutely truly be celebrated, it’s what gives us the wonderful variety in growth in our society.

So, my contribution celebrating neurodiversity I created something that I couldn’t find - a small video including kids in the conversation of celebrating neurodiversity. It’s less than 2 minutes and keeping it in easy to digest terminology.

I hope it’s something that can be again, a conversation opener to talk more and include more, affirm more, and celebrate more.

[Image description: on a white background there are 4 shadowed profiles of children’s heads above and 4 below. Each head has a different coloured brain. In the centre it reads Celebrating Neurodiversity.]




I’m so pleased they have brought this in and I hope the police it.

NDIS participants should pay fair prices for the products and services they need. 🤝

Fair pricing is when there is no major price difference between the cost of a product or service for an NDIS participant compared to other customers.

"Why are you trying to know if I am an NDIS participant before I buy something from you?" says Christian, an NDIS participant.

All registered and unregistered providers are expected to act with honesty, integrity and transparency when pricing their products and services for NDIS participants.

For more information, visit:

[Image description: The quote by Christian is in green text on a white background. Below is an image of Christian in a red t-shirt. The Commonwealth Coat of Arms, followed by the NDIS Commission logo, are in the top left corner.]


Autistic identification has increased by only 6% in the last 6 years (from 2017 to 2023), while intellectual disability identification has reduced by 20% in the same time frame.
I feel as we are learning, growing and developing as a society a better understanding of neurodiversity- let’s look at the bigger picture that diagnoses / identifications are actually not ‘trending’, but being better and more correctly identified. (Not saying it’s perfect - it’s far from it in my opinion, but it’s getting better).

[Image description: A graph of data pulled from 2017 - 2023 NDIS reports showing primary diagnosis percentage comparison between Autism and Intellectual Disability.
Autism begins in 2017 at 26% and increases to 31% by 2023. Intellectual disability begins in 2017 at 36% and decreases to 16% in 2023. Graph data was sourced by authors from NDIS data, CC BY-SA]


When you have the right supports around you and accessibility and passion anything is possible!
I guess I’m bias, being as I get the privilege of calling these guys family but I just love hearing and sharing Petes story and am so excited to watch as he just keeps pushing and achieving his goals!!!

Love your work Petes Tasty Treats!

And love that through a Dame Roma Mitchell Trust Grant, you have had support to get your excellent business going!

Thanks so much to The Advertiser/Sunday Mail for sharing Pete’s story.

Please check out his amazing cakes, biscuits and slices at the link above!

Unfair pricing in the NDIS - My Plan Manager 15/02/2024

This has been my biggest greivence throughtout my time working in support!
Another example and bigger cost, is how a therapy session is one amount for private or medicare but then mention NDIS and suddenly the price has doubled, bet the service hasnt though 😫

So much of how the NDIS all works and what roles have come about has been under scrutiny the last few months, yet this exact question hasn’t been meantioned much … so do hope that they take a real hard look at how the price guide is designed and how its been taken advantage of 😩

Unfair pricing in the NDIS - My Plan Manager Here's the new NDIS pricing rules designed to address unfair pricing - known as 'price differentiation' or 'twin pricing' - by service providers.

National Autism and Education Parent Survey 06/02/2024

Have you seen the opportunity is giving you to give feedback in relation to the autism support you or your family receive?
The more survey responses they receive the more impact it will be able to have. It is a very easy to follow survey that doesn't take long to do but covers a lot ground.

National Autism and Education Parent Survey Help us highlight pressing issues to governments and create a better education experience.

Back to school socks for kids with sensory needs 14/01/2024

Love how many options are becoming available now. These look wonderful, plus being that the target audience is sensory sensitive they let you trial 🤩
Just need an L & R in that Dot!

Back to school socks for kids with sensory needs The most powerful socks. Stop the sock waste, empower kids with essential life skills, and to give parents a tiny sliver of time and sanity back to their morning routine with cotton socks with dots, colour coded by size. Socks for kids with sensory needs. Fix the odd sock problem and make sorting so...



Yes! Love this 💛

Credit: no nonsense neurodivergent


Check out this absolutely amazing resource from local artist and author Nell Harris - Easily Inspired
A beautiful spin on the traditional letter to Santa 🎅🏽 with a wonderful pause to reflect with gratitude on the year 🩷💙 I truly can not rave enough about Nell’s beautiful products!

It was see Santa day for us today, and our Santa experience was wonderful 🙌

In my easily inspired style, I made a Santa letter prompt for my girls that doesn’t focus on whether we can categorise ourselves as ‘naughty’ or ‘nice’ but reflect on the good and look forward to the future. It’s in my free resources for anyone else who wants to download and use it!

Some people live in finites, and we can be so quick to remember our own shortfalls, to judge ourselves just gives me an icky feeling. I’m thinking of our ND kiddos here.
Again, I’m not saying it’s the best or should replace the rest, but a new approach and way to connect and engage.

Find out how autism could work for your business 07/11/2023

What a wonderful steps in the right direction we are taking.
Now as long as the SA Government follow through to make sure this is a viable and sustainable for both the employer and the employee, not just a political popularity stunt !!

Find out how autism could work for your business

A Safe Space to Learn, Understand & Grow 26/09/2023

Something I mention often to families is making sure they are looking after themselves too, you can’t pour from an empty cup.
As I am on both sides of this journey to, I am signing up with these guys to 💕

A Safe Space to Learn, Understand & Grow Starting 23rd October


I alway love the graphics by NeuroWild they are just so accurate and easy to understand!

Add to this- everything hurts.
These days are too hard.


NDIS minister vows to crack down on prices, offers participants greater flexibility 14/08/2023

For a lot of people, articles with titles that include things like, 𝙉𝘿𝙄𝙎 𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙗𝙪𝙙𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙬 and 𝙉𝘿𝙄𝙎 𝘾𝙪𝙩 𝘽𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙨 can be frightening but it shouldn't be. These reviews and crack downs are to ensure that the scheme remains viable for the long term for those that need it.

Sadly, to many providers only came about when they saw the $$ dollar signs and the get rich quick ideas flowed.
This is and has been devastating for far too many and I am personally glad to see the review happening.

This insurance scheme was created to make sure Every Australian with a disability and their families had access to support for a better quality future. Coming into this industry as a provider should be about, what we can do to support individuals in achieving that quality life.
It should not include exploiting NDIS participants and charging higher than reasonable rates because 'It's ok, it's the Governments Money'

With the right team, longer support plans don't have be to concerning either. Having quality and ethical providers around you that you can trust, should be the priority and mean every day looks bright!

NDIS minister vows to crack down on prices, offers participants greater flexibility NDIS participants will have more control over the length of their plans within the next 12 months, according to the Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme Bill Shorten.


Love this 💟

Neurodiversity-affirming services are accepting, respectful, and strengths-based 🌱


There is a big difference between a meltdown and a tantrum. Tantrums have a goal/purpose. Meltdowns usually indicate distress, often from sensory overload or emotional dysregulation.




Oh my gosh, I love this, it makes so much sense 💡💡💡

Photos from More Than One Neurotype's post 13/07/2023

Great visual !




Couldn’t be prouder or more excited for our cousin Petes, getting the opportunity to chat to Ali and Cosi on the radio this morning to promote his business and be asked to provide the cup cakes for The Biggest Birthday Party happening at the zoo this weekend.
An amazing effort by all involved to make it a fantastic day for all.

The Ali Clarke Breakfast Show and South Aussie With Cosi are throwing a party for all the kids who never get invited!
Today we met Pete's Tasty Treats and made the biggest order he has every received!
Listen to the interview HERE --->


What an amazing tool to have for anyone with a communication barrier!!!

Love it, thank you QLD Emergency Services.

PLEASE SHARE: 🚨 Emergency Communication Board: Keep it in your car! 🚗

🌍 Helps you communicate with someone in an emergency who:
- 🗣️ Speaks a different language
- 🔇 Is Deaf or hard of hearing
- 🤷‍♂️ Doesn't use words to communicate
- 🤕 Is injured or traumatized and can't talk now

Click here to download for free:

📄 I keep a laminated copy in my car, so I can use it anytime.
I've used it three times so far:
1️⃣ Helped a man who has intellectual disability and doesn't speak who was lost.
2️⃣ At a car crash, helped an injured lady who didn't speak English.
3️⃣ In a hospital emergency room, with an upset person when staff couldn't understand.

🙌 Thanks to The Queensland Emergency Service for this great resource. Be prepared! You never know when you might need it.

pic desc: a screenshot using Boardmaker with key concepts to help communicate with someone in an emergency. It includes a pain scale at the bottom.


One of my biggest priorities is helping our kids develop a positive Autistic identity.

Ways to do that:

🌻 Bring books into your house/classroom that feature awesome neurodivergent characters.

🌻 Point out your kid's strengths when you notice them e.g. 'I can't believe you remember that! That happened almost 3 years ago! Your Autistic brain is SO great at remembering cool details like that.'

🌻 Delight in their neurodivergent social communication style e.g. 'Gee, you know so much about Zelda. I love how much you want to teach me. I know that if I ever have questions about zelda- you are the person I'll ask.'

🌻 Regularly celebrate difference of any kind in your house. Kids who learn that 'different is good' are more likely to embrace the fact that they themselves are different.

🌻 Seek their opinion and perspective on situations that you know they might take interest in. Let them know that their insight is valuable.

🌻 Encourage stimming and empower your kid to know that stimming is an effective regulation strategy, stress reliever, and joyful activity.

🌻 Teach them about the double empathy problem, and masking. Make sure that they know they are allowed to be their authentic selves. Teach them that true friends will accept them for their awesome Autistic selves.

🌻 Show them what self advocacy looks like. Model setting boundaries, expressing opinions, and looking after your own needs.

🌻 Radical acceptance and love, always. Tell them how wonderful they are every day.

We need our kids to hear all that good stuff from us. The rest of the world often sends them very different messages. Our words need to be louder.

Em 🌈🌻✌



Never underestimate the power of a smile or simple act of kindness 💙


This is such a powerful statement and I love it.
I’d also add Communication though!

If there has been some unregulation or other situation happening in the lead up to getting to school, communicate that with those that are apart of the child’s day, they need to know so that they are aware and can support the child.

I get it, mornings can be an incredibly difficult part of the day for ND families but set the school and especially the child up for success by getting them to school as regulated as possible even if it means they are a late.
Most teachers want to help both the child and their family succeed, a quick message to say XY has a hard time this morning or the like, gives them the opportunity to be aware and supportive.

When I’m speaking with clients about how to navigate school mornings and minimise the stress for everyone this is one of the pieces of advice I give.

There is a lot of pressure that is created from the expectation for your child to arrive at school on time for both the parent and the child, and in trying to achieve this it is common that the child arrives at school dysregulated and not set up for a positive experience in school, and the parent/carer and siblings are also stressed and upset.

I appreciate that the dynamics of each family are different in terms of work commitments, siblings, different schools etc and that arriving late but regulated is going to be more challenging for some. When you are in a situation it can be hard to see other options or to view things from a different perspective and so it can be good to talk to others who have been in a similar situations, and speak to the schools and work to see if any adjustments can be made to reduce the pressure on the whole family.


I can’t brag about thes books enough.
They are such great kids books to help them understand themselves and the people around them.

They are written by a wonderful lady & mum who is right here in Adelaide.
She can be found at Nell Harris - Easily Inspired or Etsy with lots of her other beautiful artwork.

RaceCar helps explain and understand how different brains work and Bubble is a fun explanation of personal space.
They also have beautiful velvety covers which are a sensory joy 🥰

Nell has only just released My Body Has a Bubble and I don’t want to put pressure on her but man I hope she’s inspired to do more in the future!

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