Fiona Hui

Fiona Hui

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Gene Rath
Gene Rath

Protect Australia from being taken over by the criminal Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Support Hong Kong in their quest for freedom and democracy.


So grateful - VIC Edward O'Donohue MP has expressed his full support for Hong Kong democracy, and NO SUPPORT for VIC Belt and Road. World leader. 🇦🇺

Today on the steps of the Victorian Parliament, I stand with Hong Kong 🇭🇰 and all those who believe in the rule of law, a free press and democracy.


Morgan C Jonas

'Australia is worth fighting for', said Morgan C Jonas. Be quiet no more. 🇦🇺

We had a great day, but many questions still remain.

What has Daniel Andrews negotiated with the Chinese Communist Party, what are the details of the deal?

Why has he gone against the advice of Canberra, does he truly believe he knows best?

Has the Chinese Communist Party offered Daniel Andrews something we don't know about?


Protect Australia 🇦🇺 | Free Hong Kong 🇭🇰

What Chinese Communism looks like.


Protest Calls for Termination of China’s Belt and Road Agreement in Victoria

Australians are no longer quiet - Protest Calls for Termination of China’s Belt and Road Agreement in Victoria Australians called on the Victorian Labor government to terminate the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) agreement at Victoria Parliament on Dec. 15, 2019.


Morgan C Jonas

Concerned 🇦🇺 Australian Morgan Jonas 🇦🇺 has a message for us about the CCP's Belt and Road dominance plan in VIC 😡🇨🇳😡

The future of Australia should belong to AUSTRALIANS... not the Chinese Communist Party.

December 15th. 2pm. Steps of Parliament House Melbourne. See you there 🇦🇺👊


Fight for freedom

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is trying to cover it up. So we tell the world.

In memory of all the Victims. I want to spread awareness of what is going on in Hong Kong. Right now, Hong Kong is the front line in the fight against the CC...


This man sacrificed his 18-year Cathay pilot career to continue his fight for Hong Kong democracy

Canberra - A former Cathay Pacific Airways pilot has warned that Australian businesses are vulnerable to political pressure from the Chinese Government. We all have to watch what we say even outside China?? A former Cathay Pacific Airways pilot warns that Australian businesses like Qantas are vulnerable to political pressure from the Chinese Government.


Tim Quilty MLC - Liberal Democrats - Northern Victoria

Tim Quilty MLC and David Limbrick MP in VIC both have very decent values. Look at what they did in the Parliament below. They can help advance Australia and Australian values, no doubt. Please show them your support so they can continue to support Australia, Hong Kong, and all the good causes. 🇦🇺🇭🇰

Thank you Tim and David - this means so much for those who are suffering in Hong Kong. 😢😇

Tim Quilty MLC:

David Limbrick MP:

Hong Kong shows us how much we should be willing to risk for freedom and democracy.

We take our democracy and liberty for granted, complacently assuming that we will never have to stare down an authoritarian power in Australia.

Hong Kong shames us with her bravery and willingness to fight for civil liberty against all odds.


BREAKING - 🇦🇺Oz 🇦🇺 is pushing the Magnitsky Act! This is your chance to send your personal submission and PLAY A PART in sanctioning CHINA! 😡🇨🇳😡
Submissions to the inquiry are now being called for, and are due by 31 January 2020. International submissions will be open until 28 February 2020.

Further details in both Chinese (中文) and English 👇


Hong Kong - For those who believe in the CCP's lies about violent HK protesters. There isn't a need to 'restore public orders'. The public has been orderly. The CCP is discrediting the democratic movement in HK with fake news about peaceful protesters. Really, do you trust China? Do you think the co**ie Chinese masters have infiltrated the media with fake news about the HK protests?


Inquiry into a framework for autonomous sanctions under Australian law to target human rights abuses – Parliament of Australia

When there is resistance, there is hope!!

A new parliamentary inquiry will examine whether Australia should adopt legal measures to impose sanctions upon individuals who commit gross human rights abuses both at home and abroad (aka ChiNazis). Inquiry into a framework for autonomous sanctions under Australian law to target human rights abuses


Sign the Petition

Investigate Dan Andrews who has inappropriate ties with the the criminal co**ie Chinese regime. Why does he make deals with thugs and criminals? What would that do for Australia? Would you support this by signing and sharing this petition please. We petition ASIO and IBAC to launch a full investigation into VIC Premier Dan Andrews.


Do we want Australia to become like this through the Chinese co**ie regime's Belt and Road debt trap!? 😡


China's Belt and Road plan in VIC made easy and explained by independent journalist Morgan Jonas - how the Chinese Communist Party can take away your freedom and liberty in Australia.

If you think Australia is worth fighting for, please join us at the Anti-Belt and Road rally on Sunday, 15 Dec at he VIC Parliament House:


The Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act was just signed by Trump to sanction co**ie officials, who abused human rights in Hong Kong.

We will remember this is the great efforts from the people of Hong Kong, especially those who sacrificed, who were 'made missing', who were 'made su***de', 'made disappeared', and those floating bodies near Hong Kong shore. WE WILL REMEMBER THEM.



The people of Hong Kong spoke loud and clear yesterday at the local council elections! 17/18 districts are now controlled by pro-democracy councillors. Last weekend was the first weekend in 5 months without tear gas and rubber bullets. It shows that if there is a channel for people to express their wish for democracy and make a difference, tear gas and live ammunition are totally unnecessary.

Australia, you can do this too - vote out all the pro-Beijing spineless creatures in YOUR PARLIAMENT.


60 Minutes Australia

What we have been thinking about the Chinese Communist regime is VERIFIED by this China's spy, who've just become a defector in search of freedom. The CCP is breaking international laws all day everyday in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Australia and globally. We will not be led by this 20th century relic totalitarian barbaric thuggish co**ie regime.

This is a confession like no other. A Chinese spy breaking ranks and sharing the Communist superpower’s dirty secrets. Now on : in a world first interview, reporter Nick McKenzie speaks to the brave man risking everything to expose China’s espionage.


China can turn off the Philippine national power grid, officials say

Beijing could plunge the entire Philippines into darkness with the flick of a switch. Could this happen to Australia one day, if we continue to vote for leaders like Dan Andrews who has worn out knee pads from serving his criminal Chinese co**ie masters? Engineers in China could plunge the country into darkness using a remote operating system supplied by a firm based in Nanjing.


Australian Liberty Alliance

The Truth about Hong Kong protesters by an independent Australian Journalist Avi Yemini, who is in HK right now (short video).

This is how Hong Kong protests turn violent so quickly

SHARE the full story👉


China 'takeover' warning by ex spy chief

Retired ASIO chief Duncan Lewis said the Chinese government of using "insidious" foreign interference operations to "take over" Australia's political system. Retired ASIO chief Duncan Lewis has accused the Chinese government of using "insidious" foreign interferenc...


China now owns 10 times the amount of Australian land it did last year

I don’t think Australians understand the sort of country they’re dealing with. No one should be under any illusions about the objective of the Chinese Communist Party leadership: it’s long-term, systematic infiltration of social organisations, media and government.

Are you going to vote out your proChina politicians, or continue to support them because you are loyal to a particular party? The amount of Australian farm land owned by Chinese interests has surged tenfold in the past year, climbing above 14 million hectares or 2.5 per cent of all agricultural land.


'Warning to world’ in besieged uni says China will ‘harvest your home next'

Chilling ‘warning to the world’ scrawled at uni warning China will ‘harvest’ other countries next. PROTESTERS in Hong Kong have warned that China intends to infiltrate governments and “harvest” other countries around the world. The chilling message was seen on the walls of a canteen …


University students trapped in HK Polytechnic Uni have a message for us.


[11.18] (graphic) HK Riot Police - English Live #hongkong #protests #news

Hong Kong live in English by Chilli Lucas. People just want basic rights and dignity in Hong Kong. Should they kneel down to the Chinese Communist masters, or fight for fundamental freedoms?

In memory of all the victims. RIP Help the victims:


Send US army to HK, declare hk as United States new states on humanitarian ground and send hk police to sentence | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government

Please sign and share this petition. The Chinese Communists are killing university students and all voices of opposition. Will you please help? 🙏 HK CEO Carrie Lam proposed the extradition bill in June 2019 and since then she delegates her authority to HK police imposing life threats to all hk citizens by throwing thousands of tear gases, spraying pepper spray to pedestrians, arresting elders as old as 80 and kids as young as 12, causing nume...


China snubs Hastie and Paterson, denies entry to MPs planning study tour

The Chinese Communist Party has become an international joke, demonstrating to the world its sensitivity to criticism, totalitarianism, and authoritative character. Can respect be forced??? China's human rights records speak louder than its multi-billion dollar propaganda. Please go to Andrew Hustie's page to send him good wishes and supportive messages.


[11.12] Hong Kong Police conduct indiscriminate arrest & drag woman out of private property

Hong Kong Police arrested a middle class female resident in her apartment block for no apparent reason and dragged her by her hair to get out of the building.

The female resident said to the camera "My name is # # #, and I will not commit su***de". This is a common sentence said by those being arrested these days because being "made su***ded" or "disappeared" are so common. What does it tell you about the Chinese Communist Party's regime?

This channel is not monetized, please consider to support my channel thru Patreon or PayPal with the price of a coffee ☕🙂: ...


The Chinese Communist Party army disgused as Hong Kong Police attacked students at one of the top universities in Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong. They fired over 1,000 cannisters of tear gas in three hours. Why would they do this??? Especially to peaceful students!!

These are just a portion of the tear gas canisters found fired by the in 3 hours in The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 - CUHK.

Can you imagine how much the students have suffered? Feeling sick just by seeing this and remembering the taste of tear gas.

Academics: please sign :



How dare you CHINA for destroying not only our planet but also human rights and democracy in Hong Kong and globally!


KerCP on Twitter

After shooting a real bullet, look at how the man picked up the wounded - IT'S NOT POLICE, ITS TACTICS OF ARMY PEOPLE. CO**IE CHINESE ARMY ARE KILLING CITIZENS IN HONG KONG!


“11/11/2019 Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong AM. fired 3 live rounds at citizens. Where is the life threatening event that justified the deployment of bullets? Look at how popo handled the unconscious man on the floor. No word is m apt to describe these demons anymore.”


Fight for Freedom. Stand with Hong Kong.

Hong Kong today, Australia tomorrow. The world needs to chop off China's co**ie regime's killing, stealing and cheating hands and move business operations and assets out of China as soon as possible.

HK Police shot civilians multiples times when:

1/ there was no obvious threat to the police's life
2/ the civilian had no visible weapons [Note civilians are not allowed fi****ms in Hong Kong]
3/ there ws no obvious provocation from the civilian
4/ more than one police was in the vicinity

Would you be able to get away with murder if you were police?


Fight for Freedom. Stand with Hong Kong.

China's authoritative, barbaric behaviours are destroying this great city. Please see how HK/Chinese Police were trying to murder Hong Kong citizens below. A very sad day for Hong Kong. Please move your assets and businesses OUT OF CHINA as soon as possible if you haven't already done so.

Hong Kong people, please hang in there...don't lose hope because the most dangerous moment for the Chinese Communist Party is about to be reached. It will only exist in our history books soon.

China's rotten-to-the-core financial system is cracking toward collapsing. They can't keep in printing and laundering,and reporting only 35% of such massive volumes of Yuan and debt to prevent country-wide economic collapse and unemployment.

It is time for global leaders and news media to characterise and treat China's co**ie regime for what it is: a primitive and obsolete 20th century relic totalitarian criminal co**ie regime.

Don’t turn a blind eye to the human rights abuses when you can make a difference. Hong Kong need the world’s help. The steady erosion of freedom and current violent abuses from the Chinese Police is too serious for Hong Kong people to deal with alone.

It is now obvious that Xi wants to expand their rule, military bases, surveillance and ruthless oppression globally. Countries that believe in human rights and share universal values need to be united to stand up and fight against the primitive obsolete criminal barbaric 20th century relic totalitarian co**ie PRC regime.

Please support HK, support human rights, support universal values and lobby your government to do whatever it can to fight against .

Hong Kong Police intended to kill citizens.


Hong Kong leader hosts Bauhinia Medal ceremony behind closed doors

HK puppet co**ie government Carrie Lam presented the Distinguished Service Awards to the Hong Kong Police yesterday, ignoring endless evidence of the Hong Kong Police's human right abuses from Amnesty International in the last 5 months.

Shame on Carrie Lam and the Hong Kong Police for joining forces to throw rule of law out of the window. The Chinese Communist Party is truly a terrorist organisation, a thuggish regime through and through. Medal awarded to businessmen Yu Kwok-chun and Albert Hung, respectively a current and a former standing committee member of CPPCC.


The banner below read "Evil Police in Hong Kong are killing people randomly".

The Hong Kong Anti-Totalitarianism Movement lasted for 5 months. The violent repression of the Hong Kong police continued to escalate. There were many cases of young people missing, su***de and murder. This caused the hearts of Hong Kong people to be stunned. According to the latest news from netizens, it was estimated that there are more than 20,000 of Chinese army officers in HK. Public security, armed police and secret agents from the CCP have entered Hong Kong for "underground law enforcement".

They are divided into two forces. One is to pretend to be arrested and cleared by the Hong Kong Police. The other is a "secret agent" from the Chinese National Security Council to conduct eavesdropping, kidnapping and murder and abandonment.

The message came from a netizen who signed the "Climber" and broke the news on Twitter. He even sent a number of articles detailing the existence of the assassination force.

According to Climber, the two forces hidden in the Hong Kong police, one of the Guangdong police and the armed police, directly put on the uniform of the Hong Kong police, and the Hong Kong police together, responsible for dispersing, beating, torturing, arresting and clearing the scene at the demonstration site.

The task is different. The public security officers posing as Hong Kong police officers have received high-level instructions. They can "excessively use force in the process of arresting demonstrators" and will not bear any legal consequences.

Another underground law enforcement force comes from secret agents belonging to the Chinese National Security Bureau. It directly obeys the command of the Beijing National Security Department and the Guangdong National Security Office, and can command the Hong Kong Police. Apart from a few partners, it will not leave any records on the Hong Kong police system.

This team is mainly responsible for conducting secret eavesdropping, tracking investigation, kidnapping, torture and murder, and secretly murdering the core of the demonstration. The purpose is to find out the interaction between the core figures and demonstrators of the demonstration, and leading institutions, etc. to combat the disintegration of demonstrations.

In order to achieve this goal, this secret agent even uses intimidation, violent torture, r**e, gang r**e, hypnosis and drugs. Protesters are 'made su***ded' and abandoned.

Climber also said that even though there are many unnamed dead bodies in Hong Kong floated near Hong Kong shore; more people may be "su***ded" and more unidentified bodies in the future. ABC News, The Sydney Morning Herald, BBC News, Reuters, The Guardian, TIME, SBS Australia


[11.03] Hong Kong Police destroying the city. (English live) #hongkong #protest #news

Hong Kong Live - reporting in English by Chilli Lucas.

Riot police using excessive force and doing illegal arrests Petition to remove their citizenship:


Can you spare a minute to help Fiona Hui?

DAN ANDREWS: In less than 1 week we collected 6,286 signatures

Hi everyone,

Thank you for signing this petition to support launching a full investigation on Dan Andrews' wholly inappropriate ties to the Chinese Communist Party and its agents. We also petition IBAC (Victorian Independent Broad-Based Anti-Corruption Commission) to investigate the entire bidding process to find any improprieties in Dan Andrews' major infrastructure projects in VIC.

Unfortunately, the momentum is slowing down and we need your help to share this petition AGAIN via email and social media to make sure that this petition stays on top. If possible, please share this petition with 10 of your friends as a minimum.

Here is the link:

Thank you for your help and support in protecting Australian values.

Kind regards

Fiona Hui, South Australia We petition ASIO and IBAC to launch a full investigation into VIC Premier Dan Andrews.


We won't agree with China on 'absolutely everything': Birmingham

Trade Minister Simon Birmingham has backed Foreign Minister Marise Payne's criticism of China, arguing Australians must "speak to our values, interests and positions".

We need to diversify our markets. Xi will have similar ending to Hitler's and the will be dissolved.

The Chinese Communist Party has exposed its true lying, cheating and stealing face to the world once and for all.

Others have seen it clearly through how it had disregarded international law and agreements through Hong Kong.

The international community has further recognized the fact that the CCP has infiltrated the West through trade, businesses, education, Health and Defence.

The CCP regime's biggest problem at present is its wobbly economy. If the economic GDP slows further, the economy is on the verge of collapse or there is a big crisis.

Actually, no one but Xi and probably just a relative few other top CCP know how much currency and debt have been issued & distributed -- whether to prop up failing companies to prevent mass unemployment or to sucker in more foreign hard liquid assets.

Evidently, the IMF just reviews and provided a less-than-enthusiastic but approval of China's "economic fundamentals". Any such review and approval is a very bad joke when one has a realistic view of China's comprehensive systemic cheating, rigging and lying with all accounting and financial performance reporting. All of it.

Debt could be $60-70+ Trillion (not "just" $42-45 T) and the bad debt among all that may be at 40% levels (not "just" 25%).

Gotta wonder how much longer China's criminal co**ie regime can keep their crackling-to-crashing bad-joke of a financial system from its inevitable biblically massive collapse.

This most dangerous moment for the Chinese Communist Party is about to be reached.

It is the best time for the international community to be united to dissolve the CCP as we need a China that is not run by thugs and criminals. The Trade Minister has backed Foreign Minister Marise Payne's criticism of China, arguing Australians must "speak to our values, interests and positions" as he prepares to fly to Shanghai.


Warning: this is gross!
Another dead body found near Hong Kong shore. For those who condemn Hong Kong Protestors for vandalism, what do you think the Hong Kong / Chinese Police' killing, torturing and ra**ng of democracy seeking Hong Kong protestors? SAY NO TO CHINAZIS!


Sign the Petition

Sign and share this petition if you don't want the Chinese Communist Regime to take over Victoria: We petition ASIO and IBAC to launch a full investigation into VIC Premier Dan Andrews.


Calls for ASIO to INVESTIGATE the Andrews-China relationship

A talented YouTuber has made a video about our 'Anti-Dan Andrews, anti-ChiNazis' petition today 👇👇👇 SIGN THE PETITION: A Hong Kong immigrant to Australia is petitioning ASIO to investigate Daniel Andrews for inappropriate ties to China.

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Videos (show all)

Protect Australia 🇦🇺 | Free Hong Kong 🇭🇰
China's Belt and Road plan in VIC made easy and explained by independent journalist Morgan Jonas - how the Chinese Commu...



Adelaide, SA
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Ground Floor, George Murray Building
Adelaide, 5000

Your voice on campus! Fortnightly meetings on Wednesdays at 6:30pm

Bbm-Sara Uniteam Adelaide Bbm-Sara Uniteam Adelaide

Solid supporters of Presidential candidate B**g B**g Marcos and Vice Presidential Canditate Inday Sara Duterte based in Adelaide South Australia �

Suffragette Group Suffragette Group

Suffragette Group is a nonpartisan political consultancy for women. But we're much more than that.

Justice for Fella Justice for Fella
Parliament House
Adelaide, 5000

Wayne Fella Morrison – a father, a fisherman, an artist, our brother & son, died in custody in 2016.

Democratic Labour Party South Australia Democratic Labour Party South Australia
PO Box 736
Adelaide, 5168

Official page of Democratic Labour Party SA. Authorised by P. Amadio, PO Box 736, Noarlunga Centre SA 5168

Tim Looker OAM for Council Tim Looker OAM for Council
82 Penzance Street
Adelaide, 5045

Tim Looker. Candidate for Somerton Ward. Written and Authorised by Tim Looker 82 Penzance Street Glenelg SA 5045

South Australian Public Sector Workers United South Australian Public Sector Workers United
101 Henley Beach Road
Adelaide, 5031

A UWU page for South Australian public sector workers. Authorised by Demi Pnevmatikos

Patriots fighting for truth. Patriots fighting for truth.
Adelaide, 5110

Truth that will set you free !!! Bringing truth back into Governments , organizations , churches ,etc

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Adelaide, 5000

Be part of the movement to put an end to the 3 am lockout!

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Adelaide, 5000

NWBCW South Australia intends to bring an internationalist working class perspective to local struggles. We hope to connect with like-minded individuals who may wish to get involve...