Mental Health Commissioners - South Australia

The SA Mental Health Commission is partnering with South Australians to implement the SA Mental Heal

The SA Mental Health Commission aims to strengthen the mental health and wellbeing of South Australians. Our key initial task is to lead the development of SA's new Mental Health Strategic Plan.


Reach out to local services these holidays and stay safe.

Come talk with our amazing team of peer workers this holiday season! Eager and waiting to take your call every night of the year!

Photos from Mental Health Commissioners - South Australia's post 31/12/2021

It has been another year of significant challenge and change and it can be easy to become focused on all the things that have not gone the way we wanted or how tired we are of it all.

Changing mindset is not easy but is possible. Turning focus to the silver linings, things you valued, moments that made you smile, is a strategy that can help us see that despite how hard it gets there is often something to be grateful for.

Heather, John and David have each reflected on what they are grateful for this year. Let us know in the comments below what you are grateful for.

Find tips and resources to support your health and wellbeing over the holidays:


The holiday season can be a wonderful time of celebration, connecting with family and friends, and relaxation.

This time of the year can also be a very difficult time for many in the community.

If you or someone in your community needs some extra mental health support over the holiday season, please reach out – there is support and services available.

Visit Wellbeing SA’s website to find available support and services:


The Mental Health Commissioners would like to wish you a peaceful holiday season and hope for the new year.

Thank you to the partners, stakeholders and community who have worked with us across the year to support the implementation of the South Australian Mental Health Strategic Plan.

We look forward to working with you next year!

Photos from Mental Health Commissioners - South Australia's post 02/12/2021

Tahlia Malins is a year 12 student at Thomas More College. Having experienced some overwhelming anxiety this year Tahlia attended the Urgent Mental Health Care Centre. Her experience was positive and helpful, and she decided that she wanted others to feel valued and cared for.

As a leader at her college Tahlia decided to raise awareness of mental health amongst students and create care packages for the Urgent Care Centre. Tahlia set up a go fund me page and placed baskets in classrooms for students to donate self-care items. Over $1500 in cash was raised with contributions from the public along with some members of the Premiers Council on Su***de Prevention.

Tahlia shopped for items in addition to those donated and then packaged them into individual gift boxes. Items included toothbrushes, journals, hand cream, soft toys, sensory and pampering items.

Tahlia then delivered 34 individual packages as well as a laundry basket of communal items to be used at the Urgent Mental Health Care centre and I was very fortunate to be invited to attend. Staff were absolutely overwhelmed by the donation.

The first box was handed to a guest soon after and the response was that she felt very moved by the kind and caring gesture.
Tahlia’s boxes let guests know that someone cares and gives permission for them to give themselves some “self-care” when they go home.

For some, they receive items that they may never be able to afford to purchase for themselves. This gesture may go a long way in preventing su***de, ensuring that people do not feel so alone when facing the challenges of mental illness.


Today is International Men's Day (Friday 19th November). This year's theme for the day is "men's mental health".

Australian Mens Health forum have produced the great infographic.

Know Your Man Facts about Men's Mental Health and find out more about IMD at

Welcome | OT Week 2021 29/10/2021

It's Occupational Therapy (OT) Week! And we want to thank all OTs for the fantastic work they do.

OT Week is an opportunity to celebrate Occupational Therapists and to educate the broader community on the value they provide.

Occupational therapists work with people of all ages who have physical, social or mental health needs. OTs work to identify interests and goals, manage daily routines, modify daily tasks to make them easier to perform and recommend activities to participate in.

They may also assist with rehabilitation, pain management, school or work support, amongst a wide range of other tasks.

For more information about Occupational Therapy and OT Week, visit

Welcome | OT Week 2021

Photos from Mental Health Commissioners - South Australia's post 26/10/2021

Today Mental Health Commissioner John Mannion presented at the Business SA’s Mentally Healthy Business Breakfast event about the importance of supporting the mental health of South Australian workers.

A great opportunity to connect with local business owners and stakeholders in workplace mental health and wellbeing.


Rate our conference set-up 👇

Commissioners John Mannion and Heather Nowak Heather presented at theMHS (The MHS Learning Network) today.

The topic was "Pandemic, People and Mental Health of the population: Mental Health Commissioners from Australia and New Zealand".

Our reflections were: Reflections from South Australia, Bushfires and beyond.

Our bright stars included:
Lived Experience Telephone Support Service - Adelaide Metro
Neami National Urgent Mental Health Care Centre
Mental Health SAS Response Team

We also highlighted some other South Australian work including:
Bushfire recovery grants, Community wellbeing and resilience grants, Su***de prevention grants, International students, Su***de prevention bill, Su***de prevention strategy, and the lived experience workforce.

Mental Health Month 2021 10/10/2021

Today is World Mental Health Day, 2021's theme is "We All Have A Role To Play".

Today is an opportunity to have conversations with your friends, family and community about mental health. It’s a time to learn about self-care, community wellbeing, and available support services. The next time you or a friend need help with mental health, you feel better equipped to do something.

The Mental Health Commissioners are committed to supporting the wellbeing of all South Australians and recognise the strength in communities is vital strengthening this.

Reach out to someone, have a conversation or take some time for self-care today.

For more resources, self-care tips, and evidence based information about mental health and wellbeing. Visit the new Wellbeing SA website.

Mental Health Month 2021 It's Mental Health Month - October 2021.

Photos from Mental Health Commissioners - South Australia's post 08/10/2021

Commissioner John Mannion was proud to speak at the 2021 University of South Australia Match Studio Tournament Exhibition - "Activating Community Resilience" Launch last night.

Supported by Wellbeing SA and Fay Fuller Foundation the exhibition displays concepts from the Visualising Mental Health Project, where UniSA’s 3rd year Bachelor of Design (Communication Design) and students from other disciplines work alongside psychologists and UniSA lecturers to develop unique methods to communicate mental health and wellbeing concepts to the broader community.

Congratulations to the Neighbourly Notes team, who will have their project piloted in a real world setting soon!

The student’s work will be on display in the The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre’s Kerry Packer Civic Gallery, North Terrace until October 29.


Today is .

Sepsis occurs when the body’s response to an infection damages its own tissues and organs. Sepsis causes 8700 deaths in Australia each year, and those who do overcome sepsis may experience a range of symptoms impacting their mental health such as sadness, sleep issues, fatigue, sadness and anxiety.

For more information about sepsis, visit World Sepsis Day and

How to ask "Are you OK?" | R U OK? 09/09/2021

“R U OK? No, R U Really OK?”

It can sometimes be difficult checking in with others, but there’s no such thing as a bad conversation when it comes to mental health.

Connecting and driving change through conversation is especially important when you notice a change in someone’s behaviour.

It’s not always easy to keep the conversation going when someone says they’re not OK, but it could change a life.

Trust yourself to ask someone if they’re REALLY okay. You don’t have to be an expert to be helpful.

For more information about how to hold important conversations visit:

How to ask "Are you OK?" | R U OK? R U OK? is a su***de prevention charity encouraging Australians to start life-changing conversations, when they're needed most. Four simple steps guide you to ask "Are you OK?", and help someone in need safely and comfortably. A conversation can change a life.

Photos from Mental Health Commissioners - South Australia's post 05/08/2021

Commissioners Nowak and Mannion were very pleased to attend the launch of the Lived Experience Leadership and System Change Resources yesterday held by SA Lived Experience Leadership & Advocacy Network and University of South Australia.


Today Minister Wade announced the new Mental Health Commissioner for South Australia. Mr John Mannion will join Commissioners Heather Nowak and David Kelly from 1 July.

Photos from Mental Health Commissioners - South Australia's post 22/05/2021

This week, we celebrate National Volunteer Week. A big thank you to all volunteers across South Australian for sharing your time to build vibrant communities and help others.

The theme for 2021 National Volunteer Week is ‘Recognise, Reimagine and Reconnect’. It is about finding and reconnecting with your passions and helping others do the same.

Lifeline Adelaide is one of the busiest centres in Australia. The Adelaide volunteer workforce has already answered over 11,000 calls this year. Lifeline relies on volunteers to provide this essential crisis support service to the community.

Commissioner David Kelly acknowledged the contribution of the Lifeline volunteers and the Lifeline service in supporting those in crisis across our communities and thanked service manager Jo Cooley and volunteer Kerri Langford on behalf of himself and Commissioner Nowak.


Great meeting on Monday with Unis, labour groups and student volunteers to explore strategies to reduce the ongoing exploitation of international students in work and accommodation.

Deterrence is important but the real focus is on working with specific cultural groups in their own language using peer to peer strategies to bring about changes in awareness and illegal practices.


We need to hear from you!
What could make a difference in preventing su***de in South Australia? You can share your views in so many ways - and it only takes a few minutes to have a say!***depreventionplan***depreventionplan

Have your say on what can make a difference in preventing su***de in SA 08/04/2021

We need to hear from you! What could make a difference in preventing su***de in South Australia? You can share your views in so many ways - check out our latest newsletter here for all the details and direct links. It only takes a few minutes to have a say!

Have your say on what can make a difference in preventing su***de in SA Wellbeing SA and the Premier's Council on Su***de Prevention have invited all South Australians to have their say on what will make a difference in preventing su***de.


We welcome the National Mental Health Commission's launch of the Mental Health Safety and Quality Engagement Guide which will support the improvement of the safety and quality of mental health services across Australia.
For more information, see NMHC CEO Christine Morgan's video below or go to


The ongoing vulnerability and exploitation experienced by many international students impacts their mental health and wellbeing, as they confront job loss, underpayments, financial hardship and isolation.
Read the Mental Health Commissioners' latest Newsletter here:


What a year it’s been... SA’s Mental Health Commissioners look back on 2020, a challenging year during which we dealt with change and uncertainty in different ways, and hold out hope for 2021.
Read their Christmas message here:


International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) is held on 3 December each year.

IDPwD is a United Nations observed day celebrated internationally. It aims to increase public awareness, understanding and acceptance of people with disability and celebrate their achievements and contributions.

To learn more visit


This year the Festival of Now will be broadcasting online.

Due to current covid-19 restrictions the Festival of Now will be live streaming its program of music, live art and activities.

This full day of entertainment starts from 10:30am on Friday 4th December.

Be sure to tune in to "What's This Thing Called Peer Work?" with the SA Mental Health Commissioners from 12:00pm

To find out more head to

From the comfort of your lounge room join in this celebration of wellbeing through creativity.

Photos from Mental Health Commissioners - South Australia's post 16/11/2020

SA Mental Health Commissioner David Kelly was among several expert speakers at a recent webinar hosted by SafeWork SA on psychological health and wellbeing during COVID-19.
Commissioner Kelly explained that traditional problem solving doesn't apply when it comes to 'uncontrollable stressors.'
For this story and more, read the Commissioners' e-newsletter here:


You don't need to look very far to see acts of kindness.

They are the big but also the very small moments of connection and consideration for others that humans are so very good at, that just happen in the flow of life each day as kind acts we do for family and friends out of love, care, duty or concern, or towards complete strangers.

Sometimes they begin with being kind to oneself.

All the best to you for World Kindness Day today.


SA Mental Health Commissioners Heather Nowak and Sharon Lawn chatted with shoppers and retailers during Mental Health Week 2020. They gave away small torches as well to ‘shine a light on mental health’. Here’s Commissioner Nowak (left) chatting with Robyn.


Time to call SA’s Mental Health Commissioners!
Share your views on all things mental health and wellbeing today... you know you want to!

Phone-in with the Commissioners - Wednesday 14th October.

• Commissioner Heather Nowak: 9am – 5pm, Phone: 8463 6119
• Commissioner David Kelly: 10am – 2pm, Phone: 8463 6155
• Commissioner Sharon Lawn: 1pm – 4pm, Phone: 8463 6066

Photos from Mental Health Commissioners - South Australia's post 13/10/2020

It's so why not pick up the phone and chat with SA's Mental Health Commissioners?
They're waiting to chat with you tomorrow about all things mental health and wellbeing!

Phone-in with the Commissioners - Wednesday 14th October.

• Commissioner Heather Nowak: 9am – 5pm, Phone: 8463 6119
• Commissioner David Kelly: 10am – 2pm, Phone: 8463 6155
• Commissioner Sharon Lawn: 1pm – 4pm, Phone: 8463 6066

Photos from Mental Health Commissioners - South Australia's post 09/10/2020

It’s and SA’s Mental Health Commissioners encourage you to become involved in Mental Health Week

Check out the events across SA organised by the Mental Health Coalition of SA:

And on Wednesday October 14, why not give the Commissioners a ring and discuss mental health and wellbeing? What’s working? What’s not?

The Wednesday phone-in times are:
* Commissioner Heather Nowak: 9am – 5pm, Telephone 8463 6119
* Commissioner Sharon Lawn: 1pm – 4pm, Telephone 8463 6066
* Commissioner David Kelly: 10am – 2pm, Telephone 8463 6155


October is and SA’s Mental Health Commissioners are keen for us all to get involved.
Among the many Mental Health Week events, there’s an opportunity to join the Commissioners’ phone-in on October 14 to chat about mental health and wellbeing.
Check the latest newsletter for details:

Home | Be Well Tracker 01/10/2020

The Be Well Tracker is launching in Mental Health Week.

Be Well Tracker aims to help you:

- Learn about your own mental health and wellbeing
- Try ways to build or maintain high levels of wellbeing
- Track your mental health and wellbeing over time

Visit the link below for more information and to register

Home | Be Well Tracker All we need is your email, but if you give us your name, we can also send you a personalised invitation. It is that simple.


Has your business signed up for Business SA's October Mental Health Month Workplace challenge?

It's never been more important to take the best care of your employees' mental health and wellbeing, as well as looking after yourself.

Business SA will help your business shine a spotlight on workplace mental health with a free toolkit and the encouragement and support to review the small things that can create a mentally healthy workplace.

SA's three Mental Health Commissioners, the Mental Health Coalition of South Australia and Return to Work SA are proudly supporting Business SA's October challenge.

For more information, go to


It’s World Su***de Prevention Day 2020 and RU OK? Day.
Take time to check in on family and friends and notice any changes in behaviour.
If you’re unsure what to do if someone is not OK, there are excellent tips right here:
And view the latest newsletter from SA’s Mental Health Commissioners and their WSPD and RU OK Day message:

‘While it's good to have a day to remind us of the importance of su***de prevention globally, the real work in making a difference for the people we care about needs to happen every day, in every home, community and workplace.’ - SA Mental Health Commissioners Heather Nowak, David Kelly and Sharon Lawn


Mental Health Commissioner Sharon Lawn was pleased to meet GROW members - many of them volunteers - at Hove last week.
GROW has a strong focus on mutual support provided by people with lived experience.
For more information about GROW and local groups, visit:
Grow Australia


Check out the latest news from South Australia's three Mental Health Commissioners. Sharon Lawn, Heather Nowak and David Kelly are out and about listening to the issues, concerns and opportunities that are important to South Australians.
Read their newsletter here:


SA Mental Health Commissioners Sharon Lawn and Heather Nowak visited the Lived Experience Telephone Support Service - Adelaide Metro (LETSS) at Skylight Mental Health last week to meet the team and celebrate the great service they provide.
LETSS is a non-crisis telephone mental health support service delivered by a dedicated team with lived experience and it's leading the way in recognising the value of lived experience support.
The service operates 7 days from 5pm-11.30pm and is available on 1800 013 755.
Photo: (l-r) Paul Creedon - CEO Skylight Mental Health, Heather Nowak, Sharon Lawn, and LETSS leads Amanda Mountford and Sarah Hylton

Photos from Mental Health Coalition of South Australia's post 16/06/2020

Everyone has different coping tools. This , have a listen to comedians D and Beautiful Bogan as they chat about mental health and staying well.

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Adelaide's Faith Abio discusses youth involvement in mental health at international forum in Washington DC.
Anna Meares. Legend.In her own words, Anna explains how she kept going after breaking her neck at the Los Angeles World ...
Are you @THEMHS2018? Pop over to the SA Mental Health Commission stall for a flower, a flyer and a smile! 🌺🌸🌼🌺🌸🌼 The MHS...
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PO Box, 388 Rundle Mall
Adelaide, SA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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