The Official Page of Reverse Speech Technologies

Discovered by David John Oates in 1984, Reverse Speech is the name given to hidden backward messages in human speech.


well technically, i have this week off but i've been writing all day - I've finished updating the As in the dictionary - i've opened the analyst training manual getting ready to rewrite it - and i wrote 2 paragraphs in the angelium saga - here they are....

"Look. It's a random pixel totally out of place. That area is light shifted and cloaked," she exclaimed. "It has to be. Their technology is degrading. How large is the area you can't scan?"
"Ten square kilometres Ma'am," the bridge officer replied.
"Of course you can't scan there. It's cloaked." Evangeline said. "Ten square kilometres? Enough to house a small settlement. Focus a Q band pulse on the area. See if you can detect any tech with that. Whoever they are, their light shift is degrading. You may find something."
"Yes Ma'am," and after a brief pause the confirmation came. "We have a very weak return ping on the Q band from an Angelium transponder,"
"The seventh scroll!" Evangeline exclaimed. "Well, well, well. There it is. Inside a cloaked settlement hidden away in snow country in the far northeast of the planet. Buzz Yesawa will you? He's going to want to see this."

Forty billion light years away on the Angelium home planet, Angelus 7, the High Council was convening its regular weekly meeting. Suddenly the comm unit flashed. It was the Mount Olympus communications centre.

“We have an incoming message from the Guardian,” the communications officer said nervously.
“The Guardian?” Barachiel queried, immediately snapping to attention.
“Yes Sir,” the officer replied. “For your eyes only. In person.”
“I’m on my way,” Barachiel said urgently. The Guardian rarely contacts the council in person. This must be important.


i am convinced most people have no idea what it means to work with one's shadow - modern new age seems so focused on the light they have forgotten the dark which deludes them - we must face and conquer the dark if we are ever to move forward

David Oates / Reverse Speech blog 15/09/2024

heres hillary from 2016 - "send a killer"

David Oates / Reverse Speech blog Hillary: "Send a killer"


i have just sent the metaphor book off to the editors - so its getting closer folks - i am starting on the metaphor dictionary today


here is this week's rense show


well now the metaphor book has now been officially written - all session transcripts have been added and categorised - i have nothing more to do - i am waiting for the forward to come which is being written by Kathleen Hawkins and then the book goes to the editors - the final word count is 111,972 words


thought i'd give you another teaser from my metaphor book - this is the end of the second to last chapter (chapter 16)

"I guess ultimately, it's up to you. Do you really want to become congruent and truly face your demons? There's lot of therapists who will tell you nice stories and give you fairy pictures. I'd like to do that, I really would, but the transcript I have just transcribed from your reversals tells me something completely different. You can explain them away if you like. I won’t stop you anymore.

I don't know how to approach it half the time, but I do know this, and I know this from personal experience, that if you want to walk the spiritual path, truly walk it, then you must face and conquer your own demons. It cannot be avoided. It is a rite of passage that everyone who seeks the Truth must make, and it is the very first step on the way towards “I Am.” Yet, to my amazement, very few people want to make that journey, even those, and sometimes especially those, who consider themselves spiritual. Just read my book, “The Great Spiritual Darkness,” to know why.

Somehow, true spirituality has been lost, or maybe we never ever had it. Maybe we are yet to evolve, to discover our true spiritual nature. Maybe we have to wade our way through a lifetime of sludge and muck that we have collected and fight the demons that we allowed to cause it, before we find our true Divine nature.

Can you imagine a world that has evolved, that has moved past its negative metaphors and started to seek the light. Reverse Speech, the voice of the heart, will assist us in making that transition.


I'm up late - again - working on my metaphor book - and i am editing the section about the metaphor Heaven when suddenly - just now - the room was filled with the strong scent of sweet smelling perfume - it lasted 10-15 seconds then went - it 2:30 am here and there is no-one else in the house - a manifestation for sure


and for those really serious here are details on the mentor class

(3) Reverse Speech Mentor Student: This is a full-time course working with David in all facets of Reverse Speech – session work, training, media appearances, writing, the lot. Classes are held in zoom and start early in the mornings (Australia time) and go to evenings (with breaks), depending on how late David works. This course trains the experts! The only prerequisite is you must be a current or past student of Reverse Speech. Cost is $US10,000 for the year and payment plans can be made.


For those thinking of taking practitioner class in january here are all the details. Currently we have 4 students enrolled in this course

(2) Reverse Speech Practitioner: This is also a twelve-month course with one three-hour class held in zoom every two weeks. You must have your analyst certificate to start this course, and you must have completed a round of Reverse Speech session work. You will need to allocate at least 15 hours a week of study, often more than this, to succeed. The course is designed to teach you how to change human personality and behavior using the technique of Metaphor Restructuring, and it is also designed to train students to become an expert at both reversal location and interpretation. Course topics covered include…

• The practice of Metaphor Restructuring
• What is a Hypnosis?
• What is a Metawalk?
• The real meaning behind metaphors as structures of the unconscious.
• How human behavior and personality is formed with pictures.
• The basics of Neuro Linguistic Programming
• The experience of an altered state.
• Standard Metawalk induction techniques.
• Accessing the metaphoric structures
• Standard Generic metawalks
• Standard exit inductions.
• The Pre Trance session and prompting for metaphors.
• Reversal feedback and embedded commands.
• The three Metawalk Reversal Types.
• Unconscious consent.
• Generic metawalks.
• The basic steps in writing a Metawalk.
• The metaphoric map.
• Whirlwind collapse and other trance techniques.
• Performing the Metawalk.
• Avoiding adverse reactions.
• The Post trance tape.
• The final metawalk.
• The two whirlwinds.
• Specialty Metawalks including Shewolf.
• Detailed transcript interpretation.
• High speed reversal location.
• Lots and lots of standard Metawalk scripts.

Cost for this course is $US6000. It is $1000 more than the Analyst class because there is much more work involved in teaching this course and usually more classes than the original number planned. You can typically expect this course to go longer than a year. Potential students must also factor in a round of session work in their costings if they have not already embarked on one. (Session work with David Oates is $US1800. It may be cheaper with other certified practitioners.) Payment plans can be arranged for both the course and session work with a $US1500 deposit.


I am adding a new chapter to the book right now - i just added two more transcripts and i am now approaching 110,000 words


i am receiving a few emails about training - for those who are interested here are all the details on the new class starting in january

(1) Reverse Speech Analyst: This is a twelve-month course with classes held every two weeks on zoom. Each class is three hours long. In addition to class time, there are homework assignments to be completed. You will need to allocate at least 15 hours a week to complete this homework and engage in other extra circular studies. The course is designed to teach you how to hear reversals accurately, how to interpret them and then report them back to your client. Topics covered include…

• Basic contracts, trademarks and intellectual property, course ethics, what is expected of you in class.
• What is Reverse Speech?
• The theory of Reverse Speech and Speech Complementarity.
• The levels of consciousness from which Reverse Speech stems.
• Adverse reactions and how to avoid them.
• What is a reversal?
• What is imagination and coincidence and how to tell the difference?
• How to use the Reverse Speech software, video and audio.
• The History of Reverse Speech.
• Reverse Speech check points and validity validity factors.
• Layered reversals.
• Finding reversals in the media.
• Reverse Speech categories – the first steps in interpreting reversals.
• Preparing session transcripts.
• Reverse Speech in children
• An introduction to prompting.
• Welcome to the Whirlwind and the first steps in using it.
• How to create Energetic rapport.
• Recording sessions both in person and on line.
• Reverse Speech metaphors and the Three levels of Reverse Speech.
• The different types of metaphors.
• The Oral Tradition theory of Reverse Speech.
• How metaphors describe Behaviour and personality.
• The 12 Unconscious Kingdoms, the metaphor map and metaphor groups.
• Reverse Speech and the Soul.
• Understanding sexual reversals.
• Shewolf and Basic manifestation using the whirlwind.
• Detailed prompting techniques and the Meta Model.
• Reporting results to your client.
• Handling adverse reactions in clients.
• The Reverse Speech researcher and proving the existence of Reverse Speech.
• The clusters of Reverse Speech.
• Writing a session overview.
• Creating clients and giving lectures.
• Marketing areas and the uses of Reverse Speech.
• The philosophy of Reverse Speech.

There are entry requirements for this course. These are: Course contracts signed in advance, a 30-minute audio recording telling us why you want to take training – this will analyzed for reversals, course fees paid in advance ($US5000) or arrangements made to take payments with a $US1000 deposit. (Prices accurate as of 1/1/25.) Upon successful completion of this course, which includes final homework assignments, you will be given a license to use the Reverse Speech trademark within the confines of the training you have received to date.


reverse speech

StarSeeds of Freedom! "Reverse Speech" David Oates joins Carrington MacDuffie 07/09/2024

heres a podcast i did this week

StarSeeds of Freedom! "Reverse Speech" David Oates joins Carrington MacDuffie David Oates made the astonishing discovery that we encode subconscious messages in our speech, which can be detected when a recording of our speech is playe...


heres this weeks rense show


an extract from my book - chapter 12: manifestation

"Often, I have been able to detect disease and discomfort in people through the perceptions of my Whirlwind, and in the late 90s I even began experimenting with shifting other people's metaphors, hence their psychological, physical and spiritual wellbeing, simply by gaining rapport with their Whirlwind. Once gaining rapport I would visualise and then shift and alter their metaphors with my Whirlwind, without the use of words or hypnosis (although this technique itself is hypnosis, or prayer, in a different form.) Amazingly I had some initial success but sadly ceased all further experimentation with the technique when I returned to Australia to live in late 1999. This is mainly because I no longer worked with people face to face but rather over the phone. Personally, I believe this is how Jesus performed his miracles, through pictures, parable and the use his Whirlwind of which I suspect he was a master, even to the point of physical resurrection. "


The Rules For Being Human

1. You will receive a body. You may like it or you may not like it and it will be yours for the entire period of this llfe.

2. You will learn many lessons. You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called life. Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or not think them to be important or brilliant.

3. There are no mistakes; only lessons. Growth is a process of trial and error experimentation. The not passed experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiment that ultimately “works”.

4. A lesson is repeated until learned. A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it, you can then go on to the next lesson.

5. Learning lessons keeps on continuing There is no part of life that does not contain its lessons. As long as you live there are lessons to be learned.

6. “There” is not more or less superior than “here”, you will simply obtain another “there” that will again appear better than “here”.

7. Others are merely mirrors of you. You cannot love or not love something about another person unless it reflects something you love or not love about yourself.

8. What you make of your life is up to you. You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours.

9. You will not remember all this.

10. You can remember it whenever you want.

Discovering Reverse Speech - Guest Episode with David John Oates 02/09/2024

here is a podcast i did this week

Discovering Reverse Speech - Guest Episode with David John Oates Just imagine that your unconscious mind could clearly communicate with you so you can understand yourself and what is blocking you at a much deeper level?My ...


I just found a fascinating reversal on a metawalk i did - I was accessing the Jesus metaphor to remove the satan metaphor and got a reversal that said, "Send The One to see the Satan." Now The One in reverse speech literally refers to the Holy Spirit, so this reversal is equating the Holy Spirit with Jesus implying they are one and the same. This supports the doctrine of The Trinity which i must admit i have been having strong doubts about lately


heres last week's rense show - sorry for the delay


just found a reversal on me in a client's tape that adds weight to my theory that We are the Soul - our cosnciousness exists in the soul and this survives death - the reversal was "I am a Soul with the whirl." - very cool


I just enrolled my second student in the upcoming class starting in january this year - this is with all the new requirements, contracts, 30 minute recording etc - is anyone wants to sign up for this class email me at [email protected] - the course is one year, classes held in zoom every 2 weeks for 3 hours a class - 15 hours a week homework - cost is $US5000


reverse speech


i have finished! Metaphor book is written - 16 chapters and 90,000 words - just got a bit of tidying up to do and then its off to the editors


i'm writing the last chapter of my metaphor book now - heres one line from it

"This is what I believe is our destiny as a human race. To understand the power of the unconscious with its many metaphors, to shake off those dysfunctional structures that stop us from utilising our free will and ultimately rediscovering that we are indeed Divine."


i cant help myself - heres another teaser from my metpahor book

Chapter Fifteen: Facing the Mirror Within

One of my most favourite quotes that shows the true nature of Reverse Speech comes from Carl Jung's works, "Collected Works, Volume 9: Part 1, The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious." It explores the concept of the "shadow" and the importance of self-reflection in confronting the hidden or repressed aspects of one's personality. The quote is:

"Whoever looks into the mirror of the water will see first of all his own face. Whoever goes to himself risks a confrontation with himself. The mirror does not flatter; it faithfully shows whatever looks into it; namely, the face we never show to the world because we cover it with the persona, the mask of the actor. But the mirror lies behind the mask and shows the true face. This confrontation is the first test of courage on the inner way, a test sufficient to frighten off most people."
Most people will read this quote and agree with it. What marvellous words, you might say, and you would be right. They are marvellous. They are words that contain great wisdom and the mightiest challenge of all. That is, an invitation to take a walk on the inner way and see who you really are. This is where it gets tough and this is where reversal reaction begins.
I noted earlier how the very name of Reverse Speech, or sometimes a deep encounter, will send many people running, a few immediately and another few a few months later. I have even had several mass exoduses from Reverse Speech up to three or four years later. I have seen it all time and time again. This is because Reverse Speech really is a test on the inner way. It is the only modality I am aware of that allows you see this deep into the unconscious and reflect back to you what it really there. There are no masks, no pretence, only you, light and dark, good and bad, even the very horrendous, and the very nice. And once you understand the metaphors that this book had described, this confrontation becomes even more intense.
I have talked continuously in this book about the importance of being congruent. But what does that mean? It means a lot more than just acknowledging you have a temper and you need therapy to sort it out, and it means a lot more than finally realising you are the one sabotaging your relationship, although this too can be difficult to face. Real congruity means acknowledging the dark forces of Satan within that cause your temper to flare, facing your childhood trauma that you chose to set this pattern into place initially, seeing the black scar on your diseased soul that it has caused, and recognising the murderous harm and the destruction of innocence this temper is reigning down upon others. Then finally acknowledging that you are the one unconsciously manipulating your own reality to create life's situations that actually trigger the temper in the first place, only so you can get high on the sick satisfaction that it gives you. It wasn't your spouses fault at all for not vacuuming the floor to your satisfaction or your child's fault for not cleaning their room, or even your boss's fault for not giving you a raise. You created it, you caused it, and you will take it and your diseased soul with you when you die.
This is what I mean by congruity. Sound tough? It is. Reverse Speech tells you all of this and more. It's a revelation that few people can handle and one that most people run from in terror, just as Carl Jung said they would.


i am now 80,000 words into my metaphor book and still have at least 2 more chapters to write plus additions to make to other chapters and the appendices - i think i am still 2-3 weeks away from finishing it


i thought you might like this section i just wrote in my metpahor book - i have posted all these reversals on this page

9. Premonition Reversals. I talked about these reversals early and gave some examples. But to repeat, these reversals detail an event that is going to happen in the future, week or years in advance. Even though they generally speak in regular language I believe them to be third level reversals that are coming from the collective unconscious. This region of consciousness exists outside of time and space and stores all events, past, present and future. A recent example that I have concerns the attempted assassination of Former President Donald Trump in July 2024. Three months prior to the assassination attempt while at rally in Iowa he had a reversal that said, “Prevents the killer, but missed it.” This is exactly what happened. The Secret Service prevented the killer by killing him and the bullet missed Trump. Then two weeks prior to the attempt he gave three reversals in one speech that were also a premonition of his attempted assassination. They said, “The killer wants you. The skull on it / They want a gun / Crooks see the fate.” The last reversal is particularly stunning because it uses the actual name of the killer, Thomas Crooks. (These reversals were found prior to the assassination attempt and I had no idea what they meant when they were found. This is part of the trouble with premonitions. They are easy to understand in hindsight but difficult to predict with foresight. Prophecy is the same.)


I deep into writing my metpahor book here - i started back at it about 5 days ago - i thought i was almost finished but i just added two more chapters which i am writing now - i am noow at 70,000 words and counting - heres another teaser from the book in an extra chapter i am writing now

Chapter Ten: Interpreting Metaphors

Interpreting Reverse Speech metaphors is a delicate task that requires both thought and vision. Thought, because you need to think carefully and rationally when approaching this task, divorcing yourself from personal opinions, and vision because you need to start thinking in pictures to really understand what the metaphors are saying.

Hence we come to the first lesson in interpreting metaphors. That is, to see the metaphor as a picture in your mind, then describing the picture and the feelings it evokes. Take for example a metaphor that says, “the boy fu**ed massacred nurse.” The picture this evokes is one of disrespect and violence destroying something innocent that is caring and nurturing. We then go to the forward dialogue to determine complementarity (the relationship between the forwards and reverse) and categories. What is the reversal telling us? This is what the forward dialogue says.

“I felt the disturbance in that guy, [because I felt um], first of all the negativity, and it sucked me down and next thing I could not think.”

The reversal is congruent with the forwards talking about energetic vampirism. His energy was fu**ed and destroyed by the guy. The picture of the metaphor adds even more depth to it. It's aggressive and nasty.

Lets look at another metaphor. This one says “did the wolf heal lessons in the whirlwind?” Once again, create a picture of what this metaphor says. I see a wolf standing next to a whirlwind (picture it as a spinning vortex), with pieces of paper (lessons) spinning around in the wind. The picture is chaotic and these is a sense of separation because the wolf stands off to the side. Let us now look at the forward dialogue.

“My whirlwind is suddenly full of debris and it's very dark.”

The forwards confirms the picture – chaos and debris – and the metaphor is a question. Both the image and complementary suggests this healing has not taken place and this man's lessons are unsure.

Sometimes I find it helpful to go with the “feel” of a reversal. For example, if we hear a reversal that says “there’s a black whirlwind here”, the energy of that phrase is dark and foreboding. We know that the whirlwind refers to our energy so we can say that this person has a very dark, foreboding energy. The picture of the metaphor that I might see is a whirlwind that is black, dark and maybe has lightning bolts coming out of it.

With this first step in interpreting metaphors (see them as pictures) let us now digress and look at some basic steps in interpreting all reversals.


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