Gumby Gumby

Gumby Gumby: Embracing the Healing Wisdom of Australia's First Nations


✅✅✅ A Little Something For Wednesday.
(Play it a few’s really catchy!)
Share away!

*Always Was*
Lyrics: Lee Doherty

Health & Harmony Naturally
Lee Doherty
Bushfoods with Benefits
Copyright 21/08/2024


✅✅✅ Happy Tuesday Everyone!

You love my stories so much that I couldn’t wait to share another.

*Mirri the Water Spirit*

In the Dawn and heart of the ancient land, where the river flowed with life, there lived a water spirit named Mirri. Her beauty was as fluid as the water itself, her eyes mirroring the depths of the river's soul. She was a guardian of the waterway, her spirit entwined with the ebb and flow of its currents.

One day, a young hunter named Daku came to the river's edge. He was strong and brave, but his heart ached with loneliness. As he knelt to drink, he saw Mirri's reflection shimmering in the water. He was captivated by her ethereal grace.

Mirri, moved by his yearning, emerged from the river, her form draped in water lilies. She told Daku that she had observed him, admired his respect for the land and its creatures. She offered to share her world with him, if he promised to cherish it as she did.

Daku, his heart filled with wonder, eagerly agreed. Mirri led him beneath the surface, into a realm of shimmering light and vibrant life. Fish darted through coral gardens, turtles glided through swaying reeds. Mirri showed Daku the hidden springs that fed the river, the secret caves where the water whispered its ancient tales.

As they explored, a bond grew between them, a connection as deep and enduring as the river itself. Mirri taught Daku the secrets of the water, how to read its currents, how to listen to its wisdom. Daku, in turn, shared his knowledge of the land, the ways of the animals, the rhythms of the seasons.

Their love story became a legend, whispered on the wind and carried by the river's flow. It was a tale of two worlds entwined, of the harmony between land and water, of the enduring power of love and respect. And so, the spirit of Mirri continued to watch over the river, her presence a gentle reminder of the interconnectedness of all things.

So lovely, don’t you think?🥰

My Gumby Gumby products are fresh and waiting for you to order. Click on the link next to the thumbs up emoji.


Have a beautiful day.
Health and Harmony Naturally
Lee Doherty
Bushfoods with Benefits

Author: Lee Doherty
Image: Annie May Pixel Weaver


✅✅✅ "People often ask why I share my stories and images for free. The answer is simple: the joy it brings to those facing health challenges. If my work offers even a moment of comfort or respite, that makes me truly happy."

“The Story of Mirren Mirren” (Maroon Bush)

In the time of the Dawn, when the world was young and animals spoke the language of the wind, there lived a wise and gentle woman named Mirren Mirren. Her hair was like the leaves of the bush, her eyes shimmered like the billabong at dusk, and her touch was as soft as the fur of the possum.

Mirren Mirren lived in harmony with the land, gathering the sweet berries of the bush, weaving baskets from long grasses, and sharing her wisdom with the creatures of the bush. But one day, a greedy and cunning man named Dingo came to her home. He saw the abundance of berries and leaves that Mirren Mirren had gathered, and his heart was filled with envy.

"Mirren Mirren," Dingo said, his voice as sly as the snake in the grass, "share your berries with me. I am hungry, and you have plenty."
Mirren Mirren, ever generous, offered Dingo a handful of berries and leaves. But Dingo, his greed insatiable, snatched the entire basket from her hands and ran deep into the forest.

Mirren Mirren, heartbroken by Dingo's treachery, chased after him, her bare feet pounding the earth, her cries echoing through the trees.
But Dingo, in his haste, tripped over a fallen log and spilled the berries across the forest floor. As the berries and leaves tumbled from the basket, they transformed into thorny bushes, their leaves sharp and unforgiving. Dingo, caught in the tangle of thorns, cried out in pain, his skin pierced by the countless spines.

Mirren Mirren, seeing Dingo's plight, felt a pang of pity. She approached him cautiously, her eyes filled with both sadness and understanding. "Dingo," she said softly, "greed has led you astray. May this be a lesson to you. Learn to respect the gifts of the land and the generosity of others."

With a gentle touch, Mirren Mirren helped Dingo free himself from the thorny bushes. Dingo, humbled by his experience,bowed his head in shame. He vowed to change his ways and to honor the spirit of sharing that Mirren Mirren embodied.

From that day on, the thorny bushes that sprung from the spilled berries were known as Mirren Mirren. They served as a reminder of the importance of generosity, the dangers of greed, and the enduring wisdom of The Dawn. And Mirren Mirren, her heart full of compassion, continued to walk the land, sharing her kindness and teaching the lessons of the bush to all who crossed her path.

(I hope you’ve enjoyed my stories. More coming next weekend)

Health and Harmony Naturally
Lee Doherty ☺️
Bushfoods with Benefits

Images: Annie May Pixel Weaver
Author: Lee Doherty


✅✅✅ The Story of Eucalyptus

In the Dawn, when the world was young and the spirits walked alongside the brown skinned people, there lived a wise man named Ngurra. He was the keeper of the trees, their guardian and protector, and his heart was as vast as the land itself. Among all the trees, the eucalyptus held a special place in Ngurra’s heart. Its towering form reached towards the sky, its leaves whispering secrets to the wind, and its roots delving deep into the earth's embrace.

One day, a terrible drought swept across the land. The sun blazed relentlessly, the rivers dwindled to mere trickles, and the plants withered under the unforgiving heat. Animals grew weak, their cries of thirst echoing through the parched air. Ngurra’s heart ached for his beloved land and its suffering inhabitants. He knew he had to find a way to bring water back to the land.

Ngurra embarked on a long and arduous journey, seeking guidance from the ancestral spirits. He traveled through dense forests, across arid plains, and over towering mountains. Finally, he reached a hidden cave where the spirits resided. They listened attentively as Ngurra poured out his heart, sharing the plight of the land and its inhabitants.

The spirits, moved by Ngurra’s compassion, granted him a precious gift: a single eucalyptus seed. They told him to plant it deep within the earth, and to nurture it with his love and care. The seed, they said, held the power to bring water back to the land.

Ngurra returned to his home, his heart filled with hope. He carefully planted the seed in a sunlit clearing, and every day he tended to it with unwavering dedication. He sang gentle songs to the seed, whispering words of encouragement and love.

As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, a tiny green shoot emerged from the earth. Ngurra’s heart swelled with joy as he watched the seedling grow taller and stronger, its branches reaching towards the sky.

The eucalyptus tree grew at an astonishing pace, its roots delving deep into the earth, seeking hidden sources of water. Soon, its leaves began to release a delicate mist, filling the air with a refreshing coolness. The mist condensed into droplets, and gentle rain began to fall upon the parched land.

The rivers and creeks swelled with life, the plants unfurled their leaves, and the animals rejoiced. The drought was broken, and the land was once again teeming with abundance. Ngurra’s heart overflowed with gratitude for the eucalyptus tree, the gift from the ancestral spirits.

From that day on, the eucalyptus became a symbol of resilience, healing, and the interconnectedness of all living things. Its leaves offered shade and shelter, its wood provided warmth and tools, and its oils carried the scent of the Dawn. And Ngurra, the wise man, continued to watch over the trees, his legacy living on in the rustling leaves of the eucalyptus, a gentle reminder of the power of love and compassion.

Have a beautiful weekend everyone

Health & Harmony Naturally
Lee Doherty
Bushfoods with Benefits

Image: Annie May Pixel Weaver
Author: Lee Doherty


✅✅✅ The Story Of Lemon Myrtle

In the Dawn, when the land was soft and the rivers sang, there lived a spirit named Lemon Myrtle. She was not like the other spirits, who soared as eagles or burrowed as wombats. Lemon Myrtle was of the earth, her roots entwined with the very soil, her leaves whispering the secrets of the sun.
Lemon Myrtle's fragrance was a symphony of the bush. It held the sharpness of sunlight dappling through leaves, the sweetness of nectar drunk by bees, the tang of rain on ancient rocks. When she danced in the breeze, her scent filled the air, a balm for the weary, a joy for the young.
The people of the land loved Lemon Myrtle. They sought her out for her wisdom, her healing touch. When a child was feverish, Lemon Myrtle's leaves, steeped in water, cooled their brow. When a hunter was lost, her scent guided them home. When a heart was heavy, her fragrance lifted their spirits.
One day, a great drought came upon the land. The rivers dwindled to trickles, the earth cracked open, and the animals grew thin and weak. Lemon Myrtle felt the pain of the land deep in her roots. She knew she had to do something.
Gathering her strength, Lemon Myrtle called upon the spirits of the rain. She danced with the wind, her leaves rustling the prayers of the people. She sang with the birds, her voice echoing through the bush. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, the first drops of rain began to fall.
The rain came down in torrents, washing away the dust and filling the rivers. The land awoke, the animals rejoiced, and the people danced in gratitude. Lemon Myrtle had saved them from the drought, and her legend grew.
From that day on, Lemon Myrtle was revered as the spirit of healing, the protector of the land. Her fragrance became a symbol of resilience, a reminder how we are all connected. And when the people brewed her leaves into tea,they felt her warmth and love, a legacy of the Dawn, a gift for generations to come.

Have a lovely weekend everyone
Lee Doherty
Bushfoods with Benefits

Image Annie May Pixel Weaver
Story: Lee Doherty


✅✅✅ There is always resistance at first. Now I have chemists ordering for their customers and oncologists recognising the incredible benefits of our wellness botanicals.

The oldest continuously use of wellness botanicals on the planet. Must have some merit don’t you think? 🤔

Fresh harvest always available. To purchase please click on the link next to the thumbs up emoji.


Health and Harmony Naturally
Lee Doherty
Bushfoods with Benefits

Gumby Gumby 09/08/2024

✅✅✅ Fresh Harvest Ready and Waiting!

Click on the link next to the thumbs up emoji to purchase.

Check out our new look website.

Health and Harmony Naturally
Lee Doherty
Bushfoods with Benefits

Gumby Gumby Gumby Gumby Gumby Gumby Capsules Maroon Bush


Last orders Wednesday 17th July till we return 10th August 2024.

Rooted in generations of plant wisdom, we offer a curated selection of native botanical remedies.
So make sure you have plenty of Gumby Gumby with new products on the horizon with outstanding benefits for you and your family.

Click on the link next to the thumbs up emoji

Gumby Gumby Goodness Naturally
Lee Doherty
Bushfoods with Benefits


✅✅✅ Fresh Gumby Gumby Available!

It seems so long ago since I started on my Gumby Gumby journey and what a journey it’s been. Today I was inspired to create a story to accompany this beautiful image.

🌿Gumby Gumby🌿

In the Dawn, when the land was young and the rivers flowed with stories, there lived a wise old woman named Ngamini. She knew the secrets of the plants and animals, the whispers of the wind and the songs of the stars. But her greatest gift was her knowledge of healing, for she held the wisdom of the Gumby Gumby tree.

The Gumby Gumby, with its slender leaves and fragrant flowers, was not just a tree. It was a living spirit, a connection to the ancestors and the land itself. Its roots delved deep into the earth, drawing up the ancient wisdom of the soil, while its branches reached towards the sky, embracing the healing energy of the sun and moon.

Ngamini had learned the secrets of the Gumby Gumby from her grandmother, who had learned them from her grandmother before her, in an unbroken chain stretching back to the dawn of time. She knew how to prepare its leaves and bark into soothing balms and restorative teas, how to use its smoke to cleanse the spirit and its essence to strengthen the body.

One day, a terrible calamity came to the land. The rivers dried up, the plants withered, and the animals grew weary and sick. Ngamini’s people suffered, their bodies wracked with fever and their spirits weighed down with despair.

Ngamini knew what she had to do. She gathered her people together and led them on a long journey, following the songlines of the ancestors to a hidden grove of Gumby Gumby trees. There, beneath the shade of their the long slender leaves, she taught her people the secrets of healing.
They learned how to brew the Gumby Gumby tea, its warm fragrance filling the air with hope. They learned how to prepare Gumby Gumby balm, its soothing touch easing their aches and pains. And they learned how to breathe in the Gumby Gumby smoke, its cleansing power lifting their spirits and renewing their connection to the land.

Slowly, the people began to heal. Their fevers subsided, their strength returned, and their spirits soared. The land, too,began to recover, the rivers flowing once more and the plants bursting forth with new life.

Ngamini’s people never forgot the lessons of the Gumby Gumby tree. They passed down its wisdom from generation to generation, ensuring that its healing power would continue to flow through their veins and the veins of the land itself. And so, the Gumby Gumby tree became a symbol of hope and resilience, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, the spirit of healing can never be extinguished.

Lee Doherty (Annie May Pixel Weaver)
Copyright 2024
Bushfoods with Benefits


🌿Have you tried Kakadu Plum?

Another bushfoods with incredible benefits, supports your immunity and overall health with the highest natural source of vitamin C.

Not only the highest source of vitamin C but also an inspiration to create a story and beautiful image.

“Kakadu Plum”

In the time of the Dawn, when the land was still young and the sun blazed fiercely, there lived a spirit named Djigee.She was the spirit of the Kakadu plum, a small, green fruit that grew in abundance across the sun-drenched plains.

Djigee was a vibrant and generous spirit, her laughter echoing like the chatter of galahs in the warm breeze. Her hair flowed like cascading waterfalls, and her eyes sparkled with the same emerald hue as the ripening plums.She roamed the land, her footsteps leaving trails of sweet-smelling flowers wherever she went.

One day, a terrible drought descended upon the land. The once-lush plains withered and turned to dust, the rivers dwindled to mere trickles, and the animals grew weak and weary. The people, desperate for sustenance, turned to Djigee for help.

Djigee, her heart heavy with sorrow, knew she had to help her people. She gathered the remaining Kakadu plums, their skins wrinkled and dry, and climbed to the highest peak in the land. There, she raised her arms to the heavens and sang a song of hope and renewal.
Her voice, sweet and strong, carried across the barren land, reaching the ears of Kunurrari, the ancestral whale spirit of creation. Moved by her song, Kunurrari opened the floodgates of the sky, sending torrents of rain to quench the thirsty earth.

The land was revived, the rivers swelled with life, and the animals danced with joy. The Kakadu plums, once withered and dry, swelled with plumpness, their skins bursting with sweet, tangy juice. The people rejoiced, their bellies full and their spirits lifted.

From that day on, the Kakadu plum became a symbol of hope and resilience, a reminder of Djigee’s unwavering love for her people and the land. The people learned to cherish the plum, using it not only for food but also for medicine and ceremony.

And so, the spirit of Djigee lived on, her legacy carried in every bite of the Kakadu plum, a sweet and tangy reminder of the Dawn, when the land was young and the sun blazed fiercely.

Lee Doherty (Annie May Pixel Weaver)
Copyright 2024
Bushfoods with Benefits


🌿For thousands of years our botanical and land management knowledge never withered and continues to thrive.

“The Medicine Man”

🌿 In the Dawn, when the land was young and the rivers flowed with stories, there lived a medicine man named Jaalii, His skin was the color of the ancient gum trees, his eyes held the wisdom of a thousand sunsets, and his spirit danced with the whispers of the wind.

Jaalii was no ordinary healer. He understood the language of the plants, the secrets of the animals, and the rhythm of the stars. He knew that every living thing, from the smallest insect to the tallest mountain, was connected to the great song of the land.

One season, a terrible sickness swept across the land, wilting the flowers, silencing the birds, and stealing the joy from the people's hearts. The elders sought Jaalii’s help, for they knew that only he could mend the broken song of the land.

Jaalii listened to the whispers of the wind, the murmurs of the river, and the sighs of the trees. He wandered through the bush, gathering the healing herbs and the sacred stones. He climbed to the highest peak, where he danced with the stars and sang to the moon.

For 8 days and 8 nights, Jaalii journeyed through the Dawn, seeking the wisdom of the ancestors and the guidance of the spirits. He faced the challenges of the shadowlands and embraced the gifts of the lightlands. He learned the ancient songs of healing and the secret rituals of renewal.

When Jaalii returned to his people, his eyes shone with a new light, and his voice carried the echoes of the Dawn. He gathered the sick and the weary around a sacred fire, where he shared the stories of his journey, the wisdom of the ancestors, and the healing songs of the land.

As Jaalii sang, the fire danced, the stars twinkled, and the wind whispered. The people felt a warmth spreading through their bodies, a lightness lifting their spirits, and a hope returning to their hearts.
The sickness began to fade, the flowers began to bloom, the birds began to sing, and the joy returned to the people's hearts. The land was healed, the song was mended, and the balance was restored.

Jaalii’s name echoed through the Dawn, a testament to his wisdom, his compassion, and his deep connection to the land. His story was told around countless campfires, inspiring generations of healers and reminding the people of the sacred bond between all living things.

Lee Doherty (Annie May Pixel Weaver)
Copyright 2024
Bushfoods with Benefits


🌿 Who enjoys the flavour of quandongs?

Our native quandongs are not only delicious but also incredibly nutritious. They are a good source of vitamin C, vitamin E, folate,magnesium, and iron. Their unique tart flavor makes them perfect for jams, sauces, and desserts, while their nutritional value makes them a healthy addition to any diet.

I was inspired to write a story and create a beautiful image about the beloved quandong.


In the Dawn, when the land was soft and the rivers sang, there lived a spirit named Quandong. She was not like the other spirits of the land. She did not dance with the wind or whisper with the river. Quandong was a spirit of the earth, of the deep red soil.

Her body was the gnarled trunk of the quandong tree, her hair the silvery-green leaves. Her heart was the fruit, round and plump, a fiery red and blue that matched the setting sun. Quandong was the keeper of the red soil secrets, her roots stretching deep into the earth, her branches reaching high towards the sky.

One day, a young woman named Manganna went walkabout. She was lost and alone, her body weakened by hunger and thirst. Manganna stumbled upon the quandong tree, her eyes drawn to the bright blue and red fruit.

Quandong watched Manganna with compassion. She knew the struggles of the red soil, the harshness of its beauty. Slowly, she reached out with her branches, offering Manganna her fruit.

Manganna hesitantly took the fruit, her fingers brushing against the rough bark of the tree. As she bit into the fruit, a burst of sweet, tangy flavor filled her mouth. It was a taste of the red soil, of its resilience and strength.
With renewed energy, Manganna thanked the spirit of the quandong tree. She continued her journey, carrying the spirit of Quandong within her.

From that day on, Manganna shared the story of the quandong tree with her people. She taught them how to harvest the fruit,how to prepare it, how to honor its spirit. The quandong became a symbol of survival, a reminder of the red soil’s generosity.

And so, the spirit of Quandong lived on, not just in the trees that dotted the expansive land, but in the hearts of the people who honored her. Her legacy was a reminder that even in the harshest of environments, life could flourish, and that generosity and compassion were the sweetest fruits of all.

Lee Doherty (Annie May Pixel Weaver)
Copyright 2024
Bushfoods with Benefits


🌿 How many of us love lemon myrtle?

I have a small tree growing and its leaves when brewed, is so good for wellness..yummy and refreshing!

My little tree inspired me to create a story and the image below.

🌿Lemon Myrtle 💛

In the Dawn, when the land was soft and the rivers sang, there lived a spirit named Lemon Myrtle. She was not like the other spirits, who soared as eagles or burrowed as wombats. Lemon Myrtle was of the earth, her roots entwined with the very soil, her leaves whispering the secrets of the sun.
Lemon Myrtle's fragrance was a symphony of the bush. It held the sharpness of sunlight dappling through leaves, the sweetness of nectar drunk by bees, the tang of rain on ancient rocks. When she danced in the breeze, her scent filled the air, a balm for the weary, a joy for the young.
The people of the land loved Lemon Myrtle. They sought her out for her wisdom, her healing touch. When a child was feverish, Lemon Myrtle's leaves, steeped in water, cooled their brow. When a hunter was lost, her scent guided them home. When a heart was heavy, her fragrance lifted their spirits.
One day, a great drought came upon the land. The rivers dwindled to trickles, the earth cracked open, and the animals grew thin and weak. Lemon Myrtle felt the pain of the land deep in her roots. She knew she had to do something.
Gathering her strength, Lemon Myrtle called upon the spirits of the rain. She danced with the wind, her leaves rustling the prayers of the people. She sang with the birds, her voice echoing through the bush. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, the first drops of rain began to fall.
The rain came down in torrents, washing away the dust and filling the rivers. The land awoke, the animals rejoiced, and the people danced in gratitude. Lemon Myrtle had saved them from the drought, and her legend grew.
From that day on, Lemon Myrtle was revered as the spirit of healing, the protector of the land. Her fragrance became a symbol of resilience, a reminder how we are all connected. And when the people brewed her leaves into tea,they felt her warmth and love, a legacy of the Dawn, a gift for generations to come.

Health & Harmony Naturally
Lee Doherty (Annie May Pixel Weaver)
Copyright 2024
Bushfoods with Benefits

Fresh Gumby Gumby Harvest Available!


✅✅✅ Gumby Gumby Nature Alert!

Fresh harvest always available.

Feeling inspired to create a story about the healing properties of Eucalyptus.

🌿Keera and Eucalyptus

In the very beginning, when the Dawn painted the land with stories, there lived the mighty eucalyptus. Unlike other gumtrees, silver and stoic, Eucalyptus shimmered with an inner emerald glow. Within her core dwelled a spirit, Keera, the Daughter of the Healing Leaves.

One scorching summer, a young koala named Gula tumbled from a nearby tree. His leg, twisted and broken, sent a jolt of pain through the land. Feeling the tremor, Keera stirred within Eucalyptus. Reaching out with her spirit tendrils,she saw Gula, whimpering, alone.

Guided by the moonlight, Keera, dipped her long slender tendril into a dew-filled gumnut,whispering a prayer to Eucalyptus. The gumnut shimmered, its water turning a soft blue. Keera, gently bathed Gula’s wound with the potion, its cool touch easing his pain.

A warmth spread through Gula. His whimpers turned into a soft hum, and a tingling sensation filled his leg. Slowly, miraculously, the bone began to knit itself back together. By nightfall, Gula was climbing tentatively, his leg on the mend.

News of Eucalyptus gift spread across the bush. The Old Ones and animals with injuries, both big and small, sought refuge under Eucalyptus’s canopy. Keera, through the wind and whispers of the leaves, guided The Old Ones on what bark to chew and which leaves to boil.

Even today, when creatures are hurt, the wind carries the memory of Keera. The scent of eucalyptus leaves, the rustling bark, the call of the wounded - all are reminders of her gentle spirit and the healing magic that flows through the Daughter of the Healing Leaves. And so, the cycle continues, a testament to the interconnectedness of all living things, a story whispered on the wind in the land of the Dawn.

Lee Doherty (Annie May Pixel Weaver)
Copyright 2024
Bushfoods with Benefits


✅✅✅ Bushfoods with Benefits, Friday Night Yarn.

Our wellness botanicals inspire me to create a story about the first Dawn, when the Old Ones walked the red earth. You see, a great sickness swept across the land. Trees withered, animals grew weak, and even the spirits felt a dull ache in their ancient hearts.

Seeing the suffering, Kunurrari, the great whale creator being, called upon the Emu, the swiftest creature, to find a cure.

The Emu sped across sunbaked plains, her long legs pounding like thunder. She raced past spinifex and towering gum trees, past shimmering waterholes and ochre-painted rock faces.

Each plant she encountered, she questioned, "Do you hold the power to heal?" But the spinifex prickled, the gum offered only shade, and the waterhole held no answer.

Finally, exhausted, the Emu stumbled upon a hidden valley. In its center grew a magnificent tree unlike any she'd seen before. Its leaves shimmered with a thousand colours, and beneath them danced tiny, glowing min mins.

The Emu approached, her voice raspy. "Wise Tree," she rasped, "Do you hold the power to heal?"
The Tree rustled its leaves, a symphony in the still air. "The answer lies not within me," it boomed, a voice like wind through ancient canyons, "but within the synergy of all things." It gestured towards the glowing min mins.
The Emu watched as the tiny lights flitted among the leaves, some leaving trails of silver, others leaving trails of gold.They seemed to weave a tapestry of light, a complex dance that flowed through the Tree like lifeblood.

Suddenly, the Emu understood. Healing wasn't something found in a single plant, but in the interconnectedness of body, mind and spirit. The Tree's leaves, the glowing min mins, the very air they breathed - all played a part.

With newfound understanding, the Emu returned to Kunurarri. She told of the Tree and its glowing dancers,and how their dance held a secret to healing.

Kunurarri, the great whale creator being smiled, a smile that lit up the sky.

"The dance of life itself holds a power to mend," he declared.

From that day forth, the Old Ones learned the language of the plants, the whispers of the wind, and the secrets of the glowing min mins. They used this knowledge to create plant medicine, a way to heal not just bodies, but the very spirit of themselves and the land. And so, the sickness receded, replaced by the vibrant dance of life, forever bound to the wisdom of the bush.

Copyright 2024
Bushfoods with Benefits
Lee Doherty


✅✅✅ Feel Good Friday!

💛Golden Wattle is in full bloom so I was inspired to create an image which reflects this beautiful botanical.
And a story to enjoy..


In the Dawn when the land was young and the sky shimmered with new stars, lived a solitary honey bee named Taanji. Taanji wasn't like the other bees. He wasn't content with collecting nectar from the same old grevillea and banksia. He yearned for something brighter, something new.

One day, as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the clouds a fiery orange, Taanji stumbled upon a sight that made him buzz with excitement. A small, spindly bush stood at the edge of a red earth plain, its branches adorned with a thousand tiny golden suns. Unlike anything Taanji had ever seen, these flowers buzzed with a different kind of energy.

Taanji landed on a petal, the soft texture unlike the usual smooth surfaces. He dipped his fuzzy body into the heart of the flower, and a sweetness unlike any honey he'd tasted before exploded on his tongue. It was a warmth that spread through him like sunshine.

Suddenly, the earth began to tremble. The spindly bush grew tall and strong, its branches reaching for the sky. A voice, deep and resonating, boomed across the plain. "Little bee," it rumbled, "you have a kind heart and a curious spirit. For this, I gift you and your kind a new source of sweetness."

Taanji looked up in awe as a woman emerged from the base of the bush. Her skin was the color of red earth, her eyes like pools of starlight. She smiled warmly at the bee. "I am Wattle, a spirit of the Dawn, This plant," she gestured to the now-majestic tree, "bears flowers of golden joy. It will provide for you and all the creatures of the land, a reminder that even in the harshest times, sweetness can bloom."

From that day on, the Yellow Wattle burst forth each spring, a beacon of hope and joy. Taanji and his fellow bees feasted on its nectar, spreading its sweet warmth wherever they flew. And whenever the land felt parched and the people grew weary, the sight of the golden blossoms reminded them of Wattle's gift - that even in the vastness of the Dawn there was always room for a little bit of sunshine.💛

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Gumby Gumby

Welcome to our Australian Bushfoods with Benefits, Gumby Gumby page.

Our products are all handmade from freshly harvested bush botanicals. Your health is important to us and we love to share our knowledge and empower you on your gumby gumby journey.

Just recently we have returned from facilitating an Introduction to Demystifying Traditional Bush Medicine in Australia to the 2018 Medical Students Conference in Melbourne. Our platform was showcasing the vital importance of integrating Natural Medicine practices with Bio-Medicine which is happening here in Australia and World-wide. Certainly is an exciting time for Traditional Bush Botanicals which have been used for thousands of years.

Videos (show all)

✅✅✅ A Little Something For Wednesday.(Play it a few’s really catchy!)Share away!*Always Was*Lyrics: Lee Dohert...
✅✅✅ There is always resistance at first. Now I have chemists ordering for their customers and oncologists recognising th...
✅✅✅ Gumby Gumby GoodnessA natural approach to your health and well-being.To purchase please click on the link next to th...
Bushfoods with Benefits #GumbyGumby #gumbigumbi #healingjourney #NaturalSupplements
✅✅✅ Bushfoods With BenefitsA Health & Wellbeing Dispensary Open 7 daysTo purchase our products please click on the link ...
✅✅✅ Gumby Gumby Nature Alert!The beautiful Pittosporum angustifolium (to be ingested by men only) support’s men’s prosta...
✅✅✅ Last Orders For Gumby Gumby!Closing down for Christmas Break 17th Dec till 7th Jan.Thank you for your continued supp...
✅✅✅ Blooming Beautiful Gumby GumbyYesterday’s harvest was in full bloom and the scent of these little flowers is “divine...
The only Bushfood administered in Australian Hospitals
Condamine River Queensland, Australia
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Brisbane, QLD

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