Three Girls Skipping

three girls skipping - Cakes, Cafe, Take-Home Meals, Catering...and more! We make and serve delicious cakes, pastries, light savoury fare and drinks every day.

All food is made by us on site, and is completely free of artificial colouring, flavouring and peanuts. We also offer several gluten free options.


Happy Thursday...


They are simple words to ask any day (not just today) and they can start a conversation that just might help someone know that they are not alone in this rollercoater of life - filled with good and bad days, with laughter and tears.

Start the conversation.

"Sometimes the smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention." Oscar WIlde

Here's to a good one...whatever you get up to.

Caroline X
(And to my friends and community who ALWAYS ask me, who listen without judgement, who cheer me on at every turn... big hearted champions the lot of you. X)


Happy Wednesday...

The list of coffee choices is endless! I always admire the barista - what a job. Just remembering the type of coffee drink outside of the usual cappuccino, latte and flat white.... doppio, cortado, galao, lungo, macchiato, ristretto... and the list goes on!! Now there is also the range of milks and syrups to add on!... along with the desired temperature (Ju Ju likes hers hot, but not over the top hot!). The pressure!!

So, here's to barista's...THANK YOU. X

For now:

Dishwasher is fixed!

The cabinet and fridge are filling with all the things we love.

New menu is being finalised.

three girls fishing is OPEN for dinner tonight from 4pm.

A great day ahead.

Here's to a good one...whatever you get up to!

(A tea drinker!!)


Happy Tuesday...

Just when you think you are skipping along merrily something happens to slow everything down! Today it is problems with the dishwasher, so don't be surprised if your cake gets served in an eco-friendly cardboard box today!!

A credit to the team that they don't whinge or complain when these things happen - they just try to find a solution and get on with it...which is always the best direction, until the guy comes to fix it (tomorrow!!)!! Dramatic outbursts...loud complaining... groans of annoyance, I have found in the past, do very little to help - so whether my approach has rubbed off or we just have a naturally wonderful team... I am very grateful for their attitude.

Thanks for your understanding at the other end!!

For now:

The coffee machine is on!

The cabinet is filling with all the things we love.

The fridge is FULL of meals to help us (me included) through the week (look out for the homemade pies - LOVE!)

three girls fishing is OPEN for dinner from 4pm.

And another week begins.

Here's to a good one - with few bumps along the way - whatever you get up to.

PS. Lach told me he is getting married at 27, and is going to have 3 kids - good plan (very organised!!).


Happy Saturday..

Cake of the Month - a pretty-as-a-picture Lemon and Polenta Raspberry Drizzle Cake. Zesty lemon cake made with almond flour, coarse polenta and vanilla bean - topped with a bright lemon and raspberry drizzle. LOVE!

For now:
Because we loved it so much last week, Ann is doing the Katsu Sandwich again as a Special. Fluffy white bread, homemade tonkatsu sauce, shaved white cabbage and the essential kewpie mayo - so good!! (She is also doing three Cheese Crocquettes with all the usual trimmings - avo, poached eggs, English Spinach and Hollandiase Sauce... X).

The cabinet and fridge will be filled with all the things we love (the list is long!!)

The coffee machine will be on.

three girls fishing will be OPEN for dinner from 4pm.

We so look forward to seeing you.

Here's to a good one...whatever you get up to.

Caroline and the THE team that IS three girls X


Happy Thursday...

We make great cakes... X (.. and coffee, and Avo on Toast, and Scones, and Butter Chicken, and Chicken Laksa Noodle Soup, and Lemon Dream Slice (yes, still haven't changed the name!!), and BLT's, and Quiche...and the list goes on!!)

Here;s to a good one, whatever you get up to.


three girls fishing is OPEN for dinner from 4pm (we do great stuff there too!!)


Happy Wednesday...

A friend posted a quote that said, " You can't get more time in your life, so get more life in your time."

It has stuck with me this week.

Time you use more wisely (to stop getting lost in mindless scroilling!)... time to just stop (and saying no to adding more to my to-do-list)... time to catch up with my dear, oh so loved, neglected friends... time to cook at home... time to kick a soccer ball with Lach as he banters on about his world... all things that fill my cup!

So here's to filling our time with more of the good stuff.

(I'm catching up with a friend this morning - so that is a good start!!)

I hope you have a great day.... whatever you get up to (and however you get more life in your time!).

Caroline X
Image: I feel as though these two are about to put a bet on a horse race (and they are studying the form guide!!)!!


Happy Tuesday...

With Father's Day crossed off the list for another year we look to the next "event" on the calendar... which is Christmas!! (As always, I write this wondering where the year has gone...again!!)

This year I am quite determined to be organised (well, more organised than normal!!). I did notice a "Christmas Section" at David Jones last Friday (while madly racing around to find a Father's Day present from Lach to his Dad!). I did wonder if it was there all year round and the section just "grows" in the weeks ahead!!

Of course, there are some of you out there who have no doubt completed most of your Christmas shopping... have a good idea of what you are going to cook on the actual day... and are generally over achievers!!! I applaud you... I don't think that will ever be me no matter how good my intentions... but you never know!!

For now:

A cooler day ahead I hear!!

The coffee machine is on!

The cabinet and fridge are filling with all the things we love.

A new menu is on the cards...stay tuned.

three girls fishing is OPEN for dinner from 4pm.

Let the week begin.

Here's to a good one...whatever you get up to!

Caroline X


Happy Sunday... Happy Father's Day. X

On this day (and always!)'s to the people in our worlds who step up to the plate to make our lives better, richer, fuller. Those wonderful souls, related by blood or by choice - our Dad, an uncle, a grandfather, a new-to-the-party parent, a brother, a mum doing the job of both parents, a friend—the list goes on! These are the people who, whether quietly or not so quietly, cheer us on, hold us up, and remain guiding lights long after they are gone.

And here’s to a good one, whatever you get up to today.

Caroline X

Thinking of my wonderful Dad today. He passed away when I was in my early 20s, but his words of encouragement and love have stayed with me ever since. To this day, he remains one of the finest people I have ever met—how lucky am I to call him my Dad. X


Happy Friday...

On my bench today - waiting to be decorated... Rhubarb, Coconut 🥥 and Lemon Syrup Cakes. Love. X

With Father's Day just around the corner it is all systems go. The list is yet to break the silence with the team deep in thought with what has to get done.

The doors will open soon. The hiss of the coffee machine will compete with whatever Isaac has us listening to! The oven will fill... things will be crossed off...and we will race the clock.

And I will love every minute of it.

Here's to a great day...whatever you get up to.


Ps. You know the drill... tgs OPEN until OPEN from 12pm.



Father's Day Boxes SOLD OUT.

Thanks for loving them as much as we do!

Caz X


Happy Thursday...

This is a picture of the Father's Day Boxes... and I think we have nailed it!

Guiness Chocolate Cake Bar
Boyne River Pecan Tarts x 4
Petit Chocolate and Salted Caramel Brownie x 4
Vanilla Bean Shortbread Biscuits x Bag (6)
Sticky Date Bars with Whisky Salted Caramel x 4
Ham Hock Terrine with Piccalilli and Cornichons 150g + Approx Weight
Chicken Finger Sandwiches x 4 fingers (because we all love them!!)
Small Homemade Sausage Rolls with tgs Tomato Relish x 12

ORDERS CLOSE TODAY (Thursday) 2pm - sorry again for the short time frame!

$145 - aimed to serve 4 pax +

To ORDER call the shop directly (p) 3379 1688 or call in and speak to the team. X

The shop will be full of jams and chutneys, packets of biscuits...cakes, lots of cakes for Dad. If thee is something specific on this months Cake List be sure to order.

Here's to a good one...whatever you get up to.



Happy Wednesday...

Yesterday, Ann declared that it is not soup weather anymore! With an expected top of 29 degrees, my one jumper washed and packed away for next year, fans on...well, you might be forgiven for thinking Summer is already here.

Ann has consoled me by reassuring me that there will still be soup in the fridge, just not on the menu. (I am a soup person!).

Ju Ju is up in a few weeks for her obligatory school holiday duties. She will, as always, ask, "what is the weather like?", before packing. We can't even say it is donna weather at nighttime - Lach slept with the fan on, and I kicked off the sheets is an attempt to cool down! (She will declare that she is going to pack light and at the last-minute think there might be a cool change and add more...just in case!)

But for now, it looks like it is t-shirts and shorts weather!!

Back at the shop:

The coffee machine is on!

The cabinet is filling with all the things we love.

The team are taking a photo of the Father's Day Box today (thank you for all the orders already.)

Ann will still be making the Chicken Noodle Laksa Soup (my absolute favourite) so keep an eye out for it in the fridge!

three girls fishing will be OPEN for dinner from 4pm.

Here's to a good one...whatever you get up to!

Caroline X


Happy Tuesday...

Yesterday afternoon, while confirming what we have on this week, I was reminded by Lach's Dad that this Sunday is Father's Day... THIS SUNDAY!! For some reason, in my head!!, it was 2 weeks away (and here I was thinking you were all so organised putting in your orders!!). I take solace in the fact that Ann thought the same!!

So, we hit the ground running this week!

three girls skipping Father's Day Boxes $145 - serves 4 +
Guiness Chocolate Cake Bar
Boyne River Pecan Tarts x 4
Petit Chocolate and Salted Caramel Brownie x 4
Vanilla Bean Shortbread Biscuits x Bag (6)
Sticky Date Bars with Whisky Salted Caramel x 4
Ham Hock Terrine with Piccalilli and Cornichons 150g + Approx Weight
Chicken Finger Sandwiches x 4 fingers
Small Homemade Sausage Rolls with tgs Tomato Relish x 12

ORDERS CLOSE Thursday 2pm (sorry for the short time frame!)

To ORDER call the shop directly (p) 3379 1688 or call in and speak to the team. X

This is a box that can be served as a morning tea... with the addition of some crusty bread, a jar of pickled onions and a wedge of cheddar cheese it could be lunch... or it can be things Dad can eat all week!

It is all (well, some!!) of what we think Dad will love!

The shop, after today, will be filling with all sorts of delights. I am on jam duty!! Isaac and Naya are filling the shelves with biscuits galore. Ann and Angelo will be all things savoury.

For now:

The coffee machine is on!

The cabinets are filling with the ususal fare.

three girls fishing will be OPEN for dinner from 4pm.

Here's to a good one...whatever you get up to.

PS. I promise I will be more organised for Christmas!!


Happy Sunday...

three things:

1. Last night, in an attempt to boycott the seemingly endless stream of football the boys watch on the tv, I randomly watched Hamish Blake being interviewed on The Assembly -

Heart warming, honnest, funny... I so enjoyed it. Add it to your to-watch list.

2. Lach can officially tie his own tie!! After a year of me intermittently having to stop what I was doing in the morning to "fix" his tie (he has been able to make a tied tie last for ages - carefully sliding over his head to reuse again and again!), he has finally mastered it!! A life skill we can finally cross off the list!!

3. Well, Summer is here!! With an expected top of 27 degrees today in Brisbane you have to wonder what the actual Summer has install for us... but for now, I have a day in the country planned with friends. Blue skies, open spaces and long lunches - is there a better way to spend a Sunday.

So here's to a good one...whatever you get up to.

PS. Remember the days when all you needed were some friends and a cardboard box and your day was full of adventures and possibilities... actually, given the chance, I don't think too much has changed!!


Happy Saturday...

A day with some if my favourite people in the world. X.

There are weeks we spend more time together than we do with our own families.

Ann and I have worked side by side for so many years that now, with just one look, she knows what I am thinking...often nodding back at me! Same page...makes all the difference. X We make the greatest team...together there is nothing we can't do (we'll, nothing so far!)

Isaac, has pushed us to be better, try new things, and say yes more than we say no. We loved him from the first moment we met (wearer of great shoes!!, always a good sign!)

Naya, hard working, kind and one of the best people I know. We are so so lucky that she wants to make Australia home. She brings a lot to the party.

Good eggs the lot of them...and I love them to bits

Busy day...better get moving.

Thanks for being part of our world.

Here's to a good one... what ever you get up

Caroline and the team that ARE three girls
three girls fishing is OPEN from 4pm for fish and chips in town!!


Happy Thursday...

I described three girls this week, as I have done many times before, as a community café.

In explaining, I said that the joy of our little café goes beyond what we put on a plate or fill the cabinets with. It is the routine of friendships, small conversations that start someone’s day (along with a coffee) on their way home from a morning walk. It is the laughter from friends catching up for breakfast. It is the happiness at a function we are catering for. It is the community in which we operate.

Great food, wonderful company and the little moments that make life sweet. I can’t think of a better way to spend my days.

Here's to be part of the best community.

For now:

Coffee machine is on!

The cabient is filling.

The fridge is FULL.

three girls fishing is OPEN for dinner from 4pm.

Here's to a great day... whatever you get up to.

With thanks and love

Caroline X


Scones... a cup of tea... and a craft stall. I do so love the CWA.

See you there!

Caroline X


Happy Tuesday...

And just like that our days off are over and we are jumping into another week at three girls.

This week we are:
Finalising Father's Day Boxes - I know!! It will be Christmas is no time!!

Starting to macerate the mixed fruit for Christmas Cakes... and finalise the Christmas Catering List (Sam, our friend who organises all our printing will fall off her chair - normally I am very last minute!!).

Finalising the date for our dinner at the Scenic Rim Farm Shop... we are thinking late October when the Jacaranda's are in full blume! (We loved (LOVED) the long lunch we did for eat Local Month...and we miss dinners, so we thought it might be a great excuse to "bring the gang back together". Stay tuned.

Filling the fridge with all the things we love... I think it is still souping weather!!

So, here’s to a good one... whatever you get up to.

Caroline - list writer extraordinaire!!

Image: Red Tulip After Dinner Mints - the height of Dinner Party "classy" - I wonder if they still make them!!


Happy Monday...

three things:

Curb Side Collection
Everyone in Graceville seemed to be getting ready for curb side collection over the weekend. Neatly stacked and organised piles of no longer needed bits of life lined the streets. I have driven slower than normal on my way to work over the last few days, scanning the piles for the "find" (seemingly so did everyone else!!).

Now, I'm not quite sure what I would do if I did find "something"... going by the number of Utes and station wagons zig zagging the streets with an air of confidence and direction you need to act fast!! No time to think about it... just grab and go!!

Over our side of town, Lach and I always marvel at the number of mattresses put out for collection - in Graceville it seems to be chairs!!

It is true what they say, one man's trash is another man's treasure.

2. Fit Watches.
The kitchen at three girls seems to all be wearing Fit Watches at the moment. You know the ones, at the most basic level counts your steps, the more advanced ones basically run your life!

Well, debate has started as to the accuracy of the specific brands - the Apple watch seems to either be very generous with its steps or it is just worn by very athletic people who basically run through their day!! This week, we have all agreed to get the bottom of this and "controlled" tests will be undertaken to work out the validity of the declared steps of each watch (if you see Isaac wearing 4 x fit watches on one arm don't be surprised!).

Stay tuned!!

3. What's with the weather - surely it is too soon for shorts and a t-shirt. Ugg boots and cardy's to be pushed to the back of the cupboard (I think Mother Nature missed the memo that Winter officially has another week and a bit to perform!!).

Here's to a great week...whatever you get up to.

Thanks for being such a wonderful part of our world.

Caroline X
Image: You can never have too many rooster motifs... or can you!


Happy Saturday...

Shaun is predicting a 7/10 sunrise this morning!!

The coffee machine is on!

The cabinet is filling with Isaac's glazed donuts...the kitchen has been feasting on the holes!! There is a Millionaires Shortbread (gluten free)... Lemon Tarts... cakes, lots of cakes and more!!

Naya and Angelo are all.thinga savoury... Potato Rosti...Buttermilk Fried Chicken Burger... the obligatory Eggs Benny!!

You will find Ann at fishing tonight... the joy of being the head chef is that you are always plugging holes when the need arises!! She is a good egg our Ann. X (fishing OPEN from 4pm).

So, from the early morning Saturday crew...good morning. X

Here's to a good one...whatever you get up to.



Happy Friday...

It is a glazed donut kind of day!!

The coffee machine is on!

The cabinet is full of all the things we love!

The team are making Chicken, Leek and Mushroom Pies as I write this.... keep an eye out for them in the fridge.

three girls fishing is OPEN for lunch and dinner from 12pm.

Here's to a good one...whatever you get up to.

Caroline and the teams that are three girls. X


Happy Tuesday...

Are Kewpie Dolls on Sticks still "a thing" at a Show?

A friend was telling me that her dream was always to get one of these dolls with their big eyes, glued glitter hair, bright tuile skirts and open arms... on a stick! She never cared about Show Bags... the prize was always one of these dolls!! She can't remember ever getting one, and often thinks, every time the Show rolls round that she should go and buy one! I did say maybe you could buy one on line, but as she so rightly explained, it just wouldn't be the same!).

I can't rmember my sister and I wanting a Kewpie Doll... we were more excited about the stash from the two Sample Bags we were allowed to buy - the Sunny Boy Bag... the Smiths Crisps Bag or anything filled with lollies!!

When Lach was little it was all about anything Super Hero... and if there was a cape or a mask even better!!

Little things that make the memories of childhood.

For now:

The coffee machine is on..

The cabinet is filling with all the things we love.

The fridge is full of meals to help us through the week.

three girls fishing is OPEN for dinner from 4pm - perfect fish and chip weather!

Here's to a great day...whatever you get up to!

Three girls skipping will be OPEN Ekka Wednesday 6am - 2pm.

three girls fishing will be CLOSED Ekka Wednesday


Happy Saturday from the Gang...

The jams and cakes have been ribbons are proudly presented... crazy looking chickens are entertained in cages... and Side Show Alley is all bright lights and dogwood dogs - it is Ekka time!

The guys tell me that Show Bags are now priced, on average, $7 to $32 (I wonder if the $1 Bertie Beetle one still exists?). I again regale in the fact that really good Show Bags use to cost, back in the day, $2.50! A joy they will never know!!

Back at the shop it is all systems go for a busy Saturday.

Ann is doing a Fried Chicken Sandwich on Milk Bread - love love love.

There are also Corn Waffles..and Vanilla Buttermilk Waffles with Banana, Salted Caramel and Vanilla Bean Ice Cream.

The fridge is full.of meals to get you through the weekend.

three girls fishing is OPEN for dinner from 4pm.

Here's to a great day... whatever you get up to.

Caroline X


Happy Thursday...

A recipe from Ju Ju that she thought you might like:
Written in Ju Ju's mix of tablespoons, grams and pints!

6 egg yolks
12 tblsp castor sugar (converted to 168.75 grams)
1 tblsp chickory essence (looked up what to use instead – 1 heaped tspn instant coffee dissolved in 1 tblsp water)
3 tblsp rum
1 pint whipped cream
Beat egg yolks & sugar well. Add rum & coffee essence then fold into cream. Freeze.

Note: Contains Raw Eggs (added by Caroline)

I'm not game to rewrite or give a more "modern" approach (as Ju Ju thinks I do to all her recipes!) ... but the end result is really good.

(Now, I would love to tell you why it is the secret rum recipe... let me just say it was a recipe a friend just wouldn't share over 40 yrs ago... and somehow Ju Ju got it - surely the Statute of limitations regarding secret recipes has been lifted by now!!)

Happy Cooking... X

Here's to a great day...whatever you get up to.

Caroline X

Image: Remember the house with just one tree in the yard...


Happy Wednesday...

(Let me preface today's ramblings by apologising to Ju Ju that we ate out of the ice cream container! Now, in our defence, it wasn't a 2 litre tub, rather one of the smaller ones that say contains 5 serves, but we all know it is 2, at best (and on a bad day could be easily consumed in one go!).

Last week Lach sat beside us on the couch, ice cream container in one hand, spoon in the other. Upon opening the container we were met with disgruntled groans as the contents of the tub were examined.

"Can I just tell you that this really annoys me!", exclaimed Lach.

"What?", I reply.

"THIS!", snorts Lach, tapping on the side of the tub.

(His Dad and I, the night before, had each taken a random spoonful out of the tub, impressed with our self-control, before returning it to the freezer.)

"How hard is it to evenly scoop out the ice cream... you want to leave it flat... not this all-over-the-place digging... it is just terrible...:". And the ranting went on. He showed us several times how we could have fixed it, how it should have been left, and how next time we could do better!

"And while I am at it, you might want to look at how you leave the butter... that annoys me to!", which we did, to find we are diggers at that too!!

The next day, regaling the tale of the night before to the kitchen, I started asking everyone how they eat ice cream from the tub and how they approach the butter container...and to my surprise, most people abide by Lach's theory of orderly flat! I received several photos of evidence to back up their claims later that day (I also asked someone I know, who is a food writer and critic, and he, much to my delight, is a kindred digger!!).

I wonder what this says about us!!

We have said to Lach that this is a great life lesson - it will teach him to be patient and understanding of people who choose to do things differently... he thinks he is living with the most annoying flatmates ever and has vowed to teach us how to eat out of the container "properly"!

For now:

There is an early morning chill in the air... I take comfort that we will be down to t-shirts by lunch time!

The coffee machine is on...

The cabinet will be filling with all the things we love!

The fridge is FULL of meals to help us through the week.

three girls fishing will be OPEN for dinner from 4pm.

I'm off to cater a lunch for one of our dearest customers.

So, here's to a good one... no matter how you leave the ice cream or the butter container!

Caroline X


Happy Tuesday...

My world seems to be filled with "good intentions".

I always have my obnoxiously large, but so on trend!, water bottle with me in an attempt to drink the recommended 2.7 litres of water a day (remember when it use to be 2 litres!). I have also had to stop drinking the balance of that 2.7 litres just before going to bed otherwise I am up all night!!

I have taken to wearing a fitness watch (again big!!) to try and step 10,000 steps a day - it celebrates every time I do 1,000 - I can't imagine what it will do when I finally get to 10,000!!

My to-do list seems to be longer than ever - full of everything I can think of in an attempt to not miss something (or course I still do!!)

I have a, not so neatly stacked, pile of recipes ripped from magazines or printed out from the internet that I would like to try sitting on my desk – some with yellow Post It notes stuck to them with ideas I have scribbled down!

My constant attempts to go to bed early and get 8 hours of sleep... still has me waking up after 5-6 hours, lying in bed wide awake for ages, and then getting up (early mornings are still my favourite time of day - the stillness is rather glorious, even on these chilly mornings).

And writing everyday... I miss it when I don't do it. Most mornings I wake up with thoughts of what I am going to say. Sometimes I sit in front of the computer, and nothing comes to mind. Sometimes I am tired, with lots of balls in the air and a to-do list that scares even me, and nothing of cheer fills my thoughts. But mostly it is the little things of an ordinary life that find their way to the page. After all these years I know the routine of our lives is one of the threads that binds us - shared experiences in our own worlds. And I love that.

So, excuse my hiatus from posting. X

The world surely operates on good intentions!!

For now:

The coffee machine is on!

The cabinet is filling with all the things we love.

This week we are working on refilling the shelves with all sorts of jarred and packaged delights.

three girls fishing is OPEN for dinner from 4pm.

And the day begins.

Here's to a good one...whatever you get up to.

Caroline X


Happy Sunday...

I had a sick day yesterday!

I could count on one hand the number of times I have taken a sick day in my working life. This isn't self-praise... don't get me wrong, there have been many a time I haven't felt 100%, but due to staff shortages, commitments I couldn't get out of, or just not wanting to let the team down I have dosed up and dragged myself out of the house and just "got on with it". (It might not surprise you to learn that growing up (and to this day!) Ju Ju never gushes with sick sympathy rather has always been a firm believer in "getting on with it", so maybe this is where I get it from!!)

But yesterday, with the boys out busy with the obligatory Saturday morning sport commitments, the house quiet, I slept.. that sleep deep sleep that makes you oblivious to ringing phones, lawn mowers and reversing trucks! I woke feeling much better. It was a good reminder of the real value of sleep - it really can help fix all sorts of ailments and afflictions! I must get more of it!! (Looks like I am going to start going to bed at 7.30pm!! My early morning rising is a hard habit to break after all these years - so early to bed it is!!)

(I also suffer from FOMO - so not being at work on a Saturday, and a busy one at that, fills me with anx... but that’s another issue. The team easily nailed a very busy day without me, so I really never have anything to fear..apart from missing the laughs, the adrenaline pumping rush and fun - but that’s another issue about me to work on!)

So, with sleep under my belt, I ease into Sunday - food magazines to read... an audio book to listen to... a mountain of washing... and a little bit of paperwork!! I might even get in an afternoon nap!!

Bring it on!

Here is to good health, happy days and restful sleep... for us all!

Caroline X
Image: A woman on a mission!


Happy Saturday...

We are open and ready for the day!

Today's specials are our potato rosti, avocado, poached eggs, spinach and hollandaise , eggs Benedict and southern fried chicken burger.

Have a great weekend!



Happy Wednesday...

How hard is it to wake a sleeping child!! It seems to go against everything we worked so hard to get them to do in those early years... now, with early morning rugby training, I am leaving it to the last minute to wake Lach!

Of course this will mean a mad rush to get out the door... unlike his Mum, Lach HATES being late! It will mean breakfast will be finished in the car and he won't actually "wake-up" until he arrives!

I have packed his bag, made his lunch, and, on this rare occasion, laid his clothes out ready (I know, so organised!!).

There won't be much chat... the odd grunt... but in the light of day, with a few extra minutes of sleep under his belt, well, I hope he realises that he is so loved (between you and me, I don't imagine he will give it another thought!! But we know!!)

So here's to the ealry mornings, the clock racing and grunts. (And for those of you with rowers in the family, I again take my hat off to you!!).

Here's to a great day...whatever you get up to.

See you at the shop. X


Happy Tuesday...

I read a post from someone I follow yesterday that listed everything that had gone wrong for them over the last few weeks - the list was long! Nothing huge in the scheme of life, just little things that seemingly add up!

It has been like that in my world for about a month... a car crash... a broken, unable to be repaired (which equals having to buy a new one!) ice machine at fishing.... bad baking days where nothing went right... long days... a resignation... a new floor and shelving for the cold room at skipping (this is an exciting thing but so so expensive!)... sleepless nights... plans that have had to change...renovations that keep getting pushed back... and the list goes on!!

But, as always, there have been lots of laughs... unbelievable kindness from strangers... the most beautiful bunch of flowers I have ever received... Lach scored a try!... Cas (Lach's favourite friend's Mum) saving me over and over again with school pick-up without any hint of it being annoying for her (thanks Cas X)... a few days off from work where I could get on-top of the chaos at home... breakfast with Ann at Snug (which you must add to your list of places to try - have the Milk Drop Milk Bread Sandwich with Truffle - love!)... and the list goes on!! All little events that far outweighed the bad and fill my cup.

I never have to look too far to see all the good and happy that surrounds me...and as the eternal optimist... well, today is the our start of a new week!

Bring on the joy and good fortune ...for us all.

For now:
The shop is getting back to order from the disruption of the cold-room...
. the coffee machine will be on.
.. the cabinet will be starting to fill with all the things we love.
.. the fridge is FULL of meals to help you through the week (Chicken and Corn Soup is a winner!)
.. three girls fishing is OPEN for dinner tonight from 4pm.

And the week begins.

Here's to a good one...whatever you get up to.

Caroline X

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Our Story

We serve delicious cakes, pastries, light savoury fare and drinks every day.

We are open Thursday and Friday nights for dinner. We present a different menu each evening which is posted to our page that day.

All food is made by us on site, and is completely free of artificial colouring, flavouring and peanuts. We also offer several gluten free options.

Please phone to make dinner bookings as we don't always see them soon enough if they're posted here. We look forward to seeing you.

Videos (show all)

Happy Sunday...First week of school holidays - Done! Christmas decorations  (+ Christmas tree, with lights!, at home) - ...
Happy Tuesday...And so the week begins!We are hitting the ground running this week - it is a busy one! We have the Brisb...
Look at that concentration!!




363 Honour Avenue
Brisbane, QLD

Opening Hours

Tuesday 6am - 2pm
Wednesday 6am - 2pm
Thursday 6am - 2pm
Friday 6am - 2pm
Saturday 6am - 2pm

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