The Sacral Seed

The Sacral Seed

Nurture yourself and heal with offerings of The Sacral Seed. Cleanse, charge and align your energy p

Customised Crystal Healings
Crystal Stone Massage
Crystal Stone Facial
DNA Healing

Photos from The Sacral Seed's post 18/10/2022

It’s been a while between posts!….I am still here, but only for a short time, so it’s a quick hello and goodbye from me. 👋

Truth is, I have been so engrossed in my home amongst the tree’s, that I have found it difficult to drag myself away to do do everyday activities (writing a post included).
I have been attending to our little 5 acre farm, and truly connecting into Mother Nature.
🌱I’ve weeded,
🌱nourished the soil
🌱planted new plants
During this time Mother Nature has taught me a powerful lesson, and that is I must care for my body, the same way I attend to my garden.
🌱Take out what’s not serving me.
🌱replenish and nourish
🌱new creations will blossom
Mother Earth offers her herbal medicine and I nourish my body with tea’s, a herbal yoni steam blend and homegrown produce that I can’t wait to add to and grow more varieties.

On that note….. I must be patient, as I will be leaving our little mudbrick home for 5 months as we pack up and travel around Australia. I’m looking forward to this quality time with my family and creating memories that will last a lifetime.

So I’m checking out once again.
Sending love and light to you all ❤️✨


Some herbal healing for my skin🌱

At 38 I am still dealing with breakouts and black heads, and I hate to admit it but I know the main cause- chocolate 🍫
I may have indulged this week and am paying for it now- so I’m in fix it mode today.

Interesting fact: vaginal steaming can really benefit the skin. So I have chosen a herbal blend to help my skin and my short cycle in a steam🩸and a topical 🌱 infusion for my face using the beautiful jojoba oil.

How I made my selection:

Skin is controlled by the lungs.
LUNG HEAT Dryness, acne, blackheads = blood heat energy, blood stagnation, Qi energy stagnation causing the blood to accumulate and rise and get lodged in the skin.

STOMACH HEAT-(this is where the chocolate comes into it) high fat diet and sweet food accumulate in the spleen and stomach that lead to skin issues.

I selected predominantly sweet and pungent flavoured herbs.

🌱SWEET arises from the earth element and benefits the spleen. Sweet herbs strengthen, moisten, and tonify deficiency.

🌱PUNGENT arises from the metal element and benefits the lung. Pungent herbs disperse stagnation and promote flow.

Using the route that has a specific influence the lungs and spleen.

I will be ready and prepared for when I next have an urge to eat chocolate. 🍫


My inner teenager came through with this painting and poem. She is so happy to know that the inner creator and inner destroyer have united as one and are at peace. No longer over thinking creations, or have a fear of not being good enough. I honour her and give her the confidence to share work. Here is a snippet of her creation.

‘My body is this mountain, held in the arms of Mother since my birth.
Peaking high up into the sky, my mountain brings heaven on this earth.

Home to my soul, I acknowledge the greatness she is capable of.
My mountain is a sacred vessel, that I treat with kindness and love.

Directly from the heart of Mother Earth, a grounding cord she sends me.
Reaching up through my centre, she anchors me here firmly.

Season after season, I feel mother earths Embrace.
Held and supported through my cycle, as she removes the challenges in life I have faced.

Earth is always offering the wonders of nature, I am proud to call it my home.
I receive love from the keepers of this land, I know I’m never alone.’

With love
My teenage self


Rainy Day Feels
Tunes 🎼 cups of tea ☕️ and sharing it with my new best friend 🐕.

Photos from The Sacral Seed's post 10/04/2022

Giving thanks to the offerings creates an energy that brings many more blessings.

🥭 🌱


The Seed of Intention. 🌱

The direction of my time and energy has been poured into creating a new space that nurtures nature and is blessed with intention.

Every seed is planted under the moonlight in ritual, to enhance the healing medicine from mother. Each seed planned and placed in a position to draw energy as it reaches above, and below as it sprouts its roots deep into Mother Earth.

All herbs will be sourced from the garden of the Sacral Seed. To one day bring you the energy of the fundamental elements to enter your womb as you sit on your yoni thrown.

From above and so below, you will be held with love. ❤️

Thank you for being patient as I lay the foundations of what will be. I will one day bring you back my offerings of Yoni Steaming, Crystal Healing and Sacred Ancestral Clearing and DNA Healing with more energy than ever before. For now my website is closed and my energy is directed into growing. 🌱

Photos from The Sacral Seed's post 31/03/2022

An abundance of offerings from Mother Earth.

Made into
🍐Puréed Pear
🍐Stewed Pear
🍐Dried Pear
🍐Pear Cake
🍐Pear Muesli
🍐Pear Crumble
🍐Pear Soup

In terms of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Pear is known for its ability to tonify yin. It also helps to clear heat and resolve phlegm.

The perfect food for my lungs, to keep them strong, especially during this current 🦠 period we are going through.

Pears, pears and more pears!!!

Stock piling the freezer full of homegrown goodness. 💚💚

…..And still enough for the possums who sleep peacefully with their bellies full. 🥰

Photos from The Sacral Seed's post 07/03/2022

The journey of creating with gratitude 🐝 🙏

The creator within creates with passion and desire with what ever project they bring to life. This creation was a process, which was all about the journey. From collecting from source to the end products, and it filled my heart with love and appreciation for the bees and their life purpose.

As I turned their creation into many creations of my own, gratitude was infused into all that I made. That energy flows through the healing balm, the honey cake and the beeswax furniture polish that gave my furniture a new lease on life.

A big thank you to queen bee and co for sharing their medicine with me, and to every single bee that keeps the planet alive.
I let them settle back in with an amethyst crystal outside the hive to bring peace and calm. To heal from the unsettling invasion they experienced during the collection process.

So much gained from the journey to get to the end result.

Peace & Love


The hermit within in me retreats, recharges and paints.
A time to go deep into my heart and feel the messages rise up inside of me. My overactive brain stays in this stillness much longer when I have a paintbrush in my hand.
I can meditate for hours when I am in this meditative flow.


Today I gifted myself time.

It had been a while since I made time to tune into my favourite self care ritual✨In fact it had been months 😱.

There had been other rituals taking place but I do have a favourite, that completely recharges my being. It brings me peace, relaxation and I step away wanting more.

It’s the reset I need and I ask myself, why did I leave it so long?🤷‍♀️.
I’m not sure why we do it to ourselves, but I feel as though time is the biggest excuse.
Although I am in control of where I prioritise my time. I always have time.

So this is how my favourite self care ritual looks. It is different to other self care rituals I used to turn to. But this divine feminine energy is so empowering, I love it.❤️

💫 I yoni steamed with a blend of herbs.

💫 I meditated on the temple of precious jewels and reunite my beautiful light body with my physical and subtle body.

💫 I received a message to drop my shields of fear and instead feel the presence of my protection guardian and angels who are present and give me the protection I need.

💫 I wrote down and released what no longer serves me.

💫I installed new desires I wish to achieve.

💫I give thanks for the environment that surrounds me, and the health and happiness of my loved ones.

If yoni steaming is something you would like to include into your self care ritual. I would love to support you and can give you some guidance. I currently don’t have a space set up for my healing offerings. But will happily share my gifts if you feel drawn to me. Just send me a private message, I am here to hold you. ❤️❤️❤️


Self Discovery
The journey I walk to be more me and love me for all I am.
I am here to learn✨



As a family we have made some healthy lifestyle changes of late, and have been eating more wholesome food in conjunction with supplements.

We feel great! 🙌

But it has had me question the journey our food has been on to make it to this point. I wonder what is the energy it holds as we consume it.

Now that we begin to prepare planting, and attend to our existing fruit trees that have been functioning on survival mode. Today I amplify them with this intention.

Placing a quartz crystal at the base of each tree I sit and feel the shift in energy. Setting the intention to flourish and bring health and wellness within the fruit that it bears. My thoughts tune into this intention many times through out the day.

Every time I step into this space I feel grateful. I love attending to them and watching them grow.
Everything is grown with love, and we will one day be harvesting food that holds the energy of pure goodness.

Love & Light ✨


My morning walk amongst the subtle energy of the trees.

Identifying which trees are generously offering the energy I need, and finding others that are weak and need some healing from me.

This beautiful cycle of energy of giving and receiving that surrounds me.

Together we heal. ❤️ 🌲

Photos from The Sacral Seed's post 17/01/2022

There is magic ✨ amongst the madness.
The door to our trip around Oz has somewhat closed on us for now and we have accepted that it’s just not the right time.

But amongst this madness a new door has opened and it holds such an incredible energy of peace, deep connection, tranquility and I feel grounded for the first time in a long time.

The many emotions and fear felt over the last few months have dissolved away, and all I hold now is deep gratitude for what has filled this space.

This is where I need to be right now!!

We have a new space to call home and it’s nestled amongst the trees. I am surrounded by Mother Nature and my connection has deepened to another level. This is my place where we can be self sufficient and live a more sustainable lifestyle. I am wrapped up in this wonderful rhythm of nature, going with the flow of nourishing the soil, and very soon will be harvesting food that holds the energy of love.

Drop a ❤️ if you are experiencing something magical amongst this madness? If you have broken through the surface of this mess and dived deeper to a whole other layer that has you feeling immense gratitude.
Mother Earth feels that also.
Thank you 🙏 ✨



In the past she has held shame.
In the past she has experienced neglect.
In the past she has screamed in pain.
I used to tell myself this is normal…..

I have learnt that my emotions travel from my heart to my womb.
I have learnt that holding on, only manifests into pain and disease.
I have learnt to release what no longer serves me.
I have learnt to love all of me.
I gave myself this space to heal…..

She sometimes has the urge to create
She sometimes desires pleasure
She sometimes needs stillness
She sometimes requires rest
I listen to her.
I have gathered all parts of me back together.
I am whole again……


Your first yoni steam session includes a period analysis to determine the right blend and steam plan. Followed by a crystal healing.

A beautiful empowering self care ritual



The Sacral Seed will be closing it’s doors on the 15th of December as we begin our next adventure.

I am taking appointments up to that time, and then we will be packing up and hitting the road.

Excited for what the future holds, and going to enjoy the journey along the way.

Love and light ❤️❤️


Photos from The Sacral Seed's post 05/11/2021


🌳I HOLD YOU in this space so you can heal on multiple levels.

🌳I HOLD YOU as you release trauma with the power of yoni steaming. Allowing the medicinal benefits of plants warm and nourish the internal membranes of the womb.

🌳I HOLD YOU through this balancing of the masculine and feminine. Aspecting with conflicting energies to unite them and bring balance with in.

🌳I HOLD YOU through every phase of your cycle. Today we celebrate the summer phase and we clear space so spirit always has a place to reside in the heart. A healthy heart and uterus connection in preparation of the opening of the portal so spirit can transform into matter.

🌳I HOLD YOU through a Crystal healing, Meditation, Aspecting with conflicting energies, removal of trauma and installing the life you desire.

🌳I HOLD YOU in this space, as we combine many modalities to achieve the intention you set.


Poem: Alana Handgraaf - The Sacral Seed


Water dancing to the vibration of love before it becomes infused with medicinal herbs for a beautiful yoni steam ritual.

Allow the warmth of the steam to soften your Yoni . Absorb the medicinal benefits of the plants into the blood stream and yoni tissues, let the love and healing herbs travel to the cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries.

You are held with love on this journey into the womb.


Have you been feeling a little blahhhh??😞

The blissful relaxation of the crystal stone facial to indulge your senses, and charge and align your chakras is still a favourite.

A great way to uncover what energy points may not be functioning as well as they should be, can explain some of the symptoms you may have been feeling.

The use of hot and cold crystal stones on your face rapidly changes the circulation which will increase and boost nutrition to every cell. Accelerating the change of blood and lymph in the body allowing detoxification to take place.

You will walk out with your chakras cleansed, charged and aligned and your skin revitalised after being massaged with crystals and natural handmade plant powered skin care.

🌼 🌼

A wonderful way to support your wellbeing with some beautiful selfcare. ❤️❤️


I love working with these beautiful universals gifts that nurture and realign the body, and soul.

This is just a few of the stones I use in crystal stone massages. They come in different shapes and sizes, and are heated and cooled. Bringing blissful relaxation whist harnessing the vibrational energy of sacred stones.

Much love


‘I Am’ Yoni Steam Blend.
Created for your unique journey to heal your menstrual cycle.
Complete the online womb analysis so I can make up a personalised blend for specific concerns. Regulate your cycle with the gifts from Mother Nature and get you on your way to a perfect period.
🩸 🌹🌱

Photos from The Sacral Seed's post 31/08/2021

So you have decided to give home Yoni Steaming a try ✅

Congratulations for taking the first step towards a beautiful self care ritual you will love. ❤️

Next comes.....
What herbs do I use? ...and at what quantities???🤯🤯🤯

If you are NEW to Yoni Steaming and ready to give it a try at home. I have made up some balanced blends ready to go.

All plants have different properties therefor it is important that you get the right herbs at the right quantities and steam at the right time of your cycle.

A balanced blend will contain a cleansing herb, disinfecting herb, kidney tonic herb, blood building herb, digestion herb, aromatherapy herb...... but in the case of a short cycle a anti hemorrhagic herb is required.

To pick the right blend for you, check out the Yoni Steam tab at the top of the website for all the DO’s and DONT’S when it comes to Yoni Steaming. This will also help you choose the right blend for you.

If you have areas of concern and would prefer a unique blend for your specific needs the ‘I am’ steam blend can be made just for you.

Much love
Alana ❤️


Hello Autumn

Moving through my cycle with ease and grace as I welcome Fall. I use this time to go back and be with my shy inner child. Releasing emotions of not feeling good enough, and I give her the confidence and reassurance she needs.
I breathe........
Bringing awarenenes to every breathe. I breathe deeper and deeper all the way down to my womb space.
I thank my womb for the art projects that it has birthed, and turn within for more ideas to add to my creations.
I increase the amount of yoni steaming sessions in this season to keep strengtheng my uterus. My history of short cycles requires herbs to strengthen my spleen and kidneys to hold the blood longer.

I bring awareness to my lungs
I breathe
I breathe
I breathe
The lungs govern the Qi which can have an influence in causing uterine prolapse due to Qi deficiency. I use herbs to nourish my lungs.

I feel good.
I honour my body, I am grateful for my body and I will continue to support it with all the nourishment it needs.


Emotions of the Heart ❤️has a profound influence on uterine health.
Since the uterus is connected to the heart, the emotional health effects the menstrual function.

SADNESS & GRIEF - Can effect the liver directly causing problems like scanty periods, delayed cycles and sometimes absent me**es.

WORRY- knots the Qi of the lungs, heart and spleen. Leading to stagnation of Qi causing delayed or painful periods.

ANGER- causes stagnation which leads to irregular periods, menstrual tension, cramping and blood stasis of the liver. Once blood stasis of the liver occurs it can cause abdominal masses and heavy periods.

We have to always be mindful of our emotions, and not just during menstruation. Our uterine health depends on it. If you feel like you needs some help releasing built up emotions and need to restore a healthy period. I am here to support you.

Much love

Alana ❤️
📸 adventure journal


Consolidate life force energy and feel whole again. Meet your inner goddess’s, the light, the dark and love all of you. ☯️

A 4 week immersion of honouring your cycle seasons, and releasing layers of pain, trauma and emotions stored in the womb.


Plant the seed to new beginnings, grow with all lessons learnt, and bloom with all ‘I am’

I am so grateful to walk this journey with you. ❤️❤️


Summer phase of my cycle ☀️.
The time of ovulation and I’m feeling very connected to the lunar cycle as I celebrate it with the full moon.

My womb has always spoken to me at this time, letting me know that my ovaries are releasing. Over the years this release has been uncomfortable and at times painful. Once I discovered yoni steaming it has helped ease my ovulation pain. Making it a more pleasant time to invite in the masculine, and have that heart to heart connection to the one I love.

Today I set up a ceremony to balance the feminine and masculine energies with in. I open up my heart, so my spirit always has a place to reside. Everything I feel is gratitude and I allow this feeling to travel down my conception vessel, down into my womb.

I am grateful for life
I am grateful for my children
I am grateful for the beautiful day we spent together as a family.

Everything I am is love



‘Im feeling a lot energetically. I recognise where I have made things happen, instead of just allowing. It’s time to sit still and just listen. I welcome this phase of NO THING and know the divine has plans for me. I have full trust that all is how it needs to be.’

At the end of last year we moved home to be near our family. I was so excited to be with loved ones and move into our home which I fell in love with when we purchased it 3 years prior. I had so much to come home to, yet energetically I didn’t feel welcomed. I have done so much healing to over come this feeling, I couldn’t shift it.
I tried to make it work, and kept pushing back on what I felt deep down. We tested it by putting my beloved home on the market, and it sold within days. It all happened so easily, that I felt pushed out again.
I don’t know what the future holds and that’s exciting. For the first time I don’t have a base to call home, and I see this as the phase of NO THING. I have let go of all control and trust the divine has already got that mapped out.

We will be heading off in January for a new adventure. Just trusting all will be as it’s meant to be.

This release of control has been a powerful lesson and I have energetically evolved.
It feels good! it feels right!

Much love


Used to channel and direct energy throughout the body, bringing balance and healing on all levels.

These gifts from Mother Earth are the tools I use during a crystal healing, along with other crystals placed on the body.

These two are my favourite wands and they funnel energy like a laser beam.

The double terminated wand channels the unwanted energy to leave the body and also brings in healing energy with its inward and outward abilities.

The laser point is an extremely powerful instrument that concentrates and accelerates the energy allowing me to move the energy where it needs to go.

Working with these two together they cleanse, charge and align the chakras. They can draw out pain and blockages as well as channel a stream of healing to the body where it is needed.

Healing, balancing and aligning, instilling a sense of tranquility into your energy field.



There are specific situations that are caused by old residue, stagnation and poor circulation within the uterus and can sometimes be the reason why you are experiencing unexplained infertility.

When there is too much residue or old residue, the egg has a hard time flourishing.

Yoni steaming with herbs that promote cleansing effects and circulation within the uterus can help clear that residue.

Starting your journey with the ‘I am’ customised steam plan, is where specific herbs are selected to cleanse the uterus and get you on your way to the perfect period.🩸

It’s a beautiful self care ritual that will support you on your fertility journey. 🌹

Yoni Steam Sessions can be booked on the website.

Much love

Alana xx

Artwork by Slawekgruca (Pinterest)


Flow of the womb

Trauma that has been created from emotions, memories and pain, eventually travel down and become stored in the womb space. This effects the flow and the energy becomes blocked and stagnant, manifesting into disease or conditions like PMS, fibroids, endometriosis and sometimes even cancer.

I hold space for you 🙏
I guide you through this release, peeling back layer after layer, and hand it over to Mother Earth with love, respect and all lessons learnt. (Our beautiful mother welcomes this)
You then install the future you desire.

Our Wombs are direct portals for spirit to enter the physical realm, which can be the form of a baby, or a creative desire you wish to materialise.

I am here hold space and guidance for you.
You release.
You heal.
You create.

Much love
(Seed, Plant, Grow)


Today I prepare for my Spring phase, and I welcome it with the beautiful vibration of love.
The ripples of love will travel through my womb, along with mother earths healing herbs to nourish my organs.

Yoni steaming is one of the most beautiful self care rituals I have ever offered myself.

I make time for my self care ritual through out all the season phases.

I am here hold space for you. So that you can honour the Devine within, and nourish your sacred space where all your creative desires are birthed from.


What does the Perfect Period look like.

🩸 Free from cramps
🩸 Free from blood clots
🩸 Free from brown blood residue
🩸Menstrual cycles should last 28-30 days.
🩸 Should last no longer than 4 days of fresh red blood.

Yoni Steaming can benefit the organs that influence menstruation.
🩸Spleen makes the blood (the source of Qi)
🩸 Liver stores the blood
🩸 Heart governs the blood
🩸 Kidneys nourish the blood
🩸 Lungs influence the Qi
🩸Stomach, together with the spleen influences the source of Qi and blood.

Depending on your areas of concern the ‘ I am’ herbal blend will be tailored to your specific needs and the organs that need extra attention to achieve the perfect period.

With love

Art work: Pinterest : Mandala Lunar


Offerings of the Sacral Seed

Our Rose Quartz Yoni Egg & Wand Sets are here and ready to bring some self love. Yoni eggs have been used in cultures for thousands of years. They are an egg shaped stone used internally to help tone the pelvic floor and vaginal muscles as well as increase sensitivity, enhance intimate awareness, release emotional traumas, and connect into the divine feminine.

I will be sharing more info on these powerful crystal eggs soon but in the meantime head over to
👉 to learn more.



The sacred space where all my creative desires are birthed......
I am grateful for you.

I connect in to the ebb and flow of my cycle, and love and nourish every season......
I hear your whispers.

I begin my new cycle and embrace winter. It is a time of rest, I hibernate.....
I listen.

I nourish my body with blood building and hydrating herbal tea.....
I thank Mother Earth.

I enter the womb portal and let the two rivers flow and unite. I see both the light side and dark side........
I love all of you.

I flush away anything that is not love and light, WATER is flushing away all that no longer serves me......
I create space.

I invite in energy directly from the cosmic womb. I ground that energy here on earth.
I know what I desire.......

I hold the SEED to new beginnings.
I plant it, and learn as I GROW.
I BLOOM into all I am.

I am love
I am happy
I am enough



Yoni Wellness🌱

Certain herbs nourish the organs that are essential for achieving womb wellness. The organs that benefit the overall health of the uterus are the kidneys, liver, heart, lungs and spleen. Choosing herbs that have a specific influence on these organs have an effect on the whole system. 

Divine Selfcare🌹


It’ here......
The newest offering of the Sacral Seed.....

S E E D, G R O W, B L O O M
Womb Healing

Working with the phases in your cycle. You journey to meet your white goddess and dark goddess within. Coming together in perfect harmony bringing the yin to the yang, and feeling whole again.
We unite the inner self/shadow self.
We unite the the inner creator/inner destroyer.
We unite the feminine/masculine
We unite the inner mother/inner child

Week by week we explore the fundamental elements, honour the seasons and remove old emotions, belief systems and trauma held in the womb. With the space you have created we plant the SEED to new beginnings, GROW with love, and BLOOM into all your creative desires.

We connect into the cosmic womb and integrate it all here on earth. We ground that energy so you can fully step into your power.

This powerful process is supported further with crystal healing and yoni steaming to physically and energetically move stagnation and heal. It consists of 4 sessions, over 4 weeks.

I am so very happy to bring this process to you and it is something I hold very close to my heart. If you are wanting support through your fertility journey, support with specific concerns, or wanting to regulate your cycle, this is for you. If you have any questions I am happy to answer anytime.

Much love and gratitude to you



Honour the Goddess within with these
Yoni Steam Blends

Balanced herbal blends containing Cleansing or Anti hemorrhagic herbs , Disinfecting herbs, Blood Tonic herbs, Kidney Tonic herbs, Deodorising herbs, and Astringent herbs to heal and awaken the womb. Four different blends to support the different journeys we are all on.

MAIDEN -Yoni steam blend is a balanced herb blend for sensitive patients showing signs of uterine fatigue. Ideal for those that are experiencing a cycle shorter than 28 days, two periods a month, spotting or needing to regulate the period.

MOTHER - Yoni steam blend is a balanced herb blend designed to promote cleansing effects and circulation with in the uterus. Ideal for specific situations that are caused by poor circulation, old residue, and stagnation.

CRONE Yoni steam blend is a balanced herb blend designed to cool and moisturise. Ideal for specific situations that are experiencing vaginal dryness, hot flashes or night sweats, or live in a hot climate.

ENCHANTRESS Yoni steam blend is a balanced herb blend designed to address specific situations that call for the need of antifungal, anti viral and anti bacterial herbs.

All information on the website to help you select the right blend for you.

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