The Conscious Naturopath

Clinical naturopath. I am your private investigator for your health. Let’s get to the root cause. 💛

Photos from The Conscious Naturopath's post 27/05/2024

Are you going and going and going, feeling stressed and overwhelmed daily?

Listen to your body and what it is trying to telling you.

There are no prizes for being super stressed, rather you may end up suffering with the consequences of burnout and adrenal dysfunction. Exhaustion is not fun my friends.

Look after yourselves out there in this busy world accompanied by ongoing daily stressors. You’ve got this.

Please reach out if you need some extra support.

Tara 💛🌿

Photos from The Conscious Naturopath's post 21/05/2024

For some reason oil pulling has been a topic of conversation lately, I am not too sure why, but it has come up a lot.

Oral hygiene has a lot to do with cognitive function, so maybe that’s why, as I tend to talk all day about neurological concerns, moods, brain fog, and everything and anything that can drive these issues.

Anyway, back to oil pulling. I have put together some added benefits. Give it a try for at least 3 weeks and let me know how you go. I would love to hear.

Tara x 💛🌿🧠

Photos from The Conscious Naturopath's post 14/05/2024

I am sure you all know that “vitamins” are essential for functioning, did you know what each B vitamins’ role includes?

So many of you have asked for a quick and easy guide when it comes to cheat sheets of vitamins within the body, this lead me to writing the above list (of the B’s for now) We love a list don’t we!

It should be noted that testing for B vitamins (other than B12 and folate) is not common practice as they are very easily excreted on a daily basis, therefore it is incredibly hard to determine a specific b vitamin deficiency within the body. This is a controversial topic in the naturopathic world, please share your thoughts on this if you are a fellow naturopath or nutritionist, I would love to know your thoughts.

You need to be consuming a diverse range of foods to hit your recommended dietary intakes, and in some cases supplementation may be required.

I hope you found this useful?
Do you experience any of the B vitamin deficiency symptoms?

Tara 💛🌿🍏


Another day, another clinical trial to read. Those that know me, know my excitement here. ✨

This is a 12-week randomised controlled trial that assessed the effects of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) on depressive and anxiety symptoms in patients with bipolar depression and major depressive disorder.

The humans (not animals) were divided based on their baseline levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP, an inflammatory marker for those that wondered what this was) Those with hs-CRP > 3 mg/L showed significant reductions in depressive symptoms and anxiety when treated with 1800mg/day of NAC compared to placebo.

NAC also reduced hs-CRP levels more effectively than placebo. NAC was well-tolerated, with no severe adverse effects reported, which is fabulous news, as opposed to many pharmaceuticals.

These findings suggest NAC’s potential as an adjunctive treatment, particularly in patients with elevated inflammation markers.

By no means am I suggesting NAC should replace your current medications, nor am I suggesting to cease pharmaceuticals if you are currently on them. I share these clinical trials to demonstrate nutraceuticals and herbal medicine have a major impact on our mind and body.

As always, consult with your practitioner or GP before commencing any new medications.

Let me know in the comments below if you found this interesting.

Tara 💛🧠🌿


Happy Mother’s Day to all mums and mother figures.

I wanted to share something a little left field of what I normally do… my personal thoughts.

Today has been magical, waking up with my three boys to coffee and breakfast in bed, some homemade cards and some gorgeous gifts.

As we all know there is so much going on in the world right now, one of the topics spoken amongst many households, including mine, is the concerns and fears women/girls have around men. Obviously, as I woman myself I can understand this concern. For this reason, I feel extremely grateful to be parenting/guiding three boys that will one day turn into men.

My goal as a mum of sons is to hold the responsibility in nurturing them to become allies for equality, be protectors, be advocates and fight for women. Teach them that being sensitive is not weak, to show empathy, show emotions and be honest in all their actions.

I endeavour that my boys will be able to imagine themselves in a woman’s/girls shoes. I will teach them that no gender determines power nor does it dictate what they can or cannot do in life.

I will encourage conversation on feelings, fairness and kindness, to uplift all humans, and install the ability to listen…. Really listen, listen to the voices of those who have been silenced and sidelined.

I envision these three boys to stand up in a room of men and speak out when women’s rights should be heard.

As these three grow, as they become men, I will continue to guide them, to navigate a path of openness and communication (well to the best of my ability). I will be their confidante, I will be their biggest supporter, I will reinforce that true courage comes from the heart, and strength from their spirit and their words and then their actions. I truely hope they will grow with integrity, respect, equality and demonstrate commitment to a safer, fairer place for everyone.

As a mum of sons, they will not only be my babies, my boys, my teens… they will be men the world needs more of. 💛💛💛

Tara # # #

Photos from The Conscious Naturopath's post 02/05/2024

I know, I know… you think you can run off 5 or 6 hours sleep right?

I have heard it all before my loves, but the facts are in. The brain really does need more for optimal brain function especially when it comes to cognitive performance 🔥🧠

There is more and more evidence coming out in supporting the need for sleep in neurodegenerative diseases, anxiety, depression, decision making, memory loss and memory recall. The list truely does go on.

How many of these points are you aiming for every night?

Let me know in the comments.

T 💛🧠


I can’t even explain what these words mean to me.

With imposter syndrome, not feeling good enough, the continual learning….. it all makes it worthwhile with words like this. You’ll catch me crying for the next few days.

I’m especially grateful to this gorgeous patient for trusting me with her health. My goodness it’s a privilege to support you amongst many others.

All I can say is thank you from the bottom of my heart. 🥹🥹🥹

Tara 💛

Photos from The Conscious Naturopath's post 10/04/2024

Ah, doom scrolling before bed, a habit many of us fall into, yet it can significantly impact our sleep quality and overall well-being. How cranky do you get if you have stayed up all night on your phone?

Tackling this habit requires the understanding of its impact on our nervous system and then implementing steps to create a somewhat healthier routine.

So, I would highly recommend (talking from a past doom scroller 😉):

💤 Create a curfew- this will allow you brain to switch off and wind down.

💤 Create a bedtime routine- this will initial signals to your brain, letting it know it’s bedtime. Red light, meditation, breath-work and a herbal tea a great here.

💤 Use tech wisely- if you do not want to go cold turkey, start with blue light blockers and night mode on devices. You can also use app to cut of your screen time and social media.

💤 Practice mindfulness and reflection- this one I truly adore. Before reaching for your phone, reflect on why you were about to do it… are you bored, anxious or is it a habit? Reflect on that. Grab a journal and do some reflection writing, intentional writing for tomorrow and some brain dumping.

💤 Reach out if you need- I am here to help if you need some added herbal or nutraceutical slewing aids. We can discuss what would be best for you. Remember what works for one may not be suitable for another.

Remember, it’s not about stopping a habit, it’s about creating a healthier, more nurturing night time routine that honour and reflects the person you want to be 💛

Changing habits take time.. celebrate the small wins and be patient with yourself.

Tara 🌿💛🧠

Photos from The Conscious Naturopath's post 10/04/2024

Time and time again, I hear “my antidepressants make me feel worse”

There are a number of factors to consider here…

Are you seeking therapy also?
Are you changing your diet and lifestyle?
Are you removing the sustaining factors?

But one thing that many don’t realise is that the MTHFR gene can impact how your body responds to antidepressants.

I have written a little more insight on the slides above. If you feel this could be you or it runs in the family, please reach out or go to your practitioner and we can get you tested for the gene mutation.

It may not be that simple… but it might also be that simple.

Tara 💛🌿🧠

Photos from The Conscious Naturopath's post 09/04/2024

After yesterdays questions on my stories, it appears there are still a number of people that are unsure of the information that is being shared on social media.

I will replicate my words from my stories from yesterday and say,

- If you find yourself challenged to navigate the overwhelming amount of health information online..

- If you find it hard to distinguish between credible information and false claims..

- If you seek to improve your brain health, want to manage your moods, cognitive function, and/or neurological conditions without quick fixes….

- If you crave authenticity, scientific backed research and a holistic approach…

Continue to follow me or if you feel drawn to, make an appointment with me and we can have a chat.



Let’s get chatting about some of my favourite things in the world… herbs! 🌿

In the realm of traditional herbal medicine and neuroscientific research, the role of herbs in stabilising neurological conditions warrants a spotlight.

Here are some of my loves that I use for their neuroprotective effects.

Ginkgo Biloba, Bacopa Monnieri, Turmeric, and Saffron, each demonstrate unique mechanisms of action that provides promising results amongst my patients and in the land of neurological conditions.

Ginkgo Biloba is renowned for its cognitive-enhancing properties, primarily attributed to improved cerebral blood flow facilitated by its flavonoids and terpenoids. These compounds provide antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, which contribute to mitigating symptoms of cognitive decline and peripheral vascular disorders. I adore to use Ginkgo when people have a large work load and need that concentration.

Bacopa, deeply rooted in Ayurvedic medicine, has been recognised for its ability to enhance memory and cognitive function. Its active saponins, known as bacosides, play a crucial role in neuron repair and improve nerve impulse transmission, highlighting its potential in addressing neurodegenerative diseases and cognitive impairments. In times of high stress, bacopa will be a front runner!

Turmeric’s active ingredient, curcumin, is highly studied for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant capacities. Its potential to modulate neural pathways and diminish amyloid plaques aligns with emerging research interests in Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative conditions. Add turmeric into your daily diet if you can.

Saffron is such a gorgeous herb. It’s power is like no other really. Again, one of my favourites, especially in anxiety and depression cases. The compounds from saffron have shown the potential in modulating neurotransmitter levels, hence my use of it often when supporting depression and enhancing cognitive resilience.

Collectively, these herbs (and many others) present with exciting results in practice and (finally) modern science in the realm of neurology.

Tara 🌿💛

Always consult me or your practitioner before using plant medicine.


Did you know there’s a superhighway of communication between your gut and your brain?

It’s called the gut-brain axis, and it’s like the internet for your body’s signals, connecting the enteric nervous system (that’s the nervous system in your gut) with the big boss, the central nervous system.

Picture this…. (IYKYK I love visuals) your gut, home to over 100 million neurons and an entire ecosystem of microbes, chatting away with your brain. This isn’t just small talk; it’s a deep conversation influencing everything from your mood to how well you digest your food.

Research has been piling up, showing us just how crucial this chat between your gut and brain is, especially early in life. It turns out, what happens in your gut doesn’t stay in your gut—it can affect your brain’s development and impact things like mood swings, how you handle stress, and even more serious stuff like anxiety, depression, ADHD and so on…🧠

But here’s the intersting part: we’re learning that tweaking our diet, adding specific probiotics, and keeping stress in check can actually make a difference. By taking care of our gut, we’re also taking care of our brain, opening up exciting new ways to boost our mental and neurological health.

So next time you’re about to eat something or feeling a bit stressed, remember that conversation happening inside you. It might just be the key to feeling and functioning better. 🫐🐟🍫🥗🌿

Tara 💛 x

Oh by the way, I just wrote a new blog post on all things gut-brain axis on my website if you fancy a read.


Photos from The Conscious Naturopath's post 08/04/2024

I adore this trend 💛

I aim to be real and not “too professional” on here as I really don’t want my page to come across as a sales pitch, more so a safe community for education and encouragement. A place to find generalised helpful tips outside of a consult with me.

This being a business page and me also being a human just like, I have struggles just like everyone else. So, this vulnerability challenge was something I was drawn to 💛

I also understand and know where my struggles comes from, that doesn’t mean they do not arise, just like you, I also have to set goals, deal with health concerns and mindset challenges 🥰 I also love being vulnerable, it creates so much connection and trust. 💛

Tara 🌿💛x


Rest, relax and enjoy this long weekend.
I’ll be tapping out now also. 😘

Tara 💛


🥹 Getting messages like this fills my heart and soul.

I honestly never thought I would be reaching so many people across Australia as opposed to just in little old Busselton.

I’m truely grateful for every day I get to wake up and tackle new (and existing) cases.

Thank you 💛✨


Hello fam bam,

With the juggle of having kidlets and working full time, holidays can be a struggle to get your appointments in. Don’t worry, I hear you!

I’m actually in the same boat, so, I have decided to open up quite a number of online consults so you can have a chat with me from my home office to your lounge room, air bnb, hidden spot in the pantry or where ever you need really… on the roof?

I do have to mention that online consults book up rather quickly, I think just because they are so much easier than getting the kids babysat and having to drive into town. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Whatever the reason, I’m here for it!

Jump online and have a looksie at my availability over the school holidays, get your cuppa ready and let’s have a chat!

See you soon

Tara x 💛


I’m excited to be speaking for our event of on April 2nd at 6:30pm

Join me as I share my journey of resilience and transformation. From battling good old burnout to reclaiming my health… I am, like you, always learning and evolving on how to optimise the minutes in the day whilst wearing multiple hats, in that of being a solo mumma bear of 3 and being a businesswoman.

I’ll be sharing practical insights for achieving balance in the hustle of business life. I’ll probably get all emotional and sensitive as I do, 🤦🏻‍♀️ as well as being your hype woman whilst sharing my personal herbal hacks to prevent burnout. And many more nuggets of gold.

Don’t miss out – secure your spot today! Tickets in my bio.

Tara 💛xx


It is the simple things that you practice daily that result in overall health.


Nurturing mental wellness for women in business! ✨

Unlock Harmony in Your Hustle: Join me, The Conscious Naturopath in discovering the key drivers behind burnout, insomnia, hormonal dysfunction, gut symptoms, anxiety, depression, and low energy.

Learn how a naturopath can uniquely support you during challenging times, drawing from personal experience and clinical expertise.

In this transformative session, we will delve into practical strategies for stress reduction, explore nutritional advice, and unveil lifestyle tools tailored for the demands of your hectic schedule.

The session will also introduce herbal medicine and nutritional supplements to enhance your cognitive power and overall health.

The event concludes with a dedicated Q&A session, ensuring you leave armed with the knowledge to foster a harmonious balance between your professional and personal life.

Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in yourself – because your well-being matters. Secure your spot now for an hour of wisdom, support, and empowerment! ✨

Where: Good health SW, 149 Bussell Hwy
When: April 2nd 6:30pm to 8pm
Cost: $65
How to get tickets: link in bio

Can’t wait to see you there! There are limited tickets so let’s see how we go ✨💛✨🍃

Who’s coming??


I am very much looking forward to speaking about the topic of PAIN, this Friday at 10am Origins Market Busselton with Vasse Valley.

I’ll be discussing what is actually driving your pain, what types of pain there are, how a naturopath can support you when it comes to nutrition and lifestyle, as well as nutritional medicine and herbal pain relief medicines 🍃✨

Have you got your FREE ticket yet to secure your seat?

Embark on a Journey to Natural Pain Relief at Our Exclusive Workshop!

Are you searching for a holistic way to manage discomfort and enhance your quality of life? Look no further! Join us this Friday, 8th March, at Origins Market Busselton, for a transformative workshop dedicated to unveiling the secrets of natural pain management.

🌿 Unlock the Path to a Pain-Free Lifestyle 🌿

Discover the power of holistic healing and natural remedies with our special guests, Naturopath Tara Hansen and Vasse Valley Co-Founder, Bronwyn Blake. They'll share invaluable insights, backed by the latest research and their personal success stories, offering you alternative solutions to combat discomfort without relying solely on conventional methods.

Why Attend?
- Expert Guidance: Gain advice from leading wellness experts on natural and effective pain management techniques.
- Tailored Solutions: Explore a range of holistic remedies for various types of discomfort, including joint issues and chronic conditions.
- Actionable Tips: Learn easy-to-implement strategies to alleviate discomfort and improve your daily life.
- Community Support: Connect with others on a similar journey and share experiences in a supportive, understanding environment.

Event Details:
📅 Date: Friday, 8th March
⏰ Time: 10:00 AM
📍 Location: Origins Market Busselton
💲 Cost: Free (Registration required to secure your seat)

Spaces are limited, and your path to a more comfortable, fulfilling life awaits. Don’t let another day go by feeling less than your best. Register now and take the first step towards reclaiming your vitality and joy.

Secure Your Spot Today!

Transform your tomorrow by joining us today. We can't wait to welcome you on this journey to wellness and beyond.

The Conscious Naturopath


As a dedicated clinical naturopath, I find it imperative to bridge the gap between scientific insights and practical applications in the realm of nutritional and herbal medicine.

Research is my jam as many of you know.!

Often confined within professional circles, the transformative potential of specific nutrients and herbal constituents deserves broader acknowledgment, particularly regarding their impact on various health conditions.

In sharing this valuable information, it is essential to acknowledge this info is not a substitute for professional advice. Before incorporating any nutritional or herbal interventions into your routine, I strongly advised to consult with a qualified practitioner, such as myself or another to navigate potential contraindications and interactions with your medications, herbs, and other nutrients. It is very dangerous to self prescribe!

The purpose of this knowledge above is to empower you with education, shedding light on the considerable benefits natural medicines can offer within the realm of healthcare. It is not an endorsement to replace pharmaceuticals outright but rather an encouragement to consider alternative approaches, in tandem with conventional treatments when deemed essential.

For instance, this clinical study explored the efficacy of 1000mg of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) taken twice a day over 24 weeks in individuals with bipolar disorder accompanied by depression. In comparison to a placebo, this intervention showed promising results, showcasing a reduction in symptoms and improvements in the participants’ overall quality of life.

By embracing this information, you embark on a journey of informed decision-making, and that’s all I ask.

Let me know if you would like me to continue with sharing recent clinical trials of nutrients and herbs used in health conditions.

Tara x 💛✨🍃

Photos from The Conscious Naturopath's post 04/03/2024

It’s interesting you know, I get asked continually “what on earth is naturopathy?” To which I think I have just about mastered my response, down to a fine art it would seem.

I continue to be shocked that naturopathy is unheard of by many despite it being traditional medicine.

I won’t lie, I do often get caught up on how to treat the symptoms despite this NOT being what naturopathy is inherently about. I will always analyse, brainstorm, mind map each and every case that comes before my eyes… that is a non negotiable, yet sometimes I do want to “fix” the person quickly. (Maybe that’s the fixer in me)

The body is truely amazing and definitely has the ability to heal from within guided by many factors.

I fall in love with my profession more and more on the daily. Coming back to the philosophy and the naturopathic principles is refreshing. For those that don’t know what naturopathy is based upon, here you go.

Tara 💛✨🍃

Do you have any questions relating to naturopathic medicine?


This Friday. Who’s coming by? ✨💛🍃

Have you reserved your spot?

Are you ready to reclaim your life from the grip of chronic pain?

We invite you to an empowering workshop that's all about nurturing a life of comfort and wellness, naturally. Don’t miss out on a transformative journey towards wellness!

Join us this Friday, 8th March, at 10:00 AM for our "Unlock Your Path to Pain-Free Living!" workshop at the vibrant Origins Market Busselton.

This FREE event is your opportunity to delve into natural remedies and holistic practices that can enhance your well-being. We'll explore the wonders of plant-based nutrition, the role of essential fatty acids, and how to harness the power of your body's endocannabinoid system for balance and health.

📆 Date: Friday, 8th March
🕙 Time: 10:00 AM
📍 Location: Origins Market Busselton

Cost: Absolutely free! (Remember, seating is limited, so registration is essential to secure your spot).

Join us for a morning of insightful discussions including Naturopath Tara Hansen from The Conscious Naturopath , alongside Vasse Valley's very own Bronwyn Blake. They're gearing up to share invaluable knowledge on holistic practices and natural alternatives designed to address pain without reliance on conventional methods.

Why This Workshop Is a Must-Attend:
- Discover expert insights into natural pain relief methods.
- Learn about strategies for managing conditions like back pain and arthritis.
- Hear success stories and the latest research in the field of natural pain management.
- Take home practical, everyday techniques to alleviate discomfort.
Don't let this opportunity pass you by—embrace the chance to embark on your path to pain-free living.

Join us at Origins Market for a day that could transform your approach to wellness.

Reserve your place now and start your journey to a happier, healthier you:

The Conscious Naturopath

Photos from The Conscious Naturopath's post 03/03/2024

Magnesium is the most common deficiency we as humans have. Remember, there are many differing forms and what works for one, will not always work for another, that is what it is always essential to check in with your healthcare practitioner.

If there is one supplement I would take…. It would be a magnesium! Please check the dose, type and form you are consuming if you do.

Tara x ✨💛

Do you take a magnesium?

Vasse Valley to run free workshops for wellness 27/02/2024

So excited to be a part of this chat!

Vasse Valley to run free workshops for wellness A series of free educational workshops will help local residents learn more and transform their perceptions on wellness...

Photos from The Conscious Naturopath's post 19/02/2024

The weather has been quite humid at the moment and I have noticed a lot of people sharing how exhausted they are in this heat.

Please keep your fluids up my loves. Electrolyte Imbalance can cause many side effects (fainting included)

Here is a quick and easy drink to make at home

Tara x ✨🍃💛

Photos from The Conscious Naturopath's post 08/02/2024

I love a good “did you know?”

Any that surprised you the most or feel you need to know more on?

What’s your favourite?

Have you got any awesome brain facts you’d like to share? If so, I’d love to hear them, pop them in the comments section 🥰

Tara 🧠✨💛



You ask… I provide 😉 please note these are averages.. some may be over or under. This is guide my loves.

Hit save for later.

Tara x ✨


Well it’s that time of year again!

Time to spend with loved ones and hitting the beach 🏖️

Over the next 3 weeks I only have a handful of appointments available and then much like many, I will be taking 2 weeks off.

These last 18months have been pretty full on with starting the business and everything that entails. I am currently feeling a little burnt out and well and truly ready for a reset.

I will be practicing what I preach and taking time to reenergise my batteries, fill my cup and look after my own health.

Please do the same, and then let us come together and prioritise your health and get to the root cause of what is happening.

Please reach out if you need me over the next few weeks, and I will of course be checking inquiries over the break.

For anyone wanting to work with me, please hit that link in my bio and make your booking.

All my love for this holiday season, I hope it brings happiness, laughter, love and joy….and also strength to you that need it in this somewhat triggering time for many people.

Tara x 💛

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149 Bussell Highway
Busselton, WA

Opening Hours

Tuesday 8:30am - 2:30pm
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 8:30am - 2:30pm
Friday 8:30am - 2:30pm

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