

Tribal Gatherings for the Primal In the life that is “real,” we have unlimited access to a great universal power.

Here is a community that seeks to explore the fifth dimension, with a metaphysical belief that suggests the existence of a higher level of consciousness beyond the physical realm. This realm is characterised by unity and interconnectedness, where all living beings and entities coexist in harmony, allowing us to transcend our physical limitations and experience a heightened sense of awareness and i


The partial lunar eclipse in Pisces arrives with a profound call for reflection and transformation, asking us to step back and assess the areas in our lives where we may be clinging too tightly. Often, we become attached to familiar ways of thinking or acting, not realising that these habits can limit our growth. This celestial event highlights the need to recognise where we are holding on too firmly and invites us to create space for something new.

This period is not solely about letting go, but also about honouring ourselves in the process. It’s a chance to ask: where have we been giving too much, without receiving enough in return? Have we been neglecting our own needs, caught up in the demands of others? Pisces, with its intuitive and emotional depth, encourages us to create boundaries that allow us to nurture ourselves first, ensuring that we give from a place of abundance rather than depletion.

Under Pisces’ influence, we are invited to move beyond intellectualising and to embrace a direct, immersive experience of the unknown. This sign, unlike others, cannot be fully understood through analysis—it must be lived and felt. Pisces energy, combined with the eclipse, encourages us to explore our fear of the unknown and to surrender control. Are we holding on to old patterns simply because they’re familiar, or are we ready to trust life’s unfolding, even if the path ahead is unclear?

Our emotional world also comes into sharp focus during this time. Vulnerability can be a challenge, but withholding emotions creates inner tension and prevents growth. Are we guarding our hearts too closely, afraid of being hurt, or are we overextending ourselves emotionally, leaving nothing for our own wellbeing? This eclipse invites us to recalibrate, seeking a balance in how we relate to others and ourselves. It’s a time to connect with those around us in ways that nourish both them and us.

This cosmic event also prompts us to reassess how we spend our time and energy. In the rush of daily life, it’s easy to over-commit or withdraw entirely, but this partial eclipse asks us to strike a balance. What if we could nurture our personal growth while still maintaining meaningful connections with others? Finding this equilibrium is key to both inner healing and the flourishing of our relationships.

Ultimately, this partial Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces serves as an invitation to release what no longer serves us, creating room for renewal and transformation. It’s a moment to trust the journey, to surrender our need for control, and to embrace the unknown with an open heart, knowing that everything is unfolding as it should. 🦋

Photos from Royal Path Tarot's post 16/09/2024

For the Virgo new moon, here's a unique take on five rituals you can do at home, blending old practices with a modern twist for the 21st century. Each ritual is designed to align with Virgo's themes of structure, vitality, and contribution, while also inspiring mindfulness and connection:

🌚 Herbal Floor Sweeping 🌿🧹
Revive the forgotten art of herbal floor sweeping by blending dried herbs such as rosemary, sage, or lavender into your broom bristles. Sweep with intention, visualising clearing not only physical debris but also stagnant energy from your space. This practice honours Virgo’s attention to detail and offers a spiritual cleanse at home. (No broom, make a bouquet of herbs and “dust”)

🌚 Handwritten Affirmation Cards ✍️📜
Instead of journalling digitally, take some time to write affirmations or gratitude notes by hand on small cards. Place them in places you frequently visit – like under your pillow, in your wallet, or taped to your bathroom mirror. The physical act of writing and the tactile connection to the notes reflect Virgo’s appreciation for the tangible, simple acts that ground us. (I like to add mine to the fridge and the window above the kitchen sink)

🌚 Lunar Bread-Making 🌙🍞
Bring back the tradition of baking bread, but this time, with the lunar phases in mind. Use the energy of the new moon to set intentions while kneading the dough, infusing it with your hopes for the new lunar cycle. The tactile process of bread-making connects us to ancient practices, with a modern emphasis on mindfulness and nourishment. (Include seeds for sowing those good intentions)

🌚 Plant Potion Watering 🌱💧
Create a "plant potion" by brewing herbal teas (like chamomile or peppermint) and using the cooled liquid to water your houseplants. Whisper words of encouragement as you water them, knowing that you’re not just tending to the plants but contributing to the vitality of your own space. Virgo’s nurturing energy blends with this modern take on plant care. (Wiping big leaves and areas where there’s dust with herbal infusions also)

🌚 Space Clearing Sound Rituals 🔔🎶
Instead of the traditional use of smudging or incense, use sound to clear your space. Tap into the 21st-century version by playing specific frequencies or sound bowls that resonate with different chakras or moods. Alternatively, use a simple bell or your voice to set an energetic reset in your home. Virgo’s earthy energy aligns with this structured yet spiritual approach. (Also choosing a sound bath from your music app to play through the house for an hour)

These rituals offer a blend of practical magic, honouring the everyday while bringing fresh inspiration to ancient practices. They also reflect Virgo’s grounding energy, connecting us to the beauty of routine and simplicity in a creative, modern way.

🌒 🦋 🧜‍♀️ 🦋 🌒

The Children Choice Award - Major Minor Music Australia 26/08/2024

Helping local bands 🙏🏼

The Children Choice Award - Major Minor Music Australia Major Minor Music Awards The Children Choice Award Vote now for your favourite children’s act in the 2024 MA’s Children’s Choice Award. Past winners include The Mik Maks and Pevan and Sarah. Entry Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmailWho is yo...




🌑 Tonight, as the Leo new moon graces the sky, embrace its powerful energy. Create a sacred space, light a candle and set your intentions. Believe in your strength, trust your creative spirit and open your heart to joy. 🌟

The Dark Moon is a prime opportunity to release what no longer serves us, setting the stage for a fresh start:

🌑 Discover the intricate cycles of the Moon and their meanings
🌑 Explore the deeper significance of the Dark Moon’s phase
🌑 Connect with the profound essence of the Goddess of the Dark Moon
🌑 Reflect and identify one aspect of your life to release
🌑 Participate in a powerful burning ritual to signify this release
🌑 Chant to Kali to infuse your spirit with divine strength
🌑 Balance your chakras for complete alignment and clarity

The Leo new moon ignites within us a call to define ourselves with authenticity. It’s not about seeking attention or grandeur but about asserting our true selves with courage and conviction. This is a moment for bold actions and steadfast choices, embracing who we are despite any fears.

Reflect on your journey with valour, let your ingenuity shine and delight in the abundance around you. This new moon is a time for renewal and bold beginnings. 🌱✨

Unique Rituals for Activation:

Moonlit Dance: Under the night sky, play your favourite music and dance with intention. Let each movement affirm your boldness and creativity, visualising new pathways unfolding with every step. 🌌💃

Symbolic Artwork: Create a piece of art that captures your intentions for this lunar cycle. Use bold colours and dynamic forms to reflect your courage and vision. Display it prominently as a daily reminder of your journey. 🎨🌟

Herbal Smoke Cleanse: Light a bundle of herbs like rosemary, bay leaves and thyme. Allow the smoke to purify your space, envisioning it clearing away obstacles and inviting new, vibrant energy. 🌿🔮

Nature Mandala: Gather natural items such as leaves, flowers and stones. Arrange them in a mandala, focusing on your intentions with each placement. This will help ground your energy and connect you to the earth’s wisdom. 🍃🌀

Gratitude Circle: Collect meaningful items and arrange them in a circle. Sit within this circle, reflecting on your blessings and what you’re thankful for. This practice will anchor you in abundance and prepare you to welcome new opportunities. 🌼🔄


Under Leo's new moon, a mystic embrace,
Courage and vision fill the celestial space.
The lion’s roar whispers dreams anew,
Bold paths awaken in the cosmic view.

A time to release, to let the old fade,
New intentions bloom in the moonlit glade.
Strength and heart in the Leo moon's light,
Transforming shadows, turning darkness to bright.

With Medusa's gaze, power and might,
And Leo’s spirit, burning ever so bright.
Embrace the fierce, the valiant, the true,
As new pathways open, under the Leo moon's hue.



Tonight, under the radiant full moon, let us harness the celestial energy to nurture our spirits and align our intentions.

Embrace the warmth and support of your loved ones. Create a sacred space at home, light candles, share your dreams and hopes with family. Let the moonlight bathe your haven in its glow, fostering connection and understanding.

Release the need to control outcomes. Instead, open your heart to the boundless possibilities the universe has in store. Meditate under the moon, envisioning your dreams coming true through unexpected collaborations and divine guidance.

Take a moment tonight to perform a simple ritual:

☑️ Find a quiet, serene spot where you can see the moon.

☑️ Light a white candle, symbolising purity and clarity.

☑️ Write down what you wish to release and what you desire to welcome.

☑️ Read your intentions aloud, feeling the moon’s energy infuse your words.

☑️ Burn the paper safely, imagining your intentions being sent out to the universe.

Let the full moon’s energy guide you towards new beginnings & deeper connections. 🌕✨


As the world embraces artificial intelligence, emotional intelligence remains uniquely human. Cancer, a sign in the zodiac, embodies emotional intelligence. While all zodiac signs experience emotions, Cancer’s water element and its association with the 4th House highlight the importance of emotional intelligence in flourishing across all aspects of life.

The New Moon in Cancer promotes self-acceptance and encourages us to enhance our emotional intelligence. This celestial event urges us to harness emotional awareness for personal and relational growth. By integrating empathy, compassion, and effective communication into our daily lives, we can better navigate social and political landscapes, fostering a more harmonious world.

Five Rituals for the Cancer New Moon:

1. Compassionate Communication: Engage in heartfelt conversations with loved ones. Practice active listening and empathetic responses to strengthen your emotional bonds.

2. Home Sanctuary: Create a comforting space in your home where you can retreat for quiet reflection and emotional recharge. Decorate with items that bring you peace and comfort.

3. Heart-Centred Breathing: Practice deep, heart-centred breathing exercises. Focus on inhaling love and exhaling any stress or negativity.

4. Self-Compassion Ritual: Write a letter to yourself, offering kindness and understanding for any emotional struggles. Keep it as a reminder of your journey towards greater emotional intelligence.

5. Energy Cleansing Bath: Take a purifying bath with sea salt and essential oils. Visualise the water washing away negative energy and emotional blocks, leaving you refreshed and centered.

This Cancer New Moon invites us to deepen our emotional intelligence through meaningful rituals. By incorporating these practices into your routine, you not only nurture your emotional wellbeing but also strengthen your connections with others. Take this opportunity to honour your emotions, create space for healing and set the foundation for a more empathetic and harmonious future.



“I would not encourage anybody to try to study life, because you can never get it.
No one can even begin to comprehend a moment of its magnificence, its mystery, its sheer glory.
You have to fall fully in love with the very heart of existence and then its essence is miraculously revealed to you, a kind of an intuitive knowing happens out of this love.
But to study life doesn’t work, because your attitude and even you, the student, is phenomenal.
You have to first fall inside yourself until there is no longer ‘you’ and ‘life’
—there is only Life.
There is no ‘person’ living life.
There is just Life expressing itself in,
as and through this form called a person,
watched simultaneously in pure consciousness.
How funny that the simplest of teachings
seems to be the most difficult.
This is like a circus of concepts.
We fight, creating devils out of nowhere,
in order to defend our identity—sheer ignorance.
Now I’ve said it, I want to see this understanding alive in you.
I want to see it germinate inside your heart.
It must flower, bear fruit and give shade.
That’s it.
- Mooji


🌑 Embrace the cosmic energy of the upcoming Gemini New Moon! 🌑

The Gemini New Moon invites us to explore the duality within ourselves and our surroundings. Symbolised by the Twins, Gemini encourages us to embrace both sides of our personality, intellect and communication style. 🌟

This lunar phase encourages adaptability, curiosity and versatility. It's a time to engage our minds in new ideas, learn from diverse perspectives, and enhance our communication skills. 💬

Gemini, ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, prompts us to express ourselves with clarity and openness. It's a time to engage in meaningful conversations, share our thoughts and ideas, and cultivate connections with others. 🌐

This New Moon encourages us to seek balance between logic and intuition, reason and emotion. It invites us to explore our mental agility, adapt to change, and embrace the fluidity of life. 🔄

✨ This celestial event offers a powerful opportunity for growth and transformation. Here are three unique rituals to harness its energy in private:

1️⃣ Mirror Affirmations: Stand in front of a mirror and speak positive affirmations aloud. Embrace the duality within yourself and affirm your ability to adapt, communicate and thrive.

2️⃣ Gemini Yoga Flow: Engage in a yoga practice that focuses on balance and flexibility. Channel the adaptable nature of Gemini through fluid movements and mindful breathing. (Dance freestyle)

3️⃣ Creative Expression: Tap into your artistic side by engaging in a creative activity such as painting, writing poetry, or composing music. Allow the Gemini energy to inspire innovative ideas and expressions.

🌟 Incorporate these practices into your New Moon ceremony for an enriching and transformative experience:

1️⃣ Mindful Movement: Incorporate mindful movement into your ceremony, such as dancing or walking meditation. Connect with the rhythm of the universe and embrace the dualities of life with grace and fluidity.

2️⃣ Gemini-themed Ritual: Create a ritual that honours the dualities of Gemini, such as lighting two candles representing opposing forces or performing a symbolic gesture that signifies balance and harmony.

3️⃣ Breathwork: Engage in breathwork exercises to clear your mind and energise your body. Focus on deep, intentional breathing to align yourself with the cosmic energy of the Gemini New Moon.

Overall, the Gemini New Moon offers us an opportunity to expand our intellectual horizons, deepen our connections with others, and embrace the richness of life's dualities. It's a time for growth, learning and embracing the ever-changing nature of existence. 🌙

Embrace the magic of the Gemini New Moon and embark on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment! ✨🌙


The Full Moon in Sagittarius: A Celestial Exploration of Discovery & Happiness 🌕✨

Transitioning from the stable and grounded Ta**us to the dynamic and inquisitive Gemini sun, the full moon in Sagittarius propels us towards emotional and philosophical development. This shift elevates us from the earthy depths of Ta**us to the airy heights of Gemini, encouraging us to interact with our environment and flourish in the adventurous spirit of Sagittarius.

A Refreshing Transformation 🌬️🍃

The full moon in Sagittarius brings forth a wave of creative, hopeful and communal energy. This energy motivates us to pursue carefree adventures and to step beyond the confines of familiarity, embracing life's joys. Like seeds carried by the breeze, we are urged to seek out new experiences, express our ideas and establish connections.

Letting Go & Progressing 🌿➡️

This full moon encourages us to recognise and shed the burdens that hinder our progress. It presents an opportunity to release negative habits that weigh us down. Reflect on the support networks that can help alleviate these burdens, enabling you to view the world with deeper appreciation and heartfelt gratitude ❤️.

The Sagittarius full moon advocates for a shift in perspective and attitude, prompting us to embrace creativity and approach decisions with optimism rather than uncertainty. This change in outlook can foster personal growth and open doors to new possibilities, instilling a sense of hope and potential.

Embracing Optimism 🌟💖

Under the influence of the Sagittarius full moon, optimism becomes a catalyst for transformation. It spurs movement, expansion, and connection, nurturing hope and boundless potential. To tap into this energy, take deep breaths and connect with your innermost self. This action promotes circulation and spreads positive vibes, akin to a plant's roots extending and intertwining with the earth.

Revitalising Body & Mind 💃🌀

This full moon encourages us to utilise breath and motion to assimilate its blessings, transitioning from the grounding energy of Earth to the expansive lightness of Air. Engage in activities that inspire physical activity and joy/dance, laugh and engage in play with others. Envision moving gracefully like beams in the sunlight, embracing the freedom and buoyancy of this celestial moment.


🌑✨ Embrace the cosmic energy of the Ta**us New Moon! 🌼💪

As the Sun and Moon align in Ta**us, a wave of fresh beginnings washes over us, urging us to sow the seeds of our dreams and aspirations. This celestial event isn't just about new beginnings; it's a powerful reminder of our inner strength and ability to navigate life's twists and turns.

With Uranus, Jupiter, and Saturn in alignment, this New Moon promises unexpected blessings and opportunities, grounded in practicality and determination. It's a cosmic nudge to step out of our comfort zones, take calculated risks, and embrace change with open arms. 💫

As the moon renews itself in Ta**us, it's the perfect time to slow down and reconnect with Nature. 🌿 Take a moment to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us—whether it's staring at the clouds, walking barefoot on the grass, or simply listening to the sounds of the earth. Let's tap into the earth element within us and embrace our connection to the physical world.

So, what does this mean for you? It's time to assess your goals, set intentions, and take decisive action. Whether it's launching a new project, pursuing a passion, or redefining your priorities, the energy of this New Moon supports you every step of the way. 💼

But remember, cosmic influence aside, true transformation begins from within. Take this opportunity to reconnect with your values, reassess your relationships, and cultivate a sense of gratitude for the abundance in your life. 🌟

This verse from Anam Cara, a book of Celtic Wisdom, perfectly sums up this Ta**us new moon: “The world rests at night. Trees, mountains, fields and faces are released from the prison of shape and the burden of exposure. Each thing creeps back into its own nature within the shelter of the dark. Darkness is the ancient womb. Nighttime is womb-time. Our souls come out to play. The darkness absolves everything; the struggle for identity and impression falls away. We rest in the night. The dawn is a refreshing time, a time of possibility and promise. All the elements of nature - stones, fields, rivers and animals - are suddenly there anew in the fresh dawn light. Just as darkness brings rest and release, so the dawn brings awakening and renewal. In our mediocracy and distraction, we forget that we are privileged to live in a wondrous universe.”

So, let's harness the energy of the Ta**us New Moon to manifest our desires, cultivate resilience, and embrace the beauty of new beginnings. Are you ready to seize the cosmic moment?

🌑✨ Tap into the New Moon's Magic with These Tips and Rituals! 🌿💫

Practical Actions:

Set Intentions: Reflect on your desires and goals for the upcoming lunar cycle. Write down what you want to attract and accomplish, keeping your intentions visible for daily reminders.

Cleanse Your Space: Harness the New Moon's energy to declutter and purify your surroundings. Clear out physical clutter and negative vibes using methods like sage smudging or simply opening windows for fresh air.

Practice Self-Care: Take time to nurture yourself and recharge your spirit. Engage in activities like meditation, yoga, or journaling to promote relaxation and self-reflection.

Sacred Rituals:

New Moon Bath Ceremony: Indulge in a luxurious bath infused with Epsom salts, essential oils, and herbs. As you soak, visualise releasing negativity and setting intentions for the cycle ahead, incorporating affirmations or mantras for added power.

Moonlit Meditation: Find a serene outdoor spot under the New Moon's glow. Close your eyes, focus on your breath, and connect with the moon's energy. Visualise absorbing its healing essence and set intentions for the month ahead.

New Moon Tarot or Oracle Reading: Seek guidance from the cards to gain insight into the New Moon's energy. Shuffle with intention, draw cards, and reflect on their messages to support your goals and navigate challenges.
Which of these practices speaks to your soul? Share your New Moon journey in the comments below! 👇

**usNewMoon ✨🌑


The upcoming Scorpio Full Moon, arriving in the wake of recent eclipses and less than 24 hours after Mercury turns direct, promises to be a potent celestial event 🌕✨. As Mercury slows down and changes direction, its influence becomes more pronounced, amplifying the energies of this intense weekend lunation. Expect a full moon ripe with deep emotions, profound insights and potent transformations.

In the realm of Scorpio, words may fail to fully capture the depth of our experiences. Instead, we are invited to surrender to the currents of emotion and release that are inherent to this lunar cycle. As we navigate this cosmic soup, we may find ourselves grappling with confusions, miscommunications and the echoes of our own thoughts swirling like eddies in a river 🌊. Yet, amidst the chaos, there is an opportunity for clarity to emerge.

With Pluto's powerful presence squaring the full moon, we are called to excavate the truths and shadows that lie buried within us. This is a time for deep introspection and honest self-assessment. What truths have we been avoiding? What shadows have we been reluctant to confront? By acknowledging and embracing these aspects of ourselves, we can pave the way for profound personal transformation.

In the aftermath of the eclipse season, this full moon serves as a pivot point—a moment to reassess our lives and shed that which no longer serves our true selves. As we gaze upon the remnants of what has fallen away, we are asked to discern what to keep and what to release. This may involve examining our patterns, beliefs, and hurts, and relinquishing the thoughts and emotions that have held us back from embracing our full potential.

For those already thriving and less inclined towards astrology, consider this: Embrace this Scorpio Full Moon as an opportunity for deeper self-reflection and growth, regardless of your beliefs in astrology. Use this time to reassess your goals, release any lingering doubts or fears and tap into your inner strength and resilience. Whether you view it as a cosmic event or simply a chance for personal introspection, allow yourself to embrace the transformative energies of this lunation and continue to shine brightly in all aspects of your life. 🌕

As we navigate the energies of this Scorpio Full Moon, here are 5 practices to cultivate at home:

📝 Journaling: Take time to explore your thoughts and emotions through writing. Journaling can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and inner exploration.

🧘 Meditation: Set aside moments of stillness to connect with your inner self and tap into the wisdom of the subconscious mind.

🥵 Emotional Release: Allow yourself to feel and express your emotions fully, whether through crying, screaming, or simply allowing yourself to be vulnerable.

🧹 Energy Cleansing: Clear your space and your aura of any stagnant or negative energies. This can be done through smudging with sage or Palo Santo, or simply opening windows to let in fresh air.

💆 Self-Care: Prioritise self-care practices that nourish your body, mind and spirit. Whether it's taking a relaxing bath, indulging in your favourite hobbies, or spending time in nature, make time to nurture yourself..

In addition to these practices, here are 5 rituals to embody the energies of this cosmic lunation weekend:

🔥 Full Moon Release Ritual: Write down anything you wish to release or let go of on a piece of paper, then burn it as a symbolic gesture of surrendering to the universe.

🌑 Shadow Work: Engage in deep introspection and shadow work to confront and integrate the parts of yourself that you may have been avoiding.

🔮 Divination: Use divination tools such as tarot cards, oracle decks, or scrying to gain insights into your subconscious mind and the hidden forces at play in your life.

🛁 Sacred Bathing: Take a ritual bath infused with herbs, essential oils and intention to cleanse and purify your energy field.

🌙 Moon Gazing: Spend time under the light of the full moon, meditating or simply basking in its glow and allow its energy to illuminate your path forward.

As we journey through this Scorpio Full Moon weekend, may we embrace the transformative energies at play and surrender to the wisdom of the cosmos. 🌌✨






"I am resolute. I tackle life's obstacles with unwavering courage, foresight, and perseverance."

🌌 This New Moon Eclipse: 🌌
This isn't your typical new moon energy! With the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Chiron all in Aries, we're harnessing powerful collective energy to forge new paths into the future. We're not just witnessing a new moon; we're entering a portal of immense potential and power. 🪐 This rare configuration ignites our spirits, propelling us to step boldly into uncharted territories.

🔥 The combined forces of these celestial bodies serve as a catalyst for change, urging us to embrace innovation, seize opportunities, and manifest our dreams with unwavering determination. 🚀

🔥 A powerful time for healing and starting anew:
As the veil between the old and the new grows thin, take advantage of this potent reset point to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. 🌟 Release stagnant energy, shed limiting beliefs, and invite in fresh perspectives that align with your highest aspirations. 🌱 Harness the fiery energy of Aries to ignite your passion, courage, and resilience, as you bravely step into the unknown with an open heart and mind. 💫

🌗 Solar Eclipse in Aries:
Under the electrifying influence of the Solar Eclipse in Aries, we're invited to rewrite our stories with bold strokes of bravery and authenticity. 🌠 Embrace the fearless spirit of Aries as you embark on this cosmic adventure, trusting in your instincts and embracing the thrill of new beginnings. 🌈 Let go of the weight of past failures and embrace the liberating energy of starting afresh, empowered by the knowledge that every journey begins with a single step. 🌄

👑 Goddess of the Eclipse - Athena:
In the guiding presence of Athena, the formidable goddess of wisdom and strategy, we are reminded of the power of intellect, courage, and foresight. 🏛️ Like Athena, let us approach this celestial event with a strategic mindset, utilising our inner wisdom and resourcefulness to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. 💡 Embrace your inner warrior and draw upon Athena's strength as you chart your course through the unknown, guided by the light of your own inner truth. 🌟

🌌 Rituals for Harnessing the Eclipse Energy at Home:

Fire Meditation:
Light a candle or build a small bonfire in your backyard.
Sit comfortably in front of the flames.
Close your eyes and visualise releasing old patterns.
Welcome new beginnings with each breath.
Feel the warmth of the fire energising your spirit and igniting your inner courage.

Set aside quiet time for reflection.
Identify areas of your life where you desire change and growth.
Write down your intentions for the future.
Focus on what you wish to create and manifest during this transformative period.

Aries-inspired Yoga:
Engage in dynamic yoga practices embodying Aries' fiery energy.
Practice Sun Salutations or Warrior sequences.
Channel your inner strength and resilience with each pose.
Let go of self-doubt and embrace your innate power as you move through the sequence.

Vision Board Creation:
Gather magazines, photos, and materials resonating with your aspirations.
Create a vision board reflecting your goals and desires.
Place it somewhere prominent as a daily reminder of the future you're working towards.

Tarot or Oracle Readings:
Pull cards to gain insight into the energies of this eclipse season.
Reflect on the messages received.
Consider how you can harness these energies to support your personal growth and evolution.

🔆 "We have grown so accustomed to predictive technologies like Spotify telling us what to listen to and Google Maps telling us where to go, we don’t have to make as many decisions for our Aries-ruled self anymore. But we are reminded to lean on the bravery and beginner’s mindset of Aries, relying on our instincts and confidence. What if you only had the now and you knew no failures from the past? That’s the bravery this sign teaches and that’s the bravery you can lean on when you’re beginning under the Solar Eclipse in Aries."

🔮 🔮

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🎶🌟 Come and join us in central QLD for an unforgettable evening of sound healing and community connection! 🌟🎶When we com...
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Tuesday 8am - 9pm
Wednesday 8am - 9pm
Thursday 8am - 9pm
Friday 8am - 9pm