ACT Mental Health Consumer Network Inc.

Bringing the voices of mental health consumers to services, government and the broader ACT community

Maree's Story - The Network Effect - Recovery and Connection 13/08/2024

The Network Effect's second digital story is by Maree who sadly passed away in December 2023, before she could see the finished video. We were grateful to welcome Maree's family at the launch of the series, and they expressed their gratitude at having had the opportunity to learn more about Maree's work and the enormous impact she has had on the mental health community in the ACT.

Maree's Story - The Network Effect - Recovery and Connection The Network Effect showcases digital stories from some of our members about what participation with the Network has meant for them. Each video features a mem...

Chris' Story - The Network Effect - Recovery and Connection 03/07/2024

Last week we launched our new digital stories project showcasing four volunteers who took the time to share with us the effect the Network has had on their lives and recovery. Chris's Story is the first of four videos that will be released weekly 😊 Next week will be Maree's (who sadly passed away in December), then Paul's, then Terri's.

Chris' Story - The Network Effect - Recovery and Connection The Network Effect showcases digital stories from some of our members about what participation with the Network has meant for them. Each video features a mem...


Check out our very own Paul Thompson featured in this Canberra Times article (23 Oct 2023) about the value of mental health peer workers 😁


MEDIA RELEASE - Multiple failures in accountability permitted sustained, intentional breaches in the privacy of Canberra’s most vulnerable population

29 March 2023

Many consumers at Dhulwa Secure Mental Health Unit have had their privacy intentionally breached by Canberra Health Services (CHS) staff. The ACT Government and Minister Davidson must act strongly and transparently to protect the rights of mental health consumers.

Mental health consumers must be protected from the type of ‘rogue behaviour’ displayed by some CHS staff. The ACT Mental Health Consumer Network has serious concerns relating to the failure of the many safeguards in place to protect mental health consumers from such behaviour. While few CHS staff were involved, the nature and severity of the breaches imply multiple failures in accountability both within CHS and the ACT branch of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF), especially given the length of time over which these breaches occurred.

On behalf of mental health consumers throughout the ACT, we call upon the ACT Government to ensure this cannot happen again. Current safeguards are not sufficient to prevent deliberate privacy breaches. The public needs detailed information about what the government is doing in response. The response should include a clear and transparent plan for effective monitoring and early detection of such breaches.

It is clear the data has been shared without consent. Why then did the ACT branch of the ANMF not self-report when it became the recipient of that data. We ask the branch to review its policies and processes to ensure they do not accept illegal data in the future. Further, we call for ANMF to make public the outcome of this review for accountability and to future safe the rights of vulnerable people.

Further, recent reports indicate a claim has been made that the breach occurred in the interests of patient safety. If this were the case, we question why we, as the mental health consumer peak, received no contact from concerned CHS personnel about the safety of consumers in Dhulwa. Instead, sensitive data from extremely vulnerable consumers was shared with the peak body for nursing staff, to the exclusion of consumers.

Consumers who want to discuss the effects the breaches may have had on them are encouraged to contact us. In addition, we suggest affected consumers consider contacting ACT Disability, Aged and Carer Advocacy Service (ADACAS) or Advocacy for Inclusion for individual advocacy supports. Affected carers may wish to reach out to Carers ACT.

The ACT Mental Health Consumer Network is a consumer-led peak organisation representing the interests of mental health consumers in the ACT in policy and decision-making forums. The Network is committed to social justice and the inclusion of people with experience of mental illness. Run by consumers for consumers, our aim is to advocate for services and supports for mental health consumers which better enable them to live fuller, healthier, and more valued lives in the community.


Have you had at least one previous experience of psychosis and would like to participate in an ANU study being undertaken by one of the Network's members?

Have your Say: Consciousness and the phenomenology of psychosis survey

Would you like to participate in a study exploring how changes in consciousness affect first-person experience of psychosis?
Changes in consciousness include changes in a person’s level of wakefulness, the quality of the things a person is aware of, and how well memory and decision-making work. If the difference between experiencing psychosis and not experiencing psychosis is related to such changes then perhaps these changes can help us understand the type of experiences people have when psychotic – such as hearing voices that are not there or having ideas about things that may not be true.

Who can participate?

We are looking for people identifying as mental health consumers (that is, people with personal experience of mental health issues) who have experienced at least one psychotic episode. All participants must be at least 18 years old and live in Australia. You will need reliable internet access on a computer or mobile device.

What is involved?

Participants are asked to complete an (anonymous) online survey that will take approximately 20 minutes. They are then asked if they would like to be interviewed via Zoom. These interviews will take one hour. You will be asked to discuss your experience during your most recent psychotic episode.

Survey Link

The survey can be accessed here:

The ethical aspects of this study have been approved by the ANU Human Research Ethics Committee (Protocol #2021/212)

Shauna Winram E: [email protected]

Consciousness and the phenomenology of psychosis This is a study exploring how changes in consciousness affect first-person experiences of psychosis. Changes in consciousness include changes in a person’s level of wakefulness, the quality of the things a person is aware of, and how well memory and decision-making work. If the difference between ...

Video Conferencing, Cloud Phone, Webinars, Chat, Virtual Events | Zoom 22/08/2022

If you are interested in how the Adult Mental Health Unit (AMHU), Mental Health Short Stay Unit (MHSSU) and Ward 12B are managed, including what you can expect as an inpatient in one of these Inpatient Units, please come along to the Policy Forum that will be considering the Adult Acute Mental Health Services Procedure.

The Network is holding a Forum for consumers with lived experience of mental illness on 26 August 2022, from 11am to 12.30pm, regarding the attached Adult Acute Mental Health Services Procedure.

This forum will be held in person and via Zoom and will be an opportunity for you to provide feedback to the Procedure.

If you are a consumer and you would like to participate please send your RSVP to [email protected] by Tuesday, 23 August 2022. I will then send you the Zoom details and/or the location of the Network's office.

If you are unable to attend this Forum but would like to provide feedback to the attached document, you can send your feedback to [email protected] by Thursday 25 August 2022.

Video Conferencing, Cloud Phone, Webinars, Chat, Virtual Events | Zoom Zoom's secure, reliable video platform powers all of your communication needs, including meetings, chat, phone, webinars, and online events.

The official Mental Health Month ACT Awards 11/08/2022

Do you know a person, organisation or group that
has made a standout contribution in mental health
in the ACT?
Nominate them for a Mental Health Month Award!
The Mental Health Community Coalition ACT is
looking for nominations of people, organisations
and groups from the Canberra community whose
work in mental health has made a positive impact
for the community.
There are awards for people with lived experience
of mental health conditions, carers, researchers
and people and organisations working to improve
mental health in our community. There are also
scholarships available.
Check out the website to find out more about the
categories and for help writing your nomination!
Nominations close 31 August 2022.

The official Mental Health Month ACT Awards The ACT Mental Health Month Awards aim to recognise the achievements of individuals and organisations in the area of Mental Health in the ACT over the past 12 months.


A friendly reminder for our upcoming Drop-In. We hope to see you there!
Mental Health Justice Clinic

Thursday 28 July 2022, 10am to 12 noon

The Mental Health Justice Clinic was recently established to provide legal assistance and education to people with lived experience of mental ill-health conditions.

Key focus areas of the Clinic are:
• Discrimination based on mental health
• Mental health related employment matters
• Health and disability services complaints
• Vulnerable person complaints to the ACT Human Rights Commission for people with lived experience of mental ill-health
• Mental health related Centrelink matters, including accessing the Disability Support Pension
• Mental health related public housing matters

Georgina Meikle, Solicitor from Canberra Community Law will be coming to Drop-In to speak with consumers about the Clinic, explaining how the clinic can assist consumers and answer any questions you may have about this new service.

About the presenter

Georgina is the solicitor for the newly established Mental Health Justice Clinic at Canberra Community Law. Her background is primarily in criminal defence, and was most recently employed by Legal Aid ACT and the Aboriginal Legal Service NSW/ACT Ltd in Bourke, NSW. She has represented many vulnerable clients living with mental ill-health throughout her career.

A friendly reminder that we encourage people attending in person to wear a mask for their safety and the safety of others. Masks are available at the Network if you don't have one and want to wear one.


Want to learn a bit more about 'My Rights, My Decisions'? Learn how you can put your decisions in place before you become unwell so your rights can be upheld in the ACT


The Network recently participated in the creation of this Open Letter Calling for the ACT Government to end forced relocations, for your information:

Open Letter, Monday 9 May 2022

Dear Ministers Berry and Vassarotti,
Minister for Housing and Minister for Homelessness and Housing Services

We represent a breadth of community sector organisations working with vulnerable Canberrans living in ACT public housing. Collectively, we are responsible for advocating for the interests of Canberrans living on low incomes, with disabilities, mental illness, who are elderly, experiencing or at risk of homelessness and have experienced family violence.

We are alarmed at the impact of the ACT Government’s Growth and Renewal Program on vulnerable Canberrans living in ACT public housing and are writing to urge you to end all forced relocations under the scheme and instead revert to a voluntary, opt-in program of relocation.

While we all acknowledge the acute need for more public housing, we are of the strong view that forcibly relocating vulnerable tenants threatens to cause significant harm to these individuals and is not an acceptable way to raise revenue.

It is also important to ensure that public housing continues to be spread across Canberra.

Who is Affected?
Below is a snapshot of data Canberra Community Law has collected which shows the demographics of the tenants affected by the Growth and Renewal Program.
• 83% are over 50 years old;
• 61% are over 60 years old; and
• 35% are over 70 years old.

• 87% are women living alone or with children;
• 61% have physical or psychological disabilities, chronic health conditions, or are caring for dependents within the household who do;
• 17% are single mothers with dependent children; and.
• 14% identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people.

It is this cross section of elderly tenants, women, people with disabilities and people with lived experience of mental illness that makes this group of tenants particularly vulnerable.

A Place to Call Home
Collectively we have heard from many affected individuals who have expressed real distress at the prospect of being forcibly relocated from their homes. Many of these people are long term tenants (most have lived in their homes for more than a decade, and many for two, three and some for four and even five) with strong connections to their homes and communities. They have raised families and built communities in and around their homes. For many, they were told by Housing ACT that this was their ‘home for life’. The prospect of now being forced to leave has led to distress, anxiety, and confusion.

Many of our clients have modified their homes over the years to suit their changing mobility and accessibility needs. They have set up their homes with the view of ageing at home and living independently for as long as possible.

Having a safe, stable, and familiar place to call home is essential for all of our emotional well-being – but it is particularly important for many of our clients who are facing additional mental health challenges, trauma, and distress in their lives. Tenants affected by the Growth and Renewal Program have reported having to seek additional mental health support after receiving ACT Government correspondence about the prospect of being forced to move. They have also experienced sleeplessness and acute anxiety

Local Community
As you are aware, many of the people with whom we work rely on a number of both formal and informal community-based supports and programs. These range from having long term trusted medical providers in the local area to informal supports at the local chemist or shops, right through to family members moving into the neighbourhood to provide day to day physical and/or emotional support.

Tenants affected by the Growth and Renewal Program have spoken at length about their fear that being forced to leave their home will not only remove them from the safety and comfort of their house, but also take them away from this network of supports that they rely on.

Confusion and Uncertainty
Many tenants affected by the Growth and Renewal Program have reported finding out that they may be forced to relocate via an unsigned letter left at their home. They have not been given timeframes, processes through which to apply for exemptions or appeal decisions, or any certainty about where Housing ACT proposes to rehouse them. This lack of information has caused an enormous amount of distress and feelings of being disrespected and powerless.

A Voluntary, Opt-in Relocation Program
It is our collective experience that a safe, secure place to call home is critical to peoples’ welling and ability to live fulfilled and happy lives. Many tenants affected by the Growth and Renewal Program have reported having this in their current Housing ACT properties. Given the age, needs, abilities and vulnerabilities of these tenants; forcing them out of their homes risks causing them significant hardship and very real harm.

We know from our experiences with members of the community over the years that there are public housing tenants who are willing and able to relocate if offered a suitable, alternative property to live in. These are the people who the ACT Government should be approaching – not unwilling, elderly and vulnerable tenants with well-established social supports and family networks in their existing community.

For these reasons, we urge the ACT Government to redesign the Growth and Renewal program as voluntary opt-in relocation program which incorporates the key elements of tenant consultation and engagement with clear processes and timeframes and abandon elements that rely on forced relocation.

We would welcome an opportunity to discuss this critical issue with you further at your earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely,

Genevieve Bolton, Executive Director / Principal Solicitor, Canberra Community Law
Dr Emma Campbell, Chief Executive Officer, ACTCOSS
Ms Carmel Franklin, Director, Care Financial Counselling Service Inc
Ms Elena Rosenman, CEO, Women’s Legal Centre ACT
Ms Agata Pukiewicz, Principal Solicitor, Care Consumer Law
Mr Joel Dignam, Executive Director, Better Renting
Ms Bec Cody, Chief Executive Officer, Mental Health Community Coalition ACT
Mr Nicolas Lawler, Chief Executive Officer, Advocacy for Inclusion - Incorporating People with Disabilities ACT
Ms Jenny Mobbs, Chief Executive Officer, Council on the Aging ACT
Dalane Drexler, Chief Executive Officer, ACT Mental Health Consumer Network Inc.
Cheryl O’Donnell, CEO Canberra PCYC Inc.
Kerry Weste, President, Australian Lawyers for Human Rights
Julie Tongs, CEO, Winnunga Nimmityjah (Strong Health) Aboriginal Health and Community Services
Jon Stanhope, Former ACT Chief Minister

Program Officer Job in ACT 24/02/2022

Do you or anyone you know have experience supporting volunteers and/or high level admin and collaboration? Apply here for our upcoming Program Officer vacancy!

Program Officer Job in ACT Hours of work: 30hrs per week, negotiable, across 4-5 days per week including Mondays. Flexible work arrangements such as working some hours remotely are available on request.

Join Us - ACT Mental Health Consumer Health 18/11/2021

Following the Network’s recent Annual General Meeting, I am pleased to introduce and congratulate the 2021-22 ACT Mental Health Consumer Network Board:

Executive Committee

Chair: Bianca Rossetti (re-elected)
Deputy Chair: Lachlan Atyeo (continuing)
Secretary: Kathryn Dwan (re-elected)
Treasurer: Paul Thompson (continuing)

Ordinary Members:

Rose Beard (nomination endorsed out of session, 18/11/2021)
Pema Choden (elected)
Phillip Green (re-elected)
Maree Pavloudis (re-elected)
Lucas Spensberger (nomination endorsed out of session, 18/11/2021)
Thi-Nha Tran (re-elected)

This year’s elections and endorsements saw both returning and new Board members which is a great result for both continuity and bringing fresh ideas.

If you are a member and are interested in joining the Board to fill the current vacancy, please email Deigh at [email protected] who will forward your nomination to the Board for consideration.

If you are not yet a member and would like to be, please fill in a membership form at

Join Us - ACT Mental Health Consumer Health We have two membership types: Primary Membership is free for people with lived experience of mental illness, past or present, who live or use services in the ACT. Associate Membership is for individuals...

MHM 2021 Awards Nomination Form 23/08/2021

Nominations for the 2021 Mental Health Month Awards are now open! Don't miss your chance to nominate yourself or a person or group you know for an award or scholarship to show your appreciation! Nominations close 10 September.

MHM 2021 Awards Nomination Form Please click the link to complete this form.


Stay alert, but not anxious. Stay safe everyone, and remember to check exposure sites each day.

⚠️ Close contact and casual contact exposure locations ⚠️

We have listed new exposure locations linked to confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the ACT.

You can find the full list of exposure locations here:

We only consider you as a contact if you’ve been to an exposure location at the specific dates and times. If you were at the location at any other time or date, then we don’t consider you as a contact.

We will be updating the ACT COVID-19 website with exposure locations regularly, please continue to check for new locations or updated times.


Here’s a snapshot of today’s COVID-19 update. The Chief Minister will hold a press conference at 11:45am to provide more details. Stay safe everyone.

ACT COVID-19 update (15 August 2021)
▪️ Cases today (since yesterday’s press conference): 2
▪️ Active cases: 9
▪️ Total cases (since March 2020): 133
▪️ Negative test results (past 24 hours): 3,292
▪️ Total negative tests: 291,342
▪️ Total COVID-19 vaccinations (As of 11.59pm 14 August 2021): 169,545
Please note data as at 7pm 14 August 2021.

We will have a press conference live on Facebook at 11:45am.

For more information, go to

ACT Mental Health Consumer Network - ACT Mental Health Consumer Health 22/03/2021

Check out the Autumn edition of the Network News here!

ACT Mental Health Consumer Network - ACT Mental Health Consumer Health The ACT Mental Health Consumer Network is a consumer-led peak organisation representing the interests of mental health consumers in the ACT in policy and decision-making forums. The Network is committed to social justice...




This is an awesome hands-on role for someone who likes a chat. The Service Volunteer role can be either a night or morning shift.

You’re there to assist our guests (and their companion animals) to get into their sleep pod for the night or out in the morning. You may also assist with tucking in or waking up a companion animal in the pet pods or storing/retrieving belongings kept under sleepbus.

Key Points:
- Buddy training required to start
- Evening or Morning shifts
- Can be done with a group of friends

Shift Details:
- Evening Starts at 8pm to 10pm at the latest
- Morning Starts at 7am to 8am

Key Criteria:
- Reliable
- Friendly

ACT Mental Health and Su***de Prevention Plan launch (31 August 2020) 02/09/2020

Our very own Terri Warner presented at the long awaited launch. A great body of work by a community of dedicated people. Here's hoping it brings about some positive systemic change over the coming months and years!

ACT Mental Health and Su***de Prevention Plan launch (31 August 2020) Watch the ACT Minister for Mental Health, Shane Rattenbury MLA launch the joint regional ACT Mental Health and Su***de Prevention Plan.


Services Australia now has 2 audio products about COVID-19 support on Services Australia’s soundcloud playlist that customers can listen to in 12 languages:

- Centrelink payments and access options (Arabic, Cantonese, Gujarati,Hindi, Italian, Korean, Mandarin, Nepali, Punjabi, Tagalog, Urdu and Vietnamese)

- Economic Support Payments and coronavirus supplement (Arabic, Assyrian, Cantonese, Croatian, Dari, Greek, Italian, Korean, Macedonian, Persian (Farsi), Serbian).

The audio files, along with the transcripts, can also be accessed via the Affected by coronavirus (COVID-19) webpage.

An easy read English product titled How we’re helping people affected by coronavirus (COVID-19) has also been produced and is available on COVID-19 resources for community groups.


Woden Community Service proudly brings you LET'S PLAY! A series of FREE online creative workshops brought to you by residents of the Molonglo Valley and surrounds.

The facilitators have generously donated their time, passion and skill to bring their workshop to you with a vision to support wellbeing and connection during this time of isolation.

The workshops:

Move your body! Come dance with Alison (ballet) Sunday 17 May 1-1:45pm

Mediterranean cooking with Tutu Monday 18 May 3:30-4:30pm

Move your body! Come dance with Alison (jazz) Sunday 24 May 1-1:45pm

Beginners crochet with Lucy Monday 25 May 7:30-8:30pm

Beginners ukulele with Carolyn Tuesday 25 May 4-4:30pm

You will find all the events on Eventbrite

Please support this grass roots initiative.

For most of the facilitators, this is their first time running a workshop. So get behind them and book your FREE ticket.

Places are limited and bookings are essential.

Research on the mental health impact of COVID-19 - Transcultural Mental Health Centre 05/05/2020

Some useful research and resources about the impact of Covid-10 on mental health and wellbeing, collated by the Transcultural Mental Health Centre

Research on the mental health impact of COVID-19 - Transcultural Mental Health Centre As the COVID-19 continues to impact on our lives, it is important that we better understand the effects of the pandemic on mental health. Researchers are now conducting studies that look into how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting on our mental health and wellbeing. 

Mental health toll of coronavirus to create 'second wave' of pandemic, experts warn - ABC News 05/05/2020

The mental health impacts of this virus and other disaster states cannot be understated. More needs to be done to prepare communities to support ALL people who are in need of mental health supports, regardless of their diagnosis. Unsupported mental health is the most surefire pre-determiner of mental illness:

Mental health toll of coronavirus to create 'second wave' of pandemic, experts warn - ABC News As Australia continues to flatten its curve of coronavirus cases, mental health experts are warning a "much deeper, longer curve" lies ahead as the psychological toll of the pandemic sets in.

Canberra mental health services get $4.5m funding boost 05/05/2020

The Network commends the ACT Government and Ministers Rattenbury and Stephen-Smith on their support of mental health and wellbeing for Canberrans at this increasingly difficult time that has continued since the start of the year. Let's hope this is the start of an important and much needed u[ward trend of supporting mental health and wellbeing more broadly.

Canberra mental health services get $4.5m funding boost It comes as support services report a surge in demand due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Want your organization to be the top-listed Non Profit Organization in Canberra?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)


Griffin Centre, Genge Street
Canberra, ACT

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 3pm
Tuesday 9am - 3pm
Wednesday 9am - 3pm
Thursday 9am - 3pm
Friday 9am - 3pm

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