Dream Lean Fitness and Personal Training

Dream Lean Fitness and Personal Training

Your down to earth PT who promotes women's health, all round wellness and fitness. DLF is where wellness meets community!

Community is important which is why both your mental and physical health are what we work on together! Personal Training based at DIY Fitness 24/7 in Cannington. Whats included in your training?
• 45-60 minute sessions

• Pre and post exercise stretching

• Workouts based on your preferences

• Circuit training, body building, strength training, endurance training, Functional training, boxing for


Hi everyone!! I've been a bit quiet over here, but also super busy behind the scenes.

I've been working hard to bring my clients a one of a kind experience with both mental and physical resources including recipe books, progress tracking diaries, fitness tests and more and more personalised training sessions. I'm also super proud of the amazing close-knit community I've built in my local community.

Here's a quick update on what I've been up to these past few months. 👇👇


Hey Everyone!

It's been a while... but we are back in action!

I've been a busy gal these past few years and in addition to this.... I now have a daughter! She's just turned one and time has flown by so quickly.

I'm now living down in Serpentine and run group personal training sessions for my local community. One on One sessions will be available more towards the new year!

It's nice to be back, and with a fancy new logo too!

Talk soon! xx

Timeline photos 02/01/2018

Happy New Year favourite people of mine! 🤗🥂🎉 I cannot tell you all how damn happy I am that there's a whole new year coming our way. This girl had a lot of s**t thrown her way last year. However there's no room for this "new year new me" stuff. I however promise to be better, to do better, to take care of myself better and to put myself first more often. My name is Tarsha and I'm a guilty people pleaser. I may sound selfish but sometimes you get no where in life if you're too worried about what others want and think. I also cannot tell you all how excited I am to get back to training you all but to also getting myself back to the gym as well! Lots of good vibes coming at you this fine sunny day in Esperance 🤗☀️


This girl is officially on holidays 🎉🎉 I'll be checking off of social media for a few weeks and out of action personal training wise until the 15th of Janurary. Its been a crazy busy year! I'm filled with gratitude to all who have supported me this year, I appreciate all of you! I am also super damn exhausted and ready for a much needed break. There are some exciting things happening in the new year with Dream Lean so what's this space!

Happy holidays everyone! I want to wish each and every one of you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


To all my beautiful clients out there who look at me funny when I tell them they aren't eating enough... James Smith over here explains in a pretty darn good way. Eating is sooooo important in what we are doing here with our lifestyle changes and fitness goals babes!! 🤗🤗


Nothing like a killer early morning workout to fuel your day 💪👊 the beautiful lady Ginie smashing through your cardio HIIT session at the park today!


Just had to get the sneaky shot of my new car in the background.. JUST KIDDING! here's another lady smashing through her tough HIIT Circuit workout for a hot as wednesday morning. Shalamar killing as per usual! Kicks some serious butt everything I throw new crazy challenging workouts her way!💪👊


Babe absolutely smashing part of her HIIT functional workout this morning. Keep smashing it girl! You've come so far and we've still got work to do! 👊💪

Timeline photos 28/11/2017

Happy FRI-YAY dreamers!
Here is your daily reminder to JUST DO YOU. Just because it's Friday doesn't mean all that hard work for the week has to be thrown out the window. Yes... you're girl is preaching to herself here BUT it's my job to lead by example. I SOLEMNLY SWEAR to keep my life together this weekend. Now, it's your turn. Comment below or even just write it down for yourself, JUST ONE THING you're going to do this weekend to set you one step closer to your goals. All of my clients know how much I lecture them about the importance of doing 3 THINGS EVERY DAY to set them CLOSER TO THEIR GOALS. If that's taking the stairs, switching their coffee with tonnes of sugar for fresh juice, if it's buying a sneaky new pair of gym shoes or planning their calendar, writing down their habits or setting up their meals for the week. Nothing and I mean NOTHING is more important than clarity when it comes to life and organisation. So, lets get it done shall we?


Another 100kg SLED PUSH successor! 🎉🎉
A massive congrats to this woman for kicking goals, obliterating her dreams and pushing through the toughest of workout 💪👊 From getting up at 6am in the morning to multi-tasking full time work an her beautiful daughter while being a super fabulous mum and awesomely dedicated client, we've had some seriously amazing progress over these past few months. I can't wait to see what we can do next! 😄


That face when you tell your client "one more set" 😂💪


This photo makes my heart actually melt 😍🤣 She still made it through the workout I swear! 😂
Seriously, this woman inspires me EVERY. SINGLE. DAY! She's a kick-ass mum, smashes through her workouts, smashes through her nutrition and adjusts her lifestyle along the way. Goals have been kicked and new ones have been made. I can't wait to see where you get over the next few months! 💪


Welcome to the 100kg SLED RUN CLUB girl!! Sometimes our success and our progress ISN'T in the MEASURING TAPE or on the SCALES, sometimes it's STRENGTH! 💪👊We have been kicking goals and this chicky has been smashing through her workouts left, right and center constantly over these past 3 months. We have had some ups and downs along the way but she always turns up no matter what. I can't wait to see what uour next milestone in your training success is girl! Keep pushing, you've got this! 😄👊


HAPPY MONDAY FAVORITE PEOPLE! 😄 To start this week with a BANG 🎉 I wanted to share some serious awesome progress from one of my clients. This girl has kicked some serious butt over the past 4 weeks to get these crazy results you see right here!

Training with me 2-3 times a week over the past 4 weeks PLUS incorporating the Arbonne 30 Days to Healthy Living Nutrition Challenge she has owned this program and shes not even done yet!

I'm so proud of you girly, you have pushed through all the thick and thin we have been through over the past few weeks and have started to become an independent weight lifting, cardio crunching and nutrition genius! I can't wait for us to keep kicking goals and achieving your fitness dreams! Keep it up babe! 👊🙌💪

Timeline photos 17/10/2017

Definitely worth the calories 👐👐
758 cals to be exact. 😲😲 But there's a lesson to be learnt here. This is 758 GOOD CALORIES. Sugar free gluten free all natural ingredients. Every single bit of goodness you see in this picture is all natural clean eating deliciousness! Counting calories is somewhat important when we are aiming on losing weight and building muscle and much in the same so is macro counting, but sometimes to live life we need to be concentrating on fuelling our body with good clean, natural and beneficial nutrients! So.. some advice from me whether you take it or not, the next time you go out to dinner or lunch or breakfast do your best to enjoy yourself while also aiming on filling your bod with the essentials of needs. Perhaps forget about those calories for one meal and live life while also pumping some good nutrient dense food into ya! 👊💪



I've been a little pre-occupied when it comes to the social media front of things. Sometimes in life we just face a little bit of a downward spiral. I think the past few weeks have been mine. Last time I checked in, everything was pitch perfect! But LIFE HAPPENS and it likes to remind us of that sometimes. Nothing dramatic has happened to me so don't you worry however, I have been on a little MIND-SET rejuvenation process 🤔 Trying to get my motivation, determination and if you will,, perhaps my MOJO back as well 👊 I find if I'm not in the right mindset my clients aren't either and what kind of trainer would I be if I didn't keep my clients performing at their best every single day!? The answer is.. that I can't. But I'm back! and ready to smash some goals.

With that being said, believing in yourself is one of the hardest things to master. However, every little bit counts. 👊

Timeline photos 28/09/2017

I'm smiling on the inside I swear! 😂🙊
I've been a wee bit quiet on the social media front this past week but your girl needed some down time. No workouts. No strict routine. No running back and forth for everyone but myself I'm a people pleaser. 😥😥😥

My down time did me good though. If anyone actually reads my photo write ups then you'll know I preach PREPARATION and BALANCE. 2 weeks of taking some time to sort my stuff out actually did me some
good. I will be honest, I felt lazy, I felt unaccomplished and I will admit I beat my myself up over it for a good few days. I might be a personal trainer and my job might be to motivate others but sometimes the hardest part of my job is keeping myself motivated 😪 Telling myself that IT'S OKAY TO STEP BACK. And you know what? I've actually had the best week so far. 🎉🎉 My nutrition has been 100% on point this whole week. I've trained every day and even twice on some days. Getting up at 6am and getting home at 9pm to repeat it all the next day. I couldn't be happier.

Be patient. Give yourself time. You've got this. 👊💪


Taking advantage of today's amazing weather 👏☀️ Thank you Perth for gracing us with the presence of the sun today!

Here's another mum kicking butts and smashing through her work out like an absolute pro! Goals here we come 💪💪

Timeline photos 12/09/2017

My all time favourite dip 😍👐 home made guacamole! I love this so much that I make a massive batch of it at the start of every week so come snack time all I need to do is grab a couple of carrot sticks and off I go. As usual preparation is key and I'm still learning but this is definitely a step forward. Wowwwwwie so delish.
Recipe: ⬇️
3 avocados
1/4 Red Onion
1/2 a lemon ( this will give it a zesty taste plus keep it from turning brown!)
1 tbl spoon of lite sweet chilli sauce and a sneaky sprinkle of chilli flakes
Juice your lemon and ash all your ingredients up together and off ya go! 😘

Timeline photos 11/09/2017

Chocolate Protien Pancakes 👏😍
These were absolutely delish oh my wow. Chocolatey, packed with protien and super fluffy too!
How to make them: ⬇️⬇️

1 scoop Chocolate Meal Replacement
1 medium mashed banana
2 eggs
A dash of almond milk

Mix all together and get in coconut oil. Use a medium low heat so they don't burn!

Raspberry topping:
1/2 mashed raspberries
1tsp cinnamon
1tsp vanilla
Mix it all together and throw ontopof your magical pancakes!


Here's a mum getting sh** done! 🤣 A super woman that gets through her workouts like a pro with 2 little munchkins running around. She is such an inspiration to these two little rascals as they run around trying to do what she does and end up being sweaty little messes. I know you'll hate me for posting this but you're rocking it and you deserve some appreciation. 👐👏👊💪

Timeline photos 05/09/2017

👌 MUST READ INFORMATIONAL POST 👌OUT WITH THE OLD IN WITH THE NEW! I've made the conscious decision to start better choices for not only what I put IN my body (as you saw previously where I these out all my old supplements and switched to VEGAN SUPPLEMENTS ✌✌) but forgot what I put ON my body. What do all the top products have in common? Why did I get rid of them? MOST(not all) of the products I used to use contained this not so lovely thing called SODIUM LAURETH SULFATE which is used in almost all cosmetic products as it is a filler for most products however, studies show it is HIGHLY TOXIC and is actually used in some ENGINE DEGREASERS 😣😣, drys our skin and causes redness and irritation. ALL of them include CETEARYL ALCOHOL which is a fatty alcohol which weakens your skin! 🤤 Now I don't know about you but I've had this rule for years now that if I can't pronounce the ingredients on the back of s food packet or tin then I won't buy it or let alone eat it. Now why wasn't I doing this with my skin?? Crazy!? Everything we out into our skin is soaked up into our blood stream in around 20 seconds. 😓😓 SO! I've said goodbye to toxins, chemicals and engine decreases in my products and said hello to ingredients like: PINEAPPLE (for detoxing), TUMERIC (an anti-inflammatory) & GRAPEFRUIT (full of awesome vitamins and minerals as well as it smells bloody great too ;) ) Now.. doesn't that sound a lot nicer to you? I THINK SO! 😍😍😍


My super amazing client, Tharaka has being training with me for just over under 6 weeks and has absolutely began to smash her goals! Down a total of 16cm all over her body and down a total of 2kg since we started, I couldn't be more proud! Tharaka has combined the magical combination of 2 personal training sessions a week plus adopting a more nutritious way of eating as well as jumping on board the 30 Days to Healthy Living Program by Arbonne Australia & New Zealand train. I'm glad she can tell me that she " has never felt better." She says she not only sleeps better but has stopped bloating and also goes through her days with a tonne of energy that she never knew she had! I'm super proud of what we have achieved so far and can't wait to see what the future holds! 👏👌👊


Sippin' on the goods from to get me through today, my magical fizz stick stash has depleted way too quickly so today I've supped in the Pytosport Intra-workout 👌 Guys it's only Tuesday and your girl is tapped out! I am exhausted! I always preach to you all to chill and listen to your body when you know your stressed and run down so I'm putting my butt onto the couch for at least an hour today just to read, relax and Netflix the hell out of life before I get back on the hussle train for the rest of the day! Keep hustling everybody, hump day is approaching! 👊👊

Timeline photos 19/08/2017

Having a "my clothes are dirty, my hair is dirty, my eye brows are disappearing ( ) maybe if I make this photo black and white it'll look presentable" kind of day 😂😂 Happy weekend guys! Perth has graced us with a hot minute of sunshine again today. And I mean a literal minute the rain us taunting is! I hope you all take this 48hour break from reality we like to refer to as the weekend. I know ill be spending it getting my life back together organising next week, planning workouts, planning meals and fitting in some relaxing time while I'm at it!

Timeline photos 18/08/2017

GOOD MORNING UNIVERSE! Thank you muchly for gracing us with the presence of the sun here in Perth today 🌻☀️
I'm on the go today, 3 personal training sessions to smash out this morning 👊 and then an afternoon of gym shinangians to tie my Friday afternoon over. Praise the gods for their greens balance and vanilla protien powder to get me through this busy morning! We are officially on the countdown for my run away holiday surprise for boyfie! Stay tuned for healthy food spam and happy birthday posts for my boy turning the big 21 in a weeks time 💋💋

Timeline photos 17/08/2017

My all time fav smoothie at the moment 😍😍
It's greens galore and seriously gets me going for the day and I won't joke, I have the biggest glass of this EVERY. SINGLE. MORNING. We've got kiwi, banana, kale, mango, pineapple all thanks to these fab little pre-packed bags plus some delishhh vanilla protien powder and greens balance. Perffff 👌👌

Timeline photos 14/08/2017

GROCERY SHOPPING 👌👌 The domestic goddess inside of me loves a good grocery shop. There is nothing better than just walking to your fridge full of your pre-made meal prepped goodness. All you've gotta do is walk to the fridge and proceed to engulf the contents of your meal prepped heaven! My clients will always tell me to stop repeating myself buy PREPARATION IS KEY! Plan your week. Plan your day. Plan your meals. Plan your workouts. There is nothing better than feeling super freaking organised with life and not having to cook throughout the day or week for that matter. It means you've got this whole thing covered. And for now I have been adulting all over the place (for now) stay tuned for failures to come 😂

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Videos (show all)

Hi everyone!! I've been a bit quiet over here, but also super busy behind the scenes. I've been working hard to bring my...
Nothing like a killer early morning workout to fuel your day 💪👊  the beautiful lady Ginie smashing through your cardio H...
Just had to get the sneaky shot of my new car in the background.. JUST KIDDING! here's another lady smashing through her...
Babe @mamamamoaner absolutely smashing part of her HIIT functional workout this morning. Keep smashing it girl! You've c...
Taking advantage of today's amazing weather 👏☀️ Thank you Perth for gracing us with the presence of the sun today! Here'...
Here's a mum getting sh** done! 🤣 A super woman that gets through her workouts like a pro with 2 little munchkins runnin...
Sippin' on the goods from @arbonneaunz to get me through today, my magical fizz stick stash has depleted way too quickly...
Smoothie love 😍 I've been feeling a bit out of sorts today. Tired, sluggish and craving all the foods I shouldn't be. So...
One of my clients absolutely KICKING GOALS! (She's 6 sets in here so she's a little smashed) Although she likes to sass ...



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