Women 40+ Strength Coach

Women 40+ Strength Coach

Women Over 40 Strength Coach
✅ Build Lean Muscle
✅ Lose Body Fat


If you want to build muscle but scared you’ll get bulky, here’s a simple trick to prevent you turning into an Amazonia woman!


Have you ever thought to yourself

I'll wait till I take a sabbatical or i'll wait till I finish working and take a month off so I can focus on my health and fitness

Here's the problem with waiting and why you should start focussing on your health goals today

After working 1 on 1 with people for many years, and seeing this for myself

There are 2 things that happen when people take time off

Because they have been deprived of pleasurable activities for an extended period of time, they binge on easily accessible pleasurable activities such as sleeping in and netflix

And that makes sense to want to deactivate for a bit but also important to have realistic expectations of how you will want to spend your time

The other thing happens is that when you break your routine, you can find yourself in a state of boredom

What's a popular pass time if you're bored?


So according to my observations, people mostly spend their time during a sabattical, snacking and relaxing, not "working on their health goals"

And that's cool if that's what you want and need, but set yourself realistic expectations

So what to do instead?

Firstly, don't wait for the perfect time to work on your health goals, there is no perfect time, especially a sabbatical

Secondly adding pleasurable activities to your current situation will mean you are less likely to binge on pleasure when you are on holiday

Thirdly routine is important. Humans deteriorate when there's no routine


This single mindset change could unlock permanent and sustainable results


Would it be cool if you could get ABS without doing a single ab workout? In this video I explain how my client Jenny got abs without any ab workouts


Women over 40 - here's the single reason I don't recommend you do exercise classes. It's quite an obscure reason, but worth thinking about


Women over 40 who want to build muscle, listen up!

If you are doing either of these 2 things regularly, please stop immediately, because they are killing your muscle growth 😭

If you are serious about building muscle, comment below and I will send you the exsct training program I give to my clients who are 40+ and build muscle easily


🏆 64 year old woman loses 9kg and completely transforms her body and life!

Dawn signed up in November last year, feeling a little bleh, and frustrated that she wasn't getting any results with her current regimen

Her goal was to get to 65kg, to feel more energetic and to fit into her clothes better

The first thing we changed was the exercise - changing from a mostly cardio based program to a personalised weight training program

The changes we made to her diet allowed her to feel satisfied, reduce cravings, and maintain a hormonal balance, without giving up foods that she enjoyed

🎉 6 months later, and she exceeded her weight loss goal, and is 300 grams from her final weight loss goal (you know, the extravagant goal that you never tell anyone😂) of 60kg

As you can see, she looks a million bucks now, and is enjoying every part of her new, healthy lifestyle

It has been a pleasure to work with Dawn and be a part of such an amazing transformation :-)

It's also heartening that I'm allowed to share this result with you all, to demonstrate that YOU CAN get results at any age!

DM if you would like to achieve a similar result!


7️⃣ things to help if you don’t like exercise

Whether you’ve never loved exercise or just lost the joy in it, I want to quickly jot down some ideas to get you started:

1️⃣ Not all exercise is like cross-country in high school (that sucked for 90% of us).

2️⃣ Going back to exercise/sports you did when you were 20 usually doesn’t feel so good, stop trying to get back to the old you and focus on building the NEW 50yr old you, which involves finding exercise that makes you feel energised, not old and slow.

3️⃣ Not all exercise is equal - if you hate one, you don’t hate all. You simply haven’t found your thing YET. Approach it with childlike curiosity and without surface-level judgement, you’ll ruin it before you even start.

4️⃣ Do it FOR you, not TO you. Exercise and this health pursuit, in general, should be about building you up to feel your best, not punishing yourself for eating a damn burger.

5️⃣ You ARE the most important part of your day, your calendar just doesn’t show it. We get so caught up in the urgent & important stuff that we continue to push the non-urgent, important stuff to the side until it BECOMES urgent. If you don’t make time for your wellness, you’ll be forced to make time for your illness.

6️⃣ Movement is an integral part of being human. Exercise is the most under-utilized anti-depressant out there, our bodies feel 10X better when we exercise. If you don’t “feel like it” this is even more of a reason to look after yourself because this is not natural, this is stress, undernourishment and lack of sleep.

7️⃣ Do it for how it makes you feel in other areas of life. Adding in resistance training will make clothes fit better, will help to get out of the couch or car, will help with keeping up with the young ones. If showing up as a better version of you doesn’t help, I’m not sure what will.

Hopefully, you find a couple of those valuable or a nice reminder. Exercise is not “easy”, and it’s not supposed to be, but telling yourself stories about why you can’t or why don’t like it, makes it much, much harder.


Do you bring your ALL OR NOTHING approach to your weight loss programs?

It doesn't work the same with your health 😞

Especially after 40

I spend time with many successful people with this attitude.

Yet when it comes to their health, they feel like they are constantly failing.

It's not about perfection, it's about your non-negotiables

Its not about 10/10, its about a mimimum of 3/10 every day.

That's how you win in health while maintaining a family and career

What 3 things are you focussing on? Are they they right 3?

Photos from Women 40+ Strength Coach's post 23/06/2022

3 PREDICTIONS FOR YOUR FUTURE. My crystal ball is a little dusty right now, but the good news is - I don’t need it!

Because I can still predict your future. I see this with my clients time and time again.

Here are 3 ways I believe your life will change when you use me as your coach:

1️⃣ You know that nice dress you kept, for when you finally lost weight? You’ll be trying it on in 4 weeks 👗

2️⃣ You’ll never have to follow a structured diet again. I teach practices that lead to effortless weight loss 🥗

3️⃣ You’ll finally have the energy and confidence to go out and play in the sun this summer ☀️

But the catch is… you’ll want to join soon. I have 2 spots available for the next month.

Send me a DM and let’s chat privately to see if we’re a fit for each other


Landmine shoulder press with and me being a di****ad

I choose the landmine shoulder press when you have super tight shoulders or you get a bit of pain when you get pain doing other versions of shoulder press

IMO - shoulder press can make women's shoulders look more feminine.
Shoulder press will improve posture well before it gives you massive rounded shoulders


Shoulder press 💪 won't make your shoulders look more masculine. I think they make female shoulders look better by improving your posture

I like to start with elbows pointing forward. You get less clicks amd cracks when you do it this way

Nui's shoulder is clicking, which isn't normally a problem if she's not getting pain - although I did ask if there's any kind of pain when it's clicking



I remember early on as a coach, I felt super jealous when I saw very successful coaches and PTs who seemed to have it all together, had great physiques, had a lot of clients, and we're sharing amazing and valuable content with the world.

I thought something was wrong with me! As we all do when we see someone that seems to effortlessly achieve everything we want. And with social media today is very easy to be bombarded by this success others seem to have and feel inadequate.

But maybe we can use this jealousy for something positive? To me, it was a very powerful emotion. It meant that I was seeing an example of what I wanted. What a realization! Because it also helped me understand that it is possible, that it is achievable, it even helped me study these characters and see what they were doing and how to achieve it, truly learn from them, and take me closer to your goal.

How about you? have you dealt with feelings of jealousy in the past? Don’t worry if at some point you feel it. It is quite normal, it just means you really want something and that it is important to you. But don’t beat yourself up with it. Try using it as fuel to move you closer to your goals.

Now, whenever I'm feeling a little jelly, I thank that person for showing me what's possible and inspiring me to achieve greater things.



So, you might know me as a decent PT 😉 and I feel lucky to love what I do and I put my effort every day to keep that high standard you all guys deserve, so a big part of that is that I'm always learning from other great PTs, nutritionists, trainers, and other great professionals! We never stop learning, and seeing other points of view and staying up to date with the best is only to my benefit and ultimately my clients.

So if you’re interested, here are 3 accounts that I follow on Instagram, Facebook, and other media that teach me something new every day, keep up to date, and have solid science and results-driven philosophy: , , and zhealth_performance.

I'm sharing these with you because a) their content is awesome and b) I believe it's important to hire someone who's always learning - not just staying static and is willing to share all the knowledge with you. As you know all I want is to help you improve and be healthier!


Exercise: Stress or Strength?⁠

Why is it that one person can enjoy all the benefits of exercise, getting stronger, feeling energised, looking good, while someone else only gets to feel exhausted, run-down, tired, and injured from exercise?⁠

It is not quite uncommon actually. But don’t worry. there’s nothing wrong with you and you shouldn’t hang the running shoes just yet.

So the answer: recovery! and recovery is a choice.⁠ Well, a set of smart choices actually.

Exercise selection? your choice
Training modality? your choice
The volume of training? your choice as well
Overtraining? still your choice
Improving your sleep, rest, and ability to recover? yep,
a better mindset? probably the most important choice you have to make every day

So, if you feel your training is breaking you down more than building you up, you NEED to start focusing on your ability to recover. Take your rest days, active recovery, and deload-phases with the same effort and seriousness you take your balls to the wall training sessions.

Or maybe it's time to evaluate your training plan? are you following the right plan for you? for your ability? for your health history? for your preferences and likes? Don’t be afraid to try something different. You do you and avoid trying to do what everyone else is doing or following the latest trending hip routine.

And If you start realising that exercise and "health" is a choice rather than a chore, you'll become a lot more grateful and appreciate more the things you WANT and CHOOSE to do, rather than HAVE to do.⁠ You’ll feel better and free and actually start enjoying your training sessions.

Still, confused on how to do this? don’t know where to start? Don’t worry. you’re not alone. Send me a DM and let’s see how I can help you achieve your fitness goals this year and start feeling better in your workouts.


QUESTION: Do you prefer working out early in the morning or later in the day, evening?


We do love to overcomplicate it, But honestly… it doesn’t have to be.


Some thoughts about working out for the wrong reasons.

We all have goals.

But how do we choose those goals? what is the reason for aiming at those specific targets?

Is it REALLY our own personal well-being what we have in mind, or is it for someone or something else?

Said another way, what is your WHY?

Without it, it is easy to lose track of the goal and look for external ways to validate your actions as soon as it gets hard, for changing, missing sessions, and ultimately quitting.

Everybody these days needs to be SEEN "putting in the work.", "It's not official unless it's on Instagram.", “if there’s no video it didn’t happen” and stuff like that.

Yet this instant gratification of only doing things when they get an immediate result or praise will kill any substantial goals you ever have. Doing things only when there’s someone watching is really doing things for them and not for you.

So start changing it up a bit.

Do it for you.

Do it for who you’ll become by doing it.

Once you switch your focus to the PROCESS and enjoy every step over the OUTCOME you will start to find your stride and you’ll start showing up and putting in the work, not because it was noticed, but because it WASN'T and you did it anyway.

It all starts with knowing what you want, and why you really want it, having a good understanding of why you are doing it, and then the path to getting there becomes so much clearer.


What do you find most challenging about losing weight?



I just finished reading ATOMIC HABITS by James Clear and absolutely loved it. Here are 3 key takeaways I got from it:

Habits are all about identity: whatever you believe you are, your habits are gonna confirm that throughout the day, every day. Change how you see yourself and you will start changing the decision you make without even knowing. try telling yourself you like your workouts, you are someone who makes good food choices, someone who cares about his/her health, repeat this throughout the day to yourself and build an identity around it, and your mind will start making decisions and building habits to support that belief.
Tracking your habits is the best way to measure your progress and ensure success. after all it is not about being perfect but being consistent. Being just a little bit better consistently is way better than being perfect just a couple of weeks and then quitting. Track your progress, be consistent, then adjust and dial it up a notch to get you closer to your goals.
Plan a lot and don’t be afraid to be a little boring. That means, it is ok to have a steady lifestyle and schedule, it can actually make it easier to follow your habits and achieve your goals. Shaping your environment whether physical, work, or social will help shape your success.

But my best advice for you is: don’t underestimate the power of small habits and a slow and steady pace that can shape your path to greatness!

Anything you want to achieve can be broken down into very small pieces and very easy tasks that you can practice daily, be consistent about, track, assess, and adjust, and once you nail it you can move to another habit that builds on the previous one. In no time you’ll see huge progress without even noticing. Make them simple, make them achievable, make them fun!

I really recommend everyone to read the whole book if you’re interested in learning more and feel free to reach out if you need help setting goals, or in identifying and working those habits you need to achieve your goals. I’m here to help.

Also, leave me a comment and recommend another great book!



I'm all about inclusion, not exclusion.

Do you want to work with me?

Great, let's chat!

We'll first need to discover if we're the right match for each other. Because here's the thing... My success is YOUR success. I won't take you on as a client if I don't believe I can help you. And the best way to make sure I can help is if you possess one of these qualities that I found are common to my clients that got the best results:

- A burning desire to transform. Coming from within. Not because your spouse wants you to change, but because you have found deep within something that really moves you and that is really important to you. Something that is worth putting the effort for. Now, this might not seem clear at first, but we can definitely work together to figure this one out.

- A growth mindset. In other words, the belief that radical change is possible through hard work and that there’s always something you can improve and make better in your life. Anything can be achieved if we put in the effort, and I want to walk by your side in every step to see you succeed.

-An open mind and willingness to try new things. Basically, you should be ready to take on some challenges and try new things, new foods, new habits, and have fun with them. Maybe things you’d never thought of before. After all, if you keep doing the same things all the time, you will keep getting the same results.

Do any of these resonate with you? Do you feel you have any of these traits? or are you willing to develop them? Send me a DM! I’d love to work with you and see you crush your health and fitness goals!


Don’t let yourself become Numb

One of the key components of our method that I try to instill in all of my clients is the power of awareness.

But why is it so important?

There are two things that dictate your success in any area of life:

1. Having a direction
2. Awareness

Having a good program and an amazing coach will point you in the right direction to help you get to where you want to go. No matter what area of life it may be.

However, awareness is what really makes this work. After all, you will rarely have the perfect environment, but your ability to adapt will be what stands out.

How aware are you of how you feel when you wake up? How do you feel after your meals? Do you find it hard to gather the energy to go to the gym today? Do you feel it is getting hard to focus at work?

This is the kind of awareness that affects EVERYTHING in your life and is literally your body trying to tell you something really important.

The trouble is that most people spend the day numbing themselves with painkillers, coffee, comfort foods, power drinks, gossip, social media, etc. to get themselves through the day and actually avoid our feeling and sensations.

Your body is relying on caffeine to get up in the morning. That piece of toast or crappy cereal makes you feel sluggish when you sit down at work. Your make-up, supplements, and cleaning products are the very reason your gut health is out of whack.

Can you see how this is the very definition of self-sabotage? Obviously, you don’t do it on purpose, and it can be quite tricky to get away from all of these. But there’s hope, and it all begins with just being a bit more aware of yourself, of how your body feels, and what you’re doing throughout the day.

Build awareness of your body and how it feels, and everything... literally everything else from your performance at work to your quality of life at home will improve.

Slowly build this new level of inner awareness, build the power to adjust, and all aspects of your life will improve.


Have you noticed that your neck and shoulders have been more sore in the last 6 months?

If you’re spending more than 8 hours + a day in front of a computer without getting up, this is probably the biggest contributor to neck and shoulder pain.

If you are getting pain when you sleep or when you wake up, then it’s definitely a sign that you need to do something about it

The longer you leave it, the more likely will progress to postural changes like a forward neck and rounded upper back (hyperkyphosis)

Luckily the solution is incredibly simple and won’t steal time from your work

Step 1 - Move your body every hour. General movement has the best outcomes for counteracting neck and shoulder pain, when you consider how easy it is to achieve

Step 2 - Stretch your chest out once or twice a day

Step 3 - Resistance training, focussing on rowing or upper back strengthening

If you can do all 3 steps, you’ll get the best outcome, but even if you just do step 1, you should notice an improvement in symptoms


THE STRUGGLE IS REAL. As a coach, I keep things private between my clients and I (of course). But lately, I've noticed a few similar themes pop up between my various clients. Here are the top 3 things I see my clients struggling with right now:

- Boredom Eating
- Not Moving Enough
- Lower Back & Shoulder Tightness

Are you working through one of these challenges right now? Send me a private message and let's get you over this hump.




Starting exercise again after a long time off? Here's what to expect with muscle soreness


All diets are the same.
Low fat
Whatever is next...

They all focus on dropping calories or even a full macronutrient (carbs or even fats) from the diet to drop weight.

All of them.

But this is fundamentally flawed.

Don’t get me wrong, eating less than you burn WILL drop weight.

But for how long?

You’re backing yourself into a corner if you use this approach.

Instead of lowering calories to drop weight.

What happens if you increase the output?

And I don’t just mean exercising more - that’ll only work with you’re still 20.

What about making the body HEALTHY again?

Lower inflammation, improve sleep and increase fat burning hormones.

Not only will you feel a million times better.

But you’ll also start to see that stubborn weight shift effortlessly.

It is all starts with a smarter base.

Sharpen the axe before you start swinging.

Or in your case, get the body on your side, rather than working against it.

If you want to learn how to do this smarter, without short term diets DM me and I’ll send you a free video training walking you through exactly how to upgrade your body and energy coming into 2022.


Discussion: Has the KETO diet worked well for you? Would you recommend it to others?

Photos from Women 40+ Strength Coach's post 03/01/2022

Every summer, the fitness industry rolls out the concept of “New Year, New You”.

In my opinion, this is just not good business.

Why do I say that?

Because EVERYONE in fitness knows that New Years Resolutions are DON'T WORK.

The fitness industry is rubbing its hands at the thought of hopeful (sometimes desperate) people hoping for change, and knowing that they are unlikely to stick with them long term.

I’ve mentioned before that less than 20% of people who start challenges actually see success.

But they are incredibly lousy numbers.

We can do better. Real planning beats out “challenges” every time. Our programs are successful because we make certain you are.

We are fully aware of the four proven components that must be present for a program to work for the long-term:

Proper nutritional coaching

Personalised strength training programming

Habit Change

A complete support system with community and accountability

Blending these together is MUCH more challenging than it would appear… If it wasn’t that difficult to achieve success, we would all be at our ideal bodyweight. Right?


In short, it’s the most complete fat loss program in the industry.

The primary purpose of the “28 DAY JUMPSTART” program is to show you that it’s entirely possible to feel, move and look a full decade younger than you do right now.

It properly mixes in all the concepts I mentioned above AND has our guarantee of success.

The ONLY thing this program has in common with the bogus challenges is the start date, which is 9/1/2022.

I hope you grab one of the 10 spots!

Link is in bio

Videos (show all)

Learning Mind muscle connection is the best way for beginners to master strength training. I teach it at the very beginn...
How to tone and shape your arms in the gym. Featuring Gonzalo
The Mind-Muscle Connection: Key to Supercharging Your Workouts!
Build better arms
The unknown benefits of strength training
💪 Send me a message 💪
If you want to build muscle but scared you’ll get bulky, here’s a simple trick to prevent you turning into an Amazonia w...
How to get ABS without doing ABS
Would it be cool if you could get ABS without doing a single ab workout? In this video I explain how my client Jenny got...
Women over 40 - here's the single reason I don't recommend you do exercise classes. It's quite an obscure reason, but wo...


Chatswood, NSW