Dr. Kathryn Avramakis - DCM

For more information, go to my website: www.kataqilife.com My aim is to provide you with safe, effective, and practical ways to staying fit and healthy.

My method is all about achieving real results that won’t hurt or deplete your body.

“Kathryn provides expert guidance on getting your body back to optimum health and increased performance...without the gimmicks!”
- Dr. Amir Nekoee (MD)

Welcome to my page! :)
Over the past 30 years, I have been developing an approach to health and fitness that fuses ancient medicine with the latest res


Acupuncture for canine congestive heart failure.

Acupuncture helps the body lose the accumulated fluid and maintain blood flow. It can also relieve blood pressure and irregular heartbeat in dogs.


Canine Acupuncture for Laryngeal Paralysis- GOLPP


This is lifestyle medicine.
Most don’t want to believe this.
It’s a tough “pill” to swallow, but this mostly true.


Plant based nutrition heals.
If you are no longer eating plant based, or if you would like help to transition to a plant based diet…I can help you.

I’ve seen many who jump onto a plant based diet, only to switch back to eating animals because they claim that the vegan diet didn’t support their health.
If that’s you, I can help.
Remember, we are all unique & our approach to nutrition should be tailored to our unique individual constitution.


‘A meaningful life is not being rich, being popular, or being perfect.
It's about being real, being humble, being able to share ourselves and touch the lives of others.’
- Unknown



"Lift Up Your Hearts"

🌟🌈In memory of Bobby Greene 🐶

“Know that the one you love
and who loves you has left you physically but not spiritually.
Death has no power to
separate those whom love has joined together and made them one in spirit.

You know the life that you are
going to live. The hardships are chosen because to endure them, and to overcome them, will bring into play those latent qualities of the self which require development to add their quota to the real, the higher, the true self.

- Guidance From Silver Birch"


Another day, another workout
I was told I would need another spinal surgery if I continue lifting weights.
I was told I need knee surgery to repair my medial meniscus tear.
I was told I should stop training at this high intensity for my age.
I was told that I couldn’t put on muscle on a plant-based diet.
I was told that I needed meat to stay healthy and strong.

In my early 30s I recovered from a broken spine without surgery.
In my late 30s I went on to win each of my competitions, nationally. At 40 I won the universe title.
After retiring from competitions for 10 years, I came back in 2016 for one more at the age of 50 (it was personal), winning the State and National titles. I then went on to place 2nd for the World title.
🌱This was all done on a plant-based diet and as a natural bodybuilder…no performance-enhancing substances!

I still have the meniscus tear, but with proper form and ongoing rehabilitation exercises, the body responds by getting stronger.

✨Your body knows how to recover and heal.
✨You just need to give it the correct environment to do so.
✨Healing is the only language your body knows.
✨Trust it. Tune into it.

When it comes to training, your muscles, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, meniscus – over time have the capacity to adapt and become stronger and less prone to injury.
The secret is to increase the load over time and perform each exercise with perfect technique.

✨Wherever you are in your fitness journey (or life), there are no limits to what your body can do once you put your mind to it and give it the correct environment to heal and get stronger.


Need help with your plant-
based nutrition?
✨I can help you.
If you're interested in
working 1:1 with me, I can
help you thrive on a
diet 💪🏽☺️🌱


…caption: Jack Kruse MD



When patients come to see me at the clinic,
they expect to receive a 'treatment
protocol, a 'herbal medicine" a "lab test' or
some other type of tool/treatment/modality
that will take away their symptoms & heal
We have been educated/indoctrinated to
believe we need external sources to heal.
Healing doesn't come from a method, a
tool, modality or therapy outside yourself.
Once you learn to tap into your body's own
innate healing potential, you heal.
Your body is designed to heal you. You just
need to follow the daily healing practices to
provide the environment for your body to

A doctor doesn't heal you…YOU heal YOU.
Your health is in your own hands.
Our medical system today (both the
allopathic and the natural health arenas)
have moved away from the Hippocratic
Oath even further.
Medicine has become a business, trying to
sell you all kinds of pills, potions, lotions &
empty promises.
Truth does not reside here.
It's time to take your health into your own
hands and stop relying on a treatment, a
modality to heal you.
Your health is in your own hands.

Your body can heal itself of anything if you
provide it the right environment to do so.

Your body can heal itself of anything if you
provide it the right environment to do so.


"There is only one truly significant work to do in life, and that is love; to love nature, to love people, to love animals, to love creation itself, just because it is. To serve God's creation with a warm and loving hand of generosity and compassion - that is the only meaningful existence."
Rev. Dr. George Rodonaia


Sometimes you just need to distance yourself to see things more clearly.

For many, our days are intertwined with the rhythm of routine. We go through the same routine day in, day out…year after year. We get up in the morning and the same routine begins all over again. We make the same breakfast, we order the same coffee from the same café on our way to work every single day. We arrive home and collapse into the couch. We watch the same TV shows until we finally drift off to sleep. We mindlessly repeat this routine, day in and day out. We begin to feel every day is like Groundhog Day.

We’re bombarded with the lure of doing more, being more, having more. Our lives have been reduced to scrolling through social media pages, staring at computer screens all day long, and the never-ending list of tasks to complete before the day is over. We begin to enter into autopilot. We forget to take a pause long enough & go within…reconnecting with our own true essence. We have forgotten to listen to that inner still voice that is our ultimate teacher.
Society has conveniently separated us from what truly matters. We forget to connect with nature and listen to its wisdom. Being silent long enough allows for listening. Listening to our own soul.

The art of distancing yourself from the noise of society, is medicine for the soul.
As the Tao Te Ching explains:
“If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.”

The road map to self-realization needs to be a prerequisite to solving many of the problems humankind is facing right now. It all starts with breaking the pattern of living in autopilot. It begins by becoming curious once again. Start asking questions about everything you thought you knew as being true. Become a clean slate; show up with an empty cup. Erase everything you thought you knew and begin to see things from a different perspective. Therein lies your Truth.

…and remember to always smile 😃☀️😊☀️😀


Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” — Albert Einstein


VEGAN STRENGTH…the two are synonymous.
The meat & dairy industries will do anything for us to believe their lies.
People eat meat for four reasons: habit, convenience, taste & tradition.
We don't need meat or dairy to
improve & maintain our health. Building muscle on a vegan diet is easy if that's your goal.

Why don't we get that not a single life form on this earth has more or less right to be here?
Humans have a lot to learn.
We are all one…humans & non human animals alike!
What separates us is our own perception.


VEGAN STRENGTH…the two are synonymous.
The meat & dairy industries will do anything for us to believe their lies.
People eat meat for four reasons: habit, convenience, taste &
We don't need meat or dairy to
improve & maintain our health. Building muscle on a vegan diet is easy if that’s your goal.

Why don't we get that not a single life form on this earth has more or less right to be here?
Humans have a lot to learn.
We are all one…humans & non human animals alike!

What separates us is our own perception.


"The whole purpose of your life down here is that spirit, your spirit, shall shine within earth’s darkness.
Your spirit is identical with the light which shone in the beginning.
You, the real you, are here for a purpose, to shine through both body and mind and transmute them".

- White Eagle Morning Light on the Spiritual Path.



Treating animals with chronic health issues, deemed irreversible with allopathic medicine, makes up the other half of my clinical practice.

I see many canine patients with neurological disorders such as:
- Vestibular disease
- Wobbler syndrome
- Degenerative Myelopathy
…& various spinal conditions.

I have been treating pets & people for the past three decades utilising an integrative medicine approach. I found this combination to be most effective for serious health conditions.

For my canine patients, I exclusively do house calls.
So if you live within Victoria, and your dog is in need treatment for a chronic illness, send me a message & I will get back to you asap.


No meat?
No problem 🌱💪🏽
Fitness is my lifestyle.
I combine bodybuilding and road cycling with a vegan diet to get the best results.
You don't need animal flesh & their secretions to build muscle and thrive!



This is one of my favourite quotes, by Lakota Sioux Chief Luther Standing Bear from his 1933 book ‘Land of the Spotted Eagle.’

For humans to live in peace within this world, their natural environment, Mother Earth herself, each other & within themselves - there needs to be a massive planetary awakening & healing.

We are part of Nature. We are nurtured by Nature.
Once we learn to respect and work together to protect our environment, and gain a true compassion towards ALL animals…only then will humans begin to live a true connected life.

‘As long as people will shed the blood of innocent creatures there can be no peace, no liberty, no harmony between people.
Slaughter and justice cannot dwell together.’ - Isaac Bashevis Singer.

‘Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.’
- Albert Schweitzer

Photos from Dr. Kathryn Avramakis - DCM's post 20/07/2022

Why love one but eat the other?
There is so much information today on how to cook plant based meals. Don’t buy into the lie that you need animal flesh and their secretions to thrive.
Images from


Happiness is free 🌟
Keep your light shining ✨
The world needs it ☺️


Dr. Martin L. Pall, PhD and Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University, takes a closer look at 5G technology, and issues a major warning for all of us.

“Putting in tens of millions of 5G antennae without a single biological test of safety has got to be about the stupidest idea anyone has had in the history of the world.” ~Martin L. Pall, PhD

He goes on to discuss eight ways in which this technology adversely affects human health, citing extensive scientific documentation:
🔻Lowered Fertility
🔻Neurological/Neuropsychiatric effects
🔻Cellular DNA damage
🔻Aptosis – Programmed Cell Death
🔻Oxidative Stress and Free Radical Damage
🔻Endocrine (Hormonal) Effects
🔻Excessive Intracellular Calcium

Photos from Dr. Kathryn Avramakis - DCM's post 09/07/2022

…because ALL animals matter.
You can’t speak about peace, love, compassion, God, Zen, mindfulness, spirituality, and continue eating animals. There are so many fake people on social media promoting spiritual awareness, meditation, yoga, energy healing, raising consciousness, personal growth, etc and continue to support animal abuse.
To practice non-violence, continue with who’s in your plate 🙏🏽🐾🐾🐾💜


You have left your paw prints in my heart. No matter how much time goes by, your memory will always be alive. My Lucky 💜🐾
A Loan From God…..
God promised at the birth of time,
A special friend to give, His time on earth is short, He said, So love him while he lives. It may be for eight or ten years, Or only two or three, But will you, till I call him back, Take care of him for Me?
A wagging tail and cold wet nose,
And silken velvet ears, A heart as big as all outdoors, To love you through the years. His puppy ways will gladden you, And antics bring a smile, As guardian or friend he will, Be loyal all the while. He'll bring his charms to grace your life, And though his stay be brief, When he's gone the memories, Are solace for you grief. I cannot promise he will stay, Since all from earth return, But lessons only a dog can teach,
I want vou each to learn I've looked the whole world over.
In search of guardians true,
And from the fold that crows life's land, I have chosen you.
Whatever love you give to him,
Returns in triple measure, Follow his lead and gain a life, Brim full of simple pleasures. Enjoy each day as it comes, Allow your heart to guide, Be loyal and steadfast in love, As the dog there by your side. Now will you give him all your love, Nor think the labour vain, Nor hate me when I come to call, To take him back again?
I fancy each of us would say,
Dear Lord, thy will be done,
For all the joys this dog shall bring, The risk of grief we'll run.
We'll shelter him with tenderness,
We'll love him while we may,
And for the happiness we've known, Forever grateful stay.
But should the angels call for him,
Much sooner than we've planned. We'll brave the bitter grief that comes, And try to understand.
If by our love we've managed,
God's wishes to achieve,
In memory of him that we have loved, And to help us while we grieve; When our faithful bundle departs, This earthly world of strife, We'll get yet another pup,
And love him all his life.


Calcium doesn't grow on
cows, and iron isn't mined from chickens.
These are minerals found in the ground eaten by animals (via synthetic supplements in their feed) we then kill for
their nutrients that are in them because they eat plants.
Just go straight to the source and skip the middle animal.
- via

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