Dribbin & Brown Criminal Lawyers Melbourne

Dribbin & Brown Criminal Lawyers located in Dandenong specialists in criminal law, traffic law and intervention order matters.

Dylan Morris Criminal Lawyer | Dribbin & Brown Criminal Lawyers 18/02/2022

Dylan Morris appeared in the Ballarat Magistrates Court representing his client who had been charged with driving whilst suspended.
The client had lost her licence for a speeding offence and had prior history that consisted of 3 prior driving whilst suspended charges. Dylan met with the client and worked through his criminal history and the surrounding circumstances to better understand the client’s personal situation.
Upon analysing the clients brief and asking relevant questions Dylan became aware that the client had previously struggled with substance issues. Much to the clients credit they had taken the appropriate steps in rehabilitation and even gone further to stay on as support staff at the rehabilitation centre to assist others who had been in a similar situation to that of the client.
Dylan explained this to the Magistrate and that whilst the client was driving whilst suspended it was only to assist people who were in a severe risk category. The Magistrate accepted Dylan’s submissions, issuing a fine with no conviction to be recorded and no licence interference.

See how Dylan can help you with your case:

Dylan Morris Criminal Lawyer | Dribbin & Brown Criminal Lawyers Dylan Morris is a passionate Criminal Solicitor in Geelong, Ballarat & Werribee who aims to achieve the best outcomes for his clients.

Rebecca Glew Criminal Lawyer | Dribbin & Brown Criminal Lawyers 17/02/2022

Rebecca Glew appeared at Werribee Magistrates Court representing a client charged with breaching a community corrections order that had been received for fi****ms offences and new police charges of theft.
The client has completed 6 of the 150 hours ordered.
Rebecca Glew appeared for the plea and made submissions with respect to the passage of time that had passed since the commission of the original offences and that the client had been subject to significant hardships that had resulted in a number of obstacles to completing the CCO.
The Magistrate ultimately agreed and cancelled the CCO, making no further order and ordered a Good Behaviour Bond on the new matters.

Read more on Rebecca here:

Rebecca Glew Criminal Lawyer | Dribbin & Brown Criminal Lawyers Rebecca Glew is an experienced Criminal Solicitor in Melbourne & Frankston with a firm belief that each person has the right to a fair hearing

Timeline photos 15/02/2022

Ryan Robertson appeared in the Geelong Children’s Court representing a young person charged with serious drug offences. A criminal record would harm this young person’s prospects of moving on into their adult life and finding work. Following negotiations with the Prosecution, it was agreed that this young person would undergo a Diversion Plan, ultimately taking the matter out of the Criminal Justice System and leaving them with no criminal record.
Read how Ryan can help you here: https://buff.ly/3LDBq3V

Photos from Dribbin & Brown Criminal Lawyers's post 17/01/2022

Recent outcome Ringwood Magistrates’ Court – Hannah Manuel (Application to extend Family Violence Intervention Order)

Hannah Manuel appeared for a client listed as a Respondent in an application to extend a Family Violence Intervention Order. Our client had initially consented without admissions to a final Family Violence Intervention Order initiated by police at the Ringwood Magistrates Court in 2020. While our client firmly denied any allegations of family violence, he provided instructions to consent to the order on the basis that the relationship with his ex-partner had ended and that there was no prospect of the relationship resuming.

Just prior to the 12-month order expiring, our client was served with a police application to extend the initial intervention order. This came as an extreme shock to our client as he was never charged with any criminal offending, he had not breached the terms of the final 12-month order and that he had no contact with his ex-partner since separation. We advised our client to contest the application. The matter was listed for a Directions Hearing whereby further and better particulars were ordered by the Court.

Following consideration of the particulars, the application to extend the order was no longer supported by the police at the Directions Hearing and the AFM decided not to pursue the application any further, saving the client the expense of running a hearing and also not being subject to an intervention order.

To discuss your legal matters including intervention orders, contact Dribbin & Brown today https://buff.ly/3306FVl

Contact Dribbin And Brown Criminal Lawyers, Contact Details, Locations 14/01/2022

Zoe Gough appeared at the Dandenong Magistrates Court representing a client charged with unlawful assault in relation to a family violence matter.

The matter proceeded as a Plea of Guilty with the client being concerned about the impact a Conviction would have on his employment. It was submitted that a conviction would have a great impact on our client’s employment and any future employment prospects.

The Magistrate accepted this submission and also accepted that our client had taken all reasonable steps to rehabilitate himself and sentenced him to a 13month Adjourned Undertaking without conviction to donate $1000.00 to the White Ribbon foundation, be of Good Behaviour for the period of the undertaking and comply with all Family Violence Orders.

A great outcome for a matter that related to family violence and due to the operation of the spent conviction legislation will result in the matter becoming spent, as of July next 2022.

Contact Dribbin & Brown to discuss your legal matters further -

Contact Dribbin And Brown Criminal Lawyers, Contact Details, Locations This page contains the contact details for our criminal and traffic law firm. Call our Criminal Lawyers for help with any questions about our service.

Timeline photos 12/01/2022

Recent Outcome Frankston Magistrates Court: Unlicensed Driving

Ben Vance represented his client at the Frankston Magistrates’ Court, charged with unlicenced driving.
His client had jumped behind the wheel to get to a new job after recently losing their employment of 23 years. It was desperate times for his client. The matter proceeded as a plea of guilty. The client had not had a licence for 20 years after several high range drink driving offences and made full admissions to police when intercepted.
Following submissions around the client’s personal circumstance and the impact of Covid-19, the Magistrate imposed a non-conviction fine of $400 with no further licence loss. This was a pretty amazing outcome given the clients extensive driving history.

Contact us today to discuss how we can help with your case - https://buff.ly/3306FVl

Timeline photos 10/01/2022

Moorabbin Magistrates Court – Obtain Property by Deception

Victor Wang represented his client at the Moorabbin Magistrates Court charged with theft, handle stolen goods, obtain property by deception, and dealing with multiple property suspected of being the proceeds of crime. The client was initially quite stressed and overwhelmed by the number of charges and volume of evidence; however, once Victor analysed the brief and took her through the strength of the case against her, she became much more relieved.

The obtain property by deception and deal with proceeds were the only allegations strongly supported by the evidence; there were no witnesses or forensic evidence connecting her to the theft and handle stolen property charges, this part of the case was based on a weak circumstantial case.

When negotiating the charges with the prosecution, Victor argued that, among other things, that the theft was not made out; Victor also argued that a number of the charges were duplicitous and should be withdrawn and proceed on a plea to a single charge of obtain property by deception (OPD). The prosecution ultimately agreed to withdraw all charges except the one count of OPD and following a well-prepared plea of guilty, the client received a without conviction good behaviour bond. The client was very pleased with the outcome.

Have you been charged with a criminal offence? We can help you! Contact Us Today - https://buff.ly/3306FVl

Photos from Dribbin & Brown Criminal Lawyers's post 08/01/2022

Elif Orker appeared before LaTrobe Valley Magistrates Court to represent a client who had been charged with Driving Whilst Suspended.
The client denied any knowledge of being suspended and had been driving for 5 months with a suspended licence. The client was intercepted and charged. The client opted to not run an honest and reasonable defence of fact as to the status of their licence, being more concerned with not receiving any more time off the road. The matter proceeded as a plea of guilty in Court.
Following submissions made by Elif, the Magistrate dismissed the matter without conviction. No order was made on the clients licence which was a pretty spectacular outcome given that the client had been driving for 5 months of the disqualification.

Contact us now to discuss how we can help you - https://buff.ly/3306FVl

Honest and Reasonable Mistake | Dribbin & Brown Criminal Lawyers 06/12/2021

Frankston Magistrates Court: Driving Whilst Suspended and Drug Driving: Ashleigh Wallace

Ashleigh Wallace appeared at the Frankston Magistrates Court representing a client charged in relation to driving whilst suspended and drug driving. The client instructed that he was not aware his license was suspended at the time. Upon further analysis it appeared the letter from Fines Victoria had not been received by the client until after his interception with police.

Ashleigh raised the defence of honest and reasonable mistake with the prosecution and ultimately persuaded them to withdraw the driving whilst suspended charge. The matter then proceeded as a plea of guilty in relation to the drug driving charge only. Following submissions, the Magistrate imposed a non-conviction fine of $200 with a license loss of 12 months, being the mandatory minimum period for a subsequent offence.

For more on honest and reasonable mistake, click here https://buff.ly/3cGVGRU

Honest and Reasonable Mistake | Dribbin & Brown Criminal Lawyers Honest and Reasonable Mistake can be used to argue that the Accused did not realise or know that what they were doing was wrong.

Spent Convictions Victoria | Dribbin & Brown Criminal Lawyers 06/12/2021

Ballarat Magistrates Court: Family Violence – Dylan Morris

Dylan Morris appeared in the Ballarat Magistrates Court representing his client charged with Recklessly Cause Injury & Theft, where it was alleged his client had punched his daughter four times and kicked her a further four times. In unusual circumstances the client had self-reported to police the day after the incident and made full and frank admissions to the offending.

After Dylan and the client met, the client followed Dylan’s advice and enrolled into a number of rehabilitative courses. Following an analysis of the brief, it was clear that the victim had only reported that she was punched twice, notwithstanding the client in his admissions to police had confessed to a further two punches and four kicks. This was problematic for the client, but extremely mitigatory, meaning that although the allegations were very serious, the fact that the client had admitted things that were not known to police was significantly mitigatory, which Dylan pointed out during the plea (there is case law to support this point). This in consideration with a plea of guilty at the earliest opportunity and the work the client did in relation to his own rehabilitation led to the Magistrate stepping back from an immediate term of imprisonment.

The client was sentenced to a Community Corrections Order for a period of 8 months with no conviction recorded which was important in the context of the new Spent Conviction Legislation.

You can read more about spent convictions via the link below https://buff.ly/3DPCEVo

Spent Convictions Victoria | Dribbin & Brown Criminal Lawyers Read about spent convictions in Victoria and how the new legislation allows for a clean record and a second chance

Community Corrections Order (CCO) | Dribbin & Brown Criminal Lawyers 03/12/2021

Geelong Magistrates Court: Assault – Wendy Gibbons

Wendy Gibbons appeared at the Geelong Magistrates’ Court representing a client charged with three sets of offences, two of which involved allegations of choking/strangling a female partner (Family violence).

A finding of guilt for any assault involving strangulation ordinarily attracts a lengthy term of imprisonment as the penalty. The client conceded that there had been family violence perpetrated by him on both occasions, but denied any choking or strangling, despite quite compelling evidence to the contrary.

The matters could not be resolved at summary case conference with police, but we approached the court to have the matters listed for a sentence indication from a Magistrate. Once the Magistrate heard the client’s version of events and took into account a number of positive steps that the client had taken towards his own rehabilitation (including having completed the Men’s Behaviour Change Program), the client was placed on a two year Correction order, with programs and 300 hrs of unpaid community work to be completed.

Given the seriousness of the allegations, this was an incredible outcome. To understand what a community correction order is, click below https://buff.ly/3cYo9mJ

Community Corrections Order (CCO) | Dribbin & Brown Criminal Lawyers Community Corrections Order Lawyers Melbourne. Dribbin & Brown Criminal Lawyers are experts in criminal law. Call us today for expert advice.

Get Diversion | Dribbin & Brown Criminal Lawyers Melbourne 30/11/2021

Moorabbin Magistrate Court: Careless Driving: Zoe Gough Criminal Lawyer

Zoe Gough appeared at the Moorabbin Magistrates Court representing a client charged in relation to careless driving where a minor accident occurred.

The client claimed that he had been up late studying the night before the accident. Following discussions with the prosecution, the matter proceeded as a Diversion. The Magistrate accepted that the client had no prior criminal history and had never been offered a diversion before.

The diversion was granted with the conditions that the client completed the Road Trauma Awareness Seminar and make a donation of $250 to the same, as well as write a letter of apology to the victim in the matter.

For more information on what is a diversion, click below https://buff.ly/3DMRiNr

Get Diversion | Dribbin & Brown Criminal Lawyers Melbourne Diversion means no criminal record, not just a non-conviction. Engage Lawyers that understand the difference call Dribbin & Brown Criminal Lawyers 86447322

Get Diversion | Dribbin & Brown Criminal Lawyers Melbourne 29/11/2021

Werribee Magistrates Court: Threats to Inflict Serious Injury – Elif Orker Criminal Lawyer

Elif Orker appeared at the Werribee Magistrates Court to represent a client who had been charged with threats to inflict serious injury, a charge which carries a maximum of five years imprisonment.

The matter related to family violence. Following significant negotiations with the Prosecutors, Elif successfully persuaded the prosecutors to recommend diversion. At the diversion hearing Elif managed to persuade the magistrate that diversion should be granted. Upon granting diversion the magistrate made only one condition, being that the client write a letter of gratitude to the Informant in the matter.

To achieve a diversion for a family violence related incident is very rare, the prosecutors often refuse to recommend diversion in these circumstances which makes this such a great outcome for the client.

To understand more about diversion, click below https://buff.ly/3DMRiNr

Get Diversion | Dribbin & Brown Criminal Lawyers Melbourne Diversion means no criminal record, not just a non-conviction. Engage Lawyers that understand the difference call Dribbin & Brown Criminal Lawyers 86447322

Conviction and non-conviction | Dribbin & Brown Criminal Lawyers | VIC 28/11/2021

Melbourne Magistrates’ Court – Hannah Manuel (Charges – Trafficking/ Drug possession & possess stolen goods)

Hannah Manuel appeared for a client charged with drug trafficking Methyl amphetamine, possessing drugs ( Methyl Amphetamine, GHB, Cannabis), possessing stolen goods. Our client had recent prior history (of a different nature) and had been sentenced to two prior adjourned undertakings where no criminal convictions had been recorded.

The charges against our client were initiated following a search of a hotel room. Our client had not been staying in the hotel room but was present in the room when it was searched by the police with her co-accused. The police found various drugs in the room along with some of our client’s personal items (handbag/clothes etc). The police also seized our client’s phone and found various text messages which were suggestive that our client had been trafficking on at least 3 separate occasions and on different dates. We carefully considered our clients recorded interview with police and negotiated with the prosecution to withdraw the possess stolen goods charge along with the possession charges in relation to the GHB and Methyl Amphetamine found in the hotel room. Our client pleaded guilty to a single charge of trafficking on a single occasion along with possessing a small amount of cannabis. The presiding magistrate considered the offending to be low level trafficking.

The plea of guilty for our client was carefully prepared and a significant amount of plea materials were provided in relation to the treatment our client had been receiving along with character references. Our client was concerned about a criminal conviction given she was studying at university and this might impact her future employment prospects.

Despite our client’s prior criminal history, our client was sentenced to a 6-month adjourned undertaking with no conviction recorded. The conditions of her bond were to be of good behaviour and to continue to engage with her treatment providers. This was an incredible outcome for a third offence and preserved her clean record due to the operation of the spent conviction legislation.

For more on non-conviction, click here https://buff.ly/3CYK6g1

Conviction and non-conviction | Dribbin & Brown Criminal Lawyers | VIC Conviction and Non-Conviction. Many clients are often confused about the difference, read this article to know why it matters.

Drug Offence | Drug Charges | Dribbin & Brown Criminal Lawyers | VIC 25/11/2021

County Court - Kieran Burke - Drug Trafficking

Kieran had conduct of a matter in October 2021 involving trafficking drugs of dependence and possession of proceeds of crime (cash). This was an appeal of the sentence imposed in the Magistrates Court, following a successful Summary Jurisdiction Application and plea in the Magistrates Court where the Magistrate imposed a 6-month term of imprisonment. Our view was this sentence was way out of range and provided advice that the sentence should be appealed, following receipt of those instructions, we successfully listed an appeal bail application and bail was granted.

The matter was originally in the indictable stream. This was in relation to a warrant executed where a large amount of co***ne and precursor chemicals were found. Our client contacted us at the time of her arrest and after she’d been partially interviewed. She was remanded and we successfully applied for Bail at the filing hearing.

Kieran then negotiated the charges down to a combined trafficking charge (which our client admitted to in the ROI) and possession of proceeds, this was at the Committal Mention stage.

On our advice our client engaged early in drug and mental health counselling. Her rehabilitation, co-operation and the utility of her early plea was put as mitigation on the plea on appeal before a County Court Judge. The sentencing Judge imposed a good behaviour bond. This was a dramatic reduction in sentence.

Read more on Drug Offences here https://buff.ly/3nLhFxD

Drug Offence | Drug Charges | Dribbin & Brown Criminal Lawyers | VIC Drug Offence Lawyers Melbourne- Dribbin & Brown Criminal Lawyers can assist you regarding serious drug charges. Experience Counts Call Today 03 86447322

Theft Charges Lawyers Melbourne | Dribbin & Brown Criminal Lawyers 25/11/2021

Geelong Magistrates Court: Contest Mention – Ryan Robertson Criminal Lawyer

Ryan Robertson appeared at the Geelong Magistrates’ Court representing a client who was charged with Robbery of a local bottle-shop. Prior to the matter being heard, Ryan engaged in extensive negotiations with Prosecution.

The Prosecution accepted that due to the chronology of the offending (threats were made after the thefts) that the charges of Robbery could not be sustained. The Prosecution formally withdrew the charges of Robbery in favour of lesser charges, ultimately achieving a better outcome for the client.

Read up on Theft Charges further here https://buff.ly/30Sp4lR

Theft Charges Lawyers Melbourne | Dribbin & Brown Criminal Lawyers Theft charges call our criminal defence lawyers in Melbourne who are experienced in the defence of armed robbery, fraud, bribery, money laundering and more.

Adjourned Undertaking Melbourne | Dribbin & Brown Criminal Lawyers 24/11/2021

Broadmeadows Magistrates Court – Stalking a domestic partner – Victor Wang Criminal Lawyer

Victor Wang represented a client at the Broadmeadows Magistrates Court charged with Stalking. The victim was the client’s ex-girlfriend. After they broke up, he continued to call and text her numerous times each day, at times being abusive. After two weeks of this she reported him to police and the client was arrested. When questions he made full admissions in his record of interview.

Unfortunately for the client he had a prior conviction for stalking in similar circumstances, the victim in that matter also being his ex-domestic partner. The client was quite anxious when he came to us for help and was very worried about going to gaol.

After we took detailed instructions, we realised he had strong mitigating circumstances which not only removed gaol from the equation but had the potential to lead to a very lenient sentence being imposed. To that end, we referred him to the most relevant support services and obtained reports to support his plea of guilty. The client and his family all worked closely with us and the client did everything he was asked. By the plea date, we were able to rely on several detailed reports, cogent medical evidence, and over 30 clean drug screens. The magistrate was thoroughly impressed with the client’s rehabilitation and reformation. The client was placed on a two-year good behaviour bond.

Learn more on Good Behaviour Bonds via this link https://www.criminalsolicitorsmelbourne.com.au/sentences/adjourned-undertaking.html

Adjourned Undertaking Melbourne | Dribbin & Brown Criminal Lawyers Adjourned Undertaking, this sentencing option is sometimes also referred to as a Good Behaviour Bond. Contact Dribbin & Brown Criminal Lawyers Melbourne

Timeline photos 03/11/2021

Zoe Gough - Criminal Lawyer appeared at the Dandenong Magistrates Court representing a client charged in relation to a serious assault where it was alleged that the client and a co- accused had assaulted the complainant causing an injury. The matter proceeded to a contest mention and ultimately resolved to a plea of guilty.
Zoe was able to draw His Honours attention to the fact that the client was not the principal offender in the matter. Additionally, submissions were made about the nature of the relationship between the parties and the difficult circumstances the client found himself in. His Honour accepted these submissions and convicted and fined the client a sum of $1000.
Learn more here https://buff.ly/3ac4pdK

Timeline photos 01/11/2021

Elif Orker - Criminal Lawyer, appeared before Ballarat Magistrates Court to represent a client who had been charged with damage property charges and common assault, in relation to an incident at a pub.
Prosecution had also made an application for an Alcohol Exclusion Order to prohibit the client from entering any alcohol licenced venues for two years.
Elif successfully negotiated a withdrawal of the charge relating to the alcohol exclusion. The matter proceeded as a plea of guilty. Following submissions made by Elif, the Magistrate was of the view that a non-conviction undertaking was appropriate, the only condition made was that the client was to pay $500 compensation to the venue for damages caused, within 12 months. No alcohol exclusion order was made.

Learn more here https://buff.ly/2WVMRzs

Timeline photos 29/10/2021

Hannah Manuel - Criminal Lawyer, appeared for a client charged with unlawful assault at the Ringwood Magistrates Court. Following an assessment of the brief It became clear that the Prosecution case relied upon a partial admission made by our client during a field interview. The complainant did not support the prosecution and would not provide a statement. We reviewed the field interview and noted some concerns namely that the accused was not offered the opportunity to communicate with a legal practitioner or a friend or relative.
Our client was also not advised prior to attending the police station that he was going to be interviewed but rather that he was to be served with his Intervention Order. Our client had no prior history/ no previous involvement with the police and was intimidated when the police proceeded to tape record an interview in the body of the police station without any warning. We were of the view that his interview was unfair and that if our client was offered the opportunity to speak with a lawyer then he would have made no comment. We raised our concerns with the prosecution (namely an argument under s 90 of the Evidence Act) and persuaded the Prosecution to withdraw the charge against our client.
Learn more here https://buff.ly/3oO2Jje

Timeline photos 26/10/2021

Rebecca Glew - Criminal Lawyer, appeared at Frankston Magistrates Court representing a client charged with three counts of unlawful assault in relation to three separate complaints.
The charges dated back to twelve months earlier and much had changed in the interim period. This had impacted the witnesses desire to give evidence.
Rebecca appeared at the contest mention and following further negotiations with prosecution got them to agreed to withdraw the charges. As a result the client was able to maintain a blemish free record.
Learn more here https://buff.ly/2Ys69wY

Timeline photos 26/10/2021

Dylan Morris - Criminal Lawyer appeared at the Horsham Magistrates Court representing a client who had been charged in relation to a Family Violence Assault and Theft.
This client had had previous legal representation and the matter was already at the contest stage. The client had previously served time for unrelated serious offences 10 years prior. It was clear that a sentence of imprisonment would follow should the client lose at contest.
The matter was listed for special mention so that the prosecution could provide further disclosure. On instructions we sought a sentencing indication, where the Magistrate indicated that a CCO with 250 unpaid hours would be imposed, this was acceptable to our client.
His honour did note that if the client had run this matter to hearing and lost that the only other option would have been a sentence of imprisonment.
Learn more here https://buff.ly/3iMHNFu

Timeline photos 22/10/2021

Wendy Gibbons - Criminal Lawyer, appeared at the Horsham Magistrates’ Court representing a client charged with two offences relating to a seventeen-year-old girl.
The allegations were, that the client invited the complainant to expose her breasts for payment. The client refuted the allegations, as did each of his three co-offenders, the situation having arisen in the context of a function which had taken place at the end of a regional football season.
Submissions were made to the prosecution, during the summary case conference process that, even if there was a finding of guilt, the client had open to him a viable defence, namely that of section 49X of the Crimes Act.
The prosecution ultimately accepted that the client had a reasonable belief that the complainant was eighteen years of age or older at the time of the incident, and withdrew the charges at the first mention.
Learn more here https://buff.ly/2WVMRzs

Timeline photos 20/10/2021

Ryan Robertson Criminal Lawyer, appeared at the Geelong Magistrates’ Court representing a client who had been remanded in custody on family violence charges.
The client was alleged to have punched his partner multiple times in the face while on bail for six other matters. Since the client had many outstanding matters, it was required that exceptional circumstances be shown as to warrant the client’s release on bail.
In the hearing, the Magistrate accepted Ryan’s submissions that the case against his client was not strong and that it would be an injustice to remand his client on charges that it was likely he would be found Not Guilty of.
Despite the numerous matters already before the Court, the Magistrate granted bail.
Learn more here https://buff.ly/3FHB6hQ

Timeline photos 18/10/2021

Victor Wang - Criminal Lawyer, represented a client at the Moorabbin Magistrates Court charged with aggravated assault and possession of a tomahawk which was used during the assault.
The prosecution alleged that the tomahawk is a prohibited weapon on the basis that it constitutes a throwing axe. We viewed the exhibit and argued that it is a dangerous article instead. The difference in penalty is a maximum of 2 years versus 6 months.
We drew attention to the design features of our client’s tomahawk and persuaded them on how it couldn’t be thrown properly and was never meant to be thrown. The prosecution ultimately accepted it as a dangerous article and withdrew the prohibited weapon charge. We then conducted a plea on the client’s behalf, highlighting all of her past struggles and committed efforts to turn her life around since the offending.
The magistrate agreed with our submissions on relevant principles and decided that a without conviction good behaviour bond was the most appropriate sentence in this case.
Learn more here: https://buff.ly/3uVp2Ey

Timeline photos 14/10/2021

Jelena Adamovic - Criminal Lawyer, appeared at Dandenong Magistrates Court representing a client charged with a number of family violence assaults which included allegations that he had punched his former partner to the head and allegations of choking. He was also charged with breaches of the Family Violence Intervention Order against him.
The matter proceeded as a plea of guilty after Jelena negotiated changes to the summary and withdrawal of some of the charges. Following submissions Her Honour accepted that whilst the charges were very serious she accepted that they occurred during a period in the client’s life when he was suffering from a serious addiction and agreed that a Community Corrections Order was appropriate.
Her Honour imposed a 12-month Community Corrections Order that required the client to continue to undertake treatment in the community and she imposed the sentence without recording a conviction.


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1A/147 Foster Street
Dandenong, VIC

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Monday 7am - 11:59pm
Tuesday 7am - 11:59pm
Wednesday 7am - 11:59pm
Thursday 7am - 11:59pm
Friday 7am - 11:59pm
Saturday 7am - 11:59pm
Sunday 7am - 11:59pm

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