Territory Bumps
Hypnobirthing Darwin
Hypnobirthing Australia Practitioner
Did you know water births can be a gentler transition for baby. Baby is in a dark watery world inside the womb, and the transition to a dim, warm pool instead of a bright stark room can be easier on baby.
Water is often a source of relaxation for many people, which is what makes it the perfect place to labour and birth.
There is so much research available now that shows using water for labour and birth is safe and leads to good outcomes.
Research has shown that water immersion during labour and birth:
💧is effective pain relief
💧reduced the need for epidurals
💧reduced the rate of episiotomies
💧reduced the risk of postpartum haemorrhage
💧reduced the rates of tearing
💧improved birth experience
(Burns et al, 2022).
Are you considering a water birth?
I've said it before, I'll say it again.
✨Oxytocin is VITAL for birth✨
Oxytocin aka our love hormone is the driving force behind our surges, dilating and opening our cervix, helping our baby be born.
Some of the best ways to get that oxytocin flowing:
✨A dark room
✨Light touch from our birth partner
✨Being undisturbed
✨Relaxing music
What are some of your favourite ways of getting the feel-good vibes of oxytocin flowing?
✨What is the Positive Birth Program all about?✨
✨Birth is such a transformative experience which can help shape your journey into parenthood. The Positive Birth Program provides women and their birthing partners with evidence-based knowledge, tools, preparation and support to ensure their birth is a positive experience.
✨The Positive Birth Program provides information on your choices for birth, how you and your birth partner can advocate for your baby, and your rights to make your own informed decisions so you have the confidence you are giving your baby the best birth possible with the circumstances you have.
✨The Positive Birth Program also provides countless tools to help with birthing your baby, such as self-hypnosis, affirmations, light massage and touch, acupressure, breathing techniques and so many more! These tools will help to provide a safe and powerful birthing experience the way women are designed to.
✨if this sounds like something you are interested in, please send me a DM for a chat 🥰
✨Hypnobirthing is for all births✨
There is a common misconception that Hypnobirthing is only for natural births. This couldn’t be further from the truth! Hypnobirthing helps you to prepare for whatever turn your birthing may take, equipping you with the knowledge to be able to make informed decisions so you know that you are making the best decision for you and your baby.
Hypnobirthing helps you prepare for special circumstances such as induction, epidurals and caesareans, helping you understand how to work with any intervention that may arise.
Hypnobirthing teaches you to focus on techniques such as breathing, movement, visualisation, touch and affirmations.
With preparation you will approach your birth without fear, leaving you feeling empowered knowing that no matter how your baby comes in to the world you made the best decisions for you and your baby.
If you are interested to learn more about Hypnobirthing to help you prepare for your own birth then please DM me for a chat 🥰
What is Oxytocin and why is it so important?
🌟Oxytocin, also known as the ‘hormone of love’, helps us feel good and triggers nurturing feelings and behaviours. It also plays a vital role during labour. During labour oxytocin causes powerful contractions that help to thin and open (dilate) the cervix, move baby down and out of the birth canal, push out the placenta, and limit bleeding at the placenta site. Now, do you see why we love oxytocin so much?
🌟So, how do we make sure we get enough oxytocin goodness to help us birth our baby?
🌟We can promote our bodies production of oxytocin during labour and birth by:
• Making sure there are no bright lights in the room, keeping light dim as Melatonin (the nighttime hormone) helps with oxytocin production.
• Having people in the room with you who you feel comfortable with and supported by.
• Keeping noise levels low, limiting unwanted disturbances and avoiding uncomfortable procedures.
• Staying upright and using gravity so your baby is pressed against your cervix and then, as the baby is born, against the tissues of your pelvic floor.
• Staying calm, comfortable, and confident – we can teach you how with the Hypnobirthing Australia Positive Birth Course!
🌟Low levels of oxytocin during birth can result in contractions stopping or slowing, making labour longer, causing excessive bleeding post-partum, and result in an increased chance of intervention.
🌟By making sure we stay calm, confident, and comfortable we can make sure our cortisol levels stay low and our stressor hormones don’t interfere with our labour progress.
🌟The Positive Birth Program gives you tools and techniques to keep the oxytocin flowing, such as:
• Visualisations
• Affirmations
• Light touch techniques
• Acupressure
• And many more!
🌟Hypnobirthing Group Course🌟
This course will be run over 2 consecutive Sundays - the 27th of March and the 3rd of April 2022.
Please send me a DM or email if you are interested in finding out more information!
✨I gracefully surrender to the process of creating life✨
1 in 3 women in Australia describes their birth experience as traumatic. This is a shocking statistic that needs to change!
All women have the right to feel empowered and have the birth they choose. Knowledge is power, and preparation of the mind and body is key to help calmly meet whatever turns our birthing may take.
After having a traumatic birth with my firstborn, I realised that had I been more informed and in control of my birth, it would have been a very different experience.
This has driven me to want to help educate parents to be aware of the choices they have during pregnancy and birth, prepare them with the tools they need to help them make informed decisions and put them in the driver's seat of their birth!
What is covered in the Positive Birth Program?
The Positive Birth Program is set out over 4 units - either 2 full-day sessions or 4 shorter weekly evening sessions.
✨Unit 1: Creating & maintaining a positive midset
✨Unit 2: Our toolkit for birth
✨Unit 3: Preparation & choices for empowered birthing
✨Unit 4: Birth - bringing it all together
DM me if you would like more information on having a positive birth!
✨“A woman’s body is so damn magical. It can take a seed and turn it into life, something only earth itself has the strength to do”✨
How does fear affect your birth experience?
✨Fear is all too common in labour, which causes the muscles in the mother's body to work against each other, increasing the potential for pain, prolonged labour, failure to progress, and the use of interventions/emergency caesareans.
✨Fear causes the stressor hormones in our body to trigger the Fight – Flight – Freeze – Appease response. This directs our oxygen via the bloodstream to the defence systems, which doesn’t include the uterus. This deprives the uterus of what it needs to work effectively, oxygen! This causes the muscles and arteries within the uterus to constrict as they are deprived of oxygen, limiting oxygen to the baby.
✨Hypnobirthing helps to teach you to let go of the fear associated with childbirth, leading to shorter labour times, decreased levels of pain, and better outcomes for both mum and bub!
✨If you would like more information on hypnobirthing, or to enquire about courses for 2022 DM me now
Knowledge, confidence, and support are key to a positive birth experience 💫
✨If you are interested in the positive birth programs coming up in 2022 please get in touch via DM✨
✨Hypnobirthing is an effective tool that focuses on preparing parents for a gentle birth.
✨Hypnobirthing instills peace and positivity towards pregnancy, labour, and birth whilst removing any fears, assumptions, preconceptions, or past negative experiences you may have had.
✨Using deep relaxation, self-hypnosis, and visualisation Hypnobirthing helps you to accomplish a more comfortable birth.
Hello 👋 and welcome to Territory Bumps!
A positive space for Territory parents, parents to be, and anyone interested in learning more about Hypnobirthing!
I am passionate about helping women to have a positive birthing experience✨.
Follow for more information on Hypnobirthing, tips, and courses available in 2022 🥰
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Darwin, NT