8Wing Australian Air Force Cadets

8Wing Australian Air Force Cadets

8WGAAFC is a page established & dedicated to all Cadets, staff, family, friends & interested parties

8 Wing is the headquarters for the whole of the Northern Territory serving Squadrons in Darwin, Palmerston, Katherine and Alice Springs.

800 Squadron – Aviation Training Squadron
801 Squadron – RAAF Base Darwin
802 Squadron – Palmerston Senior College on Tilston Ave
803 Squadron – RAAF Base Tindal
804 Squadron – NorForce Depot at 15 George Crescent, Alice Springs
805 Flight – The Ceremonial and Drum Corps Flight

Photos from 8Wing Australian Air Force Cadets's post 30/08/2024

// Visit to the USMC //

Our Australian Air Force Cadets had the chance to visit the U.S. Marine Corps at RAAF Base Darwin

Cadets met with pilots and ground crews and were taken for a walk through of the Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey

Thanks to the Marine Rotational Force Darwin

Photos from 8Wing Australian Air Force Cadets's post 27/08/2024

// Exercise Stargazer //

Cadets who attended our third and final bivouac of the year. Had the opportunity to consolidate their navigational skills in the field by participating in Rogaining exercises.

Junior Cadets also enhanced their leadership skills by taking command of their sections.

As a part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award, cadets will be one step closer to achieving the Award by signing off their Adventurous Journey.

Photos from 8Wing Australian Air Force Cadets's post 23/08/2024

// Visit to the Japanese Air Self Defence Forces //

Last week, our Australian Air Force Cadets were honoured to visit the Japan Air Self-Defense Force_ENG (Koku-Jietai) at RAAF Base Darwin for Pitch Black 2024 with the Royal Australian Air Force

Cadets met with pilots and ground crews and were taken on a close-up walk around of a Mitsubishi F-2 Multirole fighter, with some cadets even getting to sit in the cockpit.

Our host, Detachment Commander for the JASDF, Colonel Mikio Kobayashi, spoke to the cadets about his experiences as a pilot.

We hope the JASDF enjoyed their time in Darwin and wish them a safe journey home.



They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.


Photos from 8Wing Australian Air Force Cadets's post 15/12/2023


801 Squadron had their 2024 intake recently join a parade night to get sized for their uniform and meet the key senior cadets and staff members at the Squadron.

As we prepare across Darwin, Palmerston, Katherine and Alice Springs to welcome our new Cadets next year.

Photos from 8Wing Australian Air Force Cadets's post 14/12/2023

🏆 Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

CUO Hutton has previously completed her bronze and silver award through the AAFC, before then achieving her Gold Award. Completing your gold award is no easy task, and we congratulate CUO Hutton on her excellent achievement.

🏆 801 Squadron Commanding Officer’s Cup

This award has been a strong and significant contributor to the success of the Squadron for the past 2 years, has thrown themselves at all aspects of Squadron Management during this year. This cadet has shown a near 100% attendance at activities since moving to 801SQN.

We are proud to present this year’s Commanding Officer’s Cup to CUO Griffin.

🏆801 Squadron Most Outstanding Cadet

Award for most outstanding cadet in all areas of the AAFC. This cadet has thrown themselves at every opportunity the AAFC has provided including the National Fieldcraft competition twice, completing the Adventure Training Award, Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, and being recognised as both the 8 Wing Cadet of the year, and nationally the AAFC Cadet of the Year. Congratulations to CUO Hutton.

🏆 802 Squadron Cadet of the Year Award.

Presented to a cadet who has excellent attendance and consistently high standards of dress, bearing and drill. They are always upholding the values of the AAFC and using their leadership and teamwork skills, encourage others to do the same. They have demonstrated initiative and prioritized their learning by seeking assistance when required. Congratulations to CCPL Penning.

🏆 802 Squadron Encouragement Award.

Presented to a cadet who has shown consistent attendance at activities and persevered through difficulties faced during AAFC activities. This cadet has stepped outside their comfort zone on numerous occasions and had great engagement with the AAFC Program. Congratulations to LCDT Edwards.

🏆 803 Squadron recipient of the Southern Cross award

Awarded to the cadet that shows the most dedication to the Squadron and has performed above and beyond in all aspects of being a member of 803 Squadron. Congratulations to A/CSGT Alderson.

🏆 Farewell gift from 804SQN

CUO Morick has been a cadet at 804SQN since March 2019 and been their Cadet Executive Officer and senior cadet for the last 2 years. CUO Morick ages out this year and will be continuing her schooling next year. We thank her for her hard work at 804 Squadron and wish her all the best for the future.

🏆 TS Darwin Cadet of the Year Award.

This cadet has been with TS Darwin since 2019 and has consistently shown maturity, as well as being one of the most consistent cadets at our unit. He always shows high professionalism maturity, community spirit not often seen in someone so young. He is always happy to help the junior cadets with their training and the senior cadets with their duties, and often takes no responsibilities beyond his rank to assist the senior cadets and staff. Congratulations to CPO Harley.

We would like to thank Air Commodore Grant Pinder as our Reviewing Officer and for presenting these awards.

Photos from 8Wing Australian Air Force Cadets's post 13/12/2023


What an incredible weekend! Cadets from every Squadron across the NT came together at RAAF Base Darwin for our Combined End of Year Parade. This saw over 100 Air Force and Navy Cadets parading together and celebrating the collective achievements of 2023.

This was our first time parading as a complete Wing in over five years since our last last wing parade.

Thank you to Training Ship Darwin - Australian Navy Cadets for making this event even more special by joining us in this joint service parade.

✈️ ⚓️ ⚓️ ✈️



Last week 801 Squadron started presenting their annual Squadron awards and reclassifying their first-year cadets to Leading Cadets.

Congratulations to our award recipients:
Most Promising Cadet – LCDT Elizabeth Radford
Dedication Award – LCDT Campbell Gafa
Fieldcraft Award – CCPL Talan Kemp
Cadet Commanders Prize – CCPL Liam Matthews
Leadership Award – CFSGT Maddy Brennan

Student of Merit:
LCDT Archer La Rose
LCDT Jonah Penny
CCPL Peter Watson

Congratulations again to all our new Leading Cadets and our award recipients – well done!

Stay tuned for the last few award recipients at our End of Year Parade this weekend.

Photos from 8Wing Australian Air Force Cadets's post 08/12/2023


801 Squadron recently had the honour to present some Duke of Edinburgh’s International Awards to their Cadets. Who’ve recently completed their Silver and Gold Awards through their Squadron.

CUO Tayah Hutton – Gold Award
CFSGT Maddy Brennan – Silver Award
CCPL Braiden Wilson – Silver Award

This is a great achievement on their part to put that extra effort into the Australian Air Force Cadets to get more out of what our organisation has to offer.

Photos from Royal Australian Air Force's post 15/11/2023


Ex-8WG Cadet has chased his passion into the skies as he excels in his Air Force career!



Cadets from the 4 units across 8 Wing finalised our camp on the Friday.

It was time to pack up our accommodation and gear and return all the linen and keys, as well as some of our vehicles before heading back to Darwin just after lunch.

The cadets undertook an impromptu visit to the RAAF Fuel Farm, unfortunately no photos as no electronic devices are permitted near the fuelling point, but it was certainly an informative look at a section of the base we don’t normally get to see.

A massive thank you to all the Detachment staff who helped plan and run this activity to provide this amazing experience to our Cadets.

Photos from 8Wing Australian Air Force Cadets's post 31/10/2023


Cadets from the 4 units across 8 Wing continued their visits on base on Thursday, with the day starting with some room and uniform inspections for all members.

Cadets undertook visits through the 17 Squadron Catering section, who have been providing us with amazing meals all week, and saw what goes into the planning and preparation to feed a whole base. Cadets then undertook some Teamwork and Personal Development exercises that are part of the new learning package.

After lunch the cadets headed to the Tindal Health Center. We have not visited the Tindal Health Center for several years so it was a first for all the Cadets and most of the staff on the activity.
We were fortunate to see the dental section, outpatients section, had a tour of the ambulance and spoke with environmental health officers.
Thank you to all the staff at the Tindal Health Center for an informative visit. The cadets might put in some extra effort brushing their teeth now!


Australian Air Force Cadets are now recruiting!!!

👇👇👇Link to Join 👇👇👇

https://www.airforcecadets.gov.au/how-to-join?squadron_type=cadets -finder

Photos from 8Wing Australian Air Force Cadets's post 13/10/2023


Cadets from the 4 units across 8 Wing continued their visits on base on Wednesday, with the day starting with some room and uniform inspections for all members.

We then moved to the No 2 Security Force Detachment. Their main role is security and air base defence. The Military Working Dog Handlers gave the cadets a presentation on their work, as well as a practical demonstration with one of their working dogs. The cadets were able to sit in vehicles, try on equipment and speak to the Royal Australian Air Force members about their experiences.
The dogs might look like they deserve a pat and cuddle but they are not to be touched by anyone other than their handler.

After lunch the cadets attended 75 Squadron (SQN), where they were given a tour of the 75SQN facility. They looked at jets undergoing maintenance and on the flight line, and spoke with avionics technicians, life support fitters and other crew that work on the F-35. Due to the security around the F-35 there are no photos of the visit, but the cadets were able to view the jet up close and walk around it.

After dinner the cadets undertook a personal drill competition of “SQNLDR Says”. Congratulations to CCPL Matthews, LCDT Labayen and CDT Rachor for being the last cadets standing without a mistake.

Australian Air Force Cadets

Photos from 8Wing Australian Air Force Cadets's post 12/10/2023


Cadets from the 4 units across 8 Wing continued their visits on base on Tuesday, starting with the Air Traffic Control tower.

Cadets visited approach as well as going up in the tower. They were able to speak with the Air Traffic Controllers about their career in the Royal Australian Air Force , their training and experiences in defence.

After lunch it was time for a change of clothing before heading to the gym for a Physical Training session with the Physical Training Instructors.

Cadets and Staff members participated in a RAAF physical training test including sit ups and the beloved beep test.

Congratulations to CCPL Josh Meyer for running a fantastic 11.1 on the beep test, beating all cadets and staff, and almost making the base record.

After the PT session it was time to cool off in the base pool before heading off to dinner on base.

One of these photos is from a previous GST. Can you guess which GST it is from?

Australian Air Force Cadets

Photos from 8Wing Australian Air Force Cadets's post 11/10/2023


Australian Air Force Cadets from the 4 Squadrons across 8 Wing travelled to RAAF Base Tindal on Sunday to spend a week experiencing life on a RAAF Base.
After settling into their accommodation on Sunday they commenced base tours on Monday and visited a number of base sections to engage with the RAAF members working on base.

On Monday morning the cadets visited the 17SQN Fire Section, and spoke with the members about their role.
Cadets were given tours of the airfield, structure and bushfire fire trucks, tried on the Breathing Apparatus, used fire extinguishers and hoses and watched a demonstration of the airfield truck.

After lunch the cadets toured the Mechanical Equipment Operations Maintenance Section that maintain all the base equipment, and spoke with the staff members there about their role, whilst also undertaking a tour of the workshop and facilities

Royal Australian Air Force

Photos from 8Wing Australian Air Force Cadets's post 10/10/2023

// C-130 Hercules Alice Springs Flight //

804 Squadron Australian Air Force Cadets and 74 Army Cadet Unit -Alice Springs recently went flying with 37 Squadron Royal Australian Air Force on a C-130 Hercules.

The C-130 is a medium transport aircraft and is operated out of RAAF Base Richmond in NSW.

Cadets sat on the cargo ramp mid flight and were treated to some of the amazing scenery surrounding Alice Springs. The opportunity to speak to the crew to learn abort their roles in the Air Force was also valuable as Alice Springs is the most remote AAFC unit in Australia.

Do you know how far the nearest RAAF Base is?

Australian Army Cadets
Australian Army Cadets - Northern Territory Battalion

Photos from Australian Air Force Cadets's post 26/08/2023

Congratulations to all the finalists for Cadet of the Year.

Well done CFSGT Tayah Hutton for representing 8 Wing Australian Air Force Cadets we are extremely proud of you. Congratulations on winning Cadet of the Year 2023.



The 'AAFC Instructor of the Year' for 2023 has JUST been announced at the Australian Air Force Cadets Foundation Formal Dinner & Awards Night, held at Weston Creek, Canberra, ACT tonight.

Presented by Royal Australian Air Force Air Vice Marshall Kym Osley, AM, CSC, Chairman of the AAFC Foundation, and Group Captain (AAFC) Stephen Johns, Commander AAFC, CONGRATULATIONS to:

🎉 LAC(AAFC) Damian De Candia, No. 2Wing.

Join us in congratulating this years 2023 representative!!


Photos from Australian Air Force Cadets's post 26/08/2023

Congratulations to all the finalists for the Instructor of the year.

Special mention to WOFF(AAFC) Helene Jones who has been a valuable member of 8 Wing Australian Air Force Cadets for many years. We appreciate all that you do for us.



The 'AAFC Cadet of the Year' for 2023 has JUST been announced at the Australian Air Force Cadets Foundation Formal Dinner & Awards Night, held at Weston Creek, Canberra, ACT tonight.

Presented by Royal Australian Air Force Air Vice Marshall Kym Osley, AM, CSC, Chairman of the AAFC Foundation, and Group Captain (AAFC) Stephen Johns, Commander AAFC, CONGRATULATIONS to:

🎉 No. 8Wing, CFSGT Tayah Hutton.
JOIN us in congratulating our 2023 representative!!



If you have missed the Cadet and Instructor of the year live video here is is for you to watch in your own time. Spoiler alert...
There is an 8 Wing winner!!!

Photos from Marine Rotational Force Darwin's post 14/08/2023

We recently were given a tour an Osprey at RAAF Darwin.

Thankyou Marine Rotational Force Darwin for the opportunity

Photos from 8Wing Australian Air Force Cadets's post 06/06/2023


During a scheduled stop at RAAF Base Darwin, Australian Air Force Cadets from 8 Wing were given the opportunity to visit an Antonov Airlines AN-124.

The AN124 is larger than a Boeing 747-400 and just smaller than an Airbus A380. It can carry 150 Tonnes of cargo, and has a maximum take-off weight of 405 Tonnes!

28 Cadets and 6 Staff were escorted airside and given a tour of the massive aircraft through the cockpit, crew and cargo areas.

Special thanks to one of the Captains who gave the cockpit tours, answered every question we had and posed for photos with our cadets.

Many thanks to the team at ANTONOV Airlines and ANTONOV Company for helping facilitate this tour for our cadets.

We are looking forward to your next visit.

Photos from 8Wing Australian Air Force Cadets's post 01/06/2023


Recently during exercises in the NT area, OC and AFLO 8WG reached out to the Royal Australian Air Force to arrange static visits to any aircraft that might be present at RAAF Base Darwin for our local Air Force Cadets.

When the crew of the 35SQN C-27J Spartan found out there were only 30 people in attendance, they quickly arranged for Military experience flights for all those attending.

The staff and cadets thoroughly enjoyed the experience; for one cadet, it was their very first time in an aircraft!

They say a picture speaks a thousand words, so we will let the pictures do the talking for us.

Photos from Darwins Aviation Museum's post 06/05/2023

Looking forward to the open day tomorrow!

Photos from 8Wing Australian Air Force Cadets's post 07/03/2023

// AVALON DAY 7 //

Saturday saw us all up early again, with a plan to attend the Australian International Airshow for a half day, with everyone a bit tired from the long day Friday, and a long week before that. (Naps may have been had on the bus out...)

Cadets and staff found a nice base in a marquee to set ourselves up in and ventured out to see everything they hadn't seen the day before, the patch hunters went hunting, and everyone collected some of the free items the Royal Australian Air Force had on offer.

We ran into our friends from 6 Wing - Australian Air Force Cadets as well as cadets from almost every SQN in 4WG Australian Air Force Cadets whilst we were walking around, it was great to mingle with cadets from other wings, and we know some friendships were formed this week.

Our staff also really enjoyed mingling with the staff from other wings and networking to plan other activities for the future.

A couple of our staff found their way into a Gulfstream Jet and a few of our cadets got a photo with Matt Hall Racing

Photos from 8Wing Australian Air Force Cadets's post 06/03/2023

// AVALON DAY 6 //

Friday morning had our team up and out the door early for the main event of our trip to the Australian International Airshow! Before even getting off the bus, we had run into former Chief of Air Force and Chief of Defence Force, Air Chief Marshall Mark Binskin AC, who gladly jumped onto the bus to have a quick chat with our cadets.

Our cadets visited the impressive setup in the Australian Air Force Cadets marquee run by 4WG Australian Air Force Cadets. Some of our cadets got to meet with the Chief of Air Force Australia, Air Marshall Rob Chipman AM CSC and Warrant Officer of the Air Force Ralph Clifton. (It turns out WOFF-AF Clifton was an 801SQN Cadet almost 40 years ago!!). A few of our senior cadets were lucky enough to get a challenge coin from CAF as well.

After meeting the VIPs, our cadets and staff moved around the Air Show, viewing the displays from the Royal Australian Air Force, Royal Australian Navy, and Australian Army, as well as all the corporate displays. The United States Air Force C-5 Galaxy was also a hit.

A few of our cadets got a special meet and greet with the Air Force Roulettes, and also got to meet some of the furry members of the Air Force!

We found a great spot for the staff and cadets to view the night display, including fireworks and the infamous wall of fire, before ending the night.

Words can't do the night display justice, so have a look at the photos from our staff and cadets, and head over to the Royal Australian Air Force page and check out their photos as well.

Photos from 8Wing Australian Air Force Cadets's post 05/03/2023

// AVALON DAY 5 //

Thursday morning started with a quick trip down to the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne.

After visiting the Shrine, we moved to Flinders St Station, the traditional meeting place for Victorians, where some of our members took leave to spend time with family and friends in Melbourne. The remainder of our members undertook a scavenger hunt around the Melbourne CBD.

This included iconic locations such as the State Library and Town Hall, Iconic food locations like the American Doughnut Kitchen or Krispy Kreme (Australia), and unique items such as the Melbourne Central clock, or a BMW Police Car.

Teams were required to produce selfies for each stop to prove they had completed it, and some teams were significantly more creative than others, but in the end after some strong competition, by lunchtime, a team had etched out a win by 1 point!

The group then travelled to DFOSouthWharf - Melbourne for some retail therapy before returning to tie City for some bowling and dinner.

Cadets share your best selfie with us so we can post them in the comments!

Photos from 8Wing Australian Air Force Cadets's post 04/03/2023

// AVALON DAY 4 //

After a 4hr drive, we were welcomed by the Base Warrant Officer of RAAF Base Williams (Point Cook) who gave the cadets a tour of the RAAF Chapel and all the retired colours, banners and standards, and their significance, as well as how 100SQN maintain them.

We then met up with our friends from No. 5 Wing Australian Air Force Cadets - Tasmania who joined us for a tour of the recently renovated RAAF Museum. The majority of our cadets and staff had never been before and loved the experience.

After a quick multi-wing parade on the memorial parade ground at Point Cook, and a tour of the new memorials, it was onto dinner at Werribee RSL.

The cadets and staff had a fantastic time socializing, as well as undertaking the time old tradition of patch swapping!

Stay tuned for more updates...

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Videos (show all)

8WG GST Parade 2017
Congratulations to the newly formed No.8 Wing Drum Corps. The small group of talented musicians proudly led the Royal Au...



Billeroy Road
Darwin, NT

Opening Hours

6pm - 9pm