Life's Key, Dunsborough, WA Videos

Videos by Life's Key in Dunsborough. I am a Life Coach and Nutritionist, helping women who are new mums, veteran mums, those embarking on new careers or uncovering new opportunities, take control of their world and progress towards outcomes of great fulfillment.

Free Education Session on Anchoring: Friday 29th at 10:30am

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Free Education Session on Anchoring: Friday 29th at 10:30am

Take me back… do you ever pocket these special memories and draw on them when you need your mind to change direction?

The importance of detaching from devices and the business of life … camping Ningaloo 😎

Camping at Ningaloo and focusing on exercise, good food and relaxing 😎

Forgiveness… Explored. The mortar that holds family and friendships together ❤️

This guy ❤️s the beach!

Connection… This is what life is about ❤️

If you are a FIFO Mum and want to bring back the connection with your partner and be the BEST Mum for your family, contact me. ❤️

Sunday is family day ❤️

My running track leads me to this… ❤️

Life’s Key The reason why I chose this business name…

Do you believe in Universal Intelligence? It’s not everyone’s cup of tea but have you ever thought of someone and then they call you or you change your mind about going somewhere and after the event you realise that you need to be there to help out and it changed the course of your day/life or someone elses. How did that thought get into your head in the first place, why did you think of doing that instead of your planned routine? This is called Universal Intelligence. I’m a BIG believer in it. I always say to people, please be careful for what you wish for because it usually comes true or happens. Have you heard of the skier/snowboarder that focused on the tree that they ‘didn’t want to hit’, well that’s what they hit! Focusing on the goal and not the unwanted is where you want to head and so this should be your aim and you may actually glide that way. Focusing on what you want and not what you don’t can often be hard as we need to use our imagination and mentally construct something that is not there. Our kids do this regularly. When did we stop doing this? Try it today and see where it takes you.

MAGIC J.K. Rowling said ‘We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all the power we need inside ourselves already. ‘ Knowing what we are good at and leveraging off that is really important as well as learning some new things you thought you couldn’t. Nothing happens magically, it’s all about putting in some work and being amazing at what you are already good at.

I learn a lot from my Yoga Teacher and this is one of the gorgeous things she has taught me. Ho’oponopono which means; I love you, I forgive you, I’m sorry, thank you. When someone is not nice to you and goes out of their way to attempt to make you feel inferior or not welcome this is a great mantra to repeat and the meaning behind it is special. I love you – you are encouraged to show love as this also is a reflection of the love you have for yourself. I forgive you – it is not to condone the act but to show forgiveness because there may be times that you have upset someone not knowing it and hopefully that person was able to forgive you. I’m sorry – I’m sorry that you act in this way as you have learnt it from somewhere and someone else has unkindly done this to you. Thank you – I thank you for this lesson as I have learnt a lot from it. Use this mantra to help brighten your light when you feel it is being dimed by others. Nothing can dim the light that shines from within. Maya Angelou