Retreat a Little

When was the last time you could sit back, relax and focus on yourself?


πŸ’« Beyond excited to share! πŸ’« I have been featured in Body + Soul, Australia's number one health and well-being platform.

πŸͺ I had the honour of providing insights for a recent Body + Soul article on the transformative power of Human Design.

Even though Human Design experienced a recent surge in popularity on TikTok, it has been around since 1983.

"Think of it as a user manual to your authentic self, uncovering how you operate, and interact with the world, and what your gifts and talents are. It guides you on how to manoeuvre the world in alignment with your authentic self, reducing the likelihood of burnout."

Here is how the editor concluded the article:

While I can’t possibly detail every aspect of my in-depth reading, It’s safe to say I was fascinated by the entire process. If you’re looking to gain a deeper understanding of your decision-making, emotional responses and relationships with others, Having an expert like Taugs examine your Human Design chart might just be a game-changer.

Make sure you read the full article in Body + Soul and discover your very own Human Design Chart via our website.

Full article:

Human Design Chart:

Photos from Retreat a Little's post 02/11/2023

I want to extend my deepest gratitude to our Retreat a Little well-being partners Ash, Romeo and Brandy from Equus & Awareness, who held space for deep healing and transformation for 10 of us at the Equine & Soul connection retreat last month.
⁠🐴✨ πŸ™

We have some beautiful snaps that captured the magic, but what happened in our hearts... that's the real treasure. πŸ’– It's hard to describe the moments we shared, how we opened up and the old beliefs we bravely faced together.

It’s an experience that truly touches your soul, and guess what? People are talking. We've already got four spots filled for 2024 without even announcing the dates!

Are you wanting to join us? Simply comment β€˜Horse’ and you’re on the list for our October 2024 gathering. πŸ“

And there's more good news! We’re hosting a Mind & Body Connection Retreat this 20-22 March at the lovely Beach Huts. 🌊 It’s going to be another incredible retreat.


I want to extend my deep gratitude to our Retreat a Little well-being partners, who helped to deliver another transformative retreat experience over the weekend.

Kellie from Hill Street Yoga in Port Elliot is our trusted partner for all things Yoga, and coming home to the self.

Kellie traditionally kicks off and finishes our retreats with her nurturing and deeply nourishing Yoga sessions. Restorative Yoga has quickly taken over as everyone's favourite.

Her calming and goddess-like presence leaves everyone wanting more!

If you are planning an escape to Port Elliot, make sure to check out her weekend schedule. She also hosts Yoga sessions overlooking the ocean.

If you want to learn more about our 2024 retreats, please comment "Retreat" below.

We are kicking off with a Mind & Body Connection Retreat from 20-22 March at the stunning Beach Huts and are finalising the dates for the Equine & Soul Connection Retreat in October 2024. The first two spots for our 2024 Equine Retreat have already been sold!!!


Have you uncovered your passion yet?

This past weekend, I had the pleasure of hosting a retreat that was truly special to me - the Equine & Soul Connection Retreat. It's the only one of its kind in Australia, and I felt honoured to be able to bring people together in this way.

When I returned home, I received an email that contained an award nomination. πŸ₯Ή It was a wonderful surprise, and the words in the email made me feel so grateful and proud. The nomination said that I'm passionate about creating retreats that help people find their own passions and that my content is carefully curated to do just that. πŸ™πŸΌ

Watching the transformations that happened at the retreat was an amazing experience. I felt so thankful for the chance to be part of something that can make such a positive difference in people's lives.

It's funny to think that I didn't always know I wanted to do this kind of work. It took some time for me to really connect with myself and figure out what I truly wanted. But now, I feel so lucky to be able to say that this is my purpose. It's not just a job - it's something that brings me a sense of fulfillment and joy that I can't find anywhere else. πŸ₯°

I hope that you've been able to find something that brings you that same sense of purpose and passion. It's an amazing feeling, and I wish it for everyone. πŸ’«


And we are officially sold out πŸŽ‰ - 2024 dates to be announced soon.⁠
Equine Enhanced Leadership offers a unique and transformative leadership development program that merges self-awareness and emotional intelligence (EQ)development. This initiative nurtures the mind, body, and soul, fostering a deeper connection with oneself and enhancing leadership skills through Equine Facilitated Learning (EFL).⁠
This is one of those heart-touching experiences that everyone should do at least once in their life. Words can’t describe the softness of the connection between participants and the horse as they receive their insights, but once someone's felt it, they'll never be the same again.


Let me introduce you to Ashley Bernard from Equus Awareness, our well-being partner, for the upcoming Equine & Soul Connection Retreat.

Ashley is a qualified Equine Facilitated Learning Practitioner. She co-facilitates with horses, aiming to foster self-awareness and inspire people of all ages and backgrounds to connect with their strengths and potential that has always been there.

"When we take responsibility for ourselves and how we show up, we open doors to living life in a way that honours our powerful potential."


Equine Facilitated Learning takes a groundbreaking approach to personal growth and self-discovery, leveraging the ancient, powerful bond between humans and horses 🐴.

Through carefully designed exercises on the ground, you'll engage with these magnificent creatures, gaining insights into your communication style, leadership qualities, and relationship dynamics.

It is a dynamic and experiential journey that goes beyond traditional methods, offering a reflection of our inner thoughts and emotions with astonishing accuracy.


In the fast-paced world we live in, it's easy to get swept up in the currents of stress and overwhelm. However, there's a simple yet profoundly effective way to regain your sense of balance and clarity – mindfulness.

By dedicating a mere 5 minutes each day to mindfulness practices, you're granting yourself the power to pause, breathe, and anchor yourself in the present moment.

Studies show that this small commitment can lead to a remarkable 15% reduction in feelings of overwhelm. Imagine the difference this could make in your life – a few minutes of stillness amidst the chaos, a sanctuary of peace in the storm. Embrace the practice of mindfulness and allow it to be your refuge in the midst of life's challenges.


In a world that often seeks external validation, remember that the most genuine and lasting happiness originates from within. 🌼 It's not about chasing after material possessions or relying on others for your joy – it's about cultivating a deep connection with your inner self.

πŸ’– Nurturing your inner world means embracing your strengths, acknowledging your feelings, and finding peace within your own being. It's about treating yourself with kindness, practising self-compassion, and letting your authenticity shine.

🌈 As you embark on your journey to discover your 'inner joy,' you'll find that happiness is a state of mind that you have the power to create. When you prioritize your emotional well-being, you become a beacon of positivity, radiating your light onto everything you do.

is not just a destination; it's a lifelong expedition. Embrace it, cherish it, and share it with the world.


Lunchtime Dilemma: Desk vs. Delight

We are probably all guilty of it. Let's talk about a daily decision we all face: squeezing in lunch at our desks or savouring a proper lunch break.

Desk Dining:
πŸ‘‰ Multi-tasking: Juggling emails, reports, and that sandwich? πŸ₯ͺ It's a skill, but are we really giving our food the attention it deserves?
πŸ‘‰ Time Crunch: Deadlines looming? Devouring lunch while typing might seem efficient, but we could be missing out on some much-needed me-time.
πŸ‘‰ Energy Drain: Staying put can zap our energy. A change of scenery, even for a few minutes, can boost creativity and focus.

Proper Lunch Break:
πŸ‘‰ Mindful Eating: Taking a breather allows us actually to taste our food. Flavours pop, textures shine – it's a feast for the senses!
πŸ‘‰ Social Recharge: Lunch buddies? Sharing stories and laughter over a meal can refresh our minds, making afternoons more productive.
πŸ‘‰ Step Away, Stress Away: Stepping outside or simply away from the screen can reduce stress and improve overall well-being.

So, what's the verdict? While desk lunches might save time, the benefits of a dedicated lunch break are too delicious to ignore. Whether it's a park bench or a cozy cafe, let's make room for a proper lunchtime treat. Your taste buds and brain will thank you!


In the hustle and bustle of life, it's easy to overlook the importance of self-care. But let's remind ourselves that taking care of our well-being isn't a luxury – it's a necessity. Prioritizing self-care doesn't mean we're being self-centred; it means we're investing in our own happiness and resilience.

So, let's commit to carving out moments for ourselves, nurturing our minds, bodies, and souls. When we fill our own cups, we're better equipped to give to others. Let's embrace self-care as a fundamental part of our journey to a more vibrant and fulfilled life.

Photos from Retreat a Little's post 31/07/2023

Let me introduce you to our well-being partner Chris from

Chris has been a performing musician for over 30 years, playing percussion and drums in multiple bands, as well as singing.

He is a certified Sound Therapist who has studied with the Sound Healing Academy (International) in the UK and holds a Practitioner Diploma in Integral Sound Healing Multi Instruments.

He is dedicated to continuing his studies so he can bring all his learning into his practice to create a safe space, and deepen the relaxation experience for all he is blessed to work with.

Chris' passion in Sound Therapy is using traditional Sound Healing instruments, such as Tibetan singing bowls, quartz crystal bowls, gongs, chimes, drums and grounding instruments. Combined with heart-warming vocals, and modern instruments such as the Handpan to take you to a place of peace, and harmony - far away from the day-to-day stressors and challenges of life.

He uses these instruments to invoke deep relaxation and to encourage his clients own natural healing process.

He creates a soundscape unlike any other you’ve likely heard or experienced.

You can experience Chris’s magical sound bath at our upcoming Mind & Body Connection Retreat at Waverley Estate later in November πŸ™πŸΌ or at one of his other events.


Let's dive a bit deeper as we uncover what happens inside your body during a sound bath and how it can benefit your everyday life.

A sound bath is a therapeutic practice that utilizes various instruments, such as singing bowls, gongs, chimes, and other resonant tools, to create a soundscape that envelops and resonates within your body. While the experience may differ from person to person, here are some general insights into what happens inside your body during a sound bath:

Deep Relaxation: As the soothing sounds wash over you, your body naturally begins to relax. The vibrations emitted by the instruments stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes a state of deep relaxation. This can help reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and alleviate muscle tension.

Brainwave Synchronization: Sound baths often induce a meditative state by entraining your brainwaves. The rhythmic patterns and frequencies produced by the instruments can guide your brain into alpha and theta states, which are associated with relaxation, creativity, and enhanced focus. This synchronization can lead to mental clarity and a sense of calm.

Cellular Harmonization: Each cell in our body has its own vibrational frequency. When exposed to the harmonious vibrations of a sound bath, the cells can resonate and align with the external frequencies, promoting a sense of harmony and balance within. This process is often described as "tuning" or "rebalancing" the body on a cellular level.

Energy Balancing: Sound baths can help restore the flow of energy within your body. Just as a musical instrument may go out of tune, our energetic system can become imbalanced due to stress, emotional blockages, or physical ailments. The vibrations emitted during a sound bath can help release stagnant energy and restore the natural energetic flow, leaving you feeling revitalized.

Incorporating sound baths into your wellness routine can be a transformative experience, providing a sanctuary for self-care, healing, and personal growth. So why not treat yourself to a blissful sound bath and unlock the wonders of your inner world?


Dive into the Science of Sound Baths! 🎢✨

Discover what happens inside your body during a sound bath and the everyday benefits you can enjoy!

Deep Relaxation: Relax your body and mind as soothing sounds wash over you, reducing stress and tension.

Brainwave Sync: Experience enhanced focus and mental clarity as sound bath frequencies guide your brain into a meditative state.

Cellular Harmony: Tune your body's cells to resonate with harmonious vibrations, promoting balance and rejuvenation.

Energy Balance: Release stagnant energy and restore the flow within, leaving you revitalized and in harmony.

Everyday Life Benefits: Relieve stress, improve focus, unleash emotional healing, and strengthen your mind-body connection.

Have you experienced the Healing Power of Sound before? 🌟✨

Photos from Retreat a Little's post 11/07/2023

Meet our Mind & Body Connection Retreat Breathwork Coach and Wim Hof Instructor Kym Burls!

Kym Burls is a breathwork coach based in Adelaide who’s passionate about helping people make the most of every breath - from health to performance. He's studied under & been certified by many of the world's leading breathwork teachers, including Wim Hof.

Outside of coaching, he enjoys keeping fit and mobile and plunging into the cold ocean when he can.

During our upcoming retreat, Kym will (re)introduce participants to their breath and the powerful connection it creates between our body and mind. With his incredible wealth of knowledge, people will leave the retreat weekend with the 'what', 'how' and, more importantly, their own 'why'.

To find out more about our upcoming retreat, visit

You can follow Kym via:
Facebook -
Website -


πŸ’‘ Did you know that one of the most powerful biohacks is right under your nose? Literally!

Breathwork is a game-changer when it comes to optimizing your mind and body connection. By harnessing the power of conscious breathing, you can tap into a multitude of benefits, from reducing stress and anxiety to boosting focus and creativity, it's a holistic hack that transforms your entire being.

Wim Hof or Box breathing allows you to experience a profound impact on your physical and mental well-being. Whether you're an athlete seeking improved performance or a busy professional striving for peak productivity, breathwork has got your back.

It's time to start tapping into the incredible potential that lies within us all.

Which one is your favourite breathwork technique? Leave us a comment below.


Our wellness retreats take place in serene and picturesque locations, allowing you to immerse yourself in the beauty and tranquillity of nature. Whether it's practising yoga at sunrise, hiking through lush forests, or meditating by the ocean, the retreat provides an opportunity to reconnect with the earth and find solace in its embrace.

Picture yourself smelling one of the 300 different roses at the Beach Huts in Middleton every time you head to one of the retreat activities.

The natural surroundings serve as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all living beings, grounding you in the present moment.


Unlike regular vacations that provide temporary relief, wellness retreats offer long-lasting benefits that extend far beyond the duration of your stay. You'll learn valuable tools and techniques to integrate into your daily life, helping you maintain balance, reduce stress, and enhance your overall well-being. The knowledge and practices gained during the retreat can be carried forward, enriching your life long after the retreat ends.

For instance, a retreat focused on breathwork may equip you with powerful breathing exercises that can be incorporated into your everyday routine, promoting relaxation and mental clarity.

Did you know that we are hosting a Mind & Body Connection Retreat in October, with a strong focus on breathwork? You can find out more via the link in bio.


Hi, I'm Alice, the Director and Founder of Retreat a Little and , which I established in April 2021. Some of you may know me already, but for those who don't, it's about time we get acquainted!⁠
🌟 I was born and raised in East Germany. Over two decades, I worked in the pharmaceutical and medical devices industry, creating some of the world's top brand experiences in Australia and overseas.⁠
πŸ‘©β€βš•οΈ During this time, I witnessed firsthand how chasing a career, social conditioning, and always caring for others first can contribute to chronic illnesses, burnout, and forgetting who we are at our core. In 2019, I was diagnosed with a chronic illness and knew what the disease progression looked like. To top it off, we also had a history of mental health issues in our family. This combination was the wake-up call that I needed.⁠
πŸ’‘ My passion for psychology, leadership, and purpose, combined with my knowledge in healthcare, got me onto the path of researching how to live in greater alignment. Over two years, I underwent multiple significant transformations whilst cutting through the confusing world of self-help. I discovered many effective tools which helped me along my way.⁠ This is also where I fell in love with well-being retreats and taking time out for myself.
🀝 Rather than continuing to apply band-aids, I have now set out on a mission to tackle the problem at the root cause. My goal is to help improve personal and professional well-being by assisting ambitious people to be their authentic selves again and taking time out when needed.
🌟 Our programs and retreats are designed to help you reconnect with your values, passions, and strengths while gaining clarity, confidence, and resilience to face any challenges that come your way.⁠ Our signature retreats are the Mind & Body Connection Retreat and the Equine & Soul Connection Retreat, which we host annually.
πŸ™Œ If this resonates with you, I would love to connect and hear your story. Whether you're a busy professional, an entrepreneur, or a team leader, we can help you unlock your full potential and achieve your goals with purpose and joy. πŸ’ͺ


I attended the Equine and Soul Connection Retreat on 28-20 October 2023. It was a very peaceful and joyful experience.
I enjoyed all the meditations, the sound bath, eating the yummy and nourishing food and staying at the gorgeous Beach Huts in Middleton.

It was wonderful to experience the connection with a horse in the Equine Facilitated Learning Session. Whether we are a human being or a horse, we are all ONE.

The retreat was a great opportunity to unplug from my day-to-day routine and be with nature and a lovely group of like-minded souls.

Thank you, Alice, for facilitating a beautiful retreat!

Michelle Stanton, Co-founder and CEO, Zone Culture


Attending a well-being retreat is a wonderful opportunity to meet like-minded individuals who share your passion for personal growth and well-being.

You'll be immersed in a community of people who understand and appreciate your journey, and you'll form lifelong friendships and a network of support.

Our first well-being retreat, hosted at Waverley Estate in November 2021, was a great success, and attendees formed lasting friendships over just one short weekend.

I'm excited to catch up with some of these amazing people later this week!


Experience a Transformation: 10 Reasons Why You Should Attend a Wellness Retreat

Are you looking for a vacation that offers more than just relaxation? Then, a wellness retreat might be the perfect choice for you. These retreats provide an intentional and immersive experience, offering various activities such as yoga, mindfulness, breathwork, cold therapy, equine-facilitated learning, and sound healing. Here are the top 10 reasons why attending a wellness retreat is worth considering:

1. Meet like-minded individuals
2. Add new tools to your well-being toolkit
3. Spend time in nature
4. Learn something new
5. Unwind and rejuvenate
6. Simply relax and enjoy
7. Learn from experts in the field
8. Savor delicious food
9. Expand your limits
10. Gain clarity

Immerse Yourself in a Wellness Retreat and Unleash Your Potential!

If you're looking for a transformative experience that combines personal growth, self-care, and unforgettable moments, a wellness retreat is the perfect choice. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals, deepen your relationship with nature, break free from old patterns, and embrace the numerous benefits that yoga, mindfulness, breathwork, cold therapy, equine-facilitated learning, and sound healing offer.

By participating in these immersive experiences, you'll gain clarity, perspective, and gratitude, setting yourself on a path of profound self-discovery and empowerment. Don't wait any longer to embark on this incredible journey!

Type "RETREAT" in the comments below to find out more about our upcoming retreats.

Photos from Retreat a Little's post 09/06/2023

✨ Noosa | Coogee | Cottesloe | Henley | Coolum | Mooloolaba | Portsea | Sorrento | Torquay ✨

Let me introduce you to our next retreat location, the Middleton Beach Huts.

At our Equine & Soul Connection Retreat, you have the opportunity to take some time out at the stunningly designed Middleton Beach Huts, tucked away on private grounds on the Fleurieu Peninsula and a 1-hour scenic drive from Adelaide.

You will experience a village-style atmosphere with charm like no other, all within walking distance to the beach.

Indulge your senses in the sun-drenched trees and lush coastal gardens, which immediately set the ambience for a luxurious weekend of rest, rejuvenation and connections. You may even be making some new friends.

The hardest part is picking which stunning hut to choose from!

Which one is your favourite hut at Middleton?


Disconnect to Reconnect: Sometimes, we need to unplug from the digital world and immerse ourselves in the present moment.

Spend quality time with loved ones, explore nature, or engage in creative endeavours.

By disconnecting, you reconnect with yourself and the world around you whilst simultaneously opening yourself up to greater creativity.


✴ Did you know that now is the perfect time to invest in your leadership skills? ✴⁠
What you spend between now, and June 30 could save you between 21% and 47% in tax, depending on your taxable income.⁠
For example, if you invest $1,949 in the Mind & Body Connection Leadership Retreat and earn between $120K - 180K per year, you can achieve tax savings of almost $800 in your annual tax return.

That equates to up to 39% of savings and brings the cost of the retreat down to $1,188. ⁠
If you are a business owner, are reporting a net profit and are registered for GST, you can bring the cost down even further. ⁠
This assumes that you are eligible to claim a leadership retreat in your upcoming tax return under personal development and prepay the retreat in full prior to June 30. ⁠
That's what I call EOFY sales 🌈⁠

Find out more about our upcoming retreats here:


What do you think is considered "wellness travel"?

✨ Travel associated with intentionally enhancing, maintaining or kickstarting your own well-being. ✨

I personally like to add well-being experiences to any of my holidays, such as the recent visit to a Day Spa whilst in Italy.

On the other hand, I also love attending retreats myself.

What is your favourite type of wellness travel?


πŸŽ‰ Retreat a Little has an Instagram & page again πŸŽ‰

✨Follow us for upcoming retreat news, trends, inspiration and so much more ✨


Welcome back to Retreat a Little πŸ₯³
We now have our own, dedicated page again to share latest news, well-being trends and upcoming retreats.

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