Zenso House

Psychologist - ISTDP therapist - Swimming Enthusiast - Lover of People

Photos from Zenso House's post 24/08/2024

Good morning on this glorious Monday!

I am inviting you to reflect on how you are waking up today. Do you feel energised? Motivated? Clear?

For me, I feel grateful that I have a couple of beautiful clients this morning before date day with my wonderful husband. Date day is our fortnightly ritual of connection.

How does your Monday set you up for the week ahead?


What is the difference between a psychologist and ISTDP clinician?

I get this question all the time, what makes ISTDP different from psychology? And the easiest way to answer is that it is a method of intervention based in psychology that can be used by a range of professionals including psychiatrists, GP’s, nurses, social workers and counsellors (and likely more that I haven’t encountered yet).

To be able to obtain accreditation as an ISTDP therapist, we do an additional three years of study. This commitment entails 4 x 3 day trainings annually for three years as well as monthly supervision of two hours duration where in a group we take turns receiving feedback on videos of real life therapy patients.

In addition to this training many of us do additional work to improve our skills. At the moment I am in my final year of an additional three year course and I also meet with a group weekly to review videos of my sessions to ensure my ongoing development as an effective therapist.

So I guess you could think of ISTDP as an additional skill above and beyond my qualifications as a psychologist.

Have you heard of ISTDP? Let me know in the comments 👇🏽


Why breathwork?

Let’s get real, why would you bother with breathwork?

Is this just another pop psychology fad that will see out its days of being the trendy modality?

I am here to vouch for it. From a neuropsychology, spirituality, nervous system and transformative lens, I can personally say: it works!

Breathwork has improved my FOCUS, CLARITY, SELF-DISCIPLINE, & DIET.

Autonomic Nervous System
- Balance: Slow breathing = relaxation; fast breathing = “fight or flight.”
- HRV: Boosts heart rate variability for stress resilience.

Oxygen & CO2 Regulation
- Alters O2/CO2 levels; hyperventilation reduces CO2.
- Metabolism: Enhances oxygen delivery and waste removal.

Neurophysiological Effects:
- Brain Waves: Promotes relaxation or focus.
- Mood: Influences serotonin and dopamine.

Psychological Benefits
- Stress: Lowers cortisol levels.
- Emotions: Aids emotional release.

Mind-Body Connection:
- Mindfulness: Enhances present-moment awareness.
- Body Awareness: Increases sensation awareness.

Immune Boost
- Inflammation: Reduces with techniques like Wim Hof.

Respiratory Function
- Lung Capacity: Improves with deep breathing.
- Diaphragm Strength: Strengthens respiratory mechanics.


Empowering Health Professionals

Did you know I work with health professionals?

Do you feel like you give too much?

Experience energetic blocks around money?


Want to learn how to treat your work as work?

I offer therapy, supervision, and business coaching.

Reach out to find out more by sending me a DM or an EOI via the link in my bio. ⬇️



I often get this question, is therapy the only way to work with you?

Hi, I’m Melissa and I’m here to help you find your balance, reclaim your identity, and thrive. My practice offers 1:1 therapy using Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) and holistic coaching tailored to your unique needs for women who are seeking to release themselves from the shackles of their everyday lives and reclaim their power.

✨ What I offer:
🧘‍♀️ 1:1 sessions to dive deep into your emotional wellbeing
🌱 Comprehensive four-month transformation packages
💌Monthly breathwork workshops on Tuesdays at 10.30am via zoom.

Together, we’ll work on:
💪 Overcoming negative self-talk and procrastination
🌼 Setting healthy boundaries and pursuing your goals
💬 Continuous communication and accountability

Ready to take the first step toward a more balanced, fulfilling life? Let’s connect and start this journey together. 💖


Now offering coaching for clinicians of all walks and talks. This is also extended to other professionals who are feeling stuck and out of flow.

I am available for sessions in support of clinicians to show up as themselves, pay themselves well, and to create a space to honestly discuss what’s going on that’s blocking their creativity.

I had been thinking about what’s different about me, what I do well, and what I consistently reach good outcomes from. And the outcome, helping people be more attuned to themselves. And when I think about my own burnout, it’s because I move away from what’s best for me.

So if you fancy working with me and getting more aligned with what’s going to Ievel you up then reach out.

We don’t get new outcomes doing what we’ve always done so if you are ready to push the limits of what you can achieve, reach out.

The vibe I aim to create is roll the window down, wind in your hair, tunes up loud kind of vibes. Think Belinda Carlisle Heaven is a Place on Earth. 😉

If you want to work with me reach out via email [email protected] and you will be waitlisted for an appointment.


Sharing this fabulous affirmation post by 🙌🏻


Merry Christmas, legends!

I am on leave until 2/1/2024 and I am fully booked in January and much of February. If you are keen to make a booking please jump online and book via the website, hellohowareyou.com.au

Thank you for a fabulous 2023. I am super blessed to work with a bunch of absolute superstars and I absolutely loved teaching the cohort of masters students this year.

In the new year, I am super keen to increase my focus on supporting early career clinicians across psychology and allied healthcare disciplines ***watch this space!

Lots of love to you all! Party on and see you in 2024! 🌞


Thank you GC for a cracker sunrise! I am feeling absolutely blessed! 🌞 🌊

Photos from Zenso House's post 14/11/2023

Grateful for the ongoing support of my clients, colleagues and wonderful Charlotte.

I am fully booked until the end of December. Please reach out for appointments next year if you would like to be put on my waitlist.

To my existing clients, let Charlotte and I know how and when you would like to be booked in for appointments in the new year.

I am so grateful to get to do what I love every day. ❤️

Photos from Zenso House's post 14/11/2023

November things.

Featuring Christmas headbands, shiny photo frames, quotes, Halloween costumes for malshie owners (suggested by fabulous friend), illustration & vector coffee (featuring coffee art).


🎄 Don't Let Burnout Ruin Your Christmas Spirit! 🎄

The holiday season is a time of joy, love, and celebration. But for many of us, it can also be a time of overwhelming stress and exhaustion. As we strive to create the perfect holiday experience, we often forget to take care of ourselves. This year, let's prioritise our well-being and beat the burnout blues!

🎁 Set Realistic Expectations: Remember, perfection is not the goal. Embrace imperfections and focus on creating meaningful moments rather than flawless decorations or extravagant gifts.

🧘‍♀️ Practice Self-Care: Take time for yourself amidst the holiday chaos. Engage in activities that recharge your energy, such as meditation, reading, a beach walk, or enjoying a cup of tea.

💪 Learn to Say No: It's okay to decline invitations or delegate tasks. Prioritise your mental and physical health by setting boundaries and not overextending yourself.

❤️ Connect with Loved Ones: Seek support from friends and family. Share your feelings, concerns, and experiences to alleviate stress and foster a sense of belonging.

✨ Let Go of Perfection: Remember that the true beauty of the holiday season lies in the connections we make and the love we share. Embrace imperfections and focus on what truly matters.

If you're feeling overwhelmed, know that you're not alone. Our team is here to support you through any challenges you may face this holiday season. Together, let's create a healthier, happier, and more balanced Christmas for everyone.

Wishing you a joyful and stress-free holiday season from all of us at Hello, how are you? Wellness Centre!🎅🎉

Photos from Zenso House's post 20/09/2023

Superstars, I am out of office from tomorrow 21/9 - 28/9 inclusive. I will not be responding to any communication until I return from leave. As always if you wish to make a booking over this period, please book online at www.hellohowareyou.com.au

If you find yourself struggling with acute concerns, please telephone 000 or 1300MHCALL. For more general support telephone lifeline on 13 11 14.

Wishing you all a fabulous week! ❤️🌞🤍


Often people feel super anxious in coming to their first appointment with me, it’s completely normal!

The first session starts by getting a clear picture of the problems you want help with, how long these have been an issue for you and how these issues arise in your day to day life.

The types of problems I work with a lot are anxiety, depression, postnatal worries, addiction, and relationship problems. My office has a big comfy couch and a cup of tea to make you feel at home.

Charlotte and my goal is for every client to feel safe to show up exactly as they are and to be seen and supported to resolve their problems.

Towards the end of the first session we wrap up, make a plan moving forward, and get clear on your goals for therapy.

Have you ever tried therapy before? What was your experience? I know I’ve often been pretty anxious initially meeting my own new psychologist so I have lived experience of this too. My job is to support you through the whole process.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

Photos from Hello, how are you?'s post 12/08/2023

I will be out of office until 21/8/2023 focusing on my beautiful family and I. We started the week off with a wonderful weekend reconnecting, I feel so lucky and grateful for my life and my work.

I look forward to seeing you all upon my return.


Happy Friday!

Yesterday I had my teaching day at Bond University. Thursdays have become one of my favourite days because I spend four hours with eager, excited and clever early career psychologists. I love teaching because I also learn so much from the students. One of the students presented their oral on ISTDP which was super cool to hear!

Have you dabbled in teaching? I have an even deeper appreciation for teachers in school environments. What a bunch of superstars!


Exciting news!

Having just commenced supervision in the Psychobiological Approach to Couples Therapy, I have space for one to two couples to commence work with me.

This approach requires 100% commitment and effort from each member of the couple. The initial session is two hours duration.

If this sounds like something you may be interested in, feel free to reach out via the message app or book online by visiting my website: www.hellohowareyou.com.au


Good morning Gold Coast! How blessed are we to live in such an incredible part of the world. This was my view this morning. Mornings are my favourite part of the day! 🌞 🌊


Have you tried breathwork?

Last night I had my first breath work session with

I had a lot of ideas about what could come up and set my intention to explore some of my own limiting defenses.

What came up BLEW MY MIND. I did not expect to have such an intense physical reaction. I could feel energy flowing through my whole body in a way that my skeptical mind is still trying to make sense of (think I might need to look to some other literature to get my head around). But what I do know is that breathwork is well documented as supporting regulation of the central nervous system which is triggered in response to threat (real or perceived). Would you like to explore this more? I highly recommend dropping past to take a look at Blake’s content but am also super happy to discuss this with you in session.

What other healing modalities have you learned? I definitely think there is a helpful space for a multi-modal approach to healing and wellness.

Feel free to reach out for more info!

Photos from Hello, how are you?'s post 24/02/2023

There’s no place like home.

My beautiful family and I went on a motorhome adventure in celebration of two of our closest friends joining in marriage.

What interestingly has stood out was how excited I felt to return home and to work. I loved the wedding and I also adored coming home!

Does your work excite you? Is home a holiday? Are you motivated to participate in your own life?

Can I help you to cultivate a life that aligns with your values?


I will be out of clinic on Thursday & Friday for some much needed rest and relaxation. All calls and emails will be returned when I return to the office the following Wednesday. I have two more clinic days today and on Wednesday so if there’s anything pressing please reach out.


This is a great question that I am asked all the time!

CBT focuses on illogical thoughts as the main driver of emotional difficulties. These beliefs, such as, "Everything I attempt inevitably fails,
are postulated to cause emotional states like depression or hopelessness. The therapist
collaborates with the patient to determine which faulty cognitions are currently accepted by the patient as true. Together, the patient and
therapist discover these cognitions and collaboratively explore the evidence for and against them. Relief of symptoms comes from replacing unfounded cognitions with more reality-based thoughts.

While ISTDP accepts the presence of faulty cognitions, the causality is thought to be reversed. The ISTDP therapist would posit that
unconscious emotions lead to unconscious
anxiety, which is managed by unconscious
defences. These defences can certainly include
hopeless, helpless, or self-deprecating
cognitions. Rather than examining evidence for and against a thought like, "I am unable to know my own true feelings," an ISTDP therapist might
say, "If you adopt that position, which is essentially a position of helplessness, we will not
get to the engine driving your difficulties. If you renounce this helpless position, how are you truly
feeling right now?"

Both the CT and ISTDP therapist call the thought into question, with the goal of ultimately liberating the patient. The difference is that the
ISTDP therapist sees the faulty cognition as preventing access to the true, buried feelings, while the CT therapist sees the faulty cognition as
the cause of the painful emotions leading to the suffering.

Please reach out by DM or the contact us page on my website if you have any questions!


About me.

My name is Melissa and I am based on the Gold Coast with my beautiful family. We feel blessed to live here and felt drawn to be close to the ocean. I originally hail from Adelaide but I’ve spent time living in Darwin and Melbourne too.

I trained in psychology after the birth of my first child and have always felt drawn to work in this area due to my own positive experiences of working with helpers in all forms (psychologists, counsellors, healers).

I have worked in hospital, prison and private practice settings so I have come across most problems in my work and in that I have been drawn to work with a method called ISTDP. This method I have found brings about more internal change than any other method I have used myself as a practitioner and as a client. In my opinion, this is due to the active work in supporting clients to see the destructive patterns in their relationships and how unconscious methods to avoid the rise of complex emotions in their relationships get in the way of having greater depth and meaning in their lives. An example of this would be avoiding anger to reduce the likelihood of conflict in a relationship but this resulting in depression or critical thoughts in the client.

I am so blessed to work in this area and share in peoples depth of emotional experience.

My areas of professional interest include relationship problems, prenatal and post natal anxiety and depression, attachment parenting, mood disorders, anxiety, and surgery preparation (I work a lot with bariatric patients).

If you would like to work with me I have some availability please reach out via PM, the contact page on my website or via book now on my website.


ISTDP is emotionally intense because it invites clients to face and feel their emotions as fully as possible. One of the defining features of this therapy is labeling an emotion and then feeling it physically. After doing that, the client explores how these emotions act out as an impulse or fantasy.

An ISTDP therapist calmly and thoughtfully works with their clients to understand these obstacles. The therapist is a collaborator walking alongside their clients. They work together to access strengths and cope with difficult moments.

Feel free to reach out via DM with any questions you may have or visit my website and click book now for an appointment.

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A brief post to acknowledge the incredibly challenging experience that lockdowns pose for all. People in NSW and VIC hav...
I work with adolescents and adults who experience anxiety, depression and problems that cause them emotional suffering. ...
Oh em gee.. don’t we all wish that this was an easier process.Step 1. Call your GP and ask for a long appointment for th...
Hello, how are you? My name is Melissa and I am a Gold Coast based psychologist who graduated from Psychology with first...
Cognitive therapy (CT), developed by Aaron T. Beck, focuses on illogical thoughts as the main driver of emotional diffic...
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of psychological treatment that has been demonstrated to be effective for a...
ISTDP is an interactive therapy where both the therapist and client work together to identify the way the person experie...
Intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy (ISTDP) is a brief psychotherapy, developed by Dr. Habib Davanloo. In ISTDP, ...
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Shop 7, 19 Young Street, Southport
Gold Coast, QLD

Opening Hours

Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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