

Expert Training in Mental Health First Aid IncludeEd was created to make Mental Health First Aid training accessible to as many people as possible.

By providing high quality online and in-person training to organisations throughout Australia, we are able to subsidise courses for not-for-profit community groups and neighbourhood organisations. This means that when you choose IncludeEd to support you in creating a mentally healthy workplace, you are also supporting communities around Tasmania.

Beyond Blue 15/04/2022

Beyond Now is Beyond Blue’s su***de safety plan. It’s a free and effective tool to help keep people safe for now.

Beyond Blue The Beyond Now su***de safety planning app helps you stay safe if you're experiencing suicidal thoughts, feelings, distress or crisis.

Modern work: how changes to the way we work are impacting Australians’ mental health - Black Dog Institute 16/10/2021

The Black Dog Institute has released a paper on how the way we work impacts on our mental health. A must read for employers and employees alike.

Modern work: how changes to the way we work are impacting Australians’ mental health - Black Dog Institute With mentally unhealthy workplaces costing Australia up to $39 billion each year due to lost participation and productivity, the impact at individual, business, and economic levels requires immediate reform.

2021 Mental Health Month Calendars 03/10/2021

Here’s a whole month of ideas to help you feel great during Mental Health Month!

2021 Mental Health Month Calendars These printable calendars provide daily ideas about what to do to look after your mental health over the month of October.


Click on our contact link and learn what you can do to help.


If the children in your life are feeling a little frazzled, practise these fun and easy Stress Busters from Save the Children

How to talk about su***de with children 04/09/2021

With Su***de Awareness Day around the corner on 10th September, now is a good time to think about how you can discuss su***de with the children in your life.

How to talk about su***de with children Warning: this episode discusses su***de. Su***de is the leading cause of death in Australian young people — and there is no simple solution to this heartbreaking reality. As a problem that thrives in silence, Maggie Dent wants to get you okay with discussing su***de and suicidal tendencies. She ta...

Free Telephone Counseling Hotlines in Australia 20/08/2021

Useful resource for those in need:

Free Telephone Counseling Hotlines in Australia Free telephone counseling hotlines in Australia. Comprehensive telephone counseling hotline list.

CYP Psychological First Aid online course - FutureLearn 16/08/2021

This free, online course will be of interest to those of you who have young children, especially if they're struggling with the impact of the pandemic.

Psychological First Aid: Supporting Children and Young People
On this 3-week course you will explore the techniques of psychological first aid (PFA), the globally recommended training for supporting people during emergencies. You’ll focus on children and young people’s mental health, and what you can do to help them cope and access the support they need during and after emergencies and crisis situations.
The course has been produced by Public Health England, working with a wide range of experts and organisations. It is based on international guidance from the World Health Organisation, United Nations and partners.
You don’t need any prior knowledge or experience as this introductory course will teach you the key principles of giving PFA to children and young people in crisis situations.

CYP Psychological First Aid online course - FutureLearn Get Psychological First Aid training to support children and young people’’s mental health during emergencies with this 2-week course from Public Health England.

Right Words, Right Time 10/08/2021

Right Words, Right Time Get your FREE Care Kit today

‘Be interested, be curious, hear what’s not said’: how I learned to really listen to people | Annalisa Barbieri 03/08/2021

Listening is at the heart of every effective mental health first aid conversation, but it can be challenging. Annalisa Barbieri provides insight on how we can really listen and the positive impact that can have.

‘Be interested, be curious, hear what’s not said’: how I learned to really listen to people | Annalisa Barbieri Being a good listener isn’t just about shutting up and not interrupting – it’s about really taking in what someone is telling you


Contact us to develop the skills and confidence to help when it’s needed.

How to Thrive - a practical guide to happiness teaser reel 07/07/2021

Looking forward to the release of with its focus on wellbeing.

How to Thrive - a practical guide to happiness teaser reel Brash, loud and unconventional positive psychology coach Marie McLeod might be on the cusp of a mental health breakthrough; armed with an encyclopaedic knowledge…

Can you put a price on your mental health? Trish can — and it's about $12,000 and counting 05/07/2021

Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS), a therapy for medication-resistant major depressive disorder, will be added to the Medicare Benefits Scheme (MBS). What does it involve, and how does it work? Find out here:

Can you put a price on your mental health? Trish can — and it's about $12,000 and counting Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) can be a lifeline for those struggling with depression, but its uptake in Australia has been limited by accessibility. Now, that could be about to change.

21 million people are wrong: YouTube not the way to know what it’s like to have schizophrenia 02/07/2021

Schizophrenia is a greatly misunderstood and stigmatised disorder. This piece offers some useful insights.

Participating in Mental Health First Aid course will equip you with the confidence and ability to assist someone with schizophrenia.

21 million people are wrong: YouTube not the way to know what it’s like to have schizophrenia People are tuning into simulations to understand this mysterious mental illness, but answers might be closer to home.

Pulling the Mental Health ‘Fire Alarm’ | Workplace Mental Health 02/07/2021

Contact us to learn how we can help.

Pulling the Mental Health ‘Fire Alarm’ | Workplace Mental Health When someone shouts fire in a workplace, there’s an expectation that a designated person will be able to outline the next steps to manage everyone’s safety.


If you've noticed someone in your life behaving differently (e.g. withdrawing, seeming angrier or more agitated, drinking more than usual) it could be an important time to connect and have a conversation.

Our focus during Men's Health Week acknowledged that because men are often taught to suppress their feelings, it can be difficult to recognise when they are experiencing a mental health crisis or feeling suicidal.

Agitation, anger and violence, increased risk taking and increased self-destructive behaviours are the more typical signs of suicidal thoughts in men, but these same signs can also present in people of all genders. If you’re concerned about the changes in a person’s usual behaviours, a mental health first aid conversation may be needed.

To revisit the factors affecting men’s mental health and well-being please visit >>

Mental Health First Aid | IncludeEd 02/07/2021

Visit to find out more about our Mental Health First Aid courses.

Mental Health First Aid | IncludeEd IncludeEd provides expert, supported Mental Health First Aid training, in-person and online


IncludeEd was created to make Mental Health First Aid training accessible to as many people as possible.

By providing high quality online and in-person training to organisations throughout Australia, we are able to subsidise courses for not-for-profit community groups and neighbourhood organisations. This means that when you choose IncludeEd to support you in creating a mentally healthy workplace, you are also supporting communities around Tasmania.

Our founder and lead educator, Paula Johnson has made safety and wellbeing central to her practice as an educator at the University of Tasmania (UTAS) where she has taught and led widening participation programs for more than 20 years.

She has extensive experience in developing and delivering engaging online learning experiences and is Applied Su***de Intervention Skills (ASIST), SafeTalk and DV-alert (Domestic Violence) certified. She is also a trained Workplace Support Contact Officer, and is undertaking post-graduate study in Mental Health Practice.

Paula is in her third term as a member of the Ally Network Leadership Group at UTAS, supporting LGBTIQ+ colleagues and students and is also the co-founder of the community based CALD Support Community of Practice in Southern Tasmania.

This all informs her contributions to making Tasmania a healthier place to live, study and work.

Good mental health is everybody's business.



Hobart, TAS