Healing with Seáneen

Empowering women through Holistic healing,
Mind, Body & Soul

Photos from Healing with Seáneen's post 14/07/2024

My baby girl is 3!!

My first little love, my tiny human who made me a mama. You light up my world in ways I never thought possible. You've taught me so much about life already - about love, patience, strength, and resilience. I'm constantly in awe of the amazing person you're growing up to be. Never lose your sass and sparkle, baby! You're brave, beautiful, and strong, and I love you more than words can say. You own my heart, sweet girl!

You are my sunshine, my gentle healer, my guiding star, and the essence of my being. Your presence has taught me invaluable life lessons and I'm so grateful to be your mama. Here's to many more adventures, laughter, and making memories together! I love you more than words can express!


Photos from Healing with Seáneen's post 11/02/2024

Thank you so much to the loveliest bunch of ladies I know. Definitely caught me by surprise and brought me to tears 🥹. I really thought I was going for a playdate and large coffee 😂.
Thank you everyone.


🌟 Embracing the Journey of Self-Discovery 🌟

Hey there, beautiful souls! Just a gentle reminder that it's absolutely alright to feel a little lost in this moment. Life's twists and turns often lead us to unfamiliar paths, and that's okay.

You see, you're experiencing a brand new version of yourself, one that you've never encountered before. Embrace this journey of self-discovery with open arms.

It's natural to feel a bit disoriented when stepping into uncharted territory. But trust me, that's where the magic happens. You're constantly evolving, growing, and uncovering hidden aspects of who you truly are.

Remember, each chapter in your life brings fresh challenges, opportunities, and lessons. Even if you've momentarily lost your way, have faith that this is just a temporary phase. You possess strength, resilience, and the ability to find your path once again.

So, allow yourself the freedom to explore, reflect, and rediscover what truly ignites your soul. Embrace the unknown, for it is in these moments of vulnerability that our greatest strengths are often revealed.

And remember, you're not alone in this journey. Reach out to your loved ones for support and guidance. Their presence and wisdom can be a guiding light when you're feeling lost. Share your thoughts, fears, and dreams with them, and let their love remind you of the incredible person you are.

So be patient with yourself, my friend. Embrace the uncertainty, trust in your resilience, and know that even in the midst of feeling lost, you're growing, evolving, and becoming an even more magnificent version of yourself.

You've got this! 🌟

Photos from Healing with Seáneen's post 08/07/2023

🌟 Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! 🌟

We are overwhelmed by the incredible support and love we've received during the launch of our book, Rebel Ma, yesterday! It was a day filled with immense emotions - excitement and nerves colliding. But with each and every one of you standing by our side, we soared to new heights.
We are beyond thrilled to share that, thanks to your support, Rebel Ma has become a #1 bestseller in three different categories across Australia 🇦🇺, the UK & Ireland,🇬🇧🇮🇪 and the USA🇺🇲. Making it an international bestseller🎉🎉.
Our message of hope, healing and feminine rising is resonating worldwide, and together, we are making a significant impact.
This journey has been a dream come true, and I am grateful to have embarked on it with such courageous and powerful women. It has been truly transformative, and the memories we've created will be etched in our hearts forever. We've bared our souls, woven healing words, shattered the chains of shame, and paved the way for future generations through the timeless art of storytelling.
The world is yearning for change, and we are leading this paradigm shift with unwavering determination. We will continue to rise, empowering ourselves and our lineage. Let our message reverberate across borders and inspire countless souls to find their own voices.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! This incredible journey is far from over. Together, we are unstoppable. 💪✨


It's an incredible day of celebration! The much-anticipated moment has arrived. Our book, "Rebel Ma - Women's Stories of Reclamation," is now available on Amazon.

I'm filled with joy and amazement as our book baby is ready to be embraced by women all around the globe. I am immensely proud of the exceptional contributing authors who fearlessly delved into the depths of their souls to share their stories, driven by a profound desire to serve others.

"Rebel Ma" unveils the tales of courageous women who have taken risks, broken cycles, forged new paths, and reclaimed their feminine power and potency. These remarkable women are leading the resurgence of the feminine, healing lifetimes and lineages, birthing both babies and businesses. They live life unapologetically on their own terms.

This book will serve as a guiding light for women traversing the path of liberation, navigating their own radical awakening, and embracing a fresh frequency beyond mere survival and separation.

"Rebel Ma" has emerged triumphantly from the ashes of the fire that was meant to consume her. Instead, she has been set free and is rising as a gentle yet fierce, wise and wild, mature feminine leader that the world desperately needs.

Are you prepared to be activated and initiated by the warrior-hearted women who have transformed their wounds into wisdom? These women are unstoppable in their quest for love, freedom, and truth.

In the spirit of reciprocity, we are thrilled to announce that all proceeds from the sales of "Rebel Ma - Rising in the Time of the Feminine" will be donated to Girl Rising, a non-profit organization dedicated to girls' education. They harness the power of storytelling to redefine the value placed on girls and their education, bringing about transformative change in the world.

Join us on this momentous occasion, as we celebrate the power of women's voices and support a cause that uplifts and empowers girls worldwide. Let the journey begin!


🌟 Embrace the Liberating Power of Speaking Your Truth 🌟
There is an incredible freedom that unfolds when we summon the courage to express our truth. It is in those moments of authenticity that we break free from the chains of conformity and step into the radiant light of liberation. Speaking our truth allows us to release the weight of pretense and embrace the unique essence of who we are.
No longer bound by the expectations and judgments of others, we unlock the door to our own authenticity. Our words become a symphony of empowerment, resonating with honesty and integrity. Each sentence becomes a testament to our inner strength and a declaration of our inherent worth.
In the act of sharing our truth, we inspire others to do the same. We create a ripple effect of liberation, inviting others to shed their own masks and embrace the beauty of their genuine selves. Our vulnerability becomes a beacon of hope, guiding others towards their own path of self-discovery.
So let us embrace the liberating power of speaking our truth. Let us fearlessly unveil our hearts and minds, knowing that in doing so, we honor ourselves and pave the way for a more authentic and empowered world.


Exciting news! Brace yourself for the grand launch of a remarkable book I co-authored, happening this Friday, June 30th at 9 am. Prepare to be blown away by "Rebel Ma - Rising in the Time of the Feminine: Women's Stories of Reclamation." Within its pages, you'll discover an abundance of narratives about reclaiming power, undergoing personal transformations, and a wealth of valuable tools and resources to empower women on their profound journey of awakening. If you're seeking inspiration from warrior-hearted women who have transmuted their wounds into wisdom and are unwavering in their pursuit of love, freedom, and truth, this book is an absolute must-read.
For a mere $0.99, you can secure a copy of this extraordinary work, with all proceeds generously donated to the charity organization Girl Rising. Through the power of storytelling, Girl Rising is diligently dismantling barriers to girls' education. By purchasing a copy, not only will you embark on a transformative literary adventure but also contribute to a noble cause that uplifts young girls around the world.

If you would like to purchase a copy drop me a message and I can send you the link ✨✨✨✨



🌸 From one mama to another, let's be real: motherhood is tough, and it's completely okay to acknowledge it. 💕

But here's the important part: it's also okay to accept help. We don't have to do it all alone. Asking for support doesn't make us weak; it makes us stronger and wiser. 🌟

As mothers, we often believe that we have to shoulder everything ourselves. And when someone offers assistance, we may feel guilty, thinking we should be filling that gap. But here's the truth: by accepting help and allowing others to step in, we break free from this cycle of feeling weak. We can grow and expand through motherhood instead of succumbing to burnout and feeling stuck. 🤝💖

So, let's reach out to our tribe, embrace the support, and let go of the guilt. By doing so, we create space for ourselves to thrive and enjoy the journey of motherhood even more. Together, we can uplift each other and navigate this beautiful and challenging adventure with grace and strength. 💪❤️


💫 Reiki: Nurturing the Soul of a Mother 💫
Motherhood is a beautiful, yet demanding, journey that requires immense strength and balance. Amidst the busyness of caring for our little ones, it's crucial to remember to nurture our own well-being. One powerful tool that can support us on this path is Reiki.
Reiki, a gentle and ancient energy healing technique, holds the potential to bring profound relaxation, harmony, and healing to our lives as mothers. Reiki helps restore balance on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels, allowing us to navigate the challenges of motherhood with greater grace and resilience.
As we open ourselves to receive Reiki, its soothing energy flows through our bodies, releasing tension, stress, and energetic blockages. It offers a sacred space for us to let go of worries, anxieties, and self-doubt, and embrace a deep sense of calm and inner peace. This newfound serenity allows us to approach motherhood from a place of centeredness and clarity.
Reiki supports our emotional well-being by helping us process and release any unresolved emotions or traumas. It gently guides us to heal past wounds and cultivate self-compassion, enabling us to show up as more present and loving mothers. By nurturing our own emotional health, we can create a harmonious environment for our children to thrive.
As mothers, we often put the needs of our little ones before our own, neglecting our self-care. Reiki serves as a gentle reminder to prioritize our own well-being. By incorporating regular Reiki sessions into our self-care routines, we replenish our energy reserves, recharge our spirits, and find the strength to nurture ourselves as we do our children.
Reiki can enhance the bond between mother and child. When we share Reiki energy with our little ones, we create a nurturing space of love, comfort, and healing. The gentle touch and soothing energy of Reiki can promote relaxation, emotional connection, and overall well-being for both mother and child.
As we embark on the journey of motherhood, Reiki can be a guiding light, supporting us in finding balance, nurturing our souls, and embracing the power within us. ✨✨✨✨


💖 Healing Through Motherhood 💖
Motherhood is a transformative journey that goes beyond the joy and challenges of raising children. It is also a profound path of personal healing and growth. As mothers, we have the incredible power to heal not only our little ones but also ourselves.
Through the unconditional love we pour into our children's lives, we discover the depths of our own capacity to love and nurture. As we comfort them during sleepless nights, kiss away their tears, and celebrate their milestones, we heal the wounds of our own past, replacing them with a newfound sense of purpose and fulfillment.
Motherhood teaches us the art of forgiveness, both for our children and for ourselves. It invites us to release the pain, disappointments, and self-doubt that may have lingered within us, allowing us to embrace a journey of healing and self-compassion. Through the eyes of our children, we learn to see ourselves with gentleness and acceptance, finding solace in the truth that we are enough.
In the chaos of motherhood, we discover the power of self-care and self-reflection. As we prioritize our well-being, we model for our children the importance of setting boundaries, practicing self-love, and seeking support when needed. Through self-care, we nurture our own souls, replenishing our energy so that we can show up fully for our little ones.
Motherhood is a tapestry of moments that hold the potential for healing. It is in the gentle touch, the soothing lullabies, and the heartfelt conversations that we create a sanctuary of love and understanding for our children. In turn, this sacred bond becomes a catalyst for our own healing, as we learn to trust our instincts, find our voice, and rediscover the strength within us.


🌸 Embracing the Lessons of Motherhood 🌸
Motherhood has been a rollercoaster ride filled with challenges, but with my pregnancy, I have discovered valuable lessons and profound growth. My beautiful Olivia, my little girl, has become my greatest teacher, guiding me on this beautiful journey of motherhood.
From the moment I first held Olivia in my arms, I knew she would forever change my life. She has shown me the power of love, the strength of nurture, and the beauty of constant learning. Through her innocent eyes and boundless curiosity, Olivia has reminded me to find joy in the present moment and appreciate the simple wonders of life.
Her unconditional love, forgiving nature, and belief in me have touched my heart in ways I never imagined. In her laughter and playful spirit, I see a reflection of my own joy and a reminder to let go of perfectionism. Olivia teaches me to embrace the beautiful messiness of life, finding balance amidst the chaos.
With Olivia as my precious guide, I have learned to slow down, savor the fleeting moments, and treasure the miracles that unfold before us. She has illuminated my strengths, revealed my weaknesses, and helped me become a more compassionate, resilient, and empathetic mother.
Together, we navigate the joys and complexities of life, hand in hand, as I continue to learn from Olivia's wisdom. Through her, I am inspired to be the best version of myself and to embrace the growth and love that motherhood brings.
Let's celebrate the lessons, the laughter, and the love that our little ones bring into our lives. Let's cherish the beautiful moments and embrace the lessons that shape us into the mothers we are meant to be. Thank you Olivia for the wisdom you impart upon me every day.


🌸 Sharing from the heart: A message to all mothers 🌸
Today, I'm compelled to share my story, not because I seek sympathy or validation, but because I want every mother to know that she is not alone. Regardless of our birthing journeys, we often carry the weight of expectations, societal pressures, and self-doubt. I want to break through those barriers and remind you that you are not a failure, and neither am I.
When I embarked on my motherhood journey, I had envisioned a serene water birth, surrounded by gentle music and the comforting touch of loved ones. However, life had different plans. Unexpected complications arose, and a c-section became necessary to ensure the well-being of my little girl. In that moment, I was overcome with mixed emotions—relief for her safety, yet a tinge of disappointment for the deviation from my original plan.
But here's the truth that I want every mother to embrace: Our worth as mothers is not determined by the method through which our children enter this world. It is not defined by societal standards or the opinions of others. The love we have for our children, the sacrifices we make, and the unwavering dedication we show are what truly matter.
While my birth experience may have been different than expected, it was still filled with magic and spirituality. I held my baby girl in my arms, feeling an indescribable connection and an overwhelming sense of love. The nursing staff captured beautiful photographs of that precious moment, reminding me that this journey, however it unfolds, is filled with beauty and grace.
To my fellow c-section mammas, I want to salute you. We faced unexpected challenges, yet we rose above them with strength and courage. Our scars are not symbols of failure but badges of honor, reminding us of the incredible feat we accomplished—bringing our babies into this world against all odds.
And to all mothers, regardless of how you brought your children into this world, please know that you are extraordinary. The love you pour into their lives, the sacrifices you make, and the unconditional support you provide make you nothing short of amazing.


🌸 Embracing Mom Rage: Nurturing Our Energy, Empowering Our Journey 🌸
This week has put my mom-patience to the test, and mom rage has made its appearance. Between sickness, Doctor appointments, sleepless nights, everything that comes on the mum list has been a challenge this week. But you know what? It doesn't define me. I'm on a mission to nurture my own energy and embrace the power within. 💪✨
Based on my own experience, here's what I've discovered:
✨ Embrace Authenticity: I honor my emotions and accept that mom rage is a natural part of this wild ride called motherhood. By embracing my authentic self, I inspire others to do the same.
✨ Prioritize Self-Care: I've learned that looking after my own energy is crucial. Taking time for self-care activities, whether it's a peaceful walk, indulging in some relaxation, or practicing mindfulness, rejuvenates my soul and helps me show up as the best mom I can be.
✨ Harness Inner Power: I am a force to be reckoned with. With each mom rage moment, I tap into my inner power, reminding myself of my resilience and the love I have for my family.
Remember, mamas, by nurturing our own energy, we empower ourselves on this incredible journey. Embrace mom rage as a catalyst for growth and transformation. Let's embrace it and radiate love, strength, and positivity. 💖✨


🌟 Nurturing the Wholeness Within 🌟
In the pursuit of true wellness, let us remember that healing goes beyond the surface. It's about embracing the wholeness of our being—mind, body, and soul. As we nourish each aspect, we ignite a radiant transformation from within. 🌿✨


🌸 Finding Time as a Mom 🌸

Hey beautiful mamas! Let's talk about something we all know too well: finding time for ourselves can be a real challenge, am I right? ⏰💕
As a mom, I wear many hats and have a lot on my plate. Balancing mum life, household chores, and work commitments leaves little room for "me time."
Sometimes, it feels like I'm doing it all alone. It's hard not to feel overwhelmed when there's no support system in place to lend a hand.
And let's not forget about the guilt that creeps in whenever I prioritize myself. It's as if taking care of my own needs is somehow selfish.
But here's what I've learned along the way, and I want to share it with you:
✨ Time Management: I've started setting aside specific moments in my day for self-care. Whether it's waking up a bit earlier or utilizing nap times and evenings, having a routine helps me carve out that much-needed "me time."
✨ Seeking Support: I've reached out to close friends and made friends with other moms who understand what I'm going through has been a game-changer. We lift each other up and provide that listening ear we all need.
✨ Sharing Responsibilities: I've learned to let go of the idea that I have to do it all alone. I involve my partner, and trusted friends to help out. It truly takes a village, and it's okay to ask for help.
✨ Prioritizing Self-Care: I've realized that taking care of myself is not only essential but also beneficial for my well-being and ability to be the best mom I can be. Whether it's a workout, pursuing hobbies, or simply indulging in some relaxation time, I make sure to prioritize activities that nourish my soul.
✨ Setting Boundaries: Saying no to excessive demands and obligations has become a must for me. I've learned to establish boundaries that protect my personal time and energy. It's okay to put myself first sometimes.
So, to all you amazing mamas out there, remember that finding time for yourself is an ongoing journey. It requires self-compassion and flexibility. Embrace the beauty of self-care, because when we take care of ourselves, we can truly shine as the incredible moms we are! 💪❤


🌿 Embracing the Power of Holistic Wellness and Energy Healing 🌿
Combining holistic wellness and energy healing has been a natural evolution on my personal journey of self-discovery and well-being. I have found that these two approaches work synergistically to create a deeper and more transformative healing experience.
Holistic wellness encompasses all aspects of our being—mind, body, and soul. It recognises the interconnectedness of these elements and seeks to nurture them in harmony. By embracing holistic practices such as nutrition, exercise, mindfulness, and self-care, we create a solid foundation for overall well-being.
Energy healing, on the other hand, focuses on the subtle energetic aspects of our being. It acknowledges that we are more than just our physical bodies and that we have an intricate energy system that can become imbalanced or blocked. Through modalities like Reiki, crystal healing, or sound therapy, energy healing works to restore balance, clear energetic blockages, and promote healing on a deep level.
Combining these approaches allows for a comprehensive and holistic healing experience. By addressing both the physical and energetic aspects of our being, we create a powerful synergy that supports profound transformation and growth. It enables us to release old patterns, heal emotional wounds, and align with our authentic selves.
Through my own experiences and witnessing the transformative journeys of others, I have come to understand the immense power of integrating holistic wellness and energy healing. It is a holistic approach that nurtures and empowers us on all levels—mind, body, and soul.
💫 Embrace the Power of Holistic Wellness and Energy Healing. Unlock Your True Potential. 💫


Healing is not a smooth journey. It's normal to stumble and lose sight of progress, but what matters is taking responsibility, recognising when we stray, and making a conscious effort to get back on track. Here are some signs of progress in my healing journey:
Increased self-awareness: Paying closer attention to thoughts, emotions, and actions.
Acceptance and release: Letting go of past wounds, leading to forgiveness and inner peace.
Shift in perspective: Seeing experiences as lessons and opportunities for growth.
Healthier coping mechanisms: Engaging in constructive activities for emotional processing.
Setting boundaries and self-care: Recognising limits and prioritising well-being.
Resilience and adaptability: Bouncing back stronger from challenges.
Deeper connections: Enhanced empathy and understanding for meaningful relationships.
Remember, healing is not linear, and everyone's journey is unique. Recognising these signs helps us stay on the path of progress.


✨Contraction and Expansion✨
In my perspective, I see the contraction phase as the universe pulling you back like a catapult, preparing you to be launched forward as an improved and renewed version of yourself.
Life is a continuous cycle of contraction and expansion, similar to our breath or the changing of seasons. Contraction can happen unexpectedly, triggered by events like losing a job or ending a relationship, and it can leave us feeling overwhelmed, lost, and stuck. But during these moments, the universe is creating space for something new and good to come into our lives.
Contraction is necessary for growth and transformation, allowing us to reflect and let go of what no longer serves us. It's a time for introspection, self-care, and self-discovery. By exploring our fears and doubts and releasing them, we create space for new energy and growth.
As we let go of what no longer serves us, we set intentions for what we want to bring into our lives. We align our thoughts and actions with our desired outcomes, creating the conditions for expansion.
When we're ready to move into expansion, we experience a surge of new energy and inspiration. Synchronicities and opportunities align with our intentions, and we're guided towards our highest good. It's a time for action, for stepping out of our comfort zones and taking risks.
So, if you're going through a period of contraction, remember that it's only temporary. Trust in the process, focus on self-care and self-discovery, and know that expansion is just around the corner. The universe is always working in your favor, guiding you towards your highest good.


✨Benefits of Relaxation massage and Reiki✨
Incorporating relaxation massage and Reiki into your self-care routine can be incredibly beneficial for your overall health and wellbeing. Here are some reasons why:
Promotes Deep Relaxation: Relaxation massage and Reiki both help to promote deep relaxation and reduce stress, which can be beneficial for those who struggle with anxiety or tension. When you're relaxed, your body is better able to heal and repair itself.
Reduces Muscular Tension: Relaxation massage can help to alleviate muscular tension and spasms, while Reiki can help to release emotional blockages that may contribute to muscular tension. This can be particularly beneficial for those who experience chronic pain or stiffness.
Promotes Emotional Healing: The combination of relaxation massage and Reiki can help to release emotional blockages and promote emotional healing. It can also help to reduce anxiety, depression, and other emotional imbalances.
Boosts Immune Function: Studies have shown that relaxation massage and Reiki can both help to boost immune function. When you're relaxed, your body is better able to fight off illness and disease.
Improves Sleep: Relaxation massage and Reiki can both help to improve the quality of your sleep. When you're relaxed and your energy centers are balanced, you're more likely to fall asleep quickly and stay asleep throughout the night.
Promotes Spiritual Connection: Reiki can help to connect you to your inner self and promote a sense of spiritual connection. It can also help to promote a deeper understanding of your purpose in life and connect you to a higher power.
Incorporating relaxation massage and Reiki into your self-care routine can be a powerful way to support your overall health and wellbeing. By promoting relaxation, reducing muscular tension, promoting emotional healing, boosting immune function, improving sleep, and promoting spiritual connection, these practices can help you feel more balanced, grounded, and centered in your daily life.


"Self-care isn't selfish, it's essential. It's the fuel that keeps our mind, body, and soul running smoothly. Without it, we risk burning out and becoming overwhelmed.
self-care isn't just about bubble baths, it's about listening to your needs and taking action to meet them. So make self-care a non-negotiable part of your daily routine.
Whether it's a walk in nature, saying no to extra commitments, or simply unplugging from day to day duties to go within, start to prioritise the things that truly nourish and rejuvenate your soul. Invest in yourself, and watch how your life begins to thrive.


"True wisdom comes from within. When we learn to listen to our inner voice and trust our intuition, we tap into a well of knowledge and insight that can lead us towards a more fulfilling and meaningful life."

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