Creative Breathwork

Creative Breathwork Retreats
Professional Facilitator Training Programs and Mentorship

Welcome to Native Spirit Creative Breathwork a sacred space to learn and practice the transformative power of the Conscious Breath the profound insight and clarity from Crystal Mandala Shamanic practices and the loving healing qualities of our products made with the highest quality ingredients to support your healing journey.


I've been away from social media for a while to connect more deeply with the present moment and my reality.
Nothing connects us more deeply than the birthing space. The indescribable closeness to the crackling energy of the spark of life.
That moment when a pure soul enters this earthly realm and is welcomed wholeheartedly is what makes this life a mystery of the heart.
I am cracked open at an even deeper layer than I thought possible and am reminded that the depth of the heart is bottomless and ever expanding in all directions.
Thank you, my amazing son .parkerdavies and daughter inlaw,.yahia, for ushering me into the grandmother years, the second spring. Forever grateful and in love ❤️


Our breathwork group is on again this Sunday in Lawson .

Conscious Breathwork group on this Sunday evening in Lawson at the Flow Yoga studio.
Link to purchase a ticket below.


Sometimes, I feel tired to the bone of what this world presents, I marvel at the strength it takes to navigate this life, where you can witness the mass slaughter of a race of people then scroll down to a recipe for a delicious date and chocolate slice.
The agony of fully feeling the reality of this world is unbearable, yet we bear it. How?!
Love is the only answer to this question:
How do I stay in a world so deluded and cruel and seemingly on a rapid path to demise? Love.
As I write this, I am awaiting the birth of my first grandchild, who is already deeply loved by his large Palestinian family and his Australian family.
How blessed am I to be the grandmother of this next generation Palestinian / Australian child who will know safety, love, community, and family.
This is what keeps me moving forward, keeps me inhaling life force and surrendering to the exhale, trusting in a divine plan but also upping my game in authenticity, walking my talk and divesting from this colonial, capitalist empire.

How do I divest?
Teaching people to breathe a conscious connected breath to support the return to full power embodiment and connection to reality.
I am thoughtful about where I spend my money, anywhere that supports genocide I am withdrawing from, I have closed bank accounts and super funds.
I am continually educating myself on colonisation and am horrified at the white colonial education I had as a child.

But mostly, I am building a tiny house off grid on a Permaculture property to dive deeper into family, community, and return to nature.🌿

I am deeply grateful for my breath, for without it, there is no life.


Conscious Breathwork group on this Sunday evening in Lawson at the Flow Yoga studio.
Link to purchase a ticket below.


Creative Breathwork group is on again. This Sunday, 30th June, at Lawson Flow Yoga studio GWH.
A link to purchase a ticket is in our bio.
These groups sell out fast.
See you there for 2 hours of conscious connection, healing, and purification using Rebirthing Breathwork.


Our September retreat has sold out. The waitlist for our November retreat is open. Please comment breathe below or DM us to get an application pack sent out to you.


September Breathwork retreat to be announced.
Spots will sell out fast
Comment 'Breathe' to be sent our application pack.
Can't wait to see who is joining our next life expanding training.
With love ❤️ Redlyn and the Creative Breathwork team.


Our monthly group is on this Sunday
We have changed venues to the Yoga centre in Lawson opposite the train station on the Great Western Highway. 6pm-8pm
This group books out quickly. the link is in our Bio.
Suitable for beginners as well as those experienced with Breathwork.
DM me if you are unsure if this group is suitable for you.
See you there for an evening of connection, release, and reset. 💫


Link to donate.
Let's show Gaza we have been watching and waiting for a chance to show them directly. we are here, and we care!
That chance is here!
It's time for everyone to give.
Trucks are getting through.
Let's do it!


Online mentorship with Redlyn

Hi, Redlyn here! If I had a mentor in my 20’s 30’s or 40’s I think I would have accelerated my life in the direction I am now walking in my 50’s

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE my life and am grateful for the path I have chosen, but my journey here has been with many lessons that I now love supporting others to fast track. Lessons are important, but a mentor can help you move through them quickly, get the learning, and step powerfully towards your rightful place in life.

I am honoured and excited to give you some of my hindsight and support you to become the person you are here to be.

4 month Creative Breathwork mentorship program with Redlyn Kym Parker.

Each month explores a different element with breathwork and processes to help deepen your self mastery.

Month 1-  Earth this month we explore our roots, our lineage, our place on this planet, through grounding practices, cleaning up what we are consuming and putting into our body, birth trauma processes and much more.

Month 2 - Air here, we explore and experience the air purification techniques of breathwork and mind purification of mantra and meditation. We will focus on cleaning up our thoughts and beliefs.

Month 3 - Water, this month we explore our emotional intelligence, learn to express in a productive way, explore areas we are in flow and ways we block this flow through fear and accumulated unexpressed emotional trauma.

Month 4 - Fire is strongly connected to our life purpose. In this last month, we will be exploring and doing breathwork and processes to ignite the fire of passion and purpose. You will finish this mentorship feeling more connected to why you are here on this planet at this time and how to make it happen.

What is in the mentorship?

Continued in comments.........


Join us this Sunday, February 4th, at The Inner Space Katoomba.
For our Conscious Connected Breathwork workshop.
6pm-8pm beginners welcome. $45 or $50 at the door.
Link in bio or DM, and we will send you the link.

Photos from Creative Breathwork's post 02/01/2024

Caesarean Birth is on the rise and according to new research from the World Health Organization caesarean section use continues to rise globally, now accounting for more than 1 in 5 (21%) of all childbirths. This number is set to continue increasing over the coming decade, with nearly a third (29%) of all births likely to take place by caesarean section by 2030.,

Risks with a caesarean birth:
- Side effects and complications from anesthesia including, nausea, drowsiness, dizziness, short-term memory loss and, in rare circumstances, an allergic reaction.
- Pain after surgery. There are several layers of body tissue that are cut that then need to repair after a caesarean, so post-surgical pain is to be expected.
- Infection of the wound and bladder.
- Blood clots after surgery.
- You may not be able to hold or feed your baby immediately after the birth, which may have implications for breastfeeding.
- Adhesions or scar tissue can form in your abdomen, which can cause ongoing pain and have implications for future abdominal surgery.

After you have had one caesarean section the risk of complications increases with each caesarean after that.

Possible thought matrix formed from a cesarean birth can be:
- Have to be rescued/ Can't do it myself (More common in -emergency cesarean)
- Feels interrupted, not understood and angry
- Have difficulty completing things
- Create constant interruptions
- Skip's steps
- May either crave touch or dislike touch
- May set up situations where they need to be bailed out
- Fear of completion/ survive by being incomplete

My experience of birthing my son has given me so much insight into the personality created due to birth imprints. I was set up at home to give birth in a pool with my family and friends around me, little did I know that my own birth trauma which was a complex belief that I have to look after everyone kept me from being able to drop into the space I needed to be in to birth my son and we ended up in hospital with a very traumatic emergency cesarean which I still (25 years later), have complications from.
I was unable to birth my son due to my own birth trauma and the overwhelm at having too many people, all with their own birth trauma present at the birth.

Hindsight is a powerful tool and I use my experience from my sons birth to help support people to heal from their own birth trauma and the overwhelming guilt that some parents can feel at how they birthed their own children.

Do you know someone who was born via cesarean?

Photos from Creative Breathwork's post 27/12/2023

This Birth Imprint can be one of the most triggering to discuss because of the possible life/death implications. Please refrain from attacking language and instead please share your experience in the comments with the understanding that this is a delicate subject for some people.

Cord around the neck birth:
This type of birth, in Rebirthing terms, can come with some imprints that are difficult to digest.

The residue beliefs of this Imprint can be:
- In order to survive in the world, I have to nearly die
- Confusion between life and death
- Can be uncomfortable with anything around the neck
- Or be very comfortable with wearing things around the neck
- Can be cut off from emotions
- Strong death urge
- Tendency to self-sabotage

If this is your imprint or someone you know, you can ask, ' What was going on before the birth?, To help gauge if there was some trauma already present.

In order to heal trauma we need to be open to understanding and learning.

If you feel triggered by this post, reach out in the comments or DM for more support.

Photos from Creative Breathwork's post 22/12/2023

As the holiday season wraps us in its magical embrace, let's make a commitment to nurture our well-being with these 5 Positive Holiday Affirmations:

1️⃣ I will be gentle with myself today: I choose to let go of self-criticism. Today, I embrace gentleness, allowing myself the space to breathe, relax, and be present in the moment.

2️⃣ I am a beacon of love and : I radiate positivity. In the midst of the chaos in the world, I am a source of light and joy. My positivity not only uplifts my spirits but also influences those around me, creating a ripple of warmth and happiness.

3️⃣ I express gratitude for all that is my life: Each moment is a precious gift, and I savor the beauty that surrounds me. I am grateful for the sights, sounds, smells and flavors of this world.

4️⃣ I give thanks to all the angels in my life: I acknowledge and appreciate the angels in my life—those who bring love, support, and positivity. This Christmas, my heart overflows with gratitude for the cherished souls who make my journey brighter.

5️⃣ 2024 will be a good year for me and my loved ones: Looking ahead with hope and anticipation, I affirm that the coming year holds promise and blessings. Like a beautifully wrapped gift waiting to be opened, I welcome the positive possibilities that 2024 brings for myself and my loved ones.

🌬️ And as we embrace the spirit of letting go, let us release the weight of negative feelings. Like exhaling a breath, I choose to release self-doubt, fear, and negativity that no longer serves me. This holiday season is a time for renewal, and I step into the new year with a heart unburdened.

🌬️Breathe in positivity, exhale negativity with "Creative Breathwork.". Drop your favourite affirmations or share your thoughts below! Let's spread the joy and positivity together.

Photos from Creative Breathwork's post 18/12/2023

An induced birth comes with risks such as:
- The mother's body isn't ready to birth.
- The baby isn't ready for birth
- Can lead to Cesarean
- Can lead to more intervention

Robyn Fernance says in her book 'Being Born', "How much memory do you have about who was really in charge of your birth? Was the timing and conditions ideal for you? Or were they imposed on you by the needs and concerns of others?"
Induced babies can develop personality traits that respond to the experience of having their births natural timing taken away.

Ways in which induced babies express
- Can be resentful of people in their space
- Can feel controlled by others
- What I want isn't important
- "I can't do it myself"
- Get even by withholding themselves
- Has trouble initiating things

The way in which we are born is our first experience of life and sets us up with a foundational belief system that becomes an unconscious way of behaving.

Healing and integrating our birth trauma requires us to understand our birth trauma and do the work to redesign our perspective and our behaviour.

Rebirthing Breathwork is a somatic technique that takes you on a journey of past trauma body recall. healing old thought patterns and integration of new ways of seeing the world and ourselves

Do you know someone whose birth was induced?
Next Imprint *Cord around the neck birth.

Photos from Creative Breathwork's post 15/12/2023

Forceps delivery is used sometimes when labour has stalled. Forceps are a medical tool that looks like metal salad tongs and are used to grasp your baby inside the birth canal and help guide them out.

Risks to the birthing mother from forceps delivery include:
- Vaginal tearing is more common with forceps.
- Tears of the muscle or wall of the re**um.
- Incontinence after delivery. This risk increases with the risk of tears.
- Pelvic organ prolapse.

Risks to the baby from forceps delivery. Risks include:
- Temporary facial nerve palsy. Damage to the nerves in the baby’s face can produce temporary muscle weakness and drooping of the face.
- Skull fracture.
- Bleeding within the skull. This is rare but serious.

In the Rebirthing tradition, a forceps birth can instil these beliefs:
- 'I can't make it on my own.'
- 'People are out to get me.'
- 'Support is painful'

Some symptoms of children and adults with birth trauma from a forceps delivery:
- Anger at being controlled
- Tendency to migraines
- Create situations where they have to be 'pulled out' by others

Do you know someone who was delivered with forceps?


Understanding Birth Imprints can be a triggering subject. Your comments and questions are welcome.

Our birth is the single most important event that sets us up for life. The intention of Creative Breathwork retreats is to support you to understand, know and heal your birth trauma. "What if I had a normal birth", I hear you say! Ok, lets look at "Normal Birth or Vaginal Birth.'

In Western culture, 'normal birth' begins with a measurement based on a linear time frame where the mother is given a due date, which is
roughly 9 months from her last period. The more we study the feminine principle we understand that linear time is not a helpful way to measure it.

During the 9 months, most people in the mother's life will make her acutely aware of how long she has and the expectation of her birthing the baby on this given date. When this date arrives, she is given 1-2 weeks to have the baby, and if this doesn't occur in the time frame, she is given hormones to stimulate labour; once her labour is artificially stimulated, the unique communication between the baby and the mother's body is interfered with and thus the beginning of a dis-regulated nervous system as the labour is rushed to fit into someone else's time frame. Once in hospital, the mother is offered pain relief in the form of gas or epidural; these drugs can take the mother away from the natural process of birthing and
set her up to fall out of rhythm with her body and the baby. Once the
baby is born vaginally; it is cut immediately from its placenta, which
forces the baby to breathe air into a set of lungs never before used,
don't forget this baby has been floating in water blissfully for around
9 months and in a 'normal hospital birth' is forced into an air-based
environment with no time to adjust. The baby is weighed, measured, given injections of Vit K and sometimes other things, wrapped tightly and eventually given to its mother.

After having Rebirthed hundreds of people, I am in no doubt that this 'Normal birth' can be traumatic and leaves emotional and psychological scars. Because the birth was far from natural but is described as normal, this person can have the belief that 'I am not important', 'my pain isn't believed', 'I don't matter.'
Did you have a 'Normal' birth? Can you relate to this description? Let
us know in the comments.

* Next- Imprint Forceps birth

Photos from Creative Breathwork's post 26/11/2023

I am continually amazed and humbled by the depth that the breath can guide us into.
Every retreat we hold at Creative Breathwork is like a journey into each person's ancestral past.
A journey back through childhood, birth, and the lineage that has informed our particular patterns of operating in the world.
I am privileged to work with people at such soulful depths and hold a delicate and sensitive space for each participants individual journey of discovery.
Spiritual purification is at the core of our retreats, and often, to get the wisdom and bliss that is our birthright, we are asked to visit the shadows, the abandoned and unacceptable aspects of our being.
This shadow work is the most important work to be done. It takes grit, courage, and a willingness to face the darkness handed down to us by our ancestors.
The dark shadows are just aspects of our being that have been abandoned, ignored, shamed, disowned, and unloved, and like any being subject to this treatment, it becomes toxic.
The team at Creative Breathwork has done and continues to do the shadow work required to support you in an exploration of profound healing and reclamation.
Reach out if you feel the call to join our next retreat in February 2024.


Excited to announce our next Blue Mountains group.
Sunday evening Dec 10th 6pm-8pm.
At The Inner Space Katoomba.
These events sell out quickly.
Follow Link to book your spot.


This is it – your final chance to seize the opportunity and unlock the world of Level 1 Breathwork Training with us. The doors close midnight, and we don't want you to miss out!

Click here for more details and join the fastest-growing community in the healing world:

I can’t wait to meet you!

Photos from Creative Breathwork's post 05/10/2023

The best thing about undergoing the Level 1 Breathwork Training in the online space is flexibility; you can control where and when you’ll work, giving you the freedom to control your time around work, family and daily life.

Here's what our Level 1 online training can do for you. Swipe to learn more!

Join now! >>


Breathwork came into my life when I was at a crossroads and knew I had to change my life, but didn’t know how. I attended a 10-day breathwork retreat with Rebirthing founder Leonard Orr, and my life was never the same. But the real work and transformation started when I stepped into my purpose of teaching and working with people. I have taught many people who are now influencing millions of people all over the world teaching Creative Breathwork.

This training will equip you to start making changes in your own life and the lives of your clients. Join my Level 1 Online Breathwork Training course and discover for yourself the power of breathwork and unlock your true potential.

Don't miss this golden opportunity to transform your life and become a Certified Creative Breathwork practitioner.

Photos from Creative Breathwork's post 03/10/2023

I am thrilled to share some exciting news with you! The moment you've been waiting for is here—the launch of our online Level 1 Breathwork training.

Have you ever envisioned yourself as a Breathwork facilitator? Or perhaps you're currently navigating a life that feels stuck despite your best intentions? My Level 1 training is designed to empower individuals like you to unlock their full potential, whether you're already in a healing practice or seeking personal transformation.

Click here to enrol:
DM me to join my mailing list.

Photos from Creative Breathwork's post 22/09/2023

What is something that people don't know about you?


We are gathering again this Sunday, the 27th of August, at The Inner Space Katoomba, for our Conscious Connected Monthly Breathwork group.
Our group sold out quickly last month, If you feel the pull to join us, the booking link is below.

FREE EVENT: An introduction to Wild Ancestry — The Stoned Chrysalis 20/07/2023

Join our FREE workshop this Sunday 4pm

FREE EVENT: An introduction to Wild Ancestry — The Stoned Chrysalis An introduction to Wild Ancestry is a free community event for anyone who is feeling the call to reconnect with their lineage and their healed ancestors. We believe that at this time on Earth it is imperative that we tend the wounds of separation and remember the value in knowing where we come from


invites you to a free workshop to introduce our Wild Ancestry courses.
, in collaboration with , will be introducing you to intentional breathwork to begin a journey of lineage reconnection and ancestral healing.
We are offering this workshop absolutely free and would love for you to join us.
This workshop is perfect for beginners to breathwork and those who are well versed in conscious, connected breath.
Reach out if you're unsure if this workshop is suitable for you.
See you in 2 weeks.
Redlyn and Aimee


Breathwork group this Sunday at The Inner Space Katoomba.
This event sold out last month, quickly.
Grab your tickets at:
Or message us for a link.
Learn a tool you can use every day to regulate anxiety, stress, and your nervous system and to connect you with higher states of being, consciousness, and wisdom.


This Sunday Breathwork group at The Inner Space Katoomba
Message us for payment link, or to see if this technique is suitable for you.

Want your public figure to be the top-listed Public Figure in Leura?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Early bird bookings are now OPEN for our unforgettable February Sydney retreat. Don’t miss out on the ultimate transform...
Let this life flow through you.Let the rawness of every feeling be felt as they move  through your being.Breathe as you ...
Creative Breathwork professional training is focused on your own personal work, elemental purification practices, and tr...
August 2023 retreat early bird bookings are
Looking back on some of the retreats we have held over the years and the legends that have come to do the work to expand...
Seeing the depth of transformation in our students is why we do what we do. If you’re ready to see where the path could ...
The first birth wound many of us are still experiencing as adults is a split from the soul. ⠀⠀The soul splits from the b...
Many of us were not even aware of what our mothers were really experiencing during our conception. Their thoughts, feeli...
Gone are the days of the unhealed healers. Our clients must come first. I was put on this planet to guide others through...




Leura, NSW

Opening Hours

Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
6pm - 7pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm

Other Leura public figures (show all)
Peter Long Peter Long
PO Box 7170
Leura, 2780

Peter is an Australian composer, audio engineer and multi-instrumentalist based in the Blue Mountain

Liz Oski Art Liz Oski Art
Strathearn Road
Leura, 2780

Shop for Wall Art canvas prints, of my original paintings and digital art photography. You may also send in your favourite photograph and I will create a personalised fabulous wa...

Balkan Boogie Balkan Boogie
Leura, 2780

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MR.KU art MR.KU art

Welcome to my little MR.KU art gallery. Hope you all enjoy my paintings and if you have a any questions about my art work please send me a message!!

Roslynmary art. Roslynmary art.
Leura, 2780

Paintings from Leura, Australia.

Ashram Poets Ashram Poets
PO Box 7170
Leura, 2780

Ashram Poets is a recording project by Greg Vincent and Peter Long mixing indie rock and electronica

CozziCraft CozziCraft
PO BOX 7167
Leura, 2780

Alexander Technique Net Alexander Technique Net
Leura, 2780

Regularly updated videos, articles and discussions about the Alexander Technique. Feel free to parti

Silversalt Photography Silversalt Photography
Leura, 2780


Doctor Goddard Doctor Goddard

Cosmic Desert Rock

The Winstons The Winstons
PO Box 7170
Leura, 2780

The Winstons are a guitar, bass and drums trio based in the Blue Mountains. We're good fun!

Michael Rossiter Michael Rossiter
Leura, 2780

I am an up and coming Australian contemporary artist with a focus on original oil on canvas painting