Dynamic Therapy, Melbourne, VIC Videos

Videos by Dynamic Therapy in Melbourne. Email: [email protected] Tel: 0434 178 693

Are you pushing through pain on your leg days? 😖

You shouldn’t have to anymore!

To make your lunges pain free, try out these variations to grow those stompers! 🦵😎

#myotherapy #legday #kneepain #hippain #runnersknee

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Are you pushing through pain on your leg days? 😖 You shouldn’t have to anymore! To make your lunges pain free, try out these variations to grow those stompers! 🦵😎 #myotherapy #legday #kneepain #hippain #runnersknee

For our boxers out there! 🥊🔥 Here’s our DT certified shoulder routine to get you set to go all out for your training and the bouts! 💪🔔 Found this helpful? Share this with your team so you’re all ready to take on the next big fight! 👊 #myotherapy #boxing #ausboxing #shouldermobility

We’re so glad our tables bend 😭 Opens up your back so you can feel a bigger stretch 😍 Or if you find laying on your stomach is uncomfortable, this helps that too! #myotherapy #cupping #firecupping

RUNNING SERIES PART 7 - STOP ROLLING YOUR ITB I’ve said this many times before, but we’re talking about it again! Rolling. Your. ITB. Does. Nothing. All you’re doing, is causing unnecessary pain to yourself! So I’ll show you a few exercises in the next video, on how to get change in your ITB ✌🏼 #myotherapy #itbsyndrome #kneepain #kneepainrelief

RUNNING SERIES PART 4 - TIBIALIS ANTERIOR & SHIN SPLINTS This is most commonly the “main” shin splint muscle, where people do experience pain when running. Its important to know that this muscle, most of the time, is very stiff and weak, causing the rest of your lower leg to work that much harder. Stay tuned for the rehab tonight ✌🏼 #myotherapy #shinsplints #marathontraining #anklepain

RUNNING SERIES PART 4 - TIBIALIS POSTERIOR & FLAT FEET Moving on to this muscle, I can stress enough how important this muscle is. It helps to control your ankle joint, and can effect the medial arch of your foot. Keep an eye out on the rehab exercises coming tomorrow ✌🏼 #myotherapy #marathontraining #shinsplints

Healthy hips are crucial for stability, posture, and a range of movements. Strength and flexibility in the hips boost overall well-being, minimize injury risks, and improve functional mobility 🤸‍♂️ When the glutes are weak, this can lead to overworking other muscles, including those in the groin, to compensate for the lack of strength in the glute 🥲 For example - if the glutes are not adequately engaged during activities like walking or running , the groin muscles may bear additional stress to maintain stability and support the hip joint 😥 This can result in discomfort, strain, or overuse injuries in the groin area 😮‍💨 Do you have a current hip issue going on? DM us and let’s help you out! 👨‍🔧 #myotherapy #hippain #groinstrain #sciatica

Look after your hands! 🤲 Wrist health is super important especially with how often we are on our devices and perform repetitive tasks 🤳😮‍💨 The hand/wrist can be often overlooked so getting the “upper hand” 🫳 on your health is important. So we beg you all - don’t be complacent! If you’d like to continue doing the things you love and need to do, show some love to your hands first 🫶 Do you get wrist pain or clicking? DM us let us show how we can help! 📥 #myotherapy #wristpain #carpaltunnel

We had a client came in recently with calf pain 🤕 1 month ago he was playing rugby and after attempting a sharp turn he felt a pop in his right calf and it began to swell! 😱😭 Doctors suggested him to perform RICE and take some painkillers 🙄 Now that the swelling has gone down, he is able to walk just fine but still finds pain running and doing calf raises 😮‍💨 What do you think happened to his calf? 🤔 Leave your thoughts in the comments! 👇 #myotherapy #calfpain #calfrehab

Anyone else been feeling so tight through here lately 😮‍💨 Because of our daily lives, work and activities, the mid back’s definitely been a rising trend in tension lately 😓 maybe for YOU, it’s time to get it sorted so it doesn’t bother you anymore! 🤩 #myotherapy #backpain #backpainrelief #backmassage #posture

Are you feeling pain that feels like it’s going all the way down your leg? Have you asked Google and he’s told you that it’s sciatica? 😱 Let’s take a step back for a second… 😅 The glute med/min muscle has a very similar pain referral that goes down the back of your leg and calf! If your feeling this yourself, grab a mate and get them to do this on you 😆 Try to find 3-4 sore spot/knots on the side of your hip and apply pressure on them for about 1 minute - and you’ll be good to go! 🏃‍♂️ Let’s help each other out 😍 #myotherapy #backpain #sciatica #sciaticpain #hippain

Pulled something? Strain or sprain? What do they mean? 🤔 These both mean something has been stretched too far but bottom line - Strain = muscle Sprain = ligament Good news! They can both be treated through remedial message and Myotherapy 🤩 Has this ever happened to you before? 🫵 #myotherapy #remedialmassage #musclestrain #sprainedankle

Walking Backwards 🚶‍♀️➡️ Walking backwards, also known as retro walking, can provide benefits for the body that you may not get when walking forwards normally. Prehab before rehab is the motto we like to go by in the clinic. 💪 Muscle Engagement: Walking in reverse engages different muscle groups than forward walking. It can work your calf muscles, quadriceps, and hamstrings more intensely. 🦵 This variation can lead to better overall leg strength and toning. 😍 Joint Health: Retro walking is a low-impact exercise, which puts less stress on your joints compared to running or walking forward. This can be beneficial for people with joint issues such as the knee. Any questions please feel free to comment below or Dm us! #myotherapy #kneepain #kneepainrelief

Have you ever gotten a massage from your partner and they’ve told you you’ve got knots in your shoulder blade? 🤯 Or tried massaging your forearm after typing and felt those sore lumps? 😩 Muscle knots are those annoying tense spots in your muscle which just about everyone has! They develop due to tension, overuse, posture, inactivity - It’s been a pandemic since we’ve had muscles in our body 😭 But don’t you worry, muscle knots are normal very everyone to have, but they are a problem once they affect muscle function, length or cause you pain! Think of those knots in your shoulder right now, why not tackle them from causing you anymore pain? 🫵 Send this to someone who has knots galore! 😆 #myotherapy #remedialmassage #muscleknots #musclepain #musclepainrelief

Hamstring Nordics 🧔‍♂️ This exercise is a variation of the standard movement and the goal is to strengthen and lengthen the hamstrings, helping to prevent injuries and improve athletic performance or maintain general longevity of the area. 🏋️‍♂️ Benefits of Nordics include: - Increased hamstring strength 💪 - Improved flexibility 🤸‍♂️ - Reduced risk of hamstring injuries ⛑️ - Enhanced athletic performance in activities like running and sports. 🏃💨 Share this with someone who misses leg day 🦵🙄 #myotherapy #hamstringnordics #kneepain #hamstringworkout

Traction ✨ Also known as decompression, is a subtle yet powerful technique that can address a variety of underlying health concerns you might be facing. 💥 Many individuals visit our clinic with various issues that can significantly benefit from traction as part of their treatment plan. Take, for instance, hip pain centered around the joint or neck pain… lately, we’ve seen traction can help with those issues and have a flow on effect for surrounding areas that can be hampered by a stiff hip or neck restriction. The Benefits of Traction Include: * Reduced Stiffness and Increased Mobility * Improved Circulation: Enhancing blood flow is key to the healing process. * Enhanced Posture and Alignment: Better posture and spinal alignment. * Pain Relief: Many find relief from discomfort through traction therapy. Please don’t hesitate to leave a comment or send us a direct message. ✉️ #myotherapy #hippain #hippainrelief #neckpain #neckpainrelief #bursitis

This goes out to you silly gooses out there! 🪿 DUCK FEET! One thing we tend to not look at in terms of posture is our lower body, let’s bring awareness to it! 💡 Have a look now! Stand up and look at how your feet are, if your toes point outward, that’s a sign that your hips are outwardly rotated - meaning your glutes are relaxed and your back has to do more work! 🐢 So start pointing those toes forward y’all! Check our post on groins strains (by Jason) for some exercises which can also help with this 🙌 #myotherapy #remedialmassage #lowerbackpain #duckfeet

EVERY client is a learning experience! As therapists, it’s super easy to just go through the motions of treating! You can go a few weeks being on a hot streak with clients 🔥🔧 BUT every now and then a client will come through to challenge that streak 😅 but these are the types of clients that Dynamic Therapy takes pride in seeing! Because where some may refer you off or tell you to get a scan or even surgery, we take it as an opportunity to drop our ego and expand our craft, properly assess you and really figure out the WHY behind your pain! 🔎 #remedialmassage #myotherapy #myotherapyclinic #shoulderpain

If you have any hamstring issues, whether its weakness, or you’re recovering from a hamstring strain or ACL surgery - give this hamstring exercise variation a go for all your strength and rehab needs 🤝🏼 #hamstringrehab #rdl #aclrecovery

Here’s a simple and easy variation to chin tucks you can do to relieve your symptoms of vertigo! (and also improve your posture 😎) Share this with someone who needs to try this! #myotherapy #vertigo #vertigorelief #chintucks