Taylormade Investment Solutions

Use our expertise to achieve financial wellbeing by a portfolio of quality properties.



Our strategy sessions are personalised to you. Whether you’re an experienced investor who struggled, or a first-time investor not sure where to start, we’ve helped people from all walks of life.

We believe investing for your future is important, regardless of your profession, age or stage of life. Whatever your objectives are, we’re here to help.

Taylormade Investment Solutions is a consulting unit specializing in financial support solutions. In the form of one-on-one consultation, we will design for you the best set of solutions, help you maximize your loan, get a good interest rate, and help you with the correct paperwork and legal process and law. We have helped many individuals and business owners with many different types of Visas to take advantage of good loans to invest and do business in Australia. Do you need support? Contact us now for a FREE consultation!

Taylormade Investment Solutions
Mobile: +61 450 011 910
Zalo: +84 938 451 591
Email: [email protected]



Reassessing priorities in the face of rising living costs and a post-pandemic world, Australian families are shifting their perceptions of the ideal family home.

🌟 20-Minute Neighbourhood: According to a recent study commissioned by ING, convenience and smaller, low-maintenance homes are becoming paramount for Aussie homebuyers. They're seeking properties located in “20-minute neighbourhoods” – where all their daily needs can be easily accessed within a 20-minute walk, drive, or bicycle ride.

More than 86% of families searching for a new home prioritize these convenient neighbourhoods. It's not just about proximity to work; 38% aim to minimize travel expenses, 36% prioritize public transportation options, and around 20% want to live closer to friends and family.

🏡 Smaller Homes, Bigger Benefits: Smaller, low-maintenance homes are gaining traction, as 26% of potential buyers believe larger homes would lead to higher maintenance costs. Moreover, 19% are open to reducing outdoor space to find their perfect abode. It's all about efficiency and balance!

🌟 Expert Advice: Fiona Prater, Head of Mortgages at ING Australia, offers tips for Aussie families searching for their ideal home.

1. Set a realistic and manageable home purchase budget.

2. Compare mortgages to find the best fit.

3. Determine necessary home features and location aspects.

4. Be open to compromise.

💡 What do you think about these changing home preferences? Are you looking for a home that aligns with these trends, or do you have unique preferences of your own? Either way, we're here to help!

📞 Let our experienced team at Taylormade - Investment Solutions be your guide. We'll navigate the evolving landscape and secure the best mortgage options tailored to your needs. Call us today to schedule a FREE consultation and discover how we can turn your dream home into a reality!

Taylormade Investment Solutions
Mobile: +61 450 011 910
Zalo: +84 938 451 591
Email: [email protected]



🏠 Recent research reveals that homeownership remains a top financial goal for one-third of Australians, despite many challenges. Young Australians especially grapple with short-term cost-of-living issues while striving for their long-term aspirations.

🌟 Dough's Wealth Health study shows that concerns over financial situations are widespread, causing more than a quarter of Australians to doubt their ability to achieve homeownership. Nonetheless, the desire to own a home remains strong, with one in three still aspiring to make it a reality.

🌟 Many Australians also recognize the importance of setting financial goals and strategizing their investment. Approximately 4 in 5 consider building long-term wealth to be crucial, and a similar number utilize savings as their primary wealth-building strategy.

🌟 On the other hand, while concerns about rising interest rates persist, 75% of Australians admit they have never sought professional advice, and 60% claim limited knowledge about investing.

🌟 Andy Taylor – Dough’s founder and CEO – advises homebuyers to seek professional advice from experts such as mortgage brokers or financial experts, who can provide valuable guidance on the path to homeownership. He also insisted that homebuyers should focus on wealth-building strategies and invest in small but frequent intervals to overcome barriers like insufficient savings and unforeseen expenses.

📍 If you are a potential homebuyer or property investor navigating these challenges, take the next step by contacting Taylormade - Investment Solutions today! Our experts are eager to help you seize opportunities and guide you towards your dream home.
Taylormade Investment Solutions
Mobile: +61 450 011 910
Zalo: +84 938 451 591
Email: [email protected]



Amidst the rise in interest rates, borrowers are still making moves in the housing market! Refinancing activity, although slightly eased from record highs, remains elevated. The desire for competitive home loan rates remains strong.

📈 Recent data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows that refinancing activity is soaring.

In April alone, new owner-occupier housing loan refinances between lenders amounted to an impressive $13.0 billion, even with an 8.6% decrease from the previous month's record high.

📉 Total imminent loan commitments appear to have undergone a mild downfall recently.

However, this dip serves as beneficial leverage to help savvy investors and property buyers negotiate some outstanding deals – in April alone it skydived steadfastly at 2.9% or $23.3 billion, offering market-savvy consumers options that can positively benefit them.

📍 Are you feeling intimidated by the competition? Don't miss out on the chance to find your perfect home and contact Taylormade - Investment Solutions today for a FREE consultation that will empower you to take charge of the market!
Taylormade Investment Solutions
Mobile: +61 450 011 910
Zalo: +84 938 451 591
Email: [email protected]



The housing market rebound is facing potential challenges. According to latest expert’s insight, the sharp rise in house prices may start to wane and even reverse unless interest rates begin to fall in the next six months. Let's delve into the details:

💡 TCorp chief economist Brian Redican urges caution, highlighting some vital concerns that could impact future trends. Redican points out that without a drop in interest rates within the next six months, the momentum behind this rebound could fade and potentially reverse.

📊 Recent Core Logic’s statistics show a rapid 1.2% nationwide increase in house prices, marking the fastest monthly growth in 18 months. Sydney home values surged even further with a remarkable 1.8% rise, resulting in a 3-month growth of 4.5%.

🏦 The Reserve Bank's rate hikes continue to create turbulence, with ongoing ripple effects throughout the system. Consequently, numerous homebuyers – including those transitioning from fixed-rate loans – may encounter increased mortgage rates in the coming months.

🔎 These elements, paired with possible affordability issues, could result in a housing market slowdown. Expert economists like Shane Oliver and Louis Christopher emphasize the risk of multiple rate increases, which may spark distressed selling and diminish purchasing power for both existing and new buyers.

But fear not! We're here to guide you through these challenges. Don't let uncertainties hold you back from owning your dream home! Contact Taylormade - Investment Solutions today and let our professionals assist you in securing the best mortgage rates. Together, we'll find the right financial solution for your home-buying journey.

Taylormade Investment Solutions
Mobile: +61 450 011 910
Zalo: +84 938 451 591
Email: [email protected]



Interest rates play a significant role in the housing market and investment strategies. Today, we've compiled valuable insights from major banks' interest rate forecasts to help you make informed decisions. Check out what the experts are saying

✨ *ANZ: Forecasts a cash rate peak of 3.85% by August 2023, expecting a cut of -0.25% and suggesting one 25 basis point cut by November 2024 due to strong services inflation and excess demand.

✨ *NAB: Predicts a cash rate fall to 3.10% by April 2024, with an anticipated cut of -0.75%. They believe the RBA will remain on hold until mid-2024 as signs of consumption plateau ahead of an expected slowdown.

✨ Westpac: Maintains their previous forecast of a cash rate drop to 2.35% by May 2025, lowering their forecast cash rate peak from 3.85% to 3.6%, with a projected rate cut of -1.50%. The credibility of the tightening bias may fade as we move through 2023.

✨ CBA: Projects a 25 basis point increase in the cash rate at the next meeting, with a 55% chance of a rate hike. They forecast the cash rate to reach 2.85% with a 1.0% anticipated cut rate.

Looking for more expert advice? Taylormade - Investment Solutions has you covered! Discover hidden gems, up-and-coming neighborhoods, and key insights to maximize your returns. Connect with us today to take one step closer to your homeownership or investment dreams!
Taylormade Investment Solutions
Mobile: +61 450 011 910
Zalo: +84 938 451 591
Email: [email protected]



Recent data reveals a 16.5% drop in national building approvals for private sector dwellings excluding houses in April. This decrease is fueling the demand for units.

💡 Check out why savvy buyers are now focusing on units:

1. Affordability: Units offer a more accessible entry to urban living, making it an attractive option for those wanting to enter the property market without breaking the bank.

2. Prime Locations: Units are often situated in bustling city centres and vibrant neighbourhoods – Melbourne and Perth saw a 5.2% increase in unit rental demand, while Sydney experienced 5.7% growth.

3. Strong Rental Demand: The shortage has made units a lucrative investment option, with capital city rental listings 36.4% below the five-year average in May, offering investors an excellent opportunity.

4. Capitalize on Growth: Melbourne and Perth's limited unit supply has led to a 5.2% increase in rent over the past three months, making investments in units a smart decision with rising demand.

What do you think about the current state of the housing market? Have you weighed the possibility of expanding your investment portfolio or even purchasing your dream home?

If you haven’t, don't miss out on this exciting trend! Reach out to Taylormade Investment Solutions today to explore your options and make informed decisions. Together, let's unlock the doors to your future in the Australian housing market!
Taylormade Investment Solutions
Mobile: +61 450 011 910
Zalo: +84 938 451 591
Email: [email protected]



Sales activity is on the rise! Encouraged by halted interest rate hikes, record-low vacancies, booming migration, and surging rents, buyer confidence is growing. Here's what you need to know:

🌟 Sign of market recovery:
—Over the last three months, capital city dwelling sales reached their highest numbers since July of the previous year.
—Although still beneath the late 2021 peak, transaction volumes are on par with the preceding five-year average.
— This trend suggests that the market is recovering from its low point and gaining momentum.

🌟 Home values are rebounding:
— Following a record 9.7% drop in capital city home values within ten months.
— Home values remain 7.1% below the April 2022 peak but have increased by 2.8% since February.

🌟 Challenges remain:
— Potential rate increases and low consumer sentiment persist.
— Economists are divided on cash rate projections, indicating uncertainty about whether we've passed the peak cash rate or not.

📍 Don't miss out on this opportunity & get in touch with Taylormade - Mortgage and Finance Solutions today to discuss your options and get started on your home-buying journey. Our team are ready to assist you in making the right financial decisions. Let's turn your dreams of homeownership into a reality!
Taylormade Investment Solutions
Mobile: +61 450 011 910
Zalo: +84 938 451 591
Email: [email protected]



As Australia's housing market evolves, one thing remains certain – change is constant. To help you navigate these changes, let's dive into the key factors currently shaping the Australian property market.

📈 A 6.8% jump in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) was seen in the year leading up to April 2023, due to school holiday expenses, transport fees, and increased rent.

🏠 Good news for homebuyers: new dwelling prices have been declining significantly, stabilising construction costs. This could make purchasing a new home more feasible!

💼 For investors: a surge of 6.1% in rent prices in the year to April 2023 presents potential gains in the rental market. High demand for rental properties could help expand your portfolio and improve returns.

⏰ Taylormade - Investment Solutions has your back! Our team of professionals will provide you with practical advice tailored to the current market situation that will help you thrive. Don't wait – reach out to us today and take a step towards achieving your housing goals!
Taylormade Investment Solutions
Mobile: +61 450 011 910
Zalo: +84 938 451 591
Email: [email protected]



Australia's property market is surprising experts with a stronger-than-expected surge in demand according to CoreLogic. Specifically, demand is on the rise, causing property prices to elevate and auction clearance rates to exceed expectations. The data group states that if this upward trend continues, home values could see a 4% increase by the end of 2023, defying earlier forecasts of a 10% or more decline this year.

The prediction is supported by the recent rise in auction clearance rates, reaching an impressive 75.3%—the highest level in 15 months. This remarkable performance comes despite the surprise interest rate rise by the Reserve Bank in May. Population growth and expectations of only one more rate hike contribute to the market's strong foundation for recovery.

Another factor driving prices upward is the scarcity of property listings, which are currently near decade lows—down over a third from the monthly average. This limited supply intensifies competition among buyers, pushing prices higher. However, as property prices rise, more sellers may enter the market, potentially increasing the number of listings.

While economists are revising their forecasts, uncertainties remain. The trajectory of the cash rate and the number of properties entering the market due to financial strain are among the factors to watch. Additionally, the potential impact of rising unemployment and stagnant wages could affect mortgage affordability.

📌 If you are feeling unsure about your next steps and are looking for ways to navigate through these uncertain times, let Taylormade- Mortgage and Finance Solutions lend a helping hand and be your trusted partner for the future! Don’t hesitate and contact us now for a free, personalized consultation.

Taylormade Investment Solutions is a consulting unit specializing in financial support solutions. In the form of one-on-one consultation, we will design for you the best set of solutions, help you maximize your loan, get a good interest rate, and help you with the correct paperwork and legal process and law.

We have helped many individuals and business owners with many different types of Visas to take advantage of good loans to invest and do business in Australia.

Do you need support? Contact us now for a FREE consultation!

Taylormade Investment Solutions
Mobile: +61 450 011 910
Zalo: +84 938 451 591
Email: [email protected]



The Australian property market presents increasing challenges for first-time buyers. However, a new study reveals a surprising lifeline – "The Bank of Mum and Dad."

According to Finder's Parenting Report 2023, an increasing number of young Australians rely on parental support to purchase their first homes. Parents are generously gifting an average of $33,278, approximately one-third of the typical first-home buyer deposit.

Sarah Megginson, Finder’s money expert, e­mphasizes the significance of pare­ntal support when it comes to aspiring homebuye­rs. She notes that many individuals see­king to enter the prope­rty market would have to face e­xceptionally high prices of propertie­s along with the growing interest rate­s without the assistance­ from their parents.

In February, a poll conducte­d by Resolve Strategic found that 72% of re­spondents aged 18-34 belie­ve purchasing a house is unattainable.

Despite­ a decline in housing prices by approximate­ly 12% in Sydney and 8% in Melbourne last ye­ar, as reported by CoreLogic, the­ sentiment still prevails.

As the property market becomes more daunting for first-time buyers, family support offers a ray of hope. However, not all young people can rely on such assistance or feel confident they will ever own a home.

For those who feel unsure about their homeownership future, Taylormade – Investment Solutions is here to help! With a team of experienced professionals, we can help you secure your future and navigate the intricacy of homeownership.

Taylormade Investment Solutions
Mobile: +61 450 011 910
Zalo: +84 938 451 591
Email: [email protected]



📌 Melbourne's first-time home buyers are grappling with challenges as they try to enter the property market again

Since May last year, they have experienced 11 interest rate rises, severely limiting their borrowing capacity. Additionally, a shortage of properties has led to intense competition, driving up prices and making it harder for buyers to get on the property ladder.

While first-time homebuyer numbers in Victoria rose by 10.7% (according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics), they remain significantly lower than January levels, indicating ongoing struggles to enter the housing market.

Despite the hurdles, first-home buyers are determined to enter the market before prices rise further. Some are seeking assistance from family supports while others are utilizing state and federal government incentives like stamp duty exemptions, shared equity and home guarantee scheme.

However, as with most rewards in marketplaces -there's often a flip side. Experts caution that while these solutions may help buyers fight fierce market competition, they're also pushing property prices even higher. So instead we should call for a focus on increasing housing supply rather than demand-side interventions.

🤝🌟 If you are feeling unsure about your next steps and are looking for ways to navigate through these uncertain times, we're here to help you on your path to homeownership! At Taylormade, we understand the market dynamics and possess the expertise to navigate them. Don't let the market hinder your dreams & reach out to us today!
Taylormade Investment Solutions is a consulting unit specializing in financial support solutions. In the form of one-on-one consultation, we will design for you the best set of solutions, help you maximize your loan, get a good interest rate, and help you with the correct paperwork and legal process and law. We have helped many individuals and business owners with many different types of Visas to take advantage of good loans to invest and do business in Australia. Do you need support? Contact us now for a FREE consultation!

Taylormade Investment Solutions
Mobile: +61 450 011 910
Zalo: +84 938 451 591
Email: [email protected]



Recent data from Suburbtrends reveals that nearly 98% of property vendors in April sold their homes at a profit, despite a housing market correction. This is an exciting news for Australian property investors! Here's all you need to know:

1. Potential for High Returns: Approximately one in eight properties nationwide sold for more than triple their original purchase price, offering remarkable growth potential and substantial returns on investment.

2. Growth in Prime Locations: Property values have seen significant growth in prime locations. Areas within 10 to 15 km of CBDs have already returned to 2021 price levels, indicating substantial growth potential and a favorable environment for impressive investment returns.

3. Favorable Market Conditions: With limited inventory and high buyer demand, vendors are gaining the upper hand. Consequently, most properties, even those purchased just six to eight months ago, are still selling above vendor costs. This situation results in reduced vendor discounting and the potential for increased property values.

4. A Wide Range of Investment Options: As the market continues to evolve, an anticipated surge of new listings is on the horizon. This increase in available properties presents an array of choices for investors, allowing portfolio diversification and access to emerging opportunities.

Seize the moment and capitalize on these positive market trends. With the right timing, defined financial goals, and expert assistance, you can undoubtedly reap the benefits of the current property market.

Don't hesitate to contact Taylormade – Mortgage and Finance Solutions today to unlock the full potential of the Australian property market!
Taylormade Investment Solutions
Mobile: +61 450 011 910
Zalo: +84 938 451 591
Email: [email protected]



In certain Australian neighborhoods, renters are facing a steep increase in rent prices, with some dealing with an astounding $32,000 annual hike just to maintain shelter for themselves. A few landlords are even requesting an additional $600 per week, creating more pressure on already strained budgets.

PropTrack economist Angus Moore shed some light on the primary cause of this dramatic increase, explaining that it boils down to a limited supply of rental properties. While the number of new rentals has increased slightly, it is insufficient to address the market gap, resulting in a slow adjustment time.

Moore predicts that rental prices may continue to climb in the near future. However, he’s hopeful that recent increases in government rental assistance for low-income earners will offer vital support for those who need it most.

Does this situation make you think about taking control of your housing future and becoming a property owner? Doing so could help you avoid being at the mercy of the red-hot rental market while potentially benefiting from rising rent prices. If you're interested, get in touch with Taylormade – Investment Solutions today for a FREE consultation on your journey towards owning Australian real estate.
Taylormade Investment Solutions is a consulting unit specializing in financial support solutions. In the form of one-on-one consultation, we will design for you the best set of solutions, help you maximize your loan, get a good interest rate, and help you with the correct paperwork and legal process and law. We have helped many individuals and business owners with many different types of Visas to take advantage of good loans to invest and do business in Australia. Do you need support? Contact us now for a FREE consultation!

Taylormade Investment Solutions
Mobile: +61 450 011 910
Zalo: +84 938 451 591
Email: [email protected]



With interest rates steadily increasing across Australia and housing prices soaring ever higher above reach, many homebuyers are naturally feeling anxious about their financial prospects admit the unpredictability of inflation, banking instability, and ongoing economic downturn.

According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), recent house sales are down 2.4% from last month and a staggering 22% from the previous year. The market has been challenging for both buyers and sellers to navigate.

Another area of concern is of rising mortgage costs. The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) have recently announced a revised rates for mortgages ranging from 5% to 25%, imposing a higher costs to be shouldered by buyers who already find themselves struggling in repayment duties.

However, there are still some good news! Experts has predicted a slow decline in mortgage rates, offering a glimmer of hope for aspiring homeowners. Plus - the median home price has finally dropped by 0.9%, a welcome change after 131 consecutive months of price increases.

While all these news seems upsetting, seeing this adjustment in housing costs have shown sight of a better future for the market. Instead we could see these difficult moments as an opportunities for homebuyers to prepare for the better future.

� If you are feeling unsure about your next steps and are looking for ways to navigate through these uncertain times, let’s Taylormade Investment Solutions lend a helping hand and be your trusted partner for the future!

Don’t hestitate and contact us now for a free, personalized consultation!

Taylormade Investment Solutions
Mobile: +61 450 011 910
Zalo: +84 938 451 591
Email: [email protected]

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