Thrive In Wellness

Food & Wellness Coaching, flower essences, natural remedies. Supporting your diet & lifestyle needs.


San Choi Bow is an excellent dish to add lots of veggies too - 9 different veggies in this dinner tonight.

To the chicken mince, I have added red and yellow capsicum (they offer different nutrients due to their different colours), zucchini, water chestnut, spring onion, carrot, ginger and garlic and it will be served in lettuce cups. Bringing the veg total to 9!

Photos from Thrive In Wellness's post 17/03/2024

Eating gluten free.
🌾 Know what contains gluten
🥒 Base your diet on naturally gluten free food
👀 Review product labels
👀 Look for Coeliac Australia logo
🍽️ Avoid cross contamination

It’s Day 6 of Coeliac Awareness week and I hope you have learnt more about Coeliac Disease to support yourself, family or friends. If you would like to learn more about implementing your gluten free diet, then book a consultation! I am here to help you.
Ilona x

Photos from Thrive In Wellness's post 17/03/2024

Eating gluten free - scroll through post to learn more about the below;
🌾 Know what contains gluten
🥒 Base your diet on naturally gluten free food
👀 Review product labels
👀 Look for Coeliac Australia logo
🍽️ Avoid cross contamination

It’s Day 6 of Coeliac Awareness week and I hope you have learnt more about Coeliac Disease to support yourself, family or friends. If you would like to learn more about implementing your gluten free diet, then book a consultation! I am here to help you.
Ilona .in.wellness x

Photos from Thrive In Wellness's post 13/03/2024

Coeliac Awareness Week Day 1 Gluten free dinner - easy peasy gluten freesy Satay Vegetable Bowls

VEGETABLE PLATTER (suggestions only add whatever you have/like, steamed veg and boiled eggs also work well)
1 red and 1 green capsicum sliced
6 radishes sliced
12 snow peas
2 carrots sliced
1 cucumber sliced
6 dates pitted and quartered
Handful each of mint and coriander leaves
1 Pomegranate, seeds of
Arrange all on a large platter to serve.

6 chicken thighs chopped into bite size pieces tossed in 2-3 tsp five spice powder, cooked and then at last minute add 1TBS sesame seeds and good squeeze of honey and toss to coat.

Cook 1 cup rice according to pack directions

1-2TBS gluten free red curry paste
1/2 cup gluten free crunchy peanut butter
1 x 400ml tin coconut milk
1 lime, juice of
Put small saucepan on heat and add curry paste. Cool for 30sec until fragrant, add peanut butter and stir until softens, add 1/3 of coconut milk at a time stirring to mix together before adding more. Warm through, then add lime juice and mix well. Ready to serve.

Put everything in middle of table and everyone help themselves

Gluten free dinners are much simpler to create if you base them on whole foods in this case vegetables and rice, paired with chicken with a few simple flavour additions and homemade satay sauce. Very few labels to read is always a winner.
ALWAYS check all ingredients suit your specific dietary needs.
ALWAYS be mindful of cross contamination from things like utensils, someone putting the knife that touched the gluten containing toast back into the peanut butter, cooking surfaces etc.


Making my Spiced Carrot and Pumpkin Soup from my cookbook titled “Loni’s Hearty Winter Warmers” with pumpkins, carrots and leeks from my weekly boxes. Perfect for weekend meal or boxed up in freezer for another time.


Buddha bowl dinner vibes - chop up a rainbow of vegetables and herbs add boiled eggs or lean protein, steamed rice and satay sauce (or for nut free option try hummus). All served help-yourself-style. Easy as that!


Instilling a love for cooking in your children is one of the greatest gifts you can give them. Tonight gluten free red vegetable and chickpea curry with gluten free homemade apple pie for dessert cooking lead by the kids.

🥘 Let them help in the kitchen
🛒let them shop with you
🌽 let them explore the green grocers and pick out random vegetables and fruits to try
👩‍🍳 let them pick recipes to cook together
⏲️let them make a mess in the kitchen (give them time to learn and play)
👩‍🏫teach them about eating the rainbow and whole real foods
🐄 teach them where their food comes from
🌱 grow foods together even if it’s just a few pots of herbs
🎁Give them this gift so they grow up with knowledge about what real whole foods are and how to cook with them

As a food coach I help people not only confidently implement and manage dietary needs, I also help people make positive changes to their diets, meals and cooking.


White Yarrow Flower Essence - provides protection from external influences

At this time of year many of us are sensitive to all that is going on around us.
White yarrow helps to maintain a boundary of what’s yours to worry about and what’s not, and as such keeps negativity at bay. The perfect essence for when you feel overly affected and weighed down by what is going on around you, for when other people’s negative energy drains your good vibes.

Seems apt for me personally too, to be walking past this beauty every day when out for a solo recharge walk. My soul wants for 2024 to be surrounded by positivity and like minded people and whilst empathetic and supportive of what others are going through, to not feel so weighed down by it. Nature often shows us what we need, if we are open to seeing it 🙏.

If you’re feeling depleted and ready to focus on your own health and well-being, February appointment bookings are now open. Every one of my clients leaves their food and wellness coaching session with an individualised flower essence remedy that works on an emotional level to help remove blocks.



Make ahead gravy for Xmas day is all done! Thanks kiddo great job, it tastes awesome.

Made to recipe (link 👇🏻) except I used potato flour in place of plain flour to make it gluten free. This is an excellent allergy-friendly gravy and making it ahead of time is one less job to do on Xmas day.

Photos from Thrive In Wellness's post 07/12/2023

Salad season!
The warmer weather of summer and minimal prep makes salads a perfect addition to the menu. Salads don’t have to be just lettuce based accompaniments, in fact some of my favourite salads are lettuce free. Salads can also be a robust, hearty meal. So versatile.

Here are a few of my favourites:
🍠 sweet potato, spinach and cranberry salad
🍉 Watermelon, cucumber and feta salad with lime and black pepper
🌽 Sweetcorn salsa

Share your favourite salads below 👇🏻.

If you’re wanting to freshen up your eating habits or learn how to accomodate specific dietary needs, bookings for 2024 are now open (link in bio).

Timeline photos 14/11/2023

The impact of ultra processed foods on long term health and increased risk of chronic disease is well known but sadly the convenience, availability, advertising, linked occasions to enjoy these treats at, perceived lower cost etc sees people continue to buy them regardless of the future health risks.

Will be interesting to see if the tax reduces purchase rate of these products or if other products will be negatively impacted to accomodate still purchasing at higher price.

What price for these products is too much for people to pay?

"A new law in Colombia making it one of the first countries in the world to explicitly tax ultra-processed food has been hailed by campaigners and health experts who say it could set an example for other countries."

Read more:


I help clients understand that a Coeliac disease diagnosis and gluten-free diet (or other medically prescribed diet) doesn’t mean you have to miss out.

Sharing recipes like this with my clients shows them you can eat delicious and healthy meals and you don’t need to spend hours prepping and cooking.

Thai beef salad is a quick, tasty, gluten-free, healthy, veg packed family meal. A perfect dish for busy nights as the following can be done ahead:
🫑 veggies chopped
🌿 Herb leaves picked
🍶 Dressing made
🌾 raw glutinous rice toasted and ground *
🥩 meat marinading

* glutinous rice is gluten-free, the glutinous refers to how sticky the rice is when cooked. This is the secret ingredient 🤫 to make your Thai Salad amazing and restaurant level!

All that needs doing tonight is to cook the steak medium rare, slice thinly and toss it in the ground rice. Dress and toss the salad and top with the steak slices. Dinner served!!!!


❓Recently diagnosed with Coeliac disease or prescribed a restricted diet
❓Feeling overwhelmed and like your life is spinning out of control
❓Feeling isolated and like no-one understands what you’re going through

🌟As your personal food coach, I not only help you confidently manage the diet changes your doctor has prescribed to help alleviate your physical symptoms, I also treat the often-over-looked emotional symptoms using natural remedies including Flower Essences.

🌸 Cherry Plum Flower Essence is a go-to remedy, serving as a comforting companion during this overwhelming time of a diagnosis and the instant need to navigate a big change in diet.

🌸Cherry Plum helps you find stability, refocus, and release physical tension, by encouraging you to focus on what you can control and embrace this the journey with a newfound sense of purpose and optimism.

🌟Book an appointment with me (, your dedicated food coach, so you can confidently and easily manage your new diet, whilst also freeing yourself from the emotional burden.

Remember, with time and expert guidance, you can live gluten free/free from, regain your health, rebuild trust in your body, and fully embrace the wonderful life that awaits you. Your health and well-being are worth it!



Is there a more enticing smell than a ripe mango?

It is mango season finally! A wonderful fat free, naturally sweet trest, where the sugar is bundled up with the good stuff including fibre, vitamin A, folate, vitamin B6 and 50% of your daily Vitamin C requirements.

Try treating yourself to a mango instead of highly processed sweet treats ice cream, desserts and cakes and take one small step to big change.


Herbal soothing cough remedy - Thyme, lemon and honey work together to help soothe cough and throat, reduce congestion and support the immune system.

Simply place a few sprigs of thyme in a mug, cover with boiling water, put a plate on top of mug and allow to sit (steep) for 10mins. Then add a squeeze of honey and lemon. Sip slowly and mindfully.

I am taking the time to sip my tea whilst enjoying the view and soaking up some sunshine. Sunshine provides Vitamin D essential for bone health, happy hormone production, immune system function and more. Sunshine in the morning also balances our circadian rhythms, triggering a decrease in melatonin which tells our body it’s day time and wakes us up (which also helps us sleep better at night). Taking the time to mindfully enjoy a cup of tea is also relaxing, stress reducing and energising.



Coeliac Disease - what google searches are you doing?

Comment below 👇🏻 with the questions you are typing into Google.

When diagnosed with Coeliac Disease, it is overwhelming and google is a common place to start looking for information. Whilst there are some excellent resources on google, it can be hit and miss approach finding what fits your exact needs. I’m here to help you implement your gluten free diet to suit your lifestyle so you can managing it with confidence and ease.

I have spent my 25 year career supporting people with Coeliac Disease, allergies and intolerances through creating recipes, cookbooks and columns in Coeliac publications.

I am now opening up 1:1 services to work on an individual and deeper level with those of you living with Coeliac Disease and specific dietary needs. As your food coach, I will have you confidently shopping, cooking and managed your gluten free or specific diet with ease.

I would love to hear in the comments what are the top topics you google relating to Coeliac Disease or what your specific dietary needs are and what you google relating to them.

Want to get personalised help to fast track your dietary changes? Book a a free discovery call to learn more about how I can help you manage your dietaries needs with ease. Website link in

Photos from Thrive In Wellness's post 28/09/2023

First home cooked meal after 3 weeks holidays with the family - Singapore, Sentosa, Gaya Island, Kota Kinabalu and Brunei. Amazing trip.

Arrived home at 6:30am this morning, snuck in a few hours sleep, then the washing, folding repeat post holiday routine.

Craved a quick, fresh and delicious vegetarian meal that can be cooked as each gets hungry. My version of Bahn Xeo - Vietnamese Sizzling Crepes. Simply filled with caramelised shallot, wombok, carrot and coriander. Served with lettuce and nuoc mam.


A week of meals (and then some)…..we can save time and cook smarter by doing things such as double batching (or more), using the same dish to create several different meals, cooking ahead on the weekends so you can just reheat on busy weeknight or make extra to stock the freezer.

I incorporate lots of these tips and tricks into my cooking routine and love seeing clients maximise productivity in the kitchen to set themselves up for some easy healthy meal wins during the week.

Saucy baked pork meatballs - double batch, sneaky veg added to the sauce, one served with pasta and the other served in rolls

Crispy Pork Belly - cooked on the weekend ready to use during the week. Served with Asian Slaw as a salad and used in Banh Mi for school lunches (leftover undressed slaw can be used for Banh Mi).

Vegetable loaded Bolognaise sauce - served with pasta but also good for tacos and toasties and plenty to put in the freezer for later.

Roast Korma Vegetable Pizzas - made cumin flatbreads spread (but could use store bought naan for speed), topped with mango chutney and veg tossed in Korma paste and roasted, dollops of coconut yoghurt and sprinkle of parsley leaves. Leftovers for more meals, veg also used in GF toasted wrap and tossed with salad greens.

Rainbow Pad Thai - quick and tasty dinner perfect to make on a home late night and is a regular veg based meal in our house that everyone loves!


Vegetable Rainbow Pad Thai is a quick, easy, tasty vegetable based meal that is frequently on our dinner menu (recipe 👇🏻).

I sprinkled over leftover crispy pork belly that I fried up in Chinese five spice and honey for the kids.

using vegan fysh sauce and omitting egg

Photos from Thrive In Wellness's post 26/08/2023

Crispy pork belly (recipe 👇🏻) is perfect to cook ahead on a weekend ready for school lunches in the form of Banh Mi and salads. A small amount goes a long way when combined with veggies. Just a few small slices in a roll packed with veg and the kids are in heaven. They think it’s about the pork (for me it’s all the veg I pack in with it 🙊).

Photos from Thrive In Wellness's post 21/08/2023

The roast veg transformed into a baked vegetable frittata. Such a simple way to use up leftovers. Simple tips and recipes like this are part of what I offer my food and wellness clients to ensure we maximise their health through dietary changes.

I simply added the leftover veg to a lasagna dish (about 4 cups worth), whisked 10 eggs with 3/4 cup almond milk (or milk of choice) poured it over the veg, sprinkled over some dairy free vegan cheese and baked at 160C for 50-60min until the egg mix was cooked and set. Served with a sweet chilli sauce and a side salad for some additional plant foods!


It doesn’t have to be difficult to make a meal of the good stuff - 15 plant foods in this dish!!

Got these delicious vegetables from roast them and served them with magic green sauce and feta (regular or vegan to suit your dietaries.

Potatoes, sweet potato, carrot and parsnip chopped and tossed in oil, cumin, coriander and fennel roasted at 220C for 30mins. The tomato, cauliflower, capsicum added and a further 20mins cooking, before the broccolini was added for final 10mins. Served with feta crumbled over and dollops of magic green sauce (my fav recipe below 👇🏻).

Photos from Thrive In Wellness's post 10/06/2023

Gluten-free guests coming over….don’t know what to make for dessert??

This .hay gluten free cake mix from Woolworths is handy to have on hand. Also suits a range of dietary requirements - check label to confirm suitability for your specific needs. This makes a great afternoon tea or dessert. I love to served it warm with custard!!


Banana cake ready for son arriving home from a week at school camp. Can’t wait to sit down with a cuppa and slice of cake to enjoy hearing about all his adventures and stories!!!

His favourite dinner (pork ribs) also planned for the welcome home win.


As well as jazzing up a vegetable soup, freshly made salsa verde (basically a green sauce) is a great way to add some extra herbs and leafy greens to your already veg packed soup!

Today I used rocket and coriander instead of parsley and mint as that’s what I had in the fridge. Totally yummy!

1 bunch parsley or 1 cup rocket leaves
1/2 cup mint or coriander leaves
2 tsp capers
4 baby cornichons
1 tsp minced garlic
2 tsp dijon mustard
2 TBS olive oil or rice bran oil
1 TBS balsamic vinegar

Add all ingredients to food processor and blend until a smooth sauce forms.

The soup is leek (x 2) thinly sliced and sweated in a little olive oil until soft. Diced carrot (x 2) and parsnip (x 2) added along with vegetable stock (2L) brought to boil and then simmered 10mins.
Next I added diced zucchini (x 1) and a basmati rice (1/2 cup) and cooked a further 10mins.
Then I added sliced silverbeet (1/2 bunch) and frozen peas (1 cup) and cook 3 minutes until peas tender. Serve!!!

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A week of meals (and then some)…..we can save time and cook smarter by doing things such as double batching (or more), u...
It doesn’t have to be difficult to make a meal of the good stuff - 15 plant foods in this dish!! Got these delicious veg...
Totally yum dinner last night with the Tarka Cauliflower the standout dish!!!Tarka Cauliflower @zenaskitchen - sooooo go...
Salamanca Market Tassie.  Love that my youngest took photos of all the colourful rainbow veggies.  She said “Mum, how ca...
Making gluten free mini quiches for brunch date meeting great niece/second cousin for first time! Used store bought glut...
Pizza night! The dough is coconut yoghurt with gluten free SR flour 1.5:1 ratio.  1.5 cups coconut yoghurt to 1 cup glut...


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