Warrandyte Cricket Club, Melbourne, VIC Videos

Videos by Warrandyte Cricket Club in Melbourne. Warrandyte Cricket Club was established in 1855 and is the third-oldest club in Victoria. With over 16 junior teams, women's and girls sides, 9 senior sides, Over 40's, Over 50's, Over 60's and Over 70's, there's a team for everyone at Warrandyte.

Other Warrandyte Cricket Club videos

One of the most exciting initiatives in recent years is now upon us. The Warrandtye Cricket Club is proud to launch the Warrandtye Business Directory. More information to follow shortly. GO BLOODS

Well the first Super Bowl match ups have been run and won. There was a great deal of hype around the older boys, however alas they were like rusty rifles and did not fire a shot. The head band is to be burnt according to Fluff and the ashes added to the Super Bowl trophy. Bill Stubbs has put forth that he is a fantastic fourth stump bowler and has requested that an additional stump is added to next years competition. What tonight revealed is that there is a need to add another ruleā€¦.should an individual match take 8 deliveries from each bowler and there is still no winner, then both will be eliminated. WCC randomiser will be in action shortly to choose the next match ups. Now over $250 in the pot for the winner and growing. Get your registrations in. See Royce if you are unsure on how to enter. GO BLOODS

Tonight's match ups have seen an injury scare go through the Superbowl camp. Player impacted currently ingesting Nurofen and Voltarie laced smoothies in order to be ready to rumble. Unconfirmed sighting of headband has caused the WCC Superbowl to trend off the charts. Majority of thought is that this will be a round dominated by the more mature participants........ Over $200 in the kitty to date....winner takes all. Not bad for a $10 investment. Get your registrations in as it is not too late to do so. GO BLOODS

SENIORS RECAP from yesterday's games + bonus BT123 v Darts

Whilst it has been disappointing not to get a round of cricket in this weekend, this has not stopped the club from continuing to prepare in earnest for all of the challenges ahead when we do start the season in earnest. Congratulations to Ross and the boys for putting in the hard yards last Thursday night. Inspirational stuff indeed.

Please forgive the attempt at my first Presidential Point of View video. It is more about the message than the delivery. Do not hesitate to contact me directly should you have any queries or need any information about where we are presently as a club and where we will be moving to. Go Bloods Cheers ROYCE

We are go!!!!

May be hard to stop these 2......lets keep the first WCC Superbowl cup on Australian soil.....the challenge has been issued.....

WCC Girls Cricket