Sarah Willoughby

Transformation Coach, Fertility Coach, Bestselling Author, Speaker, Reiki Healer and Energy Healer.


Join me tomorrow, September 13th, at 12:30 PM AEST for a special Fertility Friday chat with Liz Walton, founder of the Australian Fertility Summit.

Join the Fertility Summit Support Network to have access to the chat.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn and connect! 🌱✨



September is Su***de Prevention Month. 💚

I know too many people who have ended their lives. Many of my clients, friends and family have also lost loved ones.

Su***de is a complex issue, often linked to mental health struggles like depression, anxiety, or trauma. Signs of someone in need can include withdrawing from loved ones, changes in mood or behaviour and expressing feelings of hopelessness. But also be aware that sometimes the signs are not obvious and people hide how they are really feeling.

If you or someone you know is struggling, reach out. A simple conversation can make all the difference. Let’s be there for each other.

You are not alone. Resources are available 24/7.

- Lifeline Australia, 13 11 14 - provides nationwide confidential crisis support and su***de prevention services for anyone in need.

- Beyond Blue, 1300 22 4636 - offers nationwide mental health support.

***dePrevention ***de ***deSaveLives

Unlocking Fertility and Health: Functional Nutrition, Epigenetics and Empowerment with Nikki Burnett 04/09/2024

Unlocking Fertility and Health: Functional Nutrition, Epigenetics and Empowerment with Nikki Burnett


Functional nutritionist Nikki Burnett discusses the power of functional nutrition, epigenetics and holistic health in supporting fertility and overall wellness. Learn how to take control of your health journey, prepare your body for conception and make impactful daily choices that influence future generations. Nikki shares personal stories, success cases and practical advice on empowering yourself through diet, lifestyle and collaboration with the right professionals. Don’t miss the free toxin avoidance guide to help you optimise your health naturally.

Nikki specialises in conquering GI dysfunction, navigating the challenges of autoimmune conditions and empowering women and couples on their preconception journey to pregnancy and growing their families. Nikki creates awareness about how our choices today shape the health of future generations.

Thank you Nikki for sharing your story and wisdom. You can learn more about Nikki’s work by following the links in the comments below.

Unlocking Fertility and Health: Functional Nutrition, Epigenetics and Empowerment with Nikki Burnett Unlocking Fertility and Health: Functional Nutrition, Epigenetics and Empowerment with Nikki BurnettFunctional nutritionist Nikki Burnett discusses the power...


Life can feel broken at times. Yet, when we look closer at the perceived mess with a new perspective, beauty often emerges. It’s during our most challenging times that we can find strength, resilience and even unexpected joy. In these scattered fragments of the old life falling away, we discover meaning and growth that leads us to extraordinary places.

If you would like support to move from feeling broken to embracing the beauty within your journey, know that you are not alone. Together, we can navigate the challenges, uncover your inner strength and transform the chaos into a path of healing and empowerment. Reach out for a chat—your extraordinary awaits.


Remembering my mum who would have celebrated her 76th birthday yesterday. Always in my thoughts ❤️

"I don't want to live a life of regret moving forward." Sarah Willoughby shares her #frompage2stage 16/08/2024

Join me for a powerful and honest conversation on the podcast with the beautiful Wendy Corner. In our discussion I share:

- My challenging journey through infertility, miscarriage and an IVF cycle that almost ended my life
- The societal pressures on women
- How I became an author and speaker
- Writing and speaking tips
- Motivation to take the next steps in your life

Topics around fertility and loss largely go unspoken about, despite impacting so many people globally. Please do check this out and share as there will be someone in your circle who needs to hear this.

Embracing imperfection—Apologies for the nose wiping; my commitment to finishing our conversation outweighed the flu that crept up on me during recording. You might also notice the changing lighting as the sun rose. 🙂

"I don't want to live a life of regret moving forward." Sarah Willoughby shares her #frompage2stage It feels like there's a societal expectation that once in a stable relationship, having a family is the next step; it's a given. Except it's not! Sarah Willo...


✨ Today I’m preparing for my upcoming author talk at a local library. Sharing my book, ‘Infertility Saved My Life: Healing PCOS from the Inside Out’, is a true passion of mine and I’m excited for this next speaking opportunity.

What I love most about this journey is the chance to connect with you—to inspire resilience in the face of adversity, encourage you to chase your wildest dreams and remind you that you have the power to create the life you deserve. Never give up! 💫



“To understand acceptance, you must first recognise and understand who is resisting.” Sarah Willoughby

Inner resistance holds valuable insight about yourself. This insight ultimately guides you towards understanding and accepting yourself, others and the situations around you. Acceptance leads to peace.🕊️


Today I choose peace—letting go of what I can’t control, embracing calm and finding strength in stillness. 🕊️

Photos from Sarah Willoughby's post 08/08/2024

As I tuned into the powerful energy of the Lions Gate Portal (8/8/8) today, I noticed that spring has arrived early in my garden. 🌺🌸🌼

The blossoming flowers not only elevate our vibration but also symbolise purity, beauty and life’s impermanence. They embody love, enlightenment and the deep connection between the physical and spiritual realms.

Energetically there is so much happening right now. You may have already felt the chaotic energy building since July 25th. This wave will continue throughout August, so remember to be gentle with yourself and others as we navigate this transformative journey together.


As winter’s last two weeks pass, Melbourne’s temperatures are rising. Witnessing four pelicans fly by as I lay on the beach brought a smile to my face. The beach and ocean offer us numerous benefits:

💚 Promote relaxation and reduce stress
☀️ Provide essential vitamin D from sunlight
🌊 Enhance mood with the calming sound of waves
🧠 Foster mental clarity and rejuvenation
🕊️ Offer a peaceful escape from daily life

How do you slow down and give your body, mind and spirit a much-needed chance to rest?


“You can’t step into your new life until you’re prepared to release the old one. Holding on will keep attracting people who don’t truly see you, situations that aren’t meant for you and a lingering discomfort that will follow you like a dark shadow. Trust yourself—let go.” Sarah Willoughby

Endometriosis - Alternative Healing Journey of Sina Summers 05/08/2024

Endometriosis – Alternative Healing Journey of Sina Summers

Tune into my insightful interview with Sina Summers about her endometriosis diagnosis by laparoscopy in her twenties and the alternative healing journey she went on to reduce her endo pain.

Sina also shares her natural cures for endometriosis and holistic endometriosis treatment, (emotional healing and herbal treatments), that resulted in a second laparoscopy showing there were no signs of endometriosis.

I share how infertility impacted how I felt about myself and my body. Sina discusses the roles vulnerability and resilience have played in both her personal life following the loss of her daughter in 2021, and her storytelling business, Impact Stories.

You can subscribe to my YouTube Channel - Infertility Breaking the Silence by clicking the link below ⬇️.

Do connect with Sina, particularly if you have a story to share and would like support to get it out into the world through written, digital, visual or audio format. You can find her links in the comments below ⬇️.

Endometriosis - Alternative Healing Journey of Sina Summers Endometriosis – Alternative Healing Journey of Sina SummersSarah Willoughby interviews Sina Summers about her endometriosis diagnosis by laparoscopy in her t...


My son stands in the heart of this rain room art installation, surrounded by falling water yet remaining dry. Each step he takes parts the rain, creating a surreal experience.

This image is a powerful metaphor for resilience and grace. In life’s storms and heaviest downpours, we too can find our path and navigate through chaos.

Remembering that we don’t always have to have the next steps figured out allows us to be both courageous and vulnerable, and to ask others for help. Challenges can be transformed into opportunities. No matter how heavy the rain, we can find our way through.

If you would like support to navigate through your storms, do reach out for a chat.


These Californian Redwoods were stunning and their energy was incredible. When I looked up to take this photo, I realised how much everything changes when we stop for a moment, breathe deeply and slowly alter our perspective.

“Change your perspective, and you’ll change the world you see; change the world you see, and you’ll change your life.” Sarah Willoughby


"Our truths may be different, but our hearts all beat the same."

Quote from "Infertility Saved My Life" by Sarah Willoughby.

📝 📖

Photos from Sarah Willoughby's post 26/07/2024

If I had to choose my favourite season, I am definitely a summer girl. ☀️🌺 But there’s also something special about curling up by the fire in winter with a good book and watching the sun slowly set over my garden. 🔥📕 🌅

Have you noticed how easy it is to get caught up in the busyness of life and lose touch with what truly makes us happy?

It’s so important that we don’t.

Taking time to indulge in what we love helps to bring balance into our lives, build resilience and have perspective when we face hard times.

If you’re feeling disconnected from your true self or are seeking more joy in your life, I invite you to reach out for a chat. Let’s explore this journey together back to self, joy and peace through coaching and energy healing.


✨🌟 Transform Your Fertility Journey ✨🌟

Ready to embrace the journey towards motherhood with confidence and empowerment? Join us for an exclusive two-day Fertility Flow Workshop in Narrabundah, ACT!

🌸 What to Expect:

Immerse yourself in a supportive and nurturing environment crafted exclusively for women like you, seeking to overcome fertility challenges and unlock your inner potential for motherhood. Engage in transformative sessions including open discussions, calming meditations, relaxing sound healing, empowering mindset sessions and soulful connections with like-minded women.

🌺 Why Attend:

· Step away from the hustle and bustle of daily life and be guided on a journey of self-discovery, emotional healing and improved mental wellness
· Valuable tools and techniques will empower you to enhance your fertility, emotionally navigate challenges and balance your mind, body and spirit
· Leave feeling lighter and less stressed, with practical strategies to support you on your fertility journey

🌼 Our Fertility Flow Workshop is Designed For You If:

- Your heart yearns for motherhood
- You’re navigating fertility challenges or pregnancy loss
- You’re experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, grief or feelings of not being enough
- You seek holistic support to complement fertility treatments
- You’re ready to improve your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being
- You’re ready to discover tools to navigate the ups and downs of your fertility journey

🌟 Meet Your Guides:

Sarah Willoughby and Liz Walton — passionate experts with personal journeys through fertility challenges, dedicated to guiding you toward healing, empowerment, wellness and resilience.

🗓 Save the Date:

Saturday, 17th August (9:30 am - 5:00 pm) & Sunday, 18th August (10 am - 4:00 pm)

Book your place via the Humanitix link in the comments below ⬇️


Inner balance is essential for mental clarity, emotional stability and physical health. It enhances resilience, fosters better relationships and promotes overall well-being.

If you have noticed any of these signs of imbalance, it may be time for a reset:

- Stress
- Anxiety
- Mood swings
- Irritability
- Difficulty focusing
- Lack of motivation
- Poor sleep
- Fatigue
- Headaches
- Digestive issues

I invite you to book a chat and learn how Reiki could help you realign and feel more balanced, so you can become happier, healthier and more peaceful. 🌿


“One of the hardest parts of life is navigating the space between the old falling away and the new yet to be revealed.” Sarah Willoughby

Transition periods in life can be profoundly challenging. There is the unsettling phase where the familiar has ended, but the new path is not yet clear. This in-between state requires patience, resilience and trust, as we navigate uncertainty and await the unfolding of new beginnings.

Breathe deeply and trust. ❤️



The Australian Fertility Summit - An incredible event and road trip!

This weekend truly echoed the quote, “You can do hard things.”

Every attendee had either faced fertility challenges or was deeply passionate about supporting others through the emotional rollercoaster of infertility. The shared stories were both heartbreaking and inspiring, highlighting the profound struggles and pain many endure on their path to parenthood. I’m blessed to be on the other side and am more committed than ever to advocating for greater support and understanding in the fertility space.

The highlights:

Huge congratulations Liz Walton () for orchestrating such an extraordinary event and for believing in your vision. The ripple effect of your courage is immeasurable.

Sheila ( ), your role as emcee was both inspiring and compassionate. I enjoyed the heart-centred conversations with you and Tyson ( ). It was wonderful to meet beautiful Phoenix after following your journey on Big Miracles, and I hope our paths cross again soon.

A heartfelt thank you to all the dedicated fertility doctors, holistic therapists and business specialists. I learned so much from each of you. Brittany Darling from EiUS Fertility (Eius Fertility), I’m eager to recommend your premium, science led capsules for reproductive system health to my clients.

Michelle Richardson from IVF Australia ( ), I loved our chats and thank you for sharing your story. The support you provide to those on their fertility journey is invaluable. Thank you for the lollies!

Meeting Sharna Southan () and Louise Siwicki (.siwicki) in person and giving you both a long-overdue hug was wonderful.

After returning home from an emotional two-day, 1,500 km road trip with very little sleep—and witnessing the aftermath of two massive car crashes involving 15 cars on both sides of the freeway, I was ready to curl up in bed with a grateful heart. My cat, however, decided it was the perfect time to get herself stuck on the roof in the dark 🐈 😃 We can all do hard things!

Photos from Sarah Willoughby's post 17/07/2024

“Healing is not about fixing what’s broken, but about rediscovering the wholeness that has always been within.” Sarah Willoughby

In just two months, I’m embarking on a professional and personal growth journey to Canada. 🇨🇦

Will you be able to join me and my colleagues at one of our transformative events in Montreal, Toronto or Kelowna? I’d love to meet you.

✨ I’m eager to share insights and healing practices that will help you connect more deeply with yourself and access your inner wisdom. Delving into this not only changed my life, but saved my life. I discovered we’re powerful co-creators of our future and the relationship we have with our mind, body and spirit is the most crucial one. 💜

I’m excited to offer this unique chance to meet me and my wonderful fellow coaches, Cecilia Tement and Brad Walsh, in person in Toronto!


🥳 The EmpowHERment Sessions - One Day. Three Coaches. Soul Transformation. 🥳

Join us for an afternoon of deep healing, connection and self exploration with 3 dynamic hosts:

🎼 Cecilia Tement - Energy/Song Healer & Higher Self Channel

📷 Brad Walsh - Professional Photographer and Podcast Architect

🦋 Sarah Willoughby - Embodiment/Transformation Coach & Energy Healer

➡️ When: Saturday, September 28th, 2024

➡️ Time: 1:30 - 4:30PM EST

➡️ Location: Studio Bon Soleil - 201 Weston Road (In Toronto’s West End)

***ONLY 6 Spots Available (4 already gone)

COST: $333 Canadian Dollars

During this experience:

Cecilia will offer:
✅ 1 Hour Group Higher Self Channeling and Song Healing Session

Brad will offer:

✅ Professional Headshots - 2 selected digital images (One Full Colour and one Black and White Photo (4 in total) - Come Photo Ready)
✅ Candid shots of you during sessions

Sarah will offer:
✅ 1 Hour Group Session with Healing and Writing Session To Help You Tune In To Your Own Inner Wisdom



3 days to go!

Are you struggling with the complexities and challenges surrounding fertility?

The Australian Fertility Summit will help you delve into a world of knowledge, support and empowerment as renowned experts share insights and strategies for navigating the fertility journey.

From informative sessions to interactive discussions, you will gain invaluable resources and connect with a supportive community in a safe space. You’ll be able to explore the latest advancements in fertility treatments and connect with leading fertility doctors. Holistic health practitioners like me, all fertility experts in our field, will help you discover natural approaches to well-being and gain the tools to manage stress.

Friday 20 July, 9.30 am – 5 pm| Canberra Southern Cross Club, Woden |

Tickets are at a special price of $57.

Click this link to buy your tickets today:


🌟 Radio Interview 🌟

I had an incredible conversation with the beautiful Kevin McDonald from Positive Talk Radio in the USA. We discussed the transformative power of following your intuition and how it can change your life.🎙️✨

My episode, number 791, is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, iHeartRadio, Podchasers and YouTube.

Follow the links in the comments below to listen now. ⬇️



I’m always humbled to receive a five-star review from someone who has read my book ‘Infertility Saved My Life: Healing PCOS from the Inside Out.’ Thank you Mary 🙏

Many men and women who are not on a fertility path have messaged me to share that the messages within this book also resonate with them.

Part one shares my story; a journey to self-love through PCOS, secondary infertility, miscarriage and an IVF cycle that almost cost me everything. You’ll also discover how I completed my family naturally.

Part two contains wisdom, tools and exercises to support you to heal from the inside out, reduce stress and help you move forward on your fertility journey with more ease and grace.

✨ If you haven’t read this yet, signed author copies are available from me (see details below), or you can purchase Infertility Saved My Life through all the usual global online retailers and bookstores.


Taking a moment to relax and recharge in these therapeutic hot springs.💧🌿

Being in and near water is incredibly healing, melting away stress, offering a mental escape and promoting overall well-being. Did you know that water also helps release emotions and connect us to our intuition?

I’m fortunate to rejuvenate my body and mind regularly with two sanctuaries so close to home. How do you like to unwind and recharge?


✨ If we don’t try, we’ll never know what could be possible. If we don’t ask the question, the answer is always no. ✨

How do we courageously face our fears so we feel safe to ask for what we need and take our next steps forward?

1. Develop our intuition to be louder than our fear of failing, looking foolish, or feeling rejected.
2. Follow the inner guidance we receive. Action is vital; otherwise, our desires only remain dreams.
3. Celebrate our lives unfolding in miraculous ways so we continue to attract abundance.

On the other side of fear, I found a life of travel, a new home in Australia, two daughters after years of secondary infertility, a business I love, and connections with beautiful people worldwide.

I believe life’s greatest opportunities lie just beyond our comfort zones. If you’re ready to listen to your inner guidance, ask that question, move through fear, take a leap and embrace the unknown, let’s chat.

Photos from Sarah Willoughby's post 07/07/2024

🇨🇦 In less than three months, I’ll be heading to Canada for a journey of profound transformation and healing, both professionally and personally. Will I see you at one of my events?

I can’t wait to share insights and healing practices to help deepen your connection with yourself and unlock your inner wisdom. Remember, the relationship you have with yourself, your own mind, body and spirit, is the most important one. 💜

I am therefore excited to share this rare opportunity to connect with me and my amazing fellow coaches, Cecilia Tement and Brad Walsh IN PERSON!!!


🥳 The EmpowHERment Sessions - One Day. Three Coaches. Soul Transformation. 🥳

Join us for an afternoon of deep healing, connection and self exploration with 3 dynamic hosts:

🎼 Cecilia Tement - Energy/Song Healer & Higher Self Channel

📷 Brad Walsh - Professional Photographer and Podcast Architect

🦋 Sarah Willoughby - Embodiment/Transformation Coach & Energy Healer

➡️ When: Saturday, September 28th, 2024

➡️ Time: 1:30 - 4:30PM EST

➡️ Location: Studio Bon Soleil - 201 Weston Road (In Toronto’s West End)

***ONLY 6 Spots Available (4 already gone)

COST: $333 Canadian Dollars

During this experience:

Cecilia will offer:
✅ 1 Hour Group Higher Self Channeling and Song Healing Session

Brad will offer:

✅ Professional Headshots - 2 selected digital images (One Full Colour and one Black and White Photo (4 in total) - Come Photo Ready)
✅ Candid shots of you during sessions

Sarah will offer:
✅ 1 Hour Group Session with Healing and Writing Session To Help You Tune In To Your Own Inner Wisdom



The Silent Companion: Living with Grief

Of all the subjects I write about, grief consistently receives the most engagement on social media. Perhaps this is because grief touches each of us at some point in our lives, or maybe it's because we don't discuss grief enough, leaving many of us without the support we need.

Sharing honest feelings and experiences from behind the safety of a keyboard can often feel easier than talking to family and friends, who might find it difficult to understand or empathise with our emotions.

Today I have decided to vulnerably share my experience of grief, in the hope that it helps you to feel less alone. I invite you to join the conversation so that we can create a global space for connection around an experience that profoundly impacts us, yet we often struggle to articulate.

Grief is a deeply personal journey, and while time can offer a measure of healing, the ache of such a significant loss often persists. It has been just over six years since my dad passed away, and today marks the first anniversary of losing my mum. I have to admit that the anxiety has been slowly building in anticipation of this unwelcome milestone.

My mum’s traumatic and exceptionally stressful death has brought an unparalleled experience of grief as I have navigated all the “firsts” without her: birthdays, my son’s graduation from school and holidays. The past year has seen a complex mixture of emotions surface—from profound sadness to anger, confusion, and moments of joy as I remember the happy times we were blessed to share. Grief doesn't follow a linear path; it ebbs and flows, yet sometimes still catches me off guard with its intensity. Losing both my parents now feels like a part of my identity is missing, and every link to my history and past has disappeared. I recognise that all these feelings are normal and part of the healing process.

However, amid this loss, there's also been a space to find ways to honour my mum’s memory and keep her presence alive in my life. Continuing traditions that she cherished, sharing stories and moments of quiet reflection, have enabled me to feel my mum’s spirit.

As I mark this one-year anniversary, I remind myself of the advice I share with my clients: be gentle with ourselves, acknowledge the pain, and hold space for the love and memories that will always be a part of us. Let's support each other, seek professional help when needed, and build a compassionate community where we can find solace and understanding.

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Find peace by the sea 🌊✨Have you noticed that the ocean’s rhythmic waves calm the mind, boost your mood and renew your s...
Sometimes, the path ahead seems clear and every step feels certain. But then, you hit a dead end—a moment of realisation...
Another Beautiful Sunset 💛There’s something magical about walking along the beach as the sun dips below the horizon. The...
We all know the health benefits of exercise, but did you know that movement is also medicine for the soul? 🌟Exercise ali...
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In part eleven, the final part of Anna Thellmann’s fertility journey interview, Anna shares:- Dr Gary Chapman’s 5 Love L...
🌊✨ There’s something magical about the ocean’s timeless dance that helps melt away worries and rejuvenate the soul.The s...
In part ten of Anna Thellmann’s fertility journey interview, Anna shares:- How expectations in relationships create disa...
In part nine of Anna Thellmann’s fertility journey interview, Anna shares:“Life happens. But how you deal with it, how y...
Lake Garda will always hold a special place in my heart. Its stunning beauty is matched by the joy it brought my mum jus...
*Trigger Warning*Despite the high numbers of people impacted by childhood sexual abuse, it’s still shrouded in silence, ...



Melbourne, VIC

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 2pm
Tuesday 10am - 9pm
Wednesday 7am - 9pm
Thursday 7am - 2pm
Friday 10am - 9pm
Saturday 7am - 9pm
Sunday 7am - 6:30pm

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