School Of Somatic Kink

School Of Somatic Kink

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My Journey
My Journey

She walks between worlds telling stories from the deep. Responsible 4 the uprising of the Femme Domme You are here to remember who you are at your core.

We are here to revolutionise and awaken your sexual power and give yourself full permission to be YOU, we call this epic human the Intuitive Do******ix, we are here to guide you to awaken your Erotic Body and become liberated in every way. We offer the very best training, journey's and certifications in Sensuality, Embodiment, Intuition, Somatic Processing, Sexuality and Sacred Kink as alternative

Photos from School Of Somatic Kink's post 23/08/2024

You gotta admit our journey to Love has been pretty average,

How it’s been shown, expressed, represented and modelled to us,

We’ve been trying to unpack, repack and pre-pack for decades, generations and lifetimes.

People living entire lives and not experiencing real Love.

Frameworks that teach us HOW TO LOVE,

Blueprints even.

Scripts even.

How we can mould ourselves into perfect little representations of Love so the Universe, God, and Daddy can give us what we truly want…

A Love that we’ve only dreamed about.

Waiting. Wondering…as we wither away and settle for Love that doesn’t quite make it all the way to the bone.

We are paving a new era of LOVE,

How we experience it,

Feel it,

Give it,

Receive it.

Beyond all the fking rules.

Like, seriously, don’t fking tell me how to Love,

What should say, shouldn’t say and do.

Don’t make me believe it doesn’t matter,

Don’t water it down into something and tell me we don’t need it, want it, crave it.

Don’t fking tell me you’re happy when you’re not.

Don’t let Love clip your fking wings and strip you bear as it takes everything from you including your power.

Love sets you free.

Love gives you wings.

Love helps you fly.

Love makes your heart want to explode with sheer fking wondrous, ferocious and softness.

This Tuesday I am presenting an epic bloody workshop that is giving you the pieces so you melt into this new era of Love.

The truth is I have fought teaching Love,

Shunned it hard.

Cursed every teaching of Love as it triggers the fk out of me because they are so far from the truth and do nothing to reconciliation our hearts, and our love and restore equality and diversity in how and who we Love.

I will NOT teach you how to FIND THE ONE because that s**t makes me puke.

What I will do is be the conduit and present you with ways, choices, pieces, and real information and empower you to carve out what LOVE means to you in this new era where equality and reconciliation as at the centre of this Love.

It’s $97, a no-frigging brainer.

Love, taught in a way that hasn’t been available until now.

This Tuesday and the replay will be available for those who can’t make it, though if you can please do.



Prying Yourself Away From… You.

As the mind blurs into the chaotic mess of everyday life,

That churns away at your soul,

To let go and let life.

The incessant mind chatter of all the ways you could be better,

In mind, body and spirit.

To gaze upon the world and see opinions penetrating ours.

The unconscious r**e of our minds by that which speaks the loudest.

Judges the quickest.

Constantly looking for all that is wrong.

Is there, will there ever be enough Love for us all to bathe in?

To look beyond the world events and current climate of opinions that drown us of trust in self and life.

As the dreams of yesterday become a distant memory of hope and non-action.

Do we dare to just give it all so easily?

The grasp of Life’s hand as it points us in the direction of now.

For the gift of Life to become our most honoured Lover.

To be willing to pry ourselves away from the constant need to be better,

To become someone else.

If you were to do life better what it look like?

What would it look like if you got out of your own way?



I speak to a lot of Women who are desperate for a man to lead them.

For him to decide,



I get it, after a lifetime of doing everything this is highly arousing.

It’s also a complete outsourcing of power.

To not have to decide,

To assign him the role,

You first have to know what you want and that’s the problem,

We know what we DON’T want, but not what we DO want.

***So you just tell me and I'll do it.

So we are tuning into the frequency of what we don’t want because that’s what we know,

And that’s what we GET.

Learning how to tune into what you really want, the thing that’s underneath the “I just want him to take charge”- ask yourself,

What is underneath that?
What would that give you?

Whatever your answer is to that, that’s what you actually want.

The truth is never in mind, truth is flooding through your veins and we just have to listen.

When we do this we can surrender to him in a way that will blow your mind.

We are diving into this and much more inside the Layers of Love Series.

Photos from School Of Somatic Kink's post 29/07/2024

Your Journey With Love

What would it mean for you to change your experience with Love?

How you feel about and within relationships?

To understand yourself as Love?

Our entire world is built upon Love and yet we aren’t taught how to Love,

It’s modelled to us,

Where it’s conditional, transactional and filled with expectations.

What happens when we are the ripple effect of pure, unconditional and divine Love?

Our entire reality, world and how we move and feel everyday alters in the most exquisite way.

Photos from School Of Somatic Kink's post 17/07/2024

Hey Guys!

It's been a minute, I've been in my bunker and doing my thing, taking some time off socials to listen to the hum and it's been medicine.

I receive a lot of messages about the services available and thought I'd pop this here for you to take a look at, have a feel into it and if it speaks to you reach out # # #


When It Hurts To The Bone

If you’ve spent your life living for everyone else,

There comes a point where it hurts to the bone,

You’ve done NOTHING wrong.

Telling yourself that family is all that matters,

That they’ll always be there,

That it’s OK if you lose a bit of yourself,

Until it’s all gone,

That you’re too tired to care,

When you look in the mirror with horror when you don’t recognise the exhausted eyes that are pleading for you to listen to your Soul.

When the expectations of others and responsibility weigh more than your worth,

When you begin to peer outside the cage you call home,

You can FEEL someone gnawing within and screaming to come out,

She waits,

She purrs under your silent screams,

Your shaky hands,

She isn’t so afraid of ruffling feathers and getting under people's skin,

Because hers is falling away,

The second act of your life cannot look like the first,

When the pain of not knowing who you are outweighs the fear of letting others down,

It’s this moment you are entering into a rite of passage where your Spirit does not travel throughout time to find herself, she knows deep inside her bones who she is, what she stands for and the life she wants to live.

Your Spirit is your own.

She purrs all the way to the bone.

Art by Alice Alinari
Words by Renée Mayne


If you want to be happier,

Feel more empowered,

Let da fk go a little bit more… or a lot more,

If you want to sink your teeth into life,

Explore your Pleasure, Eros, Turn-On and Erotic Evolution.

We need to chat.


There is so much propaganda around this that is really robbing us of experiencing a FULL experience with how we connect and relate with our partners.

A fullness of expression of self is healthy relating where everyone is satisfied, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and s e x u a l l y.


Do you know what I find when I work with the edges?

With the UNHOLY?

That it's the most fking Holy thing I have ever experienced.

Like, I can’t even get my chops around it let alone my mind.

All those terms we believe are horrendous, evil and to be avoided at all costs…

Are the most devastatingly beautiful and innocent origins we can use to empower ourselves with complete Autonomy.

Which I believe is the most evolutionary way forward… how we weave our magick forward.

At the risk of blowing smoke up my own arse, I have the gift of Alchemy especially when it comes to Edges, Shadow, Fear and Unconscious Kink.

I am used to working with big energy, it’s my jam and I am completely unafraid to go there.

To take the Unholy and turn into Holy.

But here’s the truth, in their origin they were NEVER Unholy or Unsavoury.

It’s just that they have been churned inside a machine that warped our minds, beliefs and opinions that keep us small, in fear and judgment.

God forbid we be shunned from our packs.

I’ve been on an archetypal alchemy journeying with 5 UNHOLY EROTIC ARCHETYPES and they are by FAR the 5 that flips everything we think we know on its head.

You can’t not UNSEE it.

You never succumb to the temptation of running away, ignoring and pretending they don’t exist within you ever again.

Looking back, I don’t think we can really feel oneness, wholeness, aliveness and congruence until we have activated and embodied our Erotic Evolution.

Women are better on top… we know it’s true… it’s just that she’s just too bloody exhausted to make the journey up there… but once we’re there… it’s a seat we were made for.




Do you want better relationships? Get Turned-On.

Amplify your connection to Source? Get Turned-On.

Do you want to feel more clarity and purpose? Get Turned-On.

Better boundaries and discernment? Get Turned-On.

Do you want to feel happier? Get Turned-On.

Do you want to RECEIVE? Get Turned-On.

While this is a long-term Love Affair it begins VERY QUICKLY once you… you know pop the Eros Evolution Cherry.

Something I hear all the time is HOW QUICKLY things shift for my clients,

I am NEVER an advocate of a quick fix,

BUT… there is an ORGANIC space in-between,

Those first big initial shifts can happen quickly for those who are ready and open.

I believe in healing forward and not perpetuating any trauma or healing loops in our evolution,

My work is based around Eros, Intimacy and Pleasure AND our relationship with it because these things are CENTRAL to how we do life and feel everyday.

I have 3 places available for private coaching, message me for details x

When we tap into our Eros and feel turned on we have a very different experience with what comes into our field.

My work is based around Eros, Intimacy and Pleasure AND our relationship with it because these things are CENTRAL to how we do life and feel every day.


Not just to others, but to the part of us that wants to judge, blame or attack.

As soon as we do this we are missing the point entirely and shutting down the opportunity to melt into the reconciliation, understanding and evolution that is available to us.

There is a flavour of Superiority that I taste in witnessing people’s opinions around this and it tastes like ash… the dust is igniting residue that runs deep in the psyche of people.

For the first time in my lifetime, I am seeing Women Rise to levels we have never risen to before.

Women fighting for justice and screaming at injustice.

We are saying ENOUGH we cannot do this anymore because I am fu***ng exhausted,

Being a Woman is exhausting.

We are watching the Patriarch crumble and those who have confused the Patriarch as the Masculine are hanging onto dear life.


Pleasure After Parenting,

Parenting is very different to emotional being there for your children,

That requires next-level commitment,

It requires detachment even when we feel so closely tied to them,

To surrender control,

Be there but allow them to forge their own way,

To watch them smile, dream, hurt and experience Life,

The good, bad and ugly.

Before we know it our sense of self is based more around who we are as a parent, rather than who we are as a person.

The responsibility, the expectation and the pressure that is both self-appointed and societal weighs us down and consumes our every thought…

Our happiness is deeply nestled into theirs,

As we become so determined to not let our mistakes become theirs,

Our connection to self is attached to theirs…

Feeling Pleasure that isn’t derived from them feels so foreign in our skin it feels like it doesn’t belong,

… Until we reach the point where we are exhausted,



And who we are as a person is a distant memory…

Our fantasies are a promise of the Pleasure that is available to us,

They are for us…

Little snippets of promises of the joy that is available to us now,

When we remember that our Pleasure is for us first,

Who are you when you aren’t parenting,

Thinking about your kids,

Worrying about your kids,

Guiding your kids,

Doing things for your kids,

Who are you then?

Taking small pockets of time to melt into exploring, being and living who you are without the parenting piece.

Follow the aliveness and measure where you are a little too comfortable, controlling a little bit too much and feel the fantasy that plays out in your mind when you drift off into the unknown.

Take action on the aliveness, what is it guiding you to do? Remember that it arrives piece by piece so don’t wait for the entire picture to drop, it reveals itself piece by piece once we do the thing.

When we are centred in our Pleasure we are a much better Parent because we are modelling and transmitting a frequency that says, I know who I am and I choose to feel good.

When over-giving people pleasing become parents who are on a one-way street to burn out unless they become centred in THEIR Pleasure.


It's so easy to get lost in the things that don't matter.

This Quarter I am focused on Turning You On because when we are anchored in SELF and Eros we no longer get lost in dogma and beliefs and we don't contort ourselves to fit into a world that makes us feel like we have to obey and adhere to a set of rules when we don't.



We shouldn't have to edit ourselves or water down our words to accommodate how they are received by others to get what we want or to ensure others understand us.

I hear so many stories about how women use particular words to ensure they don't offend their partners or men in their lives, I get it.

But you have to know it's manipulation and there is a better way.


Offerings From The Deep

��In the cauldron, she delivers differently, ��

She is tired of the constant urge to conform to a patriarchal structure that always leaves her disappointed, exhausted and in doubt. ��

She knows in her bones she was born with “it”… ��The unwavering knowing she has a service inside of her that cannot be ignored,

���… But the benevolent- soul-inspired knowing doesn’t fit the current framework. ��

No matter how hard you try… It.

Never. Quite. Leaves. You. Feeling. The. FK YES THIS IS IT. ���

You’ve gone back to the drawing board so many times you’ve lost count. ��

You’ve wanted to give up but you can’t!�� You feel like you’re the problem… it’s you, something you’ve not mastered, something you’re missing, something you’re doing wrong. ���


You were born for something bigger… different… you were born into chaos and you’ve been trying to escape it ever since. ���

But it’s time to EMBRACE THE CHAOS. ��

Create from there. ��Feel the primal intelligence in your bones, ��

Feel the Eros traverse through your veins, ��

Feel the Benevolent Creator pulsate and beat as one at the core of who you are and what you’re here to do.���

YOU want to do it differently. ��Nothing feels like it fits YOU.

��It’s because we were born to build EXIT RAMPS. ��WE GO FIRST. ���

I have felt this my entire life and I have always been a freak Visionary Intuitive and Embodied Seer who walks between worlds. ��

Timelines collapse as I see how your magick is craving to unfold, ��

How Somatically you’re telling a different story,

I see your strengths and magick as equally as I see your fears, kinks and resistance. �� I hold you fiercely through all of it. ���

I feel deep. ��I love deep. ��I See Beyond. ��

What is and what wants to be.

���I am your Guardian Fking Angel. ���

I am opening up a Cauldron for a very small number in a life-altering journey and 2 spots have already gone. ���

For the next 3 months we…���

Melt into hypnotic activations. ��

Cultivate the current of Primordial Wisdom, Eros and Savage energetics that transform you into embracing the chaos. ��

Create from the deep, from the unknown, direct from the Benevolent Creator who is owning being different and her Wild Chaos. ��

We build the exit ramp and yourself and all those to follow. �� I intuitively guide you on everything you have created, want to create and unborthed ideas, what’s alive and where your magick wants to go. ��

We melt into the sticky points and smooth them out like milk and honey….���

Fortnightly private sessions. ��

Fortnightly group circles. �� Email or Audio support. ����

This is for you if you’re ready to own your freak and do things differently so you can exit the Patriarchal structure once and for all and do business, service and life in a way to finally feels good.

No more disappointment!!!

It's NOT for you if you're not prepared to do the energy work and physical work in between and be with the chaos, Eros and embodied the s**t out of this epic opportunity. No excuses.

��3 months. ��

All of the above. ���

Payment plans are available. ���

You are the FIRST to receive this and will promote it publicly tomorrow, this will sell out and it's not something I will offer again for a while so if you feel it jump on it by commenting and letting me know you're ALL IN.

Big Love,

Your Guardian Fking Angel.


Under the cloak of shadow,

Thou cast shade,

Under the cloak of skin and bone,

There is colour,

Under the guise of Gender,

There is more than masculine and feminine,

We spend so much time getting lost in that which is destined and designed to change,

But we hate change,

We want things in nice tidy bows and labelled clearly,

We want clear and concise.

Certainty in numbers.

We want so badly for equations and equate.

We want the steps, the framework and every blueprint that is available to swipe,

We cannot settle for that which is beyond that,

That which is designed to never add up,

That which is destined for a paradoxical existence where everything co-exists,

That which we cannot predict,

That which is unknown,

For that requires a level of trust beyond what any contract can offer,

Where our worth is not in our weight or wealth,

Where our lives are more than a list of accomplishments we need to tick off,

Where how we love is both beyond ourselves and solely reliant on the love of self.

Where even when we are trapped in uncertainty and doubt,

We trust the Benevolent Creator Source.

Where we validate feelings and no longer deny them,

Where we allow ourselves to feel everything,

Where we can move beyond the defence and offence,

Where we melt into the belly of Now and know it is exactly where we are meant to be.


A Woman who is central to her Turn-On,

Anchored in her Pleasure,

Is Unstoppable.

She is highly problematic because she doesn’t succumb to insecurities about herself that make her feel unworthy and flawed.

She doesn’t buy from a space of need as a desperate attempt to hang on to her youth, her body or add another piece of clothing to her overflowing wardrobe.

She isn’t codependent and needs her “Daddy”

She isn’t afraid to stand in her full permission, power and pleasure knowing she is a living breathing entity of benevolent love.

She doesn’t need to alter or edit her language when she speaks to others because she is anchored in benevolence,

She oozes it.

She is unwavering in it.

She does not contort herself to accommodate unhealed and wounded people who are afraid to meet their shadow.

She has spent her lifetime knowing you cannot outrun your Shadow,

She sees a beautiful reflection that gives her range, scope and beauty.

Her relationships as a result are a deep union that is boundless, wet ’n’ wild and succulent.

She is savage.

Dripping at her core.

Highly inconvenient and she doesn’t give AF.

Photos from School Of Somatic Kink's post 02/05/2024

What happens when we own our Turn On?

I don’t think we fully realise what happens and unfolds when we own our Turn On,

Pleasure plays a vital part in our general well-being, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being,

It regulates our nervous system,

It brings us into the body,

That mind-body connection.

It opens up our intuition,

We activate a frequency that is beyond measure,

We have a deeper experience with life,

Our days become… more…

Everyone around us benefits,

We begin to model behaviours where everyone gets a richer experience just because we own our Turn On,

Our relationships become juicer,

Our s*x life and intimacy are what dreams are made of,

Our overall confidence amplifies,

We have ownership over our own lives,

All the people who can’t meet us here drift away,

We stand in our Power and no longer put up with bull s**t.

We begin to unravel our attachment to the patriarch and carve a new way of being and living…

All because we owned our Turn-On.

Join us inside KarmaSOMA x


Today I feel the gravity and weight of violence against women in this country,

It astounds me that the system is set up to protect the perpetuators and not Women.

One woman dies every 4 days in Australia alone at the hands of men,

97% of rapists will never be charged.

But we can’t have this conversation unless we talk about how many women are living in abusive relationships and never say a word because it’s so ridiculously common.

Being a Woman is FKING IMPOSSIBLE.

We have an entire culture that needs a complete overhaul.

Women are settling for less than they deserve,

They are in crappy relationships,

With little to no real joy, intimacy or aliveness,

Why do we settle for mediocre?

Yes, men need to change but SO DO WOMEN!!!

Our worth needs to change.

How we open up to Pleasure needs to change.

Our Karmic Imprint needs to change.

The ridiculous notion of men needing to dominate relationships needs to change.

Our happily ever after IS NOT in the hands of a Man FFS.

People who are monetising off selling the idea that our happiness is in our ability to attract a man or how “polarity” is the only way to a healthy relationship lack integrity and their moral compass is WAY OFF… but…

Why do we want to believe in it so much?

To buy into the idea that our happily ever after is in the hands of Men?

Why do you think endometriosis is at an all-time high?

Mental Illness?

And just avoidance from any self-inquiry about how we are feeling about our lives…

Radical honest conversations with self are required.

KarmaSOMA begins TONIGHT and I cannot wait to open these Women up to a new reality # # #

(You'll find the link in the profile)


As I bathe in nectar of the Archetypes each one is giving me a piece that is creating an interweb of connectivity and clarity around what will unfold.

It will be 40 days and 40 nights,

Think Virtual Retreat that fits into your life as snug as a bug in a rug!

In the first week, there will be extensive Karmic Healing of intergenerational, soul and self.

There will be a profound s e x ual awakening and deepening into Transpersonal Pleasure and Sensuality.

Wild Eros

A deep connection to your Erotic Body & Innocence

S e x u a l Healings

Somatic Release and Recoding

Activation and Affirmation Hypnotic Tracks

Meditation Journeys

Archetypal Channeling

Archetypal Embodiment and integration

Somatic Kink Karmic Timeline Therapy

It is designed to give you the time and space to really melt into the experience without being confined to blocking out a set time and day and still be completely held and supported.

So instead of abdicating your healing and unleveling journey you can step int your your full power and take charge and lead your own powerful experience.

I am extremely blessed to facilitate this incredible experience.


A sliding scale payment option is available # # #

Are curious as to which Archetypes we journey TOMORROW?


What we are NOT seeing?

Can we begin to opt out of the current framework a little bit more and a little bit more?

Recognising and beginning to explore what is beyond the frameworks is ur first step and if you're not sure where to start, join us inside KaramSOMA.


Surrender, trust and gimme the God Damn juice.


There is BEAUTY in those parts that are so bloody Divine, Magical and Powerful, that’s why they were taken.

It is my intention and mission for me to show you so you can see for yourself, it is shake-your-head-bewilderingly- profoundly- awe-inspiring.

Once you see what’s there and just how incredible it is, you will never WANT to suppress them or hide them again… they are gifts to this world… to you and we must BE THEM and set them free.

Together we are changing the lineage of Woman.



As A Beacon Of Transformation

I honour Light and Dark,

I honour Shade,

I am a Change Agent like no other,

Without nuance and shade, we are empty ghosts travelling throughout our lives with no real, anchored aliveness coursing throughout our veins,

Our quest for more is really our yearning to know ourselves on such a deep level that all that resides is a deep love of self because how could we not love this human who is capable of feeling so much?

Carrying so much.

Loving so much.

Experiencing so much.

To be drenched in the nectar of our own congruence knowing we are healing forward for ourselves and all those who follow.

As we feel all those who came before us under our feet,

We hold a great Love knowing we did all that we can,

Our relationship with our s e x, intimacy, people and life is actually more about our relationship with SELF.

Our resistance, grief, pain and feelings of abandonment,

Our resistance towards meeting ourselves… truly, madly, deeply…

Saying it doesn’t matter…

It’s not important…

I don’t have time…

When did nourishing ourselves become so hard?

Are we that far down the pile of importance?

Can we really rob the world of our true selves?

Can we rob ourselves of experiencing life on such a profound level?

I don’t think we can.



We cannot be complacent in the role we play in creating equality for everyone.

It starts with each of us empowering ourselves.

Photos from School Of Somatic Kink's post 22/04/2024

I am not interested in ANY type of Wellness and Epic Life that doesn't create equality because anything other is not realistic, sustainable, in integrity, benevolence or weaving magick forward. That is creating more of the same and that does not serve anyone, least of all the lineage of Woman.

It starts on May 1st and I am so ready for it.


The problem with polarity teachings is this...


Karma, Truth and Living our Dharma.

What if we just melted into the YUM and followed the Yum?

Every choice, action and belief we hold on to has a universal consequence, when we choose hard, stressful, or negative we’re reactive without thinking and we give anyway our joy so easily it affects everyone, people we know and love and we don’t both matter.

So what do you choose?

Our Dharma is a result of our Karma.

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