Beachside Health & Movement - Osteopathy & Injury Rehab Solutions, Melbourne, VIC Videos

Videos by Beachside Health & Movement - Osteopathy & Injury Rehab Solutions in Melbourne. ||Our approach|| *Find the problem and reason(s). *Treat the pain and improve function. *Prevent recurrence by explaining problem & how to self manage.

Tight through the low back?!

Carrying the kids on your hip while doing house work?

Struggling to lean side to side or feeling a little wonky through the hips?⁠

This may mean that your quadratus lumborum is tight…. No that’s not a Harry Potter spell! Its your flank muscle commonly referred to as QL⁠

Using the massage ball to release your QL muscles may be just what you need!⁠

Just another way to use your handy massage ball!⁠

** Note: Keep one in the car for on the go use :D ⁠

If you’d like further releasing information 🤸🏼‍♂️that you can do throughout your day call or visit us online to lock in a appointment!⁠

☎️ (03) 9580 7476
🖥️ (link in bio)
📱 PM us on FB or Insta

#osteo #osteopathy #pain #exercise #rehab #beachsideosteo #beachsidehealthandmovement #healthandmovement #mordialloc #parkdale #backpain #massage #selfmassage #recovery #massageball

Other Beachside Health & Movement - Osteopathy & Injury Rehab Solutions videos

Tight through the low back?! Carrying the kids on your hip while doing house work? Struggling to lean side to side or feeling a little wonky through the hips?⁠ ⁠ This may mean that your quadratus lumborum is tight…. No that’s not a Harry Potter spell! Its your flank muscle commonly referred to as QL⁠ ⁠ Using the massage ball to release your QL muscles may be just what you need!⁠ ⁠ Just another way to use your handy massage ball!⁠ ⁠ ** Note: Keep one in the car for on the go use :D ⁠ If you’d like further releasing information 🤸🏼‍♂️that you can do throughout your day call or visit us online to lock in a appointment!⁠ ☎️ (03) 9580 7476 🖥️ (link in bio) 📱 PM us on FB or Insta #osteo #osteopathy #pain #exercise #rehab #beachsideosteo #beachsidehealthandmovement #healthandmovement #mordialloc #parkdale #backpain #massage #selfmassage #recovery #massageball

Mid-Back mobility is key to shoulder function and health... This is a great easy exercise that you can do at home, provided it doesn't cause pain... ------ The shoulder is quite a complex structure and because there are so many tissues trying to pass through small spaces. Shoulder Impingent syndrome occurs when various soft tissues get repetitively trapped between the bony structures of the shoulder. This commonly occurs with people returning to overhead activities too quickly, not allowing the shoulder to adapt to the new mobility, stability or strength requirements in that position. Some examples may include; ⏩ tradies(such as electricians) that have been fitting off or running overhead cabling more frequently than usual, ⏩ someone suddenly taking up shoulder press at the gym, without any recent overhead conditioning. ⏩ office workers/students starting up basketball, tennis, swimming suddenly. In all of these examples, it can stem from a lack of mobility and stability through various regions of the spine or directly at the shoulder itself. Without enough mobility and stability in these other structures, the shoulder is forced to stabilise itself in an awkward posture to produce enough strength for the required activity. This comes at the compromise of other structures within the shoulder that as we mentioned earlier, can become repetitively compressed/squashed, which over time causes damage and/or inflammation. Then the pain starts presenting... at the very end... after all this has been building up for a while. Best outcomes will be achieved by seeing your health practitioner, that can explain the structures involved and what needs to be addressed for initial pain relief, but more importantly, what you need to do to ensure the shoulder develops the mobility, stability and strength to do those activities that overwhelmed it in the first place. If you would like to talk about your shoulder pain, drop us a DM, give us a call ☎️ (03) 9580 747

Don't put up with a stiff back in the mornings... Give this a go or give aus a call so we can help sort it out for you... Life's much better when you wake up feeeling refreshed! ☎️ (03) 9580 7476 🖥️ (link in bio) 📱 PM us on FB or Insta #osteo #osteopathy #pain #exercise #rehab #beachsideosteo #beachsidehealthandmovement #healthandmovement #mordialloc #parkdale #backpain #bestsleep #goodsleep

👉 Experiencing pain through your back and/or back of your shoulder blade⁠ ⁠ 👉 Want to know how to get those "knots" out?⁠ ⁠ Check Out The Video below👇👇👇⁠ To see Jonathan, one of our expert Osteopaths 🤓 demonstrate a Great Foam Rolling Exercise for your lats/rotator cuff to help overcome your Shoulder Pain 🚀🚀🚀 ⁠ ⁠ Try it out at home and COMMENT BELOW ⬇️ to let us know how you go! ⁠ ⁠ Like 💕and share this video with someone you know who has been putting up with Shoulder Pain and would like to learn a great foam roller exercise to work out the muscle knots in their shoulder blade 😳⁠ ⁠ If you want a specialised plan to overcome your back or shoulder pain, reach out to us and let's chat...⁠ ⁠ ☎️ 03 95807476 🖥️ PM us on facebook or Instagram ⁠ 👆 Check the links in our profile to book online⁠ ⁠ ⁠ We can help you overcome your back or shoulder pain and get back to active living again today! ⁠ ⁠ #osteo #osteopathy #pain #exercise #rehab #beachsideosteo #beachsidehealthandmovement #healthandmovement #mordialloc #parkdale #shoulderpain #swimmersshoulder #backpain #shoulderpainrelief

📖 BOOK OPENERS 📖 There are many injuries and reasons we prescribe this exercise. Most commonly for mid back and neck pain. WHY WE LOVE ❤️ THIS EXERCISE ✅ Great rehabilitation exercise for neck and back pain ✅ Improves mid thoracic mobility ✅ Relieves stiff and sore backs ✅ Great movement break from repetitive or prolonged forward positions eg. desk, couch, tools, housework TIPS ✅ Keep your spine straight ✅ Use a pillow to support your neck ✅ Keep your pelvis still ✅ If you can't control the weight slowly, reduce or remove the dumbells (or can of food etc) DISCLAIMER - It shoulder not cause pain during or afterwards. - If it causes pain, stop. - If pain persists, consult your health professional. WANT FURTHER HELP? We love working with you to not only address your pain, but develop creative and achievable strategies that you can implement into your life for long-term relief. We are all about empowering YOU to understand how YOU can take control of your health. ☎️ 0395807476 🖥️ (link in bio) #osteo #osteopathy #pain #exercise #rehab #beachsideosteo #beachsidehealthandmovement #healthandmovement #mordialloc #parkdale #shoulderpain #swimmersshoulder #backpain #shoulderpainrelief ⁠#office #officeposture #homeexercise #mobilisation #move #movefree #mobility

Give this a go...⁠ ⁠ Take it easy... Gentle and slow is best!⁠ ⁠ If it causes pain, back off or consult your health professional.⁠ ⁠ If you want more tips like this, follow us!⁠ ⁠ If you are keen for help with your pain or injury...⁠ ⁠ ☎️ 0395807476⁠ 🖥️ (link in bio)⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #osteo #osteopathy #pain #exercise #rehab #beachsideosteo #beachsidehealthandmovement #healthandmovement #mordialloc #parkdale #roller #foamroller #backpain #mobility

Have tightness at the back of your head or suffer from headaches in your temples, top of head or behind the eyes?? ⁠ ⁠ Did you know that cervicogenic headaches are caused by disruption through the cervical spine & surrounding muscular?⁠ ⁠ Releasing your suboccipital muscles, which are located at the base of your skull may help decrease the intensity of your headache & release the tightness through the back of the head⁠ Why not give it a go with your massage ball?⁠ ⁠ The double ball is a great tool in this case OR if you have 2 of the same sized balls place them in a sock & VOILA!⁠ ⁠ Just another way to use your handy massage ball!⁠ ⁠ ⁠ 🖥️:⁠ 📱: 9580 7476⁠ ⁠ #challenge #staypositive #home #fun #keepactive #exercise #beachsideosteo #mordialloc #3195 #massageball #osteo #release #recovery #recover #suboccipitals #headaches⁠ #osteo #osteopathy #pain #exercise #rehab #beachsideosteo #beachsidehealthandmovement #healthandmovement #mordialloc #parkdale

What does your desk setup look like? 🖥🕹 Have you thought about the height of your desk, your chair and your screen height? 👈🏽👇🏽 If you have... awesome! However there are many more small and big adjustments you can make to optimise your WFH (work from home) or office set-up! ✍🏼🤔 Here is a great exercise we commonly prescribe only its modified for the desk!! Cat-Cow 🐱🐄 It will help you feel better and keep you more productive. 🧑🏼‍💻👨‍🏫 🔥HOT tip for everyone.. Use toilet, tea/coffee, water and food breaks as a point to choose 1️⃣ stretch/exercise at a time (you HAVE to do some of these)! ☕️🥙 🔥Instead of feeling like you have to do hundreds of stretches all at once, it will take a couple minutes and you’ll do them more often! Do you feel like you’re out of your depth in how to set up your desk appropriately and are suffering as a result? 🙋🏽🙋🏾‍♀️ Contact us to set up an ergonomic assessment where we can visually inspect your WFH set-up online! ☎️: 9580 7476 👨🏽‍💻: #osteopathy #osteo #exercise #sport #health #gym #yoga #beachsideosteo #beachside #mordialloc #stronger #movement #rehab #body #painfree #injuryfree

It's not uncommon to feel a bit sore and tight now that you're getting out a bit more and doing things again... Especially if you hadn't done much exercise and movement over lockdown. Give this a try... It should produce a gentle stretch, but not cause pain. If pain or discomfort persists... give us a call 📞 03 9580 7476 🖥️ (link in bio) #osteo #osteopathy #pain #exercise #rehab #beachsideosteo #beachsidehealthandmovement #healthandmovement #mordialloc #parkdale #shoulderpain #backpain #stretch #yoga #getmoving #getactive

THORACIC ROTATION AT THE DESK 🌟 There are many injuries and reasons we prescribe this exercise. Most commonly for mid back and neck pain. WHY WE LOVE ❤️ THIS EXERCISE ✅ Great rehabilitation exercise for neck and back pain ✅ Improves mid thoracic mobility ✅ Relieves stiff and sore backs ✅ Great movement break from repetitive or prolonged forward positions eg. desk, couch, tools, housework

There are many injuries and reasons we prescribe this exercise. Most commonly for mid back and neck pain. WHY WE LOVE ❤️ THIS EXERCISE ✅ Great rehabilitation exercise for neck and back pain ✅ Improves mid thoracic mobility ✅ Relieves stiff and sore backs ✅ Great movement break from repetitive or prolonged forward positions eg. desk, couch, tools, housework #osteo #osteopathy #pain #exercise #rehab #beachsideosteo #beachsidehealthandmovement #healthandmovement #mordialloc #parkdale #backpain

Glute Bridge 🍑⁠ The glute bridge is a staple in keeping pelvic stability & is a building block for many progressions⁠ It includes activating your TA/pelvic floor & glutes all in one motion as well as motion through the pelvis & low back. Also making it a great mobility exercise focusing on segmental motion.⁠ Over the coming weeks we will introduce a different type of Glute Bridge each week⁠ If pelvic stability is an issue for you, give these a whirl 🌀⁠ 🔸Begin with feet as close to your bottom as you can ⁠ 🔹Activate your pelvic floor & TA ⁠ 🔸Bring your pubic bone in the direction of your belly button⁠ 🔹Bring pelvis up⁠ 🔸Slowly & maintaining activations, ripple your way down 1 vertebrae by 1 vertebrae⁠ 🔹Repeat x10 & 2-3 Sets ⁠ More progressions to come! Stay TUNED ⁠ 💻⁠ 📞 03 9580 7476⁠ #glutes #pelvicstability #osteopathy #mordialloc #osteo #osteopathy #pain #exercise #rehab #beachsideosteo #beachsidehealthandmovement #healthandmovement #mordialloc #parkdale

👉 Your neck hurts... 👉 It's now at the point of frustration and you need relief.. 👇👇👇 Check out these 3 common causes and easy solutions! 1️⃣ Prolonged use of phones and tablets ⏩ One of our many first world problems...looking down at your phone constantly can have a detrimental effect on our neck. ⏩ Did you know? even a slight 15 degree forward head posture can add 12.25kgs of force through the structures of our neck!! 💡 SOLUTION: ⏩ Remember to take regular breaks in between screen time and incorporate some movement into your routine. Whether you prefer walking your dog, cycling or getting up to do some stretches, yoga can be beneficial for your body. 2️⃣ Poor sleeping posture ⏩ We spend nearly one third of our lives sleeping, so have you thought about how you sleep may affect you? ⏩ We often don’t realise certain positions can put unnecessary strains on the facet joints which can cause irritation in them. For example, sleeping on your stomach and turning your head to one side for a long period of time may irritate your joint or if you slept awkwardly on your back or side. The type of mattress and pillow you use also play an important role in your sleeping posture. 💡 SOLUTION: ⏩ Ensure you don’t over turn, side bend or extend your neck in relation to your body. This can put strains on the structures in your neck. Seek professional advice on the type of mattress and pillow in relation to 3️⃣ Poor workspace setup ⏩ Research has shown people who sit behind a desk all day commonly experience neck and back stiffness, lower back pain, wrist pain...which could lead to developing work-related injuries. With poor workspace setup, this increases the likelihood of developing these symptoms. 💡 SOLUTION: ⏩ Choose a chair that supports your spinal curves, make sure both your feet are on the ground with thighs parallel to the floor ⏩ Adjust your monitor/laptop screen to eye level, about an arm’s le

There are many injuries and reasons we prescribe this exercise. Most commonly for mid back and neck pain.⁠ ⁠ WHY WE LOVE ❤️ THIS EXERCISE⁠ ⁠ ✅ Great rehabilitation exercise for neck and back pain⁠ ⁠ ✅ Improves mid thoracic mobility⁠ ⁠ ✅ Relieves stiff and sore backs⁠ ⁠ ✅ Great movement break from repetitive or prolonged forward positions eg. desk, couch, tools, housework⁠ If you have more specific questions or an injury/niggle that has popped up DM or call us! ☎️: 9580 7476 👨🏽‍💻: (link in bio) #osteopathy #osteo #exercise #sport #health #gym #yoga #beachsideosteo #beachside #mordialloc #stronger #movement #rehab #body #painfree #injuryfree

🎓Knowing how to stretch the different muscles that make up your calf 🦵 is key to improving your recovery👍... The gastroc attaches above the knee and gets the best stretch with a straight leg... The Soleus the often forgotten muscle in the calf, that sits under the gastroc, attaches below the knee and is best stretched with a bent knee. Watch the video and give it a try! If you have questions or need further advice... msg us, comment below or give us a call on 0395807476 #osteo #osteopathy #pain #exercise #rehab #beachsideosteo #beachsidehealthandmovement #healthandmovement #mordialloc #parkdale #run #walk #ride #calf #stretch

Have tightness at the back of your head or suffer from headaches in your temples, top of head or behind the eyes?? ⁠ ⁠ Did you know that cervicogenic headaches are caused by disruption through the cervical spine & surrounding muscular?⁠ ⁠ Releasing your suboccipital muscles, which are located at the base of your skull may help decrease the intensity of your headache & release the tightness through the back of the head⁠ Why not give it a go with your massage ball?⁠ ⁠ The double ball is a great tool in this case OR if you have 2 of the same sized balls place them in a sock & VOILA!⁠ ⁠ Just another way to use your handy massage ball!⁠ ⁠ ⁠ 🖥️:⁠ 📱: 9580 7476⁠ ⁠ #challenge #staypositive #home #fun #keepactive #exercise #beachsideosteo #mordialloc #3195 #massageball #osteo #release #recovery #recover #suboccipitals #headaches⁠ #osteo #osteopathy #pain #exercise #rehab #beachsideosteo #beachsidehealthandmovement #healthandmovement #mordialloc #parkdale

Have you stopped activities because they flare up your shoulder pain? You are not alone... this is a common problem for many, that seems to come out of nowhere. Most people will present not knowing what caused that pain as there was no traumatic injury. The shoulder is quite a complex structure and because there are so many tissues trying to pass through small spaces. Shoulder Impingent syndrome occurs when various soft tissues get repetitively trapped between the bony structures of the shoulder. This commonly occurs with people returning to overhead activities too quickly, not allowing the shoulder to adapt to the new mobility, stability or strength requirements in that position. Some examples may include; ⏩ tradies(such as electricians) that have been fitting off or running overhead cabling more frequently than usual, ⏩ someone suddenly taking up shoulder press at the gym, without any recent overhead conditioning. ⏩ office workers/students starting up basketball, tennis, swimming suddenly. In all of these examples, it can stem from a lack of mobility and stability through various regions of the spine or directly at the shoulder itself. Without enough mobility and stability in these other structures, the shoulder is forced to stabilise itself in an awkward posture to produce enough strength for the required activity. This comes at the compromise of other structures within the shoulder that as we mentioned earlier, can become repetitively compressed/squashed, which over time causes damage and/or inflammation. Then the pain starts presenting... at the very end... after all this has been building up for a while. Best outcomes will be achieved by seeing your health practitioner, that can explain the structures involved and what needs to be addressed for initial pain relief, but more importantly, what you need to do to ensure the shoulder develops the mobility, stability and strength to do those activities that overwhelmed it in the first place. If yo

🤕Headaches can be frustrating, especially when they become persistent and recurring.⁠ 💡 Understanding more about why they are occurring is an important place to start.⁠ ⁠ Did you know... Tension-type headaches can originate from tight or fatigued jaw muscles... one of them being the Temporalis. If we had a better understanding and develop the skills to self release, mobilise, stabilise and strengthen the necessary areas, we create more resilience and can survive more time in these postures, without any issues.⁠ ⁠ Of course we can help get you started and will assess and gently release the upper neck and associated issues... then we can help educate you on the ins and outs of your headaches and how you can better manage or resolve them.⁠ ⁠ Give this one a try and let us know how you go 😁 If you'd like to know more about how we could help your headaches, please drop us a DM, give us a call on ☎️ 0395807476 or skip straight to an appointment and book online at 🖥️ (link in bio) #osteo #osteopathy #pain #exercise #rehab #beachsideosteo #beachsidehealthandmovement #healthandmovement #mordialloc #parkdale #headaches #migraines

📖 BOOK OPENERS 📖 There are many injuries and reasons we prescribe this exercise. Most commonly for mid back and neck pain. WHY WE LOVE ❤️ THIS EXERCISE ✅ Great rehabilitation exercise for neck and back pain ✅ Improves mid thoracic mobility ✅ Relieves stiff and sore backs ✅ Great movement break from repetitive or prolonged forward positions eg. desk, couch, tools, housework TIPS ✅ Keep your spine straight ✅ Use a pillow to support your neck ✅ Keep your pelvis still ✅ If you can't control the weight slowly, reduce or remove the dumbells (or can of food etc) DISCLAIMER - It shoulder not cause pain during or afterwards. - If it causes pain, stop. - If pain persists, consult your health professional. WANT FURTHER HELP? We love working with you to not only address your pain, but develop creative and achievable strategies that you can implement into your life for long-term relief. We are all about empowering YOU to understand how YOU can take control of your health. ☎️ 0395807476 🖥️ (link in bio) #osteo #osteopathy #pain #exercise #rehab #beachsideosteo #beachsidehealthandmovement #healthandmovement #mordialloc #parkdale #shoulderpain #swimmersshoulder #backpain #shoulderpainrelief ⁠#office #officeposture #homeexercise #mobilisation #move #movefree #mobility

SIDE SLEEPER?😴 Finding it hard to fall asleep? Waking up stiff or in pain?😫 While sleeping on your side is proven to have health benefits, we can't simply just rely on this recommendation as sleep is a much more complex process (mattresses, pillows,). Instead, it is the slight adjustments that have the biggest impacts on our patients and I’m going to share those with you now, so stick around. 👉 Keep our spine in neutral - Placing a pillow between your knees (extending down to the feet) will prevent torsion in your spine and reduce pressure off your lower back and hips 👉Reducing pressure off shoulders - Hugging a pillow will prevent the top arm coming forward/back, relieving pressure off the shoulder 👉Finding the right pillow for your neck - Maintaining a neutral spine through the neck reduces compression, therefore preventing neck pain and associated headaches. 👉Positioning your pillow for best support - Understanding the right angle and position for your pillow is essential... An expensive pillow is pointless if you are allowing it to support your neck and head properly. Come and see one of our expert osteopaths for a free pillow assessment. If you’re a side or back sleeper and still getting issues, you should come and see us for some tailored advice to give you the best sleep we can. ☎️ 0395807476 🖥️ #osteo #osteopathy #pain #exercise #rehab #beachsideosteo #beachsidehealthandmovement #healthandmovement #mordialloc #parkdale #pillow #sleep #neckpain #goodsleep #bestsleep