Beachside Health & Movement - Osteopathy & Injury Rehab Solutions

||Our approach||
*Find the problem and reason(s).
*Treat the pain and improve function.
*Prevent recurrence by explaining problem & how to self manage.


Jaw pain🤐, Headaches 🤕 and other Chronic Pain conditions can allow rise from dysfunction at your TMJ (jaw joint)...

With over 15 years of experience helping clients with these conditions, it is exciting to be back doing face-to-face learning, adding more knowledge, skills, and tools to our repertoire...

We can't wait to digest two full days of amazing content, to create new treatment and rehab protocols for our patients, allowing us the ability to help more patients better manage or resolve their pain.

If you suffer from Headaches, Migraines, Jaw Pain or other chronic pain through the head, face, or neck... we'd love to hear about it so we can see if it is something we can help you with.

☎️ (03) 9580 7476
🖥️ (link in bio)
📱 PM us on FB or Insta


From our family to yours....

🎄🎄 Merry Christmas 🎄🎄

⁠To review some of our moments in 2022... and maybe a little christmas suprise for you...


That's right....

We'll be open through Christmas 🎄 and New Year 🎉

We've also opened up extra slots 📅 to make sure we can fit in all those Christmas injuries...

as well as the ongoing issues that you've been waiting to find time to have seen to 😀

even if you just want to start with a chat to see how we can help... drop us a line...

☎️ (03) 9580 7476
🖥️ (link in bio)
📱 PM us on FB or Insta


After graduating osteopathy with Michael at Victoria University in 2006, Gina decided to join Beachside when we moved into White St in 2012... back when we only had one consulting room set up, so Michael and Gina shared that room.

Gina quickly impressed and as the business grew we opened a second room.

Fast forward 10 years and we are so happy that Gina is still a part of our team.

On behalf of Beachside and our clients... Thank you Gina!!!

Timeline photos 23/04/2022

Do you experience pain in your lower back when you try to straighten up after periods of sitting or bending over?⁠

Do you get low back pain when you go for big walks or a run and you are also an office worker or tradie that spends a lot of time sitting or bent forward working? ⁠

These are common presentations that we see presenting with low back pain. ⁠

Whilst it is complex and there are many factors why you may be experiencing back pain... Understanding why makes a big difference in achieving long-term relief.⁠

In these scenarios, there may be tight or weak hip flexors involved.⁠

When the hip flexors become shortened or tight they can cause compression of the lower back in certain positions... possibly trying to straighten up or when you try to lean back or stride out.⁠

If you think this is you and stretching just isn't enough anymore...

Let's chat!

☎️ (03) 9580 7476
🖥️ (link in bio)
📱 PM us on FB or Insta

Timeline photos 22/04/2022

Nobody realises how annoying it can be, until it happens to you!⁠

Sharp or nagging pain on one side of your spine? Seems to ache even more in the middle of the night? Hurts to move your head, arm or breathe? ⁠

Gentle stretching, massage or painkillers kind of help…⁠

Might settle for a bit… you think it’s all good and BANG it starts catching again!⁠

Could well be a rib sprain!⁠

Depending on the severity and the maintaining factors… the first week or two can be very frustrating! ⁠

It’s not just frustrating for the client… as practitioners, it is just as annoying… we know you’ll feel better after treatment, but it is only providing temporary relief and it will be just as angry again within 24hrs! ⁠

This is why educating clients is very important… you need to understand what will trigger the pain and how to best manage it in the short term.⁠

We’ll also often use different kinesio or rigid taping techniques to brace the rib a little bit and give it some support so it can settle quicker.⁠

If you are searching for relief... or have experienced this in the past and want to make sure you've resolved the underlying reasons... comment "ME" down below or give us a call on 0395807476 and one of our expert osteos will arrange a time to chat with you.

To book an appointment online, head to

☎️ (03) 9580 7476
🖥️ (link in bio)
📱 PM us on FB or Insta

Timeline photos 21/04/2022

Do you agree?

Timeline photos 20/04/2022

Tight muscles can be a source of pain and frustration.

This can occur when starting a gym program or performing activities at work.

As an Osteopath a question that I get asked frequently - is why do muscles tighten up?

An understanding of why can help prevent and manage tightness in the future.

There are many different reasons muscles become tight here are a few -

1️⃣ When you start a new gym program or increasing weights your muscles fatigue and tighten.

This is usually a day or two afterwards and is part of the process of building muscle and gaining fitness.

The pain and tightness you feel in your muscles after exercise are from small tears.

These tears will repair and help the muscle grow stronger.

To prevent this tightness and pain you can increase your exercise program gradually.

2️⃣ Long periods of inactivity muscles can also cause muscles to tighten up.

An example of this is if you are sitting at a desk for a long period of time your legs are in a bent or flexed position.

This causes the muscles that bend the hip to shorten and become tight.

As muscles always prefer to function at a particular length.

When muscles become shortened or lengthened they become weak, painful and tight.

To prevent these imbalances it is important to move regularly.

An Osteopath will work with you to identify muscle imbalances. Loosen tight muscles and give you exercises to counter any muscle imbalances.

3️⃣ Another time muscles with tighten up is when there is an injury or perceived pain stimulus in a region of the body.

The body sends a nervous message to the muscles in the area to tighten up and protect the area.

This is one way your brain prevents you moving to further injure the area. It also slows you down to allow time to recover.

This is a good thing in acute situations.

However, over time your brain can sometimes become conditioned to overreact to a perceived threat rather than an actual one.

This means muscles your muscles may become tight even with no injury or tissue damage.

This can lead to chronic tightness or pain.

Part of what an osteopath will do is assess you to identify whether this is the case. Treat to reduce muscle spasm and restore the body to normal function.

If you would like to know more about how we could help you... drop us a line...

☎️ (03) 9580 7476
🖥️ (link in bio)
📱 PM us on FB or Insta

Timeline photos 19/04/2022

Sick of that🦵knee pain after exercise or sitting?⁠⁠
This could be patellar tendinopathy💥⁠⁠
These injuries often come on in people who do a lot of repetitive jumping such as volleyball🏐 or basketball players🏀⁠⁠
The pain is felt just below👇 the knee and you may notice it more after exercise or after periods of sitting and is often relieved by straightening out the leg💺⁠⁠
This injury can be a pretty frustrating one especially for athletes wanting to get back into sport😠⁠⁠
The good thing is with appropriate management✅ recovery can be made quite quickly⏲ and improve the overall outcomes for the injury!⁠⁠⁠
☎️: 9580 7476⁠

Timeline photos 18/04/2022

👉 Your neck hurts...⁠
👉 It's now at the point of frustration and you need relief..⁠

👇👇👇 Check out these 3 common causes and easy solutions!⁠

1️⃣ Prolonged use of phones and tablets⁠

⏩ One of our many first world problems...looking down at your phone constantly can have a detrimental effect on our neck. ⁠

⏩ Did you know? even a slight 15 degree forward head posture can add 12.25kgs of force through the structures of our neck!!⁠


⏩ Remember to take regular breaks in between screen time and incorporate some movement into your routine. Whether you prefer walking your dog, cycling or getting up to do some stretches, yoga can be beneficial for your body. ⁠

2️⃣ Poor sleeping posture⁠

⏩ We spend nearly one third of our lives sleeping, so have you thought about how you sleep may affect you? ⁠

⏩ We often don’t realise certain positions can put unnecessary strains on the facet joints which can cause irritation in them. For example, sleeping on your stomach and turning your head to one side for a long period of time may irritate your joint or if you slept awkwardly on your back or side. The type of mattress and pillow you use also play an important role in your sleeping posture.⁠


⏩ Ensure you don’t over turn, side bend or extend your neck in relation to your body. This can put strains on the structures in your neck. Seek professional advice on the type of mattress and pillow in relation to ⁠

3️⃣ Poor workspace setup⁠

⏩ Research has shown people who sit behind a desk all day commonly experience neck and back stiffness, lower back pain, wrist pain...which could lead to developing work-related injuries. With poor workspace setup, this increases the likelihood of developing these symptoms. ⁠


⏩ Choose a chair that supports your spinal curves, make sure both your feet are on the ground with thighs parallel to the floor⁠

⏩ Adjust your monitor/laptop screen to eye level, about an arm’s length away⁠

⏩ Finally, incorporate more movement into your routine. A good rule of thumb to follow is, for every 30minutes of sitting, take 30 seconds to move your body. ⁠

Want help to resolve your neck issues? Our team of expert Osteopaths are ready to help...

A solution starts with a chat...

☎️ (03) 9580 7476
🖥️ (link in bio)
📱 PM us on FB or Insta

Timeline photos 16/04/2022

🐰🐰 Happy Easter Everyone 🐰🐰

Timeline photos 16/04/2022

Wishing you and your families a great easter!

Timeline photos 15/04/2022

We hope you have a great time, but...

Should you do yourself some mischief...

We'll be back in the clinic Tuesday, so drop us a line and we'll get you sorted.

☎️ (03) 9580 7476
🖥️ (link in bio)
📱 PM us on FB or Insta

Timeline photos 14/04/2022

Need to get a ni**le sorted before you set off on your Easter break?

Call us asap and see if we can squeeze you in today

☎️ (03) 9580 7476
🖥️ (link in bio)
📱 PM us on FB or Insta

Whilst we are fully booked this Sat msg us to see if we have anything available.

We will be back Tuesday and most of the week is filled so jump online or leave us a msg if you need to get in and we will do our best to help you out.

We hope you all have a lovely Easter with friends, family (or even some much need alone time).

Stay safe and enjoy

The Beachside Team


Tight through the low back?!

Carrying the kids on your hip while doing house work?

Struggling to lean side to side or feeling a little wonky through the hips?⁠

This may mean that your quadratus lumborum is tight…. No that’s not a Harry Potter spell! Its your flank muscle commonly referred to as QL⁠

Using the massage ball to release your QL muscles may be just what you need!⁠

Just another way to use your handy massage ball!⁠

** Note: Keep one in the car for on the go use :D ⁠

If you’d like further releasing information 🤸🏼‍♂️that you can do throughout your day call or visit us online to lock in a appointment!⁠

☎️ (03) 9580 7476
🖥️ (link in bio)
📱 PM us on FB or Insta

Timeline photos 12/04/2022

It's the Achilles Tendon...

Attaching your calf to the back of the heel.

It produces the power(recoil) to jump, run etc...

No wonder it is the largest and strongest tendon and with the amount of load we put it under at times, it is a common injury that we see...

👉 Are you experiencing pain and stiffness in your Achilles first thing in the morning when you take those first few steps?

👉 Or perhaps, it’s even painful to walk, jump, or when doing a similar activity you love…

You may be suffering from what’s called Achilles tendinopathy!

We all at some point in our lives have encountered someone who has suffered from Achilles tendinopathy. Maybe you have or have had this pain before too...

Achilles tendinopathy is a painful 🥺 condition that affects the large tendon that connects the calf muscle and the heel bone.

👋If you need some advice or are not sure whether you have this injury or not, feel free to call one of our experienced osteopaths! We look forward to hearing from you.

☎️ (03) 9589 7476
🖥️ or check the link on our profile

Timeline photos 11/04/2022

Do you need relief from your headaches?⁠

Understanding more about why they are occurring is an important place to start.⁠

We all understand that posture is important and we try to 'sit up straight', like our parents drummed into us as kids.⁠

This is all well and good, but it isn't until we break this down for clients that we can begin making a big difference to their headaches and long-term management.⁠

We should all be able to enjoy some couch time, on the computer or watching TV.⁠

The problem arises when we start doing this on a regular basis, without understanding the strain and fatigue it causes.⁠

If we had a better understanding and develop the skills to self release, mobilise, stabilise and strengthen the necessary areas, we create more resilience and can survive more time in these postures, without any issues.⁠

Of course understanding how much couch time is too much is also a big part... It will be different for everyone and can change day-to-day depending on what else we've put our bodies through.⁠

If you are ready to get som relief...

Here are the details you need to make it happen.

☎️ (03) 9580 7476
🖥️ (link in bio)
📱 PM us on FB or Insta

Timeline photos 09/04/2022

Your pillow matters...

Do you know pillow hygiene and comfort is part of self care too?

When was the last time you changed your pillows?

Chances are quite a few of you cannot for the life of you remember…

We spend roughly 30% of our adult life sleeping which makes the pillow an essential element of our sleeping environment.

Finding a proper pillow that suits your body type is important because a poor pillow can result in neck pain, discomfort, tossing and turning, waking with numbness and tingling. If you have an existing condition with neck issues, it can be a contributing factor in making your symptoms worse.

Picking the right pillow:
You have to remember there is not a ‘one size fits all’

It depends what sleeper you are: side, back or tummy (we don’t recommend the last one)

What material or firmness best suits your body type

What you think is a good pillow for yourself and your body, may not actually be the best thing…it would be recommended to seek advice from your health care practitioner that has seen you and knows your history. That way they know what would best suit you and your body!

If you are having trouble picking a pillow yourself, whether it be because you wanted to change pillow (finally after 10 years), help with your neck issue, as a treat yourself gift or for someone else…don’t hesitate to speak to one of our osteos here!

We stock and range of pillows that are highly regarded by health professionals and we will make sure we find the right fit for you!

☎️ (03) 9580 7476
🖥️ (link in bio)
📱 PM us on FB or Insta

Timeline photos 08/04/2022

Work, rest or play...

What your soul needs is for you to decide.

At diffferent times, we'll crave different things, but if you have been hyperfocused in one area...

don't forget to allow a little bit of time for the other important areas in your life.

As always... if you have an overworked body... helping it recover, restore function and get you moving may be just what it needs.

We're only a call, msg or click away...

☎️ (03) 9580 7476
🖥️ (link in bio)
📱 PM us on FB or Insta

Timeline photos 06/04/2022

Good Morning!!!

We hope you have sprung out of bed and are ready to take on the day...

If not, we're open and here to help ☺️

☎️ (03) 9580 7476
🖥️ (link in bio)
📱 PM us on FB or Insta

If it's urgent and you can't find space online... call or msg us and we'll see if we have an emergency slot or cancellation.

Timeline photos 06/04/2022

Could your jaw🤔 be the key to resolving your 🤕headaches...⁠

This is a common cause that gets missed because suffers forget to mention or they don't know that...⁠

👉🏻 they clench or grind their teeth. ⁠

👉🏻 they are anxious/overwhelmed.⁠

👉🏻 their pillow pushes on their jaw rather than supports it.⁠

The answer isn't always simple... sometimes you need experienced help that knows the right questions to ask.⁠

Understanding more about why they are occurring is an important place to start.⁠

We all understand that posture is important and we try to 'sit up straight', like our parents drummed into us as kids.⁠

This is all well and good, but it isn't until we break this down for clients that we can begin making a big difference to their headaches and long-term management.⁠

The problem arises when we don't understand the strain and fatigue that occurs through the neck, shoulders and jaw.⁠

If we had a better understanding and develop the skills to self release, mobilise, stabilise and strengthen the necessary areas, we create more resilience and can survive more time in these postures, without any issues.⁠

We also need to consider external factors as well, are you getting enough sleep, are you getting the right hydration and nutrition, have you got a bed/pillow combination that suits your body type and sleep posture?⁠

These are just some of the things we will ask you about to determine the true source and associated factors of your headaches.⁠

Of course we can help get you started and will assess and gently release the upper neck and associated issues... then we can help educate you on the ins and outs of your headaches and how you can better manage or resolve them.⁠

If you'd like to know more about how we could help your headaches, please drop us a DM, give us a call on

☎️ (03) 9580 7476
🖥️ (link in bio)
📱 PM us on FB or Insta


Timeline photos 05/04/2022

Looking for a new Osteopath in Mordialloc/Parkdale?

Let's start with a chat, so one of our friendly and experienced Osteos can hear how pain is affecting you and your health goals...

We'd love to help you!

Feel free to call, book online or drop us a msg on our socials...

☎️ (03) 9580 7476
🖥️ (link in bio)
📱 PM us on FB or Insta

Timeline photos 03/04/2022

Sports Injury?
Back Pain?
Sore Neck?

These are just some of the things we may be able to help you with!

You can book online or msg us if you need to get in asap

☎️ (03) 9580 7476
🖥️ (link in bio)
📱 PM us on FB or Insta

Timeline photos 02/04/2022

🥳🎉🎂 Happy Birthday Osteo Emily 🎂🎉🥳

We hope you have the best day!!!

Timeline photos 02/04/2022

Lack of sleep cn have profound impact on the body and is a common feature when assisting clients with pain and injury.

The average person is recommended to achieve 7-9 hours of sleep per night.

👉🏽 Poor sleep is associated with impairments in motivation, emotion, and cognitive functioning as well as increased risk for serious medical conditions (e.g., diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer) and all-cause mortality, even when the symptoms are mild.

👉🏽 Sleep deprivation increases proinflammatory mediators, which impairs immune system function, impedes muscle recovery and repair from damage.

Some simple advice we proved clients is to:

☕ Avoid caffeine before bed or around bedtime
🏃🏼‍♀️ Exercise regularly
📵 Reduce bedroom noise such as computer/tv or light before bed, (night time noise increases arousal)
🧘🏼 Allow for wind down time
🕘 Sleep timing regularity (regular bed and wake times)
🍦 Minimise food intake ~2hrs before bed
😴 Avoiding daytime naps

Often if the above don't completely help, we find restrictions within your spine, or muscles that are making it hard for your body to get comfortable or remain comfortable...

7-9hrs is a long time to stay in one spot, so if your body is stiff and resticted, it can struggle to cope (and most people won't even realise it is the problem until they can move freely and suddenly notice how much more comfortable they are in bed)

If you're still struggling to get to sleep, stay asleep or wake feeling rested it may be time for a chat with one of our friendly osteopaths to help determine the cause...

☎️ (03) 9580 7476
🖥️ (link in bio)
📱 PM us on FB or Insta

Timeline photos 01/04/2022

With the weather get cooler, it's easy to forget to stay hydrated...

We commonly see it as a contributing factor to patients pain or discomfort, such as Headaches and general stiffness.

☎️ (03) 9580 7476
🖥️ (link in bio)
📱 PM us on FB or Insta

Timeline photos 25/03/2022

15 YEARS!!!

From humble beginnings in the front room of the family home to celebrating 15years in operation.

Thank you to all the clients, staff and community that have supported our journey and we look forward to many more years to come.

Advice for MLSC 2022 Senior States 10/03/2022

All the best to everyone competing in the Senior Lifesaving State Champs over the next 3 days.

If you are looking for some recovery ideas check out our video below or other videos on our youtube channel.

If you need any help next week to deal with fatigue or injuries from the weekend we are here to help.

Advice for MLSC 2022 Senior States

Timeline photos 03/01/2022

Ready to make a change?

Want to get your body out of pain, strong and moving freely so that you can you enjoy life?

Let's chat...

Jump on the phone or online so we can lock in an appointment for you!

☎️ (03) 9580 7476
🖥️ (link in bio)
📱 PM us on FB or Insta

Timeline photos 01/01/2022

We hope you are enjoying your holidays!

Don't forget to take the opportunity to move and enjoy the lovely weather.

Remember... If you need us... we are back Tues (well half the team at least, to hold the fort)

Appointments are limited next week, so please give us plenty of notice so that we can do our best to fit you in 😊

Jump on the phone or online so we can lock in an appointment for you!

☎️ (03) 9580 7476
🖥️ (link in bio)
📱 PM us on FB or Insta

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Tight through the low back?! Carrying the kids on your hip while doing house work?Struggling to lean side to side or fee...
Mid-Back mobility is key to shoulder function and health...This is a great easy exercise that you can do at home, provid...
Don't put up with a stiff back in the mornings... Give this a go or give aus a call so we can help sort it out for you.....
👉 Experiencing pain through your back and/or back of your shoulder blade⁠⁠👉 Want to know how to get those "knots" out?⁠⁠...
📖 BOOK OPENERS 📖There are many injuries and reasons we prescribe this exercise. Most commonly for mid back and neck pain...
Give this a go...⁠⁠Take it easy... Gentle and slow is best!⁠⁠If it causes pain, back off or consult your health professi...
Have tightness at the back of your head or suffer from headaches in your temples, top of head or behind the eyes?? ⁠⁠Did...
What does your desk setup look like? 🖥🕹Have you thought about the height of your desk, your chair and your screen height...
It's not uncommon to feel a bit sore and tight now that you're getting out a bit more and doing things again...Especiall...
THORACIC ROTATION AT THE DESK 🌟There are many injuries and reasons we prescribe this exercise. Most commonly for mid bac...
There are many injuries and reasons we prescribe this exercise. Most commonly for mid back and neck pain.WHY WE LOVE ❤️ ...
Glute Bridge 🍑⁠The glute bridge is a staple in keeping pelvic stability & is a building block for many progressions⁠It i...


4 White Street
Melbourne, VIC

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 9pm
Tuesday 7am - 9pm
Wednesday 7am - 9pm
Thursday 7am - 9pm
Friday 7am - 7pm
Saturday 9am - 3pm

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