Altered States Breathwork Sessions

The breath is one of the most powerful transformative tools we have to access our essence and potential. What is Breathwork? Breathwork is a breathing technique.

Sessions held weekly, Friday nights 6:30-9:30pm, SWELL Centre, 2 Minona Street, Hawthorn, Victoria, 3122 Breathwork is a tool for inner work using full, conscious, connected breathing. A technique that can provide resolution and clearing of issues, patterns and beliefs on a cellular level spontaneous and organic beyond the mundane. A sacred, soulful experience. An experience of your COSMIC SELF. H


What is Love part 2

Following on from my what is Love post

In the last post we established the root meaning of Love was desire, lust, entanglement.

I showed how our love program was developed in our childhood dependant on how we were cared for and disciplined. If we were bought up with abuse, rejection, humiliation, ridicule, shame, withdrawal of connection or experienced jealousy of our siblings.

Its not surprising to me if we keep flowing with the connections that Love with its roots in desire, lust and entanglement is literally entangled with other undesirable emotions that we unconsciously lust for, which is desire, which is love 🙃

Still makes sense to me although if you are feeling resistance it helps to check out the connections I have made. Rereading and seeing if you can find the same information I have by finding the root meaning of the words I am using.

I ponder deeply (the root meaning of meditation) about the process of ascension and the awakening and yet to start awakening souls. So many are still polarised and judging our fellow souls and denser vibrations. Even those that are acting as guides and scribes with large followings are falling into a polarity trap with stay high vibe and stay away from toxic low vibe people. Or judging someone else's awakening journey as being wrong and false.

We come in here with our memory wiped and loss of connection to spirit. We enter the game and are born into an illusion where almost everything is distorted or blatant lie.

Pretty much everyone seems in on it and anything close to the truth has been infiltrated. Due to our childhoods and societal programming we cannot trust our ability to discern truth from lies until we clear our distortions.

We are initiated into being gaslighted from birth, masses participating in the spirit of magic lie the Santa program. Unconsciously and lovingly programming our kids about the magic of xmas. When we finally find out the truth about Santa our belief in magic dies along with it and praying to anything invisible seems foolish. Magic is not real, when you're dead you're dead program. Insert life's a bitch then you die program.

Or perhaps a part of you still believes and chases hope, fairytales and the happily ever after program all your life. I'll be happy when I have (insert anything here)... feel familiar?

If you weren't programmed with false religious teachings then you may have received the religious people are deluded di*****ds one.

God forbid if you were a bloody spiritual hippy stoner or some psycho crystal person that changed their name to rainbow pixie cloud.

Going against the narrative and questioning the implications of taking shots for immunity makes you a crazy nut job that wants millions dead. Or going against the narrative at all activates those deep layers of conditioning/beliefs/programs. Insert crazy conspiracy theorist tin foil hat program.

All trigger a fear of rejection and not belonging in us. A safety program from long ago when we were prey and not the top of the 3d food chain. Safety in numbers was required for successful evolution back then and rejection from our clan triggered our survival mechanism the fight/flight/freeze program to warn us not to risk rejection and possibly get eaten by a predator.

The internet is an Oracle although mostly rabbit hole's that lead no where. Truth scattered in a sea of lies. But it is an Oracle a consciousness expander and excellent tool for practising, honing, researching, seeking if you can trust your discernment. Finding the order (truth) in the chaos is co-creating as we too were birthed within chaos which is the void the dark mother from which order was birthed. Is it possible that order could also be the light which we speak of... if so then we now have connection to order, truth and light.

If love is everything due to all the distortions and corruptions then the frequency itself has become chaos and not easily defined if at all.

Which to me makes perfect sense of how we are responsible for running this inversion as much as the next person.
So love is chaos which is the dark energy that order/light was birthed from.. which is the truth.... or the closest I've ever felt before 💎🤍

Its been a long and distorting journey and we still don't know if we are there yet or poofing off into new earth, 5d or alien spacecraft or maybe even raptured.

Interesting side note: root meaning of rapture is to carry off as prey or plunder and has connections to r**e... careful what you wish for my friends.

I do see the collective leaning towards not dying or living forever and I wonder how well we have all really overwritten the fear of death and ceasing to exist program. Hence the gift of corona virus... a worldwide collective event designed to give us the opportunity to clear our crown (corona) chakra virus to assist our necessary expansion of consciousness. Which in my perception right now is what ascension really is.

Ascension is a gradual process that involves the integration of our negative heavily programmed Ego, also the balancing of our Masculine and Feminine energies internally.

This combined with shadow work, learning of our Energetic systems, energetic hygiene, boundary setting, inner child healing and trauma work, allows the integration of our Mental, Emotional and Astral bodies, and any fragmented Soul pieces are finally safe to come home.

This process of Soul embodiment is more akin to a descending of Soul down into the physical vessel. This then naturally allows the process of the marrying to our Higher Self. The neutral observer state of consciousness. What the true twin flame journey is in my research, although that's a topic for another article.

The process of Ascension is the expanding of our consciousness to be able to hold many perspectives, even contradictive ones.
This is done by simply receiving others opinions or perspectives without becoming polarised in judgement or feeling the need to 'pick a side'. This is achieved by finding the sweet spot between polarity, the tension between opposites in duality.

The journey is a painfully beautiful experience of pain and pleasure, acceptance and judgement, rejection and gratitude, fear and love, doubt and certainty, all happening at the same time. It requires unshakeable faith and acceptance of suffering to stabilise. Basically it feels wrong and right, fearful and certain, yes and no all at once. It requires we get comfortable being uncomfortable and is the paradox of non-duality consciousness.

So as we can clearly see Love is surely everything not just good high vibes and light. Love is now firmly rooted in the dark energy alot of people are are saying they are opposed to (root meaning of satan is to oppose). To me it seems like we think we are on a place on the map and heading in a certain direction, but we are on the wrong side of the map and it is upside down. Because the map is hard to decipher without a legend, which is a key to a map.

This is the perfect time for an introduction to the consciousness I work with a Soul complex called Legend and we are here to speak in different tones, which are keys, which are codes to help you reorintate your maps. Its time, the game has become 'Too Complex' and order is in the process of becoming chaos. It's time to start our return home my fellow souls and in the process we reorder the chaos we have created based on lies and distortions. This is the new earth, golden age, return of christ, judgement day, the salvation we have been waiting for.

Root meaning of salvation is saving of the soul, deliverance of sin (distorted frequencies/emotions). Admission to Eternal Bliss. Bliss being the highest emotional frequency before Enlightenment. Enlightenment root meaning into the light. So we are heading back into our creations which are chaos/dark, this time with order/light/truth as our compass after spending so long creating in the chaos in the dark.

Well done its been a long painfully beautiful journey and we are all exhausted. Once you understand the inversion and surrender to the truth/light that we are the light returning through darkness, the flow will open up naturally. Fear will now be excitement and shame will transform into Ectasy and the ride home will feel like the sweet Bliss we have all been waiting for 🙏

The Sacred Metaphor 💎🤍


A creative way to shift the collective energy and unite humanity regardless of the various Points of Views:

I acknowledge the Traditional Custodians and the Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands I reside. I respectfully acknowledge their elders; past, present and emerging. I only consent to unified timelines of freedom, truth, togetherness, loving kindness, respect, compassion and creative expression. With the power of my I AM presence, I revoke all timelines of deception, victimization and slavery. Thank you, it is done. Thank you, it is done. Thank you, it is done.

Kumei Ih Naga Arango Nomotei Neisha Manas


Feel free to share with love and respect. Feel free to creatively make this your own proclamation with love and respect.

The part you may need to change is who the Traditional Custodians of the land you reside are by checking in with relevant organisations like ANTaR (Australian Native Title and Reconciliation).

Our vision is to inspire as many people as possible to craft this in whatever beautiful and creative ways you feel is right.

Make as many versions as you feel.

Dance it. Sing it. Paint it. Mandala it.

Then choose to display it with love and respect on your front lawn, windows, roof... wherever you feel within your heart is right ... wherever you reside.

Blessings be... from the CHI and AYA team with 💕🌈✨💖

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