Financial Advice Melbourne

financial advice melbouerne the home of all your needs from Superannuation , Investment and Insuranc

Whether its superannuation, insurance or general financial advice, Partners in Planning are here to partner with you to ensure you aim for a secure financial future and the protection of your lifestyle. We are a team of committed professionals who believe in sound and professional advice.


QUESTION OF THE DAY: What is the retirement dilemma ?

A retirement dilemma is a situation in which an individual faces difficult choices or conflicting priorities when planning for or entering retirement. There are many different factors that can create a retirement dilemma, and these can vary depending on an individual's circumstances and goals. Some common retirement dilemmas include:
• Deciding when to retire: Many individuals face the dilemma of deciding when to retire, as they may have a desire to continue working and earning income, but also want to enjoy the freedom and benefits of retirement.
• Managing retirement finances: Another common retirement dilemma is how to manage retirement finances in a way that balances spending and saving. Individuals may need to make decisions about how to invest their retirement savings, how much to withdraw each year, and how to generate income to cover expenses.
• Maintaining health and well-being: As people age, they may face the dilemma of how to maintain their health and well-being in retirement. This can involve making choices about exercise, diet, and healthcare, as well as managing chronic conditions and avoiding social isolation.
• Balancing work and leisure: Some individuals may struggle with the dilemma of how to balance work and leisure in retirement. They may want to continue working part-time or volunteering, but also want to have time to pursue hobbies and other personal interests.
• Dealing with lifestyle changes: Retirement can also bring significant lifestyle changes, such as moving to a new home, downsizing, or changing social relationships. This can create dilemmas about how to adapt to these changes and maintain a sense of purpose and fulfillment in retirement.
To address a retirement dilemma, individuals may need to seek advice and support from financial planners, retirement specialists, healthcare providers, and other professionals. They may also need to do their own research and make informed decisions based on their personal circumstances and goals. By addressing retirement dilemmas proactively, individuals can create a fulfilling and rewarding retirement experience.

Funding retirement refers to the process of accumulating and managing the financial resources that are needed to support oneself during retirement. Funding retirement can involve many different strategies and approaches, and the specific approach that is right for an individual will depend on their personal circumstances and goals
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QUESTION OF THE DAY: What does retirement look like for me?

Retirement looks different for everyone, as it is a personal and individual experience. The type of retirement that is right for you will depend on your unique circumstances and goals. Some common factors that may influence your retirement plans include your age, your financial situation, your health, your personal interests and hobbies, and your family and social relationships.

Retirement can be a time to pursue new interests, travel, and spend more time with loved ones. It can also be a time to downsize and simplify your lifestyle. Many people find that retirement provides the opportunity to focus on their personal well-being and to enjoy a greater sense of freedom and autonomy.

However, retirement can also present challenges, such as managing your finances, staying healthy and active, and maintaining social connections. It is important to plan for retirement and to consider how you will address these challenges in order to have a fulfilling and enjoyable retirement.

Ultimately, the key to a successful retirement is to plan and prepare for it, and to make choices that align with your personal goals and values. This may involve working with a financial planner or advisor, saving and investing wisely, and staying informed about retirement planning issues. By taking these steps, you can create a retirement that is right for you and that enables you to enjoy a fulfilling and rewarding life after work.

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A financial planner can play a crucial role in helping you stay accountable in volatile markets. The following are some of the reasons why one might consider working with a financial planner:

• Objectivity: Financial planners bring objectivity and a long-term perspective to investment decisions. This helps to avoid emotional responses, such as fear or greed, which can lead to bad investment decisions in volatile markets.

• Expertise: Financial planners have the expertise to analyse market trends and offer recommendations based on their assessment of the market. This can be especially useful during volatile market conditions when it can be difficult to determine the best investment strategy.

• Diversification: Financial planners can help to ensure a diversified portfolio, which can reduce the overall risk in volatile markets. A diversified portfolio reduces the impact of any one investment that may perform poorly, thereby reducing the overall risk of the portfolio.

• Rebalancing: Financial planners can help to ensure that your portfolio is properly rebalanced, which can help to keep you on track towards your financial goals. Rebalancing involves selling investments that have become too large a portion of your portfolio and using the proceeds to buy investments that have become too small a portion.
An financial planner can help keep you accountable in volatile markets by bringing objectivity, expertise, diversification, rebalancing, and monitoring to the investment process. By working with a financial planner, you can increase the likelihood of achieving their financial goals and reducing their exposure to risk in the volatile markets.

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Getting Financial Advice, What’s the process?

1. Identify Your Financial Needs: The first step in getting financial advice is to identify your financial goals and objectives. What do you want to achieve? What are your long-term financial goals?

2. Research and Choose a Financial Advisor: Once you’ve identified your financial needs, the next step is to research and choose a financial advisor. Consider their qualifications, experience, fees, and areas of expertise.

3. Schedule an Initial Meeting: You should set up an initial meeting with your financial advisor to discuss your goals, objectives, and financial situation.

4. Develop a Financial Plan: Once you’ve had your initial meeting, your financial advisor will develop a financial plan tailored to your specific needs.

5. Implement the Plan: During your subsequent meetings, your financial advisor will help you to implement the plan. They may also make any adjustments needed as your financial situation changes.

6. Monitor and Adjust the Plan: It’s important to continuously monitor and adjust your financial plan as your financial situation changes. Your financial advisor can help you with this.


QUESTION OF THE DAY: Are all financial planners dodgy??????

Not all financial planners are dodgy. While there are some financial planners who may not have the best interests of their clients at heart, there are also many financial planners who are knowledgeable, ethical, and professional.

It is important to do your due diligence when choosing a financial planner to work with. This can include researching the planner's credentials, experience, and reputation, as well as checking for any disciplinary actions or complaints against the planner. In addition, it is a good idea to ask the planner about their approach to financial planning and to make sure that their philosophy and recommendations align with your needs and goals.

It is also important to remember that financial planning is a regulated industry, and financial planners must adhere to certain standards and guidelines. In Australia, for example, financial planners must hold a relevant qualification and must be registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

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The history of superannuation

Superannuation, or retirement savings, is a form of savings that is set aside for retirement. The concept of superannuation has been around for centuries, with the earliest known use of the term dating back to the early 1700s.

The first formal superannuation scheme in Australia was established in 1823, when the Colonial Government passed the Pension Act to provide pensions to ex-convicts. This was followed by the New South Wales Government introducing a superannuation fund for its public servants in 1871.

In the early 1900s, the Australian government introduced a superannuation scheme for Commonwealth public servants. This scheme provided a lump sum payment at retirement, and was the first widespread superannuation scheme in Australia.

In the mid-1940s, the Australian Government began introducing superannuation schemes for private sector workers. This was followed by the introduction of the Superannuation Guarantee (SG) in 1992, which required employers to contribute a minimum amount of superannuation for their employees.

Since then, superannuation has become an increasingly important part of retirement planning in Australia, with the industry now worth over $2.7 trillion.


QUESTION OF THE DAY: Group Insurance And Retail Insurance What Is The Difference?

Group insurance and retail insurance are two types of insurance that are used to protect individuals and families against financial loss. Group insurance is insurance that is provided to a group of people, typically as a benefit offered by an employer. For example, an employer might offer group health insurance to its employees, which provides coverage for medical expenses. Group insurance is usually less expensive than retail insurance, as the cost is spread among a large number of people. Retail insurance, on the other hand, is insurance that is purchased by individuals or families on their own. Retail insurance can be more expensive than group insurance, but it also offers more flexibility, as individuals can choose the coverage that best meets their needs.


Group insurance is insurance that is provided to a group of people, typically as a benefit offered by an employer. For example, an employer might offer group health insurance to its employees, which provides coverage for medical expenses.
Group life insurance is another common type of group insurance, which provides a death benefit to the beneficiaries of the insured person. Group insurance is usually less expensive than individual insurance, as the cost is spread among a large number of people.
It is also often more comprehensive, as it provides coverage for a wider range of benefits. Group insurance can be a useful way for employers to attract and retain employees, and for employees to obtain affordable insurance coverage.


Retail insurance is insurance that is purchased by individuals or families on their own, rather than through a group plan such as an employer-sponsored benefit. Retail insurance can be more expensive than group insurance, but it also offers more flexibility, as individuals can choose the coverage that best meets their needs.
For example, an individual might purchase a retail health insurance plan that covers a specific medical condition or procedure that is not covered by a group plan.
Retail insurance can also be tailored to an individual's specific needs and circumstances, such as age, health, and lifestyle. Retail insurance is typically purchased from an insurance broker or agent, who can help individuals compare different policies and choose the coverage that is right for them.

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QUESTION OF THE DAY: Bucketing strategies what are they

Bucketing is a strategy that involves dividing an investment portfolio into different "buckets" based on the investment's time horizon.

Each bucket contains a different mix of assets that align with the expected time frame for using the funds in that bucket.

For example, an investor might have one bucket for short-term goals, such as saving for a down payment on a house, and another bucket for long-term goals, such as retirement. The assets in each bucket are chosen based on their expected time horizon and risk profile.

For example, the short-term bucket might contain mostly cash and short-term investments, while the long-term bucket might contain a mix of stocks and bonds.

The goal of bucketing is to help investors manage their investments in a way that aligns with their financial goals and time horizon.

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QUESTION OF THE DAY: What are Industry super funds ??

Industry super funds are a type of superannuation fund that is established and run by a particular industry or group of employers. These funds are run for the benefit of their members, who are typically employees in the industry, and are designed to provide retirement savings and other benefits to members.

Industry super funds are often run as non-profit organizations, and are typically managed by a board of directors or trustees who are elected by the members. These funds are regulated by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), and must comply with the same rules and standards as other superannuation funds.

Industry super funds are typically known for their low fees, strong investment performance, and member services, and are often considered a good option for employees in the relevant industries. Some examples of industry super funds in Australia include Australian Super and CBUS

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QUESTION OF THE DAY: Bucketing strategies what are they

Bucketing is a strategy that involves dividing an investment portfolio into different "buckets" based on the investment's time horizon. Each bucket contains a different mix of assets that align with the expected time frame for using the funds in that bucket. For example, an investor might have one bucket for short-term goals, such as saving for a down payment on a house, and another bucket for long-term goals, such as retirement. The assets in each bucket are chosen based on their expected time horizon and risk profile. For example, the short-term bucket might contain mostly cash and short-term investments, while the long-term bucket might contain a mix of stocks and bonds. The goal of bucketing is to help investors manage their investments in a way that aligns with their financial goals and time horizon.

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QUESTION OF THE DAY: What are Asset allocation strategies

Asset allocation is a strategy that involves dividing an investment portfolio among different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and cash. The goal of asset allocation is to balance risk and reward by investing in a mix of assets that aligns with an investor's goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon.

Different asset classes have varying levels of risk and return, so by diversifying a portfolio across multiple asset classes, investors can potentially reduce the overall risk of their investments. For example, stocks are generally considered riskier than bonds, but they also have the potential for higher returns.

By allocating a portion of their portfolio to bonds, an investor can potentially reduce their overall risk while still achieving some growth. There are many different asset allocation strategies, and the right approach will depend on an investor's individual circumstances and goals.

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what is index investing

Index investing is a type of investment strategy that involves buying a portfolio of securities that tracks the performance of a financial market index. The goal of index investing is to match the performance of the market, rather than trying to outperform it through individual stock picking or market timing.

Index investors typically use index funds, which are investment vehicles that hold a basket of securities that mimic the composition of a particular market index. This can be a cost-effective way for investors to diversify their holdings and gain exposure to a broad range of stocks or other securities.

what is active investing?

Active investing is a type of investment strategy in which the investor actively manages their portfolio by selecting individual stocks, bonds, or other securities to buy or sell based on their own analysis or research.

This is in contrast to passive investing, which involves buying a broad portfolio of securities that tracks the performance of a market index, such as the S&P 500.

Active investors typically believe that they can outperform the market by carefully selecting the right securities to buy and sell at the right time. They may use various tools and techniques, such as fundamental analysis or technical analysis, to make their investment decisions. Active investing can be a more time-intensive and hands-on approach to investing compared to passive investing.

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Our Story

We own and operate our own Australian Financial Services Licence and can freely decide on the advice and strategies that are right for you.

We are not owned or controlled by a bank, superannuation fund, union or insurance company.

This allows us a perfect foundation for our advisers to use their professional judgement when making recommendations to clients.​

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QUESTION OF THE DAY:  What are the top retirement tips?Here are seven retirement tips that can help you plan for and enj...
QUESTION OF THE DAY:  What are the top retirement tips?Here are seven retirement tips that can help you plan for and enj...
QUESTION OF THE DAY:  What are the top retirement tips?Here are seven retirement tips that can help you plan for and enj...
QUESTION OF THE DAY:  What are the top retirement tips?Here are seven retirement tips that can help you plan for and enj...
QUESTION OF THE DAY:  What are the top retirement tips?Here are seven retirement tips that can help you plan for and enj...
QUESTION OF THE DAY:  What are the top retirement tips?Here are seven retirement tips that can help you plan for and enj...
QUESTION OF THE DAY:  What are the top retirement tips?Here are seven retirement tips that can help you plan for and enj...
QUESTION OF THE DAY:  What are the top retirement tips?Here are seven retirement tips that can help you plan for and enj...
QUESTION OF THE DAY:  What are the top retirement tips?Here are seven retirement tips that can help you plan for and enj...
QUESTION OF THE DAY:  What are the top retirement tips?Here are seven retirement tips that can help you plan for and enj...
QUESTION OF THE DAY:  What are the top retirement tips?Here are seven retirement tips that can help you plan for and enj...
QUESTION OF THE DAY:  What are the top retirement tips?Here are seven retirement tips that can help you plan for and enj...



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