Conscious Sexuality

Conscious Sexuality

Discover your inner feminine and transform into the woman you desire to be! It IS possible

Photos from Conscious Sexuality's post 09/01/2024

Regardless of how connected to my body I am, sometimes I need a little bit of extra support! When I'm taking time for me, pulling cards or digging deep to create some social content these two products from are great support.

HIGH VIBES - a body & room spray which is all about raising your vibration.
ZERO IN - this roller is to support concentration and focus.

A perfect combo together or used individually they're great for so much more. As an affiliate, I only use products I've tried and use regularly! Use my code CONSCIOUSSEXUALITY10 when shopping with Bella Oils for 10% off. 😘

Have you tried any of these products yet? Let me know what is your favourite!! ✨✨✨


I'm another year older and gained more perspective again. Before I knew myself deeply, I used to fear growing old. This was because I was worried I was running out of time and I wouldn't find my thing.

Since having my son, I've realised how much time I do have! He's nearly two and he has so many years ahead of him, which means I do too.

I no longer fear the years going by. I'm grateful for each and every one and am motivated to slow down because I have plenty of time.



Every s*xy photo doesn't need to be naked. If you feel good & your kids are around, show it off (where appropriate).

You know what this also does? It tells your kids that their bodies are GOOD and allowed to be enjoyed.

Take the damn photo pls. πŸ˜‰

Photos from Conscious Sexuality's post 03/10/2023

IN THE VORTEX of exploring s*x, s*xuality and deconstructing religion 😜πŸ€ͺ

2018-2020 (roughly) is when I was focused purely on ME. I felt a sense of coming home to myself and chased that feeling in lots of different areas.

Swipe to read more about it!

Photos from Conscious Sexuality's post 25/08/2023

It wasn't until mid 2019 that I started sharing my story online, but my journey began in 2018!

It's been a long time since I've shared my story, so I'm resharing again now. As it feels right. SWIPE LEFT.

I note Morgan
my incredible mentor, coach and teacher.

I also mentioned Tanya - the s*x therapist I saw and have now learnt much from!

I hope this encourages you as I continue to share 😘

Photos from Conscious Sexuality's post 07/08/2023


Unpopular opinion: No one else can do this for you. There is no magic pill. It is up to you to decide if you want this changed and then you must take steps towards it.

If you enjoy this post, save it for later AND go to my bio and buy me a coffee as a way to say thank you πŸ™πŸΌ

Photos from Conscious Sexuality's post 25/07/2023

Telling this story used to be something I was so used to doing. It's how I first started sharing here online.

So I'm sharing another part now, in a way that feels right. And I'll keep sharing until I feel the next to stop.

Getting over the hurdle of shame is big and I know so many of you reading understand this, but here's the thing...


So I encourage you, lean in when it gets uncomfortable. It's worth it.

Swipe left to read πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ


Mum life is fu***ng hectic. There's always something to keep you up at night, to keep you scrambling during the day and then before you know it, you're 3 kids deep and you wonder where the time went.

You're also keenly aware that your s*x life is non existent. You haven't even thought about it, you're too tired and your cup is bone dry. 🫠

The point of this post is to say I HEAR YOU. I've been there. This is a very normal feeling.

Here's a few things I want you to remember:
πŸ”₯ This too shall pass (it's a season)
πŸ”₯ If you don't want it, there's probably a reason
πŸ”₯ You don't owe your partner anything
πŸ”₯ It's ok to want it but not have the energy to do anything
πŸ”₯ Your body needs nourishing, so eat food & stay hydrated

I want to say, if you're out of the baby stage and maybe managing toddlers or older kids and you still have no desire for s*x, check in with this:
🀍 Do you take time to fill your own cup?
🀍 Have you had your hormones tested recently?
🀍 Have you communicated with your partner where you're at? (Shared what you need to help build arousal/desire)
🀍 On a scale of 1-10, how connected to your body are you?

Feel free to drop a comment or DM to see where you're at!

Photos from Conscious Sexuality's post 14/07/2023

I share my story not to point fingers at anyone but to let others know they aren't alone.

I felt alone, broken and ashamed. I remember people saying s*x was incredible, but that wasn't my experience.

I experienced PAIN. This later (much much later) ended in a vaginismus diagnosis but until then, I thought I was the problem.

I hope sharing my story helps you on your own journey. We should NEVER have to do this alone. Hence, why I'm now loud and in this space!

Photos from Conscious Sexuality's post 09/07/2023

Let's go back in time. It's been awhile since I've shared my story and experience.

For context, I was raised in a Christian household and it wasn't until 2018/2019 that I left the church and all its chaos.

I started on this platform by sharing my story of vaginismus and my experience with purity culture and I'm being pulled to tell this story again.

Drop any questions below!!

Photos from Conscious Sexuality's post 04/07/2023

Do you know how to tap into what you need for s*ggs?

Energy is a beautiful element we can bring into intimacy. Anyone can tap into this kind of energy, and it can really switch up your experience!

Communication about the energy and what you need before intimacy can be like this:
"I want to be intimate tonight and I'd love to be really soft and gentle with each other"
"Let's role play and bring in big dominant energy, I'd love to be told what to do".

Have you experimented before with this? Is this a new idea for you? Share below any ways you've brought this into play for yourself!

Wanna know more? Join my FB group (link in bio) and I'm going to be chatting to the group tomorrow about archetypes!


Allow me to elaborate.
Embodiment is a tangible form of a feeling, idea or quality. Embodiment opens doors that we didn't know needed to be opened.

To put it in simple terms...
⚑ If you want to get out of your head & into your body, you need to become embodied
⚑ If you want to be having better s*x, you need to become embodied
⚑ If you want to experience more pleasure in & out of the bedroom, you need to become embodied
⚑ If you want to feel confident and s*xy, you need to become embodied
⚑ If you want to access your inner wisdom and desires, you need to become embodied.

ALL THESE THINGS are what the patriarchy doesn't want women to access. When we access these (which is all within us, hence embodiment) we become so powerful and we take no s**t!

If things are feeling out of alignment and you're not satisfied with how things are, consider 1:1 coaching with me. Let's begin the process to healing and become embodied.

Photos from Conscious Sexuality's post 27/06/2023

Hi 😊
It's been awhile since I've done an intro and shared more about me.

Did anything surprise you? Anything you didn't understand? Drop a comment below so we can dive a bit deeper together.

ALSO, would love to know what drew you into this space. Drop that below too πŸ‘‡πŸΌ

Photos from Conscious Sexuality's post 21/06/2023

It's quite common for s*x to become boring. Long term relationships, kids, tiredness, lack of pleasure... It can all lead to feeling like s*x is a chore and something to just get done.

Too long we have endured "that's just the way it is"... I have always bucked the system! If it's not serving you, find a way to make it work!

It's time to REFRAME the way you think about s*x and to shake things up.

A HUGE missing link I have noticed is little communication between partners regarding how satisfied they are. Open communication is the ONLY way to shake things up and see change in your intimate relationship. You'll notice that's a key theme in each point I make, SWIPE LEFT to find out.

My 1:1 coaching is available for you, or if you'd like a session with your partner, DM me! Let's make s*x fun again!

Photos from Conscious Sexuality's post 06/06/2023


So many times when I'm talking with people about this work, we always land on the fact that most people don't have a good s*x education and most certainly it is not a pleasure focussed education.

Org*sms are a huge part of pleasure and intimacy but there is no right or wrong way to do it. SWIPE LEFT as I break down some stigmas around this.

The lack of true s*x education lets people down, constantly. Women especially are led to believe if they can't org*sm from internal stimulation, then something is wrong.

They're also led to believe that not being able to org*sm is bad, but maybe your partner isn't stimulating you in the right way or you're not connecting to your body and you're stuck in your head.

If you want a renewed s*x education, then book in a coaching session with me! Life is too short for mediocre s*x πŸ˜‰

Photos from Conscious Sexuality's post 17/05/2023


Purity culture was big in the 90s-00s. In the Christian world, there were a few key figures spreading the message and it became impossible to ignore. When you're raised in this environment, you don't know any better.

When I began deconstructing these beliefs, I found so much freedom in not carrying the responsibility on how someone responds to my body. It was a relief to be able to exist in the world exactly as I wanted and know my body is mine.

SWIPE LEFT on the slides to see what I discovered on my journey in deconstructing purity culture. Everyone's experience is different. I'd love to hear what yours is below! Do any of what I learn bring you freedom?

I offer coaching for people who have experienced purity culture and are navigating their way out of it. If you'd like support, send me a DM and we can chat about how I can support you!


So you've watched media that portrays s*x to be this beautiful, in sync, silent act...which has been practiced and choreographed and then edited.

Your s*x should include communication. I speak to multiple people and when I ask them how verbal they are during intimacy, often they're not verbal at all. They're not checking in with their partner on how they're receiving pleasure. They might just be assuming based on body language. 🧐

Maybe you aren't verbal because you're worried about it killing the mood and if you're really honest, you'll offend your partner by telling them they're not hitting the right spot. You're happy to trade that for bad s*x. So the mood is already dead anyway cos by now, you're faking it.

Feel familiar? 🫠

It's time to start communicating! Check in with your partner during s*x, ask how you can pleasure them more. Maybe there's something they'd like to try but because communication hasn't been open, they haven't felt confident to ask. Perhaps you feel shy communicating, that is perfectly normal!
Step 1: Open the communication outside of the bedroom first! Say you want to try talking more during s*x and checking in with each other.
Step 2: Put it to the test and try it out. If you're skeptical of what I'm saying, then I dare you to try it and see how it goes.
We can do a 1:1 call to chat through this in more detail and help you open up communication in and out of the bedroom! DM me to organise it.

Photos from Conscious Sexuality's post 14/05/2023

In 2018 I was formerly diagnosed with vaginismus, however, I had been experiencing this condition since 2012. I didn't know the term vaginismus in 2012, I didn't know how to describe what I was experiencing.

I do know, that I instantly felt broken and alone. I had never heard of this happening, I certainly didn't know it was common.

is experienced by 1 in 5 women in Australia. There are various things that cause it, but is it hugely under researched and a lot of women that I speak to about this share the same story of GPs simply telling them to 'relax more' or 'have a glass of wine'.

There are many reasons as to why you might be experiencing painful intimacy, but I want you to know three things.

If you're not sure where to begin on this journey, step into my DMs and I'd love to have a chat with you and support you on this path. You CAN get through this.



Do you experience emotions like anxiousness, shame, imposter syndrome, or just straight up dread it?

Then you need to book in a 1:1 with me so we can REWIRE your beliefs AND how your brain perceives s*x.

Societal conditioning, lived experiences and whatever education you did receive around s*x all influence our relationship to s*x and pleasure. ⬇⬇⬇

There might be part of the picture missing for you to be able to maximise pleasure. Maybe you've had negative experiences and now your body isn't so keen on being intimate. These all influence our response AND desire!

If you want to change up how you feel about s*x and you want to feel fun, flirty, s*xy, confident and like a badass motherf*cker... then book in with me so we can get you there! ⚑

You can book in a consultation call first so we can have a chat, or you can just DM me now and we can book in sessions. Life is too short for bad s*x. 😜


How can I make my or**sm last longer?
I feel like I'm holding back.
I'm not confident in the bedroom.
I want to experience more pleasure.
How do I connect to my v***a more?
How do I know what I want?

These are a few examples of questions I see regularly.

As someone who's dedicated the past 5 years to my sexuality exploration and in guided training, I'm confident to tell you there is a solution.


⬆️ Yep, that's it there.
It's time to stop overthinking, overanalysing and processing how to fix it. The way to resolve it is by getting out of your head and into your body. DAILY.

I'm confident to tell you this because it's exactly what I did. I decided to follow my pleasures, follow my delights and this enabled me to get into my body more and more, until it became first nature.

Absolutely, read the books. They're so beneficial, but how does anyone make anything new a habit? They integrate. They do. They be.


What lights you up?
Our head often isn't the one telling us this, so we have to slow down, allow the heart to speak, allow your body to speak.

You have permission to live out your desires and delights. You have permission to just be.

You'll hear it, trust me.

Welcome to the path 😘

Photos from Conscious Sexuality's post 16/03/2023

I am not surprised by these statistics. We live in a fast paced world where slowing down and focusing on pleasure is not a priority. Women are sacrificing their pleasure to make sure everyone else is taken care of, but it's time to be selfish, stand up for what you need and prioritise YOU!

This 2007 study, though conducted 15 years ago, still has validity and even though some of these stats might differ to, there are many who still experience these and believe this is just the hand they've been dealt.

It's time to realise that your pleasure is IMPORTANT and when we want to improve or get better at something, we will go and learn and practice. This is what my 1:1 coaching is all about. Choosing YOU and creating a way forward so you are having amazing s.ex and incredible 0.rgasms.


This study was also conducted with female identifying participants and I believe was based on heterosexual relationships.

Photos from Conscious Sexuality's post 10/03/2023

If you're feeling:
- stuck in your head
- don't know how to connect to your body
- don't feel confident to ask for what you want in seggs
- want to feel confident and sexy in your body

If you want to:
- slow down and feel more pleasure
- not get stuck in your head
- embody your feminine side more
- grow deeper with yourself
- experience more embodied seggs

In 60 mins you're going to learn why and how to connect better to your body! It's free and it's gonna be good!

Link in bio to register. See you then πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Photos from Conscious Sexuality's post 02/03/2023

said it best.
This is the first book I ever read when I started my journey, I mostly read it because I thought the book title was dangerous and it felt good to do something completely out of what I'd normally do. This book changed my whole perspective on myself and how I view not only my body but my pu$$y too. It revolutionised the way I perceive myself and life!

I recommend diving into it and seeing how it might change yours too.

Note: the term 'feminine' can be interchanged with 'being' if that feels better. However, I do believe the idea of masc/fem energy isn't gendered.


Do you want to know how to have positive conversations with your kids about se.x?

Do you stumble over words when they start asking questions?

Do you feel unsure what's appropriate to tell them?

I'VE GOT YOU! πŸ‘πŸΌ Join me online on March 7th so we can tackle s.ex education and equip you to have positive, informative conversations! We'll be going over the basics of anatomy and s.ex, but also tackle pleasure, their body and how to answer questions your kids might throw at you.

Tickets are $30 per household and a replay will be sent out. No matter what age your kids are, this is for you.

I will also be bringing a PART 2 workshop at a later date to talk to parents of preteens/teens around safe s.ex, consent and physiology of pleasure.

Link in bio to claim your spot. Drop any questions below! I'm really excited to be hosting this!



Toys and skills are fun, but for long term, sustainable better seggs, you need to know how to connect to your body. This is why I'm a huge advocate for embodiment and self pleasure.

Embodiment gets us out of our head and into our body. It helps us connect to our heart, our inner wisdom, our pleasure. Our body reminds us what brings us delight. We live in a doing (hustle, masc energy) world and this burns us out because we're constantly on, but by switching and tuning into our body we tune into the being (slowing down, feminine energy).

This is the sustainable option! I'm all about long term, achievable adjustments and changes. So tell me! How is your journey to your body going?

Photos from Conscious Sexuality's post 17/02/2023

A pricing update. πŸ™πŸΌ
Always assessing to ensure everything aligns. This is how it stands right now.

Photos from Conscious Sexuality's post 15/02/2023

Do you feel disconnected? Do you feel like you're detached from yourself? Are you unhappy with how you look? Do you dread being naked?
You're not alone but how you're going to change that is what counts.

Are you opting for a quick fix? Signing up to the gym, retail therapy or booking a holiday? If you want to FINALLY get through what you're feeling then you're going to have to look within. It's time to find a contentment that will last and that's only by going inward and connecting to yourself, to your body and all of you!

CONNECTING TO YOUR BODY IS THE ANTIDOTE TO DISPLEASURE. It's time to say YES. Book in for my 1:1 coaching to see real, in depth results and feel pleasure again! Let's go deeper together.


It's the annual VDAY and you might be getting showered with flowers and gifts or you couldn't give a f**k, either way facts are facts. Foreplay is an outdated term. Foreplay implies that this is the 'before' and it's not the main act and that P in V is actually the main show (heterosexually speaking).

NEWS FLASH. Seggs doesn't have to end in P in V for it to be called 'seggs'. All seggs is seggs and the terms that you could use now is outercourse and in*******se. Broaden your playing field and try something new, bring a new toy in or use a fun seggsy game. If you are in a hetero relationship and your partner expects P in V, then I think it's time you shake things up.

Want some help? Book in for a single session and we can break this down and work out where you can go from here!


Why? Because every human has expectations and when we're living in a patriarchal society, there is expectation for p.enetrative s.eggs. For the average hetero couple, p in v s.eggs is THE s.eggs. It goes like this: F.oreplay -> P in V -> the end. S.eggs can look like so much more than that and that's why it's important to have the conversation outside of the bedroom.

πŸ’¬ What kind do you want to have tonight?
πŸ’¬ Is P in V on the table?
πŸ’¬ Do you want to do oral?
πŸ’¬ Do you need protection?
πŸ’¬ What are your boundaries?

Don't wait til you're already hot and h0rny. Get clear before you go into the bedroom. You can still make this intimate. Sit close together, rub each others arms, maybe a massage.

Give it a try, I would love to know how it compares to other times when you don't communicate first. You can also listen to the full episode of this audio on πŸ‘‚


This is 100% true. I remember when I first started learning how to connect to my body. It actually felt foreign and I wasn't sure if I was "doing it right". Here's the thing though, there's no one right way. There's your way only. No one else has your body, so there's no one path to this. Deeply connecting to your body through your s.exuality is one way to do it and if you feel called to that path, yay!

Our s.exuality is deeply connected to our intuition and our inner wisdom. Our se.xuality is also deeply connected to our feminine, our divine feminine. If you're wanting to go deeper into your feminine and feel more aligned with your desires, then join Deconstruct Your S.exuality or choose 1:1 coaching with me. I would be honoured to be your guide. - click that link for more

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(SOUND ON) πŸ‘‚Why? Because every human has expectations and when we're living in a patriarchal society, there is expectati...



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