Katie Comyns Soul Healing Coach, Newcastle, NSW Videos

Videos by Katie Comyns Soul Healing Coach in Newcastle. Soul Coaching is an intuitive healing session where we will find underlying root cause issues and cl

Reminder: keep your aura clean to ensure a healthy clear mind 💚

See a white light water fall coming down from above, take a deep breath as it purifies anything that isn’t serving you 🤍 Surround your aura with a beautiful gold light of protection 🤍

We want to keep ourselves aligned with the positive thoughts that keep us vibrating the same as the amazing life we want, so let’s make sure we are not picking up on other peoples energies that could interfere with that.

Your mindset creates your reality 🤍

#auracleansing #strongmindset #healthymind #healthyenergy

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Reminder: keep your aura clean to ensure a healthy clear mind 💚 See a white light water fall coming down from above, take a deep breath as it purifies anything that isn’t serving you 🤍 Surround your aura with a beautiful gold light of protection 🤍 We want to keep ourselves aligned with the positive thoughts that keep us vibrating the same as the amazing life we want, so let’s make sure we are not picking up on other peoples energies that could interfere with that. Your mindset creates your reality 🤍 #auracleansing #strongmindset #healthymind #healthyenergy

Our aura is a protective layer of energy that surrounds our body, and if it’s weakened all sort of debris and heaviness can enter. Making you feel 😠 grumpy 😴 tired 😕 confused 😒 lack of motivation 🤯 Over thinking So here are 3 ways you can cleanse your auric field today… 🍃 get out in nature! Mumma nature will do the cleansing, balancing and strengthening all for you. Just BE in nature. Sit in presence with her energy, offerings, sounds and deep love she has for you 🛀 Take an Epsom salt bath or if you only have a shower make up a rock salt + coconut oil scrub. Salt has been used for 1000s of years in rituals to clear and ward off negative energy 🧘‍♀️Visualise a white light waterfall coming down from Spirit as it washes all over you. Ask this light to wash everything away that isn’t serving you. Follow it up by seeing a gold light washing all over you as it raises your vibration to all the yumminess and good you want to become Old wounds, past hurts, trauma, un forgiveness..basically most things that you haven’t healed can be stored in your aura and can lead to all sorts of problems in your life. Reach out for a Soul Healing so we can use metaphysical healing tools that will clear this so you can harness the positive mindset required to feel amazing 💫💚 #auracleansing #mindsetcreator #clearyourmind #negativityremoval #healyouraura #healyoursoul

Our minds steer towards the negative as a survival mechanism both instinctively and from past traumatic events. If we continue to allow our minds to have automatic negative thoughts, worst case scenarios, and dramatic visions then it will continue to do so and it will get stronger and more frequent. So how do you stop it? You take control of your response. 1. You have the negative thought/vision/scenario 2. Say to your mind ‘STOP THAT IS A LIE’ 3. Bring yourself to the present moment, look around, pat your body, breathe. Acknowledge that you are safe 4. Address your mind by saying your name and telling yourself the truth of the reality that says you’re safe ‘eg sally, the truth is you are safe’ 5. Continue staying onto top of and in control of these thoughts. This is consistent and repetitive work but over time positive scenarios will be louder than the negative 💚 Heal your soul by taking control of your mindset 💫 #automaticnegativethoughts #retrainyourbrain #mindsets #healyourmind

You have got to believe it before it happens You have got to feel it before it happens You have got to trust it before it happens You have got to visualise it before it happens You have got to fantasise about it before it happens You have got to have hope before it happens You have got to have faith before it happens 💚 Clear what’s stopping you in a Soul Healing 1:1 appointments available ✨ #soulhealing #manifestingmagic #createeveryday

Insights for the week ahead 💚 The message for the collective this week is to surrender to the ebb phase you’re in. You are not missing out. Time is on your side. What is yours will not pass you. Be patient and enjoy this rest. Healing the soul through stepping back is called on for this week Clarity will come when you step out of logic and into your intuition. Your guides are speaking to you wisdom and guidance, they know your best path ahead, surrender control and listen to your gut #weeklyinsight #soulhealing #psychicreading

This is one of my favourite soul and space clearing rituals for deep healing 💚 Your home is an extension of your soul. So make sure you’re clearing stagnant energy by eliminating clutter, making sure you have fresh air flowing through, open windows for sunlight, light incense and clean with intention of filling your home with light and love. When our house is flowing with positive energy so are we. Sprinkle sea on your mattress to absorb stagnant energy. Leave it for at least 3hrs then vacuum up. 💚 #spaceclearing #houseclearing #soulhealing


Weekend insights 💚 Basically the message coming through for this weekend is to really honour what YOU need this weekend to nourish and rest your body and soul and to have a clear intention on what you want to get out of the next few days? This is all about mastering your mindset here to not get swept away in an ‘unconscious energy current’ and get clear on what’s going to work best for you and align into ‘CONSCIOUS flow.’ 🧘‍♀️🍃💚 #masteryourmind #setintentions #psychicreader

Our minds attach to negative thoughts easier than positive thoughts. If we hold onto negativity long enough it can start to become our dominant feeling. Thoughts become our feelings which become a pattern which becomes your behaviour which is YOU! So we have to master our thinking! This is not “positive thinking” or “toxic positivity” In fact being the master of your thoughts and overcoming your past and not allowing negativity to own you is an incredible strength and self regulation! This is not about staying in unhealthy situations and forcing yourself to see the sunshine in toxicity either! This is about when you know your thoughts are running the show feeding off negativity that makes you feel like crap. First up! You need to pay attention to your behaviours! Yes, you need to take 💯 responsibility for how you’re feeling! No one else is coming along to save you. Second..ask yourself what thoughts am I having that is creating this feeling? Third..it’s soul searching time! Ask yourself ‘can I know for sure this negative thought is true? (Hot tip: it’s not true) Number 4…tell yourself the opposite thought. Five! Stay consistent! Stay conscious of your thoughts, patterns and behaviours. Watch yourself, your reactions. Look within. This is work. If you fall off then get back on again. Stay alert with those negative thoughts, catch them and change them to positive. This can look like… Ok I feel depressed, the thought I’m having is that I’m crap at my job, I know that’s not actually true because people are so happy with my product/service, the truth is I’m actually amazing at my job. #feelpositive #soulhealing #positivethinking #positivethoughts #positivevibe

If you can get yourself to a space of gratitude for your challenges, you can regain your power from any situation 💚 There is a blessing in everything but you’ve got to get out of victim consciousness to have that mindset shift to see it. The way to healing most things is through gratitude 💚 #gratitudepractice #soulhealing

I want to create the most harmonious environment for my daughter to thrive and I know that this means that I need to self regulate through what triggers me in motherhood 🤍 Regulating your nervous system can look different in different moments but what I suggest as way to harness a healthy calm nervous system is to have consistent morning and night rituals. This time for you to breathe, set intentions, ground, stretch, meditate or simply just be in solitude 🧘🏻‍♀️ In a Soul Healing I have specific tools that can literally clear what is causing a trigger (cortisol response) and dive deep into what that may be for you so you can move forward in life without this constant stress response allowing you to feel calm more easily. Reach out if you need me Xx #nervoussystem #nervoussystemregulation #stressedmum #stressedmom #selfsoothing #calmthemind #stressreduction

Only through fully loving your life as it is right now can you create upgrades and better possibilities ⚡️ #upgradeyourlife #lovelife #betterchoices #betterlifebetterfuture #itshere #nowisallyouhave #gratitudeforlife #spiritualhealer #spiritualtherapist #align #goldcoastaustralia

Show up! Not just when you’re perceiving your life as “good” but when it feels tough! That’s the space where your vibration rises the most 🤍 #thepowerofnow #bepresentinthemoment #sitwithit #showupforyourself #letitflow #noattachments #youarenotyourthoughts #youarenotyourfeelings

Whatever your vision is make it BIGGER! Get your mind out of the way and ask for what’s beyond your wildest dreams. The bigger your targets are in life the more room you’re making for satisfaction. #askformore #nolimits #spiritualhealer #balanceyourlife #infinitepotential #youareworthy #gobig #inspirationquotes #goldcoastaustralia

Todays affirmation 🔥💜🙌🏼 #affirmationoftheday #mindset #thoughtsbecomereality #holistictherapist

YOU woke up today! Not everyone got that gift!! Your soul and your body beat a 1:4 trillion odd of even being born!! Let that really sink in. You’re a miracle JUST by existing. There are billions of people on this planet and no one is you! No one has your laugh. No one has your unique combination of talents, gifts and characteristics. You are a unique and precious being that is here to be celebrated! #believeinyou #coexist #spirituality #trustinyou #peaceandcalm #mindfulbeing #soulhealing #hope #destiny #wisdom #compassion #forgivenesstoself #guidancefromhigherrelms #healerbydistane #remotehealing #meditation #lightworker #spirituality #empath #spiritual #energyhealing #nature #psychic #chakrabalancing #spiritualawakening #reiki #crystalshealing #selflove #peace #motivation #intuitionquotes Today, or any other day is not the day to play small, sulk or think that you can’t do this. Wake up, believe in yourself, know you’re a beautiful in every way and do not hold back ANY of what you are for anyone or anything! The world NEEDS you to be you ✨

Client love 🌻 #healingtogether #selfcaretools #emotionalwellness #wellnesscoaching #selfcompassionjourney #distancehealing #sourcemessages #higherfrequencies #vibrationalhealing #remotehealing #aurahealing #letgoofthepast #affirmationaddict #surrendertotheflow #positiveaffirmationsdaily #manifestingmindset

True that ✨ #theperfecttimeisnow #jumpfirstandknowtheuniversehasyourback

WIN!!! An Intuitive Flow Therapy session. Follow 3 steps to enter 1. TAG and mate 2. FOLLOW this page @katie_comyns 3. SHARE this post via your story or post Winner drawn 18-2-21 at 5pm Good luck ✨✨✨ #winnerwinner #intuitiveflowtherapy #energyhealing #spiritualhealingcoach