Katie Comyns Soul Healing Coach

Soul Coaching is an intuitive healing session where we will find underlying root cause issues and cl


Soul Healings are intuitively guided metaphysical therapy.

My target in a Soul Healing is to clear past traumas that are blocking you from your highest potential in life. When we clear old hurt it’s so much easier for our mind to align with a positive mindset which is vital to creating a better life and a better you.

Our thoughts create our reality. It’s that straightforward. However if we are in survival mode from past events it can be almost impossible to gain control of our thoughts and direct them to align with that which would create more harmony for you. And how do you know of your holding onto past trauma? If you’re human then you are.

The magic of a Soul Healing is that I am able to connect to Spirit and am shown the root cause of your blocks, and what metaphysical healing tools are required to clear them. I am able to clear the energies that we don’t want and activate the energies we do want.

Expect a one hour healing journey that will be gentle yet powerful. Connection meditations, chakra balancing, reiki, colour therapy, Emotional Release Therapy, psychic surgery, verbal processing, crystal healing, past life healing, inner child healing, visualisation journeys, energy activations, psychic insights and so much more. When a healing is truly Channelled by Spirit it is that pure intelligent healing light that streams to you bringing you into balance and love 💚


Meet Katie 🤍
Intuitive Healing Coach with over 15 years of experience in spiritual development I am deeply passionate about guiding individuals towards healing their past, cultivating a positive mindset and deepening connection to themselves and The Universe


Soul Healing Circles: meditations, healings and Divine guidance.

Come on a one hour Soul Healing journey to release stagnation out of your being and ignite a deep space of inner harmony.

When we choose to release old pains from the past that are weighing us down to transform into aligning and balancing our soul we become receptive to the ease that’s available to us such as feelings of inner harmony, loving relationships, love for your body, self confidence, ease with money, clarity and self love!

What to expect
- one hour of Soul Healing in the comfort of your own home
- Guided Meditation
- Visualisation
- Inner child healings
- Verbal clearings
- Reiki
- Spiritual guidance
- Chakra healings
- Nervous system balancing
- Develop heightened intuition
- Oracle card readings
- Colour therapy
- Forgiveness

Create your own peaceful sanctuary at home, feel free to interact, ask questions or simply be on your own journey, close your eyes and relax.

Link is in bio to secure your spot for 1030am Wednesday 20th September $33 💫

Can’t wait to see you there 🤍


A healing doesn’t ‘make you feel better’ A healing is a home coming back into your true self and that’s what feels so good.

It’s you without all the stories in your head. It’s you without the judgments you’ve bought into. It’s you without the hold of your past. It’s you without unnecessary stress and worries. It’s you without the build up of other peoples energies.

You ‘feel good’ after a healing because you’ve connected in to your true essence at your core which is love, light and harmony.

Remember who you are 💫

DM to book a Soul Healing 💫

Photos from Katie Comyns Soul Healing Coach's post 11/09/2023

Forgiveness sets us free yet it’s the one thing people resist the most.

People resist forgiveness because they think it will take their power away and give it to the person who hurt them.

What actually happens when you forgive is the exact opposite of that. Resentment leaks your power. Forgiveness brings your power back!

Forgiveness is the ultimate action of emotional intelligence, soul wisdom and spiritual growth.

Resentment stunts your growth. Forgiveness will upgrade and up level your life and healing journey!

Forgiveness is not a dishonouring of the pain you endured. It’s simply an act of releasing a heaviness in your world that is leaking your power away. Pain in life in inevitable but suffering in resentment is optional.

Forgiving the past can be extremely difficult so please reach out for a Soul Healing and together we can get there.

Link in bio under ‘free meditations’ find Forgiveness Healing 🤍


Photos from Katie Comyns Soul Healing Coach's post 04/09/2023

Transform out of living in fear to living in love 💫

When we are living in fear it almost feels as though life has hit the breaks. It’s like you have to use control and force to achieve anything. It feels like you’re doing it all on your own and there is no support.

Living in love feels like a surrendering, letting go and trusting that all is well. It’s a feeling of hope and positivity for your life and future. It’s having faith in yourself and your abilities.

Start by asking throughout your day ‘what would love do?’ and follow the lead you get 💫

Follow the link in my bio under ‘free meditations’ to find my latest healing From Fear To Love 💗


If you are hiding yourself in order to avoid judgements off other people then I want to invite you to this mindset shift..

Just like our fingerprints every single person has their own unique perception of reality, the judgements of each individual is different. So there’s no possible way you can avoid judgement, whether you hide yourself or you show up! People are going to judge, so let them!

When you cultivate a deep sense of self and you are clear on your values, when you intend to come from love and kindness then the judgments of others just don’t land in your space.

Besides, when a judgment comes up in a persons world it’s really a matter of them needing to look within as to why it’s a trigger for them.

Stop exhausting yourself to fit the box of what other people think you should be.

Get clear on your values and your truth and DO YOU! 🤍


Keep it simple 💫


Soul Healing Circles: meditations, healings and Divine guidance.

Come on a one hour Soul Healing journey to release stagnation out of your being and ignite a deep space of inner harmony.

When we choose to release old pains from the past that are weighing us down to transform into aligning and balancing our soul we become receptive to the ease that’s available to us such as feelings of inner harmony, loving relationships, love for your body, self confidence, ease with money, clarity and self love!

What to expect
- one hour of Soul Healing in the comfort of your own home
- Guided Meditation
- Visualisation
- Inner child healings
- Verbal clearings
- Reiki
- Spiritual guidance
- Chakra healings
- Nervous system balancing
- Develop heightened intuition
- Oracle card readings
- Colour therapy
- Forgiveness

Create your own peaceful sanctuary at home, feel free to interact, ask questions or simply be on your own journey, close your eyes and relax.

Link is in bio to secure your spot for 1030am Wednesday 20th September $33 💫

Can’t wait to see you there 🤍


Unhealed past traumas and the attached emotions to them become stored in our subconscious and our body. We push them down as a way to protect ourselves because at the time of the trauma we just didn’t know how to deal with such pain. This energy becomes not only heavy and dense in our soul it’s also on repeat. Without realising, we are actually recreating these old emotions in our current life. Why? Because it’s familiar and familiar=safe.

In a Soul Healing I’m able to connect to your subconscious and find where these traumas are stored, the age you were even if this goes back to past life’s, I clear the hold of this old pain bringing your soul into balance and once your soul in balance this is where the magic occurs 💫


Remember to look back at how far you have come and be proud. It is great to have future targets and the desire to create new but don’t become overly fixated on it. Remember to love your life and who you are in the here and now.
You have come so far..take a breath into that.

Photos from Katie Comyns Soul Healing Coach's post 27/07/2023

Soul Tips for a Youthful Essence 🌿

Forgive~ Release the burden of resentment that is creating a stress response in the body, high cortisol levels contribute to accelerated ageing. Cultivate forgiveness to create physical, emotional and mental wellbeing

Nature~ Spending time in nature offers sunlight, fresh air and exposure to phytoncides all reduce stress and cortisol in the body. Connect to a tree and sit by it, ask it to deliver to youthful energies to your body

Laugh~ Let yourself play, be silly and laugh.
Stay connected to your inner child

Connect to your essence~ Your energy and your essence is where your beauty really lies. That beautiful ever expanding soul essence of you, your vibration, your beat, your energy is what sparkles.
Connect to your souls youthful essence.

Ground~ Visualise roots coming from your base chakra and ground them down deep into the earth, then ask the earth to flow to your body collagen and elastin

Breathe~ Learn how to breathe in a way that regulates your nervous system. Let your breath guide you out of stress associated with accelerated ageing and into calm, peace and relaxation providing nourishment for body, mind and soul


If you were to follow this daily for 30 days the change and transformation you would see in yourself and your life would be huge!

Consistently choosing small positive rituals will create big transformations over time.

Of course there are no instant fixes to being in toxic situations, jobs or relationships and for that I also suggest seeking extra support to help guide you to a healthier, happier and safe life.

Start with this list and commit to the inner shift that is necessary for your outer world to change for the better 🤍

Reach out for a Soul Healing and together we work towards this becoming more ease for you 🤍


Your choice to heal your past and make space for self love and confidence so you can flourish in this world makes a global impact! You really are that powerful!


Free 15 minute taster healings 🤍 there is so much we can do in this time together to create more peace for you.

Soul Healings bring you back into your truth, we strip away that which is interfering with your natural true authentic flow so that you are aligned and life can be more ease for you.

Each healing is intuitively guided so we will wait and see what healing processes will be best for you on that day. This could be NER, reiki, chakra balance, colour therapy, verbal clearings, body processes, inner child healing, entity clearings, nervous system reset, oracle card insights the lost goes on.

What do you think we will do in your free 15 minute taster healing? 🤍


Without challenges there is no growth 🍃

We were never promised a life without challenges and a mindset that tells you otherwise is setting you up for a life of unhappiness.

When you can get yourself to place of surrender you will find peace in any challenging situation or person.

Surrender will ask you to let go of ego, the need to be right, the need to control, and the humility to look within at your part in this.

If you feel stuck in a challenging situation and you’re finding it difficult to come to a place of peace then please reach out for a Soul Healing and together we will shift what’s in the way of that 🍃


Ever wondered why we're taught to seek love and acceptance in limited aspects of ourselves? Let's challenge that notion and redefine what it truly means to love ourselves, even on the toughest days.

It’s about loving yourself on the hard days too.

Unfortunately throughout our lives we are taught that there are only certain aspects of ourselves that will gain us love and acceptance.

Whenever we act/behave/feel certain ways that we’re not accepted by others in our past we can feel a feel sense of shame.

Let’s pause in those moments of shame and acknowledge our deepest essence, that we are so much more than what the outside world sees and judges as loveable or not.

Close your eyes and feel into that energy of you, where there’s nothing to prove, that beautiful light of you that is loveable in every way.

Photos from Katie Comyns Soul Healing Coach's post 28/06/2023

5 ways to stop over thinking 🤔🧠💭

1. Understand your brain 🧠 . Just like it’s your hearts job to pump blood around your body, it’s your brains job to think. In primitive times over thinking would have kept you alive from the many threats humans would have faced. Thinking of every possible outcome is an old survival instinct and understanding this can bring you out of taking every thought you have as a literal truth

2. Tell it to shut up 🤫 Become the boss and tell your brain to shut up. Be firm with it. If it’s criticising you, tell it to shut up and only come back with kinder thoughts, if it’s thinking of the worst case scenarios tell it to shut up until it has best case scenarios. You’ll be surprised how quickly this quietens your mind.

3. Recognise you are not your thoughts 💭 Separate your essence from the thoughts you have.
Your essence is an unlimited, infinite being of light and consciousness.You are so much more than your thoughts eg Don’t attach some anxious thoughts as being an anxious person.

4. Get present in the moment 🧘🏻‍♀️ The easiest way out of thinking is to open to the present moment. Access the present through your breath and connecting to your body, gently look around at your surroundings, gently allow yourself into that space and just be

5. Just be an air head 😳 You can’t control everything and if your thoughts could solve every problem they would have by now. Solutions only come through your consciousness which is heard when you’re mind is silent. Say it with me ‘it’s safe to be an air head’

One of the BEST things about a Soul Healing and feedback I get most from my clients is how light they feel afterwards, their mind is quiet, they are more connected to the present which is still and quiet. Direct message me if you would like to book 💫


That perfect life isn’t coming. How can it when it’s already here.

Life is imperfectly perfect. Your challenges, your loses, your dark sides are exactly as they’re meant to be all working in Divine order for your greatest evolution and growth.

When you stop fighting life and thinking that it’s against you, when you accept all of it and all of you, the dark and the light. When you lovingly allow life and whatever it’s delivering to you to flow through you-something really magical happens. Radical acceptance of what is is one of the most freeing awakenings we can be have.

It’s in letting go of what we think a perfect life/you is and realising we already are Divine perfection, just as we are, just as life is right now that we become free.

This is something I’ve really grasped this year and I wanted to share with you 🤍

I’m always here to assist in a Soul Healing to help you uncover the blocks you might have towards the yearning of perfection and ‘life will be better when..’ mindset into the freeing space of radical acceptance. DM to reach out 🤍


The life you’re asking for doesn’t come to a person who isn’t in alignment with it. You need to live, breathe, behave, think, walk and talk as the person you desire to be, living the life you want to live. You need to make believe ✨


Going on a first date?
Have a job interview?
Are you stuck in self doubt?
Do you just want to feel and be confident?

Let’s get together for a Confidence Boost healing!

We will clear what’s in the way of your true inner confidence so that you can shine your beautiful authentic light in the world.

Link in bio to book 🤍


Your life is a result of the frequency you are giving out. Your frequency is created by your thoughts, beliefs, patterns, the words you use, the conversations you have, your habits etc. If you are wanting change in any area of your life, you have to realise the only way that can happen is from YOUR own inner shift. Your frequency has to match the vibration of which you are asking.

Be aware of what you might be doing that is not a match of the life you’re asking for. Then be determined to make change in that area.

Hot tip..be GRATEFUL! This is the highest frequency we can vibrate at 🔥

Affirm with yourself: May I show up in a way today that aligns with the life and the me I’m asking for.

I understand that breaking away from sabotaging patterns can be easier said than done. If this is challenging for you then please reach out for a Soul Healing and we can clear the hold this has on you.

Katie Xx

Photos from Katie Comyns Soul Healing Coach's post 10/05/2023

Do you want to wake up feeling happy? 🤍

It is up to you to gently direct your thoughts to create better feeling emotions which with repetition ends up creating the tone of your entire life.

So here is where to begin if finding those positive thoughts and emotions are a challenge for you…


How can I bring more ease to this?

We have so many hidden self sabotaging patterns that block us from having ease in our life for all sorts of reasons but asking this question can help you break down those limits you unconsciously place on yourself.

Just by asking this you begin to open up your consciousness to the flow and ease in any situation.

From making a cup of coffee, finding a car park to deeper life situations- ask this question on repeat 🤍


Not feeling good on the WAY there will slow you down from getting there.

Photos from Katie Comyns Soul Healing Coach's post 06/04/2023

Life is actually pretty simple if we understand this…


Intuitive Readings are BACK 🤍

Do you have a question or something you would like some clarity with?

Book in for an intuitive reading for that guidance to bring you peace of mind.

Link in bio to book now 🤍


I use energy healing tools as a way for me to balance myself mentally, emotionally and psychically. It helps me to be a better space for my daughter. It makes me feel grounded enough to take on the day in a more relaxed way. It helps me to view issues from a more poised and calm perspective. I become less reactive and more aligned to my truth. I become less caught up in the drama and heaviness this world can sometimes be. I use it as a preventative of creating unnecessary crap in my life.

Of course there will be issues in our life that must be seen to by the support of a therapist, coach, mentor etc but let’s not ignore the importance of ancient energy healing tools that are here to profoundly support us 🤍

If you want to reach out for support please do. I offer online Soul Healings and in person at the Gold Coast.
Link is in bio to book Xx

Photos from Katie Comyns Soul Healing Coach's post 29/03/2023

Colour Therapy 💫🤍


Becoming the person you want to be means that shadow parts of you that don’t match that have to drop away.

The Universe will show you loud and clear and without reservation where you are getting in your own way and what you have to let go of in order to have the life you want.

This is where so many people become stuck because facing those hidden parts of ourselves can be uncomfortable.

If you are asking to become more of who you want to be, if you are asking for better, if you are asking for life upgrades then expect the alignment process to begin.

Invite the ease, fun and curiosity to evolving into the best you and surrender into the process.

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