Synergise Health and Fitness
Nestled between a Sanctuary at its front gate and the Barwon River at its back gate, Synergise Health and Fitness is no ordinary fitness location.
Located at the Geelong Canoe Club with the Barwon River as easy access for an option for a paddle. Gym is also open for unattended access 7 days per week for existing members.
What an awesome morning to finish of a week of gratitude! After Saturday’s floods and watching the water rise to within 5 mm of the gym floor (my gosh! Talk about someone watching over us!) we kicked of Monday morning in party mode and ran the theme of testing our limits and celebrating our wins all week.
This morning we reran our fitness test and I’ll be honest, I wasn’t expecting to see any improvement in our results. After a really tough winter where most of us battled chest infections and fatigue due to COVID, Flu and other health challenges, we all felt like we were lagging in our cardio capacity and even in staying consistent in our workout routines. But we all have done what we could, when we could and though our performances on the gym floor didn’t feel like groundbreaking moments, getting together each day left us all feeling better mentally and kept us from backsliding even further.
What an amazing and pleasant surprise when we smashed through the test - all of us reaching new personal bests and recovering so much faster than our last test in Autumn! The improvements each day felt so small we barely noticed them, yet the cumulative effect was profound! I’m not lifting my heaviest ever, weighing my lightest, looking my most sculpted or jumping my highest, or even feeling my youngest. But I am the fittest, most flexible, able to do the widest range of activities for the longest and fastest to recover than I have ever been! Not all progress comes with bells and whistles, but the best rewards come quietly, bit by bit, almost unnoticed.
And best of all, I get to share the experience with my crew of awesome people who train with me! Such a wonderful catch up this morning at our breakfast ar Rosie’s where we all realised how far we have come over such a dark time, and how much brighter the future is before us. Not because our circumstances changed, but because we kept plodding on in spite of our circumstances. True Strength - mental and physical is gained in the ordinary when surrounded and inspired by extraordinary people. Love my tribe!
Gold star goes to Darcy Dyer for determination…. Turns out we could have run a class this morning after all…😂😂😂😂. Here is an instructional video on how to navigate Marnock Road for Monday mornings class # # . Plenty of room for kayak and canoe parking on site 😂😂😂😂😂
Hey team awesome, with Marnock road currently a river, we finally have a good reason not to go to gym 😂😂😂😂. Synergise is temporarily swimergise…. Come join us at Roses Jones for a coffee and a laugh instead this morning # #
Inspiration for our next animal movements class….what do you think team awesome? 😂😂😂😂😂
Sooooogood to be using this again this morning! Thankyou so much for an invigorating Shred Combat Session this morning?! The acoustics of the boat storage area leant a really satisfying echo to each whack of the pad this morning, and so good to know that when it comes to kicking, we still got it!
Whoop whoop yeah! Remember team awesome, if there is something you want to see on the timetable, let me know…. The train with me and on demand classes were designe Fri exactly those requests # #
If you haven’t already signed up and joined our private face book group – Winter Warriors, it’s well past time to get started! All we ever really have is now, don’t waste it waiting for the right time # #
Below is an outline of what we covered in Mindset this week…want help with finding your why, measuring your baseline and or setting micro goals this week? Book a time and let’s have a chat. Transformation begins in the heart, develops in the mind and expresses itself through the body.
Progress not perfection.
I believe our biggest purpose in life is to grow, adapt, change and evolve……….A huge part of that process involves failing, falling short, learning and changing direction..………..Your visions and goals will evolve with you, and hopefully what you end up with looks nothing like what you start with.... but you still need to start!
1. Start with your Why - Your past does not define you – don’t let your current circumstances limit where you see yourself 20, 30, 50 years from now……. I get closer to achieving my vision by doing less of these things.
2. Determine your baseline – Decide what it is you want to work on and gain an accurate picture of where you are at now……..A setback is not a fail if you are still progressing in the right direction or learning something new about yourself.
3. Start you are at – Whilst your current circumstances may not determine your destination, coming to terms with where you are now is essential for setting some realistic goals that will bring you closer to your vision and help you build the skills you need to get there……..The simple act of keeping your word and building self -integrity is one of the greatest gains you can achieve through goal setting.
i. Does the person I am turning into by working on this goal appeal to who I want to be?
4. Choose one thing to focus on today – All we ever really have is now, and we can lose this moment to overwhelm by trying to do everything at once…..Adopt one new thing each week and build on it gradually.
Message me if you want to join us this winter and build a stronger foundation for your health and fitness journey.
6:15 am Strong Fit and our Winter Warriors are up and at it! Whoop whoop yeah!
It’s Winter Warriors week zero and our 6:15am crew are kicking off their baseline measurements with our not so much loved fitness test. Come join us at the Synergise Sanctuary, or do this one at home to see where you are at. Our goal is to shave off a few seconds each time, improve our technique/level of difficulty and/or improve our recovery. Can’t do an exercise? Replace it or do a reduced progression (ie push-ups on Knees). Just remember what you did and repeat it next month to measure your progress.
100 star jumps
80 mountain climbers
60 squats
40 plank jacks
20 push ups
10 burpees
20 push ups
40 plank jacks
60 squats
80 mountain climbers
100 star jumps
Record your time and compare it each month to see how your fitness levels are improving.
Is another challenge really the best next step for your health and fitness journey?
We’ve been running 6 week challenges for years, and the results have been amazing – and long lasting for many of our clients. Challenges are a great way to reboot the system, detox and realign your nutrition and training so you can really see some dramatic changes in a relatively short time. They plant the seeds for great habits, and with the right mindset, set you up for an ongoing healthy lifestyle. I did my first challenge 4 years ago, and it really was the best option for me at that time.
But what I have noticed since COVID is that challenges are not the best option for many of our clients. After so many false starts between lockdowns/isolations, shifts in our priorities, mental fatigue and uncertainty, the pressure and commitment of a challenge can actually be counterproductive. As we step out of the fast lane and take stock of what is really important to us and the need for a more balanced lifestyle, what most of my clients need now is a long term strategy with gradual but sustainable lifestyle changes and the opportunity to regain confidence and trust in themselves.
Our Winter Warriors course is a 3 month program designed to help you learn the fundamentals of mindset, training and nutrition so you can start where you are at and improve each area at a pace that aligns to your values, priorities, resources and lifestyle. We have the rest of our lives to enjoy our health and well being, so its important that we learn to love the journey as much as the results, and don’t sacrifice our long term health by rushing into short term gains.
Week Zero kicks off this week as we set ourselves up for success, identify our core values and build out our reason for committing to the program in the first place. We will be taking stock of where we are at – finding our true starting point, and deciding on our next steps, micro goals and standards as we strive for progress over perfection. We will also be covering the general principles of nutrition before diving into our whole foods eating strategy which we will explore more fully over the first month.
I will be sharing snippets of the program with you here on our page, but the real value and content will be shared via our training app and private facebook group. Come join us at the Synergise Sanctuary (The program is included for all Synergise foundation members), or message me to join us online for just $15.00 per week. You don’t need to live in Geelong to benefit from our Winter Warriors program! The knowledge you gain will serve you a lifetime, and even better, you get to be an active part of our wonderful tribe that Thrives.
Whoop whoop! When a heavy lifter jumps in on a cardio class challenge….. go Blake! Ok so it took a little longer than 45 minutes but who needs kettle bells when you can use the hex bar right? Whoop whoop 671 points takes this challenge right out of the park! Bad news isBlake, you’ll need to top that score when we do it again next month # # #
Our values
What do you think of our new promotional video?
Created thanks to Matthew C Smith at Impressions Creative
Whoop whoop how good was this morning’s Olympic lifting session? Had so much fun I forgot to take photos lol - happens with all our best classes… just get carried away. So good to see everyone getting creative in their dance moves while planking and doing their V sit holds too - great music, awesome people, fun times! Love my tribe and the 6:15 am crew!
7:15 heavy lifting tonight and Ben has set up some interesting stations for us…. Hmmm what new tricks are we going to learn tonight? can’t wait to find out! Whoop whoop!
Winter warriors warming up! Minutes before the jumpers come off and the sweating (and swearing lol) begins. Whoop whoop yeah! Love the winter workouts - creating an awesome foundation for our best summer yet # # .
6:15 Strong fit is on! Missing you Vicki Plowman # # .
Needed this this morning, and feel so much better for having done it….. is it something that might benefit you too? This weekend I was feeling pretty s**t - those who know me know that’s not something I admit to easily (or often). Since moving to Synergise, I was finally getting my health back, doing classes, joining Strong fit and remembering that pre-COVID energy and sense of fun that came naturally from working out. I started to feel like maybe It’s my turn to live too - over Covid I allowed myself to be consumed by those who needed my energy more, and there were always so many who needed it that I stopped doing the things that fire me up and eventually burnt out.
Exercising again brought me back to life! Though scary at first - I knew I had lost strength, I was easily out of breath and not sure I could handle finding out just how weak I had become - or how badly I would pull up after the first class! Sound familiar? Lol. This past fortnight I fell back into that old pattern - running classes but not doing them and letting my consequent low energy fuel my tiredness and doubt in my worthiness, ability to train and my old friend depression managed to catch up with me.
I realised the tiredness wasn’t just physical, it was emotional - i had gone back into old patterns and picked up old baggage, of self doubt, shame and self sabotage. Joy, hope, optimism weren’t just things I couldn’t see or feel, they were things I convinced myself I didn’t deserve. Time to start working on me again - doing something I normally don’t enjoy at first, but that usually brings relief lol time to meditate. Kyle provided the perfect narrative for me this morning, and I hope he can do the same for you. He starts by getting us to write down the source of our own shame - the things we heard as children, the things we hear (and even repeat to ourselves) now. If you are feeling shame, I strongly recommend you give this meditation a go. The relief for me was instant - still more work to do to break the patterns that keep bringing me here, but definitely on the right track after meditating # # #
Guided Meditation For Releasing Shame - Kyle Cease What are some shame-based sentences you say to yourself? Maybe something you heard as a child, from a spouse or from yourself?In this meditation, Kyle guides...
With the boatshed lighting due to be installed this weekend, I must admit I’m going to miss our twilight workouts. The camera (or more likely it’s operator lol) always makes our evening shots look darker than they really are, but this is the closest we get to dancing in the dark, working out under the stars, and it really gave our workouts that nightclub fun feel.….
With Winter comes a new phase at the gym where we have seen disco boxing, Oodie warm ups (best way to warm up on a frosty morning!), more use of the boat storage area, kitchen catch ups and yes even heating in the gym! The sauna has never felt so good! Our tolerance to the cold is improving everyday, and we have yet to do a workout where that cold breeze wasn’t welcome mid session….Will be interesting to see how the lighting will change the ambience next week.
The anatomy of the synergise brand.
We have included the definition of Synergise to best reflect what we can achieve together.
It’s obvious to most at first glance that the logo we chose incorporates an S for Synergise, but there is so much more if we look into it a little further.
The curves if the S represent flow and the reflection suggests harmony.
The curves also represent the river setting with the Sanctuary at our front gate, a perfect setting to reflect and transform.
The colours chosen also have significance as the turquoise represents the serenity, calm and water whereas the reflective orange shows the other side as energy and fire within to work to improve and strike balance. All this comes together to interlock together in a holistic way.
This bigger picture was a combined effort by Jodie Williams and Matthew C Smith from Impressions Creative to synergise a brand that perfectly reflects what we are aiming to achieve with our fitness family.
Wonderful Wednesday Workout this morning. Challenging ourselves with a balance circuit while listening to Al’s awesome playlist. Whoop whoop yeah! So good to be training with the tribe on this gorgeous morning and greeting the sun to music that takes us back to our teenage years. Environment and community are such an important part of our wholistic fitness journey # # . So often I get so caught up in the magic that happens when we get together, I forget to capture it and share it with you. Alan Gowers Vicki Plowman Snježana Holeš Kristie Brearley Adriana Erceg
The benefits of outdoor training….. So last week we redid our fitness test from 4 weeks ago and were absolutely blown away by how much we have improved already! Most of us reduced our times by between 1 and 2 minutes with Blake blowing us all away with a massive improvement of just under 6 minutes!
It got me thinking…. What changed in those 4 weeks? Our intensity and regularity of training was the same. The heavy lifting program might have something to do with it…. Those who join our Thursday night group retain,y feel stronger and are handling heavier kettlebells in the classes, but everyone’s times improved, not just our heavy lifting groups…..
The only thing that I can match to everyone’s success is that we now train outside instead of inside……. While intuitively I know outdoor training is better for us - beautiful environment, fresh air amongst the trees, reconnection with nature and her natural rhythms - seasonal and circadian (seeing the sun rise and fall has definitely improved our alertness during the day and we areal, sleeping much better now!).
We are still blessed with glorious Autumn days, but the colder mornings and evenings have also made their mark in a surprisingly positive way…. We are all adapting to the cold and it’s improved our tolerance to it. I don’t know how long it takes to convert our fat to thermogenesis brown fat, but I suspect that might have something to do with it. The changes in temperature bother us less and less, although I have yet to do a class where that cold gust of wind wasn’t a welcome change to our overheating bodies! None of us are wearing jackets within 5 minutes of starting our sessions now, and none of us rush to put them back on at the end.
Working out outdoors has had so many positive benefits for us - more vitamin D, better mindsets and readiness to make everyday perfect instead of waiting for the perfect day. Better wake/sleep cycles, a feeling of being more grounded and connected to nature and the sheer enjoyment of working out to beautiful sun rises / sunsets and birdsong. How can we not improve in such an amazing environment? Life is indeed wonderful!
Singing with good company makes any climb more enjoyable! Love my tribe # # #
Synergise - where environment and community come together to help us all reach more of our potential.
Be part of something bigger than yourself - call 0466 124 691 or message me in the comments below to find out how. Warmest regards, Jodie Williams
Why Synergise?
Health is for everyone, but most gym environments are not- at least not at the start of many people’s health and fitness journey. A friendly face or three that welcome you by name, look forward to your next session together and celebrate your wins can make all the difference between leaving the gym session feeling ashamed, and feeling proud. Synergise is that safe place where your efforts are recognised because everyone of us have stood where you have stood – and supported each other back to health. We know how hard it can be to get back on track, and we want you to experience the same joy of success that we have because getting healthy really does change your whole life!
Whether you have never experienced the joy of being fit and healthy, or you are trying to get back to what you know you could be, so many of us are feeling raw and vulnerable about our current state of health and fitness. It’s hard to walk into a strange environment, painfully aware that you are not looking your best, anxious about how your body will perform, and fearful that you might not even make it through the session, much less reach that lofty goal you have buried deep in your hopes and dreams. It can be intimidating and embarrassing to struggle to do the basic moves when surrounded by beautiful people who find it all so easy. You need a community around you that supports and motivates you. Where you feel welcomed and inspired. You need to feel Synergised!
To find out more, contact me on 0466124691, or message me in the comments below. Warmest regards, Jodie Williams
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Contact the business
Newtown, VIC
Opening Hours
Monday | 5am - 8am |
5pm - 8pm | |
Tuesday | 5am - 8am |
5pm - 8pm | |
Wednesday | 5am - 9am |
5pm - 8pm | |
Thursday | 5am - 8am |
5pm - 8pm | |
Friday | 5am - 8am |
5pm - 8pm | |
Saturday | 6am - 9am |
560 Latrobe Boulevard
Newtown, 3220
We are a community of mums who enjoy to move our bodies while our children get to make new friends and play.
560 Latrobe Street
Newtown, 3220
PCW Academy Geelong is Professional Championship Wrestling's training ground for the next generation of wrestlers West of Melbourne.
1/560 Latrobe Boulevard
Newtown, 3220
Personal Health & Fitness Infrared Sauna Ice Bath (Recovery) Muay Thai Boxing Personal Training