Happy Little Chicks North Brisbane
These chicks are lovingly hatched in a family home - not a hatchery. These chicks will need a heat source for the first few weeks.
The whole family is involved hatching and raising chicks with lots of love to produce Happy Little Chicks.
For Sale: 3 week old chicks. They come from a large flock with many different breeds. I am unable to determine the breeds or s*x of the chicks, as they are too young.
Pick up North Lakes
The flock includes Copper Marans, Aracuanas, Gold Laced and Silver Laced Wyandottes, Croad Langshan Black, Blue and White, Easter Egger, Welsummers, Leghorn, Black Australorp, Suss*x-Speckled, Minorca, Frizzle, Barnevelder, Malay Game, Old English Game, Brahmas.
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North Lakes Drive
North Lakes, QLD