Brainfit Exercise Physiology

Brainfit Exercise Physiology offers a range of small group and larger group classes

�About Brodie Cambourne MSc BSc ( Anatomy Physiology)

Brodie Cambourne is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist who has been working in the area of brain development and brain health for over 25 years , During this time she has worked with babies through to 100 year old clients. Her work as an exercise physiologist began with working with children during which time she developed a parent inclusive

Photos from Brainfit Exercise Physiology's post 09/09/2024

Another quick and easy to understand podcast outlining the benefits of vitamin C for Heart and Brain Health

Link in comments


September classes at Brainfit
If you can't make your session there are plenty of others to chose from
Email [email protected] if you need to change a class or reply to your reminder SMS and I can fit you on somewhere else.


This week we are discussing Vitamin C , the benefits, how it is used in the body and where to source vitamins C.

The information below is from the Invite Health podcast

The link to this podcast is in the comments

How is Vitamin C utilized in our bodies?

As mentioned, you need this vitamin to create Carnitine. Vitamin C interacts with iron and changes a couple of ingredients from the protein you eat into Carnitine. There are different amino acids in protein. Two of them – Lysine and Thianine – interact with this essential vitamin in separate steps to create Carnitine. Carnitine is needed for muscle energy and muscle strength, for brain energy and for heart energy. It allows you to take the ingredients from food and convert it into energy. But it also helps you clear the toxins out of your cells.

Vitamin C also interacts with dietary protein in order to create Collagen. Collagen makes your skin, hair and nails so, in turn, lacking it effects your skin, hair and nails. This is why Vitamin C is also a very popular skin care ingredient. It interacts with protein to create ligaments and tendons, as well.

Photos from Brainfit Exercise Physiology's post 03/09/2024

2 new paintings for the gym
Last week I found 2 new paintings for the gym by original artists from a few generations ago.

I have such a connection to the Australia from our past years that I felt that having a few paintings created by people I have never met may create positive energy in the

I am hoping that these paintings may create conversationa about Australia and its landscape and these conversations may then help preserve memories of the freedom loving country that Australia was in the past.

These old paintings are images captured by someone's eyes and depicts how they viewed the landscape and how they felt about their surroundings.

I look at these paintings and think of how at the times these paintings were created, Australia was a very different country.

A country not so wrapped up in rules, mandates and on it's way to becoming a country that represented freedom.

I do understand that we also have a history of actions that were not great for many so I try to also understand that my own interpretation of a painting may not be one of joy for another.

But we the Australia of the past was one that allowed fr33dom of expression and difference of experience and opinion.

These pictures remind me that we must still keep protecting what many fought for

Freedom.of thought and expression and sp33ch

I hope the energy of the artists that created these paintings can become part of the very mixed energy in the gym.


Thursdays at the Brainfit Gym is Lou Lou Brown day

She is back to work as part of her community service after multiple reports of stalking and harassment whilst people eat.

She needs good references so let me know if she is out of line

See you Thursdays

5 Simple Tips For Getting a Good Night's Sleep 14/08/2024

I listened to an interesting podcast this week that posed the question
" What if sleeping was the most important thing we do each day? "

Our day time activities need to be structured so we create the optimal conditions for good quality sleep.

The video below outlines 5 ways to improve sleep.

I know I need to work on all of these points so this week I have been getting up at the same time each day and also limiting coffee to before 11am

I have lots more to work on.

What sleep preparation habits can you work on?

5 Simple Tips For Getting a Good Night's Sleep It may seem like getting sleep is a “nighttime problem,” but in fact, what you do during the DAYTIME can set you up for a great night of sleep. Join Faith as...


2 new classes August and September. Remember to sleep if you are tired because that's our health focus this week.
There are plenty of catch up classes to come to now so don't force yourself to exercise if you are nor well

Photos from Brainfit Exercise Physiology's post 12/08/2024

Brainfit August 11th
This week we are talking about the importance and science of sleep.

The pillars of health management Brainfit programs discuss with participants include:

💤 Sleep management
🥛Real food for real water health
🚶‍♂️Exercise and functional movement
🧎Stress management
🌅Access to sunshine
🐴Connection with nature/ animals or other humans

This week we are going to chat about Sleep . I have been following Mathew Walker Sleep Science researcher for years and have placed a podcast in the links for you to start your learnings.

Check the comments section for other interesting information on sleep.

We will chat during your sessions about the different types of sleep,why it's so important for the prevention of cognitive decline and mental health and how it effects weight management.

We will also discuss strategies to improve your sleep and foods to avoid that may effect sleep effectiveness.

See you at the gym


The Brainfit Gym is full of relics from our elders with many relics over 100 years old.
These pieces of furniture and items I believe tell the stories and hold the energy of many of those who lived before us .
Thank you to the family who donated this clock for our walls.
The energy of our elders, who did not live with the privlege of current society, is something we draw on during our training sessions.

We use this energy to talk about the benefits of real food our elders ate and worked hard for and the benefits of functional exercise that assist with maintaining functional movement.


Brainfit Exercise Physiology weekly blog in the comments section

This week's blog is about Seed Oils...and how they are not great for us.

I have placed links to some of the presenters I have followed for years

Next week's blog is on the importance of sleep and the " brain cleansing " process our brain goes through at different levels of sleep

Sleep deprivation is one of causes of insulin resistance.
Insulin resistance is the underlying cause of chronic disease and cognitive decline and dementia.

Protect your sleep
Protect your body
Protect your brain

The Dark Story of Seed Oils Nina Teicholz & Dr. Philip Ovadia 29/07/2024

For the Brainfit Gym people and anyone else interested in learning about seed oils

The Dark Story of Seed Oils Nina Teicholz & Dr. Philip Ovadia in this video Nina Teicholz talks about seed oil. Nina Teicholz is a New York Times bestselling investigative science journalist who has played a pivotal rol...

Photos from Brainfit Exercise Physiology's post 29/07/2024

This week at the Brainfit Gym we are discussing Seed Oils

When I think about food and cooking, I think of my Nan. I remember the smell of scones and freshly baked cakes and pancakes. I also remember the secret stash of dark chocolate that as grandchildren, we were only allowed to access this cupboard a few times a year.

My Nan lived to be 101 years of age.

She was on no heart medication, only wore glasses to read and despite living through the depression years and losing the love of her life to a war that he fought in for 4 years, she was on no anti-depressants and I do believe she was able to deal with the sad times as she wasn't loaded on processed foods like we are today.

Processed foods are detrimental to brain health, depression and anxiety.

I think my Nan's generation were not subjected to food that increased their depression so they were able to move through some hard times.

Inflammatory food leads to inflamed neurology.

My Nan, on real food was so healthy, the doctors found it hard to find anything wrong with her so the only thing they could do with her was suggest that she have possible skin cancers removed in her 99th and 100th year.

My Nan helped created the love for real food in my Mum. My Mum then passed on this knowledge to myself and my siblings and we learned the benefits of real food, Vitamin C, Sunshine, real water, exercise and good quality sleep.

We had no TV from the day I turned 5 years of age

My parents were aware of the dangers of commercials and propaganda and I did not have a TV until my mid 20s.

I had a piano, books, records, dogs, horses and unlimited access to the bush, the river and a free and uninfluenced mind.

I was brought up to ask questions and to be a critical thinker.
I will always be grateful for this upbringing.

This week at the Brainfit Gym, we are discussing the items my Nan stayed away from.

She always used butter as a healthy fat

She stayed away from oils such as sunflower, canola and vegetable oils

And after reading the links below in the comments section, i am hoping these links may assist you with becoming a critical thinker about the oils we have been encouraged to consume and that can be found in many foods that are promoted as "healthy"

Please keep reading the "Ingredients section" of the food you consume and learn about the oils that may be causing your pain and chronic health issues.

Photos from Brainfit Exercise Physiology's post 26/07/2024

I love that our Brainfit community are bringing Owls into the gym.

Not only are Brainfit Gym participants engaging with the Owls, but the support workers who bring their clients in are also helping build the Owl collection.
The Owls represent our Mum, who collected Owls and owned a children's book store for many years called " The Book Book bookshop"

At the entry of the Brainfit Gym is the White Owl board, which outlines the importance of Inform3d Consent in m3dical choices.

Our Mum was not offered Inform3d Consent prior to her passing around a m3dical intervention and Inform3d cons3nt was something she was very passionate about.

Our Mum spent her life encouraging children to read. She was a teacher librarian and a book shop owner and her passion was creating confident learners .

She would love seeing the Brainfit Gym participants developing their confidence to learn about their health and become confident to ask questions around their health and health choices.

Thank you to the Brainfit Gym participants who help to keep out Mum's passion alive with your interest in health and your Owl gifts.

For more information on The White Owl and Inform3d cons3nt please visit


Thanks again to our model Paris Rodriguez for allowing me to video her.

The Reach Up exercise is a shoulder exercise I used to rehabilitate my shoulder after a number of dislocations and shoulder operations that didn't fix the problem.
My shoulder was " frozen" and would repeatedly lock up if I reached out to the side of my body.

This is because my scapular/humeral rhythm was out of whack. This meant my shoulder blade was not moving at the speed and angle required for my arm to move.

If one shoulder blade is not moving at the correct speed and angle , the other shoulder blade will ultimately move out of rhythm also.

The Reach Up exercise assisted my shoulder blades to move in time , and together and after a few weeks of small reaches I was able to start to work on gripping the bar and working on my grip strength.

Grip strength and shoulder strength are also 2 components of strength that need to be worked on together.

Tips for this exercise:

Keep hands in front of body and movements small for as long as it takes to move without pain.

Keep palms facing inwards for first few reaches.

Try not to let shoulders elevated ( shoulders lift towards ears)

There are additional exercises to do with this exercise to regain shoulder function and this exercise should not be completed without first consulting your physio or health professional


Brainfit Gym Challenge for the week

Work out your Triglyceride/HDL ratio

This is often used as a method for determining insulin resistance

The overtraining syndrome - Dr. Phil Maffetone 26/07/2024

Not only athletes overtrain. Many people striving for fitness go over their limit within the first 8 to 12 weeks when they start a new health kick.
This is why at Brainfit, I have started the 4 week cycles which we will repeat and progress each month so as you are able to learn you own " individual exercise load"

We are up to week 3 and for those who are a bit lost don't worry as Week 1 is coming up again soon so we can all start again together.

Good article below for those who tend to over train

The overtraining syndrome - Dr. Phil Maffetone A three-stage spectrum disorder defined Summary Overtraining has been traditionally described as diminished athletic performance that results from excessively increased training volume and/or intensity and competition. But the bigger picture...

Knee Pain Relief & Knee Mobility Series Ep.1 | Using Your Feet To Open Up Your Hips 26/07/2024

Today we practice modified versions of this great hip opener exercise.
This is a nice exercise to feel your posture sit in a position with spine length and an open chest.

This week at Brainfit we are practising modified versions of this activity for all ages

Knee Pain Relief & Knee Mobility Series Ep.1 | Using Your Feet To Open Up Your Hips Knee pain relief & knee mobility series ep.1. Using your feet to open up your hips. Aaron Alexander, Owner of Align Therapy, is a world-class movement coach ...

Photos from Brainfit Exercise Physiology's post 26/07/2024

This week at Brainfit Gym sessions we discussed the benefits of the deep squat.

We modified this squat to assist those who may have knee or hip issues and after we adjusted the exercise with simple safe progressions, even those with knee , back and hip issues were able to achieve modified versions of the deep squat.
I have always been fascinated by the Indonesian cultures and how freely they can move without access to medical and physical programs like we do in our quick fix countries.

I do believe that many people in countries not as lucky as ours, have been able to overcome injuries through movements such as the deep squat. This is how many cultures have to live as they dont have the access to the luxuries and privlege we have . When it comes to movement, i do believe our society of long periods of chair sitting, lounge sitting , car driving and wearing shoes that are not great for our posture , has effected our movement, digestive health and increased our chronic disease.

Those countries and cultures who are required to move to survive and feed their families, do seem to move better than our own cultures.

Take a look at the blog post in the comments from a blog writer who describes life in India there are some great photos of people of all ages in India who have great movement and flexibility.

It's been a really great week watching people in the gym try the progressions in this movement and see their confidence as they reach new levels of movement confidence


The Brainfit July program Week 1 Summary

For those attending classes and also those who just want to learn more the Brainfit July program includes Nutrition Education, Movement Education and links to the videos and books I read each week .

I have 30 years of reading and listening research that I weave into your movement programs each week.

Check out the blog page below to stay up to date with my brain.

I will talk about these topics in classes each week and feel free to ask questions on these posts.

I will also sending weekly emails to Participants so check your emails each MONDAY.

If you dont wish to recieve the email...just trash it as there is no polite unsubscribe button as i am gently harrassing you to be proactive with your health choices.

Aaron Alexander 08/07/2024

July Program Week 1
Aaron Alexander from the Align Method

I had followed Aaron after reading his book.
I enjoy his real life application to movement

The Align Method assisted me with learning the relationship between group strength and shoulder mobility.. so of your shoulders are a bit bunged up presently, we need to maintain your grip strength to keep the messages in your upper body tapping into your brain

Here is the YouTube channel for Aaron Alexander.

Aaron Alexander The Align Podcast shares insights from renowned experts from around the world in a range of fields focused on improving the mind and body; teaching you all t...

Photos from Brainfit Exercise Physiology's post 24/06/2024

Why I complete at least 1 big endurance race each year.

This year was my 5th time I have paddled the Riverland Paddling Marathon, a 208km Paddling Marathon over 3 days.

Someone asked me why I keep coming back to complete the same long race each year in the cold and often involving hours of paddling on your own battling the elements.

There are 3 reasons I set myself this challenge

1. One reason i attend this race is the great comradeary with other paddlers battling the elements

2. Another reason is the organisers are volunteer community members who dedicate their own time each year so people like me can attend.

3 . I attend races like this every year as I am an Exercise Physiologist who has been studying human capacity for over 28 years.

Each year I listen to 100s of hours of podcasts and then read further research I have learned from these podcasts. I normally listen to 15 hours of podcasts each week just driving and walking.

When I start training for these longer Paddling events I then have the opportunity to listen to another 10 plus hours a week.

This is how I started endurance paddling 10 years ago.

The first few years I learnt about fuelling systems, fats versus carbs and decided to opt for fat as fuel. I wanted to avoid insulin resistance as I grow older and ultimately protect my brain

Loading on carbs was not working . I was just getting fatter and the fatigue after training was preventing me from getting stronger.

So in 2014 I started following a low carb increased fat approach . I started to learn more about the dangers of high carbohydrate diets and processed foods/ seed oils and insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is an underlying condition in most chronic diseases and goes undetected for years as its not a blood test doctors order anymore

Insulin resistance leads to poor brain health and brain cell death.

I have worked in the area of neurological conditions for 20 plus years and witnessed first hand the result of processed foods and fear of eating ancestral food and good fats.

I wanted to protect my brain.

So I began my journey into learning how to prevent brain cell death, pain management and avoiding type 3 diabetes ( type 3 is long term type 2 which eventually effects the neurological system)

In 2014 I started fuelling my training on good fats ( butter, animal fats, avacado)

The result is I have no pain after training and each day I get stronger when I race. My body has become accustomed to fat as my main energy source and I have a great supply of it on my body ready to be used.

I delved into podcasts and movies such as Run on Fat and completed courses through the Nutrition Network ( Tim Noakes) and discovered 100s of great researchers who have been attempting to remove processed foods from our diets to reduce lifestyle diseases such as type 2 diabetes . Still the health system has not caught up on this research

After my first few races working out my nutrition I then started to focus on the musculature system again.

The next few years I became interested in postural strength and functional movement so I applied what I learned to my paddling the next year. I won my race the next year again in 2019 . Hanging onto a bar with my hands and shoulders was a fantastic strengthening for my posture. Also a deep mirror neuron I would have developed as a toddler. Reigniting that pathway of youth.

In 2020 and 2021 I started to learn about female hormones and the need for rest and the importance of sleep. I was doing IVF at the same time so was interested in hormone changes of women and strength and the changes to glucose management as our hormones change in our 40s.

Although the IVF was not successful, and the roller-coaster of hormones changes that occur after 6 months of IVF injections, I was able to reset my body and my capacity to complete a 200km race a few months later to win the paddle for the 3rd time.

I wasn't able to continue IVF due to covid rules, and v rules so back to paddling

That one took some mental strength to dig my brain out of a fair bit of depression around failed IVF and the hormones that come with coming off the injections. I was aware of the chemical changes that would effect my brain and how the right food/fuel and the progressions in strength training would help reset my body.

I also learnt the value of sleep and listening to my body.

The 2023 race. I needed again to dig my body out of some negative lifestyle habits that I took on as part of the greif of losing Mum and the constant battle for justice in our current h3alth system

So I set my goals and remembered what I had learned about over the past 10 years

1.Fueling the body with fuels that the brain can function for long hours on. Fat helped my brain stay focussed for longer

2. Correcting my postural strength to avoid back pain . Constantly shifting my posture slightly each minute, maintaining an open chest assisted my spine to stay long

3. Understanding my hormones and glucose management as a woman in her late 40s. Estrogen is lower and therefore my ability to use glucose as fuel was diminished so fat was suiting my body as it adjusted to constant hormone shifts

4. The importance of sleep and rest and recovery as person with changing hormones, life demands, business management and still elements of greif.
Overtraining is an easy pattern to slip into. So I learned to listen to my body. If I was tired I slept. I upped the vitamin c and the liver capsules .

5. It's ok to be sad..and grieve...but have a plan to climb out when you can

There was a slight river flow in 2023 for my 4th paddle and great weather so I was able to enjoy the paddle and practice what I had learned about human physiology the past 3 years. I still pulled up with no pain but wanted to learn how to shut off the boredom of hours and hours of paddling for my next race so for 2024 I started learning some mental aspects of distraction.

I also wanted to learn about supplements, whether we need them and vitamins. My mum was a great believer in Vitamin C and my Nan who lived to 102 years on no medications ate liver each week.

I had also learned how important sunlight is for health and this year I decided I wanted to see how getting away from flouride in our water mat help. Wow so much information on flouride now I am glad I took the time to swap to pure water. Definitely feel more energetic off the tap water.

I was able to get into some sunlight on 2024 but it was difficult to get on the water for long hours as it mostly rained and was windy for the 12 weeks leading up to this paddle event. I started to look up at the sky alot...another interesting phenomenon happening above us in these skies.

Getting on the water was hard this year with the weather and work commitments

So I decided to focus on developing strength with good posture . The Roman Method is a strength process I have been following for a few years so I applied this in the gym for the 12 weeks. Great effects in short programs of functional strength.

Now I had hit pre menopause and counter balance this with strength training and good quality sleep.

Sleep is such an important component of maintaining human capacity and it is literally my favourite activity.

I kept up more study into the benefits of vitamin c and organ meats and increased my load of both organs meats and vitamin c during recovery sessions.

I am so thankful my mum started me learning about the benefits vitamin c from a young age.

As this 5th paddle approached I started learn about the mental side of racing/ completing 3 day races. During these races my heart rate maintains 150 beats per minute for 8 hours straight. This constant heart rate can be exhausting and I needed to learn how to block out the feeling of exhaustion

I wanted to learn how to enjoy this feeling so I contacted my friend Peter, ex military for some advice.

He provided me with some great strategies to distract the body from pain and negative emotions and how to stay focused for 8 hours. By end of day 1 this year I had learnt how to separate my head from my body , I was extremely cold for 4 hours so had to learn this quickly or I would have stopped paddling 4 hours into the race.

I loved practising these techniques on top of the other layers of nutrition, postural training, rest, minute by minute recovery.

The result was I finished the race again, on a much slower river flow and still managed to maintain the Paddling times I competed 4 and 5 years ago.

The most important thing for me this year is that I managed to shift any feeling of negative emotions, shift self doubt and convince myself to believe in myself.
and enjoyed the feeling of knowing enough about my body and my capacity.

I have developed confidence in my understanding of physiology and in my body. I tried to start each day knowing that I understand my body and I have spent years understanding my fuel , my breath rate and my baseline health. I have also spent years learning how to shift pain and I have needed no medications.

I am now 50 years old on no medications, I have completed the same race with consistency over 6 years, completed IVF in the middle of this and managed to reset my capacity to paddle 8 hours at 150 beats per minute.

I have 1 kidney, had heart surgery as a child .

Each year I order a fasting insulin test and lipid panel blood tests and check my kidney and liver function for mysef. I also order myself a heart scan ( coronary calcium score)

My fasting insulin score is 3 , my coronary calcium score is still 0 after using fat as my my energy source for years.

My kidney function is normal, my liver function is normal and my cholesterol is doing its job to repair damage and build hormones.

I feel I am getting fitter and stronger as I age....this is why I study, this is why I learn and apply this to my own body..

So I can then help to teach others how to apply this to their own bodies at moderate and daily exercise loads.

This is why I paddle...not to win..but to then I can teach

I look forward to teaching Brainfit Participants the physiology, nutrition and psychology of health behaviour change during Brainfit Gym programs.

Photos from Brainfit Exercise Physiology's post 24/06/2024

Our July Brainfit program will introduce participants to some of the books I have found interesting and beneficial for my own training.
The Align Method has a focus on functional exercises which is why I find this book a nice fit for Brainfit programs.

Brainfit programs focus on functional movement .
Functional movement is movement that helps each individual get through their own daily activities.

Some participants may have horses and need to focus on maintaining muscular strength that assists with lifting hay bales, stepping into stirrups or even shovelling horse poo.

Other participants may be training for an overseas travel adventure and may need to focus on back care to cope with long periods of sitting in aeroplanes or stepping up and down uneven steps.

Other participants may have a passion for gardening as a lifestyle and mental health activity so the functional focus may be bending, pulling, reaching and kneeling.

All participants should have a functional focus on squatting for digestive and gut health, bending, balancing and walking and grip strength as these are activities we require for our entire lifespan.

Links to book and podcast in comments


Welcome Belinda and Steven who attended their introduction to the Brainfit program today . Belinda and Steven drove all the way from Canberra today to learn how to apply the 4 week Brainfit program and to self assess their progress each session.

The first 4 week cycle starts July 1 and this week I will be introducing Brainfit Participants to the first 4 week block.

Photos from Brainfit Exercise Physiology's post 22/06/2024

Brainfit Gym New Posters in Pilates area

Some of the exercises we complete in the gym.
Although pilates reformer provides a great full body workout, at Brainfit we attempt to learn exercises that are
" functional for your body"

There are many exercises on this poster we don't even try as they don't suit the functional goals of our participants.

We also use some simple inventive names for the exercises we use to keep the sessions fun and and engaging.


92 year old Faye
Moves better than most of us. Putting a final training session in before her trip to Europe with her son. She is considering a bike tour over there if possible. Nothing stops this lady and she inspires all of us.
Have a great trip Faye

Photos from Brainfit Exercise Physiology's post 03/06/2024

Brainfit Exercise Physiology Pilates Barrel, Roller and Rings training

In July I will be heading up to train with Tom Roman, Pliates Instructor of the Year to learn more about the next 3 peices of equipment .
The foam roller, the pilates rings and the barrel

I have been training with Tom for nearly 3 years and over the past 30 years , Tom is the exercise professional I feel has the same low anxiety, client centered teaching methods as myself.

Tom is also interested in learning about the Fiteracy Education Framework and my father's education philosophy so we will be discussing how to combine the Roman Method with these education frameworks.

It is the combination of these training methods that makes Brainfit Exercise Physiology programs unique.

Looking forward to sharing the new exercises from the next Roman Method Course

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Videos (show all)

Thanks again to our model Paris Rodriguez for allowing me to video her.The Reach Up exercise is a shoulder exercise I us...
92 year old FayeMoves better than most of us. Putting a final training session in before her trip to Europe with her son...
87 yr old Dad getting into the home gym we set up for himI am so inspired by my Dad's ability to get up and achieve his ...
The amazing over 80s doing their chest opener exercises with clown of the week Maree Garrett providing entertainment in ...
Today Samantha Fischer and I completed another 8 hours training with Tom Roman from The Roman Method .Tom is the nationa...
The power of creating " co learning " environments when teaching health concepts
Guess who is guest presenter at the gym tomorrow?Mr coordination Basketball Head Ned
Our amazing Paris who has worked so hard after hip surgery to be able to be this awesome
One of our youngest Brainfit Gym members Kyan who has been training with me since he was 12 years old .Now as a 16 year ...
The amazing role models Thelma and Faye in their balance class at the Brainfit gym
The Wednesday  chill out  and brain exercise session.After completing their 45 minutes of physical exercise the Wednesda...




Nowra, NSW

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 5pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 5pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 5pm
Thursday 8:30am - 5pm
Friday 8:30am - 5pm

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