Serenity Psychology South Perth

Serenity Psychology South Perth

A small close-knit private practice in South Perth, offering assessment and counselling to all ages.


"Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space, we have the power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." – Viktor Frankl

This quote reminds us of our control over our reactions. Even in the face of challenges, there’s always a moment when we can choose how to respond. In that choice lies our ability to shape our lives.

It’s a powerful reminder that we have more control over our reactions than we might realise. However, learning to harness this control is a skill that can take time and practice. If you’re finding it difficult to manage your reactions, therapy can be a helpful way to start building this skill.

Contact our reception if you'd like to book an appointment.

📞 08 9474 4401
📧 [email protected]


Today, we're thinking of all the students and teachers who have reached or nearly reached the end of Term 3—your well-deserved break is here! The school holidays are a great time to schedule assessments or counselling sessions. Contact our reception today to book in.


This is just a reminder that we will be closed on September 23rd for the King's Birthday public holiday. Our reception will be unattended during this time, but we’ll be back and open on the 24th. Thank you for your understanding!


At Serenity Psychology, we love this quote by Carl Rogers because it beautifully captures the heart of personal growth and change. Psychology isn't just about trying to fix or change who you are—it's about embracing and understanding yourself fully. Often, actual growth happens when we dig deep into the strengths and qualities we already possess. Accepting ourselves as we are opens the door to meaningful and lasting change rooted in self-awareness and self-compassion.


🌟 School Holidays Approaching🌟

Take advantage of the upcoming break to focus on your little one’s well-being. We have availability for both counselling/psychological intervention and psychometric assessments & diagnosis for children, including but not limited to:

- Autism
- Giftedness
- Learning Difficulties
- Intellectual Disability

Contact our reception to enquire:

📞 08 9474 4401
📧 [email protected]


💬 R U OK? Day

R U OK? Day reminds us that a simple question can change a life. By asking, "Are you OK?" we create a safe space for open conversations about mental health, which can be a powerful step.

It's important to remember that checking in on those around us should happen regularly, not just today. R U OK? Day is about spreading awareness and encouraging everyone to start conversations that could make a difference.

Let’s keep the conversation going beyond today—your support could mean more than you realise. 💛

Use these four steps and have a conversation that could change a life:

1. Ask R U OK?
2. Listen
3. Encourage action
4. Check in


💡 SPOTLIGHT: Unhelpful Thinking Styles

Our brains often take mental shortcuts, leading to distorted ways of thinking that affect our perception and decision-making. These are known as unhelpful thinking styles:

1. Personalizing: Do you often feel like everything is your fault? Personalizing makes you take responsibility for things beyond your control, leading to unnecessary guilt.

2. Absolute Thinking: Seeing things in extremes—“always” or “never”—is absolute thinking. It prevents you from considering the middle ground.

3. Labelling: Assigning negative labels to yourself or others based on a single incident oversimplifies situations and leads to unfair judgments.

4. Negative Mental Filters: Focusing only on the negatives while filtering out positives distorts your view of reality.

5. Catastrophizing: Expecting the worst-case scenario? That’s catastrophizing, where you assume disaster is imminent.

6. Jumping to Conclusions: Are you quick to assume without enough evidence? You might be jumping to conclusions and making decisions based on incomplete information.

7. Overgeneralizing: Drawing broad, negative conclusions from a single event makes it seem like everything will go wrong based on one bad experience.

8. Emotional Reasoning: Believing something is true just because it feels true can lead to distorted views not supported by evidence.

9. Magnifying & Minimizing: Blowing some things out of proportion while downplaying others skews your perspective.

10. Should-Have & Must-Have Statements: Placing rigid expectations on yourself and others leads to frustration when reality doesn’t match up.

Have you noticed yourself doing any of these?


We're Accepting New Clients!

At Serenity Psychology, we have availability for psychological intervention, psychometric assessment, and diagnosis services for children and adults. Our comprehensive assessments cover a range of needs, including Autism, ADHD, Giftedness, Learning Difficulties, and Intellectual Disabilities, among others. For more information or to book an appointment, don't hesitate to contact our reception.

📞 08 9474 4401
📧 [email protected]


This coming week is National Child Protection Week, which is dedicated to raising awareness about the safety and well-being of children. At Serenity Psychology, we support our young ones and are committed to their safety.

If you are concerned about a child's well-being, please contact the WA Child Protection Central Intake Team at 1800 273 889.

If you know a child who needs support, here are some important numbers:
- Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800
- Headspace: 1800 650 890
-Crisis Care: 1800 199 008
-For immediate concerns: If you have a life-threatening concern about a child, contact the police on 000.


💜 Today is Wear It Purple Day! 💜

We're wearing purple today to show our support for LGBTQIA+ youth and to stand for a world where everyone is respected and included. While today is about showing up in purple, let's commit to respecting and supporting each other daily.

Need support? We're here to help. Book an appointment by contacting us.

📞 [email protected], or phone 08 9474 4401


Every big change starts with a small action. Whether it's beginning therapy, starting a new habit, or making a positive shift in your life, remember that the most important step is the first. It may seem daunting, but each small step brings you closer to your goals and growth.


Understanding the Cognitive Model

The Cognitive Model helps us understand the connection between situations, thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. Here's how it works:

1. Situation: Anything that happens to us.
2. Thoughts: How we interpret the situation.
3. Feelings: The emotions generated by our thoughts.
4. Behavior: The actions and reactions that follow our feelings.

By exploring this model, we can gain insight into how our thoughts shape our feelings and behaviours and learn strategies for managing them more effectively.

Curious to learn more? Our psychologists are here to guide you through understanding your own cognitive patterns.

📞 [email protected], or phone 08 9474 4401


🧠Inside My Brain🧠

Ever wondered what’s going on inside your brain? Here’s a glimpse:

Neuroplasticity: Your brain’s incredible ability to adapt and change throughout life.

Cognitive Biases: The mental shortcuts that shape your thinking and decisions.

Amygdala Response: How your brain processes fear and emotional reactions.

Prefrontal Cortex Function: The part of your brain responsible for decision-making and self-control.

This is only a small part of what’s happening in your brain—there’s so much more to explore. Understanding these key aspects can help you better navigate your mental health journey.

If you’re curious about what’s happening in your brain and want to explore ways to improve your mental well-being, we’re here to help.

📞 [email protected], or phone 08 9474 4401


We want to remind you that you are enough and worthy. It’s easy to forget this truth amidst life’s challenges, so take a moment today to reaffirm your value. You deserve kindness, respect, and love.

If you need support in your journey, our team is here to help. Reach out to book an appointment.

Contact our reception to book an appointment or make an enquiry.
[email protected], or phone 08 9474 4401


Did you know there are many reasons to seek therapy?

You don’t have to wait until you’re struggling to reach out for support. Therapy can be a valuable tool for self-discovery and learning new skills, like how you don’t need to be at your worst to start going to the gym. It’s about nurturing your well-being and personal growth at any stage of your life.


🌱 Grow Your Comfort Zone*🌱

Sometimes in life, we can get comfortable, which is great, but it becomes a challenge when we are unable to leave that comfort zone. Feeling stuck due to anxiety, self-limiting beliefs, fear of failure, or lack of confidence can hinder our growth. In therapy, you can work on expanding your comfort zone safely, making what seems daunting feel more manageable. This process leads to growth and opens up more possibilities for your future.

Ready to take the next step? Contact our reception to book an appointment or make an enquiry.

📞 [email protected], or phone 08 9474 4401


''Do things at your own pace; life is not a race.''

Life is not a race; do things at your own pace. Take the time to enjoy the journey and savour the moments along the way.


Why Self-Discovery Matters:

- Helps you make informed decisions and set meaningful goals.
- Enhances your relationships by improving self-awareness.
- Empowers you to navigate life's challenges with confidence.

At Serenity Psychology, we provide personalized psychological interventions to support your journey toward self-discovery. Our experienced psychologists are here to guide you in exploring your inner world and achieving your mental health goals.

📞 Contact our reception to book an appointment or make an enquiry today!
[email protected], or phone 08 9474 4401


🔄Focus on What You Can Control🔄

In life, we often worry about things outside our control. Shifting your focus to what you can control can lead to greater peace and empowerment.

Things You Can Control:
- Your Thoughts 🧠
- Your Decisions ✅
- The Way You Respond 🔄
- Self-Care 🧘‍♀️
- How You Feel ❤️

Things You Cannot Control:
- How Others Behave 🤷‍♂️
- What Other People Do 👥
- How Others Respond 🗣️
- The Weather 🌦️
- What People Think 💭


🌸 Blooming Into Your Best Self🌸

In psychology, growth involves embracing change and nurturing your mental well-being. Prioritize self-care, set achievable goals, and reflect on your experiences to foster personal development. Celebrate each step forward on your journey to becoming the best version of yourself!


The Power of Affirmations

Did you know? Positive affirmations can change your thought patterns and increase self-esteem. Repeating affirmations can help rewire your brain for positivity and success. 🌟


Did you know journaling has mental health benefits?📝

Journaling isn't just for writers; it's a powerful tool for anyone looking to boost their mental well-being. Here are four benefits of incorporating journaling into your daily routine:

Stress Reduction: Writing about your thoughts and feelings can help you process and release stress, leading to a calmer mind. 🌿

Emotional Clarity: Journaling allows you to explore your emotions and gain insights into your thoughts, helping you understand yourself better. 💡

Improved Mood: Regular journaling can increase self-awareness and a more positive outlook, boosting overall happiness. 😊

Enhanced Problem-Solving: Journaling can improve your ability to find solutions and make decisions by reflecting on challenges and exploring different perspectives. 🔍


Did You Know? Practising Gratitude is Good for Your Health?

Scientific studies have shown that regularly practising gratitude can lead to numerous mental and physical health benefits. Here are some scientific reasons why gratitude is good for you:

Practising gratitude has been shown to improve mental health by reducing toxic emotions and increasing happiness. It can enhance overall well-being by boosting life satisfaction and energy levels. Additionally, gratitude helps reduce stress and anxiety by focusing on positive aspects of life and promoting the release of feel-good hormones.

Here are four simple tips to incorporate gratitude into your daily routine:

1. Keep a Gratitude Journal: Take a moment each day to write down three things you're grateful for. It can be as simple as a smile from a stranger or a beautiful sunset.
2. Express Your Thanks: Don't hesitate to tell the people in your life that you appreciate them. A heartfelt "thank you" can go a long way.
3. Appreciate the Little Things: Take a moment each day to savour the little things in life. It could be your health, your loved ones, or even a cup of coffee in the morning.
4. Perform Acts of Kindness: Spread gratitude by performing acts of kindness for others. It's a wonderful way to not only express thanks but also to inspire a cycle of goodwill.

Start practising gratitude today and experience the positive impact it can have on your well-being! 🌟


🌟Mental Health Technique: The 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Method🌟

The 5-4-3-2-1 grounding technique is to help bring you back to the present moment and regain control. This technique engages your senses to reduce anxiety and improve mindfulness.

Identify 5 things you can see around you.
Touch 4 things you can feel.
Listen for 3 things you can hear.
Notice 2 things you can smell.
Identify 1 thing you can taste.

This grounding technique is an effective way to reduce anxiety and improve mindfulness by reconnecting you with your surroundings. Give it a try next time you need to calm your mind!

For more tips and support, contact us at [Phone Number] or [Email Address]. We're here to help!


🌟We Can't Believe It's Already July!🌟

Time has passed fast, but we still have the second half of the year to focus on our well-being. Remember, it's never too late to start your mental health journey. Whether you're considering therapy or a psychological assessment, taking the first step is a powerful move towards a healthier and happier you.

Now is the perfect time to begin if you've been thinking about therapy or a psychological assessment. Contact our reception to make an appointment or enquire: [email protected], or phone 08 9474 4401

Let's make the rest of the year count! 🌟


🌟 3 Pillars of Wellness 🌟

Taking care of your body is essential for overall well-being. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep can make a big difference.

Set boundaries and prioritize your mental health every day. Practice mindfulness, manage stress, and seek support when needed.

Building and cultivating meaningful and supportive relationships is crucial. Connect with loved ones, join social groups, and foster positive interactions.

Therapy can be incredibly helpful in building and maintaining these pillars of wellness. Our team of professionals is here to support you on your journey to a healthier, happier you.

📞 Contact us today to book an appointment or learn more about our services.
[email protected], or phone 08 9474 4401


Supporting a Loved One with Depression: 4 Tips

Helping a loved one with depression can be challenging, but your support can make a huge difference. Here are four tips to support them:

1. Be There and Listen:
Offer Your Presence: Sometimes, just being there can be incredibly comforting. Let them know you are available to listen without judgment.

Active Listening: Listen to their feelings and thoughts without interrupting or offering solutions right away. Show empathy and understanding.

2. Encourage Professional Help
Suggest Therapy: Encourage them to seek help from a mental health professional, such as a therapist or counsellor.

3. Offer Practical Support
Daily Tasks: Help with everyday tasks that may feel overwhelming, such as cooking, cleaning, or running errands.

4. Be Patient and Understanding
Avoid Pressure: Understand that recovery takes time and that your loved one might have good and bad days. Avoid pressuring them to "snap out of it."
Educate Yourself: Learn about depression to better understand what your loved one is going through and how best to support them.

5. Take Care of Yourself Too
Supporting someone with depression is important, but so is taking care of your own well-being. Make sure to take time for self-care and seek support for yourself if needed. Being well yourself helps you provide the best support for your loved one.

Your support and understanding can be a crucial part of their recovery. Let them know they are not alone and that it's okay to seek help.


📢 School Holidays Approaching! 📢

With the holidays approaching, it's a great time to consider booking an appointment for your child. We offer assessments for ADHD, Autism, Specific Learning Disorders, Language and Communication Disorders, Intellectual Disability, and more. Additionally, we provide psychological interventions, including counselling.

📞 Contact our reception to book an appointment or make an enquiry today!
[email protected], or phone 08 9474 4401

Let's make the most of this break to support your child's development and well-being. 🌟


"You don't have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you." - Dan Millman

In psychology, we learn that it's not about suppressing or controlling our thoughts but understanding and managing their impact on our lives. It's about gaining insight into our mental processes and developing strategies to ensure our thoughts don't dictate our actions and emotions negatively.

If you're finding it challenging to manage your thoughts, know that you don't have to do it alone. Our team is here to support you. Through therapy, you can learn techniques to help you gain control over your mind and improve your overall mental well-being.

Ready to take the next step in your mental health journey? Contact our reception at [email protected], or phone 08 9474 4401 to book an appointment.


🌟 How to Talk About Autism Respectfully 🌟

Language matters when discussing Autism. Here are some key points to help you communicate respectfully and inclusively, with reasons why:

Instead of saying 'autism disorder' or 'autistic disorder,' use Autism or Autistic." This acknowledges the condition without implying it is solely a disorder or inherently negative.

Rather than labelling someone "high-functioning" or "low-functioning," recognize that they have **specific support needs**. This approach avoids oversimplifying their abilities and focuses on the support they require.

Instead of saying someone is "at risk of being autistic," say they **may be Autistic**. This language removes the implication that being Autistic is something negative or undesirable.

Prefer "Autistic person" over "person with Autism." Many in the community prefer identity-first language, which acknowledges Autism as an integral part of their identity.

Instead of referring to someone as a "normal person," use **non-autistic** or **allistic**. This avoids implying that Autistic people are abnormal or less than others.

Lastly, remember to check in with people's personal preferences. Everyone is different, and some individuals may have specific ways they prefer to be addressed.

Using respectful and accurate language helps create a more inclusive and supportive environment. 💙

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🌱SUNDAY SOUL🌱Remember, it's okay to not be okay. But it's important to have strategies for those moments. We're not sugg...
SPOTLIGHT 🔎A mental health care plan is a support plan for individuals who are going through mental health issues. To ac...
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We'd like to inform you of our upcoming closure on Labour Day, March 4th, 2024.Please note the following closure details...
🌱SUNDAY SOUL🌱Here's a gentle Sunday reminder: amidst life's pursuits, it's easy to lose sight of our own well-being, hop...
✨EXCITING NEWS✨We are thrilled to announce that our psychologist, Lucy Callis, has recently obtained her general registr...
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✨MEET THE TEAM TUESDAYS✨Introducing Provisional Psychologist and soon-to-be registered, Lucy Callis.Lucy has experience ...


1/66 Mill Point Road
Perth, WA

Opening Hours

Monday 10:30 - 18:30
Tuesday 10:30 - 18:30
Wednesday 10:30 - 18:30
Thursday 10:30 - 18:30
Friday 10:30 - 18:30