Forrestfield Community Spiritualists Centre

Spiritualists Centre Services Philosophy and Mediumship Wednesday nights, Healing 6.45pm to 7.25pm and services 7.30- 9.00pm.


We are looking forward to Medium Beverley Bryant and one of her students, Andrew Thorpe, conducting our service this Wednesday, 6th March. Our services are held at the Woodlupine Community Centre, 88 Hale Road (off Hale Road) Forrestfield. Healing commences at 6.45pm and the service at 7.30pm. All very welcome.

We have discontinued our Monday night Development Group but hope to start a beginners group on Thursday nights commencing 11th April. This would cover meditation, a variety of healing modalities, auric vision, intuitive awareness and psychic development.
Contact Kathy 0438905210


We invite you to join us and Medium Andrea Howe this Wednesday 28th February for our divine service held at the Woodlupine Community Centre, 88 Hale Road (off Hale Road) Forrestfield.. Healing commences at 6.45pm and the service at 7.30pm. All welcome.

We have a Meditation & Development Group on Monday evenings commencing at 7.15pm and welcome new participants.

Contact Kathy 0438905210


From "The Curse of Ignorance" by Arthur Findlay:
All on earth must rise to a higher level of ethical thought, helped by the study of ethical science, which is devoted to the promotion of human happiness by the development of that which causes happiness and the elimination from out conduct of all that creates unhappiness.

All must acquire greater knowledge which, in turn, will bring wisdom in its trains. Ethical principles have largely been ignored in all past international relationships, humanity today finds itself in many respects poor, miserable, battered and bruised. If only we, the people of earth, could learn that righteousness is always the best policy for everyone, how different our lives would be.


Looking forward to Helen Frances as our guest Medium this Wednesday, 21st February. Our services are held at the Woodlupine Community Centre, 88 Hale Rd (off Hale Road), Forrestfield. Healing commences at 6.45pm and the service at 7.30pm. All welcome.

Our Development Group recommences tomorrow night 19th from 7.15pm to 8.45pm.

Contact Kathy 0438905210


Happy 2024, I wish it to be everything you hope for your progress. We reopen this Wednesday, 14th February and Jennifer Chapman will be our guest Medium. It is forecast to be a very hot night - thankfully the rooms are air conditioned.

Our services are held at the Woodlupine Community Centre, 88 Hale Road (off Hale Road), Forrestfield. Healing commences at 6.45pm and the service at 7.30pm. Looking forward to seeing you there.

Our Development Circle commences on Monday 19th February. We would like to increase our numbers, if you are interested in joining please let us know.

Contact Kathy 0438905210.


This coming Wednesday, 13th December, Medium Rose Fraser is going to lead our special Christmas service. After the service we will share some party food. We invite you to come along and if you can bring a plate, that would be great, but there is no obligation to do so, as we usually have more that enough.

Our services are held at the Woodlupine Community Centre, 88 Hale Road (off Hale Road), Forrestfield. Healing commences at 6.45pm and the service at 7.30pm.

We resume services again on Wednesday, 14th February 2024 and our Development Group recommences on Monday 19th February.

Sincere thanks and appreciation to our Mediums, Speakers, Healers, Helpers, and especially to our congregation who are the church. We look forward to welcoming you back in 2024.

Merry Christmas to all, Wishing you good health, peace and happiness in 2024 and a peaceful planet where every life matters.

Contact Kathy 0438905210


We have great pleasure in welcoming Medium Kay Hensworth this Wednesday, 6th December, to perform our service. Our services are held at the Woodlupine Community Centre, 88 Hale Road (off Hale Road) Forrestfield. Healing commences at 6.45pm and the service at 7.30pm. Just a reminder, our service on 13th December will be our last one for this year, then we reopen on Wednesday February 14th 2024. All welcome.

Our Meditation & Development Circle on Monday Evenings at 7.30pm has vacancies. If you are interested please let me know.

Contact Kathy 0438905210.


Very much looking forward to Medium, Helen Frances, this coming Wednesday, 29th November. performing our service. Our services aer held at the Woodlupine Community Centre, 88 Hale Road (Off Hale Road) Forrestfield. Healing commences at 6.45pm and the service at 7.30pm.

We run a Meditation & Development Group on Monday evenings 7.30 to 9.00pm. If you are interested please come along.

We are planning a Spiritual Healing Course shortly. If you are interested please let us know.

Contact Kathy 0438905210


We welcome Medium, Jacqueline Nathan, this coming Wednesday, 22nd November, to perform our weekly service. Our services are held at the Woodlupine Community Centre, 88 Hale Road (off Hale Road), Forrestfield. Healing commences at 6.45pm and the service at 7.30pm. All very welcome.

Our Meditation and Mediumship Development Circle is held on Monday evenings commencing at 7.30pm.

Contact Kathy 0438905210.


Our service this coming Wednesday, 15th November, is a very special one dedicated to Christine Gregson-Sharp. Quinn Carnegie will be filming the service to honour Christine's life long dedication to spiritualism and to have a record of her platform skills and knowledge for future generations. Christine is not stepping down from her platform work, it is her life. We extend an invitation to all those who would like to be part of this special service.

Our services are held at the Woodlupine Community Centre, 88 Hale Road, (off hale Road), Forrestfield. Healing commences at 6.45pm and the service at 7.30pm.

Our Meditation and Development Circle on Monday nights commences at 7.30pm.

For further information contact Kathy 0438905210.


Looking forward to Rev. Mary Da Silva, Medium and Guest Speaker at our service this coming Wednesday, 8th November. Our services are held at the Woodlupine Community Centre, 88 Hale Road (off Hale Road) Forrestfield. Healing commences at 6.45pm and the service at 7.30pm. All very welcome.

Our Meditation & Mediumship Development Circle on Monday evenings, led by Kay Hensworth, now commences at 7.30pm. If you would like to join please let me know. Cost $5

Contact Kathy 0438905210


A big thank you to Beverley Bryant who will be our Medium this Wednesday, 1st November. Beverley has stepped in for Ailz Smith and Ayleen Dixon. Our services are held at the Woodlupine Community Centre, 88 Hale Road (off Hale Road) Forrestfield. Healing commences at 6.45pm and the service at 7.30pm. All very welcome.

Our Meditation & Mediumship Development Circle on Mondays now commences at 7.30pm. Cost $5.00

Contact Kathy 0438905210


Medium Shirley Jones will be our guest speaker this Wednesday, 25th October. Please bring a flower. Our services are held at the Woodlupine Community Centre, 88 Hale Road (Off Hale Road) Forrestfield. Healing commences at 6.45pm and the service at 7.30pm. All welcome. Contact Kathy 0438905210.

Our Meditation and Mediumship Development Circle on Monday nights has vacancies. Note we have reverted back to 7.30pm. Contact Kathy 0438905210


We are fortunate to have two mediums, Filomena Lourenco and David Mittel, this Wednesday, 18th October. Our services are held at the Woodlupine Community Centre, 88 Hale Road (off Hale Road) Forrestfield. Healing commences at 6.45pm and the service at 7.30pm. Would love to see you there. All welcome.

Our Meditation and Healing Group on Thursday nights is from 7.00 to 8.30pm. Cost $5.

Our Meditation and Mediumship development circle on Mondays is from 7.45pm to 8.45pm. Cost $5.

Contact Kathy 0438905210


We have great pleasure in welcoming Medium, Kay Hensworth, this Wednesday 11th October, to perform our service, Our services are held at the Woodlupine Community Centre, 88 Hale Road (off Hale Road), Forrestfield. Healing commences at 6.45pm and the service at 7.30pm. All very welcome.

Our Meditation and Healing Group on Thursdays now commences at 7.00pm and finishes at 8.30pm. This group is aimed at wellness, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Our Mediumship Development Group on Mondays commences at 7.15pm and finishes at 8.45pm.

For further information on any of the above, please contact Kathy on 0438905210.


I have pleasure in announcing Medium Helen Frances as our speaker this Wednesday, 4th October. Our services are held at the Woodlupine Community Centre, 88 Hale Road (off Hale Rd), Forrestfield. Healing commences at 6.45pm and the service at 7.30pm. Looking forward to seeing you there.

The starting time for our Meditation and Healing Group is now 7.00pm, finishing at 8.30pm.

Our Monday night Meditation & Development Circle commences at 7.15pm finishing at 8.45pm.

Contact Kathy 0438905210


This coming Wednesday, September 27th, we are looking forward to Medium, Jacqueline Nathan, conducting our service. Our services are held at the Woodlupine Community Centre, 88 Hale Road (Off Hale Road), Forrestfield. Healing commences at 6.45pm and the service a 7.30pm. Very much looking forward to seeing you there. Contact Kathy 0438905210.


Looking forward to welcoming Medium, Rose Fraser, to conduct our service this Wednesday, 20th September. Our services are held at the Woodlupine Community Centre 88 Hale Road (off Hale Road), Forrestfield.. Healing commences at 6.45pm and the service at 7.30pm. All very welcome. Contact Kathy 0438905210.

Our Meditation and Healing Group commences this Thursday 9.00pm at the Woodlupine Community Centre, Forrestfield. Cost $5.00. Contact Kathy 0438905210

Our Meditation and Mediumship Development Circle run by Kay Hensworth is held every Monday 7.15pm to 8.45pm at the Woodlupine Community Centre, Cost $5.00. Contact Kathy 0438905210


Looking forward to Medium, Andrea Howe, this Wednesday, 13th September. Andrea will be accompanied by Sue Evans who will deliver the address or philosophy. Our services are held at the Woodlupine Community Centre, 88 Hale Road (off Hale Road, Forrestfield). Healing commences at 6.45pm and the service at 7.30pm. All very welcome. Contact Kathy 0438905210

On Thursday evenings, commencing 21st September, we will be holding a meditation and healing group. Time to be advised. Cost $5.

We also have a Development Circle on Monday evenings commencing at 7.15pm Cost $5. If you are interested in either of the above please contact Kathy 0438905210


We have great pleasure in welcoming Jennifer Chapman as our Medium this Wednesday 6th September. Our services are held at the Woodlupine Community Centre, 88 Hale Road (off Hale Road), Forrestfield. Healing commences at 6.45pm and the service at 7.360pm. Looking forward to seeing you there.

Please let me know if you are interested in joining a new Meditation and Healing Group on Thursday evenings. We also have a Meditation and Development Circle on Monday evenings. If you wish to join either group please contact Kathy 0438905210🍀


Happy to announce Kay Hensworth will be our Medium this Wednesday , 30th August. Our services are held at the Woodlupine Community Centre, 88 Hale Road (off Hale Road), Forrestfield.
Healing commences at 6.45pm and the service at 7.30pm. Looking forward to seeing you there. Please let me know if you would be interested in joining a Meditation and Healing group on Thursday nights. Contact Kathy 0438905210


We have had a change of Mediums for this Wednesday, 23rd August. Please note Helen Francis will be our guest Medium this Wednesday. Our services are held at the Woodlupine Community Centre, 88 Hale Road (Off Hale Road) Forrestfield. Healing commences at 6.45pm and the service at 7.30pm. Looking forward to seeing you there. Contact Kathy 0438905210.


Kerry Forbes and Sharon Richards are our guest Mediums this Wednesday, 16th August. and we look forward to your presence and support. Our services are held at the Woodlupine Community Centre, 88 Hale Road (off Hale Road) Forrestfield. Healing commences at 6.45pm and the service at 7.30pm Contact Kathy 0438905210


Looking forward to our service this Wednesday, 9th August, with Medium Rose Fraser. Our services are held at the Woodlupine Community Centre, 88 Hale Road (Off Hale Road), Forrestfield.
Healing commences at 6.45pm and the service at 7.30pm. Hope to see you there. Contact Kathy 0438905210.


Happy to announce that our medium for this Wednesday will be Kay Hensworth. Our services are held at the Woodlupine Community Centre, 88 Hale Road (Off Hale Road), Forrestfield. Healing commences at 6.45pm and the service at 7.30pm. Looking forward to seeing you there. Contact Kathy 0438905210.


This coming Wednesday, 26th July, our Medium will be Rose Fraser. Our services are held at Woodlupine Community Centre 88 Hale Road Forrestfield. Healing at 6.45pm and the service at 7.30pm. All welcome. Contact Kathy 0438905210


We have a change of mediums tonight, sorry about the short notice. Filomena Laurenco will stepping in for Mary Da Silva. See you soon.
Kathy 0438905210


We have great pleasure in announcing that Rev. Mary Da Silva will be our Medium at Forrestfield this coming Wednesday, 19th July. Our services are held at the Woodlupine Community Centre, 88 Hale Road (off Hale Road), Forrestfield. Healing commences at 6.45pm and the service at 7.30pm. Would love to see you there. Contact Kathy 0438905210


We have great pleasure in welcoming Medium Helen Francis to conduct our service this Wednesday, 5th July. Our services are held at the Woodlupine Community Centre, 88 Hale Road (off Hale Road), Forrestfield. Healing commences at 6.45pm and the service at 7.30pm. Hope you can come along. Contact Kathy 0438905210.

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Woodlupine Community Centre, 88 Hale Road, Forrestfield
Perth, WA

Opening Hours

Monday 7pm - 9:30pm
Wednesday 6:45pm - 9pm

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