Lauren Bird - Design Services

Do you need a full-scale campaign design solution? Contact me today about branding design, graphic design and website design.


Picture this: a virtual storefront that works tirelessly, 24/7, connecting you with eager shoppers from around the globe. Brace yourself for the magic of a well-designed website that can take your e-commerce game to the next level!

Making sure you have a well-designed user experience that keeps 'em coming back for more and stunning visuals that make your brand pop, a killer website is your secret weapon. So don't miss out on the pixel-powered possibilities—level up your business and let's get your web dreams working for you.


As a small business owner, I understand that keeping costs down is a constant battle. But I promise some costs are worth the investment, especially when you are starting out.

Hiring yourself a brand designer is one of those costs.

Having a cohesive brand experience is critical to getting your new customers in, and here's why. Your brand experience helps instil trust in your customers, showing them that you mean business because you're willing to invest in it.

It shows your customers that you believe in your ideas, products and services and helps sell them on why they should believe in you too.

It helps to create recognition through your colours, fonts and identity. When all of these aspects work together in harmony and in a well-designed way, your customers will feel more comfortable buying from you because they trust that you are a legitimate provider.

So if there's one thing I would encourage you to invest in, it's good design – Canva templates don't cut it because 500+ other businesses have the same variation with a different name.

You want to make sure you stand out in these saturated markets.



Inspiration can strike at any time. If I'm ever feeling stuck, I'll jump in the shower, and there's something in the water that usually has the ideas filling up my head in no time.

Are you a note-taker or a sketcher?

Image creator:


Have you sorted out your automated email flows?

Product-based businesses listen up – if you're not utilising automated abandoned cart flows,, you're missing out.

According to Klaviyo, Abandoned Cart emails have the best open rate across any email marketing sent via their platform. With the average open rate for Abandoned Cart emails sitting at around 41% and a click-through rate of 9.50%, the likelihood of recovering that lost sale is looking good.

Think about it this way – your current abandon rate (the rate at which people look at a product on your site and then leave without purchasing) averages 74%. That's a LOT in lost sales.

There's a lot of strategy and thinking that can go into the success of these abandoned cart emails. Do yourself a favour and get in touch; I'd love to see how we can improve your sales with this simple little email flow.



Though they may be tiny, they are powerful!
Long live the humble business card.

Photos from Lauren Bird - Design Services's post 21/03/2023

Your brand identity doesn't need to be over the top or have a fancy accompanying illustrated mascot or mark to be considered a powerful logo.

Sometimes the best logos are the most simple because they will stand the test of time – like this rebrand that I did for the lovely Aynsley Jurson. With a slight tweak to an existing logo, I've created a beautiful suite of logos that all work together but stand independently for all of her products and services.

Are you in need of a rebrand? Shoot me a message, and we can have a chat about how to elevate your current branding to something special.



I’m here for you, the people.

My whole business has been created to service small business owners and offer designs that are tailored solely to your business and brand.

I don’t pander to the newest trends. I take the time to listen to what you need and where you need your business to be.

If you don’t want to show your new designs to everyone then I’ve not done your idea justice.

If you need a designer that gets into the nitty gritty of your business get in contact with me. I’m here for you.


Automated emails: a small business owners best friend. These bad boys can help further encourage your relationship with your customers.

From welcome emails to birthday wishes these points of contact allow your brand to offer an incentive to purchase.

They are a easy to set up and once they’ve been set up they run in the background.

If you’re in need of some automated flows, drop me a message! I can make your automated dreams come true


Informational booklets are a powerful tool for small business owners to create a conversation with their customers.

It allows you to open a conversation with your customer and provide them with information to consider at their own leisure. Ensuring that your branded content is coffee table ready gives your brand a certain gravitas and further cements your brand as the trusted provider in your industry.

If you’ve got information the communicate to your customers start by creating a beautiful booklet that’s worthy of picking up – like the beautiful informationals that I had the pleasure of designing for


New years bring new focus and a refreshed energy, especially for small business owners.

So a little re-introduction!

Hi gorgeous people, I’m Lauren - your friendly local graphic designer. I’ve been running this wonderful little business since 2020 and it has been the best decision I’ve ever made.

I have been able to create a business for small business owners to come and get the design support they need to elevate their branding and marketing.

I have met some of the most amazing people in the process and help facilitate beautiful design in the process.

One of my goals for this year is to be more present here, for you. To share more of the wonderful designs and businesses that I am working with and to help teach you a little more about this craft we call design.

To all the small business owners out there; I’m curious to hear your goals!!! Inspire me 👇🏻


Wowsers! This happened today and I am so excited to be even considered as a finalist.

It was only two years ago that I was starting this business from nothing. I have built something that is a viable, and successful business based on helping other small businesses.


As a small business owner building your email list is a crucial element to communicating with your customers.

It provides you with a unique opportunity to talk to them about your business in the comfort of their own inbox.

Your email list can quickly become the most valuable asset to your business allowing you the opportunity to showcase your products and services with an all important call to action.

If email marketing has you sweating with dread get in contact with me. Email marketing is my life 😍


Since starting my business I have grown to appreciate and love small businesses in a completely different way.

It’s the people that make it fun. The makers, the business owners, the stories of why each business came into existence.

I understand the love and work that goes into keeping these businesses afloat and i would much prefer spend the extra money knowing that it’s been made with love and not an industrial factory.

So the next time you pick up something in a local business and question the price think about the love that goes into the item or the service and realise that yes, it is worth spending the extra to have something made by a real person.


Starting up a brand new business is an insanely daunting task. I’ll never forget the anxious thoughts, the do I/don’t I? Will it work?

Something that is overlooked is the importance of launching with a brand identity. Loads of small start ups launch with logos from pre designed templates in Canva, putting them on the back foot before they even start.

Investing in a brand identity that reflects you and your business’ values is an investment in your business future success.

It instantly sets you apart from your competitors and begins the task of building trust with your customers.

If you need a brand designer get hit me up for a chat – let’s make your business shine.


Sometimes in this business game we come across people that we resonate with so deeply and Pania from is one such human.

This Perth based home loan specialist is an absolute gem. I have had such an amazing few months working on her branding and getting to know her personally in the process.

And let me tell you, she’s the real deal!

Creating this wonderful logo for her new business has allowed me to flex a little bit of extra creativity and design something that is reflective of both Pania and her cultural background.

I can’t wait to see where this new identity takes her 😍


I know it’s been a hot minute since you’ve seen a post popping up on this account.

The hardest part about running your own business is throwing yourself into your client work and not prioritising your company. It’s easy to get lost in making client work the most important thing but without working on your own business you miss out on networking opportunities and meeting new people which is the most fun part of it all.

So here I am making the public promise to dedicate the time to this account and to my small biz. For all of you who have stuck around and engaged my services for the last couple of years i genuinely appreciate your support.

So keep your eyes peeled and make sure you’re following my feed for the latest updates and design tips that you can incorporate into your business.

Timeline photos 20/04/2021

Something that I love about what I do is that I can breathe life into the brand of small business owners.

I know that for small business owners, the need to communicate with your clients is supercritical – and that designing something that catches the eye of your potential buyers can be hard to do on your own.

Sure having access to Canva can help – but using the templates in that app can create a sea of sameness because other small business owners are doing exactly the same thing you are.

I love being able to take that worry away and create something that truly stands out amongst your sea of competitors. Whether it's designing for your socials or creating a full-scale email campaign – you're going to get something so special and unique to your brand.

If you've spent the last few hours agonising over your designs in Canva, get in touch, and I'd love to help you design your next campaign.

Timeline photos 12/03/2021

How would you feel if one day you woke up to find that someone had your entire business's existence had been wiped from the face of the planet?

This reality faces many people rely solely on social media for their business's marketing and even their transactions. This is precisely why having a business website is more than essential – it's critical to your business's success.

Head to my website to read the latest blog post about exactly why it's crucial to get your website up and running today! Link in bio.

Timeline photos 11/03/2021

You can find inspiration literally ANYWHERE!

Some people find it in magazines, others in books they read – for me it's in nature.

There is something special about the colours that mother nature throws at us every day that is under-appreciated, in muy opinion. We can try and replicate the colour palettes as best we can but the hundreds of thousands of different hues, tints and shades are mind-boggling. And don't get me started on the patterns, shapes and textures.

Where do you draw your inspiration from?

Timeline photos 10/03/2021

Creativity isn't throwing a few words together in a pretty piece of prose or slapping some paint on a blank canvas.

It's taking risks and having fun while doing it – it's also the biggest part of my business. I love the whole process of experimenting and coming up with new ideas for my clients.

You never really know how something will turn out or how someone will react to your designs until you show them. That's all part of the fun because when my client comes to me happy with the direction we're headed after taking a risk – it's all worth it to me.

What's the riskiest thing you've done in your business?

Timeline photos 09/03/2021

When Border Studios reached out to help with their email marketing, I have to admit I was a little excited by their colour palette!

I love working with bold, bright colours! There's so much scope to have a lot of fun – not to mention the fact that it's being paired with the cutest smiles I've ever seen!

Your email marketing doesn't have to be pages and pages of scrollable text. Have some fun and play around with colour and contrast – within your brand guidelines, of course.

If your email list hasn't been contacted in a few months, get in contact with me, and I can help manage your email designs to showcase the business you work so hard to establish.

Timeline photos 08/03/2021

This is a shout out to my incredible tribe of hardworking women – you're amazing. Thank you for inspiring me every damn day to do this.

You and your determination and hustle are what keep me going on mine. Happy International Women's day!


My goodness, it's been a long week!

This is your reminder to switch off and enjoy your weekend. You can't run your business if you run yourself into the ground!

I'm planning on settling in with a trashy novel and a few slices of homemade pizza (OK well maybe a whole pizza! 😂)

How's your weekend going to be spent?

Photos from Lauren Bird - Design Services's post 04/03/2021

Here's a big shout out to for the launch of your new business and branding.

I absolutely loved working with Jim on this project. He allowed me to design something truly special – which is only fitting given his business puts the special into other people's life events!

Congratulations Jim, I know your business is going to help make the people you connect with truly happy.

If you're about to start a new business venture or looking to rebrand get in touch today. I can create a special branding package that is unique to your small business and sets you apart from your competitors!

Timeline photos 03/03/2021

As with life, design is all about balance.

And balance is something that has become an important part of running a small business – I'm sure all of you small business owners are nodding in agreement.

Finding the right balance can be really hard. Whether you're balancing your work-life schedule or finding the right balance in your marketing collateral – give yourself a little breathing space.

Allow the most important parts of your design to breathe – whether it's the imagery you've carefully crafted or the hierarchy of the text that you're experimenting with be sure that you don't suffocate under the weight of too many things on a page.

If you're still shaking your head and getting ready to throw your computer out the window because you're frustrated with your designs get in contact with me – I'd love to help create some balance in your life.

Timeline photos 02/03/2021

So you're considering incorporating an animal into your branding and more importantly your logo. If you take a moment to sift through some of the world's most famous brands you will soon find that a lot of them have chosen these animals for a very specific reason.

Understanding the meaning behind the animal you're choosing can help you to further develop your brand values based on the characteristics of what you choose to portray.

Check out the link in my bio for more

Timeline photos 22/02/2021

In light of last week's Facebook/Newsfeed chaos, something significant was revealed to many small business owners. You're only renting space on social platforms! I've mentioned this before – but seeing it play out in such a big way, the message may have finally sunk in.


Building your email list and a living, breathing website is one of your small business's most important facets. It was heartbreaking to see some business that shouldn't have been affected by this Australian blanket news ban.

Relying solely on a platform that turns things off at a moment's notice can send small business owners into a tailspin when the threat plays out. You are placing your business's safety in someone else's hands – that's not good practice.

Suppose you're secretly nodding your head thinking, "crap! This is me!" – I'm here to help you get your business sorted with a brand new website and email templates to safeguard your business against social tyrants.

Timeline photos 18/02/2021

I absolutely LOVE being creative! I always have.

At one point I wanted to be an artist and do dabble in a little art as a form of meditation. Something that is often overlooked about working in a creative field is that sometimes a happy little accident is exactly what you needed to get the job done.

And honestly, that also goes for design. There are times that I am trying to create something for a client and somewhere along the way I may press a wrong button in Photoshop and apply a strange filter that I wouldn't have initially considered and it works better than the initial idea in my head.

So for you small business owners out there creating your own things don't be afraid to let things get a little messy – you never know, your happy little accidents may result in a little bit of genuis!

Timeline photos 16/02/2021

Informational Brochures are a staple marketing tool for a lot of small businesses. They provide you with something tangible to give your customers packed full of essential information about your product or service.

It is a takeaway reminder of your brand and your product that they're able to reference long after they've left your store. Designing your brochures to reflect your brand and printing them on thicker, higher-quality paper adds to the trust you're trying to establish with your customers.

If you're stuck for brochure ideas let me know, I'd love to help you design something beautiful for your customers!


When I had people telling me to start my own business I may have laughed them out the door. I never thought that I had what it took to run my own business.

Almost 12 months after making the decision to go out on my own I finally understand what could see. I had everything I needed – I was only missing the belief in myself.

Over the last couple of weeks, I have seen a tonne of posts on social media of people with their own small businesses battling with the same imposter syndrome. Don't give in to it.

You have everything it takes to be successful, but success will take everything you've got. You've got this!

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Videos (show all)

My goodness, it's been a long week! This is your reminder to switch off and enjoy your weekend. You can't run your busin...
When I had people telling me to start my own business I may have laughed them out the door. I never thought that I had w...



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