Massage and Injury Management Clinic

You are in safe, professionally qualified hands. Massage is the first choice for muscular pain and d

Massage is the first choice for muscular pain and dysfunction.

Photos from Massage and Injury Management Clinic's post 13/08/2024

Still a few weeks of winter sports before we switch to summer training, we are here to help with any ni**les or injuries from a soft tissue perspective. We love to work with your other health care professionals as well to ensure you are looked after well.

Paris aims to host the most sustainable Olympics ever – here's how the city is preparing 13/08/2024

Well Paris Olympics is over, the athletes have had endure more than normal which in my opinion further values their performances.

A "Green" Olympics??? I was wondering how this would work out, in theory some things seem good, however in practice? Just ask the athletes.

Beds that needed mattress toppers to be able to be comfortable to sleep on? Why were these not tested well before the games, it caused a divide between the rich countries and the poorer ones. The more affluent ones could afford the toppers, the poorer ones, not.

Geothermal heating/cooling, great idea but in 35 degree heat it did not work! Again some countries bought and installed their own to ensure the athletes got good recovery in the form of a decent nights sleep.

A focus on Vegetarian food for athletes of all types. Carnivore diet was not well supported initially resulting in countries bring in their own food, buying refrigerators to store the food. Some also bought in their own chiefs as well, nutrition in an Olympic athlete is vitally important to the performance as well as their wellbeing, changing a diet just prior to a major competition is unheard of before this. They did eventually provide alot more protein with the teams individually doing their own thing to better support its athletes.

This was supposed to be the inclusive GAMES, but not for Carnivores.

Having been a part of the Sydney Olympics with the Australian Team, it was certainly a different outcome in 2000. Hailed as the Athletes games.

Time will tell as to how the Paris Olympics will be remembered!

Thier use of the Eiffel Tower as a backdrop to the beach volleyball was wonderful, as was the equestrian events at the Versaci Palace area. Im sure there were lots of good memories for all to go with the things previously mentioned.

Can LA lift the bar in 4 years' time? Time will tell.

Paris aims to host the most sustainable Olympics ever – here's how the city is preparing From buildings designed for re-use to leveraging geothermal energy, here's how organizers plan to halve the sporting event’s carbon footprint compared to previous Olympic games.

About - Massage and Injury Management Clinic 13/08/2024

To get an understanding as to who we are, please follow the link.
Our profiles are there so you can see our level of experience and diversity of knowledge so that we can better help you.

About - Massage and Injury Management Clinic The team at Massage and Injury Management Clinic are experts in a range of massage, deep tissue, back pain, headache, and reflexology treatments.


Shoulder anatomy, I like the way this has been presented. Very nice. It is a very complex joint as it is very mobile and not totally fixed at any point. It hinges in part and rotates from another, very nice. the clavicle attaches it to the body, but still very mobile.
Essentially from my perspective, this joint is a work of art. Both complex and simple at the same time.


The clavicle is the boundary demarcating the root of the neck from the thorax. It also indicates the “divide” between the deep cervical and axillary “lymph sheds” (like a mountain range dividing watershed areas): Lymph from structures superior to the clavicles drain via the deep cervical nodes, and lymph from structures inferior to the clavicles, as far inferiorly as the umbilicus, drain via the axillary lymph nodes.

The infraclavicular fossa is the depressed area just inferior to the lateral part of the clavicle. This depression overlies the clavipectoral (deltopectoral) triangle - bounded by the clavicle superiorly, the pectoralis major medially, and the deltoid laterally - which may be evident in the fossa in lean individuals. The cephalic vein, ascending from the upper limb, enters the clavipectoral triangle and pierces the clavipectoral fascia to enter the axillary vein.The coracoid process of the scapula is not subcutaneous; it is covered by the anterior border of the deltoid; however, the tip of the process can be felt on deep palpation on the lateral aspect of the clavipectoral triangle. The coracoid process is used as a bony landmark when performing a brachial plexus block, and its position is of importance in diagnosing shoulder dislocations.

While lifting a weight, palpate the anterior sloping border of the trapezius and where its superior fibers attach to the lateral third of the clavicle. When the arm is abducted and then adducted against resistance, the sternocostal part of the pectoralis major can be seen and palpated. If the anterior axillary fold bounding the axilla is grasped between the fingers and thumb, the inferior border of the sternocostal head of the pectoralis major can be felt. Several digitations of the serratus anterior are visible inferior to the anterior axillary fold. The posterior axillary fold is composed of skin and muscular tissue (latissimus dorsi and teres major) bounding the axilla posteriorly.

The lateral border of the acromion may be followed posteriorly with the fingers until it ends at the acromial angle. Clinically, the length of the arm is measured from the acromial angle to the lateral condyle of the humerus. The spine of the scapula is subcutaneous throughout and is easily palpated as it extends medially and slightly inferiorly from the acromion. The root of the scapular spine (medial end) is located opposite the tip of the T3 spinous process when the arm is adducted. The medial border of the scapula may be palpated inferior to the root of the spine as it crosses ribs 3–7. It may be visible in some people, especially thin people. The inferior angle of the scapula is easily palpated and is usually visible. Grasp the inferior scapular angle with the thumb and fingers and move the scapula up and down. When the arm is adducted, the inferior scapular angle is opposite the tip of the T7 spinous process and lies over the 7th rib or intercostal space.

Photos from Dalton Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques's post 01/02/2023

We also do foot mobilizations as part of our soft tissue work.
It can be a good thing if you have ankle of foot related problems.

How to Solve the SOURCE of Chronic Pain ( 🛑 Stop Chasing Symptoms 🛑 ) 24/09/2022

I am a firm believer that hip height imbalance is a big factor with both hip and lower back pain for the last 30 years.
90% or more people naturally stand on one leg! This can create the imbalance, the age old question, what is the symptom and which is the cause?

How to Solve the SOURCE of Chronic Pain ( 🛑 Stop Chasing Symptoms 🛑 ) … And then spent the next eight days glaring at the piece of meat rotting away on my kitchen floor because it was too painful to stoop down and clean it up.  


I have been eyeing my return to work, as sitting at home is a tad dull.
OK, so i am now clear to be back at work tomorrow, looking forwards to being back.

Photos from Massage and Injury Management Clinic's post 11/07/2022

Sorry good people,
I will not be in the clinic tomorrow due to having a PCR test done, not feeling too bad, but it is important not to put your health and well-being at risk.
I am feeling well, but a flu like feeling, always better to be safe in these times than sorry.
I will have the results within 48 hours or so and keep the page informed.
Take care and stay safe.

Photos from Massage and Injury Management Clinic's post 26/06/2022

Last minute cancellations, yes if you are wanting a massage and think we are booked, please leave your details if you want to go on the list. Due to close contacts and Covid, we are having a few bookings open up.

We do not require you to wear a mask, but would encourage you to postpone an appointment if you are not feeling well.

Thank you for your support to us and diligence in keeping us all safe and well.


The complex is getting new people in downstairs soon, a cancer clinic is adding to the businesses that will be here.

It is going to be owner operated, so will be here for the long haul.

As I get more details as to the exact nature of their operation I will let you all know.


For ease for you to book us 24/7, please note, book our hours of work are listed.
Thank you

Photos from Massage and Injury Management Clinic's post 11/05/2022

Relative to the number of close contacts, we have cancelations happening, so if you need a massage give us a ring and we should be able to fit you in! Or hop online and find the spot that suits your schedule.

Is is great our clients are very aware and thinking of others in this time.


Finally it feels like a small amount of freedom is back, the no wearing of masks.
A way to further help protect you from covid and other such ailments is to have a boosted immune system.
Professor Peter Di**le, a local gives good information on how to do this, from drinking alot of water, getting some sunlight, exercise and good sleep to name but a few.
The Wim Hof method of breathing is another way to help your health. He was injected with either the e-boli or e-coli virus and ws the first person to have zero reaction to it! It was done at the Smithsonian institute in America so was a very reputable study. He then trained 6 people over a 4 day time frame, they were then tested and all had the same result. No reaction at all, the first 7 people to have this outcome!
His breathing needs to be done like most things, regularly to get the benefit from doing it. I look at it as an investment in my health.

Stay safe and healthy.


These people are the sports specialists, I have seen them myself and highly recommend them.
Great article.

HEEL PAIN IN CHILDREN – SEVERS DISEASE It is never fun watching your child limp off the sporting field or not be able to participate. Severs Disease is probably the most frequent cause of heel pain in children. The condition occurs most commonly in children between the ages of 8 and 14 years but it can occur in younger children. Both boy...

Photos from Massage and Injury Management Clinic's post 09/02/2022

Injuries, when we work with them we need to work out some of the facts associated with them.

Are they intrinsic or extrinsic? Meaning did they happen within the body or happen from an external source. An intrinsic injury can be a muscle strain or tear related to sports or such like. An extrinsic could be a blow from an external source such as a car accident or hit within the field of play by a ball!

With intermuscular bleeding we do not touch the area for the first 72 hours at least. Factors influence when/how and why. Scanning can help immensely, one of my athletes back in the day tors 2/3 rds of her Re**us femoris (Quad muscle). The bleeding was unusual in the fact that it stayed within the fascial sheath. This meant the bleeding /blood was built up within the muscle. As such we had to use a very passive form of re-hab so that we did not cause myositis osificans! (Calcification of the muscle) With this it will never be the same again. Having been able to work with elite Sports Physios and Doctors, my knowledge has grown alot.

Normally i will work on an injury soon after the accident, taking into account anatomy and physiology to aid in good choices and as such the outcome. If i work very soon after my focus is commonly on the muscle away from the sits of said injury. The muscle attachments have "Golgi tendon organs" in them. These are stretch receptors and by easing them, the muscle seems to relax without direct pressure into it. Good old anatomy and Physiology!

Again I have worked with motor vehicle accident people on the day of the accident from around 1993 to present. I ran my theory past a local Doctor, very soon I was not only working on some of his patients, I was also working from within his practice.

In essence the art to great work is to apply the right amount of pressure taking into account as many things as possible to bring about a great outcome. For this communication/feedback from our clients is essential for us to optimally help them/you.

Photos from Massage and Injury Management Clinic's post 08/02/2022

Summer is awesome, but if you are into sports and don't hydrate well! You will pay a price.

Heat stress will also affect your muscles, they can tighten and be more prone to intrinsic injury such as strains and or muscle tears.
Massage can help as a preventative modality. You could also look at more stretching, cooling down well, including cold therapy.

Prevention 101 would be to drink more on a daily basis with the heat. The hotter it is the more we should be drinking to a point. The more we sweat- loose water. Probably a good idea to replace it!

If you do get a ni**le or injury as a consequence from the heat to your soft tissues, we are here to help.

Massage Clinic | Warwick Massage Therapy in Perth 04/01/2022

Hoping all of our clients have had a wonderful Christmas and a great start to the New Year.
We are open in a reduced capacity, some are taking holidays to be with family etc.
Monday the 10th will see us back to near full options with only Urska having more time to be with her children.
The website has both our bio's as well as an online booking system attached to make it easier for all to see when we are available 24/7.
Thank you all for 2021, a trying year to say the least.

Massage Clinic | Warwick Massage Therapy in Perth #1 Perth’s Massage Clinic. We provide remedial massage, sports massage and other massage therapy in Warwick & Perth to alleviative the additional stresses. Call NOW: 08 92437052.

Researchers think they've found a way to combat COVID-19 using a common blood thinner 22/12/2021

This sounds like it could be the answer for me!

Researchers think they've found a way to combat COVID-19 using a common blood thinner A trial of a nasal spray as a preventative treatment for COVID-19 will run for six months in Victoria. If it's a success, the spray could be distributed across the world.

Photos from Massage and Injury Management Clinic's post 21/10/2021

Stand up straight, head up, chin in, shoulders back and chest out!

Can anyone remember being told this as a child? I was, by both my parents and grandparents, as you can tell, it has stuck with me.

Posture 101, the thing that sadly is not taught in school and rarely at home these days. I bang on about, get your head on the head rest! Thats why they call it a head rest. Small simple things that are done as a reflex action within our lifetime either help us, or can lead to alot of pain and dysfunction.

Choice, but in todays world of hustle and bustle, compared to when i was a young lad! We need good habits that will serve a lifetime, with us putting in the time to ensure our good health and well being.

We can help you with some of these simple things if you are in pain that has a muscular contribution. Yes muscles matter! The largest organ in the body by volume/mass, and massage therapists are the muscle specialists.

If you want to chat before you come in, please do, or check us out on my web site or page.

talk soon.

Photos from Massage and Injury Management Clinic's post 10/10/2021

First week back after 3 weeks off, 1 for a holiday to see family and 2 for quarantine.
2 weeks of relative inactivity can equal around 50% strength loss. Yes correct.
So my first week back has been smooth because it has been planned. hands a little sore for the first few days, now good again. The rest of the body coping well.
So many people get ni**les that lead into injuries after a layoff, then coming back to fast. Sport, physical work are all the same. Graduate and you will be fine, hit it hard and you may pay the price.


The new lift is working well, still some polish needed to the outside, but works a treat as is.
most of the cosmetics will be done within the next few weeks with the new doors being done when they arrive.
Thank you all for your patience with this matter.

Photos from Massage and Injury Management Clinic's post 19/09/2021

Back home today.
I have been in Queensland for the past week on the Sunshine Coast catching up with family.
I understand that I have 2 weeks of self quarantine as of later today, so will not be available to work on people.
Sorry for any inconvenience that this may trigger with appointments already booked.
I will ring affected people tomorrow to rearrange them.
Thank you for your understanding in advance.
Malcolm Calcutt

Photos from Massage and Injury Management Clinic's post 26/08/2021

The lift is being upgraded from this Monday, 4-6 weeks downtime for it.
Please let any clients know that may be affected.

Photos from Massage and Injury Management Clinic's post 18/07/2021

Sorry, we are blind at the moment with our booking site not online.
Hopefully we get it back up soon.

Sorry for any inconvenience.


Photos from Massage and Injury Management Clinic's post 23/06/2021

Running is a base for so many sports, to get better at sports we need to push ourselves. Train harder and train more!
Recovery has a part to play as well, by better recovery techniques, we allow ourselves to train harder with less likely hood of injury!
Sport has a tendency to such watching from the sidelines.
We can help with advice on simple techniques for you to help yourself as well.


The year for the computer, hard drive died and would not allow the startup to happen, it was a secondary one so not needed directly!
Still it messed up business yesterday and this morning, back online now!

Photos from Massage and Injury Management Clinic's post 31/05/2021

Help, does someone know a good computer person please.
Microsoft updated last night and we have lost all data including OUTLOOK, yes so hard for us to attend to phone calls as all are now NBN.
If you know a good tech person can you please pass their details on to me.
Thanks in advance.

Photos from Massage and Injury Management Clinic's post 26/05/2021

This is the time of the year for hamstring injuries, alot of running based sports suffer from this type of injury.
Why, most will say something about hamstring strength or ???
I would suggest it is more about Gluteal strength! Why, because Gluteous Maximus is both the strongest muscle in the body and the primary hip extensor.
What does this have to do with the hamstring you may ask? The Hammy is the secondary extensor for the hip, yes the baby one. If the big one is not doing it's fair share of work, the smaller one has to do its share and take up any slack not done by the big one. This after a time often results in a bang!!! Another hamstring bites the dust.
I have a theory on this with posture, most people stand on one leg, yes check yourself and look at others and be surprised. Most of these stand on the Left leg in my professional experience, over 30 years of treating elite level sports!
The leg we stand on, triggers our lower back muscles to work more and yes our Gluteal muscles on the same side to work less.
Having done martial arts for 8 years or more the 2 that stand out are of Japanese origin. Karate and Kenjutsu (Fighting with a sword). Both require a lower center of gravity, a small squat type of a stance that fires both hips evenly.
If you stand on one leg, next time you are the beach, walk a bit then stop, turn around and take a photo of your footprints in the sand. They will be closer together, more in line with each other. Ideally we should be around shoulder width apart, giving us better stability. Try it and use the sand to monitor your progress.

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Aussie day 2018
Testimonial Peter Butler




Suite 9, 26 Dugdale Street
Perth, WA

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 8pm
Tuesday 8am - 8pm
Wednesday 8am - 8pm
Thursday 8am - 8pm
Friday 8am - 8pm
Saturday 8am - 4pm
Sunday 11:30am - 5pm

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